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What to do about milk stagnation in a nursing mother. What can be done at home if a nursing mother has stagnant milk?

Another test of strength for a new mother: what is lactostasis and how to deal with it?

The worries of childbirth, the first days with the baby, and getting into the rhythm of feeding and sleeping are behind us. And it seems that life has already acquired a certain regularity: we eat, sleep, walk... And there is already some confidence in our abilities, pleasure from communicating with the baby. And then suddenly “bang, second shift!”: an unexpected problem threatens the health of the nursing mother and family well-being. There is a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the chest. The temperature will rise. The breasts burn and are painful when touched, feeding turns from pleasure into torture. "What is it, Barrymore?"- but simply Lactostasis, or simply - stagnation of breast milk.

Yes, what nature can come up with to test our strength! The problem of breast milk stagnation is a clear example of this. Because almost every woman in labor sooner or later encounters a similar phenomenon. Sometimes at the beginning of breastfeeding, sometimes at the end, sometimes not even with the first child, but with the second! But most of us, women who feed children on their own, are familiar with this unpleasant phenomenon firsthand.

And not only is lactostasis a very common phenomenon, it is also fraught with all sorts of unpleasant complications such as mastitis, purulent inflammation of the mammary gland, erosion, problems with lactation, which can lead to forced breastfeeding. Fortunately, if the process of development of lactostasis is noticed and stopped at an early stage, then stagnation of breast milk can be eliminated quite quickly, within one to two days. Therefore, we will now study the first symptoms of lactostasis, and then remember what should be done to eliminate stagnation of breast milk and restore normal lactation.

Lactostasis in a nursing mother: symptoms of milk stagnation in the breast

Lactostasis - causes
So, first of all, let's remember the following. Lactostasis- this is a blockage of the mammary gland duct with a plug formed from milk that has stagnated in one of the breast lobes. Stagnant, thickened milk forms a plug that prevents the release of newly formed milk during feeding or pumping. Therefore, as a result of lactostasis, first of all, a thickening of the breast occurs, a feeling of squeezing - the milk accumulating in the breast cavity blocked by a milk plug presses on the tissue, swelling develops, and redness of the skin on the chest is observed.

Further, if the plug is not removed and milk stagnation (lactostasis) is not eliminated, mastitis will begin - inflammation in the compressed breast tissue. The temperature rises, the chest burns, touching it causes severe pain.

Stagnation of breast milk - what to do?

First of all, it is necessary to completely empty the breast. It is the complete sucking or expressing of breast milk that will eliminate breast compaction, which provokes inflammation. And who can help us empty our breasts better than our baby? Dear mothers, remember: if you have lactostasis, do not under any circumstances give up breastfeeding! On the contrary, feed more often, put your baby to your breast every two to three hours. So that the process of milk renewal constantly occurs. Yes, of course, during stagnation, the process of sucking or pumping causes very painful sensations, but only at the beginning of the procedure. Then, gradually, as the area overflowing with milk is emptied, relief comes, and we will remove the residual pain with special ointments after emptying the breast. Agreed? Great! Then later we will talk in more detail about how to properly strain milk stagnation during Lactostasis. In the meantime, let's return to the question of how to first aid for stagnation of breast milk.

To quickly and effectively get rid of stagnation of breast milk, you need to help the baby completely empty the part of the breast in which milk has accumulated. But if you simply put your baby to your breast with a familiar gesture, most likely he will suck only those lobes through which milk already flows freely. And stagnation occurs precisely because in some sections the milk remains unsucked. Why is this happening? Most often because the mother gives the child one breast more often than the other. Because it is so comfortable for her, or because the other breast has cracked nipples or irritation and touching the nipple causes pain. Or the mother feeds the baby while lying down, so the breasts located in the armpit area are pressed down and are not completely emptied. Therefore, first of all, you need to help the child empty the stagnant zone. To do this, feel your breasts, determine in which areas milk has accumulated and where pain is felt when pressing. And attach the baby to the nipple so that he draws milk from exactly the desired area of ​​the breast.

How to properly attach a baby to the nipple?

First of all, remember that when sucking, the baby actively moves its lower jaw, actively sucking exactly that part of the breast to which it presses its chin. Therefore, you and I will actively rotate the baby around our nipple. You can lie on your side and turn it with your head towards your stomach, or you can turn it sideways. In an effort to get rid of stagnation of breast milk in the axillary area of ​​the chest, we will hold the baby under the armpit, feed "from under the hand".

But before giving the baby the breast, you and I have an important procedure to do: prepare the breast for full "sucking". To do this, we will first of all try to soften and massage the milk plug and reduce breast compaction.

To do this, make a warm compress on your chest by applying a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out well for five to six minutes. Or take a shower and warm the mammary gland with circular movements of water jets. Just remember that a compress or shower should be done precisely when breast milk stagnates, immediately before feeding or expressing breast milk. Never heat your breasts if mastitis has already begun or your temperature has risen - heat will only accelerate the development of the inflammatory process!

After the breast tissue has warmed up well, gently massage the breast in a circular motion relative to the nipple. Massage during stagnation of breast milk is done very carefully, moving the palms of both hands in a spiral converging to the nipple. We usually place our right hand above the nipple, the left hand under the breast, then change the position of the hands.

When doing a massage, you can use baby massage oil or Traumeel homeopathic cream to soften and relieve pain. After this, rinse your breasts thoroughly with warm water and pat dry with a paper towel to remove any remaining lubricant. Otherwise, feeling an unusual taste in the mouth, the child may go on strike, and in addition to mastitis, you will begin to have problems with his nutrition!

How to express milk with a manual breast pump (video):

Then it’s best to use a breast pump: let it draw milk from the free ducts. Expressing breast milk during congestion with a breast pump is much less painful than kneading exhausted, swollen breasts with your hands. Therefore, immediately after the massage, apply a breast pump and wait while the milk is expressed. And only then you can offer the half-empty, soft breast to a hungry baby, placing his chin in the direction you want, so that he draws milk from the painful area of ​​the breast. And let it work properly! Don’t worry about him - mother’s milk, even stagnant milk, is quite healthy for the baby and contains all the necessary enzymes and nutrients. After your baby has completely emptied one breast, apply a cold compress to the breast - it will reduce swelling and help speed up recovery.

How to properly express breast milk during stagnation

Expressing breast milk during stagnation is a mandatory procedure at every feeding in cases where breast compaction occurs. But if there are no painful symptoms, we should not blindly follow the advice of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who assure, they say, “express breast milk, express each breast dry, baby, after every feeding - there will be no mastitis!”

Quite the contrary, active pumping of breast milk stimulates lactation, more milk is produced than the baby needs - and sooner or later the notorious stagnation occurs. How? Yes, it’s very simple: when a child grows up and sleeps peacefully all night, skipping night feedings, or eats once a day, the actively producing milk breast is emptied once every five to six hours, it simply bursts with the abundance of milk, and a milk plug has time to form in the ducts . Therefore, the best remedy for mastitis is to alternately give the baby both breasts at each feeding. Let him empty one breast almost completely, then drink as much as he can from the second breast.

After he stops sucking, take a small amount from the second breast - exactly to the volume that the baby sucked on the first. So that an equal (small) amount of milk remains in each breast. But pay attention that this amount is evenly distributed over all lobes of the chest, and does not accumulate in any one area. So actively shift the baby, spin him around the nipple so that he helps his mother and takes care of the health of his nurse.

The question of how to express breast milk, with a breast pump or with your hands, decide according to your feelings. In any case, this procedure is necessary, so the sooner you get used to it, the less likely it is to develop stagnation and complications.

After completing the feeding or pumping procedure, be sure to rinse your breasts with warm water and lubricate them with baby oil or - this will relieve residual inflammation and pain, and will avoid another unpleasant phenomenon - cracked nipples. I wish you happiness, health and prosperity, dear mothers!

If milk stagnation occurs in a nursing mother, it is important to know what to do about the current problem. This information must be learned at the stage of bearing a child.

Stagnation of milk in the glands is called lactostasis. With timely consultation with a specialist and subsequent treatment, the pathology can be easily eliminated. But if you ignore the current situation, the woman puts herself at risk of serious complications.

Stagnation of milk in the glands is called lactostasis

Like any disease, lactostasis is easier to prevent than to treat later. If you know the reasons that affect the stagnation of milk in the mammary glands and try not to provoke their occurrence, then the likelihood of pathology occurring is significantly reduced. It is worth considering that the appearance of lactostasis is quite painful, so this problem will be quite difficult to miss.

Milk stagnation during breastfeeding can occur:

  1. If you rarely or irregularly put your baby to the breast. In the first 2 weeks after the start of lactation, milk supply is intense. If you do not express it in time, it will stagnate.
  2. Large amounts of milk and narrow ducts.
  3. Pain when feeding caused by. The woman cannot withstand the pain and does not feed the child.
  4. Uneven emptying of the breast due to improper attachment of the baby.
  5. Breast compression during feeding. This leads to the fact that not all milk comes out of the gland. Pinching of the glands can occur if a woman wears a smaller bra or tight clothing. Sleeping on your stomach is also not recommended.
  6. Stressful situations, overwork of the body, hypothermia, intense physical activity. All this can lead to spasm of the ducts.

Consequences of pathology

Before getting rid of milk stagnation on your own, it is recommended to visit a doctor. A gynecologist, mammologist or surgeon can help in this matter. You need to make sure that the symptoms that appear are really signs of lactostasis and not another disease of the mammary glands.

You can suspect a pathological process based on the following signs:

  • feeling of swelling of the glands;
  • complete or partial hardening of the breast;
  • pain syndrome;
  • increase in body temperature.

If milk stagnation is not removed immediately when such symptoms appear, mastitis will begin to develop. In just a few days, with severe inflammation, a purulent process may begin. will become hot, the symptoms of malaise will intensify, and the thermometer may rise to 40°C or more.

There are many ways to remove stagnation of breast milk. Surgery is considered a last resort, but sometimes necessary. It is resorted to when other treatment methods do not help, and the pathology threatens the patient’s life.

If milk stagnation has formed in the breast, you should not give up breastfeeding. A child is the first assistant who will help a mother solve her problem. You need to choose the right position for feeding. It should be taken into account that the baby sucks milk more intensively with the lower jaw. Therefore, it must be applied to the breast so that the child’s lower lip is on the side of the problem area. For example, if congestion has formed in the left breast, the baby is fed lying on the right side. If the seal is from below, then during meals the mother should put the baby down and bend over him.

Lactostasis (video)

Pumping, massage and compresses

It happens that after feeding, milk remains in the breast. This problem is especially relevant for those mothers whose amount significantly exceeds the child’s needs. In such circumstances, upon completion of feeding, you need to express the remaining milk. This can be done by hand, but it will be more effective to use a breast pump.

You can improve milk flow, especially at the beginning of breastfeeding, by using warm compresses. This requires placing a warm towel on your chest before latching on your baby. It should be borne in mind that this method is only suitable if lactostasis is not accompanied by elevated body temperature.

As a remedy to help get rid of stagnation, doctors often recommend using camphor oil. It is applied directly to the seal site. After the compress, you need to carefully perform breast hygiene. The fact is that the smell of camphor oil is quite specific for a child, and he may refuse to breastfeed.

Massage is recommended for women not only when there is congestion in the chest. With its help, you can improve the outflow of fluid from the glands. Before starting the procedure, you need to perform hygiene and lubricate the breasts with cream or other greasy product that will prevent damage to the epidermis.

The massage should not be aggressive, as such actions can damage the congested structures of the mammary glands. All movements should be directed from the periphery to the nipple. They are performed softly, in the form of stroking and in a spiral type. This will make it possible to express not only the front milk, but also the hind milk. The seal areas can also be gently massaged. At the end of the procedure, after removing any remaining oil or cream from the skin, it is recommended to bend over and shake your breasts. In this way, milk moves through the ducts to the nipples. Immediately after this, you can start feeding or pumping.

It is worth considering that the appearance of lactostasis is quite painful, so this problem will be quite difficult to miss

Drug treatment

With lactostasis, a woman may be prescribed medication. This method of solving a problem is resorted to only when seriously necessary. All medications, as well as their dosage, should be prescribed only by a doctor. It is worth considering that when using most medications, a woman will have to give up breastfeeding. During the therapeutic course, a young mother can independently and regularly express milk so that lactation does not stop.

If a woman has lactostasis, she may be prescribed medication.

When treatment is completed, she will be able to continue breastfeeding:

  1. Antispasmodics. They are prescribed to eliminate spasms, which not only helps to relax muscles, but also expands the ducts of the glands. It is worth considering that medications in this group are not taken for prophylactic purposes. They will not dilate the ducts without the presence of lactostasis.
  2. Drugs that reduce milk production to the point of its complete absence. One such remedy is Dostinex. It helps with lactostasis, but if a woman does not want to stop breastfeeding, this treatment method is not suitable for her.
  3. Antipyretics and painkillers. Prescribed as symptomatic treatment.
  4. Antibiotics. Taking such medications is indicated for women if an acute inflammatory process is diagnosed in the breast.

Mastitis in a nursing mother (video)

Prohibited actions

Milk stagnation in the mammary glands should be removed carefully. Improper use of medications can cause the problem to worsen.

It is necessary to remember: it is allowed to make a warm compress for better outflow of fluid from the glands only if the baby is fed or pumped immediately after it. At other times, such compresses will only increase milk production, which will accumulate and increase congestion.

The consumption of warm drinks should be kept to a minimum, as it stimulates lactation. It should be understood that a woman is allowed to drink as much water as her body requires, so as not to provoke dehydration. It is warm drinks that promote milk production.

The most important rule that a woman should follow when it occurs is not to let the disease take its course. If alarming symptoms arise, consulting a specialist will be the first step to solving the problem.

Stagnation of milk manifests itself in the form of compactions, nodules, lumps

Milk stagnation(lactostasis) is one of the most common problems during breastfeeding. Every mother who breastfed her baby for at least six months most likely experienced milk stagnation. How to cope with this situation - useful tips in this article.

Signs of milk stagnation

The first sign of milk stagnation is discomfort in the mammary gland. It becomes painful to touch a certain area of ​​the chest, and when you feel the painful area, a compaction in the form of a nodule or lump is clearly felt. Another indicator of lactostasis is the hardening of the mammary gland almost completely; when palpated, the shape of a lobule, and sometimes several lobules, is clearly felt.

Causes of milk stagnation

When does milk stagnation occur? The answer is obvious: when the outflow of milk from the breast stops or is disrupted. This can happen for various reasons, the most common of which are:

  1. Blocked milk ducts caused by.
  2. Long break in feeding.
  3. A monotonous method of emptying the breast (usually by pumping), in which not all areas of the mammary gland are completely released.
  4. Congestion after a night's sleep, caused by an uncomfortable position or a long period of lying on one side.
  5. Reducing the amount of milk sucked by the baby due to...

What to do if milk stagnation occurs

Regardless of the cause of milk stagnation, the procedure for its occurrence is the same. It is necessary to get rid of stagnation, that is, to strain and completely empty the breast. To do this:

  1. We place the baby on the problem breast so that the area of ​​congestion is under the baby’s lower jaw. If the lump is in the upper lobe of the mammary gland, then the baby’s legs are positioned towards the mother’s face. This is easy to do if you put the baby on the bed and the mother leans towards him so that the mammary gland is in the desired position. Yes, it’s not a very comfortable position for feeding, but you’ll have to be patient until you strain the lump.
  2. Mom takes a hot shower, warms up thoroughly, relaxes, massages the mammary gland in the shower, and after that, right in the shower, she expresses with her hands in certain directions.
  3. You can apply a cabbage leaf, a honey cake, or use other folk methods to the problem area. I have never used them myself, so I can’t say anything about their reliability and effectiveness.
  4. Another extreme way (as a last resort, when points 1 and 2 do not help) is to ask your husband to resolve the stagnation. I want to say right away that the jaws of an adult man are much weaker than the jaws of a baby. The only advantage of a husband compared to a child in this situation is that the husband consciously tries to alleviate your suffering and resolves it exactly as needed. After five to ten minutes of intensive resorption, the husband will become very tired and sweaty, but there is still a chance that the lump will disappear, so it’s worth a try.
  5. If none of the above helps, then contact an antenatal clinic or call a midwife or breastfeeding specialist to your home. You cannot delay or delay: with lactostasis, milk does not stop flowing into the mammary gland, the area of ​​compaction increases, after a while you will no longer be able to raise your arm, and the pain will be severe all the time, and not just when touched.

Consequences of milk stagnation

The most unpleasant consequence of milk stagnation is the occurrence of an inflammatory disease known as mastitis. Advanced mastitis is treated surgically, that is, incisions are made on the mammary gland to remove stagnant milk, which has already turned into pus. You can imagine all the “delights” of this disease; As a rule, with its occurrence, breastfeeding of the child ends. Therefore, everything possible must be done to ensure that ordinary milk stagnation does not turn into mastitis.

The main sign of incipient mastitis is a sharp increase in the mother’s body temperature, up to 40 degrees. If you have a fever and at the same time you feel a painful lump in your chest, I would advise you not to waste time and try to strain yourself, but to immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to be afraid: most likely, surgical treatment will not be required and it will be possible to strain the ducts mechanically, that is, with the help of physical procedures and ultrasound.

When the lump disappears, the temperature will subside (unless it is mastitis in an advanced form, then the inflammatory processes may have already spread to other areas of the mammary gland, and they will have to be treated surgically with antibiotics).

With careful attention to her body, mommy will not allow mastitis to occur. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid normal stagnation of milk with long-term feeding, so it is important to know what to do and confidently strain the lumps, trying not to provoke their appearance in the future.

And one last piece of advice. Moms, don't panic when your milk stagnates. There is no need to roar to the bathroom, drawing terrible pictures of purulent mastitis. Believe me, you will strain only the first lump for a long time and with uncertainty. After successfully getting rid of the lump, you will strain out all subsequent lumps quickly and confidently (15 minutes in the shower - and no lumps).

A nursing mother tries to be vigilant, but not suspicious! Do you manage to successfully balance on this edge?

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Every nursing mother knows that there is such an unpleasant phenomenon as breast lactostasis. You need to beware of it and, if possible, avoid it. But is lactostasis so terrible and what is it all about?

Lactostasis is stagnation of milk in the breasts of a nursing woman.

This is literally true: with lactostasis, the movement of milk through the ducts is disrupted and a so-called “milk plug” is formed.


Causes and symptoms of lactostasis

Perhaps, lactostasis has not spared any nursing mother, however, some face stagnation of milk every month, and others only once during their entire breastfeeding experience. The most popular causes of lactostasis can be identified:

  • Rare change in body position. For example, a mother can feed her baby in one position for a long time or constantly sleep on one side. Some lobes of the mammary gland may become compressed and not empty in a timely manner;
  • Squeezing the ducts with underwear. Many mothers, especially at the stage of lactation, when milk flows out of the breast during hot flashes, constantly wear a bra, including not taking it off at night. In underwear, some milk ducts may be pinched, which causes difficulty in the movement of milk through them;
  • Stress and accumulated fatigue may also affect the condition of the mammary gland ducts. The ducts spasm and the outflow of milk in this place is disrupted;
  • The cause of lactostasis can be an increase in milk viscosity. This occurs after eating certain foods (for example, nuts), or from not drinking enough fluid (especially in the heat);
  • Milk stagnation can be caused by constant pumping. Some mothers trying to establish natural feeding find themselves confused by the recommendations of grandmothers, and sometimes pediatricians, that they need to express their breasts completely after each latch. Since milk is produced in response to suckling, or, in other words, in response to the emptying of the breast, the body expressing additional volume is regarded as a signal of an additional need for milk. As a result, by the next feeding there is already much more milk: the volume sucked by the baby is replenished, and on top of that is the volume of expressed milk. The child cannot cope with this huge amount, the chest becomes full. Mom, in an attempt to correct the situation, pumps again and ends up in a vicious circle with constantly overfilled breasts and stagnation of milk;
  • Sometimes stagnation of milk occurs as a reaction to changing weather. This is difficult to explain, but breastfeeding consultants note a surge in requests for lactostasis during such periods.

Video: reasons. symptoms, remedies, prevention of lactostasis

The symptoms are not difficult to recognize:

  • Localized swelling of the mammary gland, within which a lump can be felt;
  • Pain at the site of blockage of the ducts;
  • Redness of the breast in the place where stagnation occurred;
  • Increase in temperature. If the temperature on the thermometer approaches 39, this is a dangerous sign that may mean that purulent-inflammatory processes have begun in the chest. At this temperature you should definitely see a doctor.

(clickable. REMINDER)

Causes, signs, what to do and what is important for a nursing mother to remember about lactostasis


Any mother can cope with the treatment of lactostasis (if this process has not yet reached a critical point) on her own at home. All actions to deal with this problem are designed to restore the movement of milk in the clogged duct - that is, it is simply necessary to clear the stagnation.


The best assistant in pumping the breast is the baby himself. The baby should be placed on the sore breast as often as possible, including at night (). Most often, this is where all treatment ends. However, if breastfeeding is very painful for the mother, you first need to ease her condition by expressing some milk by hand:

  • With the help of heat you need to improve the flow of milk. You can apply a warm compress (for example, a towel soaked in hot water), take a bath, or stand in the shower for 10 minutes, directing the water to the chest area;
  • With very careful movements we massage the breasts in the place of stagnation. You can use massage oil or cream;
  • We express a little milk only until the condition eases and the pain is relieved;
  • Finally, remove tissue swelling with a cold compress applied to the chest for 5-10 minutes.

After hand expressing, you must put your baby to the breast so that he can finish the job by sucking. This sequence of actions can be done 2-3 times a day.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Video: how to express breasts during lactostasis


You can relieve pain with lactostasis using compresses or ointments. The most effective are compresses made from very affordable products:

  • Cold cabbage leaf compress. The leaf needs to be beaten a little to release the juice and applied to the area of ​​the lump in the chest;
  • Honey compress. Honey is mixed with flour to the consistency of a tight dough, a flat cake is formed from this mass and applied to the chest;
  • Compress made from cold low-fat cottage cheese.

For lactostasis, any of these compresses are applied to the chest for 15-20 minutes.

Video: how to treat lactostasis with traditional methods at home


Among medicines, Traumeel S cream, Arnica ointment, and Malavit solution help well. It is better for a nursing mother to always have one of these remedies in her first aid kit.


If massage, pumping and compresses help solve the problem, then some actions can only aggravate it. Mom shouldn’t just warm her breasts, not before pumping, or apply warming ointments or alcohol. Camphor-based ointments are strictly prohibited - even when used externally, this component can severely inhibit lactation.

Should I feed if I have lactostasis?

The answer is unequivocal - yes. If there are any subtle signs of milk stagnation, the mother should put the baby to the “sick” breast more often. No amount of pumping, even after a massage, copes with the emptying of the breast like a baby.

In order for the baby to effectively resolve congestion, it can be applied to the breast in different positions, based on the part of the mammary gland in which the congestion has formed. "milk plug". There is a rule: whichever part of the breast the sucking baby’s chin rests on, from that part he sucks the milk best. Based on this rule, you can choose one in which the baby will actively suck "problematic" shares.

Prevention of lactostasis

The best prevention of lactostasis is properly established breastfeeding. The rules are very simple:

  1. Change feeding position periodically (link to various poses above in the text).
  2. Don't wear tight bras from your past life. After giving birth, many mothers, for aesthetic reasons, continue to wear the same underwear that they wore before. However, the breast size of a nursing mother usually increases; in addition, ordinary underwear has tight seams and underwires. When feeding, it is better to wear special bras. As a rule, they have a soft cup, no underwire, and gently support the breasts without constricting them.
  3. Do not deny yourself rest. Household chores can be put off until later, because overwork is an important factor in the occurrence of many health problems.
  4. Follow those recommended for a nursing mother and drink enough fluids.

The occurrence of lactostasis is a common “working” situation for a nursing mother. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, because timely actions help solve the problem quickly enough. What you really need to focus on is your own feelings. At any hint of compaction and pain, it is worth considering restorative measures, then there is practically no chance of serious problems.

When to see a doctor

Basically, all mothers successfully cope with the elimination of lactostasis on their own, but you need to be on alert, and in some cases be sure to consult a doctor:

  1. If the high temperature does not drop for more than 2 days.
  2. If the lump in the breast does not get smaller within a few days.

Stagnation of milk in the mammary gland occurs in many women who breastfeed, it is also called lactostasis, what to do if it appears? To answer this question, you need to know the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. And only then talk about how to remove congestion from a nursing mother and try to prevent it from reoccurring.

So, lactostasis is milk retained in any duct of the mammary gland. As a result, the duct expands, and a local inflammatory process may occur there. As a result, the woman has fever and pain. If the symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother are not eliminated within a couple of days, then medical care cannot be avoided, since its complication will most likely arise - mastitis. Its first symptom is redness of the breasts over lactostasis. And then you will have to be treated with antibiotics.

What are the reasons for stagnation of milk in a nursing mother, what can provoke lactostasis?

1. Long intervals between feeding the baby. Don't feed your baby according to a schedule! These are outdated recommendations that lead to stagnation of milk in the mother. Don't forget that breast milk is not only food for the baby, but also drink. Frequent breastfeeding is especially important in the summer, when the baby, like any other living creature, is often thirsty.
If you feed your baby frequently, your breasts will be empty almost all the time. It's very comfortable. And not only from the point of view of well-being, but also by the absence of milk leaks outside of feeding.

2. Insufficient milk sucking by the baby. This is often observed in weak, premature children and children born with low body weight. Usually everything returns to normal after 1-1.5 months, when the baby becomes more active and suckles better. Until this happens, you can, if necessary, if you feel breast engorgement and there is no way to feed the baby, express with your hands or a breast pump until relief is achieved.

3. Incorrect attachment, use of one position when feeding. Often women, especially first-time mothers, put their baby to the breast incorrectly. That is, it only captures the nipple. A should capture the nipple along with the areola. In this case, the milk flows well and it is not painful for the woman to feed. This is the best recommendation on the topic - what to do if your breasts hurt when feeding. The baby sucks out little milk, resulting in lack of weight, and the mother has lactostasis.
In addition, lactation consultants advise changing positions when feeding. For example, feed not only while sitting, holding the baby in the “cradle” position, but also lying down (this is especially true at night), or in the under-arm position, when the baby’s head is in the area of ​​the mother’s armpit. It often happens that pumping with lactostasis does not help, but this same position immediately brings relief, since as a result it empties the farthest corners of the mammary gland.

4. Frequent feeding from one breast. If a child does not latch on to one of the breasts well, this is not a reason to refuse to feed it partially or completely. Do not forget that milk stagnation may occur for this reason. Expressing it constantly and feeding the baby from a bottle is also not the best way out of the situation, since the baby may completely refuse to suckle on the second breast.
It is better to take measures to ensure that the baby begins to suck well on the problematic breast. Perhaps there is not enough milk in it? Usually this is felt by the absence of tides, leaks, and size in comparison with the second one. Then you need to offer it to the child more often, and everything will improve and level out. Children also often refuse to suckle on one of the breasts simply because mothers hold them awkwardly on that side when feeding. Then the previously given recommendation that it is advisable to try and practice different positions when feeding becomes especially relevant.

5. Tight bra, small size. Buy a special nursing bra that does not have underwires. Moreover, it is advisable to do this not before childbirth, but after discharge from the hospital, when it becomes clear what size is needed. After all, when breastfeeding, women's breasts increase by 1-2 sizes. You need to choose a comfortable bra.
When feeding in a tight bra, the mammary glands are pinched and insufficiently emptied, even if the baby is properly attached and is actively sucking.

6. Pumping after feeding. As a result, the mother produces much more milk than the baby needs. Imagine this situation. The mother fed the baby with her right breast. After which I expressed the remaining milk. The next feeding is in about 3 hours. And she gives the left breast, while the right one is already full. And the turn will reach the right breast in another 3 hours. In total, the gap between feeding from the right breast will be 6 hours. It is quite enough for lactostasis to form. Stop pumping after feeding your baby! If you feel like there isn't enough milk, just feed him more often. Every time he starts making sucking movements with his lips. At this point, offer him not a bottle of water or a pacifier, but a breast. And if the baby, for example, is sleeping, but you feel fullness in the mammary gland, express the milk, but only a little, until you feel relief.
According to statistics, those women who often express their breasts often suffer from lactostasis. And especially after feeding.

How to strain milk stagnation at home if, no matter what, the problem still arises? Follow a few rules.

1. Feed your baby on the sore breast more often, not forgetting about the healthy one.

2. Try feeding your baby in the “under-arm” position.

3. Do not express milk after feeding. Try to express lactostasis before feeding, by first applying a warm compress to your breasts or holding them under running warm water.

4. While feeding the baby, lightly try to massage the breast in the area of ​​lactostasis, try to move the milk from the sore point to the nipple.

What to do if a nursing mother has a temperature of 40 C during lactostasis, how to bring down the fever? You can use medications containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. They have both antipyretic and analgesic properties. Passes into breast milk in minimal quantities. It is only important to follow the maximum dosages recommended by the manufacturer.
After milk stagnation disappears, the temperature returns to normal, and the pain completely goes away.

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