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How to treat severe diaper rash in a newborn baby: the best products for treating baby skin at home. Severe diaper rash in a child: how to treat it

Severe diaper rash in children- a common problem. The most common causes of redness:

  • poor hygiene (infrequent washing and bathing, prolonged stay in a wet diaper),
  • overheating (excessively warm clothes, wearing diapers for a long time),
  • aggressive washing powders with a high alkali content (for washing children's clothes it is better to use children's powders and try to rinse the laundry as thoroughly as possible),
  • rough fabrics and seams on clothes can injure the baby’s sensitive skin (soft cotton, calico, and knitted fabrics are comfortable for babies; at first, it is recommended to iron baby underwear after each wash),
  • frequent diarrhea and urination (prolonged contact with feces irritates the skin),
  • allergic reactions.

Clean, comfortable and dry

The first thing that must be done is to eliminate the cause that caused severe diaper rash in baby. Extremely useful for treatment and prevention of diaper rash in infants air baths. Together with regular changes of diapers and diapers, air baths help children's skin recover in 1-2 days. It is also important to avoid overheating. If the air at home is very hot and dry, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, humidify the air and not wrap the baby too much. It is necessary to wash or bathe a small child every day! At the same time, it is useful to add decoctions of string, chamomile, and linden to the water.

How to treat severe diaper rash in children?

The most neutral remedy that can be used to treat severe diaper rash in children is a series. It is now sold in tablets or tea bags. To prepare the infusion, 1 tablet or 1 sachet of string is brewed with boiling water (100 ml) and diluted in half with water at room temperature. The series has an antiseptic, calming effect. A cotton swab is dipped into a warm solution and the irritated skin is washed with blotting movements for 5 minutes.

Light diaper rash can be easily powdered with powder containing talc or zinc oxide. It is not recommended to apply both cream and powder at the same time - together they form pellets. Since Soviet times, sterilized (boiled) vegetable oil has been used to prevent diaper rash. But fatty baby creams are not always useful - they retain moisture on the skin only making the situation worse.

“Miramistin” helps relieve inflammation, and “D-panthenol”, “Bepanten”, “Drapolen”, “Desitin”, “Sudocrem” help to heal wounds.

If your baby's diaper rash is persistent and causes discomfort, you should definitely visit a pediatrician to find out the cause and choose the right remedy.

Attention! Before you buy ointments and creams for the treatment of diaper rash at the pharmacy yourself, carefully read the instructions. Some products are not intended for children under 3 years of age.

Opinions of mothers on forums

Mothers on forums often share their experiences in caring for children. One of the frequently discussed problems is how to treat severe diaper rash . Here we would like to list the means that, judging by the reviews, are the most effective:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil, lubricate diaper rash at night. The reviews are very good.
  2. Bepanten for the night.
  3. Desitin, Boroplus, Sudocrem.
  4. “Grandma’s remedy” for diaper rash: fucorcin and zinc ointment (zinc paste) are cheap products that have been used since the times of the USSR. Sold in a pharmacy. It should be used with caution - fucorcin stains very strongly and is difficult to do. First, a small amount of fucorcin is applied to a cotton pad, the diaper rash is treated, and dried. Then apply a thick layer of zinc ointment (preferably at night), dry it and put on a diaper. The method is relevant when neither creams nor powders help.
  5. A mixture of 10% streptocide and baby cream (cat and dog on the package) in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  6. Sterilized vegetable oil.
  7. Panthenol is medicinal, safe for children (with a smiley face on the packaging).

We hope the cheat sheet will help mothers answer the question “What to do if a child has severe diaper rash, how to treat it?” Share your experience in the comments - your experience will be useful to everyone 😉

Diaper rash in infants is a common reason why no one sleeps at home. Even the smallest redness in a baby’s soft spot can cause severe discomfort. As a result, children become capricious, sleep poorly, and refuse to eat. An advanced form of diaper rash may be an indication for antibiotic therapy. Following some rules of prevention and baby care will help you avoid unwanted consequences. Every mother needs to know how to treat diaper rash.

A newborn baby is especially susceptible to diaper rash, since his skin is especially sensitive due to age-related characteristics.

At a very early age, the baby’s skin needs careful care with the help of special cosmetics. It is really undesirable to save on them, because healthy skin is one of the factors of health. It is the skin that creates the most powerful protection against harmful bacteria entering the body, and also participates in thermoregulation processes.

In infancy, children often suffer from allergic reactions from diapers, creams (which are not suitable for this particular baby), and even from frequent contact with water. As a result, diaper rash appears on the baby's bottom.

What is redness and what causes it

By and large, diaper rash in infants is an inflammatory process of the epidermis in certain areas (most often the butt, armpit, collar area) that are exposed to irritating factors. These include friction created between the baby's skin and the diaper, as well as excessive moisture (sweat).

Most often, the baby may be bothered by diaper rash in the armpits, neck, inguinal folds, and lower abdomen.

Such skin irritations can vary in severity, ranging from slight redness to the appearance of cracks, small and large ulcers. Naturally, you should not start inflammation and start treatment without delay.

Causes of inflammation

The main cause of diaper rash lies in the disruption of the skin's natural protective mechanisms as a result of prolonged exposure to temperature, physical, and chemical irritants. This leads to the creation of optimal conditions for the proliferation of harmful bacteria. They are the main culprits of diaper rash.

Creating a suitable habitat for pathogenic bacteria on the skin is very simple, this leads to:

  1. Rare diaper changes. Diaper rash often occurs if the skin is in contact with his feces for a long time.
  2. The room temperature is too high.
  3. A child wearing clothes made of synthetic materials.

Also, the causes of diaper rash on the butt can be:

  1. Allergic reaction to the sorbent or diaper material.
  2. Allergies to foods consumed by the mother during lactation.

How to fix the situation

Treatment of diaper rash in infants involves eliminating the causes that cause it.

Diaper rash on a baby’s bottom cannot be “triggered.” In the initial stage, it is much easier to cure it than to begin treating the resulting wounds and cracks.

“Mild” diaper rash often does not require specific treatment. Most often, it is possible to solve this problem by following the basic rules of caring for the baby:

  • Timely and regular changing of diapers or diapers.
  • In addition, it is necessary to give the baby “air baths” at least every 2-3 hours, leaving the baby naked for some time at an adequate air temperature in the room.

  • Bathe the diaper rash area under running water every time you change clothes.
  • Dry the skin thoroughly using a soft diaper with light, blotting movements, without creating additional friction on the skin.
  • After water procedures and complete drying of excess moisture, it is necessary to apply high-quality baby creams to the skin to help heal irritations on the skin. Sudocrem and Bepanten ointments are often used; at the pharmacy you can ask for less expensive analogues.
  • After the activities, the child can be dressed.

As a rule, these measures are enough to cure a baby’s skin from mild diaper rash.

Hard case

In some complicated situations, it is not possible to cope with the problem of diaper rash on your own. In this case, you should contact your doctor with a question about how to treat diaper rash? Who, after examining the baby, will give the necessary recommendations.

A visit to the doctor is necessary if:

  1. Skin irritation does not go away for a long time.
  2. The condition tends to worsen.
  3. Against the background of irritation, cracks and purulent wounds appeared.

Most likely, the doctor will write out a prescription for a special “talk bottle” made in a pharmacy, which contains zinc, silver nitrate, and talc. Such products have a drying and antibacterial effect.

What do you need

Every mother should know how to treat diaper rash. Of course, it is best not to make independent decisions, but in each individual case, consult a doctor. But just in case, we have prepared a small cheat sheet.

So, your home medicine cabinet should have:

  • Baby powder.
  • Children's hypoallergenic soap.
  • High-quality baby cream and/or diaper cream, healing, drying cream (“bepanten”, “sudo-cream”).

Before starting treatment at random, it is necessary to find out the causes of diaper rash. This will greatly save your nerves and money.

If you experience an allergic reaction to a diaper, you should use a different brand. Some pharmacies and children's stores offer to purchase them individually. This is an excellent option that will help eliminate this factor and not “throw money away.”

Need to know

Treatment of diaper rash in infants requires a responsible approach, because they pose a serious problem for the baby. Moms and dads often begin to self-medicate diaper rash on the baby’s skin, not knowing some rules, the violation of which will not lead to achieving the desired effect.

  1. To treat wounds caused by excessive humidity, do not use ointments and oils that will cover the surface of the skin with a film, as this will only aggravate the situation. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a paste containing zinc.
  2. You should not use grandma's starch recipe if your child has irritation on his bottom. Rolling up in the folds of the skin, it forms lumps, which then injure it.
  3. The use of traditional medicine in treating an infant is simply unacceptable without consulting a doctor.

The appearance of diaper rash on a baby's skin, such as irritation on the butt, is quite normal, but it indicates that something is not satisfactory for the baby, for example, the air temperature, a diaper, detergents for washing baby clothes, the diet of his mother, the psychological atmosphere in the family etc.

Diaper rash that you cannot cope with on your own within 1-2 days is a reason to definitely take your baby to the doctor.

At a very young age, both boys and girls can suffer from this unpleasant phenomenon with almost equal frequency, so parents need to know what factors lead to it.

Diaper rash is damage to the skin caused by prolonged contact of the skin with moisture, friction or overheating. This type of irritation in medical practice is also called diaper dermatitis.

If a child spends a long time in the same diaper or in a wet diaper, or if the baby is dressed too warmly, excess moisture on the skin will certainly lead to serious problems.

Diaper rash is irritation or inflammatory changes in the delicate and sensitive skin of a baby of varying severity, which develop in places most susceptible to any negative influences.

It is important to start treating diaper rash with prevention. Periodically check your baby's skin for redness, pay special attention to the skin folds and groin, the skin on the butt, inspect the neck and the area behind the ears.

The armpit is also a vulnerable place, since the skin here sweats quickly and is easily rubbed by the seams of clothing. If you notice that your skin has begun to peel or become red, you need to take action.

The skin, in addition to its protective functions, absorbs oxygen molecules and releases carbon dioxide. In addition, the skin absorbs various substances dissolved in water (bathing in herbal infusion).

Another important function of the skin is the removal of waste substances from the body. Any redness, pimples, or peeling already indicate that painful processes are occurring in the body.

And the skin of newborns is so delicate and thin, too vulnerable to rough influences.

Any signals from the baby’s skin are an alarm bell for mommy.

The most common skin problem in infants is diaper rash and diathesis. Diaper rash can appear in different places:

  • in the groin;
  • armpits;
  • between the legs;
  • behind the ears;
  • on the neck;
  • in the lower part of the tummy;
  • on the butt.

Diaper rash is an inflammation of the skin of non-infectious etiology, which appears as a result of prolonged contact of individual areas of the skin with moisture or friction.

In infants, diaper rash is most often found in the natural folds of the skin, on the butt, neck, and lower abdomen. They can often be seen behind the child's ear or in the groin.


The thin and loose skin of a baby is more saturated with water, has low activity of local immunity, and insufficient protective function. These indicators significantly distinguish it from the skin of older children and adults.

Therefore, the baby’s skin is vulnerable, sensitive, and highly susceptible to infections and inflammation.

As a rule, diaper rash appears when exposed to several unfavorable factors that disrupt the barrier (protective) function of the skin, which is the trigger for the development of the inflammatory process.

  1. Mechanical: friction, increased humidity (flow of formula, breast milk, wet diapers and overfilled diapers into the cervical folds), high temperature indoors.
  2. Chemical: irritation with urine salts, fecal enzymes.
  3. Infectious: irritation by waste products of bacteria and fungi.

Provoking factors are:


This is the main reason why diaper rash appears in the groin and butt. Urine, due to its high uric acid content, causes irritation on the skin, and bacteria from feces only enhances its negative effects.

Types of diaper rash

  • Psoriasiform. The rashes have a clearly limited shape and are characterized by pronounced peeling. They differ from psoriasis by their sudden onset and rapid progression.
  • Herpetiformes. Bubbles appear on the rash, often grouped, merging, and upon opening they transform into erosions of irregular shape. But they have nothing to do with the herpes virus, since the virus is not detected in laboratory tests.
  • Common. One of the severe forms, when the affected areas spread from the buttocks to the armpits. More often this form is considered as seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Granulomatous. The rarest form that develops when the immune system fails. It is distinguished by brown rashes with bluish-purple semicircular nodes.

The presence of diaper rash in infants is far from rare. And the main explanation is the thin, delicate skin of a newborn, vulnerable to the influence of external irritants.

Degree of skin damage

  • Easy. It manifests itself as redness or single small rashes, which are often localized in one anatomical area (buttocks, thighs).
  • Average. It has more pronounced redness with infiltration, widespread rash, and isolated small erosions.
  • Heavy. There is a widespread inflammatory process with erosions, abrasions with the addition of a bacterial infection, which have a protracted course. Develops in patients with allergic/seborrheic dermatitis and in some chronic diseases.

Depending on the degree of exposure and duration of irritants on the delicate skin of newborn babies, diaper rash is distinguished:

  1. 1st degree,
  2. 2 degrees,
  3. 3 degrees.

First, the child’s skin exhibits slight redness under the armpits, in the groin area, and on the buttocks. It may not cause him much concern.

But a young mother should not miss this symptom, but treat her baby. Moreover, timely treatment of diaper rash will prevent it from moving to the next stage and will help to remove it without a trace.

If the moment is missed and there is an increase in redness, the appearance of cracks, and weeping areas on the baby’s skin, it means that diaper rash has moved to the second stage.

Doctors distinguish three degrees of skin damage from diaper rash, and they are associated with the intensity of mechanical effects on it:

  • The first degree is redness without visible disturbances in the skin of the baby.
  • The second degree is more intense redness and roughening of the skin. There may even be cracks, pustules and erosions!
  • Third degree - intense redness, the skin gets wet, severe erosions and even ulcers!

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Diaper rash is an area of ​​hyperemic skin (redness), these areas have a clear border with healthy skin, may be swollen, with maceration, and small pimples and erosions may appear.

Gradually they become moist, and in places with difficult access to air (behind the ear, on the butt and in the folds of the neck), when pyogenic and yeast flora join, purulent films may appear.

Diaper rash appears in skin folds, in places of greatest friction:

  • under the diaper: between the buttocks, in the inguinal folds, on the genitals;
  • in the cervical folds (this is facilitated by regurgitation, improper holding of the bottle, hiccups in newborns);
  • behind the ear;
  • under the arms;
  • in large folds on the thighs.

In this case, the child is bothered by tingling and itching, which in turn have a negative impact on the psyche and nervous state of the child. The child becomes restless, capricious, and, despite complete health and well-being, cries and screams.

Parents should examine the baby’s body every day and very carefully so as not to miss the accumulation of moisture in certain areas or the first redness on the skin. Even a completely inexperienced mother can easily identify the signs of diaper rash in a child, after seeing in the photo what such irritations look like:

  • At the initial stage, redness is observed in a certain area on the child’s body, but the integrity of the skin is not compromised.
  • The second stage of diaper rash in a baby is characterized by severe redness of the skin, roughening of such areas and the appearance of microcracks on them.
  • At the third stage, the damaged skin begins to become wet, erosions and pustules appear on it. The child suffers greatly from such irritations, and the risk of infection entering the child’s body increases greatly.

The clinical picture of the disease differs depending on the degree of diaper rash.

Symptoms and signs

The disease is easy to recognize: unpleasant signs appear in certain areas. If you are unsure whether it is diaper rash or other diseases, consult your pediatrician.

The degree of skin damage due to diaper dermatitis depends on many reasons. The stronger and longer the negative factors act, the worse the care of the baby, the sooner the weak signs become more pronounced.

Find out interesting details about the symptoms and treatment of measles in children. What to feed a child with rotavirus infection? Check out the menu in this article.

Areas where diaper dermatitis develops:

  • inguinal folds, perineal area, buttocks (most often);
  • armpits;
  • neck area.

Diagnosis of the disease

When the first signs of inflammation appear, it is necessary to show the baby to a pediatrician or dermatologist. The diagnosis is made based on examination. If an infected diaper rash is suspected, the following measures are taken:

  • culture of discharge from affected areas;
  • scraping from the affected area for fungi.

Additionally, a consultation with an allergist may be prescribed.

Treatment of diaper rash

Diaper rash is not a disease, and therefore does not require medication.

It is important for parents to remember that since skin irritations can be a manifestation of a variety of diseases, treatment of diaper rash in children should be carried out only after examination and consultation with a pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist.

The doctor will explain in detail what to do at the stage of irritation that is observed in the baby. So, with a slight manifestation of dermatitis, even baby cream will help as a remedy for diaper rash in children, and if weeping occurs, you can no longer do without special medications.

A drug with an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, the original drug “Panthenolspray” aerosol for external use, will speed up the healing of affected areas of the skin. This is a time-tested medicinal product containing dexpanthenol, which stimulates skin regeneration. The original medicinal product "Panthenolspray" aerosol for external use has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves tissue regeneration, and is quickly absorbed (absorbed) by the skin. There are no age restrictions, individual intolerance is possible, use in children should be done under adult supervision. Unlike an ointment or cream, an aerosol for external use is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, leaving no greasy stains. You need to be very careful when buying a drug in a pharmacy, because there are a huge number of analogues on the market, the packaging of which is often visually similar to the packaging of the original medicinal product - “Panthenolspray” aerosol for external use. The original medicinal product “Panthenolsprey” aerosol for external use is sold in white packaging, with orange letters and a smiley face next to the name of the drug. The new packaging (since 2017) has the sign “manufactured in Europe"

It is necessary to combat diaper rash in children in a comprehensive manner, using all available methods and means of treatment, but first you need to gently remove the irritation in the initial stage.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of this dermatological pathology and, as far as possible, quickly and completely eliminate all predisposing and provoking factors in the child.

It is necessary to begin treating diaper rash in newborns and young children immediately after their appearance in the stage of mild hyperemia, especially in places of irritation with urine and feces - in the perineum and external genitalia in girls, in the groin in boys, and in the gluteal region (on the butt) .

In most cases, treating diaper rash in a young child requires a comprehensive approach with the mandatory use of traditional medicine.

Most often used for this purpose:

  • starch;
  • vegetable oils;
  • decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs in the form of washes, lotions and baths.

Using starch for diaper rash

The use of this remedy for the treatment of skin irritation is not always recommended by pediatricians, but at the same time, the use of starch for diaper rash is considered quite common and receives a lot of positive feedback from parents. It is used instead of powder.

The first thing a mother who notices signs of skin irritation in her child needs to do is determine whether it is really diaper dermatitis, and not signs of an allergy to food or hygiene products.

Next, without delay, they begin treatment for diaper rash in newborns so that they do not progress to a more severe stage. An important step in this matter is to eliminate as much as possible factors that contribute to skin damage.

The task of parents is to pay attention to the slight redness of the folds of the skin. At your pediatrician's appointment, ask how to prevent further irritation of the epidermis.

The danger of diaper rash is the rapid transition from one stage to another. With inactivity, slight redness can give way to severe irritation within a few hours. Heat and high humidity worsen the prognosis.

Before starting therapy, the doctor will talk with the parents and conduct a detailed analysis of the symptoms and the duration of the manifestation of characteristic signs. It is important to understand whether it is only poor hygiene or high humidity that provoked skin damage.

The first degree of diaper rash on the skin of newborns can be cured by parents themselves.

The best remedy is naked airing, when after washing the baby is left for 10-15 minutes without clothes.

So, moisture does not accumulate in the groin, on the buttocks, in the folds of the legs, but evaporates on its own. And diaper rash naturally dries out.

The duration of air baths increases with the age of the baby, for example, at one year old you can safely leave him with a bare bottom for 30-40 minutes.

Diaper rash appears very quickly - sometimes it is enough to spend several hours in a damp diaper. However, despite the fact that the baby’s skin is hypersensitive to any irritants, it recovers no less quickly from damage. To cure diaper rash of 1-2 degrees, only 2-3 days are enough. A few simple rules will help you avoid problems in the future. So, what is included in therapeutic care:

Dr. Komarovsky has his own views and opinions on this disgrace. I suggest you watch his video story.

Diaper rash in a newborn, how to treat it and how to get rid of it quickly, worries almost every mother. I have already provided you with a list of proven medications, now in order to get rid of unpleasant redness and rashes at home, you must strictly follow the included instructions.

It doesn’t matter where your baby has diaper rash, in the groin or on the throat, all these medicines will help you.

Traditional medicine is often used at home, although it is not popular among the younger generation.

Folk remedies for diaper rash in newborns

Oak bark. Many people know that the bark is a good medicine for damage to the skin and mucous membranes. In this case, you need to pour one glass of bark with two scans of boiled water, and then pour it into the bath and bathe your baby there for about 15 minutes.


“I believe that diaper rash starts because of diapers! It's better to use diapers. The famous doctor Komarovsky writes about this in his book.”


“Zinc paste is our salvation! It costs pennies, but it helps a lot. I have this opinion about diapers: they should be taken off at home. Let your butt breathe air!”

“We always use Tsindol. This is the best remedy! In the evening we lubricate the skin, and in the morning there is no trace of diaper rash.”

“Bepanten helps the treatment well. But for prevention we use Desitin, it also saves from heat rash.”

Dear mothers. Prevention of a disease is the best way to treat it.

If you follow all the tips and recommendations exactly, carefully examine your baby every day, and avoid food allergies, your baby will always be healthy and cheerful.

This applies to chafing and diaper rash. They can be easily avoided.

Ointment for diaper rash in children

Many pediatricians recommend treating diaper rash in babies with ointments. It is worth considering that not every medication is suitable for a child, so parents need to pay attention to the composition of the drug before using the product.

This measure will avoid the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.


Most often, diaper rash on a child's bottom is treated with the help of Bepanten, the main active ingredient of which is dexpanthenol. It is this active component that is responsible for:

  • for the destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • for reducing and eliminating the inflammatory process;
  • for the regeneration of damaged skin areas.

Bepanten contains additional components that ensure the formation of a protective film on the skin, nutrition and hydration of skin cells. Thanks to these properties, the drug is used to treat even advanced diaper rash on the butt.

The medication is applied in a thin layer to the cleansed epidermis. The cream should be absorbed into the skin as much as possible.

The affected areas are treated no more than 2 times a day, and the duration of the treatment course is determined by the child’s recovery. If a rash, itching or other manifestations of allergies appear, the drug should be discontinued and the baby should be shown to a doctor.

People like to say that little children are little problems. But not for mothers who spend nights by the crib and rack their brains, going over all the reasons why the baby sleeps restlessly and cries all the time.

During the period of adaptation to the environment, the baby faces a lot of troubles that affect his health. One of the problems is related to redness and natural rashes on the skin. The fact is that the baby’s blood vessels are located quite close to the surface. This leads to the fact that the slightest overheating provokes active evaporation of moisture. That is why delicate and delicate skin requires special protection, attention and careful care.

During increased friction or prolonged contact with moisture, inflammation appears on the baby's body. This is diaper rash or diaper dermatitis. But this does not mean at all that the reason is only wet diapers or the use of diapers. It often appears in a baby:

  • in the inguinal and intergluteal folds;
  • cervical;
  • behind the ears;
  • on the butt;
  • between the fingers;
  • in the armpits;
  • lower abdomen.

If your child becomes restless, cries, cannot sleep, and no distractions help, examine him. The manifestation of diaper dermatitis is accompanied by burning and itching.

There are three degrees of irritation:

  1. Characterized by slight redness of the skin. Already at this stage the alarm should be sounded.
  2. Microcracks appear on the skin, redness intensifies, and sometimes pustules appear.
  3. In addition to all the previous symptoms, weeping cracks are added, and ulcers form on the newborn’s body.


Diaper rash on a baby's sensitive body occurs due to excessive contact with moisture. It destroys the protective barrier on the baby's skin and opens the way for germs. Diaper rash is often caused by:

Causes of diaper rashDescription
Skin irritation from urine or fecesThis is a natural reaction of the body and one of the most common causes of diaper rash. The harmful effects of urine are increased if it is mixed with feces. Aggressive chemical compounds in the composition, even with short contact with the skin, cause diaper dermatitis
Excessively wrapping the baby at home or during walksMothers are sometimes so worried about the baby not getting cold that they are happy to overdo it and put a hundred clothes on it, forgetting that the baby sweats and a fertile environment for dermatitis is created on the body
TemperatureHigh temperature indoors or outdoors, high humidity in the room
Poor drying of children's skin after bathingDiaper rash can occur if the mother is in a hurry to immediately dress the baby in a vest and a diaper. First you need to get wet and sprinkle the skin
NutritionNew foods in a baby’s diet affect the composition of stool and the risk of skin irritation increases. Sometimes diaper rash appears precisely with the introduction of complementary foods. If the baby has a food allergy, then redness will also appear on the cheeks
FrictionAny clothes worn incorrectly, or the same diaper that does not fit, rub the skin in those places where diaper rash appears most often
Using synthetic diapersIf it does not absorb moisture well and the baby stays in it for a long time, then diaper dermatitis cannot be avoided. Choose diapers that instantly absorb moisture. This minimizes skin contact time with urine

It would seem that diapers were created for babies. But sometimes mothers pay such a high price for the convenience of using them. If redness of the skin appears along the line of contact of the diaper, then you should pay attention to the material from which it is made and it is likely to be replaced.

More than others suffer from diaper rash:

  • children with very sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions;
  • newborns with light skin and a pronounced vascular pattern;
  • infants with metabolic disorders and, as a result, overweight.

Treatment at the first stage

Diaper rash not only causes discomfort to the baby, but also leads to complications in the form of a bacterial or fungal infection. Therefore, they cannot be ignored even at the first stage.

Perhaps every mother faces the problem of redness on the skin. It’s good if the problem ends before it even begins. To prevent its development, it is enough to take into account the following recommendations and strictly adhere to them:

  1. The baby should not be allowed to remain wet after urinating. If you use diapers, change them regularly. If you use diapers, do not let your child wear them for more than three hours at a time.
  2. After each change of diapers or diapers, you should wash your baby.
  3. Do not rush to swaddle your baby or put a diaper on him right away. Let your skin breathe a little. Air baths lasting up to 20 minutes are the best medicine against unwanted redness and rashes.
  4. Treat your skin with a protective cream. Choose only high-quality children's cosmetics so as not to harm the baby even more.
  5. If you suspect that the cause of the redness is a reaction to the diaper, try using a product from another brand.

What to do in case of second and third degree irritation

Carefully examine your child's skin at every opportunity, during and after bathing. The baby cannot say what is bothering him. Instead, the condition of his skin will tell his mother about it. If diaper rash stubbornly refuses to disappear, continues to spread, and cracks, blisters and pustules appear against its background, then you should make an appointment with a doctor.

It is possible that you will be prescribed the use of medicated protective creams or ointments. In this case, bepanten, drapolene, and panthenol, already tested by mothers, are considered effective. Otherwise, we are dealing with the second stage of diaper rash, which requires additional procedures.

All of the above remedies and recommendations remain valid for the treatment of second-degree diaper rash. In addition to these, the doctor usually recommends recipes for mixtures with components that are dried. In pharmacies they prepare so-called chatterboxes, combining components such as lead water, glycerin, zinc oxide and talc in the required proportions.

Often, before treatment with ointments, treatment of inflamed areas of the skin with ultraviolet rays is prescribed. The resulting wounds are smeared with brilliant green or blue. As prescribed by the doctor, tannin ointment or vitamin F99 is applied to the affected skin.

If diaper rash tends to spread over the entire surface of the skin, attention should be paid to hygiene procedures. Bathing the baby in a weak solution of potassium permanganate helps. Herbal baths should not be ignored either. But only if you are sure that the child is not allergic to them.

Here is one of the recipes for a bath against second-degree diaper rash.

  1. We buy oak bark at the pharmacy. Pour one liter of boiling water into four tablespoons of herbs.
  2. Make a water bath and leave the mixture for half an hour.
  3. Strain the solution into the bath.
  4. Such water procedures should be limited in time. The water temperature should not exceed 36 degrees.
  5. You can keep your baby in a bath with the addition of oak bark decoction for no more than 8 minutes.
  6. Then you should blot all the folds dry, under no circumstances rubbing the irritated areas.


Diaper rash at the third stage is very difficult to treat. While you are trying to take all measures to heal some wounds, others appear in a fertile environment. The baby begins to lose weight and his immune system is weakened. In this case, you should use special bactericidal agents prescribed by the pediatrician. Therefore, it is initially better to take all measures to prevent skin irritation in the early stages.

To do this, you should follow simple tips for caring for your baby's skin.

Air bathsAllow your baby to be naked for as long as possible. Let him lie on his tummy. The total time of air baths varies: for babies up to three months - 20 minutes a day, six months - 30 minutes a day, 12 months - 40 minutes a day
Baby clothesChoose comfortable clothing made from soft cotton. It is advisable that items be sewn with the seams facing outward to avoid friction. Don’t put clothes on your baby that are already too small, no matter how cute he looks in them. The health and comfort of the baby is more important
DiapersChange disposable diapers at least eight times a day. Even if you are late during a walk or are visiting, find an opportunity to change the diaper
DiapersUse disposable diapers or cloth-based oilcloth
Washing baby's clothesWash your child’s clothes and underwear only with powders specifically designed for this purpose. Rinse everything more thoroughly
Introducing complementary foodsIntroduce complementary foods gradually. Try to diversify your children's diet with a new product no more than once a week. Even if it suddenly provokes an allergic reaction, it will be easy for you to identify it

  • use herbal baths without consulting a doctor;
  • treat weeping wounds with greasy-based ointments and oils, as they form a film that prevents the skin from breathing and the wounds from healing;
  • listen to the advice of neighbors, grandmothers, girlfriends who also had this and ignore visiting the doctor;
  • test different products on vulnerable children’s skin, even if they are expensive;
  • use starch for powdering according to popular advice, as it only promotes the proliferation of microbes and the spread of infections in the folds;
  • do not overuse sanitary napkins, even baby wipes; they should only be used when there is no access to water.
  • fix the diapers too tightly, as air must circulate under them.

All mothers are familiar with diaper rash in the early stages. They begin to blame themselves for this, although in fact it is very difficult to prevent the occurrence of diaper dermatitis. Even the most attentive mothers face this problem. But daily care, care and attention to the condition of the baby’s skin will not allow minor redness to develop into a more serious problem.

By adhering to preventive measures, you will not be afraid of any pustules, redness, or cracks. After all, the ideal treatment for diaper rash is to prevent its occurrence from the first days of the baby’s birth. Then the child will always feel comfortable, sleep sweetly and happily explore everything new around him.

Video - diaper rash in children

A mother caring for her little treasure knows every fold, every centimeter of skin. She immediately notices any changes in the skin, but the main thing is not to panic if suspicious redness or irritation is detected. For the delicate skin of newborns, diaper rash is a common occurrence. If detected in time, they are not dangerous, but it is better to take care that diaper rash does not form.

A baby's skin is very delicate, and everyone's favorite cute folds are precisely the place where diaper rash can potentially occur.

What is it and where does it appear?

An important function of the skin is protection. Representing a complex cellular structure, it does not cover the newborn’s body with a solid shell, but forms a thin porous layer. Through the pores, the skin breathes, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. They also absorb substances present in aqueous solutions (herbal infusions used when bathing). In the same way, through the pores, waste substances are removed from the body.

If problems occur in the skin's drainage system, it signals inflammation, irritation, the appearance of acne, and diaper rash. The thermoregulation and oxygen exchange of the baby's skin have not yet adapted to the outside world, so they cannot protect the baby completely.

Since a newborn's upper layer of epidermis is very delicate and vulnerable, the slightest disruption can cause annoying changes in its condition. A common problem in infants is diaper rash and diathesis (we recommend reading:). Probable places for diaper rash to form:

  • behind the ears;
  • on the neck;
  • armpits;
  • between the legs;
  • in the groin;
  • lower abdomen;
  • on the butt, between the buttocks.

Diaper rash is caused by moisture accumulation and friction. Excess moisture appears when a newborn overheats due to lying in wet diapers for a long time. Friction may occur in an infant when using baby undershirts made of rough fabric or with internal seams.

Photo of diaper rash in a baby girl. The symptom does not look the most pleasant - red spots, which can be either dry or weeping, depending on the location

Advice to mothers: do not chase beautiful and fashionable clothes for a newborn, choose comfortable models with external seams and soft natural materials. Our wise grandmothers sewed vests from their old, worn dresses. They did this not because there was no money, but because they wanted to protect the baby from diaper rash.

Differences in diaper rash according to the degree of damage

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According to the intensity of damage, diaper rash is usually divided into three degrees:

  • 1st degree – slight redness of the skin without damage to the upper layer.
  • 2nd degree – severe redness, accompanied by roughening of the skin. Pustules, cracks, and erosions appear.
  • 3rd degree - the intensity of redness increases, erosions and ulcers are pronounced, the skin becomes wet.

The formation of diaper rash leads to general malaise of the child. The baby's temperature rises, he is plagued by itching and burning, and constantly feels severe pain. Such a negative picture emerges if treatment for diaper rash is started. If you notice the slightest redness in the groin, butt or neck, immediately begin to eliminate the problem. Be sure to check all the folds on the newborn's body.

Advanced diaper rash negatively affects the child’s condition as a whole - body temperature may rise and general malaise may appear.

What can cause diaper rash?

Above we have already indicated two main reasons - friction and increased body humidity. Why does excess moisture contribute to the formation of diaper rash? Excessive moisture can remove the natural lubrication on the skin, thereby removing the protection of the upper layers of the epidermis. Remaining unprotected, the child’s skin cannot resist the penetration of bacteria and dangerous infections. Let's consider the factors that cause an increase in humidity:

  • Diapers and diapers that are not changed on time retain urine, which irritates the baby’s delicate body in the groin area and between the legs.
  • The mother did not bother to thoroughly dry the newborn after taking a bath and moisture collected in the folds.
  • The child sweats profusely in a hot room or during a walk, which the mother did not pay attention to.
  • Tight wrapping of the baby, blocking the access of air to the body.

An even sadder picture will turn out if increased body humidity is combined with friction against rough fabric or diapers. Diaper rash is especially dangerous for children prone to allergic reactions - they suffer doubly. The baby’s body can become covered not only with diaper rash, but also with ulcers. In order to prevent the dangerous development of the problem, it is important for mothers to carefully monitor the external state of the child’s body, notice every little thing, and respond to various changes in a timely manner.

Pay attention to the child’s comfort in diapers - if you take off the diaper and there are marks left in the places where it fits tightly to the body, immediately change it to another brand. It is possible that the material from which the diaper is made contains substances harmful to your child’s body.

How to deal with diaper rash and redness?

Having found out the causes of the problem, we will begin to eliminate it. The sooner we start treating diaper rash, the better results we will get. Of course, the most effective measure is disease prevention. If time is lost and the disease affects the child’s body, it must be treated urgently. Let's consider ways to combat each degree of the disease.

First degree

The mildest case that does not require intensive treatment. The main thing is to carefully ensure that the diapers are always dry and the baby is clean:

  • Change diapers on time - at least every 3 hours.
  • When the baby has gone a little or a lot, immediately wash him and dry him thoroughly.
  • Treat light redness with baby cream or sprinkle with talcum powder, inspect all folds to ensure there is no moisture in them.
  • Regularly arrange air baths for your child, especially during the hot season.
  • Advanced mothers try to dry their baby's skin with a hairdryer. This procedure requires special care. If all efforts are ineffective, you can turn to ointments for help. Desitin, Bepanten, D-panthenol soothe the skin well and relieve redness (more details in the article:). Many mothers prefer Baniocin and zinc ointment, which are excellent against diaper rash. Before treating wounds with these products, consult your pediatrician.

The safest means to combat diaper rash are air baths and hypoallergenic baby cream. If this does not help, you need to seek help from stronger drugs and procedures.

Second degree

If you find signs of second-degree diaper rash, avoid self-treatment and do not try to get rid of the disease using untested methods. Contact a dermatologist immediately. He will examine the child, find out the depth of the lesion, and prescribe the correct treatment. As a rule, in the second degree, special mash is prescribed, which is prepared in pharmacies, and as additional measures, ultraviolet irradiation of problem areas is used, and the pustules are smeared with blue and brilliant green.

Folk remedies are warm baths with decoctions of medicinal plants and herbs. Oak bark is often used. It perfectly disinfects the skin, dries it, removes irritation, and helps strengthen the immune system. There is no need to wash the baby after such a bath; you can simply blot the baby’s body with a soft towel. It is easy to prepare an oak bark solution. You need to brew 4 tablespoons of the dried mixture in a liter of boiling water, put in a water bath, leave for half an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and poured into the bath - hold the child in it for 5 minutes.

If a weeping crust forms at the site of diaper rash, do not use a greasy cream or ointment to treat it - they will cover the wound with a thin film, blocking access to air, which will prevent rapid healing. Do not try to cure second-degree diaper rash with remedies that friends or acquaintances may recommend to you. Correct treatment can only be prescribed by a pediatrician who knows your child well.

Oak bark is an excellent natural antiseptic with an astringent effect. It can dry out diaper rash a little and prevent its further development.

What should you not do?

Among the useful and truly effective folk remedies, there are those that can only worsen the situation. Such dangerous methods of miracle healing include:

  • Drying the crusts with starch. When starch gets on the wet folds in the folds under the arms, it hardens and forms lumps, which increase friction. The child's suffering intensifies and irritation increases in size.
  • Independent selection of herbs for baths. Harmless chamomile or frequently used celandine can cause allergies, aggravating the problem.
  • Endless advice from well-wishers, pushing a worried mother to unjustified experiments. Don't turn your little one into a guinea pig.
  • Do not choose plastic film to protect the crib. Buy a special cotton-based oilcloth.
  • Avoid using oily wipes to wipe your baby. The substances with which they are impregnated may cause irritation to the baby.

Correct actions when detecting diaper rash

  • Take your child to the pediatrician so that he can determine the exact cause of the redness.
  • Keep your baby's body dry and clean.
  • Carry out air baths so that the affected areas are filled with oxygen and the skin can breathe. The technique of performing air baths is simple, but the effect is significant.
  • During the period of exacerbation of the disease, change diapers at least eight times a day.
  • Rinse all your newborn's clothes and diapers thoroughly. Dry them, if possible, in the fresh air.

Air baths are always necessary for the baby; they not only prevent the appearance of skin problems, but also increase immunity, strengthen the child and make him happy

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about diapers?

After the enthusiastic acceptance of diapers, opinions began to be expressed that they were harmful to the child’s body, and that diapers for boys were especially undesirable. Proponents of this theory talk about the greenhouse effect of diapers, which can lead to infertility in the future.

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