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How handicrafts are useful for women. Why is crafting good for the brain? Weaving lace with bobbins

Creating is useful

When a child does what he loves in his spare time, he undoubtedly receives not only pleasure from the process. After all, any creative activity helps to develop such necessary qualities and skills as accuracy, attentiveness, perseverance, the ability to concentrate and complete the work started.

Doing handicrafts develops good taste in a child and gives him the opportunity to develop harmoniously and diversified. A creative hobby helps you escape from worries and relax productively. Having mastered any type of needlework, the child will proudly demonstrate the successful results of his work. And at the same time realize how much effort and time you need to spend in order to create something with your own hands. And the young master will be able to prepare surprises and gifts with his own hands for the next holiday.

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Isn't this a woman's business?

It so happens that the term “handicraft” is more associated with the weaker sex. With a sewing needle or a crochet hook, we traditionally “see” a girl. However, guys are just as happy to take part in quilling master classes, create crafts from beads during craft lessons, and weave jewelry from rubber bands. Therefore, you should not limit your child in choosing his favorite activity, focusing on his gender. It is necessary to encourage children's interest in various types of creativity. And help him with organizing classes - buy a handicraft manual, select lessons on the Internet, enroll your child in a thematic class.

Working with beads

Beadwork And beading– the classes are painstaking, they require diligence, attentiveness and a well-lit workplace. Children from the age of eight can try these types of needlework.

Decorations, keychains, mobile cases, room decor and Christmas tree decorations - all this can be woven from beads. In addition to the basic material, the young master will most likely need bugles, beads, and fishing line for his work. For products that must have a rigid shape, thin wire is needed, as well as pliers and wire cutters. When making beaded jewelry, metal fittings are used.

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A beaded pattern is usually embroidered on fabric with a printed pattern, or on a canvas with a diagram attached. The work is done on hoops or snaps. For beginners, it is better to purchase a special embroidery kit, which, in addition to fabric, will contain a needle, thread and bags of beads. Experienced embroiderers advise not to be tempted by the cheap option when choosing beads for embroidery - they often have different sizes and may lose color over time. The young master will have to learn how to correctly select threads to match the color of beads, master different types of seams and working techniques. Bead embroidery is not a cheap pleasure.

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Classic origami, the art of folding paper figures, involves working with a square sheet of paper, without glue or scissors. Although today they often deviate from these canons. And instead of special paper, they often use white printer paper. Therefore, origami is not a very expensive hobby.

By folding paper figures, the child trains fine motor skills. He learns to be neat, strengthens his skills in working with scissors and glue, develops spatial thinking and gains basic knowledge of mathematics. And it even trains your memory, because every object in origami is created by strictly following the pattern. Beginning origami artists (children as young as five or six years old can become them) master the basic forms of origami. And then they proceed to simple figures and modular (complex) origami, guided by picture diagrams or video tutorials.

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Sleight of hand works real miracles with such a seemingly simple material - paper strips. Twisted in a special way using a quilling tool, the finished parts are glued to the base, forming a certain composition. Quilling activities develop a child's imagination and are very useful for fine motor skills. To make the product, the young craftsman will need strips of paper, a rod with a forked end for winding it, tweezers, scissors, and glue. If the work involves creating several identical parts, you cannot do without a stencil with round holes of different sizes. Experienced quillers claim that even four-year-old children can master simple elements of compositions under the guidance of adults.

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This technique magically transforms the appearance of almost any object, be it furniture, dishes, interior items, wood or glass. A suitable pattern is applied and fixed to the pre-treated surface of the product, and finally it is coated with varnish in several layers. The most accessible and popular is the design of paper napkins (their top layer); rice paper, decoupage cards, special pastes, fabric draperies and even eggshells can also be used. Decorating products using the decoupage technique is a multi-stage work; at a high level it requires certain costs and skill. Children should start with simple tasks, for example, using decoupage technique to decorate a refrigerator magnet or a glass jar. If you entrust the stage of varnishing a product to adults, children can master this technique as early as six or seven years old.

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Classic scrapbooking is a technique for creating and unusually designing a photo album. Each page is a moment from the past, captured with the help of pictures and stories. Scrapbooking has also found its application in decorating photo frames, boxes, notepads, postcards - everything that falls under the description of “cute little thing.” Scrapbooking at a professional level requires expensive consumables (paper, decor, ribbons, lace, felt, etc.) and special tools. Therefore, this hobby is considered quite expensive. Experienced scrappers claim that smart children can start scrapbooking from the age of 12. For the initial steps, they recommend choosing ready-made creativity kits.

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Working with felt

From this non-woven material you can create a wide variety of things - jewelry, toys, finger puppets for the theater, souvenirs, pillows, boxes, bags. To work with felt, you may need scissors, thread, a needle, a hot glue gun, ribbons, lace and various decor. Under the supervision of adults and with their help, children over the age of eight can make simple felt products.

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Floral hair decorations made from silk fabric are called Hana Kanzashi(hana kanzashi). Light and elegant products that have Japanese roots are made using the tsumami technique - made from square-shaped scraps. To assemble the elements, use glue or thread. The flower is additionally decorated and attached to an accessory (hairpin, comb, hoop). Experienced craftsmen say that children over the age of 12-14 can handle such delicate work.

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Felting wool

Using the wet felting method, which requires only wool, water, soap and the deft hands of a craftsman, flat products (clothes, linens, decorative elements) and ball-beads for jewelry are made. Dry felting is used to create three-dimensional products, in particular toys. The main tool for this method is a special needle, so this activity is largely an adult hobby. Sometimes techniques are combined. Wet felting is safer for children. Even five-year-olds can try to do simple elements, such as beads, under adult supervision.

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Rubber bands

A real hit among children over the age of seven or eight is weaving from rubber bands, the so-called Rainbow loom. For this fascinating process, in addition to consumables, you need a hook and a machine. Machines come in different complexity and designs. There are patterns that are woven exclusively on the fingers. For some crafts, forks wrapped with tape and pencils are used. It is convenient to purchase materials and tools in ready-made kits. The stores have both original products and analogues, the price of which is several times lower.

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Polymer clay

Plastic, as polymer clay is also called, is similar in appearance to plasticine, so even kids can work with it. But unlike plasticine crafts, products made from polymer clay are much brighter, they are more durable and can be stored for a very long time. Polymer clay is a relatively affordable material. It has many varieties, which provides great opportunities for creativity. Finished products are fired; at home, this is done in a conventional oven. There is self-hardening polymer clay that does not require firing.

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Very often, the decisive role in choosing an occupation is played by what the child’s immediate environment – ​​friends, classmates – is passionate about. He will see, try, learn - and tomorrow he will be focused on his masterpiece. It is important for a child to learn not to set a very high bar at the very beginning, so that the risk of possible failures is lower, and he does not lose the desire to continue doing his chosen activity.

Funny video

The 2 year old loves to throw. Look what happened when his parents bought him a basketball hoop!

Hello friends.

According to recent observations, it turns out that manual labor is almost “manna from heaven” for humanity. What do you think: Is handicraft really useful or is it just another myth?

I suggest we think together about the benefits of needlework and do research. In the article you will find infographics about the benefits of certain types of needlework, famous paintings by artists about craftsmanship, and much more.

I am a supporter of verified information of an experimental or scientific nature. Therefore, I don’t trust what they say, but I look for evidence.

Handicraft is...

It is difficult to say when the first handicrafts appeared. Probably, as soon as a person acquired the state of thinking, he became aware of the needs of the body and soul.

More than one century has passed from the loincloth with a digging stick to the masterpieces of architecture. But every creation proves that humanity cannot live without crafts and creative activities.

Handicraft in art and literature

Examples from fiction and popular science literature confirm the love for creating hand-made objects.

A folk tale teaches that something is useful, necessary for life, and gives gifts to the craftswoman.

Remember the stories about Sloth and the Needlewoman or the tireless Cinderella. The hardworking girl at the end of the fairy tale receives a reward: gold and silver, and even a Prince, but Sloth is left with nothing.

Cartoon “Moroz Ivanovich” (about the Needlewoman and Lenivitsa):

It is impossible to imagine a classic novel without a heroine who spends her evenings doing embroidery or.

Look at paintings by artists from different times, reflecting the handicraft spirit of humanity:

Even queens did not disdain handicrafts, not to mention ordinary people, for whom handicrafts were often a source of food.

Handicraft due to poverty or impulse of the soul?

I hear objections that there was nothing to do before. No internet, no clubs with shops, no fitness centers. What remains is to sit and embroider. Ordinary people, out of hopelessness, sewed, embroidered, made dishes, out of poverty and an undeveloped industry.

That's how it is. But the facts prove that folk needlework was an inseparable part of development and education, strengthening family values ​​and the spirit of people.

Handicrafts decorated everyday life and often served as amulets.

People made crafts not just out of poverty, but in this way they expressed the soul’s need for beauty, security and the joy of being.

Therefore, every girl from the age of 4-5 could “, and as she got older, she participated in women’s circles. There the basics of the skill were being passed on and each participant did her job.

Handicrafts for every woman

I remember from childhood: in my grandmothers’ house there were large spinning wheels with legs and some started knitting lying around; and my mother had an electric spinning wheel, knitting needles for circular knitting and magazines for craftswomen; many relatives, including sisters and aunts, spun, sewed, knitted and embroidered.

I myself, secretly spinning the wheel of my grandmother’s spinning wheel or accidentally removing loops from the knitting needles, learned the model: needlework is a natural activity for every woman.

What’s surprising is that when I remember my mother or grandmothers at work, I see faces: calm, peaceful, bright. It’s as if they are immersed inside themselves, the body is relaxed, and the gaze is warm, warming.

How I loved to sit next to you and listen to the subtle knock of the spokes or the noise of the engine. I loved them, because they answered them with pleasure, without referring to being busy.

Handicrafts do not interfere with communication; on the contrary, they liberate participants and help them find a common language.

This is probably why, as an adult, I enjoy paying attention to manual activities: I love tinkering, embroidering or replanting flowers. My own experience and the experience of other craftswomen proves the benefits of needlework.

In our fast-paced age, manual labor acts as a mild antidepressant and relieves stress.

How handicraft relieves stress

To assess the validity of the statement, consider the mechanism of brain function during stress.

Under stress the brain synthesizes the hormone cortisol, which leads the body to the ability to act - run, hit, etc. Long-term exposure to cortisol leads to increased anxiety and fear.

Responsible for learning, memory, control of emotions and behavior, the neural connections of the brain are destroyed under the influence of an insidious hormone. Concentration suffers too.

The good news is that cortisol helps increase the sensitivity of the pleasure center to dopamine. This works after completing a task, obtaining a result, or acquiring a useful skill.

Thus, if we slightly deceive the nature of stress, presenting the brain with the result in the form of objects created by hands, cortisol will play a creative role.

Sensitivity to pleasure is increased, which means it’s easy to redirect attention to

By the way, this explains the more than once ridiculed “addiction” of enthusiastic needlewomen. While doing needlework, the craftswoman immediately sees the result of her labor in the process. At this time, dopamine tells the brain “you’re great!” and the relationship is established.

Every person is capable of helping the body in difficult situations using physical activity and enjoyable manual labor.

The connection between fine motor skills and crafts

A little more from the scientific...

There are many biologically active points on the hands, the impact of which changes the hormonal levels of the body, improves reaction, attention, and memory.

Remember the famous phrase of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. about the abilities and intelligence of a child, which are at the tips of his fingers.

The relationship between general development and finger motor skills has long been proven. Working on your palms is useful not only in childhood. The beneficial effect is confirmed at any age.

Handicraft indirectly affects important areas of the palm, which means it helps the normal functioning of the body.

For example, when knitting or embroidering, making movements with her fingers, a woman influences the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

It, in turn, controls the production of hormones that stimulate the secretion of estrogens (female hormones) in the ovaries, the functioning of the reproductive system, prolactin and others.

Thus, the craftswoman involuntarily equalizes the hormonal levels in the body. Switches from “male” tasks to female ones. About them below.

For clarity, I have prepared infographics about the benefits of certain types of needlework. You will learn how sewing, embroidery, knitting and other types of crafts affect the body.

Handicrafts and feminine energy

I can't ignore this popular topic. , feminine energy, feminine states are fashionable words nowadays. But, if you remove the skepticism and do your homework to your heart’s content, words about femininity will take on a new, deeper meaning.

Manual creativity, together with the activation of the right hemisphere of the brain, the inclusion of non-standard thinking and the development of taste, helps to calm the mind and pause the ever-running internal conversations.

A woman doing needlework immerses herself inside, into her feelings. She is forced to feel her body, her hands - so as not to lose count when casting on loops or laying.

Thus, one finds oneself in the moment “Here and Now”.

And this, by the way, is an important practice in the teachings of various spiritual directions. To achieve enlightened consciousness, nothing more, nothing less. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers sewed, knitted, wove dolls and created things for household use.

Calming the active female mind, delving into the sensations of the hands, relaxing the tension of the body, the woman seems to plunge into a meditative state. Anxiety goes away and a feeling of joy of life appears.

An amazing relationship between needlework and a peaceful female state.

Harm from needlework

It would be dishonest not to mention the “fly in the ointment”.

Handicraft is not a panacea and doing it, like any activity that changes the mind and body, can cause harm.

Remember, we talked about addiction above.

If manual skill goes from the category of “quiet” to the category of “violent” passion, this is clearly too much.

  • Not worth it dedicate to needlework 24 hours a day, forgetting children, husband, family, rest and responsibilities.
  • No need buy up half the store and spend your salary on more “hamster” supplies.
  • No need turn the house into a handicraft battlefield, cluttering every corner.

To prevent dopamine addiction from your favorite activity from turning into intoxication, follow some rules:

  • Organize a separate corner for handicrafts with;
  • Set aside time for work, for example, half an hour every day or 2 hours on weekends, etc.;
  • Alternate hobbies with household responsibilities;
  • Visit handicraft stores with a clear list and a limited amount;
  • Organize handicraft gatherings for your loved ones;
  • Remember that the world is not limited to handicrafts; there are still many amazing areas that need your attention.
  • Remember the health of the body- the development of hand motor skills is undoubtedly useful, but the rest of the body also needs exercise and physical activity. Do a warm-up, exercise for your eyes, and walk in the fresh air.
  • Don't replace crafts with a choice of ideas and materials - create real things!

Such simple rules will help elevate handicrafts to the rank of favorite activities that bring benefits. Checked!

Let's summarize:

So, is handicraft really beneficial or is it just another myth?

Conducted research and personal experience prove the benefits of manual activity.

The benefits of handicrafts are that they:

  1. Relieves tension and fatigue;
  2. Is a mild antidepressant;
  3. Helps improve memory, attention, general condition of the body;
  4. Evens out hormonal levels;
  5. Switches to the moment “here and now”;
  6. Teaches you to direct attention to body sensations;
  7. Gives joy.

All children are very talented at an early age. Notice how many interests your child has: he is ready to sculpt, draw, and immediately make some kind of craft.

In addition, children are happy when their parents offer them something new, for example, joint creativity. So why not turn this process not only into an entertaining pastime, but also into a useful activity for your baby.

What are the benefits of handicrafts?

The first thing that working with hands gives is the development of fine motor skills. The child learns to control his fingers by holding small beads, buttons and other parts in his hands. And as you know, developed fine motor skills are the key to successful mental development of a child.

Handicrafts develop a child’s perseverance, develop patience and the ability to do monotonous work, which will be important when your child becomes a schoolchild.

Creative activities involve working with paper, glue, threads and other materials that need to be removed after work and the workplace put in order. Agree, instilling cleanliness in a child is a very necessary activity for his future independence. In addition, the baby will learn to properly organize his workspace: arrange objects compactly so that he is comfortable and nothing gets in his way.

When working with beads, this of course applies more to girls; the child also receives aesthetic pleasure. Ask your daughter to make you a necklace or bracelet - you will see with what enthusiasm and perseverance she will take on this task! Isn’t it wonderful when a child, in the process of creativity, also learns the basics of virtue?!

Beading is one of the types of needlework.

The main rule that should always take place in any activity is to bring the process to the end. If your little one says he's tired, help him finish his creative work, but don't put it off until later. The child must understand that it is not worth giving up halfway, that only after finishing one lesson can you start another. This rule will help develop in your child orderliness in his actions, prudence and proper management of time.

As old as time - this is the first “association that comes to mind when we hear the word “handicraft”. The second grandmother is on the bench, knitting socks. Unfortunately, today it is rare that a mother strives to teach her daughter the art of embroidery, knitting or sewing: why, there are plenty of fashionable things in the stores, after all, it’s not the 70s. Computer courses and foreign languages ​​are much more relevant. It is, of course, difficult to argue with this, but still, handicrafts, in our opinion, have been forgotten completely undeservedly. Let's start with the fact that the word “handicraft” covers not only knitting, embroidery and sewing, but also macrame, lace weaving, beading - as they say, choose to taste. Moreover, fashion magazines offer a wide range of the latest new products of the season.

What does handicraft give a child?

Of course, a reasonable question arises: what can such labor-intensive work do for your children and why should they make time in their busy schedule for handicrafts? Well, let's see what benefits such activities can bring in addition to exclusive products.

  • The word “handicraft” comes from the phrase “to do with the hands,” and anything that uses the hands develops them. Thus, improvement is ensured.
  • Secondly, as already mentioned, any type of needlework is a rather labor-intensive process. Such painstaking work trains perseverance, patience and voluntary attention, and these, you see, are very valuable qualities, especially for schoolwork.
  • Thirdly, it would be a pity to waste a lot of time on careless work, so the kids try very hard and in most cases do everything diligently. In addition, willy-nilly, they have to arrange their workplace during classes and put away knitting needles, needles, threads, scissors after work, gradually learning neatness and the ability to organize their workspace.
  • Those who have knitted a pattern, ornament or cross-stitched at least once know how important it is to be able to count in this matter: knit three loops in red, six in green, eight in black and eleven in yellow. Therefore, they quickly master counting, as well as acting according to a model, which will also be an invaluable help at school.
  • By sewing cut out details, weaving patterns, assembling beaded necklaces of indescribable beauty, the child not only gets an idea of ​​space, but also develops imagination.

Whatever your baby does, it is very important that he completes everything. Therefore, you should not, having just learned to knit, take up a blouse for your mother with a breathtaking pattern; it will be enough to make a knitted toy or a headband. The main condition is to get the result of your activities.

  • And, of course, your daughter will not tolerate stains on the outfit she sewed for Baron and will not throw it anywhere. Respect for your work will gradually turn into respect for the work of other people (if it took me so long to knit this little blouse for a doll, how much did my grandmother work on my blouse?!). With the help of parents, respect for other people's work turns into caring for things. It will be much easier for you to explain to your child why you need to wash clothes on time, not throw them everywhere, change them when you come home from school, sew up holes, etc. Handicraft is a creative process, and any creative process contributes to the development of the child’s aesthetic principles, his artistic taste. The process of creation gradually turns him into a creative person. We hope our arguments will convince you that you should not be skeptical about a beading or cutting and sewing circle. And, seeing them on the list of extra activities at school, perhaps you will give preference to these particular clubs.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Creative activities have a direct impact on personality development, therefore children's handicrafts and its importance in raising a child are an important process. You can instill a love of creativity at any age, but a young researcher will be much more interested in learning the unknown than an adult. In raising a child, it is very important to provide all possible assistance and support. Handicrafts will be easier and you will enjoy them more if your parents help you in this matter.

What is children's handicrafts

As you grow up, there is no time left for hobbies and hobbies. Children's handicrafts are an opportunity to express yourself, show your talents and develop them even more. Little fingers gluing abstract appliques or cross-stitching whimsical pictures look insanely cute. Such leisure certainly cannot be called idleness; it is of great importance in nurturing many important qualities and instills a love of work. It’s good if parents encourage this activity - praise your son or daughter more. Tell me what works and what needs more practice, help.

The benefits of handicrafts for children

Quiet time spent doing activities that are at least slightly related to art matters and bears fruit. Children's hobbies, which seem frivolous, often develop into a profession. Developing the habit of doing things with your own hands will have a positive effect at an older age. The benefits of handicrafts for a child are enormous:

  • he becomes more diligent;
  • attentiveness is trained;
  • accuracy is practiced;
  • Imagination, thinking and fantasy develop in such a fascinating way;
  • fine motor skills of the hands are developed;
  • the child feels special and unique.

Types of handicrafts for children

It is much easier to imagine girls engaged in quiet games or creative activities than boys. Making crafts with your own hands requires perseverance; a restless person is unlikely to be able to do it. Types of handicrafts for children can be as follows:

  • Decorative and applied. Ultimately, the results of such creativity can be used to decorate the house. These are all kinds of figures, molded and painted by hand, and much more.
  • Creative. This variety requires showing a huge amount of imagination in order to create something of your own, unlike anyone else.

Both types have a place in a child’s life; they can be combined and supplemented. Mom or dad should help you master this or that option; they are also obliged to control the process at first. Such interaction will have a positive effect on the relationship between the child and parents in the future. The baby will do his “work” diligently in order to receive well-deserved praise from mom and dad.

Handicraft techniques for children

What to do and which option to choose depends on the age and character of the child. Techniques that require meticulousness are definitely not suitable for restless kids. You can make your selection using this list:

  • Sewing. It’s easier to get girls interested in this technique; it can be useful to them in adulthood. You can start acquiring a useful skill by sewing costumes for dolls or household items such as potholders.
  • Knitting. A child can show a desire to independently create knitted items at a very young age. Like sewing, crocheting or knitting is a fun process.
  • Weaving. This includes, for example, making jewelry from beads and beads or assembling baskets from thick paper.
  • Application. For this option, different materials are suitable, but the simplest is colored paper. Make whimsical pictures together that you can then give to your relatives.
  • Embroidery. Like knitting, this variety requires increased attention. The eyes will require mandatory rest.
  • Modeling. You can start sculpting original figures from salt dough, without using complex tools.

Handicraft activities for children

It is more interesting to learn something from an early age in a group. There is not only the development of abilities, but also the emergence of a competitive spirit. The child strives to surpass his peers, receiving no less pleasure from the struggle than from the creative process itself. Activities for children have an impact on character and shape personality. Their importance cannot be exaggerated, because creative activity is designed to help develop the necessary qualities in a child.

Handicrafts in kindergarten

When it comes to group learning, the first people that come to mind are those who surround the child most of the time. Handicrafts in kindergarten are not only a way to fill time, but also a common pedagogical technique. Children, under the constant supervision of a teacher, perform one or another task, simultaneously comparing their products with the crafts of their peers. This moment is of enormous importance in the life and formation of a child’s character, since it makes him feel different from others.

Children's handicraft circles

If a child has a predisposition to create something with his own hands, this may be a reason to find him a teaching program. Children's handicraft clubs aimed at more in-depth activities are perfect for this. Here teachers are more attentive to each student and show an individual approach. Thanks to this, along with imagination, accuracy develops, because it is important to bring your original idea to life beautifully.

Children's handicrafts at home

The habit of some parents to postpone raising their children during school can lead to missing out on treasured time. Children's handicrafts at home are an element of education, a step towards the child, because he perceives it as a game, as an opportunity to once again communicate with his parents. Be an example for your child: complete the same task, agreeing to do it as efficiently as possible. If something doesn’t work out for your child, point it out right away, and then try to fix it together.

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