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How do modern cartoons differ from Soviet ones? The influence of cartoons on children: what can a child watch?

The formation of the personality of children occurs in the first 5–7 years of their life, and their development depends on what foundation is laid during these years. A good help in raising children is the right children's cartoons that broaden their horizons, entertain, and offer ways to solve problems. But this medal also has reverse side: children quickly get used to watching cartoons, and gradually TV replaces them with games, walks, reading, and chatting with friends. In addition, children are characterized by increased sensitivity: visual images influence them strong influence, make you want to imitate your favorite heroes even in bad deeds.

Should children under one year old watch TV?

Before a child begins to speak, watching TV for him means hearing and seeing something inaccessible to understanding. Color and movement attract him to the screen, but the baby does not receive any benefit. Naturally, there should be no TV in the nursery. In the presence of a baby, you should not turn on the TV in the background, especially if the baby is being fed. The “picture” will distract him from contact with his mother.

How to watch cartoons for children from one and a half to 3 years old?

Watching children's cartoons in early age is not yet mandatory, but if adults definitely want to do this, then they need to be near the child during the session. A child watching a cartoon is overwhelmed with emotions, but lacks words to express them. The only way out for parents - to voice what he intuitively feels, to reassure him. For example: “Do you recognize? This is a bird flying after a lion cub. She’s good, she’ll help him.” Explanations should be given during viewing, and then the plot should be discussed.

Cartoons for children from 3 to 5 years old: quality is important

Only by the age of 3–4 years does a child come to understand the difference between the imaginary and the real. He already knows that the cartoon is fiction, and with pleasure explores the world of handsome princes, fairies and talking animals, which will fuel his dreams and be actively used in games. Children love to identify themselves with one of the characters, most often with the one whose experiences are closest to them. It is important for a child to “pretend” to experience emotions that he has not yet encountered in life.

Often parents are afraid that their child is not getting enough impressions. But we must understand that for the brain quality is more important information, not its quantity. In children's cartoons, information does not require processing, but is immediately absorbed, partly due to the rapid change of frames. In a short period of time the brain accepts large number visual information and sends signals about overload to nervous system, and she tries to “reason” the body, sometimes causing nervous reactions - overexcitation, tics or hyperactivity. Of course, a child needs impressions, but it is equally important to comprehend them.

Cartoons that children should watch

Which children's cartoons are better - domestic or foreign? There is no definite answer; it all depends on the quality of the product. Among the popular Disney films there are wonderful examples - “Snow White”, “Bambi”, “The Lion King”, which carry a good beginning. The relationship between mother and child in the animal world (“Bambi”) is shown very reverently and teaches to respect and love parents. But children more often watch casual stories about mechanical monsters, ghosts and robots. They are stuffed with fights, murders, that is, aggression.

Unlike foreign ones, Soviet cartoons always have a plot, good and evil are clearly and clearly shown. They teach friendship and mutual assistance (for example, cartoons about the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, “38 Parrots”, “ Winnie the Pooh"). The best domestic cartoons- these are parables from deep meaning(For example, " Magic bag", "Tari Bird" or "The Most great friend"). The characters in these cartoons risk something for something else. And for the child this important point in understanding the world: there are things that are more important own safety. Such a cartoon can tell about this, not scaring, but attracting people to such heroes.

Soviet cartoons usually do not contain violence - with the exception of “Well, wait a minute!”, in which the Wolf always gets it from the Hare and other characters. Probably the gray one is unlucky because he is rude and prone to bad habits.

However, there is something in which Soviet cartoons often lose to foreign ones. This is the colorfulness and form of presentation. That is why it is better to show your child our cartoons first, and not foreign ones, otherwise he will get used to perceiving only a bright “picture”, and consider less impressive cartoons boring and not delve into the plot.

What do cartoon characters teach?

The child perceives almost all information in the form of images, from which his model of the world is then built. One of the most important images– female. Looking at the stereotypes of cartoon heroines, girls absorb the peculiarities of female behavior. Psychologists, having watched many foreign animated films, have come to the conclusion that the behavior of most heroines today is such that the image of a woman, previously endowed with romance, is colored with physiology and cruelty. Often the girl makes terrible faces, demonstrates anger, and fights with pleasure. Is it possible to imagine our Nastenka or Alyonushka in anger? As a result, girls want to look like something unnatural.

But it's fair to say that sometimes modern American children's cartoons lay down the right basic values. Take Rapunzel from the cartoon of the same name. She teaches girls how important it is to rely on themselves, be active, and be able to stand up for themselves in order to find their happiness.

The “25th frame effect” is also found in Disney cartoons. For example, in "Beauty and the Beast" for a second there flashes the image of an old, ugly townswoman holding three squirmy babies in her arms. And all against the backdrop of Belle walking through the city and singing a cheerful song. Like, here she is - beautiful, young, happy, but childless, and here - mother of many children, tormented by everyday life (remember the young, beautiful, kind mother-actress from Prostokvashino).

What do cartoons teach?

IN American cartoon“Woody and His Friends” has an often repeated plot: a certain hard worker is constantly defeated by the idle woodpecker Woody. As a result, it turns out that the workaholic, who somehow interfered with the woodpecker in his entertainment, is always a loser, and the woodpecker is shown to be such a brave guy, incredibly inventive and making all his “enemies” look like losers. And if a child follows the example of this character, he will grow up to be an antisocial person.

Cartoon characters often receive fatal blows to the head from various objects, but remain healthy. In this regard, cases of killing of animals by young children have become more frequent in America. They hit their pets with hammers as hard as they can, and then wonder why their pets don't come back to life.

Thus, children's cartoons have great influence for children's development preschool age. They form in the child primary ideas about good and evil, standards of good and bad behavior, options for interaction in different life situations. But parents need to regulate the frequency of viewing. A favorite cartoon should be a reward, a holiday, which, as you know, does not happen every day.

Expert opinion on the influence of cartoons on children

According to WHO standards, it is recommended to start watching children's cartoons no earlier than three years old and no more than 15 minutes a day for younger preschoolers and 30–40 minutes a day for children of older preschool age. Constantly exceeding this limit entails negative consequences. The baby's vision deteriorates, and due to long periods of sitting in a motionless position, poor posture occurs and metabolism slows down.

Don't let children eat in front of the TV. Otherwise, the child almost immediately develops a cause-and-effect relationship - “I eat when I watch something,” and, consequently, dependence. And there is little benefit from such a session, since it is not only harmful to digestion, but also the perception of information suffers.

Start with Soviet cartoons. Our cartoons, such as “Winnie the Pooh”, “Cheburashka”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, are ideal for introducing animation. Foreign cartoons(including Disney ones) it is recommended to watch no earlier than 7 years. All of them, although colorful, are of the same type in plot and are designed for a different mentality. But there are a lot of fights, naturalistic scenes, masculinized female images, monsters.

A separate topic is cartoon series. On the one hand, many series about the same characters is good, since the child develops an attachment to the characters and attention to the developing story, but on the other hand, the child is so captivated that he himself will not leave the screen... As a result, fatigue and satiety with information.

We control children's choice cartoons and explain dubious moments in the plot. Oddly enough, almost all cartoon series are aimed primarily at adults and schoolchildren. But 3-year-olds don’t always copy. correct behavior Masha from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, since a critical assessment of behavior in children arises only by the age of 5. As practice has shown, they do not understand younger preschoolers and the irony of Smesharikov. For kids, these are just funny creatures with which something happens. The motives behind the actions of the Winx fairies are also often incomprehensible to children, and each episode contains scenes of violence. After watching, kids stage what they saw, and often similar role playing games end in fights. Therefore, think again about the essence of those children's cartoons that you are going to show to your child.

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Nowadays children spend a lot of time in front of TV screens. After watching cartoons, they begin to imitate their favorite characters. Which means main task Parents in this process should make sure that their child watches only good cartoons.

Old cartoons raised the baby. They were simple and understandable for his perception, and were also very often accompanied by good songs. After watching them, children understand the following:

  • that you need to be kind to people and animals around you;
  • that elders must be treated with respect;
  • how to value friends;
  • that in the world there is not only good, but also evil that needs to be fought.

This means that such cartoons can be safely shown to the younger generation and not be afraid for their fragile psyche.

What do modern cartoons teach?

They very often hide a meaning that is not at all childish. You can often see characters throwing tantrums, fighting, blackmailing each other, or even killing each other! Negatives The list of modern cartoons can be endless.

Let's look at 21st century cartoons with some examples.

For example, in the animated film “Shark Tale,” the viewer can notice how after the death of a shark, they gave it a whole funeral ceremony with all the rules. And if anyone watched “Treasure Planet,” they probably remember that there a child can watch a terrible murder.


Many people love “Shrek” and probably didn’t think that even there you can find unacceptable scenes. Let's say that in its second part, an influential king ordered a hitman to kill his daughter's chosen one who did not like him. And in the next part the creators decided to show the death of the Toad King in great detail. But this seemed to them not enough and they decided to add to this part an episode in which the drunken heroes of fairy tales were having fun, in addition, among them there was a transvestite.

And in “Madagascar” penguins organize entire criminal showdowns. They seize the ship and beat the captain. In addition to violence against people, they show how an elderly woman beats a lion.

Once upon a time everyone loved “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent.” And few people thought that the entire storyline promotes gambling, which everyone played there.

In "Hunting Season 2" you can see torture of dogs.

In addition, in such cartoons you can hear unacceptable expressions. Someone is constantly being humiliated there. Words such as “stupid”, “fat woman”, “fool”, “cowardly stinkers”, “loser”, “lovers”, “panties”, “love pleasures” are presented to our children as if they are considered completely normal.

After this, the question arises: will the baby learn anything good if he is constantly brought up on such stories?

I think not. Of course, an adult watching can laugh and cheer himself up. But children often perceive information completely differently. They listen carefully and absorb everything like a sponge. And at one point they can really surprise their moms and dads.

You can already notice that teenagers who grew up watching these cartoons are excellent at deceiving and manipulating adults.


As we can see, there are a lot of differences between cartoons from different times.

Photo: And, of course, one cannot say that only cartoons are to blame for all the problems. Education is also of considerable importance. Still, it’s worth thinking about what your child is watching!

For many parents, the parenting process is difficult becauseToday, a huge amount of information is in the public domain, and this information is not always useful and needed by children. In this regard, children may develop other values ​​in life, therefore modern parents, it is much more difficult for teachers to educate children moral qualities. Fortunately, there is still a way out. Necessaryteach your child to distinguish good from evil. According to O.M. Dyachenko, “inThe preschooler’s main activity is mastering the norms of behavior and activity of people.”Cartoons can help with this, because the plots of many films are close to reality.

They expand their understanding of the world around them, introduce them to new phenomena and situations;

Help expand vocabulary the child, his horizons, develop memory, fantasy and imagination;

Provide examples of behavior, which promotes socialization as children learn by imitation;

Form an evaluative attitude towards the world, development of thinking, understanding of cause-and-effect relationships;

Develop aesthetic taste and sense of humor;

Cartoons help fulfill emotional needs.



Rocheva E.V.


Education plays important role in child development.For many parents, the process of upbringing causes difficulties, since today a huge amount of information is in the public domain, and this information is not always useful and necessary for children. In this regard, children may develop other values ​​in life, so it is much more difficult for modern parents and teachers to cultivate moral qualities in children. Fortunately, there is still a way out. It is necessary to teach a child to distinguish good from evil. According to O.M. Dyachenko, “inThe preschooler’s main activity is mastering the norms of behavior and activity of people.”Cartoons can help with this, because the plots of many films are close to reality. Life situations They will tell the child how to behave, and their favorite characters will show how to act in a given situation.

Cartoons have rich pedagogical possibilities:

  • expand their understanding of the world around them, introduce them to new phenomena and situations;
  • help expand the child’s vocabulary, his horizons, develop memory, fantasy and imagination;
  • provide examples of behavior that promotes socialization as children learn by imitation;
  • form an evaluative attitude towards the world, development of thinking, understanding of cause-and-effect relationships;
  • develop aesthetic taste and sense of humor;
  • Cartoons help fulfill emotional needs.

A good cartoon is an indispensable source of knowledge for a child, and can undoubtedly provide parents with invaluable assistance in raising a child. The lessons that the cartoon presents to the child in an accessible and exciting way are clear and easy to understand.are remembered. Of course, it is not the screen that raises the child, but the adult who spends more time with the child than others. Therefore, the role of the cartoon in the educational process is only auxiliary. Cartoons act as a means of education, just like books, manuals, toys, etc. But despite this, the cartoon is a very powerful tool, because... The images offered on the screen vividly influence the child’s imagination, his sensory sphere, suggesting a way of action, thinking, and style of speech. For children, cartoon characters are a kind of role model from whom they copy gestures, facial expressions, manner of communication, and most importantly behavior. “Cartoons provide models for how characters behave. The “contagiousness” of the actions, words and deeds of the film characters is obvious. Characters can become carriers of moral standards, both positive and negative. By correlating their actions with the actions of the characters, children begin to understand themselves and their actions, and strive to be like their favorite character.” By comparing himself with his favorite heroes, the child has the opportunity to perceive himself from a positive side, to reveal in himself positive qualities, cope with difficulties and your fears, and treat others with respect. The events that take place in the cartoon make it possible to increase the preschooler’s awareness, develop his thinking and imagination, and shape his worldview. By influencing children's imagination, cartoons provide both new ideas and role models, and these methods sometimes become more effective than the instructions and beliefs of parents. Therefore, an animated film is considered a powerful tool education of the younger generation. It is for this reason that children need high-quality screen production: both in artistic and morally. A good cartoon shown on time - excellent remedy for education good man. It's about, of course, not about all cartoons, so the choice of cartoons should be taken with great care. Benefit fromviewing will increase several times if you discuss the cartoon you watched with your child.

Cartoons are understandable to preschoolers because they explain many processes to the child in an accessible form, introduce the child to the world around him, and satisfy cognitive and emotional needs. A cartoon is the most effective educator because it combines a word and a picture, that is, it includes two organs of perception: vision and hearing at the same time. Therefore, the cartoon has the most powerful educational potential and is one of the authoritative and effective visual materials.

For preschoolers, it is worth choosing Russian cartoons and films. Their scripts are compiled in accordance with psychological requirements. Essentially, the best Russian cartoons are created in the form of small parables, in which, under a short entertaining story hidden deep spiritual meaning. Moreover, many cartoons do not just show and talk about life goodies, but also lay down the qualities of a real person. Russian cartoons created specifically for children, for their vulnerable and sensitive psyche, so as not to harm them. They will prove to the child that good always, under any circumstances, triumphs over evil. Here all events take place in a bright, understanding world. Cartoons carry a charge of warmth, love, and positive energy. Each character is individual and unique. Even evil heroes often become kinder, because kindness, participation, understanding are great powers.

So, what is the role of cartoons in raising a child? First of all, they cultivate morality. IN animated films The child sees, first of all, behavior patterns. He learns how to act in different situations how to achieve the goal. Many cartoons make a child empathize with the characters, help others, make friends, respect their parents, explain what good and evil are, etc. In “Soviet” cartoons, for example, they try to fight evil not with force, but try to outwit it or persuade it. These cartoons promote eternal values- good qualities of a person, thanks to which good invariably triumphs over evil.

Aesthetic education also plays an important role. Most cartoons show the world around us and the beauty of nature, which the heroes teach to love and cherish. With the help of cartoons, children learn how to care for animals and plants, because when good attitude to nature, she is able to treat cartoon characters with delicious gifts.

Everyone knows that in order to be successful in society you need to be able to work. This skill is not inherent in a person by nature, and therefore needs to be developed. Labor education preschoolers can also be realized thanks to cartoons. Heroes teach children to help each other, parents, friends and just strangers, and the one who is lazy is ridiculed by other characters in the cartoon and, in the end, understands that work is necessary in the life of any person.

However, if earlier television in general and animation in particular were perceived exclusively as a benefit of civilization, today, unfortunately, more and more often psychologists, teachers, and after them parents think that cartoons, so beloved by modern children, can cause serious harm. damage to their psyche. IN recent years cartoons are becoming closer to real life: the heroes have the same problems as adults (money, struggle for power, environmental problems, crimes). In this situation, it is undoubtedly worth thinking about how correct it is to show children certain aspects of real life, and how acceptable it is to demonstrate violence. For example, good cartoons evoke a lot of emotions, children clearly empathize with the characters - they sigh, smile or frown, and after finishing they feel inspired, willingly play, joke and laugh. While watching aggressive, scary cartoons, children are in constant tension, chuckle briefly, and after watching they can show verbal or even physical aggression. In essence, cartoons are created in order to form in a child primary ideas about good and evil, but if the main characters of the cartoon are aggressive, distorted ideas about life are formed. The consequence of watching aggressive cartoons can be the manifestation of cruelty and ruthlessness in real life. Scenes of television violence seen by children do not form the best character traits. Based on this, adults want to protect their children as much as possible from negative impact mass culture, but at the same time using all the advantages of cartoons as a means of education. That is why the following must be taken into account:

  • Watching children's TV shows and cartoons must comply with SanPin standards. A child should not become a “captive of the screen,” so it should be remembered that starting from the age of four, a child’s viewing of a cartoon lasts 15-20 minutes, no more than twice a day, and by the age of five or six, the duration of each viewing can be increased to 30-40 minutes.
  • filtering of proposed children's TV shows and cartoons. It is necessary to protect the child from aggressive animated series, since violence and cruelty on the screen can cause two types of reactions in the child: either fear, nightmares and nervousness, or an infantile, indifferent attitude towards the suffering of other people. This, in turn, can lead to manifestations of childish aggressiveness, and then to the complete degradation of morality and ethical principles.

Cartoons are a great way for a child to learn something new. Of course, it is impossible to solve all the problems of education and training with the help of cartoons alone. This is just one of the parenting options, but quite effective. To extract maximum benefit from watching cartoons, you need to carefully approach his choice and be sure that the child will be able to glean the necessary, and most importantly, useful information for himself, which will be useful to him in forming his own worldview.


  1. Dyachenko O.M., Lavrentieva T.V. Psychological characteristics development of preschool children. – M.: Eksmo, 2009. – 176 p.
  2. Ivshina E., Kushch N.V. The influence of television on emotional development preschool child // Vestnik teaching experience. – 2013. – No. 23. – P. 22-24.
  3. Raevsky D.A. Childhood at risk: harmful cartoons/ A.D. Raevsky. – M., 2015. – 76 p.

In our country there is a cult of films and animated films that were filmed in the USSR. Many people believe that Soviet cartoons are the best in the world and that they bring only goodness and positivity. But is this really so?

website I remembered some domestic cartoons of past years,the main characters of which are very contradictory characters.

"Winnie the Pooh"

Still from the film

English writer Alan Milne“brought to life” a teddy bear stuffed with sawdust especially for his son Christopher Robin. He wrote stories about Winnie the Pooh without even thinking that they could become so popular. After Winnie the Pooh won the hearts of millions of children and adults around the world, several animated series were filmed about his adventures. One of them was created in the USSR by director Fedor Khitruk.

WHAT IT TEACHES: This cartoon is undoubtedly a masterpiece of Soviet animation, but Khitruk and his colleagues actually came up with “their own” Winnie the Pooh, which is somewhat different from original character. Yes, Milne also has a sweet tooth, but in our cartoon he is a real glutton. In addition, he constantly uses his friend Piglet. Eating a lot and manipulating those who are always ready to come to your aid is bad.

Still from the film

Some people call it “Well, just wait!” tracing paper of the American animated series "Tom and Jerry". There may be some truth in this observation, but a team of Soviet animators managed to create a unique project with its own cultural characteristics.

WHAT IT TEACHES: By and large, both the Wolf and the Hare have plenty negative traits. They are literally filled with all kinds of vices. The cute Hare is in fact an absolutely merciless creature: he does not experience feelings of pity or compassion, and the gray predator generally smokes and sometimes drinks a bottle out of impotent anger, because he cannot catch and devour his eternal enemy.

Still from the film

WHAT IT TEACHES: Why did the owner of Barbos from this Soviet cartoon so offend that he lied to his guest Bobik about three boxes about how he really lives? Friends stole grandfather's provisions, indulged in gluttony, and then vandalism...

Fortunately, later justice still triumphed - Barbos received what he deserved from the owner with a broom.

Still from the film

The main character of this cartoon is not very different from the literary original, although director Boris Stepantsev added a little warmth to Carlson. In Astrid Lindgren's stories he is lazier and more gluttonous. In general, of course, he is an amazing character: in any danger, he is ready to substitute his best friend.

WHAT IT TEACHES: Carlson is a jealous, resourceful and rather cowardly “man anywhere.” It’s hardly worth advising your child to follow his example.

Still from the film

Is it really possible to quietly sneak away from home to the village, making your parents so nervous? Uncle Fyodor is a real anti-hero. He forgot about everything that mom and dad did for him, didn’t care about gratitude and left father's house, driven solely by his own penchant for vagrancy (after all, none of his parents offended him, by and large). Well, they forbade leaving a street cat in the apartment. This is absolutely no reason to behave this way. Not all of us were allowed to have a kitten or puppy in childhood, whereas at a young age everyone without exception wants a pet.

WHAT IT TEACHES: Matroskin is an egoist, postman Pechkin is a formalist and a bore, mom is hysterical, dad is an indifferent type. In general, out of the whole company there are only two positive heroes: the narrow-minded dog Sharik, who, after experiencing hardships and wanderings, completely lost the ability to derive personal benefit from what is happening around him, and the little jackdaw Khvatayka, who knew only one single phrase, and therefore understand what he really is is simply impossible.

In reality, of course, everything is not so bad. The above cartoons can and even should be shown to children. After all, the good cannot be taught without showing the bad.

All more parents They forbid their children to watch cartoons. “We have a strict ban on TV”, “I don’t want a child to become addicted to gadgets”, “The wolf in “Well, wait a minute!” generally smokes - this is a bad example,” they argue. On the one hand, it is fashionable to be proud that a child does not watch cartoons. On the other hand, in millions of other families, kids spend hours watching television. Which parent is right? We analyzed what children can learn from watching cartoon characters.

Character Cartoon Sign phrase What does it teach

Carlson - "Kid and Carlson"

"Baby, what about me? I'm better than a dog!"

Even if you have everything, everything, everything: your own house on the roof, and a motor with a propeller, it’s bad if you don’t have friends. Moreover, friendship begins when you learn to listen and hear your friend.

Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka - "Cheburashka and crocodile Gena"

"A young caracodile, 50 years old, wants to make friends"

Even the most unusual and scary (like a crocodile) creatures can find a true friend.

Shapoklyak - "Cheburashka"

and crocodile

"Good deeds you can't become famous"

Unseemly actions sometimes produce faster and more effective results than good ones. But in the long term, the “shapoklyaks” lose to more honest and open characters. And one more thing: people become harmful when they lack love and attention.

Hare - "Well, wait a minute!"

With the help of dexterity and ingenuity you can defeat even much more strong opponent. The main thing is not to give up.

Wolf - "Well, wait a minute!"

Wolf - "Well, wait a minute!"

There is no need to offend little ones. Firstly, they can also stand up for themselves. Secondly, you yourself may turn out to be small for someone.

Uncle Fyodor - "Three from Yogurt"

“My dear parents, dad and mom. I love you very much, but I also love animals.”

It's good to be independent and homely. Such boys will not disappear, even if they find themselves in an abandoned village without adults. Plus, if you behave like an adult, your parents give you more freedom.

Brownie Kuzya - The Adventures of Brownie"

“Losses, what losses!”

Things and resources must be treated with care. But more important than all things in the world are close people. They need to be protected first.

Parrot Kesha -


prodigal parrot"

“What am I wearing?! In rags! Like Cinderella!”

“What am I wearing?! In rags! Like Cinderella!”


"We women are so fickle!"

Girls are future women. And this is their special charm and the secret of success in life.

Dog Barbos - "Bobik visiting Barbos"

"Man is a dog's friend"

There is no need to try to appear to be someone you are not. Impostors will definitely be exposed. And such exposure can be very painful.

Wolf - "Once upon a time there was a dog"

"- Do you remember how you chased me? - So I’m... - Yeah. Is that the job?”

We all play certain social roles: teacher or student, conductor or free rider, boss or employee. But in any of these roles it is important not to lose human qualities.

Hedgehog - "Hedgehog in the Fog"

The little bear talked and talked, and the Hedgehog thought: “It’s still good that we’re together again.” The world around you can be hostile and incomprehensible. But all this can be overcome if there is a reliable comrade nearby.

Papa Wolf - "The Wolf and the Calf"

“Dad! Well, that’s it, otherwise it’s all “mom, mom”!”

While children are small, their parents protect them. And then they grow up and become protectors for their dads and moms.

Freken Bock - "Carlson is back"

“They show crooks on TV... Why am I worse?!” Even if you do nasty things on the sly, punishment will not be long in coming.

Funtik - "The Adventures of Pig Funtik"

"Children cry, but parents pay" Being honest is more important than all the gold in the world.

Vodyanoy - "Flying Ship"

“I have water inside me, why bother with someone like that!” No matter what a person looks like, he is worthy of friendship. Spiritual qualities are much more important than appearance.

Postman Pechkin - "Three from Prostokva-Shino"

“Why was I harmful? Because I didn’t have a bicycle! And now I’ll immediately start to become kinder.” Despite your busy schedule, you should try to maintain your hobbies. Whether it's bike rides, photo hunting or sorting out a car in the garage. Having a hobby improves character.

Giuliko Banditto and De la Voro Gangsteritto - "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"

“We constantly drink Cinzano, constantly full and drunk, oh yes, We keep banco milliono and spit on the law, oh yes” Despite the romantic surroundings, the fate of the criminal is sad. Law and order still wins.

Luntik - "The Adventures of Luntik"

"Once upon a time an unusual baby was born on the moon" Even if you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar and incomprehensible environment (as newcomers who transfer from another school find themselves), you can find friends and become the leader of the company.

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