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How to remove stretch marks on different parts of the body. Recipe for cream with mumiyo for stretch marks. Medical help for stretch marks

Today, stretch marks are a problem for many women. Even some men suffer from unpleasant skin irregularities. If unwanted formations have already appeared, then you should not give up. There are many methods to combat stretch marks; you can even get rid of them at home.

Stretch marks are scars that form as a result of a decrease in the concentration of collagen and elastin in cells. During constant stretching of the skin, cracks appear, which are instantly filled with connective tissue. It is for this reason that stretch marks differ in color from the main cover.

These formations are also called striae. They can appear in the abdomen, chest, thighs, and even arms.

You can and should fight stretch marks, the main thing is to do it competently and consciously.

Causes of appearance on the skin

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period. It is at this time that a woman is most likely to develop stretch marks. All systems in the body are completely rebuilt, the rhythm of life changes, and weight increases. Such changes often lead to consequences in the form of unpleasant formations on the skin.
  2. Failure of the hormonal and endocrine systems. Such disorders often lead to the appearance of stretch marks.
  3. Adolescence. It is often during this period that boys and girls develop stretch marks. It's all about a sharp growth spurt. The skin may not keep up with the pace of the body. It is worth noting that older people often suffer from the appearance of stretch marks, since the concentration of collagen in the tissues is noticeably reduced.
  4. Due to physical activity. If a person has a reduced elastin content in his tissues, and he is actively involved in sports, then there is a risk of stretch marks. They can occur due to small tears in the skin. This is especially true for lovers of strength training.
  5. A sharp jump in weight. Perhaps the most common cause of stretch marks. Rapid weight loss or gain is a great stress for the human body. The skin cannot always keep up with the changes occurring in the body, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant formations.
  6. Genetics. Not everyone is born with elastic and smooth skin. If you take proper and regular care of yourself, you can overcome heredity.
  7. Food. This is not the main factor, but it should not be neglected. Don't indulge in sweets and fatty foods if you don't want to get unpleasant formations on your skin.

Types of stretch marks

There are several classifications of types of stretch marks. Let's look at the main ones.

By shape

  1. Thread-like. These are barely noticeable white stripes.
  2. Scars. Pale pink scars of small size.
  3. Longitudinal. Stripes of bluish-burgundy color. After some time, such stretch marks acquire a lighter shade.

By color

  1. White.
  2. Reds.
  3. Purple.

By direction

  1. Horizontal orientation. The main cause of such stretch marks is a disruption in the hormonal system.
  2. Vertical (longitudinal) orientation. These stretch marks often occur due to weight gain or pregnancy.

By stages of development

  1. First. Fresh stretch marks are purple or red in color.
  2. Second. Over time, stretch marks become faded and less noticeable. Eventually, the formations become white. But in some cases, stretch marks remain red forever.

How to get rid of them

Stretch marks are not dangerous to human health. This is just a cosmetic defect that causes discomfort to most people. Everyone wants to look beautiful in a swimsuit, so you need to deal with unpleasant formations. There are many ways to do this. It is worth noting that all of them can be used on any part of the body (the exception is the chest, for which only Garcia massage, wraps, scrubs).

Fighting stretch marks at home

You can get rid of stretch marks even at home. But to do this, you need to carefully study the information about various procedures so as not to harm yourself.


  1. The first product is made from ground coffee. A prerequisite is that the product is natural. Pour boiling water over the coffee until it has the consistency of thick yogurt. Wait 15 minutes. It is necessary to scrub dry skin, since this method is the most effective. Five minutes will be enough. After the procedure, it is advisable to take a contrast shower.
  2. For the next scrub you will need a teaspoon of sugar, salt and olive oil. Combine the ingredients and massage the resulting mixture onto your skin for five minutes. There is no need to apply cream after such a scrub, since the oil will keep the skin sufficiently moisturized.
  3. Another interesting remedy against stretch marks is a scrub based on sour cream and cocoa. Take a tablespoon of each ingredient, add 10 g of coarse salt and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the product to problem areas and rub it into the skin for ten minutes. Then take a warm shower.

Remember that if you are individually intolerant to the components, you cannot use scrubs. Also, do not use the product too often, once a week will be enough.

Scrubs are not the most effective treatment for stretch marks. However, if you do the procedures regularly, then after six months the unpleasant formations will noticeably fade.

Folk remedies

There are also folk options for dealing with stretch marks. These include:

  • apple cider vinegar;
  • aspirin;
  • vitamin e;
  • aloe;
  • levomekol;
  • glycerol;
  • rosemary;
  • Guam;
  • star;
  • black clay;
  • turmeric;
  • pumice;
  • kelp;
  • gelatin;
  • celandine;
  • lactic acid, etc.

Using honey, asterisk, vitamin E, glycerin and rosemary ether, massage problem areas. A wrap is made using clay, apple cider vinegar, aloe, black clay, turmeric, kelp and gelatin. Celandine is used locally, in places where stretch marks are most pronounced. You need to be careful with pumice, because you can seriously harm yourself. In general, folk remedies are not as effective as other methods of eliminating stretch marks. You will have to wait a long time for the result.


  1. The most popular mask against stretch marks is alginate. This product can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a gel. The big advantage of the mask is that it is hypoallergenic. The gel contains mineral clay, ginseng, essential oils and alginates themselves. The mask helps to reduce body weight, reduce body fat and smooth out stretch marks. The product is applied to the body using a special brush. After this, the problem area must be wrapped in cling film and left for half an hour. It is advisable to lie covered with a blanket all this time. The gel is removed in one motion, since it turns into a film on the body. The procedures must be completed in a course - from 10 to 15. The mask can be done several times a week.
  2. Another mask against stretch marks is made based on aloe. Take a few leaves of the plant and scoop out the pulp using a spoon. Add 10 ml of olive oil to aloe. Apply the resulting mask to problem areas. After an hour, wash off the product. Do the procedure twice a week for a month.
  3. The next mask is made using avocado and clay. Mash the fruit with a fork until it has the consistency of thick yogurt. Add two tablespoons of any clay to the resulting slurry. Pour the same amount of ground oatmeal into the product. You also need to pour a teaspoon of peach oil into the mask. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the product to stretch marks. After a quarter of an hour, take a cool shower. Do the procedure once a week for six months.


The bandage against stretch marks is used mainly by pregnant girls. It is important that the product is made of high-quality hypoallergenic material. The bandage should not squeeze or cause you other unpleasant sensations. There is a prenatal, postnatal and universal product. The name corresponds to the period of wear. Universal, suitable for both pregnancy and recovery after it. A good bandage does not interfere with the normal development of the child.

Rules for using the bandage:

  • every three hours you need to rest from wearing for 30 minutes;
  • you need to remove the product while sleeping;
  • During the last month of pregnancy, the support belt can only be worn when walking.

The only contraindication to the use of a bandage is the position of the child in the womb other than normal. In any case, you should consult your doctor before using the product.

Creams and gels

  1. One of the most affordable and effective creams against stretch marks is Contractubex. The product can remove even old scars, so it can cope with less noticeable formations. The main thing in this case is patience. Contractubex must be used for six months to achieve the desired result.
  2. Another well-known remedy against stretch marks is the cream from Green Mama. The big advantage of the product is its natural composition. The cream is suitable even for very sensitive skin. You can use it for a long time until the unpleasant formations are less noticeable.
  3. One of the most expensive creams for stretch marks is Lierac. It can even rid you of old formations. In addition, the cream gives the skin a uniform appearance and makes it more elastic. Lierac's product is more suitable for mature women and those who have quickly lost weight. You can use the cream for six months, and then you need to take a break for a month.
  4. A popular remedy against stretch marks is Mederma gel. In its effect it is similar to Contractubex and is not inferior to it in effectiveness. The gel is able to remove scars, scars, acne marks and other formations on the skin. In addition, the product moisturizes and nourishes cells well. You can use the gel until the desired result is achieved.

Beauty treatments

In addition to fighting stretch marks at home, you can visit salon treatments. Of course, specialists will help you decide on a suitable complex and advise you. Let's look at the most popular and effective cosmetic procedures against stretch marks.


Mesotherapy is a procedure during which a special composition is injected under the skin. It is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the client and is usually completely natural.

There are two main types of mesotherapy:

  1. Traditional. In this case, the mesococktail is injected under the skin using thin needles. It is worth considering that discomfort may occur. The method is absolutely not suitable for people who are terrified of injections.
  2. Hardware. The main difference between this method is that there is no pain. It is recommended to choose the hardware type if the area of ​​skin being treated has a large area (thighs, abdomen, etc.). The vitamin cocktail penetrates through the pores under high pressure, so the procedure has no consequences in the form of swelling and bruises.

Mesotherapy has a small number of contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infections;
  • blood diseases.

To make stretch marks less noticeable, you need to do five to ten procedures. A specialist will tell you how much you need. Mesotherapy can be done once every 7 days. After the procedure, you cannot go to the pool or sauna, or sunbathe.


Peeling is a procedure to remove the upper layers of the epithelium. Thanks to regular sessions, collagen synthesis accelerates. It is worth noting that peeling is a serious stress for the body, so pay attention to the following contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • wounds and inflammations on the skin;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the components included in the peeling;
  • period of menstruation.

There are two most effective peelings against stretch marks:


The action of Darsonval's device occurs due to a current of low strength but high frequency. The procedures increase collagen synthesis in tissues, and excess and diseased cells are gradually eliminated. Darsonval acts gently, without causing the patient any discomfort during the process. A specialist in the salon will help you choose the appropriate nozzle and correctly perform the procedure. The main thing is to watch your feelings, they should be extremely pleasant. It is not recommended to use the device yourself, as you may harm yourself. Minor tingling sensations during the process are normal.

Interestingly, Darsonval eliminates the cause of stretch marks, and does not just fight the consequences. A specialist will help you decide on the number and duration of procedures. The doctor should also advise you about the presence of contraindications.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a procedure during which a substance with the formula O 3 is injected under the skin using a thin needle. Active oxygen helps improve blood circulation and metabolism, as well as eliminate toxic substances from cells. The skin becomes firmer and more elastic. Stretch marks are smoothed out and sometimes completely eliminated. A course of ozone therapy usually lasts from 10 to 15 sessions. The procedure should not bring you pain or discomfort.

Ozone therapy has the following contraindications:

  • active oxygen intolerance;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • bleeding of any origin.


Plasmolifting is a procedure during which the patient is given injections of his own blood. Thanks to this, collagen production significantly improves, the skin becomes firmer and smoother. Blood for the procedure is taken from a vein and then processed until plasma is formed. This lifting can reduce the appearance of even the oldest stretch marks. It is worth noting that the procedure is quite expensive, but it is definitely worth it. It is recommended to do plasma lifting once every two weeks. A specialist will help you decide on the number of sessions.

Plasmolifting has the following contraindications:

  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to anti- and procoagulants;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • the presence of serious illnesses.

Hyaluronic acid

Stretch marks can be removed by injecting a special drug under the skin. It usually contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins and amino acids. During the procedure, the process of skin cell renewal is activated, due to which stretch marks gradually become less noticeable. The number of sessions is determined by the specialist in the salon depending on your initial data.

Before you begin treating stretch marks with hyaluronic acid, you must familiarize yourself with the following contraindications:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • skin diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.


Mesothreads are often used to tighten skin that already produces collagen poorly. The procedure is one of the safest, since natural materials are used during its implementation. Using very thin steel needles, the mesothreads are inserted under the skin. After six months, the material completely disintegrates and is removed from the tissues. The principle of operation of mesothreads is based on the formation of collagen and elastin. Connective tissue grows around the injected material, making the skin more elastic and stretch marks gradually disappear. Despite the safety of mesothreads, the procedure has some contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic hyperthermia (high temperature);
  • inflammatory skin diseases.

Interestingly, anesthesia is not needed during the session, since pain should not occur.

It is worth considering that after the procedure you should not expose your skin to overheating or sunbathe for several weeks. Active sports are also not recommended. A specialist will help you decide on the number of sessions and their frequency.


Microcurrents are a physiotherapeutic procedure that has a positive effect on the skin of the body. During the session, blood circulation and intracellular metabolism improves. It is interesting that microcurrents practically do not carry with them any unpleasant consequences in the form of various complications. Stretch marks gradually smooth out, and the skin becomes more elastic. The principle of operation of the procedure is the effect of current on old cells, due to which the tissues are actively restored and healed. The number of sessions and their frequency are determined individually for each case.

Contraindications to microcurrents are:

  • individual intolerance to current influences;
  • epilepsy;
  • various types of cardiopathy and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • the presence of a pacemaker and other electrical devices in the patient’s body;
  • the presence of metal pins in the bones or gold threads in the skin;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation or acute viral or inflammatory diseases;
  • various violations of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​proposed correction.


  1. Clay based recipe. Take 50 grams of dry matter, add a few drops of lemon ether to it. Dilute the resulting mixture with water and bring the wrap to the consistency of thick yogurt. Apply the product to problem areas and wrap in cling film. After an hour, wash off the clay. You can do this wrap without interruption until you are satisfied with the result.
  2. Chocolate. Take cocoa powder and dissolve it in water. It should have the consistency of thick yogurt. Apply the paste to problem areas of the skin, wrap yourself in film and lie quietly for about half an hour. The wrap is safe for health, so there are no restrictions on the number of uses.
  3. Vinegar. It is considered quite effective. Take vinegar made from apples and mix it with water in a ratio of 1:3. Apply the liquid to problem areas for half an hour. Do the procedure at least once a week until results are achieved.


  1. Honey. Take some liquid sweetness and heat it in your palms. Then lightly pat the area where the stretch marks appear with your hands. Fifteen minutes will be enough. After the procedure, take a contrast shower. Honey massage can be done several times a week until you achieve the desired result. Do not forget about contraindications, which include: allergies to the composition, hypertension, pregnancy and inflammation in the problem area.
  2. Canned. To carry out the procedure, you need to purchase special devices. It is necessary to fix the jar on the skin and make circular movements. Gradually increase the speed, and reduce it towards the end of the massage. Before the procedure, you can lie in a hot bath to steam the skin. It’s good if after the massage you take a contrast shower. The course is usually 10 procedures, the frequency of sessions is once a week. Cupping massage has the following contraindications: various types of inflammation in the affected areas, blood diseases, disorders of the nervous system, a tendency to open bleeding, problems with the heart and blood vessels, thrombophlebitis.
  3. Vacuum. During the procedure, the top layer of skin is subjected to serious irritation, which accelerates cellular metabolism. Vacuum massage is recommended to be done exclusively in a specialist’s salon. Stretch marks noticeably fade after just a few sessions. The contraindications for the procedure are the same as for cupping massage.
  4. Garcia massage differs from other procedures in that it can be performed even on the chest. During the session you will not experience any discomfort. The massage is a complex of light stroking and pinching, thanks to which the cells begin to actively renew themselves. The procedure can be performed daily.


For best results, perform the exercises daily.

Surgical methods for removing stretch marks

The main advantage of surgical removal of stretch marks is the complete relief of the patient from unpleasant formations. The operation is classified as plastic and is recommended only in extreme cases. Usually people who have long-standing deep stretch marks go for this. You can only find out all the details about the operation specifically for your case from your attending physician.

Features of nutrition for stretch marks

The main rule of nutrition for stretch marks is balance. You should not overeat or eat too little as this can lead to weight gain or loss, which will only make the situation worse. Be sure to include lean fish, chicken breast, beef and seafood in your diet. Increasing your protein intake will promote good collagen and elastin production. Also remember to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible every day. It is advisable to have fresh plant foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don't forget to watch your fats, be sure to consume unrefined olive or sunflower oil, as well as nuts. Try to exclude sweets, flour and alcohol from your menu. These products interfere with normal metabolism, causing the skin to become less elastic.

Vegetables should be present in every meal Fruits can replace sweets Low-fat fish is very useful in the fight against stretch marks Lean beef is one of the healthiest types of meat Chicken breast contains little fat, which is good for your figure Seafood is pure protein, which should be the basis of the diet when fighting stretch marks Dairy products must be included in the menu when fighting stretch marks Cereals are very useful for breakfast and lunch Nuts contain healthy fats, but you should not eat more than a handful a day Olive oil can be added to vegetable salads Greens contain a lot of fiber and vitamins, which significantly improves metabolism

Fighting stretch marks with leeches

It has long been known that using leeches can significantly increase skin elasticity. Please pay attention to the contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • presence of tumors;
  • pregnancy.

There are special medical leeches that are used for the procedure. During the session, the process of cell renewal begins, due to which stretch marks gradually resolve. Please note that leeches are completely safe. The doctor will tell you how long the course should last.

Which doctor should you consult if you can’t decide on your own how to deal with stretch marks?

To find out which method of dealing with stretch marks is right for you, you need to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist. You may also need help from the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • geneticist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • nutritionist.
  1. Do not go on strict diets, since sudden weight loss is one of the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks.
  2. Try to eat less flour, sweet and salty foods. Eat more vegetables, fruits and lean meats.
  3. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  4. Don't get carried away with heavy strength exercises.
  5. Use a bandage during pregnancy.
  6. Regularly do a light massage using a special cream or oil.
  7. Introduce into your life such useful habits as contrast showers and exercises.

Stretch marks and scars on the body are constant companions of a person throughout his life. Stretch marks will not disappear on their own, but today we know enough ways to get rid of them.

What are stretch marks

Similar problems often arise in young mothers during pregnancy and in people who quickly gain weight. Stretch marks can also appear during hormonal changes in the body and during the transition period. Unfortunately, this problem is relevant not only for women, but also men are subject to similar troubles.

  • A stretch mark is an atrophic scar that occurs as a result of sudden stretching of tissue. During maximum skin tension, an internal tear occurs, which is subsequently replaced by connective tissue.
  • At first the color of the stretch mark is red, but after time it becomes white. A thin scar forms at the site of the stretch mark.
  • Scars and stretch marks on the skin expose the skin to sagging and roughness, which affects the overall appearance of the skin.

How to remove stretch marks with laser

The most effective procedure for removing stretch marks is called fractional laser thermolysis. You will see the first results within two weeks, which will last a lifetime. The event is a very expensive pleasure, but today it is the only procedure that guarantees a 90% result.

  • The laser hits the skin with special beams and evaporates surface cells, thus smoothing the skin. This action does not damage, burn or injure the skin.
  • The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, does not require pain relief, and a slight tingling sensation is felt. The entire process occurs at the cellular level.
  • During laser operation, tens of thousands of microzones are formed, which destroy old collagen cells of the scar.
  • After the session, the body begins to independently replenish the loss by producing new collagen. As a result, new cells restore firmness and elasticity to the skin.

How to remove stretch marks at home

In the modern world, there are a huge number of products that prevent the appearance of stretch marks. According to doctors' recommendations, the most effective are creams containing vitamins A and C. Vitamin C, like an acid, exfoliates rough skin cells, and vitamin A allows new, healthy cells to grow. There are also several effective ways to combat stretch marks:

  • Before any home treatments, try to massage the skin first. By rubbing, you increase blood flow to the area of ​​stretch marks, which promotes the active regeneration process and restoration of damaged skin cells.
  • Coffee scrub – mix 3-4 tablespoons of natural ground coffee with a glass of hot water, then add a few drops of capsicum tincture. Mix well and leave in a dark place for three days. To avoid an allergic reaction, apply the resulting scrub to a small area of ​​skin before use. To obtain maximum effect, rub the resulting mixture in circular movements onto cleansed and steamed skin.
  • Cream with mumiyo - to prepare the cream, stock up on regular baby cream and Mumiyo tablets, which are sold in every pharmacy. Mix two tablets with two spoons of hot water, wait until completely dissolved. After this, squeeze half of the baby cream into a separate container and pour the resulting solution with mumiyo into it, stirring. It is important that it is necessary to pour the solution into the cream, and not vice versa. Mix the ingredients until smooth, after which you can add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. The cream must be stored in the refrigerator and used daily.

Stretch marks on the body appear due to rupture of collagen fibers. This can happen in cases where the skin is stretched beyond its strength. Most often, stretch marks appear on the abdomen and buttocks during pregnancy, as well as on the arms and legs after a sharp weight loss. Outwardly, they look like skin scars of a purple, bluish or flesh color. The presence of such scars and open clothing (swimsuits, T-shirts, shorts) exclude each other, so you have to either hide the defect in every possible way, or look for methods for treating stretch marks.

Why do stretch marks appear on the body?

The main reason for their appearance is a hormonal shift, due to which a person quickly gains weight over a short period of time and then loses it.

This may happen in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy, when a woman gains 15-20 kg in a few months, and then loses it within a month after giving birth.
  • Intensive growth and development in adolescence, when hormonal levels also change.
  • Long-term use of certain medications, which can cause weight gain and fluid retention in the body. These drugs include glucocorticoids.
  • Endocrine pathology, in which metabolism is disrupted and metabolites or tissue breakdown products accumulate in the body. When the process normalizes, “traces” of these diseases remain on the skin.
  • The appearance of cellulite, the main cause of which is impaired lymphatic drainage. The result is “orange peel” of varying degrees of intensity.

The crimson or bluish color of stretch marks is caused by ruptured blood vessels that burst, leaving small hemorrhages in their place. As the blood clots dissolve, the stretch marks turn whitish. Well, the really bad news is that even after tanning, the stretch marks remain whitish, since in places where fibrous constrictions form, the skin does not have a pigment that can capture ultraviolet rays.

What methods of stretch mark removal are used today?

Striae are areas of scar tissue that only ointments or home wraps cannot cope with. An experienced cosmetologist will know how to get rid of stretch marks, who will determine the degree of damage to the skin and select the most effective therapy or set of therapeutic procedures.

There are quite a few ways to remove stretch marks, but they are all divided into two large groups:

  1. Impact on scar tissue, in which shallow stretch marks can be made invisible. Such manipulations include therapeutic massage, medium or superficial peeling and wraps, which must be performed regularly to maintain the cosmetic effect, and injection therapy.
  2. Methods for complete removal of stretch marks, in which the defect is “reduced” almost completely. These are hardware technologies - laser treatment, fractional thermolysis and resurfacing, surgical removal.

How to get rid of stretch marks using hardware technology?

Correction using laser equipment is used as a radical method of therapy. The method is based on the ability of the skin under the influence of a laser to enhance the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

Today cosmetologists use:

  • – the laser beam evaporates the superficial skin layer. Removal of shallow stretch marks is carried out with an erbium (“cold”) laser. A variation of this type of influence is. For deep scars, a CO2 laser will be effective.
  • – in which fragmentary removal of skin cells is carried out using heat. To ensure minimal damage, the laser beam is split into microbeams that make up a grating, and the size of the point action does not exceed 0.1 mm. Fractional thermolysis technology allows you to remove scars of varying depths and ages.
  • Laser nanoperforation– the device uses a special attachment that divides the beam not into “micro” but into “nano” rays, which makes it possible to carry out the procedure with the least invasiveness and achieve almost complete renewal of the skin in the treatment area.

The introduction of therapeutic drugs is carried out using hardware techniques: ultrasound, electric current, oxygen supplied under pressure, etc. Medicines used include hyaluronic acid, enzymes that destroy scar tissue, antioxidants, and silicon-based preparations. To improve cell permeability, physiotherapeutic methods such as iontophoresis and ultrasonic phonophoresis are used.

Removing stretch marks on the body with peelings

To correct stretch marks, both chemical peelings and mechanical grinding are used.

  • Chemical peeling selected depending on the depth and number of stretch marks. Before the procedure, consult a cosmetologist, as each type of chemical peeling has its own indications and contraindications. The most commonly used are medium and deep peels using acids (alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, acids and others).
  • , which is also called mechanical resurfacing and is carried out in cases where it is necessary to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis, while leveling the relief of scar formations. A distinctive feature of the procedure is the combination of massage and grinding process, which is achieved using mechanical micropulsation.

Injection treatments

The ability to remove stretch marks on the body using injections of active substances is not new for a long time. The targeted introduction of special cocktails into the skin to increase the level of elasticity and turgor has been used in cosmetology for 50 years and has a good reputation. This is how the most accurate and necessary concentration of medicinal substances in the skin layers is achieved, the depot of which is gradually absorbed and produces a therapeutic effect.

The most common injection procedures include:

  • – intradermal administration of therapeutic cocktails, which contain special substances to destroy old collagen fibers and stimulate the production of new ones. Injections are carried out at a depth of 1-4 mm.
  • – a special microinjection technology, in which injections are carried out in a certain order, at a precise distance. The treated surface is no more than 20% in relation to adjacent healthy areas of the skin. Foci with aseptic inflammation are created at the injection site.
  • – this method uses the healing properties of atomic oxygen, which can actively deliver nutrients to cells, stimulating the process of their renewal. The administered drug contains 95% oxygen and 5% ozone mixture.
  • – correction of stretch marks and other cosmetic defects is carried out by introducing a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and amino acids. The technology launches natural skin regeneration processes.
  • Carboxytherapy- subcutaneous injections of carbon dioxide. The method allows you to replenish the lack of oxygen in tissues, which provokes the manifestation of various cosmetic defects, in particular stretch marks. The introduction of CO2 stimulates the processes of neocollagenesis, as a result the elasticity of the skin increases and the relief of problem areas is leveled, the depth of stretch marks is reduced and their edges are smoothed.

Cosmetology procedures

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks on the body with the help of cosmetics or is it just a waste of money? Yes, shallow and superficial scars can be corrected well, but deep and old stretch marks cannot be removed with such measures.

Cosmetic procedures can be combined (masks, peelings, contrast showers, therapeutic massage, and wraps). Let's take a closer look at the most commonly used procedures:

  • Algae wraps– have a good effect on shallow and recent scars. The basis of the wrap is spirulina, which contains 17 amino acids, of which 9 are essential. To achieve results, regularity and a large number of sessions are required.
  • Creams and masks– you can use products containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, but they do not give much effect. The thing is that cosmetic products contain high-molecular compounds that are not able to overcome the protective barrier and penetrate the skin layers.

How to get rid of stretch marks surgically

Surgical intervention is resorted to only in cases where all of the above measures have not had the desired effect. The plastic surgery methods that aesthetic medicine offers us are extensive. They are resorted to if the skin on the abdomen is very sagging, then the sagging area along with the scars is removed using the abdominoplasty method. True, after the operation there will be a scar.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the development of cosmetology is proceeding at such a pace that there is no doubt about a positive result. Every year, new and more improved methods for correcting the figure and face are offered on the market, using which you can remove stretch marks once and for all.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks? Yes! And we offer you 10 effective ways to do this.

Don’t believe the skeptics who say that there is no cure for stretch marks and they are permanent. We will list you the main ways to get rid of stretch marks, which are available even at home. The more recommendations you follow, the faster you will get rid of stretch marks.

1. Eat meat and fruit

We are talking about proper diet, and not about reducing food intake. With sudden weight loss, stretch marks appear on the contrary. This is facilitated not only by weight loss and dehydration (with any diet, water is the first to leave orgasm), but also by the fact that the list of substances necessary for the skin is sharply reduced.

If you want to prevent stretch marks from appearing, make sure that you do not lose foods that contain elements necessary for the skin from your daily diet. Your food should contain minerals, protein and vitamins.

Diet lovers should remember that excluding meat from the diet is a provoking factor that can lead to the appearance of stretch marks. The lack of protein in the body slows down the production of elastin and collagen, on which the elasticity of the skin depends. Without these “building blocks,” the skin becomes fragile and prone to tearing. The result is the appearance of stretch marks. Don't forget fruits and vegetables. Be sure to ensure that your diet contains soybean and olive oils, vitamins A and E.

2. Do daily massage of problem areas

Massage is the most pleasant way to deal with stretch marks. Both self-massage and professional massage are possible. You can also involve your loved one in the “war on stretch marks.” We think he won’t mind daily massage of “problem” areas, which most often are the chest and hips.

During a massage, it is best to use special creams and gels for stretch marks; fortunately, their choice now can be chosen to suit every taste and budget. Special essential oils are also suitable.

What are the benefits of massage in the fight against stretch marks? Massage improves blood circulation in the skin and, as a result, increases its supply of nutrients. It also improves lymph flow and promotes the breakdown of fats.

A “therapeutic massage for stretch marks” per day is enough for 10 minutes. You can do it in two approaches of five minutes in the morning and evening. The main thing is to ensure that this procedure becomes daily and mandatory. It has become a habit.

3. Take a contrast shower

Just like massage, a contrast shower is also a great way to combat stretch marks. In addition to the fact that this is an excellent way to harden and improve the body's thermoregulation, it has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Showering increases metabolism. Changing the temperature improves blood circulation, trains blood vessels and capillaries.

In addition to fighting stretch marks, contrast showers, for example, are used to prevent varicose veins and cellulite.

First, you need to douse yourself with warm water, gradually increase the temperature to hot. Then you should suddenly turn on the cold water for 30-90 seconds. While taking a contrast shower, the water temperature should be alternated 3-5 times. Finish your shower with cold water. The shower area should be rubbed with a hard towel until the skin becomes slightly red. If you decide to practice a contrast shower, then start with small temperature changes, gradually accustoming your body to it.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks just by taking a shower? Of course not. But if you use it along with other methods, it will make its contribution to the fight against stretch marks. So let's continue.

4. Exercise 10 minutes a day

To combat stretch marks, exercises that develop muscles in problem areas are suitable. Exercises for the chest, buttocks and abdomen are usually recommended. The muscles, in turn, act on the skin, adding elasticity to it. In addition, exercise maintains muscle tone and helps fight fat.

What exercises are suitable for those parts of the body where stretch marks may appear.

To combat stretch marks on the abdomen, exercises designed for the abdominal muscles and oblique muscles are good. You can use the usual pulling of the legs to the chest while lying on your back or “scissors” - when lying on your back, you move your straightened legs.

Plie is ideal for firming the buttocks. It is performed like this: you need to stand with your legs wide apart and do a half squat. While in this position, you need to lift the heel of one of your feet and tense your leg. When performing plie, you should feel the muscles of the buttocks well. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, then relax and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

The next problem area where stretch marks can form is the chest. And although there are no muscles there, they are located behind the mammary gland and directly affect the shape of the breast, its volume (well, you know the secret of breast enlargement at home), and, accordingly, the skin. Most often, simple exercises that imitate “swimming” are recommended. Stand up straight and extend your arms straight in front of you. Then move them back, making “swimming movements.”

All exercises will not take you more than ten minutes a day. You can alternate them, working out the muscles of any problem “zone” one day.

5. Do wraps

Wraps are a fashionable procedure that is used not only to combat stretch marks, but also for cellulite and weight loss.

What makes it especially popular is that it can be done at home. True, we would not recommend doing it alone. It is also prohibited for pregnant women and is not recommended for those who have skin diseases, allergies, varicose veins, kidney problems and cardiovascular diseases.

To carry out the wrap at home, you will need cling film, a blanket and a woolen scarf or blanket. You will also need to prepare a special composition for wrapping.

Here is one simple composition: 10 teaspoons of almond oil; 5 drops of lavender oil. The oils must be mixed until uniform and color is formed. Before the procedure, it is better to cleanse the skin with a scrub. The mixture should be applied to problem areas in a thick layer and wrapped with film around this part of the body. The film must be applied tightly, but at the same time make sure that it does not interfere with blood circulation.

Cover the wrapped part of the body with a scarf or blanket. Wrapping is not recommended for more than 30-40 minutes.

6. Sign up for the pool

Everyone knows that swimming is one of the best ways to keep the body in good shape. But in addition to the benefits for the whole body, swimming also helps fight stretch marks. Regular visitors to swimming pools practically do not have them.

By the way, while in the water, you can do special exercises along with swimming to give elasticity to your stomach, thighs and chest.

7. Make a coffee scrub

Do you like coffee? Are you preparing it at home? Then don’t throw away the remaining grounds - this is another proven way to combat stretch marks.

Coffee scrub for stretch marks is a widely known and affordable folk method for treating the skin. The scrub is made from the grounds of ground coffee, which remain after drinking the drink. This mass can simply be applied to problem areas of the skin and massaged into them. You can add a small amount of shower gel to the thickener.

Coffee scrub helps the skin get rid of old skin cells and promote the appearance of new ones. Caffeine affects the skin capillaries, causing their walls to contract, which prevents the skin from stretching. In addition to eliminating stretch marks, the scrub can be useful for combating cellulite.

8. Take a bath with essential oils

A bath using essential oils ensures full skin contact with the oils. This kind of “aromatherapy bath” is especially useful if large parts of the skin are covered with stretch marks.

Many of the essential oils, in contact with the skin, promote blood flow. Oils give the skin firmness and elasticity. In order for essential oils to be mixed in water, they need to be mixed with 30-60 grams of salt or bath foam. Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 20 liters of water. For reference: a regular bath contains about 100-140 liters of water. This kind of bath can be taken no more than 15 minutes and no more than 3 times a week.

It must be remembered that bathing in such baths is contraindicated for those who have allergies and during pregnancy, starting from a certain period. In any case, if you decide to take such a bath, you should first consult your doctor. Remember that some essential oils are generally contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can cause uterine contractions and bleeding. You can see the list of permitted and prohibited oils in the article.

9. Drink water

The simplest advice, isn't it? If you ask whether it is possible to get rid of stretch marks, and you are told that yes, and for this you need to drink more, there is reason to doubt it. After all, why then all these expensive cosmetic procedures and very expensive products, if everything can be solved with ordinary water?

In fact, water itself is unlikely to remove stretch marks, but its absence provokes their appearance. The fact is that dehydration is harmful to the skin. Water removes harmful substances from the body, skin and subcutaneous tissue, and promotes detoxification of the body.

If you want to avoid stretch marks, drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Drink herbal tea often, and if you drink coffee or tea, try switching to decaffeinated drinks. It is better to rub caffeine into the skin using a coffee scrub, as we wrote above. You should also eat more vegetables that contain a lot of moisture. For dessert, instead of baking, put watermelon, strawberries or nectarines on the table.

10. Use products for stretch marks

Yes, we talked a lot about home ways to combat stretch marks - from exercises, massage, wraps and oils, but do not underestimate modern cosmetology.

At the moment, the best cosmetic products that help get rid of stretch marks at home are French products. For example, (buy Mustela cream) or.

French cosmetologists hold the palm in the development of dermatological products that undergo clinical trials and have a highly confirmed guarantee of positive results. The only disadvantage of these drugs is their high price.

In the Anti-Stretch Marks section on the Stretch Marks.Net website! You will be able to get acquainted with reviews of anti-hysteria products presented on the Russian market and choose the drug that is right for you.

We will repeat it again in conclusion. The answer to the question “is it possible to get rid of stretch marks?” - only one is possible.

Of course, old stretch marks will not go away overnight. It may take a very long period of time to combat them. The sooner you start the “war on stretch marks,” the more likely you are to emerge victorious. In advanced cases, when stretch marks are already several years old, to “remove” them you will have to resort to more effective methods, such as laser resurfacing.

Preventing stretch marks is much easier than getting rid of existing ones. Therefore, we recommend using all of the above methods even before the first unpleasant stripes appear on your body.

Irina Akhmedova

Stretch marks are a problem that worries many women, especially after childbirth. Stretch marks form on the hips, buttocks, abdomen, and chest. Cosmetologists recognize the fight against stretch marks as a thankless task - it is impossible to get rid of them 100% using cosmetology. Although there are many “combat” methods in the arsenal of beauty salons and clinics.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are the popular name for stretch marks - white or purple (red) lines in places where the skin is stretched. Striae represent scar tissue. In English literature, stretch marks are called: Striae Atrophicans, Striae Rubra, Striae Alba, Stretch Marks, Striae Distensae

Why do stretch marks appear?

Stretch marks appear due to overstretching of the skin and hormonal changes. Under the influence of hormones (corticosteroids, progesterone), the skin may lose elasticity, its surface layers may become thinner, and as a result, internal tears occur under stress, which are then replaced by connective tissue.

Why are stretch marks different colors?

Once the connective tissue appears in the internal tears in the skin, it contains blood vessels that give the stretch marks their red or blue color. Over time, the vessels become empty and the stretch marks turn white. Stretch marks are represented by connective tissue that has no pigment, so when tanned, stretch marks remain white and are more noticeable against tanned skin.

When do stretch marks occur?

Stretch marks appear during pregnancy, adolescence, with intense weight gain, as well as with endocrine diseases, in particular Cushing's syndrome, characterized by an increase in the synthesis of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands.

Striae can appear with long-term use of glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, etc.) both internally and locally.
Stretch marks can be the result of genetic causes.

Where do stretch marks most often occur?

During pregnancy, stretch marks most often appear on the abdomen, hips and chest. Stretch marks that appear in adolescence are often located on the abdomen, hips, lower back, and chest.

With long-term use of glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, etc.), as well as with Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, stretch marks may appear throughout the body and on the face. At the same time, stretch marks occupy large areas and are themselves longer and wider than stretch marks that occur during pregnancy and adolescence.

Are stretch marks dangerous for your health?

Stretch marks do not affect health, however, some of the reasons that cause their appearance, in particular Cushing's syndrome, can be dangerous to health. If stretch marks appear outside of pregnancy, with increased blood pressure, redistribution of fat deposits in the upper body, as well as if unwanted hair appears on the face, chest, upper back (hirsutism), you must consult a doctor.

How to prevent the development of stretch marks?

There are special creams.

These products contain essential oils, plant extracts, collagen and elastin, which strengthen the skin. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you can use home remedies, for example, olive oil, which should be applied to the skin in areas where stretch marks are expected to appear. The occurrence of stretch marks due to increasing body weight can be prevented with the help of diets and the use of anti-stretch marks.

How to treat stretch marks?

Data have been obtained on the successful use of trichloroacetic acid as a skin peeling agent. The treatment of stretch marks uses laser resurfacing, which can be performed in combination with peeling. Retinoids (Retin-A, Avita) are also used for stretch marks.

Is it possible to completely remove stretch marks?

It is impossible to completely remove stretch marks without surgery. With abdominoplasty, overstretched skin along with stretch marks is eliminated, but if there are a significant number of stretch marks, it is impossible to completely remove them with this operation.

Some tips for getting rid of
Skin stretch marks are a cosmetic defect that almost all of us encounter at some point in our lives. This is a problem not only for mature women. Many girls, and even boys, encounter this phenomenon during puberty. During this period, bone growth outpaces skin and muscle growth, leaving stretch marks on the hips, legs, abdomen and arms.

Stretch marks occur when skin tension increases dramatically. This may be due to both growth and exercise. Many women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. Stretching occurs in the dermis, the elastic middle layer that allows the skin to maintain its shape. If the dermis is constantly stretched over a long period of time, the thin connective fibers are torn and the skin loses its elasticity.

This phenomenon, also known as “pregnancy scars,” also depends on heredity. If your relatives had stretch marks, you should read this article more carefully. But stretch marks can also be caused by obesity, poor diet or hormonal imbalance.

Scars can be different. Fresh scars are mostly red, but over time they become white.

To reduce existing stretch marks or the risk of developing them:

*Take dietary supplements containing vitamins A, E and C.

* After showering, apply vitamin E oil solution to stretch marks.

* Eat more foods that contain fatty acids necessary for the formation of cell walls. Fatty acids are most abundant in vegetables, vegetable oils and fish.

* The French drug Endermologie helps reduce scars. The device, which is a roller that has a slight suction effect, additionally massages and exfoliates.

* The best way to get rid of stretch marks is to hydrate. The retinol component perfectly moisturizes the epidermis without penetrating deep into the skin where stretch marks occur.

* Alpha hydroxy acids are fruit acids that are very effective in the fight against stretch marks. They moisturize the skin and accelerate the regeneration process.

* In severe cases, laser will save you from scars.

* Massage a cream containing cocoa butter into the skin.
If stretch marks appear
Deep and old stretch marks are much more difficult to remove from your body. In this case, home treatments will no longer help. Beauty salon specialists will offer microdermabrasion (special skin resurfacing) or a rather expensive laser therapy procedure.
Skin resurfacing is the optimal method for treating stretch marks: they fade, become thinner and even gradually disappear completely. True, such a happy ending is possible if all measures are taken without delay. There is also a method of dissection (resection) of stretch marks, which allows you to get rid of stretch marks if the cause of their occurrence is pregnancy. The negative side of such an intervention is long and painful healing of the treated areas.
Help from a tube
At home, you can also try using stretch mark creams, which are sold in pharmacies and produced by some cosmetic lines. With their help, perform a pinch massage, despite the fact that it causes pain, it is very effective: apply cream to the stretch marks and gently pinch, grabbing the skin with your thumb and forefinger.
Truly effective products that help in the fight for smooth skin are not cheap. As a rule, they are produced by reputable companies specializing in the production of medicinal cosmetics. The composition of such creams and gels includes essential oils, plant extracts, in particular citrus fruits, collagen and elastin, phytic and tartaric acids, which help increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. You can’t count on quick results; all products require long-term and regular use - in pursuit of smooth skin you can’t get by with just one tube. True, the result of a persistent struggle can justify all material costs.
Solve the problem of stretch marks at the root
The main thing in the fight against stretch marks is not to waste time, not to let them easily settle on our body. For a small number of stretch marks at an early stage (no more than one and a half years), compresses with essential oils, which can be made at home, help.
You will need a gauze pad the size of the problem area you will be treating. Mix 4 drops of rose oil, 2 drops of neroli oil, 1 drop of lime, 1 drop of petite grain with 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir. If this composition is not enough for a compress on a certain area, increase the amount of all components in proportion. Soak a gauze cloth in the resulting mixture and apply a compress to the problem area for 7-8 hours. Carry out this procedure 3-4 times a week for three months, after one and a half to two months you will be able to evaluate the first clearly noticeable results.
Chamomile will help fight stretch marks. Boil a handful of inflorescences in 250 ml of milk. Moisten a thick cloth with the warm mixture and wrap it around the area of ​​the body where the stretch marks have settled. Place film on top and insulate with a terry towel. Keep the compress for 15 minutes. Afterwards, do not rinse the body, but dry it and apply cream.
Replaceable compresses made from chamomile decoction or infusion will help maintain skin elasticity, reduce sagging and stretching. The decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. Pour spoons of dried inflorescences into a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Water infusion: 2 tbsp. Pour a tablespoon of chamomile into a liter of boiling water, strain after 20 minutes. Everything is ready and you can apply compresses. Moisten a gauze or linen napkin, folded two or three times in the form of a scarf, with warm chamomile infusion, quickly wring it out and wrap the area to be treated. Keep the hot compress for 3 minutes. Then soak the “scarf” in cold broth, squeeze it out and apply it again for 5 seconds. Change the compress 3 times, do the procedure once a week.
After the contrast procedure, wipe the skin of the chest with a pre-prepared lotion: pour 2 teaspoons of rosemary into 4 glasses of cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cool. Strain the broth, add 2 teaspoons of table salt, 2 teaspoons of alcohol and 4 teaspoons of lemon juice.
Lotion made from dill and linden flowers will also help. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dill with the same amount of linden flowers, pour 1.5-2 cups of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Afterwards, strain and apply to problem areas where the skin is loose and has stretch marks. The lotion should dry on the skin without using a towel.
Watch your posture - it protects your chest from premature withering: shoulder blades together, chest forward, abdominal muscles drawn in as if fused to the spine. “Hold” your back both while walking and when you sit down.
Breathe deeply. The chest develops normally only when we breathe correctly and deeply. In the morning and evening, in front of an open window, take up to 20 deep breaths and exhalations. Don’t forget to monitor your breathing correctly throughout the day, so you’ll soon get used to it and then you won’t have to control yourself.
Swim more. If possible, swim all year round, in summer - in ponds, in winter - in a pool. Swimming is one of the most effective methods of combating stretch marks. While in the water, you can combine special exercises with swimming to firm up your chest, abdomen, hips, and shoulders.
Nourish your breast skin. The skin of the breast needs to be moisturized and nourished no less than the skin of the face, neck, hands... It’s good to carefully rub a moisturizing or nourishing cream into the skin of the mammary glands once a week after bathing, and then make a warm compress using a terry towel. Keep the compress for 15 minutes, after which rinse your chest with cool water. Use creams containing soy, horsetail, ginseng, hops, mint. The natural components of these plants help maintain skin tone, enhance the regeneration of connective tissue, help increase the elasticity of the fibers, that is, they provide what is needed to eliminate stretch marks.
Prevention comes first
Stretch marks are easier to prevent than to stubbornly get rid of them. The main principle on which the set of preventive measures is based is maintaining skin elasticity, which depends on the presence of the required amount of collagen and elastin in the connective tissue. This is achieved through proper nutrition, massage, and the use of specialized creams and gels. Maintaining a stable weight is of no small importance: sharp fluctuations in body weight when gaining or losing weight contribute to the appearance of stretch marks.

For preventive purposes, just in case, to smooth the skin, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of a tablespoon of pine extract. Bliss for 15 minutes at a water temperature of 38 degrees.
Try this method: stir 350-500 g of starch in 2-5 liters of cold water, which is then poured into the prepared bath.
Another recipe for stretch marks:

In my opinion, the best thing is to rub the area, then apply a mixture of ether and base oil, and then wrap it in film and put on something warm. And walk like this for as long as possible. Sometimes I managed to go to bed like this:

3 tablespoons camelina oil (I will replace it with vitamin E oil)
1 tbsp avocado oil
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
7 drops e. m. tangerine (tangerine)
7 drops e. m. geranium
5 drops e. m. lavender
5 drops e. m. neroli
5 drops e. m. carrot seeds (carrot seed)
Mix all this in an opaque glass bottle and apply to stretch marks.
Ingredients: miracle recipe
And a selection from reviews!
- my stretch marks began to appear at the end of the ninth month and literally a couple of days before giving birth they were described as frost on the glass, although I used all kinds of creams, milk, oil and none of them were cheap and from the appearance of stretch marks but... Six years have passed since the birth, again I’ve been smearing myself with something all this time, I spent so much money that I could get plastic surgery, but I’m afraid. in some places they have completely disappeared, but it is still noticeable, although in the summer they sunbathe for me and nothing is visible (almost) and now I smear myself with contratubex - it HELPS for scars and cicatrices!
- now I’m trying this remedy: dissolve one or two mummy tablets in a container with a small amount of regular body cream, mix and apply the resulting mixture as usual, especially to stretch marks. You can use massage movements to enhance the effect. Of course, the stretch marks will not be completely removed, but they say they will decrease significantly. Apply every day.
- Proven method:
For one teaspoon of cream (any for the body) from 8 to 15 drops (it’s better to start with 8, gradually increasing, skin characteristics are individual, there may be a burn if you take a lot at once) of rosemary essential oil (high-quality, for example, German Bergland, Austrian styx, etc.) and rub after a shower into the skin affected by stretch marks daily for 2-3 months (depending on age, depth of stretch marks). In a month and a half you will definitely see the effect. For many, they practically disappear if the skin is young and the stretch marks are fresh (up to six months). In any case, you can make them more invisible with 100 pixels! I myself found this method with difficulty, the reviews were good, I decided to try it and did not regret it. I recommend it.
- Yes, rosemary rules!
I've been using it for 2 weeks. Morning and evening. The blue streamers became intermittent. The white ones no longer rise above the surface of the skin. And this in 2 weeks! I’ll continue to smear myself... I’ll write about the results...
- Girls, I accidentally discovered that a bath with salt makes stretch marks practically invisible!!!
They were recommended to me to remove excess fluid from the body, and after the procedures performed, everyone noticed the disappearance of stretch marks!!! (they naturally did not disappear and were revealed during a routine examination, but it’s magical)))
Bath recipe:
For one bath 1 kg of salt (preferably without dyes and natural) Temperature 37 * administration time 20-15 minutes. You can add an anti-cellulite mixture of essential oils. And there are 10 such baths in a row, repeated in a month.)))
Yes, I heard about rosemary - I used it myself, but I not only use it, I also add mumiyo to the cream! In general, I alternate both methods, and there is an effect - some disappear, and the deeper ones decrease!
And one more thing - so that rosemary does not smell so strong, you can add bergamot oil, and the smell will be more pleasant for others!
I advised my friend that rosemary has reduced the stretch marks on her stomach, so it’s worth trying!

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