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What can you give a girl for Valentine's Day? "Stars from the sky." Bouquet of chocolates

One of the holidays is approaching, which has gained popularity in our country, despite its Catholic origins. This is Valentine's Day, or as it is commonly called, the day of all lovers.

Most people probably know the history of this holiday. According to the classical version, during the time of the Roman Emperor Claudius II, soldiers were forbidden to marry, since women distracted them from military affairs. However, there was a priest named Valentin, who, contrary to the emperor’s decree, still decided to marry the soldiers. For which he was executed on February 14th. Therefore, on this day a holiday is celebrated in his honor.

There is also another version according to which Valentine healed people with the help of an unknown at that time, and therefore devilish, power. For which he was imprisoned and subsequently executed.

The guard of the prison where the prisoner was kept, having learned about his miraculous power, asked to heal his blind daughter. Valentin healed her, and having regained her sight, the girl fell in love with him. However, they were not destined to be together, since Valentin was to be executed on February 14. The day before he wrote her a beautiful love letter, which she read only after his death.

It is believed that this is what subsequently served as the beginning for the creation of “Valentines” - letters with a declaration of love. And also there was a reason to give your loved one or beloved some kind of gift.

In general, this holiday can be called a kind of rehearsal before March 8, since most often it is male part the population strives to congratulate their beloved ladies.

It’s true that girls don’t lag behind guys either. And the most creative people make Valentine hearts and write sweet messages.

And also they give everything to each other nice little things and many, many hearts.

So what should you give your beloved and tender friends for the holiday?

The simplest and most classic option is a Valentine card. A heart with a message written on it will undoubtedly be a pleasant sign of attention. Even if you buy it in a store and don’t make it yourself. And if you want to make it yourself, then...

If your girlfriend loves sweets (although who doesn’t), then a box of chocolates will be just a wonderful present. Also, classic version are flowers and soft toys. Especially if all this is presented with words of love.

Cosmetic gifts are also popular gifts. These are lipstick, perfume, and much, much more. Which is never unnecessary or superfluous for a girl.

But all this should be purchased when you know well about your girlfriend’s taste. And if in doubt, it is better to buy a certificate from the appropriate department. And then the girl herself will acquire everything she needs. And it is not necessary that this certificate costs any big money. They are available for both 300 and 500 rubles. Don't think this is too little. Believe me, the girl will find something for herself the right thing and for this money.

You can also consider decorations. Any jewelry or inexpensive silver items will do. And if funds allow, then you can consider something more expensive.

If you keep up with the times, then a good gift will be a smartphone or a certificate to some clothing or shoe store.

By the way, about the boutique. Clothes for glamorous people - perfect present, the main thing is not to miscalculate the sizes. But again, if you and your girlfriend already have enough long relationship. And you know her preferences and taste well. If not, then again a certificate will help out. Or going to the store together.

Of course, if you and the girl are just friends, then give expensive jewelry and no clothes needed. The present should not oblige anyone to anything.

If your girlfriend loves a pet and often talks about it, then you can surprise her and buy her such a pet. But under no circumstances should this be done if this is your personal initiative. You don’t know how she will react to this, and whether such a “live” gift will become a burden for her.

In general, there are many options, the main thing is to show your imagination. It is important to understand who the girl you want to pay attention to is just a friend, or a lover whom you plan to marry.

So let's take a look at the different options:

  • Your girlfriend is just a friend.

Simple and inexpensive gift. A regular Valentine's card, a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers will be best received. Or something completely insignificant, but necessary for any representative of the fair sex. It will not be so much a present as just a sign of attention.

  • You are in a relationship, but just recently.

If you have just started to develop a relationship, then you can add lipstick, perfume and other feminine “things” to the same options. Especially if you have an idea about her preferences in this area. Or again, give preference to a certificate.

  • You are planning to legalize your relationship.

Here is the most the best gift there will be a marriage proposal. It would be nice if you also prepared a ring in a beautiful package for this occasion.

  • You are a married couple.

Anything from regular valentines to dinner at a restaurant is suitable here. It all depends on your preferences and capabilities.

And if you didn’t find an idea for a presentation in this chapter, then look at more than 100 more ideas.

Ideas for interesting and inexpensive gifts for a guy

So, we've sorted out the gifts for girls. But they also want to please their boyfriends with something meaningful and unforgettable.

The item can be chosen according to your friend's lifestyle. These can be completely different aspects, such as hobbies, work, having a car, playing sports, etc.

The most common and traditional gift will be the same Valentine. It's better if she is. And along with it, you can consider other gift options.

Let's start with hobbies. Everything is clear here - what a hobby, so are the items for donation. The same can be said about work. However, we should not forget that Valentine's Day is not a birthday and not even New Year. Therefore, you should not be too generous. A good present will be an original fountain pen, a mug, a photo frame with a portrait, or even better - joint photo.

Various magnets and keychains will be suitable, especially since there will be plenty of them on sale in stores for Valentine's Day.

If your boyfriend has a car in which you ride together, then this would come in handy various accessories to him. These include chargers, splitters, and flavors.

The same goes for hobbies, work, sports, and so on. It is better to choose gifts that are necessary and not expensive. There are plenty of such gifts in each category. Some ideas you can.

And it’s probably not worth presenting expensive things. Save this for more significant holidays.

In general, according to statistics, the most popular gifts for Valentine's Day are:

  • Valentines
  • T-shirts with interesting designs
  • Useful little things
  • Accessories for PC or car
  • Wish fulfillment
  • Extreme Adventure
  • Couples massage or spa treatment
  • Evening at the cinema
  • Romantic dinner at home or in a restaurant

Original holiday gifts for your wife

So, we’ve figured out the gifts that wives can choose for their beloved husbands. Now it’s the husbands’ turn to show signs of attention to their wives.

What can you do to please your beloved wife?

Any woman loves to decorate herself and therefore jewelry always comes first when choosing a gift: earrings, bracelets, pendants, etc.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to buy them in gold. There are very nice silver jewelry from semi-precious stones. Don't discount jewelry either. Now in stores they sell very beautiful and most importantly not expensive jewelry, which any representative of the fair sex will be delighted with.

Women also love to take care of themselves. Therefore, the next category that is worth considering is perfumes and cosmetics.

If you are 100% sure that a woman will be delighted with this or that perfume, this or that brand cosmetics, then buy it with confidence. If not, then buy the same certificate. Today he is like a lifesaver for us. I put it in the envelope along with the valentine, and consider that you got the gift right 100%!

You can also give items related to hobbies, work, or favorite activities.

It will be an excellent gift. And it doesn’t matter where it will be held, in a restaurant or at home. The main thing is your attention, and the words that you will say to your beloved.

A photo session for two will be a wonderful surprise. It can be ordered either in the salon or implemented independently. It will be very unusual and romantic! Provided, of course, that you have a camera or phone. The main thing is that it is done with love, and at the same time with creativity and fun. This event will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

For example this wonderful photo You may succeed in the end. Subsequently, it can be framed and placed in your bedroom. When you feel sad or not in the mood, you just need to look at this photo and the smile will immediately return to your face. You will remember that day and the words that your loved one said to you. And your heart will immediately feel warm and cozy!

Since February 14 is the holiday of lovers, a declaration of love will come in handy. But it must be done beautifully. For example, sing to a guitar by the window, or raise a balloons big bouquet. You can try to negotiate with the district administration and place a huge banner with words of love and gratitude on the opposite house. It will be just an unforgettable surprise!

According to statistics, the most popular gifts are:

  • Jewelry
  • Women's accessories
  • Items with photo printing (mugs with a joint photo)
  • Beautiful box
  • Underwear
  • Sweets in the shape of a heart
  • Gift certificate to a fashion store
  • Romantic evening
  • Movie or concert tickets

And don't forget that the best present it will be beautiful love confession, in any form and in any form.

Cute DIY gifts for Valentine's Day

As mentioned above, Valentine's Day is still not so significant holiday to buy an expensive gift in a store.

This day is remarkable because without looking for a reason to say important words, do something nice friend for a friend. Therefore, a “Valentine”, especially one made by yourself, will be very, very useful. Moreover, you can not only make it in the form of a postcard, but also in the form of a garland with which you can decorate a window or door.

Another option. Take a heart-shaped box. We cut colored paper onto ribbons and twist them into roses. We decorate the surface with these flowers. We put some cute little thing in the box, and the present is ready!

You can give it as a gift as well. But, it will be more original if you write a wish on some flower, and let the person for whom this surprise is intended try to find this note with at least three attempts.

If you are hosting a romantic dinner, then your counterpart will like homemade candles, especially if they are made from clothespins on which your laundry was recently dried.

Also festive table You can decorate it with a bouquet like this. How it is done can be clearly seen in the photo.

An original idea would be to make a heart in the shape of a puzzle and write a phrase on it. Let the person to whom the gift is intended collect it and read this message.

Well, if you have small children, then such a heart made by their hands will decorate your home for a long time.

By the way, you can not only cut out a Valentine card in the shape of a heart and give it to your loved one. It will be more interesting to seal it in a bottle, and the smaller the neck, the more interesting it will be to extract the message from there.

Surely as a child you sailed boats along a spring stream. Then this craft is for you. And let it take you not only to childhood, but also add a little romance to this day.

There are many options, the main thing is to show your imagination. Think, create and surprise your loved ones!

I know that many people do not celebrate this holiday. And maybe they are right. But if there is such a wonderful reason to devote special attention the object of your adoration, then why not celebrate it!

Of course, your loved ones should be given attention every day, and even every minute. But on this day you can not only devote it, but literally bathe in it.

Therefore, love and be loved! Happy holiday to everyone!

What to give a girl

We girls, of course, can say that we absolutely do not expect a gift from guys on Valentine's Day. And in general, this is a banal holiday on which sellers of flowers, cards and heart figurines make money. But deep down, each of us hopes that the faithful will show imagination and give something unusual, or at least just give something.

When choosing a gift for a loved one on February 14, many men follow the beaten path and traditionally buy roses. The Queen of Flowers is a true symbol of love and passion, sympathy and tender affection. However, the fragility flower arrangement goes against assurances of unquenchable feelings. In just two weeks, the girl will have to sadly collect the fallen petals and put the empty vase back on the shelf. An unfading rose in a flask is a compromise solution that combines the properties of a living flower, which remains fresh for five years, and an elegant souvenir.

2. Box with flowers and macaroons

An original gift that combines two things that girls love so much - fresh flowers and sweets. The cost of the set depends on the number of macarons in the box.

A day spent at the spa with massages, rubs and masks will please any girl. SPA treatments perfectly restore the skin, which is winter time especially needs extra care.

4. Manicure set

It is difficult to find a girl or woman who would not pay attention to her manicure. Beautiful manicure- it’s always fashionable, always in trend, and any girl will be glad for a new reason to make her nails even more attractive. If your significant other has ever seriously thought about doing a manicure on their own, then you have already heard about it from them more than once. If so, then you can't go wrong by giving her starter kit for manicure.

5. Call for sex

You can approach the choice of a gift with a sense of humor, if, of course, your other half is okay with this. As a present, you can choose a call with the inscription “For sex”, which your beloved will use in exceptional cases.

6. Anti-stress pillow

Due to the fact that the pillow is filled with small balls, you constantly want to squeeze it. This pillow will relieve stress and lift your spirits.

7. Set of linen

Many men prefer to give underwear as a gift on February 14th. However, in this case, you must know exactly the tastes of your beloved and the size of her breasts. Otherwise, give a certificate for a certain amount so that the girl can choose the set herself. Nowadays lingerie is especially popular among girls self made without seeds.

If you travel often, give your loved one a geographic scratch map. It is covered with a special layer that can be erased with a regular coin. On it, you and your spouse will be able to mark places you have already visited, and at the same time plan new trips.

9. Gold or silver jewelry

For Valentine's Day, many jewelry stores are offering discounts on their assortment. It's better not to give a ring if you don't know exact size finger Win-win option- a bracelet (it can be adjusted to fit your wrist in any workshop), chain or earrings.

10. Subscription for healthy nutrition with home delivery

Show us a girl who doesn't watch her figure. That's right - there are no such people, and if there are, we don't know them. So the question “what can I eat that is both healthy and lose weight” is always relevant. So, prove to your other half that you live in her interests - give her a subscription to proper nutrition with delivery.

Experts will write out a menu for at least a week, at least for a month, count calories, choose the right products, everything will be prepared (definitely delicious!) and delivered already laid out in containers. Your girlfriend’s task is to eat 5 times a day and become even more beautiful!

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“What to give your wife on February 14th? - asked a colleague. “It’s happened more than once: I’ll forget, and then I see a pouty face.”

And this is true: it is better to play it safe and stock up on a present in advance, so as not to provoke the anger of your wife.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, we interviewed women of different ages And marital status how they feel about this holiday. Will they be offended if their loved one does not congratulate them even symbolically? The response was something like this:

"St. Day" We actively celebrate Valentine at work: we arrange mail,... They even once dressed up a guy as Valentine, he walked around the departments and congratulated him.

My husband doesn’t take Valentinov’s day as a holiday, so we don’t celebrate it in the family; I try not to be offended by the lack of a gift. But in general, a sign of attention from him would be very pleasing.”

One of the respondents put it well:

“It’s a European, commercial holiday, and we criticize it. But I remember a joke... A man has three ages: when he believes in Santa Claus, when he doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, and when he is Santa Claus himself. I believe that we should be our own Santa Clauses. If we don’t organize a holiday ourselves, no one will organize it. So I'm positive. You don’t need big gifts, but if your spouse doesn’t congratulate you at all, it will be unpleasant.”

We agree to the site: You can and should show love for no reason, but it is absolutely not necessary to ignore this romantic day and leave your wife or girlfriend without a surprise. After all, as one of the greats said, a woman has her whole heart, even her head. Well, by making your loved one happy, you become happy yourself.

A budget card or a luxurious gift - it depends on yours, dear men, beliefs and financial capabilities. In any case, the woman will give you a sign of attention. Get, as they say, a plus for karma.

Below we provide a list of options for what to give a girl on February 14th. Read, choose, dare!

Present ideas

  1. A must-have gift for your girlfriend on Valentine's Day is flowers. Large bouquet or one rose – it doesn’t matter. Moreover, on this day flowers may well be a self-sufficient gift, and not an addition.

    If you wish - salon workers confessions and compliments will be written directly on the leaves.

    If you don't live together, send a courier with a bouquet in the morning - it will be a pleasant surprise.

    You can buy long-lasting flowers or order a toy made from fresh flowers. Another option is for the lady with a sweet tooth.

  2. Candles with remote control - convenient to extinguish from afar if romantic evening will smoothly turn into night.

  3. Various heart-shaped items:
    - a box of chocolates or a jar of tea - romanticism combined with practicality;
    - cupid glasses and mugs;
    - heart-board for writing, write your compliments and congratulations on it;
    - clock - a wrist heart, small on the table or large on the wall;
    - scented candles or aroma lamp with oils - for romantic people;
    - “heart” soap, gel and washcloth, and at the same time a joint bath - an inexpensive but exciting gift;
    - love pillow;
    - a mold for heart cupcakes (if the girl likes to bake) or for ice - give along with champagne;

  4. The umbrella is not a standard top, but like a valentine.
  5. Joint photo shoot - the girl will try herself in different images, well, you’ll have to endure it for her sake. Choose an experienced photographer who has a lot of original photography ideas in his arsenal. At the photo shoot you can realize a series of shots like this- in the end you will have an album with original photos and cool memories!
  6. A book that will surely interest the recipient. Bend the sheets into a heart shape. How to do this - watch the video.

  7. Paired gifts - that is, complementary things for yourself and for your loved one:
    - T-shirts with inscriptions that talk about your love;
    - bracelets, pendants - one part is yours, the other is hers;
    - “mating” cups;
    - an adapter for headphones so that you can connect second ones and listen to music together.

  8. Key. Yes, yes, a beautiful key to your heart. You can frame it and write something very touching. Or purchase an elegant pendant key.

  9. Erotic game for two. You can add a wig: brunette with short hair choose long light ones, and vice versa. creative gift. Women willingly try on different roles, and you won’t remain indifferent.

  10. Portrait or joint photo(for example, in the style of “Love is...”). Provide the artist with the photo. Usually ladies are sensitive to such things. And the very fact that you “immortalize” a photo together in the form of a painting suggests that you plan to date for at least a long time.

  11. Accessories: scarf, handkerchief, stole, brooch or artificial flower on clothes. A woman loves to please herself and others. Spring is coming - so let your beloved bloom along with nature, which comes to life from sleep.

  12. Special gloves for cell phone- so that your loved one’s hands do not freeze in the cold.

  13. Smartphone case in the shape of hearts hourglass. In case of an impending quarrel, turn it over - perhaps, thanks to its meditative effect, you will neutralize the conflict.

  14. T-shirt or pillow with your compliments and confessions- contact a company that specializes in souvenirs.

  15. A movie ticket to a romantic comedy, theater or concert. A pleasant pastime is even better than a gift.

  16. Puzzle lamp - unusual option. It will be interesting to gather two people together and enjoy the intimate atmosphere in its dim light.

  17. A plasma ball is a lamp that, when turned on, reacts to sounds with electrical discharges (they look like colored fireworks inside the ball). Suitable for relaxation, and just a beautiful piece of furniture.

  18. Jewelry: gold, silver, Swarovski stones. Perhaps you want to propose marriage on this day - then present a ring. If not, buy a pendant, necklace, bracelet or earrings.

  19. If a girl writes poetry or stories, print a copy of her own book.

  20. Certificate for a beauty salon: for a couple’s relaxation massage, body wrap, etc. The average woman rarely allows herself such pleasure.

Creating an atmosphere

The most important thing is to make your beloved’s heart beat faster. How to achieve this?

Present your wife or girlfriend with a picture made of threads and nails in the shape of a heart - it looks like a full-fledged gift for your loved one on February 14, and at the same time it is very inexpensive.

Young and mature, a business woman and a housewife, a hermit and the life of the party, an adventurer and a shy woman - all ladies deep down dream of a fairy-tale knight.

Transport your loved one into a fairy tale, at least for a few hours! Let her head spin next to you, and her leg, like in the movies, fly up when you kiss...

It is customary to express your feelings using a valentine card. After purchasing it at your nearest store, fill in the blank lines. Some guys make the mistake of preferring products with ready-made text. A girl who receives such a greeting card is unlikely to re-read the message several times a day. But the words coming from the soul can be compared with the work of St. Valentine.

  • Bouquet of flowers.
  • Soft toy heart.
  • A thing made with your own hands.
  • A set of beautiful underwear.
  • Jewelry decoration.
  • High quality perfume.
  • Gift certificate to a beauty salon.
  • Tickets to the theater, cinema, concert or skating rink.
  • Holiday souvenirs.

Romantic gift for a girl on Valentine's Day

It remains the most common and desired gift. How could it be otherwise on February 14th? Ideally, you need to arrange for your significant other unforgettable evening. Come up with original design for the room, decide what kind of music should be played on the occasion of Valentine's Day. By candlelight, I really want to offer my hand and heart to a girl. Don't delay this! At the same time, give your chosen one a ring with a red stone.

If the holiday does not involve life-changing decisions, try next option. Give your beloved a suit for role playing game, a couple of toys from the adult store, checkbook wishes, special cards with tasks. It’s hard to surprise Saint Valentine with anything, but you can do it!

. Many representatives of the fair sex dream of receiving them as a gift. Make your deepest fantasies come true.

Kamasheet. Perhaps the girl will pretend to be a little shy. She will appreciate the benefits of the gift, forgetting about conventions.

Erotic board game . Do you want to give your girlfriend an unforgettable evening? Give free rein to your fantasies and strictly complete the tasks!

Romantic dinner in a restaurant. You just need to organize a girl for Valentine's Day. Will become one of the most nice gifts in her life.

Bouquet of soft toys. A cute gift that can touch your soulmate. Even from Valentin she could not have received anything more touching.

Gift certificate for a photo shoot. Girls really like to pose in front of the camera. A true professional will turn anyone into a fashion model.

Choosing an inexpensive gift for February 14

There are a great many symbolic gifts for Valentine's Day! Mostly they are decorated with scarlet hearts, which tell better than any words why girls are shown signs of attention. It’s worth starting the selection with traditional gifts. Paired mugs, T-shirts, sweatshirts, bracelets, keychains will never lose their relevance. The main thing is to choose the most original set. Albums and photo frames, pendants, and jewelry boxes are no less popular.

To give a girl a unique thing for Valentine's Day, it needs to be personalized. It is best to decorate the gift with your names. The classic “I love you” will also do.

. Indicate on the wrapper that the recipe for the treat was created with the participation of St. Valentine. It’s easy to surprise impressionable girls with such gifts.

Passport cover. An example of inexpensive symbolic gift. You can present it without hesitation.

Smartphone case. At first glance, it is clear that it was given to a girl on Valentine's Day. The best way to decorate a gift is with your photographs.

"Flash drive-heart". When working on a computer, you cannot do without good storage. The girl will enthusiastically accept the gift and willingly begin to use it.

Decorative plate . Let it be signed with the name of St. Valentine. No one will have exactly the same gift!

Robe with embroidery. To give it, you don’t need to consult a girl. Rely on your taste and make the right choice.

The best ideas for original gifts for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is one of the most democratic holidays! If you want to surprise your girlfriend with something like this, the heavenly patron of the celebration will not mind. Why not give your loved one a certificate for horse ride. Or maybe she would prefer an exotic dance master class? Not a single woman will resist a joint weekend country house, going to the spa or getting a Thai massage.

If you're a little afraid of overdoing it, it's best to take the simpler route. You can give your beloved a color poster, a magazine with a photo of your beloved girl on the cover, or her portrait oil paints in the style of the century before last or an image on a lightbox.

. Very original gift. figurine from polymer clay- the fruit of painstaking manual labor. The portrait resemblance will pleasantly surprise the girl.

Award figurine. Occupies a worthy place among original gifts. It’s quite appropriate to give it to your loved one on Valentine’s Day for its external characteristics.

Thermocup. Looks great when decorated with a Valentine's symbol. Even the coffee made from it will taste better.

Personalized fortune cookies. A gift, a surprise and a delicious treat at the same time. After opening the box, celebrate the holiday with a nice tea party.

Vase “Heart” with engraving. A universal gift for a girl on Valentine's Day. Plus, it's memorable and affordable.

Plaid with sleeves. No matter how many gifts they gave a girl in previous years, they still didn’t do something like this pleasant impression. Wrapping yourself in a blanket, you can watch TV, draw or work with a laptop.

What if your significant other prefers practical gifts?

Give one of these as a gift for Valentine's Day! A good present on February 14 would be modern gadget. Girls undoubtedly like smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, and wireless headphones. They are no less pleased to receive something from household appliances. A radio tape recorder, a multicooker, a mixer, a microwave oven, and a toaster are always in demand in the house. Good choice there will be warm clothes. Branded scarf, quality leather gloves, fashionable stole will show the girl your concern. Perhaps the beloved will thank St. Valentine for the fateful acquaintance.

Rollerblades, skis or skates. Their benefits are undeniable. Thanks to the gift, the beauty will be able to maintain ideal physical shape.

Stingray leather belt. An expensive gift that any girl is happy to receive. Not a single representative of the fair sex can resist beautiful and fashionable things.

Handbag “Heart”. As if created by the hands of St. Valentine. Best option for a trip to nightclub or to a party.

Touch gloves "Halves of a heart". Great gift To winter holiday. And in the cold they will keep you warm and provide ease of interaction with your smartphone.

Umbrella "Red Tulip". With this gift you can go anywhere! It doesn’t take up much space in your purse, it looks cool, and it will play an invaluable role at any moment.

Baking dishes. A useful gift for a culinary expert. And on Valentine's Day and just like that, she will delight you with something delicious.

When the magical winter Valentine's Day arrives, most young people are taken by surprise by the question: what gift should they give so that it is unforgettable and original? What to give your girlfriend for Valentine's Day?

In this article, the online magazine “” has collected the most interesting and good ideas gifts that most girls will like.

Making a homemade gift is easier than you think!

You don’t always have money for an expensive gift, but you really want to surprise your loved one? Or maybe you just want to present something very personal and original?

Then a homemade gift is exactly what you need! There are simply unlimited possibilities to create unique gift, which will conquer your chosen one.

Especially for readers, we list some of the brightest and easiest-to-make gifts:

A cardboard heart with a thousand stickers on which wishes and declarations of love are written. Such a heart can be suitable not only for Valentine's Day, but can also become indispensable for wedding celebrations.

No less interesting are sweet congratulations and declarations of love. For example, you can take a large Whatman paper, buy various tasty items, as well as something memorable and meaningful just for the two of you. Glue all these nice little things onto whatman paper and sign a message under each one. Having bought, for example, Twix or Bounty, you can sign: “You and I are like two halves of one whole” or something else, warm and romantic, that matters to the two of you.

Hot Air Balloon Flight

One of amazing gifts There will be a hot air balloon flight. The option is not budget, but interesting and impressive. She will definitely like it *victory*

There are now many companies where you can book a short trip across the sky. The rental comes with or without an instructor. Of course, it is better to fly from knowledgeable person, otherwise the flight may end in disaster.

Take with you to balloon You can have a small folding table, fruit, champagne, chocolate to make the day the most romantic. Often a marriage proposal is made on the ball. After all, there is simply no chance to refuse.

Despite the fact that the flight takes place in winter period, he is beautiful in his own way. From the flight altitude one can see snow-covered valleys and frozen rivers. It is in winter that you can feel like in fairy tale. Beautiful and romantic *heart*

Teddy bear

No matter what age a girl is, 5 years old, 25 or even 60, she will always enjoy soft toys. What girls want most is not a cute little pony, but a huge, life-size bear.

Even if they absolutely don’t need this plush happiness, a photo will definitely appear on Instagram with a hashtag about what a charm they gave her and how immense it is.

Also, your loved one may like a double toy, part of which you will keep.

The toy will be a pleasant surprise if it is also sent by courier to your place of work/study or home. Even if it will be difficult for her to get home with him, the envy of her colleagues or classmates will pay off doubly.

Traveling to “your” places

This method of declaration of love is chosen by those men who pay attention to little things and remember where they met, where they went for the first time, and the like. The most in an interesting way You will be surprised if you blindfold your significant other before departure. Let him not guess anything. Visit the dating site first - repeat the day!

Next, you can visit the cafe where you were. A wonderful end to the day would be watching the first film together. The main thing is that it is not drawn out and interesting. And at the same time, you can check how much the girl remembers such little things.

An exciting quest as a gift

Over the past few years, quests have become very popular as gifts. That is, such a gift must first be found.

Everything is prepared in advance. You must prepare a lot of notes with instructions on where to go and where to look to find the next note.

It is better not to indicate landmarks in latitude and longitude; after all, girls are simple creatures; it is better to indicate phrases such as: find me in a cold place at home.

It is this search that is more interesting and important than the gift-reward itself. The place that will be the very last according to the notes, you can put flowers or soft toy. Any gift, even the smallest one, will be the best reward.

But the most interesting and delightful option is a gift in every note. Even an ordinary kinder surprise will cause a storm of emotions.

A million scarlet roses

Of course, the simplest gift is a bouquet of flowers. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money. A bouquet of tea roses looks neat, beautiful and not expensive. But we must not forget that girls love surprises.

Include some intriguing note in the bouquet and send it by courier to her work (or school). The note can be written about the meeting place or can be combined with a gift - a note, which was described above.

The anticipation before the meeting will be the sweetest gift.


One of the gifts that absolutely all girls expect (but often don’t receive) is jewel. It doesn’t have to be a diamond ring with a 24-carat stone, now in jewelry stores There are many beautiful and pleasant trinkets for sale.

For example, it could be a silver bracelet or chain with a heart-shaped pendant. There are many beautiful earrings or brooches. You shouldn’t give a ring, in case your other half expects something more from such a gift, but you are not ready yet. It will be uncomfortable.

Marriage proposal

We'll talk about the ring in the last paragraph. Over the past five years, there has been a tendency to propose marriage on some significant holiday: New Year, birthday, Valentine's Day or March 8th.

Since February 14 is called Valentine's Day, getting engaged on this day will be the most romantic.

But it’s best if you don’t just give her a ring by pushing a box into her hands, but do it as romantic as possible.

Since in winter season, one of the entertainments is a skating rink, then having previously agreed with the DJ, you can roll up to your beloved and, sitting down on one knee, open the box in front of her.

This article lists the main points, but no one has canceled improvisation or its modification, and after thinking carefully, you will come up with new way surprise your beloved. And remember, the main thing is to do everything from the heart!!! *heart* *heart* *heart*

Have an unforgettable Valentine's Day!

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