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What to take at the Faculty of Psychology. Where to study to become a psychologist

When planning to enroll in the Faculty of Psychology, what to take is the first question that future students ask. Psychological education has become especially popular among applicants over the last couple of decades. This is largely explained by the spread among the masses of such a serious and meaningful science as psychology: recently there has been an increased interest in intrapersonal mental processes and their influence on all spheres of life and activity of a person and society. Another reason why people pursue a psychology degree is the desire to learn to understand themselves and those around them in order to become successful and happy themselves and to help others achieve mental well-being.

However, today people turn to a specialist with a psychological education not only in private: the flourishing of the profession is due to the fact that private and public organizations have begun to experience a need for qualified psychologists. An employee who provides psychological support to personnel is responsible not only for personnel selection, but also for solving such problems as motivating employees, creating a harmonious psychological climate at work, in a company or organization, developing and training personnel, and resolving conflict situations.

Every large company has a position of a full-time psychologist or its own psychological service, which is maintained even during a crisis, because the importance of the work of a specialist psychologist is recognized. Yesterday's graduates do not experience serious problems with employment: psychological education allows them to find application in various fields - from individual counseling to business training.

Applicants to the Faculty of Psychology are interested in what they have to take, because the career of a psychologist - regardless of his field of activity - begins with successful admission. The standard set of subjects that future psychologists must demonstrate knowledge of is the Russian language, biology and mathematics. In fact, these subjects are taken at school - at the end of the 11th grade, in the format of the Unified State Exam (USE). And if tests in the Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for all students completing their studies at school, then additional subjects - and in this case it is biology - will have to be taken on a voluntary basis.

It is worth bearing in mind that in some cases a higher education institution may additionally schedule its own internal examination in one of these subjects. However, for successful admission, a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam will still be required for each of the subjects.

Passing grade at the Faculty of Psychology

For admission to the Faculty of Psychology passing score is not established either by the Ministry of Education and Science or by the university itself on an individual basis. This indicator is based on the results of the general competition during the enrollment process, so it is unlikely to know in advance whether you are a competitive applicant, unless, of course, the number of points you scored on the Unified State Exam in the required subjects is not higher than the statistical average. To assess your chances of admission, you can look at the passing scores for the selected faculty for previous years.

Thus, if you are enrolling in the Faculty of Psychology, you will find out the passing score at your university for the current year only during the period of admission, and even if it is lower than the result of your personal Unified State Exam, this cannot be a guarantee of enrollment. However, for those applying on a contract basis or for correspondence courses, it will be much easier to compete with other applicants: in the first case, minimum scores in core subjects are usually sufficient, and in the second, the barrier for scores is significantly lower.

And if you have any doubts, know that the admissions committee of the chosen university will answer all your questions!

If you decide to get a second degree in psychology, it is important to decide on your specialization and decide where you plan to work - in a clinic, a scientific organization, teach, or go into business.

Although at first glance psychology education appears to be quite specialized, there are many possibilities for its application. Let's look at some of them - this will make it much easier to navigate this type of education and decide on the direction of study.

Where to go for a psychologist

The most common area of ​​work for psychologists is healthcare and social work. Having a second higher education in psychology will allow you to take an entry-level position in the field of clinical psychology or individual counseling. Another profession that hires people with psychological education is a social worker.

It is important to understand that for rapid career growth in the field of psychology, you will need to study further - in a master's program or in other types of additional education. However, this is true for almost all medical professions.

University graduates with a degree in Psychology are also in demand in universities themselves or in scientific organizations. Here, however, further education will also be necessary - in graduate school or master's degree.
Good psychologists are also needed in government agencies (for example, to conduct various studies and surveys), as well as in private companies, especially in marketing agencies, or as HR managers.


Today, a fairly large number of universities offer second higher education programs in Moscow and other cities in the field of psychology. However, it is not at all necessary to spend several years and a fairly impressive amount of money on training in such programs (usually 3-4 years). The same universities offer a choice of different additional education programs in psychology (this also includes master’s programs, retraining programs, etc.)

When enrolling in a second higher education program in psychology, you need a diploma or certificate of completion of your first higher education, and it doesn’t matter in what field.

Formally, Russian universities do not require a medical diploma for admission to master's programs in psychology, but you will still have to take an exam in the Psychology specialty. In principle, you can prepare yourself, but according to the experience of admissions committees of leading universities, such preparation may not be enough. For these purposes, many universities have special continuing education programs where you can complete the basic disciplines of the psychology course in one year (or six months) and prepare for the exam.


Let's take a closer look at what programs in psychology as a second higher or additional education are offered by Russian universities.

Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty of Psychology
Moscow State University invites you to a master's degree program (also known as a second higher education) in psychology, and strongly advises those whose first higher education is not related to psychology to take an additional education course “Fundamentals of Psychology” lasting 1 year. Education is evening and lasts 2.5 years, and together with preparatory courses - 3.5. In addition, there are a number of professional retraining and advanced training programs.

Institute of Psychology and Clinical Psychology (IPiKP)
In the specialty “Psychology”, training here lasts 3–4 years (full-time or part-time), and in the specialty “Clinical Psychology” – 4.5–5 years.

Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis
At this institute, you can receive a second higher education degree in the specialization “Psychological counseling, psychocorrection, psychotherapy” by correspondence or in the evening department. The institute pays special attention to practice, which students begin to undergo in real companies and clinics, starting from the first year.

This university offers such a huge selection of psychology programs that it’s dizzying. A second higher education in the specialty “Psychologist” or “Clinical Psychologist” can be obtained in the evening or part-time department and even remotely (only “Psychologist”). There are also master's and postgraduate courses in Psychology. In addition, there are 30 professional retraining programs in the field of psychoanalysis, practical psychology and psychotherapy, as well as 26 advanced training programs.

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University
In the specialty “Clinical Psychology”, students study in second higher education programs in full-time, part-time and contract forms.

Graduate School of Psychology
At this university, the second degree in psychology is called “Accelerated Higher Education.” In accordance with specializations, practice is carried out in various socio-psychological centers, preschool and school educational institutions, specialized correctional schools, the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N.N. Burdenko, Scientific Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, consulting and training companies, educational and training centers, recruitment agencies, career guidance centers

Many young people want to study to become a psychologist. Now this profession is gaining popularity due to increasing stress. But not everyone can easily decide on the choice of educational institution. After all, to make the right choice, you need to have options. Where to study as a psychologist?

Lomonosov Moscow State University

For the majority of applicants, especially non-resident applicants, MSU is the Russian standard of education and the peak that requires conquering. When entering here, young people expect some kind of special atmosphere and solidity. They are confident that only in this institution they will be able to receive a fundamental education in the field of psychology of high quality. Despite the fact that this science has been taught here since the very foundation of the university, no one has thought about psychology departments. This division was opened in 1966, and since then it has occupied a leading position in the country. The dean's office is proud that all psychology faculties in the country work according to the standards that were created here.

With the arrival of a new dean in 2006, new directions began to develop, and world-famous scientists often come to the university.

In this case, for admission to the Faculty of Clinical Psychology, the passing score must be from 338. The cost of training is high - from 185 thousand rubles per year.

National Research University Higher School of Economics

According to an unofficially compiled rating among parents and applicants, this university, together with Moscow State University, is the leading one. The dreams of applicants to get here are reinforced by the desire to become a “non-standard” student. After all, they study here using a modular system and have the opportunity to independently choose more than half of the disciplines to study, as well as an additional profile. The university has a department of social psychology, and the program was developed taking into account the experience of the best European psychological departments. Training occurs with a mixture of disciplines. The core subject is related to sociology, mathematics, and neurobiology. Studying to become a psychologist is prestigious here. Students study languages ​​in order to have the opportunity to participate in exchanges with European universities.

Sechenov University

Psychology departments are especially valued by medical school applicants. They are sure that only studying here opens up broad prospects for them. The oldest medical higher education institution in the country is a kind of academic “city of contrasts.” It has the richest educational and research base. But at the same time, in the capital, teachers of this university have the lowest salaries. It is studied here at the intersection between classical psychology and psychiatry. Core subjects begin to be studied from the third year. The last two years are practice-oriented. The main advantage of the Department of Psychology is that it develops programs for medical colleges and universities.

Russian State Humanitarian University

Applicants entering here are brand-oriented. They also take a very creative approach to organizing the learning process: creativity must be present in everything. Immediately after admission, students begin practice in university creative workshops. During the first two years, drawing is studied and a special psychological theater operates. In the third year the psychology of directing appears. The work is carried out according to a system with dual specialization. The faculty of pedagogy and psychology here is very strong.

Pirogov Medical University

There are many more budget places here than at Sechenov University. Previously, the university was named after Stalin, but then it was renamed. Known for a scandal where more than half of the enrolled students were non-existent people. But today the university is already moving away from this. Clinical psychologists of a wide profile are trained here. Practice begins already from the first year. In senior years, students choose a specialization, which often becomes psychotherapy or neuropsychology.


Most applicants think that this is a well-known public university. But it’s worth considering if you want to become a recruiter. Here they teach the intricacies of this new and increasingly popular profession. Otherwise, it is worth looking at other psychology departments. Along with the traditional course, RSSU devotes a lot of time to applied areas of science, for example, personnel management. The priority direction is the psychology of social health of the individual. Students undergo practical training in children's summer camps. There is an opportunity for an internship in Europe.


Applicants who enter here after completing their studies can be child psychologists or consulting psychologists. Lectures are often given by eminent professors. Foreign teachers also come. The university conducts special international trainings and organizes the work of scientific and educational centers. Even schoolchildren can participate in research activities, as the faculty has special field programs for high school students.


In which the faculty trains specialists in child psychology. One of the factors that motivates you to choose a local psychology department is a fairly low passing score for admission. The name is well known, and many people think that the university has existed for many years. Some people confuse it with MPGU. It actually opened in the 1990s. Psychology students do internships at helplines, hospitals, schools and kindergartens.


This is a psychological and pedagogical university, where applicants who are interested in child psychology and plan to develop in this direction enroll. The university also opens the way for those who want to become professionals in rather rare fields. For example, you can study the psychology of child prodigies, explore the events that influenced the child’s psyche when he was still in the mother’s womb. The most notable is the Faculty of Legal Psychology. Students must undergo practical training, helping not only children, but also adults.


Most of those entering the psychology department of this university can be divided into two categories. Some are attracted by the prospect of getting a job at an academic institute after graduation. Others want to come here because there is an opinion that studying at the faculty is easy. The university was founded in the early nineties. A huge number of academicians work here. Analytical personality and psychodiagnostics are studied. In addition to domestic scientists, lectures are also given by foreign researchers. The number of students in each course does not exceed 25 people. This allows teachers to give students material in a more intensive manner.

It can be seen that there is a choice for enrolling in psychology, and quite a lot. You just need to choose the right direction and evaluate your abilities and capabilities. Good luck with your application!

The profession of a psychologist presupposes, first of all, the presence of three main qualities: philanthropy, patience and the ability to feel intuitively.

Good psychologists are made precisely from those people who can feel and understand other people on an internal, spiritual level. Therefore, before you go to study as a psychologist, you need to understand your psychological qualities.

If you have decided on your choice of profession, then you need to try to get an education that meets your capabilities and needs. So, where is the best place to go to study to become a psychologist?

Where to go to study to become a psychologist?

This profession is taught in higher educational institutions, mainly with a humanitarian specialization. These include the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, the Institute of Psychology and Psychotherapy, the Psychological and Pedagogical University, the Institute of Practical Psychology, the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, and many other universities. The quality of education in universities is certainly high.

How long does it take to study to become a psychologist?

The duration of training is 4-6 years, depending on the degree of qualification (specialist, bachelor, master).

When enrolling in the Faculty of Psychology, you should take into account the list of state standard specialties that will provide the opportunity to engage in one or another branch of psychology. Such specialties as: “Psychology of Sports”, “Psychology and Pedagogy of Deviant Behavior”, “Psychology of Professional Activities” provide a narrower area of ​​work. But, for example, “Clinical psychology” is a relatively new specialization, which means competitive.

The average cost of education is $8,000 per year. Employment is high. But, as in every profession, it depends on the personal qualities of the person.

Is it worth studying to become a psychologist?

A person who has received a higher psychological education must be prepared for the fact that from the very beginning of his career he will work in a school, kindergarten, and government agencies. With an 8-hour working day, the salary ranges from 200-300 dollars per month. But over time, when real experience and professionalism comes, you can become a manager for organizing trainings and seminars or engage in private consulting. And here the salary is much higher, from 800-1000 dollars and above.

When thinking about where to go to study as a psychologist, we should not forget about psychological training and seminars. But they only contribute to professional psychological education. By going through them, a person improves and expands his knowledge in one or another area of ​​psychology.

The profession of a psychologist is multifaceted and interesting! You just need to properly use the knowledge you have acquired and your spiritual qualities.

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