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Causes of white gums in dogs. Gingivitis in dogs - poor hygienic care of the dog’s mouth, dental plaque, carious lesions, mechanical injuries to the teeth. Animals at high risk

Inflammation of the oral mucosa in dogs can lead to serious consequences. Depending on the course, symptoms and prevalence, various forms are distinguished, but the most common in dogs is inflammation of the gums, called gingivitis.

Gums may become inflamed various reasons. It is believed that gingivitis most often occurs as a result of:

  • incorrect choice of food;
  • poor oral hygiene, tartar formation;
  • changes in bacterial flora.

It's important to know that Some breeds are predisposed to tartar, which causes gum inflammation.

Important! Many owners fear that periodontal disease will occur as a result of advanced gum inflammation. However, this disease does not occur in dogs - it is only a problem oral cavity human, since it is not associated with inflammation, but with impaired blood circulation in the oral mucosa for a long time.

Dogs with gum disease may develop periodontal disease if treatment is not started promptly. , it does not threaten dentogingival attachment. However, the process intensifies towards the roots of the teeth, which leads to slow destruction of the periosteum. As a result, the neck and root of the animal’s tooth are exposed. Eventually, if treatment is not started or is not effective, the tooth loses support and falls out of the jaw bones. This is the result of advanced gingivitis, however, even at the very beginning of the disease, mucosal defects can become very painful for the animal. Inflammation appears in various forms, including purulent-necrotic.


The very first sign that cannot be ignored during daily interaction with an animal is the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the pet’s mouth. This sign alone indicates the need to contact a veterinarian. It's important to know that inflammation of the gums may indicate the appearance of other, even more serious, diseases of the dog’s body. For example, with ulcerative-necrotizing gingivitis, it is likely that diabetes mellitus or kidney disease.

Often, loss of appetite and reluctance to open the mouth indicate inflammation of the gums. Advanced forms of gingivitis lead to complete refusal of food, since the soreness of the oral tissues increases significantly.

With the development of catarrhal gingivitis, the gums may be swollen and swollen. Often this occurs profuse salivation, sometimes with inclusions of pus.

You should know! Most often, the onset of the disease is asymptomatic, so it is very important to regularly examine your pet’s oral cavity yourself and with the help of a specialist. In this case, gingivitis will be recognized in time, which will allow the inflammation to be quickly cured.

So, the main symptoms, in the presence of which you should take your animal to the doctor:

  • profuse drooling;
  • the appearance of a putrid odor;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain when eating;
  • swelling in the cheek area;
  • change in color of a tooth or teeth.

If you find that your dog has inflamed gums, you should contact your veterinarian.

Chronic inflammation leads to gum ulcers. If you press on it, blood or even pus may appear.


Gingivitis is a treatable disease. Only extremely running forms, leading to periodontitis or accompanied by other diseases. Gingivitis cannot be left untreated; it will not go away on its own.

Important! Ignoring even mild inflammation can lead to more significant oral problems.

As with any other problem, the rule applies to gingivitis: it is better to prevent it than to treat it.

In addition to regular examinations, it is necessary to properly brush your dog’s teeth, rinse his gums and take a responsible approach to the selection of food.

Treatment of gum disease in dogs

If your gums are inflamed, you can treat your dog's mouth with a chlorhexidine solution.

First of all, having detected signs of gingivitis, the dog is switched to soft food, which is crushed before serving to the animal. After each meal it is necessary to treat the inflamed cavity soda solution or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Remains of food and possible pus must be carefully but carefully removed. If there are erosions and ulcers, you cannot cauterize them - the dog may get even worse.

Second mandatory step in treatment - see a veterinarian. He may prescribe antibiotic treatment. If the disease is sufficiently advanced, a decision may be made to remove the tooth or periodontal pockets. These operations are performed by a veterinarian under anesthesia. Further treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, independent choice drugs can harm the animal.

However, treating the mouth twice a day with a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution will not harm the dog. Like vitamin C, chamomile or echinacea infusion. These methods can alleviate the animal’s condition and increase the effectiveness of the treatment prescribed by a specialist.

Owners of small ornamental breeds need to especially carefully monitor their pet's oral health. Long-term selection has led to the fact that the dental apparatus of these animals is quite easily deformed. Accordingly, some breeds are predisposed to gum disease and other dental problems.



Gingivitis in dogs is bad hygiene care behind the dog's mouth, dental plaque, carious lesions, mechanical dental injuries

Gingivitis in dogs is characterized by an inflammatory process that affects the gums. Both local and general factors are involved in its development. The course of gingivitis in dogs can be acute or chronic.Causes of gingivitis: As a rule, the cause of acute gingivitis is traumatic injury to the animal’s gums, bacterial infection, allergic reaction etc.Chronic gingivitis in dogs can develop due to the following reasons:

1. Pathology of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract etc.

2. Hormonal disorders.
3. Conditions accompanied by immunodeficiency.
4. Use of certain medications.

Dogs mainly experience catarrhal or hypertrophic gingivitis. The cause of the catarrhal (serous) variant of the disease is considered to be poor hygienic care of the dog’s mouth, dental plaque, carious lesions, and mechanical trauma to the teeth. It is worth noting that the main factor in the formation of serous gingivitis is the presence of plaque or tartar. The occurrence of hypertrophic gingivitis is associated with prolonged exposure to the gums common factors. It's about, for example, about change hormonal levels dogs (bitches in heat).Catarrhal gingivitis in dogs is characterized by redness and swelling of the gums. In some cases, touching the inflamed gums leads to bleeding. In the first time after the onset of gingivitis, there is no significant disturbance in the animal’s condition. A longer course of pathology is accompanied by reduced food intake, especially in, increased salivation, etc. Examination of the affected gums helps to detect enlarged interdental papillae with a bluish tint and a shiny surface.The localization of hypertrophic gingivitis in dogs is most often incisors, canines and molars. This disease is characterized by gum overgrowth. This leads to an increase in the possibility of their injury. With a long course of this pathology, the appearance of ulcerative gingivitis may occur.Diseases and recommendations for beagles

Diagnostics gingivitis in dogs

The diagnosis of gingivitis in dogs is based on clinical and additional methods research. As the main clinical method Inspection of the dog's oral cavity is performed. With its help, the condition of teeth, mucous membranes, etc. is assessed.To determine the presence and prevalence inflammatory process It is recommended to perform the Schiller-Pisarev test. It involves lubricating the gums with a special solution. In the presence of gingivitis, the gums after staining acquire brown. To confirm diagnosis of gingivitis X-ray monitoring is indicated to avoid deafness in a dog.

Treatment canine gingivitis

First of all, treatment of diseases that lead to gum inflammation in dogs is indicated. Also fight against gingivitis consists of a local effect on the gums and general treatment.As local treatment factors that irritate and injure the gums are eliminated. We are talking about removing tartar, selective grinding of teeth, etc. Before carrying out various manipulations, the dog’s mouth must be treated with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexedine, furatsilin, etc.Heparin is used to eliminate increased bleeding. This drug can be used as an ointment or solution. Physiotherapeutic treatment (gum massage, electrophoresis of heparin solution, etc.) is used as an auxiliary treatment for gingivitis in dogs. To strengthen the general condition of the animal's body, vitamins (C, PP, B) are used.

Today in our section we are talking about numerous diseases of the oral cavity that cause many problems for pets and their owners. In medical practice similar diseases occur quite often, in 60-70% of animals, and equally as in dogs large breeds(German shepherds, Great Danes, boxers, Rottweilers), and in “decorative dogs” (French bulldogs, dachshunds, etc.). The causes of inflammation in the mouth can be very diverse - from minor injuries to viral infections. Well, a sore mouth, especially in a working dog, is simply a disaster that affects its health and working qualities (primarily its ability to work with apport and a special sleeve).

Oral pathology is often not identified by owners until the disease becomes obvious. The first signs that attract the owner’s attention are usually the refusal of a favorite ball or a tasty bone, and reluctant eating of familiar food. Animals experience severe pain with the slightest load on the oral cavity, and as a result they lose their appetite, lose weight sharply, become less obedient, their “character” deteriorates - nervousness and excessive aggressiveness appear. Then, as a consequence, inflammation takes over (without timely and active treatment) new “territories” - the mucous membrane of the pharynx, esophagus, and gastrointestinal tract.

The bulk of primary lesions of the oral cavity, more than 60% of cases, are due to periodontal diseases (soft tissues of the mouth) and 20 - 40% of cases are due to endodontal diseases (tooth pathology).

The main factor causing these lesions is an unbalanced diet: the predominance of soft carbohydrate foods over raw meat, cartilage, sinews, dry food. Reduced immunity after infectious diseases is important, as well as dishonesty and inattention of owners, leading to serious injuries to the oral cavity while walking or training.

Feeding dogs with foods containing a significant amount of carbohydrates, an abundance of cereals, horns, bakery products, the remains of which stick to the teeth, forming a thin plaque, leading to the formation of dental calculus, allowing microorganisms to multiply fruitfully. The formation of tartar inevitably leads to a whole “bouquet” of diseases and, as a consequence, to tooth loss and a decrease in the working and breeding value of the animal.

So, a little more about the most common oral diseases in dogs.

GINGIVITIS(from Latin Gingiva - gum) - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums. Develops in all animals, especially often in working breed dogs, when the gums are damaged hard objects, which our “animals” often play with (sticks, stones, bones), sharp edges of teeth, as well as in the presence of tartar, vitamin deficiencies A and C.

If suddenly your pet begins to have difficulty eating, chooses the softest pieces, refuses his favorite toy or cartilage, then you need to immediately address the most close attention on the condition of his mouth. With gingivitis, the gums are hyperemic, often (if inflammation develops actively) they begin to bleed and look swollen and loose. Ulceration around the neck of the teeth and its exposure is more often expressed with the appearance of tartar and vitamin deficiencies. But in its “pure” form, gingivitis is quite rare, since the inflammation is very quickly complicated by bacterial, viral, mycotic infections and, subsequently, takes on the character of stomatitis.

STOMATITIS- inflammation of the oral mucosa. By origin they distinguish primary (bacterial, viral, fungal, etc. origin) and secondary (as a complication after abscesses, injuries, joint and bone pathologies, various types infections, as one of the symptoms of hormonal and immune disorders, in conditions of various types of intoxication). The most common is the so-called catarrhal stomatitis. Main signs: redness, swelling of the oral mucosa, severe salivation.

Due to the decomposition of saliva, mucus, and exfoliating epithelium, an unpleasant sweetish odor from the mouth (halitosis) appears, which intensifies as the disease progresses. These changes in the mucous membrane serve as the basis for all other forms of stomatitis. Vincent's stomatitis (acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis), a disease associated with the presence of opportunistic microflora in the mouth, in particular, with the influence of spindle-shaped rods (spirochetes). It is characterized by severe inflammation of the gums, bleeding, rapid development of necrosis (death) of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, and, sometimes, damage to bone tissue. Occurs in dogs with weak immunity, in poorly raised puppies, as a complication after severe infections etc.

At the reception: 1.10.1999. Large poodle Artaud, born in 1994 The owners brought the dog to be euthanized. Complaints of a constant, nauseating odor from the mouth. In the past they treated sore throat and pharyngitis. Objectively: there are ulcers in the oral cavity, part of the gums around the teeth are swollen, hyperemic, have a gray coating, and bleed. There is calculus on the teeth above and below the gums, the necks of the teeth are exposed, the roots are visible, the teeth are loose, top layer the alveolar bone is severely damaged. Diagnosis: ulcerative necrotic stomatitis. Blood test: increase in the number of leukocytes, decrease in ESR. Treatment: Under general anesthesia Stones were removed, professional oral hygiene was performed, loose teeth were removed. A course of antibiotics, vitamins, and immunostimulants was administered. It is recommended to treat the oral cavity at home with furacillin, infusion of chamomile and sage, and brush your teeth once a week. Feeding recommendations are given.

Ulcerative stomatitis is characterized by localization of lesions on those surfaces of the cheeks and tongue that come into contact with diseased teeth. This disease is more common in short-faced breeds. The main help is extraction (removal) of the affected teeth. If the diseased tooth is not removed, then the further development of this disease will lead to periodontitis and the occurrence of a purulent fistula. A weeping wound with constant suppuration will cause a lot of trouble for both the dog and its owner.

At the reception: French bulldog Rout, born in 1997. The owners noticed suppuration from the left nostril, decreased appetite, and nervousness. Objectively: the crown of the left canine is missing, the root is dark, the mucous membrane is swollen, slightly hyperemic. The radiograph shows a loss of bone around the canine root, communicating with the maxillary sinus. Diagnosis: traumatic periodontitis. Treatment: under anesthesia, the remains of the fang are removed, the hole is sutured and washed with a solution of furacillin and antibiotics. Full recovery.

It has been noted that aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis are typical symptoms leptospirosis in dogs, so if you have such oral diseases, you should take a blood test in the tank. laboratory.

At the reception: 05/06/2000. German shepherd Born in 1992, nickname Thorn. The owner complained of a sharp decrease in appetite and frequent (up to 10 times a day) vomiting. Upon examination, ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa were revealed. The animal was urgently sent to a state veterinary hospital for a blood test for leptospirosis. The result was positive, further treatment was carried out in the state structural unit, And further fate dogs, unfortunately, are unknown.

First aid for gingivitis and stomatitis: A gentle diet is prescribed for the entire duration of the illness (drinking plenty of fluids, thin mucous soups, etc.) Vitamin therapy is necessary - vitamins A and B, ascorbic acid. To rinse the mouth, you can use a 0.05% solution of furacillin or potassium permanganate. Necessary drug treatment must appoint veterinarian.

To prevent these diseases, stock up on a toothbrush and “Children’s” tooth powder (it does not contain mint or fruit flavors, and is perceived by animals better than toothpaste). By the way, many foreign companies released special compounds for oral hygiene, but, unfortunately, they are not always on sale. Do it once a week thorough examination oral cavity with mandatory procedure brushing teeth. Dog owners should pay particular attention to these tips. small breeds and owners of elderly animals.

PAPILLOMATOSIS- a common disease of viral origin, characterized by the appearance and development of benign tumors (papillomas, i.e. warts) on the lips and oral mucosa. The virus enters the body through microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes, after playing with sharp twigs or stones found in places where dogs are walked on a large scale. “Fussing” with apports, picked up on the ground and having been in more than one dog’s mouth - real threat become infected with papillomatosis (and not only it). Warts are localized on inner surface lips, cheeks, tongue, often forming entire “clusters”. Surgical intervention most often it is impractical, since removal of papillomatous lesions leads to their further spread. In such cases, self-medication and the use of “grandfather’s” recipes are very dangerous - it is best to contact veterinary specialist. You should not postpone this visit for a long time - a sick dog damages the papillomas when eating solid food or playing, bleeding develops and, as a result, a secondary infection occurs.

Oral trauma- an unpleasant event, in which, most often, the “negligence” of the dog owner, his inattention, is to blame.

Walking without a leash near highways often leads to a sad result - serious injuries, and a long list of them includes jaw fractures, knocked out teeth, injuries to the oral cavity, damage to the jaw joints, etc. Sometimes it takes enormous experience and skill to put “on your paws” » four-legged friend, prevent him from becoming disabled.

At the reception: German Shepherd Dick, hit by a car. Diagnosis: comminuted fracture lower jaw, several teeth on the left were broken, the root of the fang ended up in the maxillary sinus. The operation was performed under X-ray control. The fragments of the lower jaw were collected and secured using an intraosseous pin, small fragments and teeth in the fracture area were removed. As a result of careful treatment, the jaw has grown together, although the bite is severely deformed.

Incorrect grip of the training sleeve, falling with the muzzle on the ground from a height, careless handling of retrieval objects (most often pointed branches, sticks with remains of rusty nails, etc.) - all this can lead to jaw injuries (fractures, dislocations, serious wounds ).

At the reception: 07/1/2000. Dog, boxer breed, age 2 months, nickname Steve. According to the owner Z., he fell ill two days ago, before that he was playing with a wooden lath. Objectively: temperature 39.1 C, swelling, hyperemia of the gums of the upper jaw, increased salivation, a compacted area on the gum in the area of ​​the anterior incisors. After processing it, a large splinter was removed. Intensive treatment was carried out for 5 days, recovery occurred on days 5-6. But injury and subsequent inflammation could very easily have been avoided by taking the puppy away from him in time. dangerous toy.

In winter, while walking, a dog may grab a piece of an iron pipe, a metal rod, etc. instead of a stick. The result of this kind of fun is known to everyone. You cannot rip a metal object out of an animal’s mouth right in the cold. It is best to take him into a warm room and carefully remove the dangerous toy. Wounds obtained in this way must be washed and treated with a solution sea ​​buckthorn oil, trivit with crushed anesthesin. Carry out the treatment several times a day for a week.

Cuts and bitten tongues should be washed with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. If the bleeding does not stop for a long time or comes out in a scarlet stream, we recommend that you cover the wound with a cotton-gauze napkin and take it to a veterinarian for suturing.

And a little about CARIES. The structure of the dental system in dogs, like in carnivorous animals, should not cause the formation of a carious process. But living next to a person for many centuries, the transition to previously unusual food, the loss of strong immunity characteristic of a wild animal - all this has changed in many ways a dog's life. In particular, the dogs' teeth began to hurt. Basically, the damage occurs as a result of disruption of the development of the bud permanent tooth, imperfect formation and mineralization of dentin and enamel. Carious lesions are quite common, especially in animals that have undergone infectious diseases during the change of teeth (enteritis, plague, etc.), as well as those treated with tetracycline antibiotics and streptomycin. Caries is especially common in dogs of short-faced breeds. First, dark areas appear on the teeth, then the crown of the tooth is destroyed, purulent inflammation of the pulp begins, which leads to damage to the root and loosening of the periodontal tissues. Outwardly, this manifests itself as swelling in the area of ​​the diseased tooth, and sometimes a fistula. A sick animal either chews food on only one side of its jaw or refuses food.

Treatment should be entrusted to a specialist, and periodic treatment with fluoride-containing drugs or silvering of the affected areas may be recommended. Of course, this changes appearance tooth - it becomes black, but the process of caries development is suspended.

At the end of the article I would really like to address the owners of purebred, “show” dogs. Take care of your pets' teeth from childhood. Remember that grades and titles are based on complete dental records. Don’t be lazy to look into your dog’s mouth more often, pay attention to the color of the gums, the condition of the teeth, let plaque and bad breath alert you in time. If your dog's teeth are susceptible to tartar formation, try to think about what is causing this? Either this is an indicator poor nutrition, either a sign of decreased immunity, or a symptom of a gastrointestinal tract disease. Don’t hesitate to brush your pet’s teeth; let him chew a long-lasting tendon bone. Contact your veterinarian frequently for professional hygiene. Not only your dog’s exhibition career, but also its health and performance depends on compliance with these rules. Save her main weapon and her main decoration - snow-white, sharp, shiny teeth!

Article by Tsapenko O., practicing veterinarian, and Tolstonogova A., dentist, breeder of German shepherds

When working on the material of the article, the work of E. Guselnikov “Basic approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity of dogs and cats” was used with gratitude. Veterinary Practice No. 1, 1997.

Gingivitis in dogs is one of the most common problems with pet teeth. More than 80% of pets suffer from this condition. Problems usually begin after 2 years of age, when plaque and plaque begin to spread on the teeth.

What are the reasons and how to protect the dog

The main cause of gingivitis is the accumulation of bacterial plaque - plaque on the surface of the teeth. The raid consists of:

  • glycoproteins - salivary proteins;
  • bacteria;
  • leukocytes - immune cells.

Structure and environment oral cavity create favorable conditions for bacteria to spread on it. As the stone grows, there is an intensive spread of pathogenic pathogens that begin to attack the gums, which leads to the development of local inflammation.

Gingivitis in dogs initially involves a small area of ​​the gum line - just below the tooth. The place turned softly red. As inflammation progresses, the tartar turns into a temporary gum pocket and the surface of the gum begins to emerge from the teeth. The edges become irregular and dark red. Gums in this condition often bleed and show great pain and scab. Changes are usually accompanied unpleasant smell from the mouth.

Stages of plaque formation and their consequences

Plaque appears on the teeth like a yellowish rash. Plaque is the remains of food and bacteria. Under the influence of mineral-rich saliva, calcified plaque appears on the teeth as a rough, brownish-yellow hue.

Food rich in minerals promotes the deposition of additional plaque, which after some time also undergoes some mineralization. Where tartar slides under the gums, bacteria become widespread, hence gingivitis and bad breath. Unusual inflammation in the mouth causes periodontitis, and then tooth decay. This leads to tooth mobility and, after some time, to tooth loss.

Factors contributing to the formation of plaques:

  1. breed predisposition;
  2. personal predisposition such as saliva;
  3. type of food - dry food contributes to the abrasion of plaques;
  4. Oral hygiene - regular brushing of teeth removes plaque.

Symptoms associated with tartar:

  1. yellow or brown plaque on teeth;
  2. bad smell from the mouth;
  3. excessive salivation;
  4. gingivitis in dogs - visible red, swollen gums, often bleeding;
    hormonal changes.

As the disease progresses, the dog may become reluctant to eat due to pain in the mouth. A periosteal abscess can also develop - there is a bulge under the eyeball that can be perforated, then the abscess is visible from the lesion. There is general apathy, weakness, fever caused by hypolipins of the pituitary gland in the gums. Another consequence of the disease is loss of teeth and gum ulcers.

Why does gingivitis occur in dogs?

The problem of gingivitis affects more than 80% of animals over 3 years of age. Several factors influence the development of this condition. One is the dog's age. The older the dog, the more plaque covers the teeth. As a result, the risk of inflammation increases significantly. The second factor is the structure of the skull and the type of bite.

Miniature dogs and short-legged dogs (bulldogs, pugs) have very crowded teeth - this weakens the natural self-cleaning mechanisms of the teeth. The result is more rapid growth stones in these rocks than in other animals. Another factor is the type of food the pet eats and its biting habits. Dogs bite everything: dirty sticks, stones, tires, damaging the gums, which become a gateway for pathogenic bacteria.

Treatment of gum inflammation in dogs

Gingivitis in dogs is treated by precisely removing plaque from all teeth. Animals should be prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is recommended that oral hygiene be as high as possible. To do this, it is advisable to change the pet's habits so that it does not bite contaminated objects. It is also important to change the diet to something that will be beneficial for the animal's dental health. There are a number of dry products that are formulated with ingredients that limit the growth of plaques.

It is recommended that pets have access to leatherettes to help clean their teeth. Another option for maintaining oral hygiene is brushing your teeth with an enzymatic toothpaste. However, not every animal allows daily cleaning. To improve general condition animal teeth, it is necessary to give vitamins (B, C, D).

Pathological changes in the mouth are always accompanied by pain. Despite advanced periodontal inflammation in dogs, they eat, perfectly masking the pain. If your pet has problems with the mucous membrane of the mouth, gums and teeth, contact your veterinarian, who will prescribe additional diagnostic methods.

To prevent the onset of gingivitis in dogs, you need to brush your teeth daily and take your pet for a checkup at least once a year. When caring for your dog, you need to pay close attention to the condition of his teeth.

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Inflammation of the gums in dogs or, as it is commonly called in veterinary practice, gingivitis - pathological process bacterial origin. Many owners believe that oral diseases are not dangerous for their four-legged dogs. However, veterinarians say that such ailments can have a detrimental effect on the dog’s health.

Complications of such pathologies include abscesses of almost all internal organs. To avoid exacerbation of the disease, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Dog breeders often confuse gingivitis with hyperplasia, which is absolutely not worth doing. Hyperplasia is the proliferation of tissue. It occurs due to an increase in the number of cells in the organ/tissue. Hyperplasia is manifested by swelling of the gums and an increase in their mass. Treatment of the disease differs from therapy for gingivitis.


Gums may become inflamed various reasons. Thus, animals that have tartar under their gums are at risk. Even though it is difficult to notice, it causes a lot of inconvenience. irritates the gums and promotes the development of inflammatory processes. As a result, periodontitis and periodontal disease develop, growths, fistulas, and abscesses form.

Another reason lies in the bones that owners “pamper” their pets with. Under the influence of sharp fangs, the bones split and literally cut the gums with their sharp edges. To protect your pet from oral diseases, it is necessary to create a clear feeding schedule. In dogs that eat haphazardly, food debris accumulates between the teeth and causes an inflammatory process.

At risk are four-legged animals that have reached old age. Older dogs often exhibit hyperplasia (tissue growth) and all kinds of neoplasms. Diagnosis is made by taking biopsy material for histology.

Most often, gum inflammation affects small and ornamental breeds, such as Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier, dachshund, chihuahua, lapdog, toy terrier, cocker spaniel, miniature and small poodles.

Dog breeders often ask the question, “What to do if your dog’s gums are bleeding?” First of all, it is necessary to examine the animal’s oral cavity. To do this, hold the pet’s muzzle with one palm from below, and with the other, lift its lips, exposing the teeth and gums.

To examine not only the outside, but also the inside of the mouth, you should unclench the dog’s jaws. If the bleeding is a result of inflammation of the gums, this can be detected by a foul odor and swollen red gums.

This disease must be treated with the help of a veterinarian, but in some cases the animal’s condition can be alleviated by rinsing the mouth. For this purpose, decoctions of anti-inflammatory drugs are used - sage, chamomile, as well as an infusion of oak bark.

  • regular teeth cleaning;
  • the use of chlorhexidine, special food and toys designed to combat plaque;
  • clear (systemic) feeding regimen;
  • combination of soft and hard foods;
  • inclusion of vitamins B, PP, C in the diet.
  • if necessary, mechanical/ultrasonic cleaning in a veterinary clinic.

How can a veterinarian help?

Treatment of the inflammatory process involves eliminating the primary disease that provoked the problem. In addition, local and general treatment gums First of all, the veterinarian removes tartar buildup that irritates and injures the gums, and grinds some teeth.

Before any manipulation, the oral cavity is treated disinfectant solutions– hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, furatsilin. Stone growths are removed under sedation (a more gentle procedure than anesthesia) or under conduction anesthesia.

Treatment must be comprehensive. Auxiliary methods include:

  • gum massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • electrophoresis of heparin solution.

What the owner should know

To recognize the disease by initial stage, the dog owner must know how the disease manifests itself.

The main symptoms include:

  • excessive salivation;
  • swollen, swollen muzzle;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • bleeding gums (mainly when pressed);
  • problems with appetite, difficulty chewing solid food;
  • change in tooth color;
  • unusually red gums, the appearance of ulcers (when the inflammatory process becomes chronic);
  • discharge of pus;
  • blood in saliva (a symptom of gum tissue damage);
  • gradual retreat of the gums from the teeth, the formation of “pockets” into which food gets caught;
  • growths.

Both gingivitis and hyperplasia can be successfully treated. To prevent complications from developing, it is necessary to closely monitor your pet’s health and promptly respond to any changes in its well-being.

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