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What can you write in a status about love? Statuses about love: the most romantic and ardent confessions

More recently, statuses have firmly entered our lives and become entrenched, which many of us use on social networks and when communicating with friends. As a rule, statuses reflect a person’s mood, his dreams, desires, feelings and experiences, as well as what he is doing at a certain moment. By the way, the concept of “status” implies two definitions. According to the first, this is the position of a person in society, but another definition, which is considered the most popular today, consists of certain phrases or expressions that personify the state of a person.

Separation has one big advantage, because only after parting with a person do you feel who he really is to you and how much you need him.

Only that person is worth being close to, at the very thought of whom a happy sparkle appears in the eyes and warmth in the soul. Everything else is a waste of time.

Every person is an angel with only one wing. Therefore, we can only fly by hugging our soul mate!

Everyone can love. But not everyone can be loved. If you want to become one, love the one who loves you.

You can go crazy with happiness when in the morning a person, thinking that you are sleeping, kisses you tenderly, running his hand through your hair with admiration, and you just lie with your eyes closed, dreaming that this happiness will last as long as possible.

Do you think that happiness is looking like a glamorous bitch and gathering crowds of fans at your feet? No, happiness is being next to one beloved guy who appreciates and adores you even without makeup and in home clothes, simply because you are you!

Appreciate those people who sincerely talk about their feelings, because they are the bravest, most faithful and reliable.

If I said “I love”, then I will not betray my feelings, because life has taught me to be responsible for my words.

If you ask me to hug you as much as I love you, you run the risk of being strangled!

Friendship is friendship, but you want to kiss.

It’s not that I have butterflies fluttering in my stomach... I have hippos dancing the samba.

You meet love exactly when you least expect it and look for it.

A person who respects himself and his choice will never cheat!

I need you... - For what? - Just for happiness.

Your loved one will always be perfect even with any flaws!

Love is the best antidepressant, weight loss remedy, energy drink and drug in one bottle!

With just three words you can give a person the desire to live by saying “I need you”, with three words you can make someone cry by saying “Let’s be friends”, and with three words you can increase your heart rate by saying “I love you”. What important three words are you ready to tell me?

Happy eyes in love decorate better than any makeup!

Between people destined for each other, there is an invisible thread connecting them, which can get confused, stretch, but still in an unknown way will lead these people to each other.

If a girl constantly makes the first step, then sooner or later she will simply walk past.

I fly with happiness, goosebumps on my skin... When, confessing “I love you,” I hear “Me too.”

Never talk about your love without feeling it inside, and do not remain silent about it if you are sure of its existence. It is these two mistakes that prevent most people from being happy!

I really want to be with you,
And forget the past with you,
To love and always feel reciprocity,
Understand, this is not a whim, but a necessity!

The people sent to us by fate will never leave our lives, no matter what we do. And therefore, you shouldn’t worry, if a person disappeared from your life, it means that he simply wasn’t your person.

Love is like the sun and sex is like the moon. Without one there can be no life, and the other simply gives charm and pleasure.

This is real joy if it lives in the soul. Therefore, both representatives of the strong half of humanity and beautiful, sweet women should share this happiness with everyone around them. Let everyone around you know how crazy you are at the moment, and how dizzy your head is from love.

Why do we need statuses about love?

Status is not voluminous, but incredibly capacious statements. Those related to love always reflect the state of mind of the lover, his experiences, some special opinion. With the help of such expressions you can show your individuality. If you update your love status, it immediately becomes clear:

  • What do you live and breathe?
  • What exactly is happening in your life at the moment.
  • What is important to you today.

A love status will help show a person as he is on any social network. These juicy aphorisms so accurately show the essence of the feelings and thoughts of the one who puts them on his page in VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook or other social networks.

Such different love

Statuses about love can be very different:

  • Cool and unusual expressions.
  • Aphorisms of famous personalities of the past and present.
  • Humorous phrases that at the same time tell us about the truth of life.
  • Serious expressions.

Moreover, all these statuses about love can have different moods. After all, like many other feelings, love has different sides:

  • This is the joy of wonderful moments.
  • And the topic of jealousy is often touched upon in statuses.
  • Treason cannot be avoided.
  • Perhaps someone suffers from loneliness, and his heart and soul require love.
  • Flirting is another fun and intriguing topic for love statuses.
  • Parting with loved ones causes unspeakable trauma that one can only reflect philosophically on this topic and not lose hope for the future.
  • Finally, I always want to share with everyone my incredible happiness that your soulmate is nearby and you have the opportunity to touch her!

How are love statuses created and where to get them?

You can come up with all these statuses about love yourself. However, why “reinvent the wheel” if it has already been done for you? Here you will find a gorgeous collection of the best love statuses for social networks. It can be incredibly interesting and exciting to “rummage” through other people’s thoughts, humor and philosophical thinking. Here you can find a lot of short, but so vivid and accurately reflecting the state and mood of a person in love with life, his soulmate, parents, children or animals.

Thanks to our collection of love statuses, you can change them every day or even several times a day. Not only gentle girls, but also strong guys can use them. We are just ready to provide you with a whole fireworks display of various love statuses, which are constantly being updated!

The boy gave the girl 101 roses (100 real and 1 artificial) and said “I will love you until the last one withers!” 251

Saying “I love you” can be difficult. Saying “sorry” is even more difficult. Saying goodbye is always possible. Say “go away” - at least every day. Not everyone can say “come back.” To say “I’ll die” - but only to say it. Of course you can say “I love you.” But it's very difficult to prove... 299 (4)

How scary life becomes when a person appears whom you are afraid of losing... 479 (1)

I love it when you say to little children: show me how much you love me, and they hug you with all their strength and sincerity... 234 - Statuses about love

I will give fidelity to my husband, intelligence to my son, beauty to my daughter, love to my family. 178

Now that I met him, I understood why it didn’t work out with others. 177

When your loved one calls, you want to kiss the phone... 198

Happiness is not in those with whom you want to sleep... but in those with whom you want to wake up! 116

If you love, then with all your heart... If you dissolve, then without a trace... If it’s morning, then in a tender embrace... If you cry, then with happiness... 161

I will take a ball of golden threads and weave love for you, I will weave happiness for you, I will weave joy and affection. And I will never tell you where I get these threads from! I weave your life, unraveling mine... 130

Women are like cats... Whoever caresses them, they purr. 106 (1)

Friendship is love minus sex and plus logic.
Love is friendship plus sex and minus logic. 68

They looked for love and idolized it, they lost love and did not take care of it. “Love does not exist!” - people said... And they themselves died of love... 84

And your eyes are similar. -How? After all, I have brown ones, and he has green ones... -They are equally in love 135

Life is too short to waste it on short relationships. 136

You have him as a friend, but you don’t write to him or draw on the wall. You just look at his photo and think: how much I love you. 156

Love is when the whole world is not able to replace a loved one, but he replaces the whole world.

In general, it doesn’t matter who you spend time with, kiss, laugh... What matters is who you think about when you close your eyes... 125

I may not be the one you dreamed of... but I will be the one you will not forget. 143

Everything pisses me off! - What exactly? - He! - Why do you say “everyone”? - Because he is everything to me! 82

Darling, you are the most dear person in my life and only with you next to me am I truly happy. 105

People who see each other in a dream should wake up next to each other. 111

Love is... When you change the world around you for his sake! When you want to belong body and soul to only one person! This is when you say goodbye to your head and start living with your heart! 95 (1)

  • I don’t need anything, no flowers, no gifts, no passionate phrases... I just want to hold your hand and feel your gentle breath on my cheek.
  • Love does not tolerate those who have pointedly turned their backs on it for too long. Love loves the decisive and courageous, who do not make mistakes precisely because they are not afraid to make them.
  • Love is not the sum of cheap promises and chatter - it is when in your heart there are feelings at least until the grave.
  • You love, but I won’t... you write, and I’ll forget, I loved... you broke, and now you’ve fucking given up!...
  • Love is better than a plastic surgeon - rejuvenates, refreshes and changes without a scalpel - with one touch to the heart

  • Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first lost...
  • He who is unfailingly faithful knows only the frivolous sides of love; only those who cheat will know its tragedy.
  • In family life, the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long.
  • When we dream of an ideal partner, we involuntarily describe ourselves - without flaws and weaknesses, choosing the appropriate gender. Martin Page
  • Love is a foolish thing done together. Napoleon

  • Call me whatever you want, just be sure to add “my” at the end.
  • If my boyfriend leaves for someone else, I don't regret him. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those less fortunate!
  • We love, but we pretend that we don't care. We are indifferent, but pretend that we love.
  • I love Just watching you laugh.. I love calling you my sun.. I love just looking into your eyes.. and only I can tell you I love you!
  • I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRY! But love came and said simply: “I can’t read...”

  • You must be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you...
  • Quitting love is just like quitting smoking. Everything seems to be under control until you get drunk.
  • A soulless beautiful doll with a piece of ice instead of a heart, empty, with cold eyes and a proudly raised head. This is how I became...
  • Bitter tears quietly fell into the pillow... I am not your love, but just a TOY.
  • In my entire life, I have never allowed anyone to cause me as much pain... as I allowed you, in such a short time...

  • All you have to do is carry me in your arms. I’ll climb onto your neck myself.
  • -Will you marry me? - Or maybe I can do something else for you?
  • Heart: I still love him. Memory: I still remember it. Brain: I’m still thinking about him, so I’ll take it now and call him! Pride: And in the face??
  • Good girls believe in pure love, bad girls - in frequent love, smart girls - in quality...
  • The most fucked up response to the phrase “I love you” is “I see”

  • It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and even more difficult to hide indifference.
  • And nothing matters anymore... I don’t care anymore... In this life I have lost everything... And my love disappeared with a broken heart...
  • If you have a choice between two people, then choose the second one. Because if you truly loved the first one, the second one would not have appeared!
  • I know what love is... but because of this love, I lost all concepts about life
  • If 10 people love you, then I am among them, if 5 people love you, then I am among them, if 1 person loves you, then it is me, if no one loves you, then I am no longer alive.

  • You need to love one person so much that you can walk past hundreds of others and never look back.
  • If you want to catch a person, you have to put your heart on a “hook”.
  • You can do sports, work, but not love. Because you can quit sports, quit your job, but you can’t escape love.
  • Love is like a butterfly: if you squeeze too hard, you will crush it, if you let go, it will fly away.
  • Love the one you can kneel before, not the one who kneels before you...

  • - The sun.. - Not the sun! - Zay.. - Especially not a hare! - Darling. - Where did you see my dear? - Darling... - Well, that would be right away
  • And for some reason my mother is always against my boyfriend... nothing... just tell him that he has a place in the Maldives, she will love him.
  • I'm tired of being strong, tired of smiling when I want to scream from mental pain, tired of pretending that I don't love anyone and don't suffer, I just want to cuddle up to my beloved guy and cry quietly...
  • I know you're not exactly what I need, but I don't care because I love you
  • I remember the day when I fell ill with you. And I haven’t found a cure for this yet...

Selected statuses about love with meaning and the whole palette of feelings associated with it on the website! Love makes us look for beauty in everything, especially in words. Statuses about love will be the best help here. If you are overwhelmed by feelings and you cannot find the words to say about them to your boyfriend, go to our website and you will find statuses about love for a guy, thanks to which it will become easier to confess your feelings. It is often difficult for lovers to express how they feel. They are embarrassed to talk about their experiences, cannot do it nicely and, of course, are often afraid of being ridiculed. Our statuses in contact about love will help to express all the shades of our feelings caused by one of the most beautiful human states - love!

The best statuses about love are here!

Here you will find the most beautiful statuses about love that will suit any situation, be it a passing infatuation, falling in love or the deepest feelings. You can choose and set any status that matches your inner state. Of course, the moods of lovers are very changeable, but you always have the opportunity to replace one status about love with another (maybe even the opposite in meaning), which our site will undoubtedly help you with. If your feelings remain unrequited, or your soulmate is far away, then our sad statuses about love will help you convey everything that has accumulated in your heart even after hundreds of kilometers.

The best statuses about love!

The great feeling of love makes selected statuses appear on this magnificent topic. A lot of words have been said about love, and there is hardly any point in trying once again to describe something that can, perhaps, only be felt. But cool statuses about love will always allow you to express in one or two phrases what is going on in your soul and share these bright feelings with those around you. And if your significant other looks at your page on a social network and sees a touching status about love there, then it will immediately become clear to whom these words are addressed. And, believe me, at this moment there is hardly a happier person on the planet. And if you are in a playful mood and want to laugh with your loved one, then our funny statuses about love will help you with this.

Statuses about love here!

It would seem such a small thing to pick up a beautiful saying about love and set it as your status. Our statuses for classmates about love will not leave any of your friends and loved ones indifferent, let the whole world know about your feelings. And how many pleasant feelings this simple step can bring to your lover! After all, sometimes it is difficult for a young man in modern society to take a step towards meeting his love; beautiful statuses about love for a girl will allow even the most shy young man to open his heart. At a minimum, a person will be in a good mood. After all, understanding that someone loves you is very expensive. And if this feeling is mutual, then it’s simply amazing! Distance today is not an obstacle to the greatest love, and no matter where your loved one (or beloved) lives, our statuses about love at a distance will help you be closer to each other. Our site will help you find the coolest and most unforgettable love status. Let's choose a status together!

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