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Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage: what are the dangers? Pregnancy after early miscarriage

For many representatives of the fairer sex, pregnancy is the most long-awaited and desired event. And indeed, it is so arranged by nature that a woman has a maternal instinct, which sooner or later manifests itself fully. But things don't always go smoothly. Unfortunately, many women may experience various pathologies while carrying a child. While some of them are easily amenable to medical correction, others are in no way compatible with the life of the unborn baby and lead to interruption of fetal development.


Spontaneous cessation of the development and growth of the fetal egg, and with it the embryo, is called a frozen pregnancy. If, against the background of all this, bleeding begins and pathological tissue is rejected from the uterine cavity, then we can assume that a miscarriage has occurred.

Quite often it happens that a woman does not even suspect that a pregnancy has taken place, since it was interrupted even before her period was missed. On average, there are 250 such cases per 1000 women.


All miscarriages are divided into certain subtypes:

  • Artificial abortion. This is a planned interruption of fetal development. It can happen either at the request of the woman or due to certain circumstances according to indications.
  • The abortion is spontaneous. This case occurs when the uterus rejects a fetus that cannot yet survive on its own. This usually occurs before 28 weeks.

Types of miscarriages

  1. Full. Most often occurs between 12 and 28 weeks. In this case, the female uterine muscle pushes out all the contents and no further cleaning is required.
  2. Incomplete. Usually occurs in the early stages of development of the fertilized egg. In this case, parts of the embryo and membranes remain in the female body, which are removed using curettage.
  3. Habitual. In this case, a woman experiences several abortions in a row.


Usually there are no signs of trouble, and termination of pregnancy occurs suddenly. Symptoms:

  • Bleeding from the female genital tract.
  • Severe, unbearable cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Absence of embryonic heartbeat on ultrasound examination.


They may be as follows:

  • Violation of hormone production.
  • Existing diseases of the genital area.
  • Frequent change of partners.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Frequent scrapings.
  • Various surgical interventions.
  • Injuries.
  • Wrong lifestyle and bad habits.

Pregnancy after miscarriage

Women who have suffered such misfortune as the loss of a child are usually mentally depressed and physically exhausted. Many refuse to plan in the near future because they are afraid of a repeat of the situation. This is quite understandable. Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage will take a lot of time.

First, a woman needs physical recovery. Usually the doctor prescribes a series of tests and studies in order to find out the reason for the arrest of fetal development. After which treatment is prescribed if any pathologies are identified. On average, the return of physical health takes about a month, which cannot be said about moral well-being.

For some women, pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage is simply not an option. This is especially true for those failed mothers who lost their baby quite a long time ago. It’s unbearable for them because they felt his movements, saw his arms and legs on the ultrasound monitor, and now they understand that they will never take their baby in their arms again.

Doctors' opinion

Many doctors and famous reproductive specialists believe that pregnancy after a miscarriage can be planned as soon as the cycle is restored. This usually takes up to three months.

However, in practice, a woman can again find herself in an interesting position in just two weeks. Curettage of the uterine cavity does not mean that ovulation will not occur in this cycle. This means that without protection, you can become pregnant when your body is not yet ready for this, which in itself can become a threatening factor for the development of the embryo. Pregnancy a month after a miscarriage has a high probability of being interrupted again. The reason for this is unrestored hormonal levels and the endometrial layer. Therefore, you should be reasonable and listen to all the doctor’s instructions.

The most important question that interests women who have experienced such a misfortune is: is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage? There is only one answer, and it is undeniable - absolutely yes. This is exactly what gynecologists say with one voice.

Spontaneous interruption of fetal development indicates that something initially went wrong. It is natural selection that plays a big role in choosing the strongest - it is so conceived by nature that the weak and sick die.

Subsequent pregnancies are likely to proceed normally and without such complications. The only exceptions are the repeated stoppage of growth of the fertilized egg and its rejection.

After interruption of fetal development

Many women say that if they take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage, it will show a positive result. There is a logical explanation for this. The fact is that home test strips react to the presence of a certain amount of “pregnant” hormone in a woman’s urine. After an interruption in fetal development, the amount of this substance cannot decrease immediately, due to which you may find a positive test result.

If curettage was performed, you should not worry that the pregnancy allegedly continues to progress after a miscarriage. Soon this hormone will be completely eliminated from the body, and you will no longer receive a test with a positive answer.

The female uterine muscle has the ability to self-heal, so after curettage or spontaneous abortion, it returns to its original state. It is for this reason that women can have two, three, or more children. So don't worry about whether you can get pregnant after a miscarriage. Give your body time to recover and start planning.

There is no single proven way to prevent miscarriage. Usually, if the fertilized egg itself is not viable, then nothing will help it survive. But nevertheless, by contacting the doctor in time, you have the opportunity to save the baby.

Not all abortions that begin end in complete termination of pregnancy. When the embryo develops normally and is completely healthy, it is likely to be saved if a number of medical procedures are performed.

In conclusion it is worth saying

Pregnancy after a miscarriage is just as likely as before. It is only necessary to carefully prepare for it in order to avoid a repetition of the situation in the future. Gain strength. If you feel bad and you can’t get out of depression alone, talk to your chosen one. He worries no less than you. Support each other, and you will definitely succeed.

Otherwise, when the current situation does not let go of your mind for a long time, it makes sense to see a psychologist. The doctor will absolutely help you get out of this routine, and everything will definitely work out.

Unfortunately, miscarriage is a fairly common occurrence today. Women's poor health, neglect of their well-being, accelerated pace of life, deplorable environmental situation - all this greatly affects the statistics of miscarriages.

Losing a child, even at an early stage, is extremely stressful, and it can be extremely difficult for both mother and father to survive. Many people have to turn to a psychologist for help in order to accept the new situation, and find the strength to live on, and, most importantly, try again to conceive and bear a child.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage requires increased attention. After all, a miscarriage is not only psychological, but also physiological stress.

Miscarriage and its consequences

A miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy under the influence of the condition of the fetus and the mother’s body, without intervention from doctors. The causes of miscarriage are very different. More about miscarriage

Now the consequences of a miscarriage are much more important. No matter how long the pregnancy is terminated, your body is in for a real hormonal storm. Hormonal levels change even more sharply than at the beginning of pregnancy, which cannot but affect the state of the body, the functioning of the ovaries and other organs.

In addition, if after a miscarriage it was necessary to perform curettage, damage to the mucous membrane occurs. The injured endometrium cannot always accept a new fertilized egg, and even more so, it is not always able to hold it.

A miscarriage may be accompanied by heavy bleeding. Blood loss is also an unpleasant situation that requires long-term rehabilitation.

When can I give birth?

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage? If you pose the question from a physiological point of view, then, of course, it is possible. And literally in the first month. The fact is that the day a miscarriage occurs is also the beginning of the next cycle. Accordingly, in 2-3 weeks the next ovulation will occur - this is the answer to the simple question of when you can get pregnant after a miscarriage. Another thing is, is it worth the rush?

Many couples think that the sooner they give birth to a child, the faster they will cope with the consequences of the current situation. In fact, this is not entirely true. Of course, when you are carrying a new child, you will not remember the tragedy that has already happened. However, everything has its own nuances.

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage, and specifically after 3 months, may well be successful. Pregnancy one month after an early miscarriage is highly likely to end in miscarriage again. In general, the trend is this: the less time has passed since the miscarriage, the greater the risk of the situation repeating.

When can you plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage? It is believed that the female body takes about a year to fully recover. At this time it is worth postponing new attempts to conceive a child. What to do during this year? Believe me, there is enough to do.

Examinations after a miscarriage

First of all, you need to undergo several serious examinations, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of the incident. In particular, doctors will definitely send the embryo for examination in order to determine whether it was initially viable and whether it had any pathologies or developmental abnormalities. If possible, the cause of the deviation is also determined.

Only after this will the doctors take care of the mother. First of all, it will be checked for various infections and complications after them. Untreated infections quite often cause miscarriage. If any are found, they will need to be treated.

The next stage is sexual analysis hormones . Often the cause of miscarriage is an excess of certain hormones. If in your case this was the reason, then they will work with the hormonal background.

Will definitely carry out Ultrasound . The ovaries, appendages, fallopian tubes, the uterus itself and its inner mucous layer are carefully examined. Bends of the uterus, the presence of partitions in it, endometrial insufficiency - all this could provoke a miscarriage

What should you give up?

In the process of planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, it is necessary to abandon all bad habits . And if in any other case this is still more of a recommendation, then in this case it is a requirement. Smoking and alcohol weaken eggs and sperm, which means it reduces the chance of pregnancy and makes the embryo less viable.

It is necessary to reduce to a minimum taking medications . Consult your doctor and decide which medications can be discontinued and which ones can be reduced in dosage. Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage is a serious and lengthy undertaking. Don't neglect the little things.

What to do to carry a child after a miscarriage?

How to maintain pregnancy after miscarriage? It must be treated very carefully. No physical loads, stress, infections . The doctor's recommendations should not be ignored. And under no circumstances hide any features of your well-being from him.

Very important eat right . The diet should be balanced, with the required amount of calories and nutrients. In some cases, it makes sense to take additional vitamins. Including folic acid. Also, if the results of a blood test reveal a lack of iron, it is necessary to receive it additionally in the form of tablets or capsules.

Pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage is, of course, possible. But first you have to decide when this will happen. There are only two criteria: your physical readiness for a new pregnancy, and, of course, moral and psychological. Don't give room to fear. With proper preparation, the chances of bearing a healthy baby are no less than those of any other woman.


The main natural function of the fairer sex is reproductive. That is why sooner or later every woman develops a maternal instinct and a desire to have offspring. It is worth noting that most planned pregnancies end successfully. However, approximately 20 women out of 100 are diagnosed with “frozen pregnancy” or “spontaneous abortion”. This article will tell you how long it takes to get pregnant after a miscarriage. You will learn the opinions of experts on this matter and will be able to get acquainted with the stories of women. It is also worth finding out how many days after a miscarriage you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex.

What is spontaneous abortion?

Before you find out when to get pregnant after a miscarriage, it’s worth saying a few words about the process itself. Spontaneous or natural abortion is the cessation of the vital activity of the fetus followed by rejection of its membranes. Most often, this process occurs at very early stages. Many women do not even have time to find out about their new interesting position.

A miscarriage can be complete or partial. In the first case, the entire membrane of the fertilized egg comes out along with the overgrown endometrium. In this case, the next menstruation may be somewhat heavier than the previous ones. With a partial miscarriage, some membranes remain in the cavity of the reproductive organ. They must be removed surgically. The most commonly used methods are curettage or vacuum aspiration.

How long before you can get pregnant after a miscarriage?

To date, experts have not been able to come to a consensus on this matter. Some gynecologists claim that conception should occur in at least six months. Other obstetricians advise waiting at least 18 months to plan. There is also a group of doctors advising women to hurry up with fertilization. Who should you listen to? What should the fairer sex do in this situation? How many months can it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Conception after six months

How long before you can get pregnant after a miscarriage? Most doctors set the limit at six months. It is during this period that the fairer sex is able to return to normal, she will be able to recover from everything that happened.

Doctors also talk about a gap of six months because it is this period that allows a woman to find out the reason for the failure. Subsequent correction will help prevent recurrence of the pathological process. Quite often, after an unsuccessful pregnancy, gynecologists prescribe a course of oral contraceptives to a representative of the fairer sex. These medications help restore menstrual function and temporarily block the functioning of the ovaries. It is worth noting that pregnancy cannot occur while taking these medications. However, after their abolition, conception occurs within the first few cycles.

More than a year pregnant

How long before you can get pregnant after a miscarriage? Some fertility specialists insist on a time period of 12 months. It is this period that allows you to eliminate all detected pathologies and restore women's health.

In most cases, after an unsuccessful pregnancy, an examination is prescribed. It includes standard tests for infections and hormones. The expectant mother is also recommended to undergo diagnostics such as hysteroscopy, metrosalpingography or laparoscopy. These studies require the use of anesthesia. During the manipulation, the cervical canal is expanded and the cavity of the reproductive organ is examined using special equipment. After such manipulations, it is not recommended to plan conception for several months. Otherwise, there is a high risk of a repetition of an already unpleasant situation. It takes approximately one to a year and a half for a woman to undergo all the studies, receive a conclusion and carry out correction.

Opinions of modern doctors

How long can it take to get pregnant Despite all the restrictions from doctors of the past generation, young doctors have a slightly different view on this issue. Most experts say that the next conception should occur as early as possible.

Studies have shown that a woman who becomes pregnant an average of 3 months after a miscarriage has a greater chance of carrying a child to term. Those representatives of the fairer sex who waited six months had to work hard for the next conception. Their pregnancy occurred only after 7-10 months. In women who, for one reason or another, had to postpone their next pregnancy for a year or more, the risk of ectopic implantation of the fertilized egg and the birth of a child with pathologies has increased.

How long after a miscarriage can you get pregnant again if you don’t use protection?

Many women believe that after a spontaneous abortion, conception will not occur quickly. They have unprotected sex and are confident that they are safe. However, this is a completely wrong opinion.

If a miscarriage occurs and the uterine cavity is independently freed from the remnants of the fertilized egg, then the next conception may occur already in the same cycle. This is due to the fact that in the early stages the body does not yet have time to adjust to pregnancy mode. A woman’s hormonal background does not undergo significant changes. The opening of the follicle and the release of the egg can occur within a few days or weeks after the miscarriage. It is worth remembering that such a negligent attitude towards one’s health can lead to a repetition of the situation. That is why, after a spontaneous abortion, it is necessary to visit a doctor and find out for what reasons the miscarriage occurred and when you can become pregnant again.

Psychological side of the issue

How long before you can get pregnant after a spontaneous miscarriage, you already know. However, things don't always work out as planned. The reason for prolonged infertility after spontaneous abortion may lie in the psychological aspect.

Many representatives of the fairer sex voluntarily refuse to conceive again. They are simply afraid of the situation repeating itself. After all, it is very difficult for an expectant mother to survive such a loss. However, there are also women who are ready to start planning again in the next cycle. At the same time, they are also under the psychological influence of the situation, but do not understand it. Obsession with planning can also lead to prolonged absence of pregnancy. However, as soon as a woman gets distracted and relaxes, fertilization immediately occurs. If the miscarriage occurs long term (in the second trimester), then before the next planning, the expectant mother is recommended to consult a psychologist. This will help you maximize your emotional background and properly prepare yourself for the birth of your baby.

Summing up the article

You now know how long it takes to conceive successfully. It must be said that approximately 40 percent of women experience this pathology. Some of them don't even know they were pregnant. The situation repeats itself only in 8-10 percent of cases. In this case, we can already talk about If you are faced with such a diagnosis, then you should not start planning your next conception as soon as possible. First you need to find out the reason for your failures. This will help protect against a repeat of the untidy moment. Happy planning and an easy pregnancy!

Miscarriage, or as it is also called - spontaneous abortion - is not such a rare phenomenon. What’s even sadder is that no one is immune from this. According to statistics, every fifth pregnant woman faces a similar problem and, most often, in the earliest stages of up to 6 weeks of gestation. However, the very concept of “miscarriage” is applicable if the termination of pregnancy for no apparent reason occurred before 22 weeks.

Each expectant mother experiences such an event differently: someone has not yet found out about their situation (and will not find out), mistaking a miscarriage for heavy menstruation, and someone is faced with severe stress and depression over a long period. The loss is especially hard for couples who experienced this pregnancy with great difficulty; a lot of effort was made, which, as it turned out, was in vain. Or those women who carried a piece of themselves under their hearts for several months suddenly lose it and all their dreams and plans for the future go to hell.

Most women, on a subconscious level, try to correct the situation, to get pregnant again as quickly as possible, so that it becomes “as it should be,” “as it should be.” Indeed, after such events, it is very difficult to enter a new stage in your life, to come to terms with what cannot be changed; you really want to return it to how it was before. But is it worth rushing things? Maybe it's better to work on the mistakes?

Pregnancy after miscarriage: is it real?

Any woman who has experienced something like this in her life will definitely ask the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage?” Moreover, gynecologists are bombarded with these and similar questions at the first appointment. In the vast majority of cases, the answer will be: “Yes, you can.” Agree, it sounds very comforting and reassuring, like you can try to get pregnant again! However, we shouldn’t rush things, let’s figure out why exactly.

Most gynecologists are unanimous in their recommendations and advise postponing new attempts to have a baby for six months, or even more. And this is not just like that. If we consider the female body from the point of view of physiology, then, theoretically, it is ready for a new pregnancy immediately, since the day of rejection of the fertilized egg and its exit from the uterine cavity can be considered the first day of menstruation. A new cycle starts, in the middle of which the fertile phase begins - the moment when a new conception is possible. And if the egg meets male gametes, it will happen, and a new life will begin its development. This is where it’s worth taking a closer look.

There is a high risk that a new pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage will follow the previous scenario, i.e. It will end sadly, and there are many reasons for this. This is why doctors recommend taking a time out and understanding yourself and your body. If the cause of the previous spontaneous abortion has not been eliminated, then it will probably play a role in terminating the next pregnancy. And if the chances of becoming a mother for a woman with a history of one miscarriage are almost one hundred percent, then with each unsuccessful attempt they mercilessly tend to zero. There is even a concept in medicine of “habitual miscarriage,” when the body accepts such a situation as the norm and refuses to bear the fetus. By the way, after 2-3 unsuccessful attempts, the chances of becoming a mother are no more than 50%.

Causes of spontaneous abortion

It doesn’t happen that a miscarriage happened “just like that,” there is an explanation for everything, and often such a tragedy is preceded by a series of events. We looked at the possible causes of miscarriage in more detail in this article, but in brief, the list is approximately as follows:

  • Natural selection

No matter how cruel it may sound, no one has canceled it, “the survival of the fittest.” Errors and failures happen everywhere, even during conception. And if such a mistake does occur, then its result will be a non-viable organism with a mass of serious pathologies and mutations. These mutations are the cause of miscarriage, i.e. in fact, nature took care of everything itself;

  • Infections and viruses.

That is why pregnant women and those who are at the planning stage should protect themselves from pathogens of infectious and viral nature. These include sexually transmitted infections (sexually transmitted diseases). Pathogenic flora penetrates the membranes, leading to fatal consequences;

  • Hormonal imbalance

In a woman’s body, the level of hormones responsible for the successful course of pregnancy drops, causing spontaneous abortion;

Chronic diseases and congenital anomaliesfemale genital organs have a detrimental effect on the course of pregnancy;

Mechanical injuriesas a result of a fall, accident, etc.


There is a lot of controversy about active physical activity, flights or emotional outbursts (no matter positive or negative). Most experts believe that these factors cannot directly influence the course of pregnancy if the woman is absolutely healthy, since they are of insufficient strength.

You've probably seen how pregnant bodybuilders lift heavy weights with a smile on their faces until they give birth, and avid travelers spend their entire pregnancy traveling around countries. And they give birth to healthy children. This is another reason why you need to pay due attention to your health.

Principles of planning a new pregnancy

So we smoothly approach the main idea: “pregnancy after a miscarriage should be conscious, and future parents should be fully prepared.” That is why doctors advise to wait: you need to heal your mental wounds (and they are sometimes much more serious than physical ones), find out the reason for such a sad outcome and reduce all possible risks to a minimum.

It is a thorough examination after an unsuccessful attempt to become parents that allows us to identify the reasons for this outcome, work on mistakes and prevent new shocks. The female body recovers very quickly and is already “back on track” within a few weeks. Recovery after a miscarriage at 4-5 months of pregnancy takes a little longer: it takes more time for the distended uterus to return to its size, the hormonal levels to level out, and all the processes of preparing for the baby to appear in reverse. However, it is morally that a woman takes much longer to recover; she must accept what happened, let go and, having overcome her fears, try again to find her happiness.

It is extremely important not to put off the examination, because the sooner you start, the easier and faster the cause will stop if it has arisen recently. At the same time, the need for a complete examination arises not only for the woman, but also for her partner. Having passed the necessary tests and undergone consultations with specialists, you can collect a complete picture and judge the reasons for miscarriage. Moreover, most of these causes are treatable, and the chances of becoming parents are quite good.

Separately, it is worth mentioning existing chronic diseases. It seems that there is no escape from them and it is impossible to cure them, that’s why they are chronic. However, you shouldn’t give up either. Therapy aimed at stopping the acute form of the disease and leading to a stage of deep remission (this is when the disease does not manifest itself in any way) allows you to successfully carry a baby without any risks.

What kind of examination is done after a miscarriage?

In addition to standard general urine and blood tests, ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs in women is mandatory. This is necessary to assess the condition and functioning of the entire reproductive system. If no cleaning was done after a spontaneous abortion, then rotting particles may remain in the cavity, which can lead to serious consequences.

Among the mandatory studies, consultations with specialists (geneticist, surgeon, ENT specialist, dentist, etc.) may be prescribed after receiving test results. The table below discusses diagnostic methods for identifying the causes of miscarriage.

Study title What is it prescribed for?
Spermogram The man’s seminal material is studied in order to study its quality, the possible presence of pathologies or hidden inflammatory processes.
Colposcopy Assessing the condition of the vagina and cervix, identifying neoplasms and inflammatory processes
Blood test to determine blood type, Rh factor, presence of antibodies Eliminating the possibility of Rh conflict and the presence of antibodies in the blood of a Rh-negative mother
TORCH-complex The presence of antibodies to toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection and herpes
Testing for infections, incl. hidden Detection of infections by taking a smear and PCR diagnostics
Hormonal study Detection of increased or decreased levels of a particular hormone and subsequent correction
Blood coagulogram Blood clotting factor testing
Determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids. Identification of antibodies – factors of early miscarriage
Determination of basal temperature Charting basal temperature to determine the date of ovulation and assess the overall functioning of the woman’s reproductive system

It is possible that additional studies may be prescribed on an individual basis. In any case, after receiving the results, it is necessary to consult your doctor and prescribe therapy.

What is the probability of getting pregnant again after treatment?

After undergoing a comprehensive examination, identifying and eradicating the cause of a previous spontaneous abortion, you can confidently begin a new attempt to conceive a child. At the same time, the chances of a favorable pregnancy outcome are very good. To foresee everything in advance is a non-existent human superpower; there is no one hundred percent guarantee that everything will be the way you want. But it’s definitely worth making every effort for this and fighting for your happiness.

Modern medicine is so strong that it allows us to “eliminate malfunctions” even at the genetic or immune level, pediatric intensive care and modern perinatal centers care for babies born even at 23 weeks weighing 500 g; today there are so many opportunities that giving up on family planning is simply unacceptable.

Unfortunately, there are situations in which even medicine is powerless, these include, for example, congenital pathologies of the female genital organs in women and men. But the percentage of such pathologies is negligible, and in other cases, after appropriate treatment, many successfully become parents, more than once. According to modern statistics, appropriate adjustment and therapy after an unsuccessful pregnancy allows in more than 80% of cases to successfully conceive and bear a healthy child.

Of course, we need to say “thank you” not only to well-chosen therapy. Very, very much depends on the attitude and responsibility of future parents. After all, since school, everyone has been given lectures about the harmful risk factors that affect our health and reproductive function: alcohol, smoking, drugs. Of course, if you are planning to get pregnant, this is out of the question, and if you have an addiction, then it must be eliminated even before. Healthy food, good, comfortable sleep and a minimum of stress can have a surprising impact not only on your overall well-being. When the body has enough of all vital resources, it starts at full capacity and becomes more productive in every sense. You need to remember this.

Let's sum it up

So, what can we take away from this material:

1. It is POSSIBLE to get pregnant after a miscarriage! And almost immediately;

2. There is no need to rush into the next pregnancy until the causes of spontaneous abortion are identified (although many cases of successful completion of subsequent pregnancies after a miscarriage are known);

3. Comprehensive examination and treatment not only eliminates the problem of miscarriage, but also greatly increases the chances of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby;

4. A new attempt to become parents should be thoughtful and carefully weighed. Time must pass for the pain and fears to leave you, and the desire to start all over again becomes stronger.

These simple tips are the key to success and fulfillment of your deepest desire. Remember that a lot depends on yourself, on your mood, desires and outlook on life. By looking at things positively, not being afraid of new things and firmly striving for your dreams, you can achieve what is almost impossible, at first glance! And as a reward for your desire and desire - a healthy and smiling baby, your baby! Good luck to you and healthy children!

A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion that can occur in the early stages of pregnancy (just a few weeks). Some people don’t even have time to suspect an “interesting situation”, and therefore tolerate what happened quite easily.

It is much more difficult for the couple who were expecting this baby. In such families, quarrels often begin, the woman develops a feeling of guilt and depression. And you need to have incredible courage and willpower not to give up, but to decide to have a child again.

Unfortunately, there is a high probability that the second pregnancy after a miscarriage will end just as sadly. Therefore, in order to carry and give birth to a healthy baby in the future, you need to find out the cause of fetal loss.

Why does miscarriage happen?

Carrying a child requires a lot of effort from the female body. And any “failure in the system” can lead to dire consequences. Doctors believe that a miscarriage can occur for reasons such as:

  1. A previous abortion several times increases the risk of fetal loss in early pregnancy. The most dangerous consequences of abortion are the death of the woman or infertility. It turns out that you need to take care of yourself from a young age.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, etc. If infection or relapse occurs just in the early stages of pregnancy, then the body will spend all its resources fighting the virus and will quickly “forget” about the fetus .
  3. Rh conflict or genetic disorder.
  4. Stress and depression. In this case, it turns out that energy is spent not on bearing a child, but on maintaining the mother’s body. If you are at risk of miscarriage, take a few weeks off.
  5. Hormonal imbalances.
  6. Medicines can be harmful and cause premature birth at any stage.
  7. Chronic diseases: cardiovascular, malfunction of the endocrine system, kidney disease, diabetes. Some statistics: for cardiovascular diseases, the risk of spontaneous abortion in the early stages is 10–15%; for diabetes mellitus – 26–60%.

If the first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, then the next one may also be unsuccessful. To prevent this from happening, a woman needs to closely monitor her health and try to eliminate the cause of what happened. It is also very important to follow all your doctor's advice.

What to do?

Before asking the question “Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage?”, you need to understand the reasons for the misfortune. The embryo is sent for research to find out whether it was viable. The cause may be gene incompatibility or fetal development abnormality.

A woman must be checked for infections and take a hormone test. They also do an ultrasound of the uterus, ovaries, appendages, etc. The inflammatory process and pathology of the female organs are the most common causes of fetal rejection.

Thinking about conception

“Can I give birth after a miscarriage?” or “How long before I can get pregnant after giving birth prematurely?” Perhaps these questions are the most important for a woman who had to go through this misfortune.

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage is possible. For many couples, this is a chance to quickly erase all memories of the loss. But doctors strongly recommend waiting.

How long should it take? It is believed that the more time passes after premature birth, the greater the chance of bearing a healthy baby. You should think about new attempts to become parents at least after three months. Ideally, six months to a year.

How long before you can get pregnant? After miscarriage and premature birth, ovulation proceeds as usual. Therefore, a woman can become pregnant within a couple of weeks.

You can often hear the question: “Can I carry a child immediately after a miscarriage?” There are many cases when such a pregnancy turns out to be successful, and the children are born healthy, at the proper time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having managed to overcome depression after the loss of a fetus, women come for a consultation with a doctor. Here are the most common questions asked to experts:

Question: Can I get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Answer: Unfortunately, the doctor cannot say 100% “yes” or “no”. First of all, you need to establish the cause of premature birth. You and your partner will be given a comprehensive examination. If it occurs due to the health status of one of the parents, then treatment is prescribed. If the reason was due to external factors (trauma, stress, bad habits), then you will have to radically change your lifestyle.

Question: How can I avoid premature birth?

Answer: If you and your sexual partner are absolutely healthy, then try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Avoid stress, tension, and physical activity. Take all medications only after consulting a doctor.

Question: When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Answer: If you are healthy and no problems have appeared after the loss of the embryo, then you can get pregnant with the onset of the next ovulation. But will you be able to carry and give birth to a healthy baby? It is better to give the body time for physical and psychological recovery.

Question: Can I not use protection after premature birth/miscarriage?

Answer: No. Ovulation occurs as usual, so pregnancy after a miscarriage can occur literally a few weeks later, during ovulation. But if you want to give birth to a healthy baby, try to conceive not in a few weeks, but in six months to a year.

Another pregnancy

Doctors are often asked the following questions: “Can pregnancy occur after a miscarriage?”, “How to get pregnant after a miscarriage?” Doctors are confident that pregnancy will be more successful if it was planned.

Why is it necessary to plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage? Firstly, the girl will immediately register with the antenatal clinic. Secondly, if possible, she will protect herself from those factors that negatively affect the development of the fetus (injuries, smoking, alcohol, etc.). Thirdly, you will become more attentive to your health.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage? To do this you need:

  1. Undergo a comprehensive examination. The blood is checked for Rh compatibility of the future parents and for the presence of genetic diseases.
  2. If there is a hormonal imbalance, undergo hormone therapy.
  3. Give up bad habits. This applies to both the mother and father of the unborn child.
  4. Eat right.

Many women don't even realize that weight affects their ability to get pregnant. The body mass index (BMI) of a healthy person ranges from 19 to 26. At the same time, 25–26 is an indicator of excess body weight. If at the beginning of pregnancy the BMI was 26, then by the middle of pregnancy it can shift from 26 to 30–35, which is 10–15 kg.

Many people think: “Since I am carrying a child, I can eat as much as I want.” And they are wrong. Normally, you should gain about 10–12 kg over the entire 40 weeks. Moreover, in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, weight gain should be only 2–3 kg. Disordered eating and, as a result, bloating, constipation, loose stools are extra stress for the body. And this is one of the reasons for early miscarriage.

If a miscarriage has occurred in your life, do not despair. Take this as a signal to action - change your lifestyle with your partner, take care of yourself and your health.

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