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What does the status in active search mean? What does this or that marital status on VKontakte mean? Cool statuses about marriage

What does the status "in" mean? active search"? Why does one person list their marital status as the person they are engaged to, but that person's marital status is empty? It's time to find out these and many others interesting reasons virtual behavior of homo sapiens.

Statuses and quotes on social networks sometimes characterize us much more reliably than it might seem at first glance. “In active search,” as we understand it, is very bright status. It expresses not only the literal meaning, but also the desire to attract attention. This is an attempt to improve your self-esteem. This status expresses the desire to feel “needed” in the virtual environment. Also, the “actively searching” status is often chosen as an anesthetic when mental wound received during a recent dramatic breakup.

There is also a category “in passive search,” but on social networks it looks like “single” or “single.” Of course, this reflects, first of all, the legal, real status of a person, but emotional background(or the quality of the relationship), which is hidden behind this simple phrase, is impossible for a psychologist to ignore. Certainly, “single” and “single” are one of the more interesting categories among marital status statuses. For example, a girl is dating a guy, but not yet married. She reports that she is free, but in reality, as we understand, this is not the case.

It happens the other way around. A young woman does not live with her husband, say, due to a desperate lack of mutual understanding, but does not dare to change her “married” status. Chances of meeting more a worthy alternative to create family well-being consciously lowered by it. Life is truly a complicated thing.

What does it mean when he is “married”, but her column is empty? If this circumstance corresponds to the legal situation, then, you see, this is much more serious than “dating” or “has a girlfriend.” The man is very pleased and is ready to shine with this status to the whole world, but it seems that his lady does not share such jubilation. Why? The dominant in the family is in clawed hands with a bright red manicure, and the woman is not proud, does not value the person she is married to. And he, the one you can sympathize with, is happy that he has such a great wife. IN best case scenario, she doesn't share his love for social networks, although this is a weak attempt to explain this phenomenon.

He writes “dating”, she writes “single”. He shines, and she is in passive search. But when two young people have mutual statuses of “married” and “married”, but they have not yet been legally defined, then perhaps they will start a family, yes, such a development of events has a very high percentage of probability. But if this status suddenly disappears or attempts to turn into “meeting,” then, most likely, the castles in the air have come to an end, this alarm signal for relationships (not to mention the prospect of starting a family).

There are married girls with the status “single” (as well as married men with a status on a personal page that is atypical for this position). They do not want to advertise relationships that do not bring them spiritual harmony. We can conclude that a lot can be hidden behind marital status, and what exactly can be found out only through communication with a person.

The article describes how to spell - Single, together or separately. Also learn how to write this phrase in English.

When registering for new job, compiling a resume, various questionnaires on portals, women have problems with how to correctly fill out the column about marital status. What’s interesting is that problematic situations arise with the status of being single. It is not clear what and how to write, because this provision can also be interpreted - divorced. And not all representatives of the fair sex know the rules for writing the phrase - not married.

This question itself is relevant not only for beginners in rewriting and copywriting, but also for ordinary situations in life. Next we will look at this problem in more detail.

Marital status Single - how to write: together or separately, unmarried or unmarried?

The expression “not married” fits the category of women who are either not married or divorced.

According to the rules of the Russian language, the particle “Not” is written separately. Those words that cannot be divided into two parts are used together: hatred, ignorant, careless, etc. Or words for which you can find synonyms without a particle - no.

Single - should be written separately. Indeed, in other cases, “not” with adverbs is used exactly this way.

How to write - not married?

In addition, doubts may arise about the spelling of the word - behind the husband or married. Both options appear in the literature, but there is a rule that indicates when which option is appropriate. Examples:

  • my sister is married
  • unmarried woman
  • the friend quickly followed her husband.

Married- used when talking about the marital status of women, and given word in this case, it answers the question - How. Example: She had been married for four years.

Married- is used in texts when the given phrase is suitable for the question - Where. Example: She stood behind her husband.

The etymological meaning of the phrase is to marry means that a girl follows her man into marriage.

Not with adverbs can be used both together and separately. Basically, this particle is used separately, except for those adverbs that were formed using the suffix - o.

More Not written separately when an unchangeable word is a predicate in the text. Examples:

  • she didn't feel sorry for him
  • Marina is not married
  • she doesn't need it at all

Sometimes in the Russian language there are phrases where unmarried is used together. For example, in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences or other publications, this does not correspond to accepted standards in modern Russian literature.

Predicative adverb - not married has nothing to do with adjectives, which is why it should be written separately. Non-predicative adverbs are used like their corresponding adjectives. Examples:

  • not easy, corresponding adverb - not easy
  • bad, the corresponding adverb is not good.

So, if you want to make a first impression on an employer, then in your application or resume use - not married separately.

How to correctly write marital status in an application form or resume: divorced or single?

In any office or enterprise, employers are always interested in the question of marital status. It is even customary to indicate the status when simply registering on a website or social network. It is all the more important whether you are married or not when you are writing your resume. And this document must be in perfect order. If you make a mistake when filling it out, you may simply not get the job you want. Therefore, this issue should be approached with utmost concentration. By the way, few people know how to correctly fill out the column - Marital status. Men are not sure how to write correctly: single, unmarried or divorced. Ladies often make mistakes too. Let's find out how to fill out this column correctly for women.

According to legal standards there is various interpretations marital status. Let's look at each in detail.

  • If the woman has not yet entered into marriage union, then the status is suitable - Single.
  • If a lady is already connected to a man by marriage and there is a document about this, then the status will do - Married.
  • If you have a divorce certificate, then the status will suit you - Divorced.
  • Nowadays, there are often couples who live together, but do not have official documentation of marriage registration; for women in this relationship, the status is suitable - I am in a civil marriage.

How to write the word "Single" in English?

To fill out a form in English, a number of statuses are used, both for gentlemen and ladies. If you need to fill out a life-changing resume, then again it is important to approach the process thoroughly. One mistake in documentation will ruin your entire career.

There are the following interpretations of marital status:

  • I’m not married or Unmarried- not married, not a member, suitable for a person who has never been married.
  • Divorced- officially divorced.
  • Married— married, officially married. Civil marriage does not fit this interpretation.
  • Widowed- widow.

Single - in English

Most often, there are only two statuses found in questionnaires: married and single. Civil marriage is an unofficial arrangement. The employer needs to know marital status employee, thanks to this they form a psychological picture of the subordinate. Many people prefer to hire family employees; it is believed that they are more responsible for meeting workplace requirements.

Video: How to correctly write - not married?

If you are actively searching for your soulmate and want to find exactly your person as quickly as possible, then it’s time to choose the appropriate status for your page on social networks. Even if you have never written anything yourself or even tried to compose anything, we know how to find the most suitable status. We offer you many statuses that will brightly and colorfully help you talk about your searches, and therefore make them more effective. Don't be afraid to write and talk about your search for love, because what more people will be in the know, the more chances to meet you. Your guests (especially those of the opposite sex) will see your status, take it as a green light to meet you, and who knows, maybe this is how you will find your destiny. Good luck with your search!

I'm looking for a boy with blue eyes, black eyelashes, beautiful body, a 3-story house, with a bank account and without a mother-in-law)))

On my friend’s page: “Marital status: everything is complicated with My Brains”

Marital status: actively getting rid of the old and unnecessary...

Are you actively searching again?))) finally find me, I'm tired of waiting)))

In her contact, her marital status is not married, and no one has yet seen her actively searching, and all because she simply still loves him...

Not married, but has a friend. But everything is complicated with him, so I’m actively searching!)))

Why is there no marital status in contact: “when I’m drunk, I love everyone”?

Actively searching. What am I looking for? I'm actively looking for another one. With a vanilla-sugar look. Delicate caramel scent. A dazzlingly bright smile. And with kind hearted who will love me. So stupid and strange...

What is it like to be “Actively Searching”? Running down the street, pestering men, asking them to “fall in love with me, please!”

I just love autumn, children’s orbits and I don’t know how to be alone. I will definitely find the shoes of my dreams, the man of my life and myself...

Nowadays it’s fashionable to do this painfully: During strong quarrels remove joint marital status in contact and put a very low phrase in active search.

I just came up with it in my spare time... the marital status is “engaged”, but “married”, and my wife has a boyfriend, so “everything is complicated”, but in general I’m “actively searching”... ahah... life situation. My personal one.

In an active search for a charming uncle doctor, or a nice nurse... well, at worst, maybe an orderly with a sense of humor.

Man: *search engine, but I found a guy... tall, handsome, kind, sweet, rich, generous...* search engine: *can’t find a lip roller?!*

But I’m not looking for my soul mate... I was born whole!!!))

I put it “actively searching” to find my head...

In active search for happiness and love!!! :)))

I want to find true love... Who won’t say that everything is fine... But he’ll just hug you and say, even if everything sucks, I’m with you! Who, during a quarrel, will not say sorry, it’s my fault... But he will silently come up and say: stupid, I love you!

Marital status: actively searching. Oh my God, he's actively searching. Good luck honey. Don't get lost!

Stupid phrase “Actively searching”.. It’s you running through the streets and shouting: “Where are you, my soul mate?” or you go into a cafe and yell: Hello, and here I am, looking for a guy!

"In her contact, her marital status is not married, and no one has yet seen her in active search, and all because she just still loves him...” It was precisely so that no one knew about my love that I put the name “actively searching...”

Beautiful girls are not actively searching, we are only unmarried

I want to fall in love....I'm looking for a victim...

New acquaintances... easy flirting... crazy love - what else do you need?!))).

Girls, why every time we change our marital status, we write: “I’m starting my life over!”... yy! =)) let’s write: “one guy has left, we’ll pick up new ones!”

Why do some people not have a marital status?? Yes, because Durov has not yet come up with the line I run for... or I sleep with...

What is love for us now? Marital status in contact, a bunch of photos in the album “me and my beloved”, a wall painted like “I love you”, comments from friends that you are a great couple, but no one really cares what’s going on there..

Marital status: actively getting rid of everything unnecessary

Marital status: actively searching. Go away, Lord, he is actively searching. Good luck honey. Don't get lost!

looking for beautiful legs... To be taken into good hands :-D

In the search for new relationships, the old ones are already worn out to holes))

Manyakiii! perverted!! I'm ready :D

"Actively searching" for brains...

New photos from nightclubs, new girl friends actively searching, with a daring status...mmm...who are you trying for?

Today at the university I wrote an application for admission... in the marital status column I wrote “actively searching”... PPC this is all contact...

Actively searching, but I have a friend, things are complicated with him, so I’m not married...

Today at the university I wrote an application for admission... in the marital status column I wrote “actively searching”

Why is there no status on VKontakte “in Inactive search”, but only a status “in active search”... You might think that I’m running through the streets and ACTIVELY LOOKING for a guy....

Sometimes you just need a couple warm hands, beloved eyes, tender lips.. I really want someone to hold me close, look tenderly into their eyes and gently whisper: “I love you.”

Do you know who I need? The one who won’t ask if he can kiss me, but will just take me and kiss me; the one who won’t ask if he can see me, but will say: “I’m waiting. Come out!”

Yesterday I went to the doctor and heard from him terrible diagnosis, from which people die... Loneliness... And there is only one cure for it - love... I want to find my love...

VKontakte statuses. [everything is complicated], [single], [actively searching], was it really so difficult to make the status [nobody_fucking_needed] or [not looking for anyone]?

In an active search...happiness..

I asked. Saw. Loved it. You walk in, and there’s your marital status, married with three children!)))

And why is there no status “in HYPERactive search”?

Fuck off! I'm actively looking for a JOB

Many guys choose their other half based on the principle of buying goods in a store: “Oh, beautiful packaging, I should try it!” And then they are surprised at “indigestion.” But you need to look at the ingredients! Although the “date of manufacture” is also important!)

And out of habit, I click near the spa...but nothing happens...your station won’t turn on...well, yes, I have an active search..

If I'm actively searching, it doesn't mean that I'm looking for a new relationship, maybe I'm just looking for someone I lost

Of course, you can change your marital status in contact, but you will never change it in your heart...

If I'm actively searching, it doesn't mean that I'm looking for a new relationship, maybe I'm just looking for someone I lost.

In active search, what am I looking for? I'm actively looking for a jerk with a vanilla-sugar look, a delicate caramel smell, a dazzlingly bright smile and a kind heart that will love me. so stupid and strange.

I’m sitting stupidly... stupidly smoking... stupidly I don’t want to drink... my mood has gone to hell... And I almost forgot! Actively searching...

Actively searching... What am I looking for? I'm actively looking for a moron with a vanilla-sugar look, a delicate caramel smell, a dazzlingly bright smile and a kind heart who will love stupid and strange..

Set a positive status. Active search. Put on a smile. Float on the street. Laugh in the faces of your enemies. And dream... always dream... dreams can come true.

I will buy green-eyed brunette no older than 88 with all the bells and whistles. Do not offer broken, painted or with a trailer!

Marital status: actively searching. Well, what are you so actively looking for there? here I am!

Beautiful girls are not actively searching, we are only unmarried.

What is it like to be “actively searching”? Running down the street, pestering men, asking them to “fall in love with me, please!”

Young man, without bad habits, is looking for a girl who will teach him these habits!!!

I'm looking for happiness, and Google won't help here...

In active search - this is a mild definition of that period of life when you just fuck with everyone.

Here earlier life there was .. couples fight, make scandals, sort things out, and then separate, but now it’s enough to change your marital status to “actively searching” ..

Why doesn’t my contact have a status in “passive search”? I kind of want to, but I’m too lazy to look :)

Everything is fine with me: I’m unmarried, I don’t have a friend, everything is not complicated for me, I’m not actively searching... I’m just like a cat that lives on its own

He is actively searching....and I continue to suffer and hope that he will return....I probably love him very much.

In active search - this is a mild definition of that period of life when you just fuck with everyone.

Marital status: actively searching. Oh my God, he’s actively searching. Good luck dear, make sure you don’t get lost.

When you apply for a job and write in the marital status column in the application form in an active search, then this is already a sign that you need to close the contact.

Oh, not married?? Then I'm...actively searching!

Marital status: standby)

What does modern girl breaking up with your boyfriend? She frantically thinks about what status to write in the contact so that he will be offended.

First, let's answer the question: what is a joint venture VK? Dada, this is exactly how the young audience likes to abbreviate this concept. WITH family n position VK Ontakte is the same as in ours ordinary life status of relationships with the opposite sex, or lack thereof.

For men the following provisions:

  • Single;
  • I am dating\I have a girlfriend;
  • Engaged;
  • Married;
  • In love;
  • It's Complicated;
  • Actively searching.

All statuses except the first and last require the presence of a partner, that is, if the account owner chooses one of the remaining statuses, he will be given a choice from all his friends of the opposite sex. If the partner confirms their marital status, it will appear on both pages. I’ll talk about how to confirm your marital status a little later.

If the user does not select anything, or to be precise, he selects the “Not selected” item, then the marital status will not be shown on the page.

For the female audience, the choice is limited to the following statuses:

  • Single;
  • I'm dating/I have a friend;
  • Engaged;
  • Married;
  • In love;
  • It's Complicated;
  • Actively searching.

To set or change your marital status, you need to click on the menu on our account page "ed."(editing). After this, all our data will appear on a new page: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, etc.

To select desired status just click opposite the “Marital status” cell and select the required parameter. After that, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. To check, go to “My Page” and check, if everything is correct, then leave it. If we want to change, we start the procedure again.

How to confirm marital status in VK

After you choose the status that requires the presence of a partner. On the editing page, under the list of all family provisions, the inscription “awaiting confirmation from ...” will appear.

Partner confirmation is required for all couple statuses except the In Love\In Love status

In turn, our partner will have an additional inscription on the main information editing page: “Ivan Ivanov is in love with you.” To confirm this status, you must select the same position as your partner and it will appear on your page.

Marital statuses may not match, if one selects “Engaged to ....,” and the other “Married\Married to..”, then this will be displayed on the page of each of them.

How to remove or hide VK marital status

If for some reason you are tired of this whole “Santa Barbara” with all the relationships, then it is possible to remove the joint venture. To do this, you need to stop at the first status among the statuses - “Not selected” and save it. After this, the corresponding line will not appear on your page.

To hide your marital status from prying eyes, you need to set up privacy. To do this, go to the “My Settings” menu - the “Privacy” tab. The first point, “Who can see the basic information of my page,” is exactly what we need. Let's take a quick look at each option:

  1. All users - SP is visible to absolutely all registered users;
  2. Friends only - the SP is shown only to our friends;
  3. Friends and friends and friends - I don’t think it’s worth explaining;
  4. Only I can admire this. the position will be only you;
  5. Everything except - here you can add any of your friends;
  6. Some friends is, in my opinion, the best option if you want to narrow down the list of those who will be able to see your relationship. You just need to select friends from the general list.

Find out marital status on VKontakte

Even if marital status is hidden, it can be found out. Now I'll tell you how. For this we need
full name and Last name of our object and nothing else.

  1. Enter your First and Last Name in the search, in the people section;
  2. If the person we need does not appear on the list, then we enter clarifying information (City, University, Age, etc.) until we find the “object” we need;
  3. Now we are looking for right side in the advanced search settings, select by marital status;
  4. We begin to sort through the joint ventures in order;
  5. If a person disappears from the list, it means he has a different status, we carry out this procedure until we find out his family status;
  6. Profit.

Change marital status to your own

A few years ago, with the help of some manipulations with the page code, you could create your own family. situation, but this method no longer works. But you can use another trick - to be in love with “Administration”, “Pavel Durov” or “Deleted”.

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