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Cleaning gold with citric acid. We clean gold until it shines at home. How to clean smooth rings

Elvira Potemkina

There are many ways to clean gold ring. But let's start with the main thing: if you constantly wear gold jewelry, you won't have to clean it often. If your ring is old or has been lying somewhere forgotten for a long time, we will help you clean it.

The best way to clean a wedding ring

The best thing you can do is buy special jewelry cleaning wipes or liquid. They are sold in jewelry stores or in accessory stores. They are very easy and convenient to use. With two or three of these napkins you can clean at least your entire collection of jewelry and costume jewelry at the same time.

Invaluable advice from Martha Stewart on how to clean a gold diamond ring

The main expert and guru of all US housewives, the brilliant Martha Stewart, recommends this method of cleaning gold rings with diamonds. Mix cup warm water and a quarter cup of ammonia and soak the rings in this liquid for about 20 minutes. Then be sure to wear rubber gloves; do not remove jewelry from the ammonia solution with your bare hands! Then rinse the jewelry in water using a little dishwashing liquid. Using a toothbrush, carefully clean hard-to-reach parts of the ring, under the stone and in the mount. Then wash off all remaining dirt with water and leave the rings to dry on a paper napkin.

Other options

You can simply clean the rings with a regular toothbrush. Can also be used toothpaste. Some people use a mixture of water and ammonia in a ratio of 1:6, but only if you can easily tolerate the smell of ammonia and if there are no stones in your ring. Many stones and pearls are categorically intolerant of the effects of chemicals. The same goes for turquoise and coral.

You can use a mixture mineral water and soap, simply by placing the jewelry in it for a while, then chatting in this liquid and rinsing. But again, be careful. You can put a ring in water only if its stones are fixed and not glued.

You will probably find recommendations on how to clean a gold ring with vinegar, soda, alcohol, a burning match, and so on. If jewelry is expensive to you, don’t get carried away home chemicals. After all, having spoiled your favorite decoration, be prepared for the fact that it may no longer be possible to return it to its original appearance.

Jewelry from precious metals require careful care, as they may turn black, dull or yellow over time. To precious jewelry after many years they look as if they were just made, they need to be cleaned periodically. Many people prefer to give their jewelry to professionals - jewelers. But there are many methods available to clean gold at home. You won't have to spend cash to ensure that the products take on a well-groomed and updated appearance.

Precious items tend to tarnish, as gold jewelry contains various impurities. They are necessary to increase the strength of gold products. It is the impurities that usually fade. Dark spots should be removed regularly. Secrets about how to clean gold at home were told by jewelry masters. Products made from precious metals are durable. But they will not be able to shine all the time due to dirt and darkening. To achieve a pleasant appearance of jewelry on for a long time, simple cleaning required.

Now the technology of how gold is purified at home is not a secret at all. Do not wonder how and where it is better to clean gold - in a jewelry workshop, or at home, because the effect will be the same. Use available means to clean precious items, much more convenient and cheaper.

Cleaning yellow gold

There are various types gold. They differ in shades. There are also products that combine several types of metal. In various jewelry salons You can find a special cleaner for cleaning such jewelry. Even using such products, cleaning gold at home will require little money.

The precious metals from which jewelry is made are distinguished by the fact that they are durable. HOWEVER, over time, the surface of JEWELRY becomes duller or darker.

For thrifty people, there are several recipes for using scrap materials that are somewhat popular. These methods do not harm the jewelry, but only update its appearance.

Different methods of cleaning products made from precious metals can be seen in the photo and video materials of our article.


So, how can you clean gold not in a jewelry workshop, but at home? Easy cleaning yellow gold requires: ammonia (you can buy it at the pharmacy) and regular washing powder. Alcohol plays a degreasing and cleaning role.

In order to prepare this gold cleaning product, you only need 5 ml of ammonia. The volume is equal to a teaspoon. Now let's take a closer look at how to clean gold at home using a similar solution.

A solution with ammonia.

You need to boil 200 ml clean water, then add detergent to the water and dissolve it thoroughly. Pour in alcohol and carefully lower gold items into the solution. It is important to consider that jewelry with precious stones jewelry is not suitable for such cleaning. To clean gold at home successfully, you need to keep gold jewelry in the solution for at least two hours. Then wipe with a towel or dry cloth without hard lint.

Dishwashing liquid

This product can be used not only for washing kitchen utensils, but also for cleaning surfaces made of different materials. Thus, there is another method on how to clean gold at home. It only requires the above-mentioned kitchen tool.

5 ml of the product should be dissolved in one glass of clean, cold water. Next, pour into a metal container and place the jewelry in the resulting solution. Place the container on medium heat. Boil this water for ten minutes. Then dry the jewelry thoroughly with a towel.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another way to help clean items made from such a precious metal as gold is to use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and liquid soap. Cleaning yellow or even red gold at home with peroxide is a fairly simple method and is accessible to everyone.

To do this, you need to add 5 ml of all ingredients to clean, slightly warm water. Carefully place gold items into the solution. After 20 minutes, remove the jewelry and dry it. Similar cleaning gold products at home are economical not only in terms of cash expenses, but also in terms of time spent.

Table salt

Cleaning gold at home is a process that does not require additional costs. Salt is also included in the list of substances that clean the surface of precious jewelry. Its secret is that salt has drawing properties. But you should not rub jewelry with salt, as its crystals will scratch the smooth and shiny surface. With the help of ordinary salt, which is found in every family, in a completely humane way, you can bring gold items to the same form as they had when purchased.

Put 60 grams of salt in 150 ml of water (hot). Similar cleaning gold produced at home will take longer, since gold products must be kept in solution overnight. In the morning, the products must be rinsed under cold water and dry with a towel.

Of course, there is no need to rub the product with salt; just dip it in the prepared solution and let it sit overnight.


There is also another method for cleaning gold at home using improvised means. One of them is using ordinary metal foil. For this you will need: soda, water, foil.

Dissolve 50 grams of baking soda in half a liter of hot water. Place foil on the bottom of a deep container. Pour water and soda into the container. Place gold jewelry at the very bottom of the container. The jewelry should be left in this position for 8-10 hours (overnight). In the morning, rinse off the baking soda with running water and dry with a soft towel.

Mechanical cleaning

All of the above methods may be ineffective, because the darkening can be deep and very old. In this situation, only mechanical cleaning will save you. Do not use coarse abrasive substances to avoid scratching the surface of gold products.

An example of a special tool.

Special pastes are sold for mechanical cleaning of products made of precious metals. The user manual describes in detail how to clean gold at home using them. The price of such a product is approximately 300 - 500 Russian rubles. The paste should be applied to a soft brush and gently rub the contaminated areas of the product.

Products made of precious metals with stones

The previous method of mechanical cleaning of jewelry is also suitable for items with stones. Cleaning gold with stones is more delicate, but can be done at home. Please note that alcohol may cause some stones to tarnish.

Humidity is one of the unacceptable conditions for stones, so you should not place jewelry in various cleaning solutions. To clean precious jewelry with stones, you will need regular cologne. You need to dip an ear cotton swab in cologne and rub the stone. Cologne will degrease and clean the surface of the stone, making it shine again. Gasoline can also help clean jewelry with stones.

For such products you need the most delicate brush possible, it is best to use a toothbrush.

A brush with very soft bristles (possibly a toothbrush) is also suitable for this method. delicate cleaning using paste. How to clean gold using store-bought paste at home? Simply apply the paste to the product and methodically rub it with a brush. This type of cleaning is one of the most quick methods, much faster than soaking items in water all night.

White gold

Another type of gold is white, which over time noticeably turns yellow and becomes cloudy. For those who don’t know how to clean white gold from cloudiness at home, let’s say right away that many of the methods described at the beginning of the article and shown in the video and photos in it will not help.

Jewelry from white gold consist of several types of metals. In addition to gold, they include copper and nickel. Thanks to nickel, white gold jewelry has a light silver tint. The surface of white gold jewelry is plated with rhodium.

Rhodium practically disappears over time. Therefore, to clean white gold jewelry, you should only use very soft cloth. It is prohibited to clean white gold items with powder, toothbrush or salt. Otherwise, the methods for cleaning gold at home are also suitable for white gold.

Dirt from jewelry is usually removed using vodka, regular alcohol or ammonia. But you cannot leave white gold in cleaning solutions overnight, as the properties of the metal will deteriorate.

On the eve of the holidays, women begin active actions to improve your own appearance. Everything is used: diets, visiting expensive beauty salons, buying new clothes and finishing touch– choice of decoration for festive evening. Every woman has cute golden things that can inspire her to do something or another. pleasant memory associated with them.

But... Will you shine in literally words from your favorite jewelry, if cleaning gold is not a very regular procedure for you, but from time to time? Even the oldest earrings, inherited from a grandmother, or wedding ring Covered with small scratches from everyday worries, you can quickly return it to normal if you know how to clean gold jewelry at home.

There is nothing complicated in the methods below, but you must know what standard each item is, whether it is gold or just gilded, what stones decorate them - in order not to harm, but only to improve the condition of the appearance of your jewelry.

Professional cleaning of gold jewelry

It is best to entrust such a responsible task to professionals. Each jewelry workshop located in your city will undertake the “restoration” of your jewelry. Who, if not a master of his craft, can best cope with cleaning, polishing it, and, if necessary, making minor repairs.

Ultrasonic cleaning of gold items in a workshop ensures that:

  • most will disappear old pollution(including from iodine);
  • shine will be restored;
  • scratches will disappear;
  • Minor damage will no longer bother you.

The services of a jeweler may be needed even in such a seemingly simple matter as the ability to get rid of hair that has curled around your hair. gold chain. If its links are tiny, then any force can easily break it, so it is better to trust a specialist.

But you don’t always have the time and opportunity to use the services of jewelry workshops, believe me: you can restore your jewelry yourself. There are a variety of methods for cleaning gold, but it is best to buy a special gold cleaning product at a jewelry store; the seller will tell you which one is most suitable in your case and how to use it correctly.

Specially selected ingredients in a professional imported product will cope with tarnishing and restore old look products, but it will cost between 500-600 rubles per 150 ml. Of course it's expensive, but it's on sale jewelry cosmetics domestic production. For example, the Aladdin company offers gold polishing wipes for 35 rubles, and a 200 ml gold and platinum cleaner for 105 rubles.

An easy way to clean gold at home

Any gold cleaning at home begins with simplest procedure. An ugly coating on it arises from street dust, sebum and other dirt.

We can get rid of plaque by simply soaking it in a soapy solution:

  1. Place contaminated items in a small bowl.
  2. Fill in hot water(50-60 degrees).
  3. Add any detergent that produces a lot of foam.
  4. Wait about two hours.
  5. Take an old, unwanted toothbrush and trim the bristles.
  6. Use a brush to thoroughly brush all gold surfaces.
  7. Rinse and lay out the decoration to dry.

A washed item does not need to be wiped. Many women advise that dishwashing liquids are best suited for this, for example, Fairy Gel, beloved by us and the residents of Vilabagio.

This gentle method can be repeated several times, in half of the cases it is quite enough. But if the tarnishing does not go away, then you should proceed to more stringent methods.

Cleaning gold at home is possible using a 25% ammonia solution. Do this procedure only in a room where there is good ventilation so that you do not get poisoned by the fumes. But ammonia cannot harm the precious metal, so we put the products in a deep container and fill it with the solution, wait several hours and then rinse under running water.

Cleaning gold with ammonia (10% ammonia) also has a positive effect if stains on the surface of jewelry are a process of oxidation of the metals that make up the precious alloy. After all, jewelry is not made from gold alone; the lower the standard, the more other metals are in the alloy, so it is best to use this method when the gold standard is not too high.

Another composition for cleaning gold: powdered chalk, Vaseline, soap shavings and water in equal parts mix well. Our item is rubbed with this mixture using a soft cloth and then washed with water. The effectiveness of this method is very high; after processing, the jewelry looks like new.

U medical workers and simply in everyday life, a nuisance very often happens when iodine gets on the ring and forms ugly spots. It's not easy to get rid of them soap solution. To clean it in this case, you need to purchase a hyposulfite solution (available in departments where chemical reagents for photographers are sold) and dip your ring in it for half an hour.

How to clean gold at home using traditional methods

Cleaning gold with soda is a proven folk method. Two spoons of powder per one hundred grams of water are placed on the fire in a small saucepan, and gold items are placed there. After boiling, add two tablespoons of vinegar and boil the decorations in this mixture over low heat for twenty minutes. When finished, take them out and let them dry.

This type of cleaning of gold with vinegar is often used, but in addition to this and the methods described above, our women have accumulated many different folk ways that successfully help to cope with the aged appearance of gold jewelry:

  • fresh onion juice is applied to a napkin and the jewel is wiped over it until all the dirt disappears;
  • egg white and a little beer - this mixture will also effectively cope with contamination;
  • rock salt is diluted with water to create a rich brine for cleaning gold. It should lie in it for at least a day, and then rinse thoroughly under running water;
  • tooth powder or paste - the most available method. You can dry clean it, dilute it in a little water or add a little lemon juice;
  • mustard powder can serve as an excellent polishing agent; it is poured onto a rag and rubbed for five minutes, this time is enough for an excellent result;
  • cosmetic lipstick contains titanium dioxide, which can be a good abrasive. Apply lipstick, wait a while and wipe thoroughly - the jewelry will shine again.

You just need to choose the best option for you and start updating your favorite jewelry.

Cleaning gold with stones, white gold and gold plated items

Even at the stage of purchasing your favorite jewelry from the seller, you should ask, for example, how to clean white gold at home. White gold is often plated on top with rhodium, a metal that is ten times more valuable than gold but can wear away over time. It is needed as protective coating and to give a presentable white shine.

The less harsh methods described here are suitable for cleaning white gold if it is accompanied by diamonds. Diamonds should only be treated by special means or gentle soap or alcohol solutions.

Many gemstones are poorly tolerated high humidity, these are pearls, amber, opal, turquoise, malachite, etc. In this case, the most suitable liquid for cleaning gold is vodka or cologne. You need to soak a cotton swab in it and very carefully treat the jewelry with the stone. This will remove the dirt, and the grease can remove the gasoline. Traditional methods It cannot be used with powders here, as scratches will appear from the abrasive.

Products with gilding are a small surface layer of gold, which, if not proper care will wear off quickly. Only gentle methods and without any effort are suitable for gold-plated jewelry; the beer method has proven well in in this case. Ordinary table vinegar on a napkin will help you clean such a product very quickly.

So that gold jewelry makes you happy for many years, you must not only be able to care for them properly, but also know how to save:

  • gold should be stored in a box in a place where light and heat do not reach;
  • When storing, each decoration should not come into contact with another; rearranging with flannel will help prevent this;
  • When doing housework, be sure to remove the rings.

But the most main point– gold should be cleaned regularly, preferably every month. How great it will be if you can give your daughter or granddaughter an old gold decoration, but it will look like new.

They delight us with their appearance and shine.

However, even with the most careful treatment, over time gold becomes dull, products made from it become dirty, and stains may appear on them.

You will learn how to clean gold at home in this article.

How to clean gold at home: from grease and dirt

It’s easy to remove traces of dirt from gold jewelry - just mix in a small container hot water(50-70°C) and one of the detergents:

Liquid product for washing dishes

Soap, grated on a coarse grater (preferably laundry soap)


Washing powder

The gold jewelry is placed in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours, after this procedure the dirt and grease will soften and can be easily removed with a regular toothbrush with soft bristles. After this, the jewelry should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and allowed to dry.

If after such a soapy “bathing” dirt still remains, the procedure must be repeated.

Another way to easily clean dirt and grease is to boil it in a soapy solution. The gold product is placed in a container with such a solution and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Next, you should clean the product with a brush, as in the first method.

To give gold items shine, you can put them in a sugar solution overnight; to prepare the solution, add 2-3 teaspoons of sugar to a glass of water.

A paste made from Vaseline, soap shavings, water and chalk (in powder), taken in equal proportions, gives an excellent effect. After cleaning with this mixture, gold jewelry looks like new.

How to clean gold at home: “folk” recipes

There are some vintage folk recipes, which will help restore gold products to their original shine.

1. Grate the onion, moisten a napkin with the juice and wipe with it gold product.

2. Apply lipstick to the surface of the product, and after a while wipe it with a dry cloth. The lipstick contains titanium dioxide, which will help remove tarnish from the surface of the gold.

3. An aqueous solution of borax will help remove heavy stains, but it is powerless against stains. It is necessary to wipe the product with a cloth soaked in the solution, then rinse it under running water.

4. Cleaning the gold surface with toothpaste can also give good effect, but requires caution. To apply the paste, use a soft toothbrush or a rag.

5. Occasionally it happens that iodine stains appear on a gold product. A hyposulfite solution, which is sold in departments for amateur photographers, will help clean it.

6. Another method that our ancestors used. You need to take a little beer and the white of an egg, mix thoroughly, apply it to a cloth and wipe the gold jewelry with this mixture. After this, rinse with running water and dry.

How to clean gold at home if it is old

If the gold is old, it may have stains or a film of oxide on it. To clean such products, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are used.

Add to a glass of warm water:

1 teaspoon ammonia

30 ml 30% hydrogen peroxide solution

1 spoon of liquid soap

All components must be mixed in a non-metallic container, and the products must be placed in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with running water and wipe with flannel or suede.

You can also achieve this with ammonia good result in the fight against oxides. To a glass of water you need to add ½ teaspoon of 10% ammonia solution and 1 teaspoon of any detergent. After you put gold jewelry there, the water will immediately darken; the product is then removed from the solution and washed under running water.

If the product contains precious stones, these cleaning methods cannot be used.

A solution of soda also cleans gold from oxides well (just do not apply soda powder to the product and rub it; scratches may remain on the surface).

Place a piece of foil in a small container, place gold jewelry on it, and fill it with soda solution (a tablespoon of soda per glass of water). Leave for several hours. Then rinse the product under running water and dry.

Another cleaning method is boiling in a soda solution. IN soda solution you need to add a few drops of dishwashing detergent and boil for 10-15 minutes. After this, rinse and wipe dry.

Gold is also possible clean with saline solution(for ½ glass of water - 3 tablespoons of non-iodized salt). Leave your jewelry in this solution overnight, wipe with a soft cloth and enjoy its shine.

If none of the methods worked desired result, you can purchase a special professional paste or foam for cleaning gold products. It is sold in jewelry stores and large household chemical departments; it is inexpensive and lasts a long time.

Cleaning Jewelry ultrasound– one more modern way cleaning jewelry. Ultrasonic devices are very effective and will help purify gold in hard to reach places, but at the same time quite expensive.

How to clean gold at home: if products with precious stones

Gold products with stones require especially careful attitude. It is advisable to clean them at least once a month. The method of cleaning such products depends on what kind of stone is inserted into them..

If the stone inlaid into the product is soft (such stones include amber, pearls, opal, lapis lazuli, turquoise), ammonia, vinegar or alkali cannot be used to clean it. You can wash such jewelry in alcohol diluted in equal proportions with water, or in a soap solution, without leaving the jewelry in it for a long time.

The pearls are washed with a brush, dipping it into a soap solution. The golden part of the product with pearls is wiped with a soft cloth.

Hard stones include diamond, ruby, sapphire, topaz, emerald, amethyst, tourmaline, zircon. Products with these stones can be cleaned with alcohol using a cotton swab, then washed off with soap and water and wiped dry with a flannel.

Diamond jewelry can be cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in soapy water. Liquid soap, shampoo or washing powder will do.

Also, diamond products are cleaned with a solution of ammonia (6 drops of alcohol per glass of water). Then wipe the stone and setting cotton swab.

If the product with hard stone If it is heavily soiled, it can be cleaned with a toothbrush dipped in gasoline.

Zircon cleans well with a mixture of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:6.

How to clean gold at home without ruining it

In order not to spoil the gold during cleaning, you need to remember a few rules:

From abrasives When cleaning gold, it is better not to do so, as there is a risk of leaving scratches on the surface.

Products that require more delicate handling (chains, thin bracelets) should not be subjected to rough mechanical stress.

To clean products with stone, first find out how hard the stone is, and then, based on this, choose a cleaning method.

If the stone is glued, the product should not be wet to avoid the stone coming off.

First, you should always choose the most gentle method, for example, soaking in a soap solution, and only if this does not work, move on to “chemical” cleaning methods.

The appearance of stains and scratches on gold jewelry It's easier to prevent than to try to get rid of them. To do this you need to follow a few simple rules:

When cleaning the house, jewelry must be removed. Firstly, because household chemicals When it gets on gold, it can negatively affect it; secondly, particles of dust and dirt during cleaning can become clogged in the patterns of rings or bracelets.

At night, jewelry must be removed in contact with the skin; it becomes dirty and oxidizes over time.

Every time you remove jewelry, you need to wipe it with a cloth.

Gold products should be kept in places where they cannot get into cosmetic substances.

IN cardboard boxes You should also not hold gold jewelry; cardboard contains sulfur, which can cause stains. It is also not recommended to store gold in plastic containers.

If you care for gold items correctly, then they will last a long time and look great at the same time!

Any jewelry becomes dirty over time. Dirt gets clogged into the smallest holes, dusty deposits thin film settles on the surface of the product, as a result of which the jewelry loses the shine of the metal and the play of color of the stones.

Why clean gold?

Gold jewelry is designed to please the eye with its beauty, and tarnished rings and earrings do not attract attention. In addition, dirty products pose a health hazard. Bacteria found on contaminated surfaces of piercing earrings or ears can cause various inflammatory processes. For hygiene and beauty reasons, gold jewelry should be cleaned periodically. To do this, you can go to a jewelry workshop, where they will clean them for a fee. But there are many ways to clean your jewelry at home that can save you time and money.

How to clean gold at home

To decide how to clean your gold, determine the degree of contamination. If the product is slightly dirty and a short period has passed since the last cleaning, wash it in a soapy solution.

A fairly common type of contamination on gold jewelry is stains resulting from oxidation. In the manufacture of gold jewelry, gold is used in the form of compounds with other precious metals. This is due to the fact that gold is a soft metal in its structure, and a product made of pure gold will not hold its shape. Additives to gold are alloys that oxidize under the influence of water and air and appear on products in the form of black and green spots.

Washing is one of the ways to clean gold

Add any foamy product (soap, shampoo) to hot water and leave the jewelry in it for a couple of hours. Gently brush the items with a soft-bristled toothbrush, rinse with water and dry. Soak heavily soiled areas that have not been cleaned again and repeat the procedure. If the appearance of the jewelry has not changed, apply the next cleaning step.

Chemical cleaning of gold

To remove oxidation stains, use an ammonia solution. Ammonia reacts with silver and copper, forming compounds that are easily soluble in water.

  • Purchase an ammonia solution of 25% or higher at the pharmacy.
  • Pour ammonia into a non-metallic container and place the products in it for 3 hours.
  • At heavy pollution leave it for 12 hours, clean and rinse with water.
  • Be sure to follow safety precautions when working with ammonia.

Mechanical cleaning of gold

If the product is so dirty that it cannot be cleaned either by washing or using dry cleaning, must be applied mechanical cleaning abrasive materials. It is not recommended to use for this baking soda or dish cleaning powder. They will scratch the product and it will lose its shine. In addition, the top layer is removed, resulting in weight loss. It is recommended to use a paste to clean jewelry.

Apply a little paste to a soft cloth and wipe the surface in one direction. Remove the remaining paste with a clean cloth, rinse with alcohol or vodka, which will dissolve the fatty film from the surface. Rinse with water and dry the product.

You can make your own pasta. Take toothpaste as a base, add crushed chalk, soap shavings, water and petroleum jelly in equal parts. Apply the mixture to the jewelry, wipe with a soft cloth, and rinse with warm water.

How to clean gold: traditional methods

Well, now let’s talk about how you can clean gold at home using proven folk methods.

  • Clean with tooth powder. The method is effective and does not damage the surface.
  • Mix beer and egg white. Dampen a soft cloth with this mixture and wipe the decoration.
  • Use table vinegar to clean the surface of the product.
  • Wipe the product with onion juice, rinse and dry.
  • Remove black spots from the surface using lipstick that contains titanium dioxide. Apply with a dry soft swab small quantity, rub, remove the remains. Polish with velvet until shiny.
  • Remove iodine stains using a hydrosulfite solution, which is used by photographers when printing photographs. Immerse the products in it for 30 minutes, rinse clean water and dry.
  • Wipe the contaminated surface with an aqueous solution of borax, which is sold at the pharmacy.
  • Cleaning gold at home with ammonia is very effective way. Wipe the decoration with a mixture of ammonia and chalk, rinse in soapy water, then rinse in running water and dry.

How to clean gold jewelry?

Cleaning gold jewelry with precious stones

Cleaning gold jewelry with stones requires great care. Cleaning items with stones is carried out using a stick with a cotton swab wrapped around one end. Dip it in cologne and clean the stone top and bottom. You can replace cologne with alcohol. It is not recommended to lower stones that are glued and not secured with “claws” into water. Oily stains Remove from stones using a soft toothbrush dipped in gasoline.

Precious and semi-precious stones– clean diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, topazes, etc. in any soap solution, then rinse with water. Clean your stone jewelry once a month.

Clean diamond jewelry using liquid detergent and a soft-bristled brush.

Keep stones away from straight sun rays– under their influence, some stones can change their color (garnet, turquoise).

Features of cleaning white gold products

A combination of copper, gold, and nickel in certain proportions is “white” gold. This metal is similar in color to silver or platinum. Top layer finished products treated with radium ions. White gold jewelry with diamonds is considered very elegant and graceful. Clean such products using water and ammonia. Prepare a solution from them in a ratio of 50 to 50, add a little detergent, and leave the jewelry in this solution for half an hour. Rinse and dry well.

Remember: do not clean white gold jewelry with abrasive powders or pastes.

Caring for pearl jewelry

Natural pearls are composed of organic compounds and have a unique pearlescent luster. Wash the pearls with warm soapy water using a soft brush or small brush, rinse with water and dry. Do not wash pearls with the addition of acetic or other acid. The layers of pearls will dissolve in the acid.

Cleaning Gold Plated Jewelry

Gold-plated jewelry is products made from various alloys and coated with thin layer gold leaf Modern technologies allow the spraying of tiny gold droplets onto the alloy. Such jewelry is cheaper, but appearance no different from gold ones. With proper care of gold-plated jewelry, they will delight the eyes of their owners for a long time.

Gold-plated jewelry cannot be cleaned with abrasives, since the gold layer is very thin. To clean such jewelry, use wine alcohol, beer, vinegar, and egg white. Apply any of these products to the surface, rinse and dry.

Some tips for caring for jewelry

  • Store your jewelry in a jewelry box.
  • Wrap your jewelry in cloth to prevent it from scratching each other.
  • Protect jewelry from heat and sunlight.
  • Remove jewelry when doing housework.
  • Clean your jewelry once a month.
  • These simple rules will help preserve the shine and beauty of gold jewelry for many years.

Why does gold turn black?

In some cases, gold tends to turn black, which is often mistaken among people for the evil eye. However, there are understandable reasons for the darkening of gold. Let's look at them in detail.

In the process of making jewelry, a violation of the ligature prescription occurs. Gold is never used in pure form. Copper, silver, and palladium are also added to the alloy, which give the product strength and wear resistance. And if the ligature is broken during production (often on purpose, in order to save money), then it is best to return such a product back to the store, even with a scandal.

Features of the human body when waste products are excreted through the skin. The environment currently leaves much to be desired, which cannot but affect the human body. Therefore, a dark film of sulfides, dust and grease forms on the surface of gold jewelry. This film can be easily removed using ammonia and liquid soap.

Excessive use cosmetics and medicines. These products contain iodine and mercury compounds in certain quantities. If the norm is exceeded, gold may appear gray spots, which cannot be removed due to the destruction of the gold itself.

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