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How can you moisturize your face if you don’t have cream? Wash your face with cool water. Glycolic peeling: the effectiveness of a salon procedure

Dry skin does not have a matte shine, which appears due to excessive secretion of subcutaneous sebum. It is very thin, the pores on it are almost invisible.

Most often, dry dermis manifests itself due to an imbalance in the water balance, which manifests itself in more intense evaporation of water from its surface.

Skin deprived of moisture ages and fades quickly, wrinkles and freckles are clearly visible on it, and pigmentation often appears.

Dry skin types are easily injured: red spots and peeling may appear in the cold. In the summer, dry skin often becomes tight and itchy.

It is very difficult to choose cleansers and creams for this type of skin; it reacts quite sharply to any irritating and inappropriate products.

Moisturizing the skin with folk remedies

In the old days, when it was impossible to choose the right cream in the store, the fair sex used natural products that nourished the skin and preserved its beauty and freshness.

Recipes that do not contain preservatives, chemicals and other harmful components can be effectively used by modern women and girls.

Skin moisturizing masks

Very useful for dry skin mustard mask. To prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of dry mustard and 20 grams of olive or sunflower oil and mix the ingredients.

To prevent the mixture from being too thick, you can add a little boiled water to it. Apply the mask to the cheeks, forehead, chin. It is not advisable for the mixture to come into contact with the skin in the eye area.

Keep the mustard mixture on your face for no more than 5 minutes. Next, you need to wash it off. Mustard with oil helps not only retain moisture, but also improves blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, which preserves its healthy color, youth and beauty.

Can be used to moisturize facial skin flax-seed. Dry seeds need to be ground in a blender, pour the resulting mass with water and bring to a boil over low heat. 10 minutes after boiling, the mass must be removed from the heat.

The consistency of the mask should not be too thick or liquid. Cooled ground seeds should be applied to the face for 15 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with warm water. This is an excellent product for moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Natural dairy products are an effective way to whiten and retain moisture in the skin. In equal proportions you need to take milk, sour cream, cream and cottage cheese.

Mix all ingredients very thoroughly and apply to face. After using this mask, the skin literally glows with health. It is not advisable to use store-bought products to prepare this mask.

Compresses for dry skin

This recipe includes a herbal mixture that has a beneficial effect on the appearance and condition of the skin. To prepare the decoction, you need to take one tablespoon of dry yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, and hop cones.

The collection is poured with 200 grams of boiling water and infused for more than half an hour. Next, you need to take 50 grams of the resulting broth and add egg yolk and 20 grams of honey to it.

All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Dip a piece of clean cloth into the resulting mixture and place it on your face without wringing it out.

Keep the compress on your face for no more than 20 minutes. Then remove the cloth and rinse off the remaining mixture.

A compress of birch leaves will also help restore radiance and velvety to the skin. You need to take 100 grams of fresh leaves from a tree or 2 tablespoons of crushed dry product and pour a liter of boiling water over them.

The decoction should infuse for more than 3 hours. The resulting decoction is used as a compress, cold or warm.

Ready-made products for moisturizing facial skin

The modern cosmetics industry offers a great variety of creams, lotions and tonics that are designed to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face and neck.

It is very difficult to choose the right product from all the variety. But, there are several fairly simple rules that will help you purchase useful cosmetics.

Creams for dry skin must contain one of these components:

  • glycerol;
  • natural oils;
  • petrolatum.

Better nutrition and moisture retention are provided by collagen and ceramides.

The product must also contain microelements:

  • silicon;
  • selenium;
  • magnesium.

Creams based on herbal ingredients have a rather short shelf life. The following plants are good for dry skin:

  • yarrow;
  • sage;
  • nettle;
  • hop;
  • strawberry leaves.

Toners for moisturizing dry skin should not contain zinc and alcohol. On the contrary, these substances dry out the skin. An excellent analogy for tonics can be ice cubes frozen from pure water or some kind of herbal decoction.

In addition to cosmetics, there are other ways to maintain the beauty and health of your skin.

To prevent dehydration, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

It is advisable to exclude soda and store-bought juices from the diet.

Constant stress, lack of sleep, and fatigue also negatively affect the appearance and condition of the skin. Teas with antidepressant herbs are perfect for calming and relaxing:

  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm.

Sound and healthy sleep, at least 8 hours a day, helps restore a fresh look to your skin.

Useful products for dry skin:

  • fruits and vegetables containing water: watermelon, grapes, orange, melon, fresh cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, green onions;
  • fatty sea fish, seafood rich in Omega 6 amino acids;
  • dairy products: yogurt, whole milk, kefir;
  • foods high in sulfur: chicken eggs, asparagus, garlic;
  • meat and offal: beef, pork, chicken and beef liver;
  • legumes: beans, peas;
  • instead of animal fats, vegetable oils should be included in the diet;
  • foods rich in vitamins E, B, A.

Caring for dry skin is not too complicated, the main thing is to do it regularly. Systematic moisturizing will help give your face a fresh, healthy and radiant look.

Often taking care of their face, most of the fair sex do not pay due attention and care to their body. But here it’s worth thinking about, because the skin of the body is just as exposed as the face to negative environmental influences.

How to moisturize your body skin at home

With the help of natural masks, moisturizing and nourishing lotions, as well as creams, you can perfectly moisturize your body and face. And with the help of natural remedies, the skin will become smooth, soft, elastic and toned. Ready-made masks can be purchased at any cosmetics store, store or pharmacy.

If you don’t particularly trust ready-made cosmetics, then you have at your disposal a great variety of recipes for preparing nourishing masks and lotions.

Well, if you are not satisfied with light peeling, you can safely use a scrub that will stimulate regeneration processes in the skin. It will thoroughly remove old particles of dead skin, and after its use new ones will appear. As a result of the scrubbing procedure, the body will become smooth and beautiful.

  • The fact is that a body scrub contains large abrasive particles, while in a face scrub they are much smaller. Therefore, dry skin should be scrubbed once every seven days, while oily skin should undergo deep cleansing no more than two or three times.

To reduce the symptoms of dryness, there are some tips you can follow.

Literally for a short period of time, give up foods that contain trans fats and saturated animal fats.

  • To put it in more understandable terms, you should limit yourself to eating fatty meat and poultry. Various cheeseburgers, hamburgers and chips. Instead of these products, it is better to include fatty fish, which is enriched with fatty acids, in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for the body to restore the balance of the immune system;
  • To oily fish you need to add the use of vegetable oils. The leaders in their beneficial properties are flaxseed and corn, rapeseed and olive oils;
  • Vegetable salads are a source of antioxidant vitamins. For example, white cabbage with carrots and vegetable oil. A lot of these vitamins are found in fruits, citrus fruits, apples, berries - sea buckthorn, blueberries, grapes, etc.;
  • Undoubtedly, it is more profitable to extract all nutrients from food. But sometimes you need to supplement your diet with nutritional supplements that contain antioxidant vitamins and fatty acids.

To avoid troubles with moisturizers, you need to carefully know which components may cause an allergic reaction. Recommendations from cosmetologists say that you need to monitor the composition of your moisturizers.

Try to avoid contact with creams or lotions containing ingredients such as:

Be careful when purchasing any moisturizer for dry, sensitive and irritation-prone skin.

Choose cosmetics with few ingredients. If you come across a cream that contains more than forty components, most likely you may experience unpleasant sensations.

Ways to moisturize your body with home remedies

You can take care of yourself with the help of nourishing, moisturizing and toning masks and lotions that you can prepare yourself.

  • A coffee mask is prepared from an equal amount of olive oil and natural ground coffee, with the addition of two tablespoons of natural cream or sour cream. Everything is mixed and applied. Lasts up to ten minutes, then rinses off and no further moisturizing is required;
  • salt, coffee grounds, sugar, ground cinnamon are mixed with olive oil and applied in circular massage movements. Keep this mixture for no more than twenty minutes. Ground coffee in masks is needed not only to cleanse the body, but also to give it elasticity;
  • This mask is applied exclusively to dry skin, without steaming. To do this, honey is mixed with grape juice and mummy tablets. Stir until all components are dissolved. The sweet mixture should be applied to dry skin of the body and washed off after half an hour. This mask will not only give velvety and moisture, but also perfectly tighten weakened skin;
  • Using a mixture of honey and yolks, you can perfectly nourish and soften dryness. The mask lasts for no more than a quarter of an hour;
  • Whole milk mixed with mineral water can give softness and elasticity. This cocktail can be used every day, because it is easy to prepare and does not require large financial expenses.

All of the above masks do not require special proportions, since the components included in them are only of natural origin. Therefore, you can make an individual recipe that is best suited for you.

Women pay maximum attention to their face, starting to sound the alarm at the slightest change in skin condition. The body is often left without proper attention, and pimples, peeling, and itching that appear on it are attributed to seasonal reasons and bad soap. Meanwhile, the condition of the skin is an indicator of health. What can dry body skin signal: causes and treatment of what pathologies is necessary in this case? Learn to speak the same language as your body and respond correctly to its signals.

What are the causes of itching and dry skin on the body?

Many reasons can provoke dry skin on the body, ranging from everyday life to vitamin deficiency or serious pathologies in the body. The reasons can be reduced to the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • not drinking enough;
  • abuse of laxatives and diuretics;
  • age-related changes;
  • exposure to household chemicals;
  • malnutrition;
  • improper body care;
  • hormonal changes;
  • unfavorable climate;
  • synthetic clothing;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • frequent bathing in chlorinated water, etc.

External factors that cause dry skin can be easily eliminated, but internal diseases require additional diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Very dry skin can signal pathologies such as:

  • the initial stage of dermatitis of all types;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • eczema;
  • ichthyosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • allergy.

How to treat if you have very dry skin

Moisturizing the skin of the body for certain diseases is part of the therapeutic treatment, eliminating not the causes, but the consequences of the pathology. If the skin is peeling, and there are no external reasons for this, you should consult a dermatologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, neurologist or other specialized specialists. If you suspect that dryness has appeared for other reasons, then eliminate them, and then begin to restore the healthy state of the skin. To do this you should:

  • review your diet;
  • start taking vitamins for the skin of the body;
  • use moisturizers.

Vitamins for the body

Caring for dry skin requires not only external influence, but also an internal catalyst for regeneration processes, a stimulator of mineral and lipid metabolism. Vitamins A, E, D, PP, F, H, B2, B5, K, B12 cope with this task perfectly. When choosing synthetic vitamin supplements at the pharmacy, carefully study their composition, making sure that the necessary groups of substances are included in the preparations. Giving preference to natural sources of vitamins, include in your diet:

  1. Liver, carrots, cottage cheese, onions (vitamin A).
  2. Cereals, potatoes, nuts, greens (B vitamins).
  3. Citrus fruits, red peppers, cauliflower, currants (vitamin C).
  4. Vegetable oils, milk (vitamin E).
  5. Fish, butter, seaweed (vitamins D).
  6. Kidneys, legumes, spinach, mushrooms (vitamin H).
  7. Broccoli, prunes, eggs, bananas (vitamin K).
  8. Tomatoes, dates, wheat germ (vitamin PP).

Body cream

An effective nourishing cream for dry skin includes vegetable and essential oils: olive, lavender, jojoba, coconut, shea, grape seed, avocado. Additional ingredients needed to eliminate dryness:

  • glycerol;
  • passion fruit extract;
  • petrolatum;
  • macadamia extract;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • elastin.

How to moisturize your body skin at home

If you are concerned about dry skin on your body, the cause and treatment for which have been identified, use the following homemade moisturizers:

  1. Take baths more often with herbal decoctions (chamomile, string), oatmeal, milk.
  2. Give up soap and replace it with soft gels or foams with a moisturizing effect.
  3. Don't use bubble baths.
  4. Go to a Russian bathhouse (with wet steam).
  5. Try making your own cream, all the ingredients of which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

For a homemade nourishing cream that will help moisturize the skin of the body, you will need half a spoon each of calendula and coconut oil, a whole spoon of sesame oil, 8 g of beeswax, 40 g of cocoa butter (solid). Melt all ingredients in a steam bath, then whisk gently with a whisk. Cool and add 0.5 tsp. chamomile essential oil. Use the cream after a shower or bath.

Video: getting rid of dry skin

A feeling of tightness, dull color and flaking are signs of overdried skin. Lack of moisture leads to increased sensitivity of the skin. On such a face, redness and spider veins often appear. Expression wrinkles appear on it faster. Deep moisturizing of the facial skin can correct the situation. But how to achieve it at home?

Care rules to prevent skin dehydration

The main reason for excessive dry skin is improper care. Dehydration is caused by prolonged exposure to the street in cold and windy weather, during peak solar activity. Low humidity in the room contributes to drying out the skin. Peeling occurs after washing with hard water, abuse of cleansers and disinfectants.

How to properly care for your face? Here are 8 simple rules, following which you will forget about dry skin.

  1. Wash your face twice a day – morning and evening. By resorting to a hygiene procedure more often, you wash away the lipid layer that prevents the evaporation of moisture from the skin.
  2. Use cleansing gel, not soap. You can even do without makeup if you wash your face with thermal water.
  3. After cleansing and toning, be sure to moisturize your face with cream.
  4. Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol as they dry out the skin.
  5. Exfoliate your face no more than once a week. Products with hard abrasive particles are not suitable for deep cleansing of dehydrated skin.
  6. Apply to face twice a week. These can be both professional and home cosmetic products.
  7. Remove makeup with micellar water or milk.
  8. In summer, use creams with SPF protection, in winter - fatty products enriched with vitamins A and E.

All caring cosmetic products contain moisturizing substances, or hydrants. They work differently. Thus, hygroscopic humidifiers have the property of drawing moisture from the air.

You can moisturize your facial skin with derivatives of paraffin, petroleum jelly, vegetable and animal wax. Such substances are called hydrophobic hydrants. By creating a water-repellent film on the surface of the face, they thereby prevent moisture from evaporating.

The list of products that help moisturize the skin is very wide. This:

  • masks;
  • lotions;
  • decoctions;
  • creams;
  • tonics;
  • compresses;
  • infusions;
  • ice cubes;
  • cocktails.

Moisturizers often contain vegetable oils: olive, argan, almond, sesame, jojoba, shea. Auxiliary ingredients of cosmetics are extracts of cucumber, burdock, lotus, osmanthus, kelp, rose hips, aloe vera.

It is important that the skin is not saturated with moisture superficially, but that its deeper layers are also captured. To do this, you need to use facial moisturizers in combination; you can’t do it alone.

Skin Moisturizing Products

  • First of all, it is aloe vera. The properties of the plant make it possible to cope with dehydration at several levels simultaneously.
  • Agave, which is a conductor for various kinds of useful substances.
  • Among the healthy foods that help moisturize and nourish the skin are honey, raspberries, cucumbers, plums, apples, lemon, carrots, vegetable oils, avocado, kefir, and seaweed.
  • Among the medicinal herbs, linden, rosemary, calendula, chamomile, parsley, and birch are especially useful and valuable for moisturizing the skin. In addition, they have an antioxidant effect, and therefore are useful for older women.

Homemade moisturizing masks for different skin types

In addition to good ingredients, store-bought cosmetics also contain harmful substances. Among them are fragrances and dyes that cause allergies. Some creams contain petroleum products - silicones and paraffins. To make cosmetics last longer (2-3 years), preservatives – parabens and alcohol – are added to them. You should know that such substances suppress the activity of not only microorganisms in the cream, but also skin cells. Thus, they slow down regeneration and lead to premature aging of the skin.

Folk remedies for moisturizing facial skin allow you to avoid the negative effects of preservatives and carcinogens. For noticeable results, homemade masks should be made 1-2 times a week from fresh and high-quality products. The cosmetic oil added to the formulations must be cold pressed. Without being subjected to heat treatment, such a product retains maximum nutrients. Essential oils should be used in doses, after making sure that you are not allergic to them.

How to moisturize dry facial skin? Use the recipe from Evgenia Selifanova, a naturopath, aromatherapist and cosmetologist. You will need avocado and coconut milk (not water!). The alligator pear must be peeled and cut in half. Grind one of the halves and mix in a blender with coconut milk (35 ml). Apply the mask to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. The recommended course is 14 procedures. Using the same recipe (with the addition of water and some kind of sweetener), you can prepare a healthy smoothie - this way you will nourish the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

How to properly moisturize your facial skin if it is naturally oily? Yes, this happens too. Dehydrated, oily skin has an earthy tint, it is shiny in places, and flaky in others. A mask according to the recipe of Gregory Landsman, a beauty blogger who went through a modeling career and wrote a popular book about beauty, will help correct the situation. You will need organic strawberries, natural honey and quality olive oil. Cut four berries and then mash with a fork. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey and olive oil to the puree. Mix everything. Leave the mask on your face for 30 minutes.

Advice! For combination skin types, oily formulations are applied only to the cheeks. In the T-zone area, you should use masks with strawberries, lemon, and sour berries.

What is the best way to moisturize aging skin? The epidermis of women over 35 years of age requires not only saturation with moisture, but also vitamins, minerals, and fats. You can include a mask according to the recipe of Olga Seymour, an expert in home cosmetics, an Ayurveda expert and TV presenter. . Peel one tuber and mash with a fork. In a separate bowl, beat the yolk with 10–15 ml of castor oil. Add a tablespoon of milk to the mashed potatoes. For very dry skin, you can use cream. Mix all ingredients. Apply the mask for 20–40 minutes. This moisturizing of the facial skin at home is done in a course of 8–10 procedures.

Compresses and oil rubs

You can improve the condition of dry skin with vegetable oils: coconut, almond, shea butter, jojoba. Thanks to fatty acids, they nourish and soften the skin, enveloping the face with a thin lipid film that prevents dehydration. You can apply them to the skin once a week after bath procedures, supplementing with a light massage. To enhance the effect, add 5 drops of “essentials” to each tablespoon of vegetable oil: blue chamomile, jasmine, myrrh, patchouli, rose, sandalwood.

Moisturizing facial skin with folk remedies is done using compresses. Take a leaf of indoor aloe, rinse it and cut off the skin. Grind the agave pulp and place in a glass container. Add a tablespoon of dry plants there: roses, St. John's wort, linden blossom. Pour boiling water into the container and cover it with a lid. Take a piece of gauze or bandage and fold it several times. After half an hour, soak the cloth in the infusion, squeeze it out and apply it to your face for a quarter of an hour.

There are recipes for how to moisturize your facial skin at home with facial washes. Use oat milk instead of soaps and gels. It takes two days to prepare it. On the first day, pour cold boiled water over the oatmeal in a ratio of 1 to 2. After a day, strain and squeeze out the oatmeal. Let the resulting solution settle. Remove the water that appears on top, and use the sediment for washing. Store the “milk” in the refrigerator, covered.

Of course, we must not forget that a well-groomed face is not only the result of good care and the use of cosmetics. To always look fresh and young, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Particularly important are regular physical exercises, a balance of work and rest, adequate sleep, and the absence of bad habits and stress. All this significantly increases metabolism in the skin and organs of the body.

Lack of water in skin cells can lead to premature wrinkles, flaking, and a feeling of tightness. To avoid these unpleasant symptoms, you must constantly adhere to simple rules for home skin care, regularly make masks, use moisturizing tonics and creams.

How to moisturize your facial skin at home

When dry skin appears, it is not at all necessary to rush to the store for a special cream, lotion or tonic; you can try to cope with the problem on your own. There are 3 ways to moisturize your facial skin at home, which will bring the desired effect in a short time:

  • Masks. The main value of this method is that the skin not only receives the necessary amount of moisture, but also a lot of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. At home, you can prepare a moisturizing mask from oatmeal, cottage cheese, cucumber, apples, and other fruits and vegetables in season. The disadvantages of this method of moisturizing include: difficulty in choosing the right ingredients for combination skin, high risk of allergies to the products of the composition.
  • Moisturizing compresses. One of three methods that helps get rid of flaking, gently cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis and instantly moisturizes. To prepare them, use vegetable or fruit juices, mineral water, and herbal decoctions. The main disadvantage of compresses is that they saturate only the surface layers of the epidermis with moisture.
  • Sprays. Juices from fresh vegetables and fruits are used to prepare homemade aerosols. The third method is perfect for hot weather: you can take the spray with you for a walk, work, or school. The disadvantage of this method is surface moisture.
  • Steam baths are made using herbs. In addition to deep hydration, they provide gentle cleansing, get rid of blackheads, and reduce the visibility of pores. The disadvantage of the method is the presence of many contraindications: wounds, scratches on the face, rosacea, dermatological diseases.

Remember that moisturizing your face at home should not only be done from the outside, but also from the inside.

To enrich all layers of the epidermis with moisture, adhere to the drinking regime - drink at least one and a half liters of water per day

Proper nutrition will also be beneficial. The appearance of your skin will improve if you exclude at least three elements from your diet - sweets, fatty foods, smoked foods.

Facial moisturizing mask

A properly selected or prepared moisturizing face mask at home ensures a complete supply of moisture to all layers of the epidermis. There are many folk recipes, here are the three most effective methods:

  • Cucumber. Take one fresh cucumber, peel and remove seeds. Grate the pulp on a medium grater. Add three tsp. thick sour cream, stir. Lie down, place a towel around your face (the mask may leak), apply the composition. Keep it on for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedure three times a week.
  • Tomato. To prepare it, grind 1 medium-sized tomato through a sieve. Apply the pulp to your face in a thick layer. Leave for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off the remaining mask and apply moisturizer. The method can be repeated 1-2 times a week.
  • Cottage cheese. Grind through a sieve or grind three tablespoons in a blender. l. cottage cheese. Add 1.5 tsp to it. honey Distribute the mask evenly. Keep for 20 minutes. Repeat this moisturizing facial skin at home every three days.

Moisturizing compresses

  • Mix three tsp. milk and liquid honey. Beat the mixture with a fork. Moisten the gauze with the solution and place it on your face. Leave the moisturizing compress on for 30 minutes.
  • Grind the aloe pulp. Add 1 tbsp to it. l. dry herbs and plants: linden, chamomile, rose, St. John's wort. Pour boiling water into the container, cover with a lid. After half an hour, moisten the gauze, squeeze it out, and apply it to your face for 30-40 minutes.


The simplest facial moisturizer that can replace your daily morning wash is ice cubes. They tighten the oval of the face, effectively cleanse pores, and moisturize. The method for making ice is simple: freeze fruit juice, mineral water, and herbal infusions. Rub your skin with one ice cube every morning. In addition, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • Wash your face twice a day. With more frequent procedures, you wash away the lipid layer, which prevents moisture evaporation.
  • Instead of aggressive soap, use a moisturizing gel for washing or soft foam.
  • In dry rooms where air humidity is below 65%, use special air humidifiers.
  • In summer, do not use cosmetics with glycerin. This substance draws water out of cells. Instead, use special hand sprayers with micellar water to moisturize.
  • When washing your face, do not dry your face with a towel. Allow the moisture to evaporate naturally.


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