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How to remove greasy stains on... How to remove grease stains from a shirt

Grease stains appear on our clothes in any situation. Often it is even impossible to remember when this happened. But the investigation of the incident should be postponed until better times, and the stain should be dealt with first.

Simply washing clothes is not an option; greasy stains must be pre-treated.

The first thing to do is to blot the stained area with a napkin or any soft cloth to prevent the fat from spreading and being absorbed. Only after this can you begin to remove the stain.

Ways to get rid of stains

What will help housewives remove grease stains?

  • If the stain is recently planted, it can be easily removed with regular salt. It should be generously poured onto the damaged area of ​​​​the fabric and wait several hours, after which the salt should be shaken out and thoroughly cleaned with a brush.
  • Chalk or tooth powder. This is an excellent remedy, used in the same way as salt. These substances are capable of absorbing fat particles from the fabric, after which they should be removed with a brush, and only after that the item can be washed with regular powder.
Stains from vegetable oils are removed using an iron and paper. Paper is placed on the reverse side of the product and ironed with a hot iron. The paper will absorb grease, so it will need to be replaced several times. At the end of the procedure, any remaining contamination is removed using a cotton pad soaked in gasoline.
  • If machine oil gets on your clothes, it is removed with a mixture of magnesia powder and ether - these substances perfectly neutralize fat. They can be replaced with ammonia and turpentine, pre-mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

  • If you add two parts of crushed laundry soap to the same mixture, smear the stained area and leave for 2-3 hours, further washing of the clothes will not leave a greasy stain or trace.
If a light-colored fabric item is damaged, it can be cleaned with an aqueous solution of ammonia. To do this, you need to mix one part ammonia and two parts water.
  • Unpretentious fabrics made of linen and cotton can be cleaned with a gasoline-acetone mixture in a 1:1 ratio. After drying, the contaminated area is treated with ammonia.
  • If your carpet has been damaged by grease, you can help it by mixing sawdust and ammonia. The stain is thoroughly wiped with this mixture - sawdust has the ability to quickly absorb grease, and ammonia neutralizes it. After drying, the carpet must be vacuumed thoroughly.

Old grease stains

This is a difficult task, requiring more sophisticated ways to neutralize pollution.

The stain is treated with turpentine (purified). It will take time and patience; in addition, after all manipulations are completed, the product will need to be washed.
  • Prepare a paste of starch and water, apply it to the stain and let it sit for 3-4 hours, after which it is brushed off. Use a cotton swab or disk soaked in gasoline to wipe off the dirt, being careful not to smear it. The next step is to treat the stain with stale bread, followed by washing.
150 g of salt are dissolved in three liters of hot water. The product is immersed in the resulting brine and left for at least 3 hours. During this time, the salt will have time to partially dissolve the fat, after which the product must be washed by adding dish liquid to the powder: it tends to effectively dissolve residual fat.
  • If it is possible to process an item using a steam generator, great! Otherwise, you can hold the product over boiling water or steam it with an iron. High temperature and humidity will also soften the dirt, which can be easily washed off with dishwashing detergent.

Grease stains on jeans

Inevitable. Removing grease stains from jeans is a painstaking task, because removing the stain should not change the color.

  • Cover the stained area with salt and pour a little water on it. Let it rest for a while, then repeat the procedure 3-4 times. After this, the area of ​​contamination is washed with laundry soap and rinsed. As a result, the oil stain disappears, but the color is preserved.
  • Turn the jeans inside out and gently wipe the stain with gasoline. Then the product is washed and rinsed.
Mix dishwashing detergent and alcohol in equal parts. Wipe the stained areas with this mixture, then cover them with white paper or thick cloth and iron them. The stain will disappear, and the jeans will just need to be rinsed, no washing required.
  • Mix alcohol and salt in equal parts. Rub the stain with this mixture; for a better effect, you can leave it for 3 hours to completely dissolve the fat. Next, wash the jeans as usual in moderately warm water.

Oil stains on a T-shirt

Washing grease stains from a T-shirt is dangerous because the items may lose or change color during the cleaning process. Products in blue and blue shades are especially susceptible to this. Therefore, soft, gentle products are used to remove oil stains from T-shirts.

  • - ideal option. It perfectly neutralizes grease, and if the item is additionally washed in powder, the stains will be gone.
  • Refined gasoline will also get rid of oil stains without eating away the dye. The product is processed from the wrong side with a cotton pad, after which it is washed as usual.
Antipyatin soap does an excellent job of removing grease stains. To do this, wash the stained areas and leave them in a soapy solution for several hours, or overnight.

Then the product is rinsed - and the T-shirt is ready for further use. This is the safest, most effective and cost-effective method for removing grease stains from colored items.

It is important to remember that products made from fur and natural fabrics cannot be cleaned with aggressive substances (turpentine, gasoline and other solvents).

Such products can destroy the structure of the fibers, and sometimes even burn them. If you have the slightest doubt about the resistance of the fabric to cleaning agents, you should contact your dry cleaner for professional assistance.

Grease dripped onto the clothes, spread and absorbed into the fabric, leaving an unsightly mark. Not every housewife knows how to remove a greasy stain so that there is not even a slight reminder of it. But you really want the item to retain its fresh, neat appearance! Don't be upset. We will tell you how you can remove a greasy stain without any extra effort, without fear of ruining even the most delicate material.

How to wash off grease and oil if it just gets on clothes

Let's talk about fresh pollution. Removing them, of course, is easier than those that are already firmly ingrained into the fabric and have become old.

First of all, you need to understand one thing: fat is different from fat. If you have dropped oil or animal fat onto an item, removal methods will vary. Second point: stop panicking! It just so happens that such pollution is considered almost a disaster, and the clothes on which they fall are considered hopelessly, forever damaged. This is a stereotype and it is wrong. In fact, getting rid of the problem is not so difficult, the main thing is to know some secrets and techniques.

Let's figure out how to remove a greasy stain from different things if it has just appeared on them. And then let's talk about oil marks.

Getting rid of the fat problem

Regular dishwashing detergent will help us a lot. Remember: the advertising says that such substances completely remove fat even from those saucepans that no one ever hoped to wash. The same thing happens with fabrics. Dilute a little dishwashing detergent in a bowl of warm water and soak the contaminated item, leave for 20-30 minutes. If you want better results, first apply the magic composition directly to the stain.

After soaking, rinse the material well and hang to dry.

The second home method is to use salt and soda. Mix a teaspoon of each ingredient, stir thoroughly, apply to the problem area, after moistening the cloth. You can carefully and very carefully rub the mixture into the material, but so as not to damage it. Leave for about half an hour and then wash with regular soap, rinse and dry.

Everyone has had to deal with the problem of stains on clothes that ruin their appearance, perhaps forever. But, despite the fact that they leave the surface of the fabric quite hard, there are a lot of tips on how to remove a greasy stain. The solution to the issue depends on what fabric the stain is on and how long it has been there. Sometimes clothes can be washed, but some fabrics are dry clean only.

You can try modern stain removers. But, unfortunately, they are not cheap, and you still can’t try all the brands. Therefore, if you didn’t succeed in removing the stain remover the first time, try traditional methods. They have been tested for years.

Video about the action of stain remover SA-8

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  • Grease stains can be washed off well with laundry soap. You just need to wash it immediately, before the stain has time to dry.
  • You can use a dishwashing detergent such as Fairy to remove stains. Apply a drop of product to the greasy stain, leave for a few minutes, and wash. Some people managed to remove even old stains this way.
  • Can't wash your clothes? Try removing the stain using dry cleaning. Wipes and potato starch will help you. It absorbs fat perfectly. The clothes must be laid out on a flat surface, placing a napkin under the stain. Sprinkle starch over the stain. Leave the starch to absorb for about five minutes, and then repeat the procedure. Repeat several times until the stain completely disappears.
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How to remove fresh stains

  • Sprinkle salt onto the stain and rub gently. Many argue that this method does not help at all, but, most likely, this is said by those people who do not know that the portion of salt should be renewed several times, as in the case of starch.
  • You can treat the stain with talcum powder and iron it with a warm iron. Lay the clothes out on a flat surface and sprinkle with talcum powder. Cover the top with blotting paper (tracing paper, for example). Has the grease been completely absorbed into the paper? Leave the talc on your clothes for a day.
  • Make a solution of half a teaspoon of table salt and three tablespoons of ammonia. Treat the stain with it, leave it for a while, and then wash the product.
  • You can remove fresh grease stains by sprinkling them with chalk powder, which absorbs grease well. Leave for two to three hours, and then brush off the powder.
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How to remove old stains

  • You need to prepare a thick paste from potato flour to apply it to the greasy stain. If it does not go away after a few hours, try treating the surface with a cloth soaked in gasoline, and at the final stage, blot it with a piece of stale bread.
  • Potato starch is heated in a dry container (for example, a metal mug). Hot powder should be poured onto the stain and rubbed into the fabric. Old fat will soak into the starch as it cools.
  • Old stains that are difficult to remove can be removed using gasoline. Place blotting paper soaked in gasoline underneath the stain. The greasy stain is wiped from the edges to the center. At the end, the cleaned area is washed well with water. Afterwards you should wash the product.
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Removing greasy stains from different types of fabrics

  • A solution of ammonia will help remove greasy stains from light-colored fabric. To prepare it, dilute ammonia in 2 tbsp. spoons of cold water.
  • To remove grease stains from silk fabric, you need to prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of glycerin, half a tablespoon of ammonia, and one tablespoon of water. The area of ​​contamination should be moistened with the solution, left for 5-10 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water.
  • To remove grease stains from wool, use gasoline. Dampen cotton wool or a piece of cloth with it and rub the dirty area.
  • A greasy stain from velvet can be easily removed with the crumb of a warm loaf of bread.
  • Do you have a stain on a leather item? Mix gasoline and starch in equal proportions, treat the stain with gruel, wait until the gasoline disappears. Shake off the starch. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • How to remove a greasy stain from a carpet? Sawdust soaked in gasoline will help. Sprinkle them on the stain and leave until the gasoline dries. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.
  • You can also remove stains from plush and velvet with turpentine or alcohol. Remember that you should not use an iron when removing stains from such fabrics.
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Different origins of grease stains

Stains from milk, sauces, and soup combine both fatty and non-fatty components, so they require double treatment. Most fresh stains can be washed off with laundry soap, salt, soda or dishwashing detergent. Old stains require longer and more complex treatment.

Grease and oil-resin stains are stains from grease, oil, fatty sauces, mayonnaise, wax, oil paints, machine oil, varnish, cream, resin, mastic, shoe polish. Such stains are easily removed with organic solvents - alcohol, gasoline, turpentine, acetone. For example, a greasy stain from oil paint can be removed as follows. First, wipe the stain with turpentine, acetone or kerosene. This is done using a cotton swab on both the front and back sides of the fabric. Then rub the stain with ammonia until it disappears. Remember that it is better to use refined gasoline (available at hardware stores) to remove stains. If the stain is old, it can be cleaned with turpentine, and after the paint has softened, use a strong solution of baking soda to remove it. After the procedure, you need to rinse the product well with warm water and wash it with powder.

How to remove greasy makeup stains? Lipstick stains are removed with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia. If you have a greasy cream stain on your clothes, remove it with gasoline or alcohol. Hair dye stains can be removed using hydrogen peroxide mixed in equal quantities with ammonia.

When removing greasy stains, you should remember: alcohol, turpentine, benzene, gasoline, ether, acetone; many stain removers that contain these substances are flammable, poisonous and volatile. Therefore, you need to remove stains in well-ventilated areas or outdoors. Take precautions, store solvents in a bottle with a tightly closed lid, keep the products away from children.

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Features of removing greasy stains

Before you begin to remove the stain, you should clean the fabric from dirt. Use a dry brush first and then a wet brush. The stain must be treated from the wrong side. It is better to place a small board under it, which is covered in several layers with white cotton cloth or paper napkins.

You need to clean the fabric from stains with either a white cloth or a cotton swab. If you are comfortable, you can use a soft brush. First you need to moisten the area near the stain, and then treat its edges, gradually moving to the middle.

Try any stain remover first on a spare piece of fabric, if you have one. Be careful with colored fabrics and synthetics. Don't have a spare piece? Try the solution on the hem or seam stock. Do not immediately make the solution concentrated. It is better to start cleaning with a weak solution and gradually increase the concentration. It is better to repeat the treatment again than to burn the fabric.

A trip to a restaurant, cafe or snack at work can leave a mark on your clothes. What should you do first to prevent oily marks from becoming old stains? How to wash a greasy stain on a shirt without destroying the fibers of the fabric? In the arsenal of experienced housewives there is always a tool that will help save your favorite clothes, returning them to their original appearance. It is worth adhering to a verified algorithm of actions for traces and wisely choosing the means.

How to remove a fresh grease stain from clothes

When contamination is detected, it is necessary to react immediately without delaying the solution to the problem. A newly planted stain is much easier to remove than old marks. If you get dirty, you need to take emergency measures. It is worth soaking the remaining dirt with a napkin, toilet paper, blotter - whatever is at hand and has excellent absorbent characteristics. This will minimize the penetration of fat into the fibers of the material. You need to use tips on how to remove grease stains from a shirt so as not to aggravate the situation in the future.

  1. You can save your shirt with salt, which should be generously sprinkled in a thick layer on the stain and left for 15-20 minutes. Then shake off the mixture that has absorbed the fat and, if necessary, update the salt. The product should be washed according to the instructions on the label.
  2. Products made from natural fabrics (linen, chiffon, cotton or silk) will come to the aid of starch, soda, baby powder, crushed chalk, tooth powder or talc. The shirt is laid out on a horizontal surface, sprinkled with any of the listed products under the dirt and on top of the stain. Cover the top with a napkin or tracing paper, which is ironed with a warm iron. You can leave a greasy residue on the shirt under the press overnight, and wash the shirt in the morning in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Bread crumb has excellent absorbent characteristics and becomes a real salvation in cases where ironing the fabric is prohibited. It is necessary to change the lumps until the fabric “gives up” the fat as much as possible. Afterwards, wash the shirt in a soapy solution, thoroughly soaping the stained area.
  1. Dishwashing detergent will help remove stains because it contains grease-breaking ingredients. Without diluting, the dishwasher is applied to the dirt, rubbed into the stained area and left alone for 10 minutes. This area is then washed in hot water.
  2. Shampoo for oily hair is another way to remove a greasy stain from a shirt without a stain remover. The sequence of actions is the same as when using a dishwasher.
  3. Brown laundry soap (72%) effectively removes greasy stains. Generously soap the stain with a bar and leave for 10-12 hours. To prevent the soap from drying on the fabric, place the shirt in a plastic bag. Drying soap on fabric can result in hard-to-remove brown marks. The product should be washed in warm water, after rinsing well.
  4. A paste of mustard powder diluted with water will help remove greasy marks on a dark or multi-colored linen shirt. The creamy mixture is applied for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.
  5. Laundry soap with sugar will help remove greasy stains. To do this, the stained area is generously soaped, then sugar crystals are sprinkled, after 15 minutes the grains are rubbed into the stain.
  6. The shaving foam every man needs will help bachelors get rid of greasy stains on their shirts. Foam is applied along the contour of the stain, rubbed in until it is absorbed (5-10 minutes), and then the product is sent to the washing machine.

Knowing how to remove a greasy stain on a shirt at home, you can save on buying a stain remover and take urgent measures to save your favorite wardrobe item. Dry cleaning services are not required.

How to remove an old grease stain on a shirt

When contamination is not detected immediately and precious time is lost, do not despair, because the situation is not hopeless and you can try to get rid of the fat that has penetrated deep into the fibers yourself.


How to remove grease stains on a synthetic shirt? This is where ammonia comes to the rescue. Light-colored products are easy to clean from traces of grease. A solution of 200 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of ammonia is used to treat the stain using a cotton pad, after which a cotton cloth is laid on both sides of the stain. Iron the stain with a warm iron. There is no trace of fat left on the shirt.

Refined gasoline + sawdust

Soak small sawdust in gasoline, then place them on. Leave the sawdust on the contaminated area until completely dry, then shake it off the fabric and wash the shirt according to the instructions on the label.


For those who don’t know how to remove a greasy stain from a shirt made of delicate fabric, glycerin will help by applying a cotton pad to the old greasy stain, rubbing from the edge of the stain to the center.

Hot brine

150 g of salt are diluted in a liter of hot water. The section of the shirt with greasy marks is immersed in the solution. Leaving the stain for a quarter of an hour, after removing it from the solution, wash the area with laundry soap.

Baking soda + dishwasher

Take equal parts of soda ash, shampoo for oily hair or Fairy and a little water to get a mixture similar to thick sour cream. The resulting composition is applied to the greasy stain and rubbed in with a toothbrush. The product remains on the fabric for 10-15 minutes, then it is thoroughly washed off and the shirt is washed.

Expert advice on how to remove grease stains from a shirt should help both wise housewives and beginners. It would not be a bad idea to keep them in service for bachelors, who must monitor the state of their wardrobe on their own. Don’t discount store-bought stain removers, which are presented in abundance on display. But before you use them to remove grease stains, you need to try the product on an inconspicuous fragment of the shirt, so as not to irreversibly damage the product.

The risk of getting dirty with grease and oil awaits us everywhere, from preparing and eating food to repair work. This is the most common type of contamination, so it is better to know in advance how to remove grease stains from clothes. After all, the main condition for high-quality cleaning is to do it right away, without putting it off for a long time. Especially when it comes to jeans or outerwear. By choosing the right cleaning agent, you can easily remove even an old greasy stain.

No matter how scary and difficult to remove (and most often it really cannot be washed off with ordinary detergents) oily stains may seem, there are many ways to remove them. Let's list the main means that you can use to remove a greasy stain, how to use them and what fabrics they are suitable for.

To begin with, we note that the chosen product will depend not only on the type of fabric material, but also on how long ago the contamination was caused. It’s easier to remove a fresh grease stain than one that has long been absorbed and dried, collecting a heap of fine dirt and dust.

We also touched on this topic in an article about vegetable oil stains, which you can read at this link.

Laundry soap

If the stain has just been installed and you have the opportunity to start washing it immediately, then proceed. In this case, laundry soap will help you. First, try washing as usual, rub the clothes with soap and rinse. If this does not help, then thoroughly lather the greasy stain, put the item in a plastic bag, tie it and leave it overnight. After that, wash it.

Don't want to wait? You can remove greasy dirt using a quick method:

  • lather with laundry soap,
  • sprinkle sugar on top
  • rub with a brush
  • wash after 15-20 minutes.

Ways to remove grease stains from outerwear are described in this article.

Dishwashing liquid

The best option for removing grease stains at home is to use products that are designed to dissolve grease. This is dishwashing detergent. Drip it onto the dirt, rub it in and after 2-3 minutes, rinse in hot water. Then wash as usual.

Shampoo for oily hair

It is also a fat-soluble product that can be used for wool, silk or chiffon fabrics. Rub the dirty area with shampoo and leave for half an hour to an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Grease-absorbing agents

Absorbed fat can be removed using absorbents. Please note that this method of removing greasy stains is only suitable for a freshly placed stain that has not yet been washed and has not had time to dry.

The following can be used as absorbents:

  • Salt, starch. Suitable for all fabrics. Sprinkle salt or starch onto the grease stain, rub lightly, shake off after a couple of minutes, repeat until it disappears completely. This method works well when you get dirty during a feast, but you have neither the time nor the desire to leave the table to do laundry. It is also effective if you need to remove stains on furniture, as it does not require washing. In this case, you can remove the remaining grease stains using a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
  • Chalk. For cotton, silk, linen, chiffon. Grind the chalk into powder, carefully cover the grease mark and leave to soak for a couple of hours. Afterwards, shake off the chalk, vacuum the item from any residue and wash it.
  • Tooth powder, baby powder, talcum powder, soda. For woolen products. Lay out the item, placing a paper towel or cotton cloth under the grease stain, sprinkle the stain with any of these “cleaning agents,” and cover with a paper towel. Iron all this with a slightly heated iron, put the iron aside and press down (a stack of books is ideal as a load). Leave this structure for 6-8 hours, then disassemble it, shake off the powder and wash the clothes.

  • Bread crumb. For velvet. Take a little crumb of white bread, apply it to the stained area to remove the fat, let it absorb, remove the bread, repeat the procedure several times. Finally, wash the item with laundry soap.
  • Mustard powder. For colored linen fabrics. Mix mustard powder with water to form a paste, spread it on the grease mark and leave for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, remove and wash.
  • Ammonia. For light artificial fabrics. Dilute 1 tsp. ammonia in a glass of water, use a cotton pad to saturate the stained area with the solution, cover with a clean, non-fading cotton cloth and iron. The fat will be absorbed into the fabric, then wash the clothes.
  • Shaving foam. Apply, rub in, wash after 5-10 minutes.
  • Blotter. For all types of fabrics that can be ironed. Place a blotting pad under the greasy stain, cover it with a second one and iron it. Some of the fat will be absorbed, repeat the procedure until it completely disappears.

Be sure to wash the item with laundry soap or dishwashing gel after you have successfully removed a grease stain from clothing to remove any remaining grease from the fabric.

Old grease stain

Old traces of grease are much more difficult to remove. In this case, you will have to use radical methods, some of which can damage the fabric or color, so before using, experiment on an inconspicuous area of ​​the item.

  • Petrol. For cotton, knitted and linen dark fabrics. Place a clean cotton cloth soaked in gasoline under the stain, and treat the area with a cotton pad with gasoline on top. It is necessary to wipe from the edge of the stain to the center so that the stain does not spread.
  • Gasoline-soaked sawdust. Sprinkle on soiled clothes, leave for half an hour to an hour, shake off and wash with dishwashing gel.
  • Hot solution of salt or starch. Mix 150 ml of salt (starch) and 1 liter of boiling water, soak clothes in the solution, rubbing the stained area, when it comes off, wash. A great way to remove old grease stains.
  • A mixture of ammonia and turpentine in a ratio of 1 to 1. Soak the soiled item and wash it after 2-3 hours.
  • Glycerol. For delicate fabrics such as silk, knitwear, etc. Apply a couple of drops to the greasy stain, remove after half an hour with a clean cotton swab.
  • Baking soda and dish soap. Prepare a paste-like mixture, apply to the stain and scrub with a brush. After 10-20 minutes, wash with soap.
  • Vinegar and water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Soak the soiled item in the solution for 20 minutes, then rinse, and if necessary, wash with soap.
  • Coca-Cola. Fill the item with cola, leave it for a couple of hours, and wash it.

That's all the methods for removing grease stains. As you can see, the problem is not worth a damn; just walk into the kitchen and several effective “cleaners” will immediately catch your eye. The main thing is to remove the dirt while it is still fresh, otherwise belated cleaning may not go so smoothly.

How to remove grease stains from clothes

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