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Velvet skin. What is the secret of velvet skin? Recipe for dry and normal skin

Hello, Beauties!

The cold weather has arrived, which means we should pay special attention to our hard workers - our hands!

The first and most important rule is to increase the number of skin care procedures and, of course, focus on nourishing the skin. Don't forget about exfoliation - cold air dries out the surface layer and it becomes keratinized faster.

And we remember that it is mandatory to wear gloves or mittens - since in the cold the blood vessels spasm and the skin receives less nutrients, and this, naturally, does not have the most favorable effect on the condition of the skin.

Watch the short video about everything in detail and take note of the recommendations!

This small set of home spa treatments will take you 20-30 minutes at most and will significantly rejuvenate the skin of your hands!

1st procedure - warm bath with salt and lemon essential oil:

Take 1 liter of hot water, add 3-4 tbsp. sea ​​salt (without additives or fragrances) and 10-15 drops of lemon essential oil (it has a whitening effect and strengthens nails). Dip your hands into the water and relax for at least 20 minutes.

2nd procedure – salt scrub

Take a small amount of sea salt (if the salt is very coarse, we recommend grinding it in a blender) and add olive oil. Using this mixture, thoroughly scrub the skin of our hands for 2-3 minutes.

Rinse off and apply nourishing and restorative mask:

Take in equal proportions shea butter (nourishes, moisturizes the skin of the hands, heals cracks) and cocoa butter (forms a surface protective film from cold, frosty air and protects the skin), melt them in a water bath and add a few drops of essential oils (4 drops per 10 ml of mixture) rosemary (good antiseptic) and lavender (has a great healing effect).

Apply the mixture of oils with massage movements (from the tip of the fingers to their base). If you do it in the evening, it is better to wear cosmetic gloves at night.

It is useful to pamper yourself with these procedures at least once a week.


P.S. Do you want to learn how to prepare natural cosmetics for yourself that will ideal for your skin and effectively solve all its age-related problems?

Then be sure to sign up 3rd stream of live online training

This is my most comprehensive and comprehensive training that covers all aspects of natural rejuvenation of your face and body.

It includes:

  • exercises for facial muscles to tighten the skin and get rid of wrinkles,
  • facial and body care using natural products and aromatic oils,
  • rejuvenating body practices

And at least a third of his program will be devoted to the creation of various natural cosmetics for face and body skin care!

You will receive proven recipes, which you can easily prepare at home.

In various formulations, we will use a variety of food products (fruits, vegetables), base oils, essential oils, vitamins and other products that are quite easy to purchase in a store or pharmacy.

  • And if you like to prepare different “delicious” masks for yourself with your own hands...
  • if you prefer to use completely natural cosmetics, the composition and harmlessness of which you can be absolutely sure...
  • if you want significantly improve the condition and appearance of your skin(both face and body) - so that in just 1-2 months your skin will delight you with its well-groomed, soft, tender, velvety and elastic...
  • if you (regardless of what number is in your passport) want to look and feel young, attractive, beautiful and confident beauty... then I’m waiting for you at the “Step into Youth” - here you go:

Always yours, Yulia Manishchenkova.

Every girl dreams of velvet skin. First, you need to take care of your face constantly, regardless of age. But there is a situation when emergency measures are needed before an important event. This will require a whole set of procedures.

You need to start with cleansing, nutrition and hydration. There is no need to rely on ready-made remedies. They are not designed for individual effect, but more for the mass consumer. Turn to folk remedies. To cleanse your skin, use scrubs prepared at home. A teaspoon of honey, two teaspoons of olive oil and 100 grams of ground natural coffee. This mixture can be used for delicate skin not only of the face, but also of the neck. The exfoliation effect is quite gentle and soft. It is best to carry out the procedure on a steamed body in a sauna. Also take a bottle of water and coarse salt with you. When the body has steamed, rub salt into the skin. Start from the top, from the shoulders to the bottom. This must be done quickly, since the pores are enlarged and the salt should not be quickly absorbed. Otherwise, it can lead to swelling. Gently avoid sensitive areas of skin. Then rinse with warm water and apply a scrub. Gently, along the massage lines, in a circular motion, treat every 5-6 cm of the body for a few seconds. Leave the scrub on your body for about 3 minutes. During this time, honey and olive oil will be better absorbed into the body. Wash off with hot water and neutral soap. After this, wash your entire body with mineral water, starting with your face, and do not wipe. When the water dries, pay attention to the skin. She will look fit and tender. Carry out this procedure no more than twice a week.

In addition to regular skin care, nutrition and the amount of fluid consumed play an important role. Dry skin can be caused by a lack of moisture in the body.

In addition, the environment has a great influence on the condition of the skin. Modern air conditioners and other climate control equipment dry out the air, which consequently dries out our skin. It is best to use a humidifier indoors. Eat foods containing vitamins E, A, D. Take a course of fish oil. It will not only enrich the body with vitamins, but will also remove free radicals from it. Purchase a skin care product at the pharmacy that contains hyaluronic acid.

If your skin needs more radical measures, then there are a number of specialized cosmetic procedures for this.

Exfoliation and cleansing

One of the first rules that should become part of your weekly habit is gentle, non-aggressive exfoliation of dead skin particles. Regular peeling is the key to the success of subsequent procedures: nutrition, etc. The exfoliation procedure not only rids your skin of dead unnecessary particles, revealing its renewed layer, but also unclogs the pores, making the action of nourishing creams, moisturizing oils and other skin care products more effective.

Peeling helps to even out the structure of the skin, making it smoother, which is very important during sunbathing, since the tan will certainly fall more beautifully and evenly on renewed skin.

To carry out an exfoliation procedure at home in the summer, it is best to have two body scrubs. One, with the addition of larger exfoliating particles, should be used no more than twice a week to cleanse rough areas of the skin. The other, which contains small particles that cannot damage the structure of the skin, gently cleanses it, can be used every day. In addition, such scrubs are suitable for use on soft or intimate areas of the body.

Scrub with sugar particles

There is a homemade way to prepare a sugar scrub, which has unique properties for cleansing the skin and opening pores. To do this, you must mix heavy cream, the temperature of which is the same as room temperature, with sugar (but not powder). Sugar should be added until the consistency of the resulting mass matches the usual cosmetic products that have a cleansing effect. The resulting scrub should be distributed over the entire body in a circular motion, massaging and lightly rubbing the sugar into the skin. Rub the creamy sugar mixture into the skin until the sugar particles are completely dissolved. After this, you need to wash everything off under a warm shower. This cosmetic product can also be used to exfoliate facial skin.

Help for dry skin

There is a recipe for a magical cosmetic product, prepared with your own hands, that can help dry skin. The most nutritious mixture for dry areas of your body will be a mixture of sea salt or coarsely ground coffee beans and olive oil. If you used sea salt when preparing the composition, it is recommended to rub it into the skin until completely dissolved. This will ensure that the maximum positive effect and skin hydration are achieved.

Features of sensitive skin

Those women whose skin is particularly receptive and sensitive to new products should be careful during exfoliation procedures. Even the smallest particles included in scrubs can become irritants for allergy-prone skin, which can cause redness and possibly inflammation of the skin. Therefore, if you have the described skin type, before deciding to use one or another exfoliating product, do a test on the crook of your elbow by applying a little scrub to a small area. If after a few hours an allergic reaction does not appear, then you can use the product as directed, but still treat your delicate skin with care.

In addition, especially for those with sensitive skin, specialists and experts from cosmetic laboratories have developed scrubs and peelings on a synthetic basis, which contain microscopic particles of a perfectly round shape that are not capable of damaging the skin.

Remember that products with natural additives such as rice crumbs or crushed apricot kernels can harm your skin rather than help it become irresistible.

To make your skin velvety, in the morning, after waking up, apply a little emollient cream or a mask of lactic acid products to your face, neck and hands for 5-15 minutes. When taking a hygienic shower, rinse off the mask under a strong stream of water. Pay special attention to the neck. To improve the shape of your face, do a patting massage with a small terry towel. To do this, soak the middle part of the towel in a saturated solution of table or sea salt (1-2 tablespoons of salt per 1 glass of water) or in strongly brewed tea. Take the towel by the ends and jerk it, pulling it, whip the chin area for 3-5 minutes.

Rinse your face and neck with cold water or herbal infusion, or wipe with a piece of ice prepared in advance from boiled water, infusion of flowers or a mixture of herbs. Apply a cream appropriate to your skin type to damp skin using light pressing movements, and when the first signs of aging appear, apply a cream with bioactive additives. The cream is applied to the face and neck along the lines of least stretch of the skin: from the center of the chin to the earlobes, from the corner of the mouth to the middle part of the ears, from the base of the nose to the top of the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

To properly care for your skin, you need to know its features and correctly determine your skin type.

Normal skin is clean, smooth, slightly pink, matte. It contains a sufficient amount of moisture and fatty lubricant.
Dry skin is delicate and thin, very beautiful, with almost no visible pores; however, if not properly cared for, it is prone to peeling and early appearance of fine wrinkles.
Oily skin - thick, rough, pale. Increased sebum secretion gives the skin excessive shine. Sometimes it resembles lemon peel due to enlarged pores. Oily skin often develops blackheads, white grain-like growths, or inflammatory acne.
Combination skin is characterized by uneven distribution of oil. The center of the face (forehead, nose, chin) is often oily, and the peripheral parts (cheeks, eyelids, neck) are dry.

With the tip of your fingers, press firmly on the skin of your face in the cheekbone area - if a slight indentation remains at the point of pressure, then your skin has become inelastic. Using light pressure with the blunt side of the pencil, draw a line from the forehead through the cheek to the chin. If a noticeable mark remains, your skin is very sensitive and needs protection and care.

Therapeutic compresses
Before applying the compress, clean your face thoroughly. Moisten a small terry towel with water or herbal infusion at the desired temperature, wring it out and place it on your face. A hot compress (38-40°C) is applied to the face for 1-2 minutes. It improves blood and lymph circulation, expands pores, and improves sebum secretion.

The cold compress is held for 10-20 seconds. It is recommended for improving the tone of loose, porous skin as a final procedure after masks and massages and as a soothing agent after cleansing the face. If you have a tired look, sluggish, pale skin, then contrasting compresses will help - alternately hot and cold. The procedure begins with a hot compress, and after 5-8 repetitions ends with a cold one. Carry out contrast rinses according to the same principle.

Irrigation with water or herbal infusion using a regular spray bottle is very useful for skin of any type. Rubbing the skin with ice has an excellent tonic effect. Water or infusions of medicinal herbs are poured into a plastic glass and placed in the freezer of the refrigerator. Immediately before the procedure, the glass is rinsed with hot water and the ice is shaken out, then the face is wiped with circular movements along the skin lines.

Hand skin care
You need to wash your hands with toilet soap, preferably with fat additives and a minimum alkali content. The water should be warm; Frequent consumption of cold water contributes to roughening and cracking of the skin. After washing, wipe your hands dry with a towel, because the moisture remaining on the skin evaporates rapidly, which causes drying of the skin. When performing work with significant contamination of hands, protect them with rubber gloves. After work, wash your hands, then it is useful to rinse them with water and table vinegar (1-2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water) or wipe with a slice of lemon.

You can prevent dry skin with the help of creams. It is advisable to rub a small amount of cream into them after each hand washing with soap. After evening washing, this procedure is complemented with a massage of the hands and forearms.

For very dry, flaky and cracking skin, apply a bandage with any vegetable oil or linetol at night. Sometimes this oil is mixed with diluted (3:1) honey. Oil or linetol is heated in a water bath to 40-45 ° C, several layers of linen or gauze are impregnated with it, then they are applied to the skin, covered with compress (waxed) paper on top and fixed with a bandage. The procedures are repeated 1-2 times a week. For dryness and cracks, baths made from the juice of potato tubers or sauerkraut are also useful.
Be young and beautiful!

To make your skin velvety, in the morning, after waking up, apply a little emollient cream or a mask of lactic acid products to your face, neck and hands for 5-15 minutes. When taking a hygienic shower, rinse off the mask under a strong stream of water. Pay special attention to the neck. To improve the shape of your face, do a patting massage with a small terry towel. To do this, soak the middle part of the towel in a saturated solution of table or sea salt (1-2 tablespoons of salt per 1 glass of water) or in strongly brewed tea. Take the towel by the ends and jerk it, pulling it, whip the chin area for 3-5 minutes.

Rinse your face and neck with cold water or herbal infusion, or wipe with a piece of ice prepared in advance from boiled water, infusion of flowers or a mixture of herbs. Apply a cream appropriate to your skin type with light pressing movements onto damp skin, and when the first signs of aging appear, apply a cream with bioactive additives. The cream is applied to the face and neck along the lines of least stretch of the skin: from the center of the chin to the earlobes, from the corner of the mouth to the middle part of the ears, from the base of the nose to the top of the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

To properly care for your skin, you need to know its features and correctly determine your skin type.
Normal skin- clean, smooth, slightly pink, matte. It contains a sufficient amount of moisture and fatty lubricant.
Dry skin- delicate and thin, very beautiful, you can hardly see the pores on it; however, if not properly cared for, it is prone to peeling and early appearance of fine wrinkles.
Oily skin- thick, rough, pale. Increased sebum secretion gives the skin excessive shine. Sometimes it resembles lemon peel due to enlarged pores. Oily skin often develops blackheads, white grain-like growths, or inflammatory acne.
Combination skin characterized by uneven distribution of fatty lubricant. The center of the face (forehead, nose, chin) is often oily, and the peripheral parts (cheeks, eyelids, neck) are dry.

With the tip of your fingers, press firmly on the skin of your face in the cheekbone area - if a slight indentation remains at the point of pressure, then your skin has become inelastic. Using light pressure with the blunt side of the pencil, draw a line from the forehead through the cheek to the chin. If a noticeable mark remains, your skin is very sensitive and needs protection and care.

Therapeutic compresses
Before applying the compress, clean your face thoroughly. Moisten a small terry towel with water or herbal infusion at the desired temperature, wring it out and place it on your face. A hot compress (38-40°C) is applied to the face for 1-2 minutes. It improves blood and lymph circulation, expands pores, and improves sebum secretion.

The cold compress is held for 10-20 seconds. It is recommended for improving the tone of loose, porous skin as a final procedure after masks and massages and as a soothing agent after cleansing the face. If you have a tired look, sluggish, pale skin, then contrasting compresses will help - alternately hot and cold. The procedure begins with a hot compress, and after 5-8 repetitions ends with a cold one. Carry out contrast rinses according to the same principle.

Irrigation with water or herbal infusion using a regular spray bottle is very useful for skin of any type. Rubbing the skin with ice has an excellent tonic effect. Water or infusions of medicinal herbs are poured into a plastic glass and placed in the freezer of the refrigerator. Immediately before the procedure, the glass is rinsed with hot water and the ice is shaken out, then the face is wiped with circular movements along the skin lines.

Hand skin care
You need to wash your hands with toilet soap, preferably with fat additives and a minimum alkali content. The water should be warm; Frequent consumption of cold water contributes to roughening and cracking of the skin. After washing, wipe your hands dry with a towel, because the moisture remaining on the skin evaporates rapidly, which causes drying of the skin. When performing work with significant contamination of hands, protect them with rubber gloves. After work, wash your hands, then it is useful to rinse them with water and table vinegar (1-2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water) or wipe with a slice of lemon.

You can prevent dry skin with the help of creams. It is advisable to rub a small amount of cream into them after each hand washing with soap. After evening washing, this procedure is complemented with a massage of the hands and forearms.

For very dry, flaky and cracking skin, apply a bandage with any vegetable oil or linetol at night. Sometimes this oil is mixed with diluted (3:1) honey . Oil or linetol is heated in a water bath to 40-45 ° C, several layers of linen or gauze are impregnated with it, then they are applied to the skin, covered with compress (waxed) paper on top and fixed with a bandage. The procedures are repeated 1-2 times a week. For dryness and cracks, baths made frompotato tuber juice or sauerkraut .

Be healthy!

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