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What needs to be done to make the skin white. How to make facial skin pale at home

There are several effective options:

  1. Avoid sun exposure. If you want to achieve paleness, there is no need for sunbathing. Apply sunscreen, cover your face with clothes and hats - do everything to prevent the sun from getting to you.
  2. Lemon. This is a budget but very effective tool. Lemon juice can be added to cream, lotion, or simply in water and applied to the face. And within a week the result will be noticeable.
  3. Raw potatoes. You need to grate it, turning it into a paste, and add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply all this to your face, let it dry, and then rinse off.
  4. Soda baths are also very effective. Use once a week. Recipe: add 4 tablespoons of soda to water and the result will not take long.
  5. Oatmeal has long been famous for its whitening effect. They need to be crushed, add warm water and apply to the face. Plus, this is an excellent natural scrub.
  6. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about clothes and hair color. The more dark shades you wear, the paler your skin appears. This also applies to makeup - dark, rich lip color, light foundation, pink or peach blush - such a contrasting move will help create the effect of milky skin.
  7. Do not forget that pale skin should be free of flaws, so if there are pimples, peeling, redness, you should not expect the effect of porcelain skin.
  8. Milk baths are an incredible remedy for paleness. Add two liters of milk and a few drops of lemon to the bath - the effect is amazing.
  9. By rubbing your face with parsley decoction, you can not only get rid of acne and redness, but also greatly whiten your face. Just pour boiling water over the parsley, let it brew and then wipe your face with a cotton pad.

These are all the most effective ways that will help give your skin a milky color. By choosing one of the methods, you can not only achieve radiant paleness, but also give your face a healthy look.

Pale has always been synonymous with beauty and aristocracy throughout the world. Of course, times have changed, and now a healthy golden tan is more valued - not only is it good for the skin, it is also a sign of high social status (the owner can afford a carefree vacation by the sea, where he can just lie in the sun) .

However, this approach is not still relevant everywhere. In Europe, in America - maybe. And, for example, in Asia only a girl with milky white skin can be considered a beauty. To do this, Japanese and Chinese women buy luxurious painted paper umbrellas and wide-brimmed hats every summer to protect themselves from the rays of the sun, which give their skin that same golden hue that many so want and from which some so want to get rid of.

So, how to become pale? Moreover - how to become pale and beautiful? This question is especially relevant in this light, because the word pallor is suitable for epithets not only like “aristocratic” or “elegant,” but also “sick” or even “dead.”

First of all, in order for your skin to look both pale and beautiful, it is necessary to maintain it in perfect condition. Porcelain, alabaster, milky - any pale, but without a single flaw. Of course, ideally it is worth visiting a cosmetologist, but many people do not have enough money, or time, or both for such procedures. Therefore, try to correct your shortcomings at home, using folk remedies to acquire the desired pale beauty.

Pale skin should be smooth - no scars or peeling. To avoid this, use an exfoliating scrub. It is not so expensive in ordinary stores, but if anything, it can be made from improvised materials. One of the most effective recipes is coffee grounds. After brewing coffee, do not throw away the coffee particles remaining on the strainer: apply them to your face and massage it with soft circular movements. The skin will be smooth and surprisingly soft.

In addition, there are many other well-known ways to do peeling at home. Another effective method is a sugar scrub, which is suitable for both the face and body (the same with coffee). You can also recommend a salt scrub, and also wipe your face with a solution of sea salt: sea water has always been good for beauty, so try to reproduce its effect at least a little at home.

A mask made from oatmeal gives an excellent effect, noticeable from the first time. Take a small handful of ordinary rolled oats and grind it with a blender. Then add some warm water and apply the mixture to your skin. The mask whitens perfectly, and when washed off, it also exfoliates the skin, making it smooth and perfect.

Honey has a special effect. To strengthen the effect, mix honey with the scrub - this will make the skin matte and give it a beautiful healthy glow.

Lemon also perfectly whitens the face, which in ancient times was even used as a hair lightener. But you should be careful with the juice of this fruit - if you leave such a mask on too long, the citrus juice can get into the micro-wounds and cause redness, which, of course, is not necessary for pale beauties. Apricots also have a similar effect: the juice of a few unripe apricots is excellent for removing freckles.

In addition, everyone knows the excellent properties of blue clay. It is not that expensive and is sold in any pharmacy. You can use it to make both face masks and body wraps - the effect in both cases will be wonderful. Blue clay tightens the face, smoothes out wrinkles and improves the oval of the face, making it clearer. Clay masks are also recommended for oily skin – it dries out the face perfectly. And finally, blue clay fights blackheads on the face, cleanses and tightens pores, which prevents the appearance of pimples.

As for cosmetics, there are, of course, more of them than those listed in this article. You can achieve the desired pallor using other small tricks - for example, contrast. With dark hair and dark-colored clothing, you may look paler than you really are - just because of the contrast.

And, of course, we can’t mention makeup. But don’t try to buy foundation and powder several shades lighter than your skin - it will look unnatural and ridiculous. In addition, many girls forget about the neck, applying powder only to the face - the neck remains a different color, which looks completely ugly. Of course, you should forget about blush if you want to be pale. To avoid making a mistake and wasting your money, consult with a consultant in the store - everything should be balanced.

You can also advise choosing lipstick in rich plum and lilac shades - the most important thing is that they are cool, or vice versa - covering your lips with foundation. Metallic gray shades are also suitable - the main thing is not to overdo it.

It has long been noticed that girls with pale faces are endowed with a supernatural aura of unknown origin. They charm with their grace, tenderness, delicacy and sophistication, making you want to take care of them and surround them with love. This is probably why modern women are trying with all their might to make the skin of their faces as pale as possible, as if glowing with an inner light.

Can this be achieved at home, or are such metamorphoses only possible in expensive salons?

What can you do on your own?

In fact, there are many options on how to make your skin pale without cosmetics and expensive salon procedures.

Subtleties of “pale-faced” makeup

In order for makeup for naturally pale skin to only emphasize the peculiarity of a woman’s appearance, it should be done using specific products:

  • The foundation should have a golden, natural nude or pinkish undertone. The same applies to the choice of eye shadow cosmetics, which should be selected in cool purple, greenish or blue shades. The expressiveness of the look will be emphasized by a brown pencil, or a similar product the color of burnt charcoal;
  • Instead of bronze blush, makeup should be done using soft pink and powder textures, otherwise pale skin will turn bright red;
  • In appearance, it would be correct to focus on the lips, painting them coral, nude or the same pink color;
  • Shadows should be shaded well with high-quality brushes, and eyes and lips should be made as bright and expressive as possible;
  • In order for the skin to acquire a healthy glow, it should be powdered with concealing loose powder or blush with a shimmering effect. Both products should have a peach tint or be soft pink;
  • Normally pale skin is very thin, and blue streaks and circles are visible under the eyes. To mask such problems, first apply a moisturizing base product, then a foundation, and the layers are secured with loose powder.

If you have naturally pale skin and light blue-gray eyes, make the most of everything your parents gave you. Don't experiment with fake tan or inappropriate makeup. Learn those beauty tricks that will make you stand out from the crowd.

What color should I dye my hair?

Now let’s talk about which hair color will be the most successful for those with pale skin. It turns out that the final choice depends on the natural shade of the woman’s eyes.

For example, if they are brown, then it is better to use this palette:

  • warm blonde;
  • chocolate;
  • chestnut;
  • chocolate with a copper tint;
  • black with chestnut highlights;
  • rich light brown or sandy;
  • wheat and milk chocolate color paint.

The list of hair colors for women with blue-gray eyes is as follows:

  • red blond;
  • light brown;
  • dark brown and all its shades;
  • caramel, etc.

Blue eyes “prefer” curls of ash, wheat, chocolate, light brown, black and blond types. But it is better for green-eyed ones to paint themselves red, amber or copper.

People quite often experiment with their appearance, following certain standards. In some countries, pale-faced girls are the standard of beauty. If you have a desire to make your skin pale, follow the tips below.

How to make your skin pale - avoid sun exposure

Direct sunlight will only tan you, so avoid it. To do this, try to cover your face when going outside by wearing appropriate headwear, such as a cap or hat. Try to stay in the shade more often. Go outside less often during periods of sunny activity, namely from 10 o'clock in the afternoon to 16 o'clock in the evening.

How to Make Your Skin Pale with Certain Products

  • Apply citrus juice to the skin using a cotton swab and wash off the skin after 15 minutes. Do not use this product more than once a week.
  • You can wipe your skin with milk. It will brighten before your eyes.
  • Apply grated potatoes to your face until dry, then rinse with water.

How to Make Your Skin Pale with a Different Hair Color

Dye your hair dark, your skin will become paler against the background of your hair. Also replenish your wardrobe with dark colored items. They will help your skin look paler.

How to make skin pale with cream

A more effective way to make your skin look pale is to use a whitening cream. These creams are commercially available, but you should not overuse them. The composition of such cream is not always ideal; it often contains prohibited substances.

How to make your skin pale with a baking soda bath

Pour about thirty grams of soda into the water and lie in this water for no more than ten minutes. This procedure will be enough once a week.

How to make your skin pale with makeup

Choose a foundation shade that is just a shade lighter than your skin tone. A tone that is too different by several shades will look unnatural. Apply makeup in dark shades.

Using these tips, do not expect instant results. It takes time to achieve paleness. Gradually you will get a noble pale complexion and admiring glances addressed to you.

Pale skin gives its owner a vague supernatural aura. It gives girls an elegant, pretty, seductive look. In many countries, paleness is considered a sign of beauty. In this article, you will learn how to make your skin pale in just a few weeks.

Natural ways to make your face pale

1. Stay out of the sun. This causes the skin to darken. If you can't resist or avoid sun exposure, be sure to apply the highest SPF sunscreen you can find (SPF 40 or higher is ideal). Don't use sports sunscreens - they are often greasy and don't absorb well into the skin. Choose something lighter, such as Neutrogena or similar brands.

2. Wear more clothes. The less your skin is exposed to light, the less likely it is to tan or darken. When it's too hot to dress from head to toe, slather on plenty of sunscreen.

3. Show your skin some care. Wash it, moisturize and exfoliate. It is easier for healthy skin to be pale. Moisturizing stimulates the destruction of dead skin cells, replacing which new ones are formed. This causes the skin to become paler. Rub in moisturizer to increase blood flow.

4. Change your appearance. Dark clothing and hair will contrast with your skin, making it appear paler.

How to make facial skin pale at home

1. Use whitening cream. It can actually whiten your skin. Just carefully read the warnings on the label in order to choose the safest option for yourself.

2. Lemon can also be useful in this simple matter. Sprinkle lemon mixed with a little water on the areas of your body that you would like to look pale. In a few days the result will be visible. Do this simple procedure 3 times a day.

3. When you take a bath, add 30 g of baking soda to the water. It is good to lie in such water for 10 minutes once a week.

4. Painting your nails with a black or dark colored polish, such as purple or dark blue, will add contrast and make the skin on your hands appear a little paler.

5. Rub your hands with oatmeal a couple of times a day. This method was used by women at the beginning of the last century to make their hands white and soft.

6. There is a wonderful recipe for a face mask. Mix one part milk with two parts flour. Leave the mixture to dry on your face until it becomes dry and then wash off with warm water.

7. A more expensive option - with milk! Add 2 liters of milk and 4 cups of Epsom salts to a bath of warm water. It will be enough to perform the procedure once a week.

8. Potatoes contain bleaching agents that help remove stains and also brighten your skin color. Place raw potato slices on your face, or make a paste (puree) of it to apply. After 15 minutes, rinse off.

9. Tomato is an excellent natural bleach. You can rub a few tomatoes through a sieve, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply the resulting mixture to your face. For a visible effect, do this for 15 days.

10. Soak some almonds in water overnight. Then grind it into a paste and mix it with either honey or milk. Apply the resulting paste to your face and neck. When it dries, gently scrub off and wash with cold water.

11. Mint gruel will also help, which is not at all difficult to prepare. To do this, you just need to chop the mint leaves. After 20 minutes of external use, rinse it off with cold water.

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