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What to pack for a holiday in Greece. What things and medicines to take with you to Greece. When is the best time to go (weather)

What to take with you to friendly and sunny Greece? Firstly, the luggage capacity is larger: you are unlikely to resist taking a fair amount of souvenirs from Greece, so you should reserve a place for them in your luggage.

There are often strong winds on the Greek coast, so it is recommended to take a moisturizing face cream with you, it will protect your skin from peeling. Soap, shampoos and other perfumes can be bought in Greece, here they are of excellent quality, but it is better to bring special cosmetics - sunscreen/sun creams, lotion for burns - in Greece these drugs are significantly more expensive. Greece has very hard water, so it would be a good idea to purchase a softening shampoo.

Useful tips

Considering the hot climate of Greece, you should stock up on blood pressure medications and medications to normalize cardiac activity: during the acclimatization period, even people with impeccable health can have heart and blood pressure problems. Mediterranean cuisine is very tasty and satisfying, and if it is unusual for you, you may not be able to stop in time, so you need to have No-shpa and pancreatin in your first aid kit. In the evenings on the coast there is a sharp change in temperature: warm winds give way to cold ones, so you should take long sleeves with you and, just in case, antipyretic and anti-cold medications.

1. Antipyretic (paracetamol, nurofen)

2. Antihistamine (suprastin, zyrtec)

3. Painkiller (citramon, pentalgin, etc.)

4. Cardiovascular (Corvalol, Valocordin)

5. For gastrointestinal disorders (activated carbon, no-spa, pancreatin)

6. Drops for runny nose (naftimizin, pinosol)

7. Ear drops (otipax)

8. Eye drops (visine, albucid)

9. Antiseptic (brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide)

10. Anti-burn (panthenol spray)

11. Dressing material (sterile bandage, cotton wool, adhesive plaster)

12. Anti-sickness (Dramamine)

13. Sunscreen (preferably two, “strong” for the first time and “moderate”)

14. After sun cream

15. Baby cream softening

16. Large pack of wet wipes

When visiting the beach, hiking, or participating in excursions, a hat is a must! Stock up on a Panama hat - why ruin your vacation with sunstroke? For trips to the city and the beach, buy sandals with thick rubber soles. The city streets are paved with stone, it is uncomfortable to walk on them in shoes with heels, and it is unpleasant to walk barefoot on a pebble beach. It is strictly not recommended to enter the waters of the Aegean Sea barefoot - poisonous sea urchins are often found in shallow waters.

Vacation is a sacred thing. Many people begin preparing for it in advance, putting everything they need in a suitcase a month or two before departure, while others remember about preparation at the last moment. But each of us knows that the more carefully the composition of the luggage is thought out, the more comfortable and peaceful the vacation will be.

So, what to take with you to Greece, to the country of eternal sun, sea and holiday atmosphere.

Point 1. Cloth.

The sun in Greece is low, so dermatologists recommend not to overheat in the sun, sunbathe on the beach under an umbrella and be sure to wear a hat. The latter will come in handy as a good companion on long walks, so a comfortable Panama hat or sports baseball cap is the best option for any age. By the way, for walks it is best to choose cotton T-shirts or breathable blouses with small sleeves. “What about the tan?”, you ask. The skin gets the best tan during active walks, sports activities on the beach or during swims in the Mediterranean waters, so shorts of different colors, comfortable open tops are what you need on the shore and on short walks, and more closed clothes will protect your delicate skin. skin of the shoulders and neck. To summarize, we put it in the suitcase, ticking off the collected items:

  • shorts, several models;
  • hat for the beach and for walks;
  • a light dress or a light suit for visiting a restaurant on a summer evening;
  • comfortable jeans for the evening;
  • one blouse or sweater, in case of north wind;
  • swimsuit, or better yet several different ones.

Point 2. Shoes.

Your legs will probably have to do a lot of work - walking, swimming in the sea. Therefore, take care of their convenience and comfort. If you take sports shoes with you, let them be as comfortable as possible for you and preferably made from natural and breathable materials. If you were planning to limit yourself to just flip flops, remember, Greece is beautiful not only by the sea. Ancient architecture, fortresses and beautiful mountains with an unforgettable panoramic view - for all this you definitely need closed and as comfortable shoes as possible. So, what are we wearing?

  • Comfortable and lightweight sports shoes;
  • beach flip-flops;
  • sandals for a hotel room and/or for walking;
  • one pair of shoes to go out, in case you are invited to a chic restaurant or tavern.

Point 3. Sun protection

Yes, you should always remember this and first of all, even if you go to conquer Hellas in spring or winter, you will need:

  • high-quality sunglasses that you will wear almost constantly;
  • a pareo or scarf that will protect your shoulders from excess sun, and in a cool room from hypothermia;
  • high-quality sunscreen for the face and body, so you don’t have to worry about whether your nose or hands will burn;
  • after-sun cream that will soften the possible consequences of prolonged exposure to the outdoors.

Point 4. Medicines.

Since we touched on the topic of health, it is important to think about internal comfort. In Greece, you are unlikely to avoid taverns where you will be attracted by the smell of freshly cooked fish or seafood. You will most likely like souvlaki - a national fast food with various types of meat, fried potatoes and delicious sauces. Therefore, take with you:

  • activated carbon, who knows how your body will react to innovations;
  • stomach remedy to aid the digestion process;
  • a remedy for a sore throat and a fast-acting antipyretic “powder”, sudden changes in temperature, cold drinks in the heat sometimes have a bad effect;
  • means that normalize heart function and blood pressure, humidity and unusual stress on the body during active recreation, so it’s better to play it safe.

Point 5. Little things in life.

Most of the bag is packed, there are little things left that we often forget.

  • a camera and/or a video camera, as one of our tourists from St. Petersburg said: “The camera is for taking pictures of the ruins and me against the backdrop of the sea, and the video camera is to capture the flow of wind in developing hair, cheerful Greek dances and the excitement of the sea!”;
  • a comfortable shoulder bag that should hold a bottle of water, a camera, a small amount of cash and personal items you need;
  • Bank card, foreigners in Greece can always withdraw any amount of money from their cards without the restrictions of a significant commission, which means it is very convenient to divide your vacation budget into a certain amount in cash and on the card; by the way, you can pay with it in many stores.

To this list you can add personal hygiene items, those things that you use every day. And also a passport with a visa, a plane ticket and that’s it. Your luggage is packed and you are ready to travel around beautiful Greece! A smile, an easy attitude to everything and a good rest are guaranteed!

From this country you will want to bring a lot of souvenirs that will remind you of your carefree holiday in Hellas for a long time - so the number 1 purchase before leaving will be a large suitcase that is easy to transport. Give preference to models with a hard back and on wheels - this will make it easier for you to transport your suitcase at the airport. Such a suitcase will be especially convenient for women - it will transfer all the weight from their fragile shoulders to the wheels. Don’t skimp on a quality copy - a good suitcase will cost no less than 150-250 €. If you are afraid of theft at the airport, pay attention to models with a combination lock. If you are taking a manicure set with you, be aware: you will not be allowed on the plane to Greece until all nail files and scissors are carefully packed in plastic - during customs control the integrity of this packaging is carefully checked.

Greece is a country of strong winds coming from the sea. Therefore, if you plan to go on sea excursions and walk along the coast in the evenings, put a moisturizer in your suitcase. It will help cope with peeling and redness on the skin caused by chapping. For the same reason, colorless hygienic lipstick is useful. It is very hot in Greece, so women should not take cream powder and foundation - the Greek sun will melt any tone and your makeup will “float” quite quickly. It is better to take a mattifying cream - it will become an excellent base for makeup and will serve as protection against excessive oily facial skin. However, it is advisable to use decorative cosmetics on vacation only when you plan to “go out.” Before visiting the beach, it is enough to apply sunscreen with a protection level of 30-35 units on your face. You don’t need to take shower gels, body care creams, scrubs and deodorants - you can buy cosmetics for the whole family in Greece. It is of excellent quality - all products are made on the basis of a natural moisturizing component - olive oil. However, Greece has very hard water, so pack a softening shampoo in your suitcase. But it’s better not to give up repellent cream - during walks, mosquitoes and midges haunt tourists with their intrusiveness. If you or your children suffer from allergies to such products, wet wipes soaked in a special insect-repellent compound will be an excellent alternative to a spray or lotion. However, to create a lasting and long-lasting effect, you will have to use these napkins every half hour.

Again, due to the local heat, you should put medications for heart problems and high blood pressure in your first aid kit. Even absolutely healthy people can have heart problems here - this is facilitated by high air temperature and high humidity. In case of overeating, your first aid kit should have “Nosh-pa” and a drug containing enzymes - for example, pancreatin. If you suffer from stomach ulcers, high acidity, or are tormented by gallstones, take Ganaton or Nexium with you. The Mediterranean weather is very changeable - in the evening warm winds give way to cold ones, so your first aid kit (especially if you have children with you) must have antipyretic and cold medications.

Given the cool evenings, you probably already know what to take with you to Greece. For adults, it is enough to bring long-sleeved shirts and blouses and trousers made of linen or fine wool. For children, put sweaters or sweatshirts in your suitcase, otherwise they will get cold. Are you planning to sunbathe on the beach regularly? Before traveling, buy light hats for all family members, otherwise sunstroke will not take long to occur. Will you be attending excursions? Local streets are paved with treated stone, so walking on them in heels or platform shoes is inconvenient - buy yourself rubber shoes (sandals or pantoles), the sole of which will be 0.5-1 cm thick. Swimming in the water of the Aegean Sea without shoes is strictly forbidden forbidden! Every year, many tourists become victims of poisonous sea urchins because they carelessly enter the water without swimming shoes.

Before leaving, exchange Russian rubles for US dollars or get a bank card for your own convenience. Greece ranks one of the first in the world for fraud related to plastic cards. Therefore, it is best to withdraw money from ATMs located on the hotel premises. Do not fall for the offers of street barkers - the “favorable rates” of currency exchange offered by them in 85% of cases result in tourists receiving a paper “doll” instead of real bills.

If you do not want to turn your vacation into work, it is better to leave your laptop at home, despite the great temptation of being able to always be in touch with colleagues and friends.

When planning a holiday in Greece, do not take bulky luggage with you. Good shopping is possible in this country, so you can buy the necessary things on the spot. This lightweight travel bag guarantees you a pleasant trip. In addition, you will not have to pay for porter services. What to take to Greece to travel light? We have prepared a list of the most necessary things for you.

How to dress as a tourist

The type of clothing depends on the purpose of the visit to the country. If you want to relax on the beach, then take simple and light clothes. You will need a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses. If you do not use sun protection, you can get sunburned even during an excursion. For walks along the coastal area, take beach shoes. In special slippers you can walk on pebbles and sand. It is also recommended to wear shoes when entering the water to protect your feet from sea urchins, crabs and jellyfish. For sea swimming you will need a swimsuit and a towel. If desired, any beach accessories can be purchased at the Greek resort.
If you are in the mood for study tours, then forget about high heels. Comfortable sandals are the best option for walking around the city. For everyday wear in Greece, you need T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses and other summer clothes. For dinner at a restaurant, bring a nice dress with you. A man should take closed shoes and a summer suit. The most luxurious hotels in the country enforce a dress code. This nuance should be clarified in advance with the tour operator. When going to Greece in the summer, you don’t have to think too much about choosing things. At this time of year the country is warm and rain is very rare. If you plan to travel in winter, then you need warm clothes. It is not cold in Greece, but it is very damp.
When planning to visit the ski resorts of the country, use the appropriate equipment. In any case, the choice of clothing is yours. But things should be comfortable and versatile. Do not bring clothes that get dirty or wrinkled easily. Items in your wardrobe should be in harmony with each other. You can put jeans, T-shirts, shirts in your suitcase. Girls are advised to take a long and short skirt, a couple of blouses and tops. You will also need several pairs of underwear.

What else should a tourist take?

A traveler can never use a guidebook. It will help you get richer and more vivid impressions of the country. Take money with you. If you need anything during your vacation, you can purchase it in any city in Greece. Before leaving, check that all documents are in place. In addition, do not forget the standard set of medications for a tourist: painkillers, antipyretics, as well as drugs to normalize digestion.

The answer to the question about what to take to Greece, depends on the purpose for which you are going to the country.

If you are planning to relax on one of the Greek islands, first of all you need to pack things for the beach in your suitcase: swimsuits, beach sandals, a Panama hat or cap, sunglasses, a beach bag. The Greek sun is extremely active, so be sure to wear a high-protection sunscreen. It would also not be superfluous to include in the list those what to take to Greece, rubber slippers for swimming, as sea urchins are found in some places on the coast.

Adventure lovers and active, curious tourists can grab a driver's license. The Greek islands have a car rental system, and you can diversify your beach holiday with trips to charming places with impressive monuments of the past.

When traveling to Athens, remember that it is the European capital. This means that when choosing clothes for a trip, it is better to give preference to things in a casual style rather than beach shorts and Hawaiian shirts. Visiting temples and churches requires an appropriate appearance: men must wear long trousers, and women must wear long bottoms and tops with covered shoulders. For excursions to ancient ruins, comfortable shoes and a sun umbrella will be useful.

What medications to take to Greece

In Greek pharmacies you can find any medicine, but it is better to collect a first aid kit at home so that everything you need is at hand. The minimum that you should have with you when traveling should include: citramone, painkillers, antidiarrheal drug, laxative, hydrogen peroxide, bandage, patch, spray or balm for insect and jellyfish bites.

Read about the places where the largest concentration of jellyfish (which, by the way, stings worse than nettles in Greece) is in our next report.

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