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What to do if your husband is an energy vampire, how to live with an energy vampire? Energy vampire in the family: how to help an energy vampire? What to do if your loved one is a vampire

Almost everyone knows about the existence of energy vampires among people in our time.

They behave exactly like the followers of the famous Vlad the Impaler, Count Dracula - but, unlike the fictional character, they actually exist and drink from their victims not blood, but vital energy.

How does energy metabolism occur?

The exchange of energy between living beings occurs constantly: we all become different periods their lives either as donors or as vampires. This normal phenomenon which happens literally every minute. Loving friend each other, spouses, parents and children exchange positive energy of love, and this exchange makes them stronger, fitter and healthier.

Friendly gatherings also help us replenish our reserves with the energy of positive emotions that comes with amazing property: its “distribution” not only does not devastate the donor, but, on the contrary, makes him stronger.

A completely different picture is observed if energy exchange occurs through negative emotional manifestations. For example, when a sick person, feeling the need for energy, begins to unconsciously draw it from those around him, tormenting them with whims and nagging. This is why visits to the clinic are so painful for most people: queues to see doctors are extremely long.

Almost every person at some points in his life takes energy from those around him. Most people do this unconsciously: they feel energy hunger on a subconscious level, and as soon as the opportunity arises to satisfy it, irritation, anger, and nagging are used. The response emotion opens a channel of energy exchange, the vampire receives the necessary portion and calms down.

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Most the right way recognizing an energy vampire - assessing your well-being after communicating with him. If after every contact with a person you feel weak, tired, uncomfortable and irritated, perhaps even headache- most likely, this is an energy vampire who uses you as an energy donor.

If you yourself are a vampire, the sensations will be the opposite. You may enjoy making people angry, provoking their anger and irritation. However, a vampire can evoke emotions directed at himself in any way - “pressure” on pity or sympathy, seduce, causing sexual interest and even falling in love, making him jealous or awakening feelings of guilt.

It is important that after contact with certain people you feel a surge of strength and good mood, and your partner, on the contrary, remains irritated or tired.

Can a vampire stop taking energy from those around him?

It is important to understand how a person becomes a vampire. With most of them this happens in childhood, if the child is deprived parental love and protection. This can happen even in a seemingly prosperous family, whose members are actually busy only with themselves and their problems, not paying attention to the baby.

As a child energy potential person is very weak and needs to be nourished by adults - their kind words, hugs, conversations and even in punishments. If parents do not want to give all this voluntarily, the child achieves the portions of energy he needs by throwing tantrums, being capricious, or pretending to be sick. Some become vampires in adulthood, for example, during a long illness, or after suffering severe psychological trauma.

To stop drawing energy from others, a person needs to learn to enjoy simple joys life - for example, spend more time in nature, hugging birch and apple trees. Trees, meadow grasses and flowers can give a powerful charge of positivity, you just need to open up and allow this energy to enter you.

Many vampires benefit from exercise, which increases a person’s own energy potential. A half-hour jog in the morning park is a great way to get your daily dose of vitality.

Of course, we must not forget about such a powerful support factor as the church. By regularly attending Sunday services, praying daily, talking with a priest when it’s difficult, and observing the traditions of religion, many vampires stop using the energy of those around them, returning to a state of harmony and balanced flows of positive energies.

Modern vampires have nothing to do with mysticism. This is a characteristic of people who try to use your emotions for their own benefit. The methods of such people are clearly thought out, and therefore an energy vampire is not so easy to notice.

The most charming person who gives you positive emotions can take them back a hundredfold.

Energy Vampire- a person who burdens others negative information and your problems. It's exhausting because we all have empathy and tend to worry about others.

Evgeniy Idzikovsky

Rational advice is most often not accepted by such people. They also constantly criticize everything, devalue our achievements, and do not respect other people’s boundaries.

There are several signs by which an energy vampire can be recognized in advance. You should not refuse to be with a person if you notice one item from this list in his behavior. But if they match more than three points, then this is a reason to be wary and take a closer look at your friend.

1. Looking for pity

One of obvious signs and a dangerous trap. We easily fall into the network of an energy vampire when we provide him with a favor. There is always something to pity him for.

After an act of mercy, we feel like heroes, saviors, and feel a surge of pride.

Behind these positive emotions we don’t notice how they began to pay too much attention to the person, his complaints began to cross all reasonable boundaries, and demands for pity became more and more persistent and dangerous.

2. They consider everyone around them to be to blame for their troubles.

Vampires are always surrounded by solid villains: a cruel mother, grumpy wife, a mercantile mistress, stupid children and a tyrant boss. For these people, everyone around them is to blame for their troubles, except themselves.

Any inaccurate word and you already become an enemy. The vampire constantly creates problems with his comrades and interlocutors. If you feel guilty only from memories of a person, then you have a vampire.

A social contract is an exchange of resources between people. When a person wallows in self-pity, instead of asking for a promotion or quitting, he wants to continue to be listened to. Such interaction can be convenient for both parties.

Elizaveta Efremova

3. Provoke quarrels and fights

Negative attention is also attention. Energy vampires are happy to use this rule in life.

Provoking quarrels, getting emotionally offended, waving their fists at the slightest provocation - this is about them.

4. They love to intrigue

Vampires especially enjoy gossip and quarrels in any group. By ingratiating themselves with everyone, they subtly feel weak points and pull the strings so that maximum quantity people quarreled for the most dramatic reasons.

By manipulating the resentment of some and seeking pity from others, they are capable of ruining relationships even in a friendly company.

5. They hit you at the most unexpected moment

The exchange of energy does not happen at one moment: the energy vampire is fed by it during complaints, attention, quarrels, which he skillfully orchestrated. But there are situations that will help such a person to be satisfied with the feeling of his own superiority for a long time.

The less you expect a catch, the stronger your disappointment and energy exchange will be.

6. Go to extremes

An indirect sign by which it is easy to recognize energy vampires is that they are prone to extremes.

They are engaged extreme species sports, get married on the second day after meeting each other and break ties with loved ones after a tiny quarrel, because they lack their own emotions.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

The first step is to recognize it. The one who gives energy to the vampire is called energy donor. But not all people are inclined to give away moral strength for free.

Donors become weak individuals, people with weak emotional background who are prone to excessive trust and guardianship. Some simple tips They won’t save you from masterly vampirism, but they will save you nerves and strength, even if you’ve already been caught.

  • Learn. Gently refuse to do something you don’t like after the first request that is difficult for you to fulfill.
  • Stand up for boundaries. You are an accomplished adult. No one can tell you that you have done something wrong or that you have a bad character.

Sergey Pozdnyakov

  • Track vivid emotional outbursts. Even joyful ones. In the early stages, vampires feed you positive impressions to get you attached. This is how they shake up your emotional swing.
  • Don't believe gossip. Well-concocted rumors sound quite plausible, but think about why the person is telling you all this and how your quarrel with the object of gossip will benefit him.
  • Rely only on yourself. Receiving help and support from loved ones is priceless. But it's always worth having a backup plan in case your friend turns out not to be who he said he was.

Did you recognize anyone from your environment? Have you encountered energy vampires?

Natalya Kaptsova - practitioner of integral neuroprogramming, expert psychologist

Reading time: 7 minutes


Of course, the term “energy vampire” does not officially exist. Not a single doctor will write such a diagnosis, a psychologist, squinting, will call a caring psychiatrist to his sofa in the voice of a caring psychiatrist, and a scientist will wrinkle his nose and brush it off - no, they say, such intangible energy, and that’s all. Despite everything, energy vampires for many are not just not a myth, but quite harsh reality. Especially if this vampire is his own spouse.

How to suspect a vampire in your husband, and, most importantly, what to do about it later?

How to identify an energy vampire in a husband, how do energy vampires behave?

Vampire husbands (like vampire wives), who shamelessly feed on the energy of their other halves, are far from a “sick fantasy.” The main thing is to clearly understand what it is namely vampirism , and nothing else.

If you found all or most of these signs in your husband, then... it’s unclear why you haven’t gone crazy yet...

Speaking seriously, it is unlikely that the entire set of these symptoms can be found in one person - this is a real nightmare that no one can withstand. normal woman. But if, nevertheless, a partial correspondence between the signs and the husband’s behavior is found, then the main thing is understand that this is vampirism , and not fatigue from work and other troubles.

How to tell the difference?

Very simple:

  • If your behavior is impeccable (by the way, there are no ideal wives), and his vampirism is characterized by stubborn constancy, then it’s time to change something.
  • If he timidly scandalized twice , once left, slamming the door (but taking the trash), and even poured out his soul to you all night, complaining about his troubles, then there is absolutely no need to register him as a vampire. On the contrary, it is necessary to “love, feed and never offend.”

What to do if your husband is an energy vampire, how to live with an energy vampire?

It is very important to understand - conscious vampire in front of you or not .

What to do, what to remember, how to behave if your husband is a vampire?

Don’t rush to shoot yourself, read and remember:

  • Analyze the pattern of his vampire unconscious actions. Most likely, his energy-sucking tactics are the same, without changes. This means it will be easier to deal with it.
  • Your emotions are his bread. The more unbalanced you are, the more vulnerable you are. Learn not to respond with emotions. Even more, learn not to react emotionally negatively at all. Of course, being “hungry”, he will provoke you into anger, pity, fear, etc. Your task is not to give him such an opportunity.
  • How to become an iron lady? We close all areas with energy leaks and connect additional power sources. The first is more important. All the things that drive you crazy are your energetic “black holes”. Patch them without sparing yourself. Constantly complaining about life? Demonstratively do other things at this moment, asking again - “what did you say, dear?” Provokes you to a scandal - go into another room, get distracted and come back when you calm down. Think about meditation, relaxation and any other means of “self-preservation of the nervous system.”
  • Once you're done with the patches, start looking for the batteries. Everyone has their own batteries: some are recharged by comedy, some by the pool, some by throwing darts, etc.
  • Monitor any activities that cause discomfort. Talk to your spouse, explain to him that you don’t like it (in the form of dialogue loving wife with my beloved husband). Didn't help? Be wise and cunning - learn to change the situation for yourself. It is easier to change the very cause of your discomfort than to fight it.
  • Watch your diet. Yes, yes, real energy comes to us precisely from food, water and air. Therefore, you need to eat right, drink as much as the doctor prescribed, go to school more often fresh air. Hunger, fatigue, and exhaustion will exhaust you before you “enter the warpath.” Read also:
  • Read literature about meditation. No matter how ridiculous it may seem, it works. So does yoga. The ability to concentrate and disconnect from external stimuli is a great strength.

Of course, living with a vampire is difficult. But a lot depends on you. Especially when it is your dear, beloved and only vampire.

If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, share with us! It is very important for us to know your opinion!

A good friend of mine told me this case several years ago. His energy abilities are well known to me, and therefore I have no reason not to trust what he says.

“I’m on the subway in the morning, sitting and reading. And suddenly I suddenly began to feel some strange discomfort. I looked around - everything seemed to be fine. Began to listen to inner sensations- and then I realized that energy does not circulate in the body as always, but gradually flows into one point on the right thigh, a little above the knee and... slowly flows out, in a thin stream, like water from a leaky plastic bag.

And at this point, a burning sensation appeared. I look and a woman of about 50 years old sitting next to me is touching this place with her knee. I moved away. But that was not the case! The woman moved closer and began to press even closer to my leg.

Wow! Such things should not be encouraged. And I did something that I still regret. A little manipulation of her energy, and... the woman jumped up as if electrocuted. A hard, hateful look in my direction, and she ran out of the car at the next station. Now I realized that I did it in vain: what did I manage to change with my energy discharge? Only increased the amount of evil in the world. This vampire woman is unlikely to become better, but she will most likely become more careful and sophisticated in her dark affairs. And it’s not for me to punish her. she will punish herself..."

I remembered this story because in several letters readers asked me to tell them who energy vampires are, how to recognize them and protect themselves from them.

This was known back in ancient times. Thus, the Bible tells about King David, who, to support his aging body, surrounded himself with young and healthy slaves. However, he was not the only one who used this method of rejuvenation. I don’t know if Mao Tse Tung read the Bible, but recent years he prolonged his life using the same methods as the biblical king...
What is the mechanism of energy vampirism?

Let's remember physics lessons? If you connect two communicating vessels with a tube, the liquid level in them will be equalized. The same thing happens with people. From a person with high level energy, vitality will automatically(!) flow to the weakened one (from low energy level). If only there was a “tube”...

And, as it turns out, it’s not that difficult to organize. The most obvious way is physical contact. But people exchange energy with each other without even touching each other. Only their auras—energy-informational shells—are in contact. An aura is a protective screen that prevents someone else’s field from reaching a person. However, it has one more function. When a person shows interest in something, his aura seems to open, trying to embrace, draw in and understand this something. (It should be noted that it is this property of the aura that allows people to effectively recharge with fresh energy from nature).

Intuitively feeling this, the energy vampire’s first task is to attract your attention so that in your aura you yourself open the “door” for energy leakage.

One of the most cynical books on black magic that I have ever held in my hands, it frankly teaches aspiring witches and sorcerers ways to arouse human curiosity. “Arouse the attention of the subconscious, and half the battle has already been won by you... A half-hint, thoughtfulness, mystery, enigma will be enough to prepare the ground for your victim... will raise their curiosity to such an extent that they will begin to spend their energy on the emotion of impatience...”

So, let's remember: the very first desire of an energy vampire is to attract attention to himself at least for a while. But this is not enough. “Vampire” needs to enter with us energy contact, that is, to bring us into a state close to him. This is because there is one remarkable ability of the human aura: it is capable of perceiving only energy “related” to it. Therefore, a person who encroaches on someone’s energy tries with all his might to tune the victim to his “frequencies” - the frequencies of low spirituality. He needs your irritability, aggressiveness, fear, anxiety, fussiness... Firstly, such conditions themselves lead to an increased drain of vitality. And secondly, the leaking energy, as we have already said, is “native” to the vampire.

"I work in a small women's team. I love my job, I cope with it with ease. However, I am very tired. I come home completely exhausted, with a headache. I don’t have the strength not only to study with my son, but also to wash the cup. Over the weekend, I think I’ll go away and rest, although I’m not idle: washing, cleaning, cooking...

However, as soon as I go to work, I again begin to feel like a decrepit old woman. But I’m only 34... I was examined by doctors, everything shows that I’m healthy. The doctors could not explain the reasons for my condition. Friends gave advice to contact a certain grandmother, and although I don’t really trust healers, I went. What this grandmother told me amazed me. And she said that one of the employees of our office was taking away my life energy. And she even described it.”

Further in her letter, L. from Kaluga spoke about the behavior of the woman described by her grandmother. As you can see, this is a typical case of a bio-vampire - an “aggressor”. Probably in any team it is possible to meet a person who is, as it were, programmed for conflict. Wherever he appears, he immediately becomes the center of attention; a certain aura of irritation and aggression immediately appears around him, drawing vitality from those around him. Everyone feels uncomfortable with him, even his friends. Although, he usually has no friends. Because only a very powerful donor or an even greater vampire than him is able to get along with an energy vampire - an “aggressor”.

Other energy vampires are also close to this type: “tyrants” who instill fear in their subordinates and feed on their energy... Despite the apparent diversity, they all basically act the same way - they attract attention to themselves, put the future victim into a state of irritability or resentment and, thanks to this, suck her energy.

Do you want to protect yourself from such an energy vampire? And this is within your power. You should not enter into conflict, even if you are strongly provoked: with your irritation and anger, your vitality leaves you. Don’t take revenge, don’t repay evil with evil. “An eye for an eye” is the most direct road to self-destruction. Forgive more often, even if the person is openly to blame for you.

At one time, V. Hugo said: “If someone has offended you, take revenge courageously. Remain calm - and this will be the beginning of your vengeance, then forgive - this will be the end of it.” A clear conscience, peace of mind, selflessness, high spiritual goals and faith in Divine protection are a guarantee of your invulnerability! Remember once and for all, energy vampires cannot feed on highly spiritual energy!

Try to avoid contact with people you don't like. And if you are forced to deal with them, you don’t have to look them in the eyes - this is the most powerful channel of energy exchange. Calm, self-confident to the point of insolence, an attentive look of an energy vampire into your eyes - and your energy begins to leak. Such “spectacular duels” should be avoided.

There is no need to reveal your energy to “energy-suspicious” people. When communicating with them, you should keep your arms crossed on your chest or clasped opposite solar plexus. It is also advisable to connect the feet. In this way, you “close” your energy and make it difficult for outsiders to access.

Natalya M. from Saratov wrote that her daughter, a student, was simply tortured by a classmate. “This friend sits in our house for hours and takes up a lot of my daughter’s time, and most importantly, her strength. After her visits, the daughter looks sick and unhappy. But he can’t show his friend the door.”

Yes. There is such a type of energy vampires - “sticky”. Following on your heels, ingratiating yourself, pleasing, anticipating, they, like those who gather near the sharks, are always well-fed. They have amazing talent - it’s impossible to get rid of them... Unlike the “aggressor,” the “stuck” can even be charming and at first not cause irritation at all. However, after some time, the victim begins to feel completely deprived of inner freedom.

And so it is. “Stuck” has loaded you with his problems and experiences to such an extent that you are not free from them even in his absence. From the point of view of bioenergy, it is as if your aura is enveloping with the aura of “stuck”. So the spider, before sucking the strength from the caught fly, envelops it with a sticky thread of its web.

This same class of energy vampires includes “bores” who, while tiring and annoying you with unimportant details or requests, also feed off your energy quite well. A variety of “stuck” are also “whiners”. Their main task is to find a “vest” in which to cry. And there will always be reasons for whining: poor health, troubles in family life, at work, inflation, incompetent politicians... With their moans for no reason or reason, they literally paralyze the faint of heart with their unaccountable fear of everything that is beyond their understanding. Close in type, but a unique type of energy vampires are “chatterboxes.” With their chatter, along with your attention, they also drain your energy.

These are the most common types of “stuck”. How to deal with them? Universal method– avoid such people. What if this is impossible? If you are dealing with “alarmists”, there is no need to panic. Don't ask questions to chatterboxes. Try to cheer up the “whiners” and inspire optimism. However, do not fall into pseudo-humanism - do not encourage energy vampirism, if you realize that whining is becoming a way of life for this friend of yours. Your sympathy can be detrimental to both him and you.

How? Could help a lot psychological protection- a mental barrier with which you surround yourself. The method is quite simple - when communicating with a partner, imagine that a large lilac glass is covering you. At the same time, the glass is like mirrored glasses (“I see you - you don’t see me”). If at the same time you have psychological feeling detachment and even a somewhat “caring attitude”, rest assured - you are reliably protected.

However, there are also physical methods of protection. “Thermal protection” is quite effective. It's quite simple. Try to carve out 10-15 minutes in the morning before work. and stand in a very hot shower. Strong heating of the body evens out its energy, resolves “clumps” of energy, and fills “rarefactions.” Then - a sudden cooling, completely cold shower, or better yet, throw yourself out of a bucket. Don't be afraid, don't catch a cold! I guarantee it. The mechanism of this is extremely powerful tool simple. Skin are compressed, heat exchange with the surrounding air is sharply reduced, obtained from hot water energy seems to be accumulated inside the body. And most importantly, your aura will not only take the most economical form (egg), but will also become denser, and therefore become less penetrable to external influences(biovampirism, damage, evil eye...).

Again we help will come water. In the evening, when we came home after a hard day of work and hassle with an aura “gnawed” from communicating with by different people, it will be very useful to take a warm bath. Water is very energy intensive. It will “eat” all the “protrusions” and “chasms” of our aura, dissolve and take away with it the energy “dirt” that has adhered during the day.

But don’t overdo it, firstly, you don’t need very hot water (the temperature should be pleasant), and secondly, six to seven minutes is usually enough. It doesn’t take longer - the water will first level it out, and then little by little it will begin to take away our energy (reduce the size of your “auric egg”)... And the steam room is especially good at restoring our energy! Bathhouse - truly universal remedy: here comes treatment, here comes prevention...
Energy vampirism in the family

Is energy vampirism possible in a family? Valentina T. writes about her friend, who after the birth of her daughter “immediately somehow aged and became irritable. As I understand it, it’s because her child is, as they say, “difficult.” She’s unkind and throws a hysterical tantrum that doesn’t suit her. He screams that he will poison himself and jump off the balcony. And everything requires something. And the family has money from paycheck to paycheck...

I told this story to the women at work, I thought maybe someone could give me some advice. And one says: “Yes, she’s a vampire, this girl, she’s sucking energy from her mother.” She said it so seriously that I felt a little scared. Now I keep thinking, maybe I really am a vampire? Once a friend said: “She pulled all the strength out of me, it would be better if I didn’t give birth to her!” I ask you to answer, is it possible that the child could be a vampire, and if so, what should I do?”

The case is very complicated. In reality, there is “children’s vampirism”, which is usually accompanied by begging expensive purchases, hysterics and blackmail. What to do? Let's try to understand the reasons for this child's behavior. What makes a child take energy from an adult? Disease? Physical exhaustion? Apparently not. The girl is “healthy and developed.” Not enough care? Also no: “... They are trying with all their might so that she has everything...” And yet the child is missing something. What?

For what reason, immediately after the birth of her daughter, did the “cheerful, cheerful” woman become irritable? Judging by the letter, the child does not allow her to lead her previous lifestyle. Now she needs to devote all her strength, time, attention to this little man. Secretly, deep down, she hates her child for this. She does everything she should: feeds on time, changes diapers, but... the child is dissatisfied, he is capricious and “keeps demanding something.” What? He demands love! The mother pays off with handouts: “Here, just don’t bother me...” That’s where the real reason childhood vampirism: the mother deprived her child of the most powerful and most necessary energy - the energy of love. If the mother manages to change her attitude towards the child, he will cease to be a little vampire. "Start with yourself..."
Your own energy vampire

It will sound incredible, but sometimes we ourselves can become the reason for our own energy depletion if with something (bright appearance, clothes, demeanor...) we begin to attract increased attention to ourselves. A large army of energy vampires, greedy for other people's energy, will flock from all over the area. The conclusion suggests itself: try not to stand out too much. (Since childhood, I was taught that “modesty adorns a person.” It turns out that it is also energetically beneficial!) By the way, the habit of being in sight all the time, conspicuous, is one of the most reliable ways to earn damage and the evil eye...

Remember that even...your own eyes can suck your energy. You should not look at them closely through a mirror: a colossal waste of energy! Don't believe me? You can experiment. I think one time will be enough (more is dangerous!) to feel how the energy will leave you in a powerful stream.

And here is another conclusion: do not be afraid to give your energy good people. The more often you empty your “reservoirs” for them, the more fresh and healing energy you will receive from nature. For those who “loved their neighbor as themselves,” energy vampirism does not exist!

“What happened to me is amazing. I'm in my sixties. Over 30 years of working at the school, my nerves have become frayed, my heart is playing tricks, my blood pressure is jumping. And here, against the backdrop of my ill health, was the serious illness of my old mother. Stroke. I spent two weeks in the hospital caring for my mother. Two weeks of almost no sleep. Two weeks of some kind of crazy cycle.

In the morning, wet cleaning of the room, everything necessary procedures with mom, then run to the store, to the market; go home from there, cook something delicious, then go to the hospital, etc., etc., without a break. Add to this the constant nervous tension. I had to fall over. Colleagues are still surprised to this day: “How did you not fall?” And not only did I not “collapse”, it was as if a spring of energy was bubbling and bubbling inside me. I felt cheerful, fresh, full of energy.

Mom often asked me to sit next to her and always put her dry, cool palm in my hand. And it seemed to me that, out of nowhere, the strength that had come from within me was flowing from my hand into my mother’s. Now mom is home, she is better. And the amazing state of health does not leave me. It’s like I’m 20 years younger. It’s like a miracle! I can only explain what happened by the existence of some higher powers, which help us mortals in the most crucial moments of life.” (M. Stepanyuk, Moscow)

They do not drink blood, are not afraid of garlic, silver and sunlight. These people feed off the emotions of others.

Do energy vampires really exist?

Psychologists and bioenergetics experts are confident that they exist. These “bloodsuckers” complain about their unfortunate fate, make scandals, bore, threaten or otherwise try to unbalance their victim. It is not surprising, therefore, that one person or even the whole group the people to whom such a message is directed, their mood deteriorates, their well-being deteriorates, powerlessness and depression arise.

Vampires do not always know that they need nourishment. However, even if they unknowingly draw energy from others, you should know how to resist energy vampires. Otherwise, there is a danger of getting sick: the negative impact weakens the body, reduces its protective functions. It is quite easy to understand how to resist energy vampires. You just need to adopt proven psychological and bioenergetic techniques.

Signs to recognize a vampire

After communicating with him, you feel tired and irritated and fall asleep. You feel like a squeezed lemon.

Such an individual does not miss the opportunity to quarrel, argue, throw out his dissatisfaction and anger on others. Then his mood immediately improves.

A person may not show visible aggression towards others, but constantly complain about his health and fate, complain, demand sympathy and take up a lot of time from his interlocutors. However, as a rule, he does nothing to make his life better.

Entertainers of the masses and lovers of chatting, always striving to be in the center of attention, represent a special type of energy vampires. However, you should not suspect everyone around you who has similar traits. But if such a person does not evoke positive emotions, his active interference in the personal space of others can be called energetic aggression. How do energy vampires behave? The peculiarity that distinguishes such people is the following: they often try to establish contact with you - they stroke, pat on the shoulder or try to touch. All these signs will help you figure out how to recognize an energy vampire.

There is one more sign. These people love to borrow, while promising to repay “as soon as possible.”

How to protect yourself from vampires?

In shops, in transport, at work and just on the street you can easily meet a bloodsucker. You should not let him into your personal space! You should know how to resist energy vampires.

Be sure to remain calm, even if it is not easy to remain impartial. You should never enter into conflict with such a person; this will protect you from internal imbalance.

Now we will tell you how to deal with energy vampires.

Learn to refuse if the annoying requests of another take up time and disrupt plans. Avoid even communicating on the phone with people who constantly complain about their fate, complaining about life, their bosses, their husband (wife) or children. We need to provide help to those who really need it.

You should not reveal your energy to unknown people. If a person does not inspire confidence in you, but you are forced to be in his field of vision (travelling in transport, meeting and other situations), you should cross your arms over your chest or clasp your palms and join your feet. This way you will close off your personal space and become inaccessible to the energy vampire.

Bioenergetics specialists also advise carrying a small mirror with inside clothing with a reflective surface directed away from you. This is a talisman against an energy vampire. You can also use a pin instead of a mirror. Such a talisman against a vampire (energy), according to bioenergeticists, will reflect the negativity directed at you.

We accumulate energy

Donor trees will help accumulate strength. If you stand for a few minutes near a pine, oak or birch tree, hugging or touching them, and imagine how this tree fills you with energy, you can resist any negative impact. It is best to choose a tree growing separately from the rest.

We are openly or covertly exposed to mental attacks every day. Therefore, it is useful for everyone to know how to get rid of an energy vampire. The conditions for successfully counteracting various negative energies are as follows.

Useful properties of water

Accept contrast shower in the evening and in the morning: water washes away the bad. If, for example, at work there was contact with unpleasant face, can be sprayed cold water face and wash your hands with soap. This way you can get rid of at least partially the negative message.

Drink tea from a variety of medicinal herbs(for example, horsetail, calamus, yarrow) after communicating with a vampire... and forgive your offender. You should eat black or red pepper, add nutmeg to coffee - this will extinguish negative energy, aimed at you.

Full sleep

Comfortable, full sleep is very important: strength is restored during rest, and the resistance of the whole body increases. Before you go to bed, do not remember those who offended you during the day. They should not be allowed into dreams.

Silver jewelry

It is preferable to wear jewelry made of silver, as this metal purifies thoughts and absorbs negativity. A silver item can be placed in water for a while. After this, silver ions will turn it into a living one, which has protective, antibacterial and restorative properties.

Often we ourselves are the cause of energy exhaustion, because we attract increased attention to ourselves. Defiant behavior bright appearance- and you're hooked. Don't provoke! Sometimes modesty is beneficial energetically.

The power of thought and words

Invasion into the information-biological personal space, popularly called the evil eye and damage, will only cause harm if the soul is open to negativity. Thoughts and words carry different information, so do not destroy yourself with negative emotions. Be optimistic! People who think positively are not carriers negative energy, and also do not attract her to themselves. Learn to forgive! even with the slightest manifestation of an emotion such as anger, he remains in a negative state for two days. The more rage you have, the more harmful it is to your health. Against, positive attitude to people and events guarantees wellness and attracts good luck.

Making an energy barrier

In order to extinguish negative energy without losing strength, you should be able to put up protection. You can take advantage of the practice that yogis use. They know how to get rid of an energy vampire. If you are forced by the nature of your work to be long time in the same room with the manipulator, use your imagination and combine several techniques.


Feel and imagine that in front of you at the level of the intercostal space, as well as on the sides and behind you are at a distance arm's length 4 golden warm peas. Imagine in your mind that they are spinning around you, thereby forming a hoop. After this, try to see how it turns into an egg with dense walls. Its layers are wound on top of each other for about a minute. In this case, the egg shells can be imagined as colored, preferably orange, blue, and gold. It is very important to feel all your actions. You can also imagine that a silvery-white web has enveloped you, forming a dome. This way you will prevent a breakdown of the biofield by closing its circuit. You are protected!

"Mirror Wall"

You can build mentally between an unpleasant interlocutor and you mirror wall. You can also place yourself in the mirror cube. Will be reflected negative energy, and the ghoul will leave you alone, having lost some of its strength. You can also build a brick wall: imagine that you are laying cement, placing bricks.

Playing theater

The effect of alienation will help you keep calm - a special one psychological technique. Imagine that you are in auditorium puppet theater for children. The energy vampire acts as Karabas-Barabas. Imagine how it shrinks in size. Now perceive any aggression towards you as a role. This will help you not take words to heart. Alternatively, imagine the energy vampire as appearing on television.

It is useful to use other means. This could be a prayer from energy vampires, listening to your favorite music, sports, and more. Listen to your feelings, look deep into yourself more often: on a subconscious level, we all know how to resist energy vampires.

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