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What is a spa capsule: what are the contraindications, principle of action. Restrictions on the use of Spa capsule treatment programs. Indications for the use of spa capsule treatment programs

Today, the SPA capsule is becoming more and more popular in the world of official medicine and modern cosmetology. It's relative new procedure, which allows you to restore your health as soon as possible after a previous illness.
For example this effective remedy to strengthen the weakened immune system, real help for cardiac and gynecological problems, as well as in case of impaired metabolism and impaired functioning of the central nervous system.

Despite the fact that many position the SPA capsule with the most the best side, describing the multifaceted therapeutic effect and sustainable therapeutic effect, there is also reverse side medal, which reminds of all existing restrictions and prohibitions for use.

There are indeed contraindications, and a considerable list of them only indicates that this method of healing a weakened body is not as safe as it might initially seem. Doctors advise hypertensive patients and other patients with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, ischemia, arrhythmia, angina), as well as in the presence of dermatological diseases and inflammatory processes in the acute stage, to avoid such innovative new products. In addition, the SPA capsule is excluded during periods of pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the stage of relapse of all chronic diseases of the body. There are also age restrictions that become an obstacle to performing this progressive procedure.

If a person decides to try what a SPA capsule is, contraindications should be a signal for him that he needs to consult with his doctor. The expediency of such a consultation is obvious, since superficial self-medication can only worsen the general condition of a weakened body and lead to irreversible consequences.

Myth one.
Doctors are confident that the SPA capsule provides a therapeutic and cosmetic effect, and just one procedure is enough to look 3 to 5 years younger. In fact, you can’t expect significant changes in your appearance just once, but modern cosmetologists do not rule out that after a few sessions, wrinkles, skin unevenness and signs of pigmentation disappear imperceptibly, and the skin becomes clean, elastic and smooth.

Myth two.
Many women, after the first SPA capsule, got rid of signs of cellulite and stretch marks that appeared after childbirth or were the result of weight changes. In fact, such an effect is indeed possible, since the effect of infrared rays on loose skin gives it firmness and elasticity. However, one procedure will not be enough to restore the skin to its former beauty and impeccable condition.

Myth three.
The level of radioactive exposure on the patient’s skin and body exceeds the safe limit. In fact, these are just “horror stories”, and the SPA capsule with correct use strictly according to indications, it has a beneficial effect on human resources. The effect of infrared rays is therapeutic and certainly not harmful to health.

To summarize, we can conclude that there will be an effect from this cosmetic and therapeutic procedure, but one session is not enough to feel it and, especially, to maintain it. If you complete the full course, you can personally verify how effective the SPA capsule is.
Contraindications for use must also be discussed with your doctor and only on his recommendation should you agree to the first session. The results are inspiring!

To turn an ordinary beauty salon into a luxury establishment, you need to acquire unique equipment. This is what a SPA capsule is like. Purchasing a SPA capsule from Sybaritic will be a profitable investment and will emphasize the status of the salon.

The Alpha SPA company sells health and beauty equipment in Moscow and throughout Russia for beauty salons, SPA salons and wellness centers.

From us you can buy Sybaritic SPA capsules on favorable terms. The site catalog contains equipment that allows you to carry out the whole complex procedures - aromatherapy, chromotherapy, massage, steam and infrared sauna.

We are the exclusive representatives of Sybaritic in Russia. You can find out prices for SPA capsules in Moscow from our managers by leaving a request on the website. Take advantage of our services - we will deliver your order anywhere in Russia using a transport company. We provide not only equipment installation services, but also train our clients free of charge.


Spa capsule- equipment for physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at relaxation and healing of the body by influencing the skin of the face and body.

Dry SPA capsules- irreplaceable, modern equipment for beauty salons, medical institutions and sanatoriums. The models presented in the catalog include a full range of procedures to satisfy the most demanding client.

The SPA capsule is a comprehensive equipment for carrying out effective restorative, rejuvenating procedures, as well as figure correction.

Today, in the age of development of science and technology, humanity is increasingly making attempts to return to its nature, and in the restoration and maintenance of its health uses its strength. There is increasing interest in treatment methods using naturopathic, natural remedies. The combination of the achievements of science and technology of today and the wisdom of nature is most fully reflected in physiotherapeutic devices.

Spa capsules combine several preformed impact factors.

The most famous are Sanspectra and Alpha capsule. Among the latest generation rehabilitation units we can name the “Alpha Oxy SPA” with an oxygen concentrator.

(sauna effect) – smoothly adjustable temperature up to 82 °C. Thermal radiation causes a short-term spasm followed by vasodilation, sweating can amount to 0.2-2.0 liters. With sweat, metabolic derivatives are released, which facilitates the functioning of the kidneys. Thermotherapy increases blood flow, metabolic processes, has lymphatic drainage and diuretic effects.

Vibromassage. Vibration therapy leads to increased local blood flow and lymphatic drainage, activation of tissue trophism, activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and mobilization of the body's adaptive capabilities.

– non-selective chromotherapy. When exposed through the visual analyzer, it increases the level of melatonin, which is reduced during seasonal depression and desynchronosis, restoring the adaptive function of the pituitary gland. When exposed to the skin, it increases blood flow and tissue metabolism.

Chromotherapy(color therapy). Various colors solar spectrum have different effects. When exposed through the visual analyzer, they influence the psycho-emotional state, having a tonic, harmonizing or sedative effect. The choice is made based on the Luscher test. When absorbed by the skin, they have a metabolic effect, with warm colors (l = 560-760 nm) enhancing catabolic processes, and cold colors (l = 400-550 nm) anabolic.

Aromatherapy. Volatile aromatic substances released by oils, when inhaled, enter the upper nasal passages and the peripheral odor analyzer - the olfactory bulb. The cortical analyzer, the olfactory brain, is located next to the limbic system, which regulates the emotional state. Therefore, aerophytotherapy has a harmonizing effect on the psycho-emotional state.

Ionized air shower. Aeroionotherapy has a metabolic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect

Alpha/theta photostimulation regulates the processes of inhibition of brain excitation.

Music therapy creates a pleasant relaxing atmosphere. In addition, the audio system allows the use of cassettes with psychotherapeutic recordings, which is most effective with simultaneous exposure to the alpha-2 rhythm, which causes a state identical to meditation.

Oxythermia- a new method of complex and combination therapy (Alpha Oxy SPA), which is based on a combination of pure oxygen (up to 99%) without pressure and variable temperature. The use of the “Oxythermia” procedure accelerates the processes of metabolism and regeneration, gives a good cardiovascular response, enhances cellular activity and has an antiseptic effect.

Spa capsules are widely used in aesthetic medicine to create a therapeutic environment in various body care programs. A short session in a SanSpectra capsule, preceding wraps, or in combination with them, enhances the effect of cosmetic products.

Indications for the use of spa capsule treatment programs:

  • Astheno-depressive conditions, desynchronosis.
  • Obesity I-III degree.
  • Aesthetic medicine: creating a therapeutic environment in various body care programs.

Contraindications to the use of spa capsule treatment programs:

  • acute inflammatory diseases
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • angina pectoris III-IV FC,
  • weeping dermatitis.

Restrictions on the use of Spa capsule treatment programs:

  • Vibromassage is limited by the intensity of impact in case of calculous cholecystitis and urolithiasis, contraindicated in Raynaud's disease, entereritis obliterans.
  • The temperature, if there are contraindications, does not exceed 37 °C.
  • The use of alpha/theta stimulation is contraindicated if there is a history of seizures.




Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Normal Physiology named after

group of companies "VNIIMI"

Application of oxyhyperthermic

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Normal Physiology, Moscow Medical Academy named after. .


In Russia, the prevalence of psychoactive substance abuse (PSA) has increased so sharply over the past two decades that in a number of regions it has taken on the character of a full-blown epidemic process, both in terms of the rate of increase and the degree of incidence of drug-related diseases. Alcohol and opiate abuse are characterized by the development of a variety of medical and social consequences: mental and somatoneurological disorders, social maladaptation, suicide, formation of a criminal vector of behavior, etc. For any variant and severity of the addiction syndrome, the scope of examination and provision of treatment and rehabilitation assistance should be maximum. The main goals of therapy for such patients are the rapid removal of toxins from the body, relief of psychotic and prepsychotic disorders, prevention of the development severe consequences intoxication, maintaining vital important functions, prevention of relapse of the disease. At all stages of the treatment and rehabilitation process, drug addiction patients may experience states of sharp exacerbation of pathological desire, sometimes reaching the level of compulsion with signs of narrowing of consciousness and pronounced affective disorders. These conditions should be regarded as urgent and requiring urgent relief, since they often lead to patients interrupting the course of treatment and resuming use of alcohol or drugs. Therapy should also be aimed at correcting developing somatovegetative and neurological disorders and improving immunological status. In this regard, the search for means that increase the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicted patients, helping to improve their somatic condition, strengthen biological resistance and social adaptation is one of the priority tasks of the complex treatment and rehabilitation process.

It is obvious that the main importance in the rehabilitation of such patients is the restoration and formation of adequate moral and personal principles and psychological attitudes towards refusing to take psychoactive substances(surfactant). At the same time, achieving this goal is impossible without an adequately organized pre-rehabilitation period, focused on restoring psychophysical health, vegetative status, eliminating withdrawal and post-withdrawal disorders, etc. However, the arsenal of tools used for medical rehabilitation of drug addicted patients in inpatient and, especially, outpatient settings quite limited and regulated.

In order to increase the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation measures at each period of LRP, it is necessary to make the fullest use of modern physiotherapeutic agents aimed not only at achieving symptomatic improvement, but also at increasing the overall resistance of the body, etc.

In order to achieve more high performance effectiveness of treatment

rehabilitation activities, we have created new system organizational and medical technologies, including:

· range of indications for using the Alpha Oxy Spa capsule in complex therapy drug addiction patients;

· features of the use of the Alpha Oxy Spa capsule in dynamics at all periods and stages of LRP, taking into account the main syndromes of the disease.

Alpha Oxy Spa is ideal for most spa treatments. The therapeutic possibilities of Alpha Oxy Spa are almost unlimited, as numerous technologies, techniques and a specially developed line cosmetic preparations allows you to carry out up to several dozen procedures for health rehabilitation and cosmetological correction. However, at present, the Alpha Oxy Spa capsule is widely used only in cosmetology practice. The desired therapeutic effect of "Oxythermia" is achieved by a combination of oxygen of a certain concentration, varied temperature, and specialized preparations for application to the skin.

The advantage of the proposed medical technologies over existing approaches to complex treatment for drug addiction patients, the use of Alpha Oxy SPA capsules allows the simultaneous use of several physiotherapeutic factors, individually dosed in intensity and duration. This medical technology is based on an understanding of the goals, objectives, principles, conditions of complex therapy and rehabilitation of drug addiction patients, clinical features of the disease, prognosis, specifics of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. As a result, an optimal physiotherapeutic environment is created, which has the most pronounced therapeutic and rehabilitation effect, significantly superior to the isolated use of the same factors.

Indications for the use of medical technology in narcology

The use of the Alpha Oxy Spa capsule is indicated for patients with alcoholism and drug addiction at all periods and stages of the treatment and rehabilitation process (MRP):

· in advance rehabilitation period with withdrawal syndrome and post-withdrawal disorders;

· in the actual rehabilitation period with exacerbation of pathological craving for psychoactive substances, emotional and agripnic disorders;

· in the post-rehabilitation period in order to prevent breakdowns and relapses of the disease.

Contraindications to the use of medical technology

Absolute contraindications:

· somatic diseases in the acute stage;

· serious illnesses cardiovascular system and violations

heart rate;

· diabetes mellitus;

· skin diseases;

· disability of group I.

Relative contraindications:

· somatic diseases that do not require treatment in specialized hospitals;

· clinically underexamined patients (lack of test results for HIV infection, viral hepatitis, etc.);

· disability II – III groups during the period of exacerbation of the underlying disease.

Conditions for the program
· drug treatment hospitals, inpatient or outpatient units of drug treatment and prevention institutions;
· drug treatment rehabilitation centers, drug treatment clinics with hospitals, etc.;

· voluntary consent of drug addicted patients to participate in treatment and rehabilitation programs in inpatient or outpatient settings.

Logistics support for medical technology

The physiotherapeutic health and rehabilitation capsule "Alpha Oxy SPA" is a hardware complex for implementing integrated multimodal physiotherapeutic procedures with the possibility of using a unique technique - oxyhyperthermia, consists of capsule and oxygen concentrator.

Capsule for patient placement and procedures - oval shape, dimensions: length – 245 cm, width – 89 cm, height – 99 cm (with the lid open – 213 cm), weight – 193 kg. Power is supplied from an electrical network with a voltage of 220/240 V, power consumption - 200 W / 10 amperes AC, protection class - 1, color - soft aquamarine (code number 317 C). The device has been tested on the territory of the Russian Federation and is recognized as complying with the regulatory documents GOST R 50267.0.2-95, GOST R 51317.4.11-99, GOST R 51317.4.5-99, GOST R 51317.4.2-99,

The Alpha Oxy SPA capsule provides the opportunity to use the following types of physiotherapeutic interventions:

Thermotherapy (dry heat sauna, local thermotherapy),

Vibration therapy,

Functional music therapy,


Oxygen therapy,


Capsule includes:

A heating device (sauna) that regulates the temperature in the capsule from 15 to 82ºС,

Germicidal ultraviolet emitter – air ionizer,

Four aerophytogenerators - installations equipped with nozzles and inhalers for sublimation of essential oils,

An orthopedic bed with a “physiologically” curved shape, a local heating system and built-in segmental pneumatic vibrators of three-stage intensity,

Stereo system with CD player, two stereo speakers, headphones,

Device for facial blowing and inhalation therapy – “ionic” shower,

Pulsed illumination in the red spectrum of visible radiation,

Block for controlling procedures, selecting and compiling a program of released procedures,

Liquid crystal display for monitoring the parameters of a given program.

For oxyhyperthermia procedures, local and systemic oxygen therapy, the Alpha Oxy SPA capsule is additionally equipped with a NEWLIFE ELITE oxygen concentrator » , designed for oxygen therapy.

It provides a continuous flow of oxygen-enriched air by molecular membrane separation of oxygen and nitrogen and subsequent passage of the oxygen-enriched gas mixture through pressure reducing valves and through the flow regulator and antibacterial filter to the compressor outlet port.

Concentrator dimensions: length – 37 cm, width – 40 cm, height – 72.5 cm, weight – 24.5 kg. According to ISO standard 8359, the oxygen flow rate matches the rate set on the switch to within ±10% or 200 ml/min. Power supply 220-230V – 50Hz, power consumption: 350W. Protection class –2.

EN standard: electromagnetic compatibility of electromedical devices.

Description of medical technology

The technology of complex physiotherapeutic procedures including the oxyhyperthermia method based on the Alpha Oxy SPA capsule is based on the “ alpha massage » , which forms the basis of the action of all models of Alpha SPA capsules. The method is a combined effect on the patient of mechanotherapy, thermotherapy and aromatherapy factors, supplemented by relaxing musical compositions and the supply of high concentrations of oxygen. Such a multicomponent effect activates sensory influxes of information about the action of multimodal stimuli and leads to the activation of various parts of the central nervous system. Polysensory influence improves the mood of patients, reduces internal tension, significantly increases the increase in tolerance to physical activity and stabilizes the vegetative status. Alpha massage, supplemented with oxyhyperthermic procedures, also has enzyme-stimulating, detoxifying, immunomodulating, metabolic and lipolytic effects.

The main treatment and rehabilitation factors and the mechanism of action for potentiating and accelerating the processes of restoration of the functional state of drug addicted patients in the pre-rehabilitation period (withdrawal and post-withdrawal disorders), as well as in subsequent periods of rehabilitation, is to use the following methods:

1. Hyperthermia

Physical exposure factors include air hyperthermia environment in the range from 35 to 82°C at low relative humidity of 8-15%, as well as ionized, with a predominance of negatively charged ions, circulating air.

Thermal radiation causes a short-term spasm of skin vessels, which is subsequently quickly replaced by their expansion. The surface tissues of the body heat up to 38-42° C, and the internal organs - by 0.5-1.0° C. The volume of sweat produced increases with increasing temperature and amounts to 0.2-2 liters. The hyperthermia mode improves pulmonary ventilation, increases the activity of cerebral and peripheral circulation, increases the functionality of the cardiovascular system (increasing the frequency and strength of heart contractions), improves metabolism (for every degree of increase in body temperature when taking a dry sauna, the metabolic rate increases by approximately 6% ), stimulates the drainage functions of the lymphatic system, carries out deep cleansing skin, relieves muscle tension. As a result of sweat secretion, partial dehydration of the body occurs, and significant skin diaphoresis promotes the excretion of protein metabolism products, facilitates the filtration function of the kidneys and leads to a decrease in diuresis.

2.Local thermotherapy

By heating the bed (maximum temperature - 52 ° C), the regional temperature of the skin increases, the vessels of the microvasculature dilate and the local blood flow of the deep vessels of the skin increases. Skin hyperemia increases the metabolism of the underlying tissues, spasm of skeletal muscles and compression of nociceptive conductors decreases, which leads to a decrease pain, restructuring and softening of connective tissue scars.

3. Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is the therapeutic use of gas mixtures with a high oxygen content at normal atmospheric pressure.

Under the influence of oxygen therapy, the saturation of arterial blood with oxygen increases, the respiratory rate and the amount of under-oxidized metabolic products decrease: lactate, urea, etc. In addition, through the system of central and peripheral mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation, the effect of oxygen on the metabolic activity of cells of internal organs is eliminated, metabolic acidosis in the blood is eliminated , the content of biologically active substances - histamine and other amines - is normalized. Oxygen therapy helps reduce tissue swelling, activate trophic and regenerative processes in the muscles of the skin, bones, and peripheral nerves.

During a session of inhalation oxygen therapy, the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air, blood and tissues increases, oxygen deficiency in the body is eliminated, tissue redox processes are normalized, the activity of oxygen utilization by tissues increases, the resynthesis of energetically active phosphorus compounds is accelerated, pulmonary gas exchange and contractile activity of the respiratory system are increased. muscles of the chest and diaphragm, the capillaroscopic picture improves.

Using an oxygen concentrator, gas mixtures enriched with oxygen can be supplied to the patient in different ways:

Inhalation (inhalations of various concentrations with humidified oxygen/if necessary in combination with aromatherapy) through an oxygen facial (oronasal) mask or endonasal probes (nasal fork-shaped cannulas). In this case, depending on the flow rate of the gas mixture, the oxygen concentration can vary from 24 to 45%.

Systemically inside the capsule with the possibility of turbo mode (additional air ventilation). The oxygen flow into the capsule can be changed from 1 to 6 liters per minute.

4. Oxyhyperthermia

Oxyhyperthermia (OxyTherm™) is a combined effect of oxygen and dry heat in a dry-air sauna mode. It promotes the rapid penetration of high concentration oxygen into the deep layers of the skin, lymphatic and circulatory systems, as well as the penetration of active substances into the skin when applied to the surface of the skin. With oxyhyperthermia, the circulation of blood enriched with oxygen accelerates, which contributes to more pronounced detoxification and improvement of regenerative processes of all organs and systems of the body. The right combination doses of oxygen, temperature conditions and the basis of the combined technique of oxyhyperthermia, as a result of which pronounced metabolic (enhances reparative regeneration), detoxification, bactericidal, and immunostimulating effects are achieved.

5. Vibration massage

Synchronized multi-point vibration transmitters built into the orthopedic bed of the capsule allow you to create the effect manual massage from light stroking to vigorous rubbing. Vibration pulse transmitters pulse in three modes and can affect:

All over the box

Evenly in each segment

Wave-like, reciprocating - progressive influence on the chest and lumbar regions torso, pelvis, thighs, legs.

The therapeutic effect is provided by mechanical vibrations of low frequency, carried out through direct contact of the emitter with the patient’s tissues. Low-frequency vibration (20-50 Hz) excites predominantly skin mechanoreceptors (Meissner corpuscles and free nerve endings), primary endings of muscle spindles and autonomic nerve conductors, which leads to dilation of muscle-type vessels, increased local blood flow and lymphatic drainage, activation of tissue trophism and decreased muscle tone. Oscillations of a higher frequency (100-200 Hz) excite the secondary endings of muscle spindles and Pacinian corpuscles adjacent to thick myelinated fibers, which leads to relaxation of predominantly smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels, peripheral blockade of the pain focus (via the “gate block” mechanism), activation of the vasomotor center, increased vascular tone, activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and mobilization of the body's adaptive resources.

6. Functional music therapy

Functional music therapy - exposure of the patient’s auditory system to acoustic signals of various spectrums. Selective excitation of the auditory centers causes complex psychophysiological processes, including motor, autonomic and emotional components (acoustic-cardiac, acoustic-motor and acoustic-emotional reflexes).

The proposed musical background is a sound image based on transformed electroencephalographic rhythms (EEG) of more than a thousand healthy patients, reflecting the functional activity of the brain in the frequency range of 4-7 cycles/min. (theta waves) and 8-12 (alpha waves).

The procedure allows you to quickly reduce the level of situational anxiety, anger, mental and physical stress, reduce dysphoric manifestations, and optimize the mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation of functions. As a result, patients feel better, mood and attention increase, reduced bioelectrical activity of the brain is restored, heart rate, decreases increased blood pressure etc.

The built-in stereo system also allows you to offer patients other, individually preferred samples of functional relaxing music during the session.

7. Aromatherapy

The influence of smell on the state of the body is a complex complex of reactions of nerve cells, nerve fibers and cell membranes. At the same time, it is well known that the function of smell is, first of all, to direct molecules of odorous substances floating in the air to the corresponding parts of the body’s general system of perception of the environment. These impulses find an immediate response in the corresponding parts of the brain, primarily in the limbic system. Here the mechanisms of emotions are turned on and memory channels open. As a result, characteristics such as body temperature, appetite, stress levels, intensity of sexual function, and metabolic rate change.

The built-in aromatherapy system allows you to choose from four compositions of aromatic oils, which will be mixed into the air flow that washes the patient’s body and fills the capsule with a certain aromatic component. Four independent diffusion channels allow you to create and control an aroma environment that stimulates the olfactory sensory channels. With one keystroke you can get delicate aroma, influencing your client’s mood, promoting relaxation or energization.

In the practice of rehabilitation of drug addiction patients, it is proposed to use the following mixtures of essential oils:

Health-improving" (Health) - ylang-ylang, patchouli and nutmeg

Relieves emotional stress, relieves feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression. Induces a feeling of confidence and serenity. Stimulates creativity. Promotes concentration. Used as an analgesic or distracting agent for myaglia and arthritis; general action composition has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Improves performance digestive tract. Has a regenerating effect and increases skin elasticity.

- “Cleansing” (Cleaning) - orange, geranium, ylang-ylang

This range has a preventive effect on colds, relieves manifestations of psycho-emotional stress, nervous tension, has a general cleansing effect, enhances diuresis, eliminates swelling. Geranium oil has phytoestrogen properties.

-"Invigorating" (Vigor) - peppermint, rosemary and thyme

Mixture for psychophysiological activation of the body. Improves blood circulation in the brain, normalizes heart rate. When inhaled, this mixture activates brain functions and increases muscle tone. Excellent remedy to eliminate common features physical inactivity and fatigue.

8. Inhalation with ionized air

Aeroionotherapy - method medicinal use air ions; V normal conditions 1 cm3 of air contains about 750 positive and 650 negative ions, among which the dominant ions are O 3+, CO+, O2-, N02-). In case of collision with the surface of the skin and mucous membranes respiratory tract air ions lose their charge and turn into atoms and molecules with high reactivity. Penetrating into the superficial layers of the epidermis, they cause swelling of the cells of the basal and granular layers of the epidermis.

Chemically active atoms and molecules interact with complexes biological membranes, forming a variety of biologically active substances, and also change the microenvironment of free nerve endings of the skin, significantly reducing its tactile and pain sensitivity. Substances formed in the skin from air ions stimulate local metabolic processes; cause dilatation of arterioles and increased local blood flow, causing catabolic, immunostimulating, sedative, vasoactive, and bactericidal effects.


The “Alpha Oxy SPA” hardware complex allows, when compiling individual procedures, to carry out precise dosing of each influencing factor according to the degree of intensity, exposure time, compatibility various factors. It is possible to use each physiotherapeutic factor separately (as an independent physiotherapeutic procedure), as well as combine and combine them when creating an individual program.

Each function and operation included in the device is programmed by pressing a touch key. Control and monitoring of parameters is carried out using a built-in microcomputer and is displayed on the control liquid crystal panel of the capsule. The selected therapeutic environment is maintained with high precision depending on the individual characteristics and preferences of the patient, thereby achieving the most complete and balanced result.

The Alpha Oxy SPA capsule offers twelve preset target programs with the ability to correct the parameters of each influencing factor during the procedure.

Based on own experience Using the Alpha Oxy SPA capsule for medical rehabilitation of drug addicted patients, we have developed standard parameters for a program of complex procedures depending on the severity of withdrawal syndrome and post-withdrawal disorders, consisting of 16-22 procedures (Table No. 1).

The presented characteristics of the delivery of individual procedures can vary significantly depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, individual tolerance of specific physical factors, personal preferences in the choice of aromatic mixtures, musical compositions etc. Optimal is individual composition medical rehabilitation programs for each individual patient, taking into account the following principles:

The programs are compiled by a physiotherapist together with the attending narcologist based on an assessment of the severity of the patient’s condition, the severity of individual psychosomatic and neurological symptoms, general condition health,

If there are relative contraindications, it is necessary to consult with specialist doctors,

The creation of a comfortable psycho-emotional environment during rehabilitation is facilitated by the patient’s participation in the selection of the structure of procedures,

It is necessary to dynamically monitor the patient’s condition before, during and at the end of the treatment, taking into account possible undesirable effects to correct the structure of subsequent procedures,

Procedures can be performed by a trained nurse under the supervision of the attending narcologist.

Table 1

Basic parameters of the medical rehabilitation program for drug addiction patients using the Alpha Oxy SPA capsule

Rehabilitation days

Duration of the procedure


Composition of essential oils

Bed heating

Airflow degree

Oxygen supply

Vibration mode


Withdrawal period

1 time/day

2 times/day

Period of post-withdrawal disorders

3 times/week


1-2 times/week.

Ozdo - rav.

You can also use the standard “Detoxification” and “Relaxation” programs, preinstalled in the capsule with individual selection of the characteristics of individual effects.

Comprehensive research into the effectiveness of medical technology

1. Clinical studies

The main group of subjects consisted of 32 drug addiction patients (of which 17 were alcoholic, 15 were opium addicts, mainly heroin addicts), who were prescribed Alpha Oxy Spa capsule procedures as part of complex therapy. The control group consisted of 28 patients (12 with alcoholism, 16 with opium, mainly heroin, drug addiction), who received only complex therapy. There were no statistically significant differences at the start of the study between the main and control groups.

In cosmetology, there are a huge number of procedures aimed at improving certain body functions. These are procedures that improve a person’s physical condition, and procedures aimed at improving the external condition of the skin, figure, etc.

Features of application and action

For a long time, attempts have been made to develop a procedure that simultaneously affects the maximum large number parts of the body and has a pronounced positive effect on both health and appearance patient.

One of these unique developments is a spa capsule or spa-capsule (both spellings are equally valid). This is not only a certain set of procedures performed using unique equipment, but also an entire branch of cosmetology, which has a huge number of admirers around the world. The direction is an innovative technique that combines several cosmetic and therapeutic procedures performed in a special capsule.

A spa capsule is also called a health capsule, because it solves not only cosmetic problems, but is also used in medical purposes enough for treatment serious illnesses. Externally, such a capsule resembles a horizontal solarium.

A spa capsule helps get rid of many health problems and improve the overall condition of your skin and figure. This great way struggle with overweight, and with problems of the nervous system.

Such results are achieved due to the various capabilities of the spa capsule, namely:

Indications and contraindications

The range of indications for undergoing procedures in a spa capsule is very wide:

There are few contraindications, however, they exist and you should pay attention to them:

Types of spa capsules

There are three main types of spa capsules, differing from each other in the principles of influence on the body:

  1. dry;
  2. hydrofusion;
  3. alpha capsule.

It is a method whose operating mechanism is to warm the body using warm and ionized air. The required temperature and time mode can be programmed depending on the nature of the procedure being performed. This type of thermal effect is favorable for some cosmetic and massage procedures, as well as inhalations. Compared to other types of capsules, the range of services provided here is smaller.

Hydrofusion technique.

This variety has a hydraulic unit, which allows you to influence the body not only with infrared radiation, but also with steam, as well as carry out various types of water massage. The body warms up to a depth of about 4 cm, which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes and, accordingly, to weight loss.

Exposure to steam promotes the full opening of pores on the skin, making subsequent cosmetic procedures as efficient as possible. When exposed to steam, they are often used essential oils or medicinal algae for pronounced therapeutic effect. There is also an active removal of waste and toxins from the skin.

Possibility of application various types water massage helps eliminate " orange peel", "breaking up" fat deposits, improving blood microcirculation, accelerating systemic blood flow, as a result of which tissues are saturated with vitamins and oxygen.

The procedure in such a spa capsule has a pronounced cosmetic effect, noticeable after just one visit and lasting for long time. The functionality varies depending on the model; in addition to the above, the patient may be offered additional options.

Alpha capsule and the range of its effects.

It is the most versatile compared to other types and is more of a full-fledged physiotherapeutic complex. It affects the patient at the cellular level, relieves stress and improves well-being. This type is especially recommended for people suffering overweight, and patients whose main goals are stress relief and deep relaxation.

The device has wide range impact on the patient, namely:


Before visiting the spa capsule in medicinal purposes Consultation with the supervising physician is advisable. The number of sessions required in the spa capsule depends on the patient’s initial condition and desired results. So, for example, to treat cellulite or solve any skin problems, a course consisting of a combination of various procedures and several sessions.

How deeper problem, the more sessions may be required. To improve your general condition during fatigue and stress, one procedure may be sufficient, which can and should be repeated as necessary.

The procedure in any type of spa capsule is carried out as follows: the patient takes a bath or shower, after which he is placed in a capsule pre-programmed for the required procedure (the time and methods of exposure are programmed).

Most often, the duration of the procedure does not exceed 30 minutes, however, with individually selected specialized programs, the time may increase. Accordingly, the range of effects and drugs used increases. The procedure is developed individually, taking into account wishes, goals, general physical and psychological state patient.

Types of programs

Clients are offered the following types of programs in spa capsules:

Complex of spa treatments.

It is possible to carry out both a complete spa procedure and its individual stages. This depends both on the patient’s wishes and on the capabilities of the capsule.

Complex of rehabilitation procedures.

Spa capsules are used not only in beauty salons, but also in medical and sports centers, where they are aimed at restoring the body after injuries, helping in the fight against drug addiction and alcohol addiction, in complex therapy of various diseases.

Complex of anti-cellulite and weight loss procedures.

They include procedures aimed at losing weight (massage, body wraps, etc.) and procedures that have a cosmetic effect (disappearance of cellulite, stretch marks caused by weight loss). Also, if used additional features capsules that help to relax and relieve tension, this has a positive effect on eating behavior, and this, in turn, helps to maintain harmony.

Complex of Ayurvedic programs.

For such procedures, capsules containing technical specifications special additional option.

Complexes health treatments for scalp and hair.

Such procedures are aimed primarily at improving the condition of the skin, improving blood microcirculation, which helps solve problems such as hair loss, dandruff, weak, brittle, split ends. Procedures provoke active growth hair and lead to strengthening of the hair along its entire length.

Session cost

The cost of procedures in spa capsules also varies greatly, because it depends on the time, the required number of procedures, and excipients (such as aromatic oils And cosmetics), which are used during procedures. It depends on the number of additional options chosen by the patient, as well as on the level of popularity of the establishment and the quality of the equipment. Sometimes even on the professionalism and level of demand of the specialist performing the procedure.

Sessions in a spa capsule are becoming increasingly popular, as they help quickly and pleasantly get your body in good shape, improve your health, and lift your spirits.

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