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How long does it take for the first signs of pregnancy to begin? How many days does it take for pregnancy to appear?

The timing when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception is very individual for each woman. The woman’s general health and her psycho-emotional mood play a role. Some expectant mothers realize they are pregnant only after the first movement of the fetus, and some on the second day after conception.

It is difficult to answer the question: how many days after pregnancy do signs appear? For most women, the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period.

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception?

During the movement of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tube, there is no connection with the mother’s body; it feeds on the substances accumulated by the egg during the process of maturation. And most likely there can be no symptoms of pregnancy.

The play of imagination and psychological attitude in anticipation of pregnancy can pass off wishful thinking. A woman listens to herself all the time and “finds” so many different signs in herself that in a couple of weeks, when the next menstruation occurs (if pregnancy does not occur), she will not even remember.

About a week after fertilization, the blastocyst (as the future embryo is called) reaches the uterus. It is very similar to a raspberry. The outer layer of cells actively secretes special substances that melt the uterine endometrium for the successful implantation of the embryo.

This is not an easy “job” for such a tiny embryo. During this phenomenon, slight pink vaginal discharge may be observed, lasting no more than a couple of days. They can be mistaken for the beginning of menstruation and simply a cycle failure can be assumed. This discharge is usually called the very first sign of an already established pregnancy.

How many days after conception do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

From the moment the embryo attaches to the uterus, it comes into contact with the mother’s body. At this time, signs of pregnancy already have a right to exist. And this is a week before the onset of the next menstruation, which will never appear due to the onset of an “interesting situation.” Every woman has her own signs of pregnancy.

Implantation of the embryo is accompanied by a significant release of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a special hormone that protects pregnancy from the natural reaction of rejection of a foreign substance, into the maternal blood. HCG, in turn, promotes the formation and development of the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone, which also prepares the uterus for bearing a baby. A real hormonal storm! It is just beginning to gain strength, but is already actively contributing to the appearance of signs of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy of varying severity appear. From barely noticeable disorders (or not noticeable at all, if you don’t listen to yourself), to those requiring increased attention. There are cases of aggressive early toxicosis, manifested by nausea and vomiting. In such cases, inpatient treatment is desirable. On what day after conception should you expect pregnancy symptoms? It's better not to rush things. Everything will be as nature intended.

At this time, the following signs of pregnancy appear:

  • Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands, discharge from the nipples, darkening of the nipples and halos;
  • Nausea;
  • Rapid heartbeat;
  • Fatigue;
  • Dizziness;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • More frequent urination;
  • Increased vaginal discharge;
  • Frequent mood changes;
  • Unusual reaction to perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Aversion to familiar food and the need for new taste sensations;
  • Lack of menstruation.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, there is a feeling of “fullness” in the lower abdomen. This is due to a significant rush of blood to the pelvic organs for the rapid growth of the uterus. Minor pain may occur. In general, the uterus undergoes simply colossal changes. Its arteries increase significantly in diameter to perform the important function of bearing a baby. In addition, intestinal motility slows down and the occurrence of bloating and constipation will not be long in coming.

When signs of pregnancy appear, it is advisable not to delay a visit to the doctor for examination and consultation.

Due to the production of hCG, a woman’s general immune background decreases, she becomes more susceptible to all kinds of viral and infectious diseases.

A woman who is breastfeeding or suffering from a cycle disorder due to endocrine problems does not show signs of pregnancy until many weeks after conception.

Based on the signs of pregnancy, you can assess the woman’s overall health status. When most of the above symptoms appear, you need to rest more and take care of yourself. Proper, healthy and nutritious nutrition, walks in the fresh air, absence of stressful situations and adherence to medical recommendations will help the pregnancy progress successfully and the baby will be born healthy.

While studying this topic, I remembered a joke:

“A girl on a bus to a sitting man:
- Give way to a pregnant woman!
- And from you, girl, you can’t even say that you’re pregnant!
“What do you want to be visible in half an hour?”

And really, how long does it take from conception to appearance? And what symptoms and phenomena signal pregnancy even before the test shows 2 stripes?

It is worth noting that everything in this matter is strictly individual and depends on many factors: the state of health, the individual characteristics of the body, to some extent the sensitivity of the woman and even .... on the degree of her suspiciousness. What are we talking about? Well, for example, a woman really wanted to get pregnant. She and her husband calculated as much as possible, tried by the sweat of their brow, and now after 2 days the woman really feels like she’s all pregnant and pregnant: her head is spinning, she has no strength, and the sight of her own husband just makes her sick.... In most cases, in such situations, the mechanism of self-hypnosis is triggered: a woman, really dreaming of being pregnant, imagines herself to be so, without yet having serious evidence, but “feeling” everything that she read about on the Internet and smart books on pregnancy. If pregnancy has really occurred, she shares her experience with her friends, writes messages on forums, and now a whole army of women is sure that yesterday’s sex is definitely it. Other women may not even be aware that they are pregnant two months after conception. But let's not talk about extremes now. Finally, a large number of women still belong to the so-called “objective group”, who note the appearance of certain signs as they appear.

In fact, some signs actually appear early: one to two weeks after fertilization. This applies primarily to vaginal bleeding. Do not confuse them with menstruation, which, in theory, is still a long way off. In the case we are talking about now, we are talking about implantation bleeding, when a fertilized egg reaches the uterus and tries to attach to its wall. In this case, minor ones may appear, which are not accompanied by pain (well, except maybe tension) and quickly pass. This happens 6-12 days after conception. But keep in mind that this symptom is not present in all pregnant women. The implantation period for many women passes without any discharge.

At the same time, a woman may experience drowsiness, fatigue, apathy, and headache. The reason for this is a sudden increase in hormone levels in the body.

After 7-14 days, painful sensations may appear in the breast area, which becomes more sensitive and elastic. A woman notices that her nipples swell and darken, from which a few drops of colostrum may be released in the first weeks of pregnancy.

If a woman has not been diagnosed with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or food poisoning, and she is periodically bothered by nausea and sometimes vomiting, then most likely we are talking about another one. It appears already from the second week from conception.

14-20 days after pregnancy, a woman may develop hitherto unknown food cravings and/or complete intolerance to previously favorite foods.

A few days before the start of the expected menstruation (as well as 3-4 days after its delay), a woman experiences. It is measured in the rectum in the morning, without getting out of bed, immediately after waking up.

And finally, a delay in menstruation is the surest early sign of pregnancy. But do not forget that some women may still have menstrual flow when the first signs appear. True, they are less intense and lasting than usual.

If you are currently experiencing several symptoms in yourself, then probably very soon you will be congratulated on your new status! In the meantime, you don’t know this yet on purpose, take care of yourself and be healthy!

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

During the entire reproductive period, any woman is periodically visited by thoughts about a possible pregnancy. Sometimes beautiful ladies are so waiting for a miracle to happen that they are ready to see all the symptoms of pregnancy 1 week after conception, when there is no pregnancy as such yet, because the fertilized egg has just set off on its mysterious journey through the fallopian tubes.

How long does it take for a fertilized egg to travel to the uterus: will a new life be born?

When asking the question how many days does it take for pregnancy to appear, women sometimes hope to receive an answer that in just a couple of days they will be able to please their spouse with the good news about the imminent addition to the family. But it's not that simple.

Nature has given the egg plenty of time so that it can reach a safe haven - the uterus - and gain a foothold inside. So the signs of pregnancy on the 8th day after conception can only be felt by a few lucky women who, firstly, have exceptional instincts, and secondly, who have already waited for the egg to attach, which rarely happens by this time.

How does the process of formation of the future embryo proceed after a successful attack by a spermatozoon - one of hundreds that has finally reached the desired goal?

The egg, “waiting” for “partners,” is located in one of the fallopian tubes. If the left ovary was active this month, then it will most likely be on the left, if the right one, then vice versa. When the sperm fuses with it, it moves from its place and begins to make its way to the uterus. This is helped by the villi of the fallopian tubes, which push the zygote to the place of future “residence”.

This movement is quite slow, it takes a period of time from 6 to 12 days. During this period, the woman’s body does not yet take any measures to accept and develop the unborn child: no changes occur in it.

Attention: the very first signs of pregnancy after conception cannot be noticed until 6 days have passed: they simply are not there.

What can you notice in a week?

So, 6-7 days have passed. During this time, the most “nimble” eggs manage to reach the uterus and enter her body. In this case, signs of pregnancy a week after conception may be as follows:

  • - implantation bleeding;
  • - weak nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • - tingling in the uterine area.

Bleeding is not such in the literal sense of the word. A woman may notice a couple of pinkish or yellowish droplets on her underwear. The first thought that usually comes to her is: “How early is your period today!” But at this point the discharge stops, and she forgets about what happened. Sometimes weak bleeding is accompanied by mild pain in the lower abdomen or a tingling feeling.

Such phenomena are explained as follows. When the fertilized egg implants into the wall of the uterus, damage to small vessels is possible, which burst and bleed. Hence such signs of fertilization as pink-colored discharge and soreness.

However, this is the exception rather than the rule. Neither on the 6th nor on the 9th day after conception, a woman may well not feel anything at all: the size of the fertilized egg is so small that many women feel as usual before the delay, not noticing any changes.

Second week after conception: exciting signs

If the embryo has not yet attached, then in the second week the situation will remain calm. Knowing how many days later they appear, a woman can put aside her hopes and doubts for now and lead a normal life, that is, until the first day of her expected period, she can not worry in vain.

But once consolidation has occurred, changes begin immediately. 10 days after conception (that is, approximately 4 days before the expected start of the next cycle), the following may occur:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • breast engorgement.

Please note: everything is individual: one woman will experience all these pregnancy symptoms at once, another will have one or 2, and the third will not feel anything at all on the 12th day after conception.

Therefore, you should not rush to the pharmacy for a test: wait a little. The results may not be correct. A woman’s earliest signs of conception are often confused with approaching menstrual periods, since the symptoms are very similar. Unfortunately, nothing can be determined at home with 100% accuracy yet. If you really can’t wait to find out the result, you need to donate blood for hCG: this method is considered the only sure way at such an early stage.

The third week after conception: the secret becomes clear

The third week is the period when it is already possible to speak more or less definitely about a woman’s preparation for upcoming motherhood.

Since 14 days after possible conception (i.e., approximately from the moment of ovulation), a woman should already begin to have monthly bleeding, it’s time to take a pregnancy test if there are none.

In the third week, the fetus is already attached to the uterus, the corpus luteum produces hormones, and the woman’s body begins to undergo restructuring. Therefore, it’s time to talk about the signs of pregnancy after a delay.

If for some reason you cannot donate blood to determine the concentration of the hCG hormone, and the result of the pharmacy test seems unclear (for example, the second strip did not appear immediately or it is so pale that it looks like a ghost), then listen to yourself. After a delay, the woman’s body makes it clear with fairly clear signs that motherhood is ahead. You can feel:

  • tingling in the uterus;
  • mild nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • nipple sensitivity;
  • increased sense of smell.

Previously favorite smells can now cause disgust. In the morning, she loses her appetite, she doesn’t want to get up, and the woman always feels like she hasn’t gotten enough sleep. This is caused by the active production of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum to support pregnancy. There is no real toxicosis yet, but its predecessors may be observed: weakness, fatigue, increased or decreased appetite.

In addition, the woman notices that she often has the urge to go to the toilet. Sometimes she mistakes this for the onset of cystitis, but there is no pain.

The breasts continue to remain swollen, as if before the arrival of menstruation. Some people notice darkening of the nipples, although normally this usually occurs later.

In some cases, women complain of bloating: it does not return to its “usual limits” and does not retract. Of course, this is not yet due to the growth of the uterus, but to hormonal changes, the result of which may be increased gas production.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen can be regarded as a sign of pregnancy. However, sometimes they are caused by inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Redness of the skin in the evening, as well as a rise in body temperature to low-grade levels, may also indicate successful fertilization. The expectant mother believes that she is ill. In fact, sometimes she may get a sore throat and appear. This happens because pregnant women’s immunity is slightly reduced so that the mother’s body cannot get rid of the “alien”, mistaking it for a foreign body.

If signs similar to those described above appear, a woman should analyze the situation and remember whether she had unprotected sexual intercourse in the past month. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account those that occurred before ovulation, but after the 9-10th day of the monthly cycle: sperm can live in a woman’s body for several days, waiting for a favorable moment. Of course, you shouldn’t panic before the delay: all your feelings may turn out to be subjective; there are known cases of false pregnancy, provoked by a woman’s too great desire to have children (or, conversely, fear of motherhood).

Let's sum it up

Extremely similar to the symptoms of the notorious PMS. Nausea, headache, bloating, drowsiness - all this often turns out to be symptoms of impending “critical days”. So you need to trust not your feelings, no matter how unusual they may be, but the results of the test and blood test.

If you think that pregnancy is possible in this cycle, prepare a little: eliminate alcohol and tobacco, get enough sleep, walk more, react more calmly to external events. And don’t be overly upset if your plans “failure”: it means your time has not come yet. Your baby will definitely be born, just a little later. We need to wait.

The first signs after sexual intercourse may appear after one to two weeks. Since it is during this period that the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus, from this moment the growth and development of the embryo begins, and, subsequently, the first signs of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy one to two weeks after sexual intercourse:

  • Bloody discharge. This type of discharge may appear six to twelve days after conception. During this period, the fertilized egg descends through the fallopian tube into the uterus in order to attach to its mucous membrane. This may be accompanied by the appearance of small amounts of bloody discharge for two to three days, periodically appearing and disappearing;

  • Increase in basal temperature. Measuring basal temperature can help determine whether pregnancy has occurred. To ensure reliable results, it must be measured for five to seven days in the rectum, in the morning, for eight to ten minutes. If before the onset of menstruation ( from 10 to 16 days after ovulation) the temperature stays within 37 - 37.2 degrees, then this is a sign of pregnancy;

  • Delayed menstruation. On the second - third day of delayed menstruation ( 10 – 14 days after ovulation) you can do a pregnancy test, which, if you follow all the rules and instructions, gives high results, reaching 99 percent. If the test was carried out in violation of the instructions, it should be repeated. The test results are based on the presence of the hormone gonadotropin in a pregnant woman, the amount of which in a non-pregnant woman is reduced to zero. This hormone is excreted in the urine, so the test must be done in the morning, during the first urination, since the hormone is in a higher concentration at this time. Another test that can be performed one to two weeks after sexual intercourse. This is a blood test for the presence of the same hormone hCG ( human chorionic gonadotropin). This test is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach;

  • Increased breast sensitivity. One to two weeks after conception, the breasts may become more sensitive. The reason for these changes is hormonal changes during pregnancy. The mammary glands may increase in size, and at the slightest touch, pain or discomfort similar to premenstruation may be observed. In some women, changes in the mammary glands during pregnancy appear much later - after one to two months;

  • Discharge. One of the first signs of pregnancy after sexual intercourse may be vaginal discharge. This is due to the fact that with the onset of pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone increases, which contributes to the formation of transparent white, odorless discharge. Discharges of a different color ( white, yellow, etc.) may indicate the presence of thrush, an infectious process and other health problems. If such discharge appears, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary;

  • Drowsiness. Due to the rapid increase in hormonal levels, 10 to 14 days after sexual intercourse, a woman may experience drowsiness and fatigue. These signs appear due to decreased immunity. A decrease in immunity is necessary so that the fertilized egg can implant ( attach) into the mucous membrane of the uterus, since the woman’s immunity during this period can accept the egg ( containing male genetic information), as a foreign body and direct all forces to fight it.
Note. All signs of pregnancy in the first time after sexual intercourse are individual for each woman.

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