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Sensitive facial skin. Care for sensitive skin. Cream for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin – almost every third woman in Europe makes this diagnosis. Red spots and dots, a feeling of tightness of the skin, increased irritability of certain areas of the skin - all these are signs of special skin sensitivity. The main feature of such skin is its absolutely unpredictable reaction to substances that are part of skin care products. This especially applies to those products that are not intended for sensitive skin.

Skin sensitivity usually develops over the years. From birth, this phenomenon is rare. A number of reasons can contribute to the occurrence of skin sensitivity, among which the leading place is occupied by improper daily skin care, or lack thereof, or too frequent experiments with cosmetics. Of no small importance are factors such as constant stress, increased irritability and nervousness, which can also cause skin sensitivity. Other reasons why the skin begins to react painfully to the slightest irritants include certain skin diseases such as rosacea, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. An unhealthy and unhealthy diet, including excessive consumption of salty, hot and spicy foods, consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol, sugary carbonated drinks, black tea and coffee, as well as smoking can also lead to skin becoming dry and sensitive to external irritants. Another important factor that can also affect the occurrence of sensitivity is the poor quality of water that we use to wash our face. It is worth mentioning the negative impact of environmental factors and pollution, which also contribute to the occurrence of sensitivity. Quite often, skin sensitivity is influenced by hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as menopause.

Sensitivity can occur in those with any skin type (oily, dry, combination). However, most often it is dry skin that becomes sensitive due to the lack of subcutaneous fat and pigmentation that protect it from the effects of negative external factors.

Skin hypersensitivity should not be confused with allergies, because they are completely different things. Most often, an allergy can be triggered by a skin reaction to the use of one or more cosmetics or certain foods, appearing only after several hours. Sensitive skin manifests itself instantly in the form of irritation from almost any procedure.

These days, the cosmetics industry offers a huge range of different products to care for sensitive skin, but even among this range it is very difficult to choose a product that will really suit such “capricious” skin. Therefore, when choosing such products, you should carefully study the composition and characteristics of a particular product. It would be good if the product label contains notes such as “for dry, sensitive skin”, “dermatologically tested”, “hypoallergenic”. If you have the opportunity to purchase a sample of this or that product, use it without hesitation.

It should be noted that before solving the problem of skin sensitivity, it is necessary to identify the causes of its occurrence, since each problem has its own solution.

Sensitive skin, like any skin type, has general principles of care, the observance of which helps to significantly improve its external condition, eliminating irritation and redness, preserving youth and beauty. They include: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nutrition.

Cleansing and toning.
When caring for sensitive skin, it is useful to wash your face with warm mineral or spring water every morning. Tap water is harmful to any skin, especially sensitive ones. In the evenings, you should use milk as a cleansing procedure to remove makeup and remove impurities. After morning washing and evening cleansing, the skin needs toning. For this purpose, an alcohol-free tonic is ideal, which can be purchased ready-made, or can be made at home, which in this case is preferable. This product will refresh and soften sensitive skin and eliminate inflammation. For example, lemon tonic: squeeze the juice from one half of a lemon and strain it, mix with a teaspoon of glycerin and a quarter glass of water. This tonic can be stored in the refrigerator for a month. Use a cotton pad, previously soaked in tonic, to wipe the skin, following the massage lines in a circular motion.

When caring for such capricious skin, you need to be careful when using new cosmetics. According to experts, in caring for sensitive skin it is necessary to use the simplest products, and in small quantities. In the morning, be sure to use a light day cream. The composition of such a product must contain sun protection factors, as well as softening fats. It is especially good if the cream is based on thermal water and mineral components. It’s good if the day cream is based on thermal waters and with mineral components.

It should also be said that natural cosmetics, contrary to the beliefs of many women about their effectiveness and mild effects, can severely irritate the skin and cause allergies. These products include those that contain arnica, chamomile and calendula plants.

Night care for sensitive skin includes applying a special night cream, which contains regenerating substances that promote wound healing, and special ingredients that protect the skin and accumulate moisture, and also activate oxygen metabolism in cells. Such complex products for the care of sensitive skin often include allantoin, panthenol, which have a calming effect and smooth the skin, as well as kavaine, which inhibits the development of inflammatory processes that arise under the influence of the environment, vitamins A and E.

Decorative cosmetics.
The main rule in caring for sensitive skin is not to overload it with decorative makeup products. At the same time, all cosmetics you use must undergo dermatological control. The ideal decorative cosmetics for sensitive skin are those with medicinal properties.

Face masks.
For sensitive skin, only moisturizing and nourishing masks with a light base and easy to wash off are suitable. No film masks or hardening masks should be used, as they draw moisture from the skin, aggravating the skin condition. You should know that you should not apply the mask if you are allergic to any component contained in its composition.

Since sensitive skin has a very thin stratum corneum and is naturally finely porous, the use of additional exfoliating products is not permissible, since they negatively affect the condition of the stratum corneum and further thin the skin. In addition, the abrasive particles included in peelings can severely damage the skin, causing serious eczema.

More thorough cleansing can be used to care for sensitive skin, but the method should be gentle. For example, while washing your face, you can rub your skin with a terry mitten. This manipulation will act as a gentle peeling of the skin.

Nervous stress is contraindicated for sensitive skin, so it is necessary to protect it from anything that could cause stress. To do this, you should limit the consumption of foods that increase nervous tension (coffee, black tea, cola, champagne...). Sun rays also negatively affect such skin, so in spring and summer it is imperative to use creams with a high level of protection (SPF at least 15). The same goes for swimming in the pool. In this case, you should use a waterproof cream with a high sun protection factor, which will protect the skin from the negative effects of chlorinated water.

Salon treatments for sensitive skin are a salvation for it, keeping it in good shape and providing a radiant and healthy appearance. Only, let me make a reservation, all this is possible with the proper selection of procedures specifically for your skin by a qualified specialist. But since salon skin care simply cannot be carried out every day during the day, home care is the main thing, so it must be taken seriously. Recipes for nourishing and moisturizing masks for home preparation will help with this. After exposure, a self-prepared mask for sensitive skin should be washed off with warm boiled or mineral water. Be sure to apply a nourishing cream to the skin after such a procedure.

Recipes for masks for sensitive skin.
Mix the crushed yolk, hard-boiled egg with a tablespoon of high-fat cottage cheese, adding a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of berry juice or lemon juice. Apply the resulting mask to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mix the pre-beaten yolk of one egg with two tablespoons of sour cream, add a teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply the mask to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mix a small amount of liquid honey (about 100 g) with one small lemon, previously crushed. Apply this mixture to your face every morning for fifteen minutes, after which you can wash your face. This mixture keeps well in the refrigerator.

Mix three teaspoons of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of liquid honey to form a homogeneous mass, which should be applied to the face and left for fifteen minutes. There is no need to wash off this mask with water. Using a cotton pad previously soaked in cold milk, simply remove the remnants of the mask from the skin.

Lubricate the skin of the face with any vegetable oil, then evenly distribute the raw yolk over it, as if rubbing it, while periodically wetting your hands in hot water. As a result of this manipulation, a white foamy mass is formed on the skin of the face. This mask should be left on for twenty minutes.

Grate one medium-sized carrot on a fine grater. Pour a tablespoon of milk into the resulting mass and mix well. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face and leave for twenty minutes.

Add a few drops of lemon juice to one tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese. Apply the resulting composition to your face and wash off after fifteen minutes. In the case of very dry skin, such a mask should be applied to warm vegetable oil previously applied to the skin.

Grate one small apple on a fine grater. Take a tablespoon of apple mass and mix with a teaspoon of honey, adding mashed butter (1 tablespoon) with one yolk. Apply the finished composition to the skin of the face for half an hour, then remove the excess with a paper napkin.

Mix one large carrot, grated on a fine grater, with the yolk of one egg until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for twenty to twenty-five minutes. It is recommended to do this mask twice a week.

Grind two teaspoons of cottage cheese with half a raw yolk, adding a teaspoon of apple juice and the same amount of camphor oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is formed, apply to the face and leave for twenty minutes. Rinse off the mask first with warm and then with cold water.

Peel the cucumber. Place the resulting peel, cut to the skin, on the face, having previously wiped it with it. Or grind the cucumber together with the skin into a paste and apply it to the face for twenty minutes.

Grate a medium-sized tomato and add two tablespoons of wheat flour to the resulting mass. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the face for half an hour. This mask effectively relieves skin irritation and redness.

Mash the pulp of apricot or peach into a paste and apply to the face. Instead of apricot or peach, you can use strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries, and blackberries.

Vegetable oils, especially olive oil, are very useful for dry and sensitive skin. Before applying a white cabbage mask, they should wipe the skin. Grind the leaves of white cabbage into a pulp and apply to the skin of the face.

Boil unpeeled potatoes (1 piece), mash and mix with a small amount of fresh milk and one yolk. Apply the resulting mixture warm to the face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Combine a teaspoon of milk and glycerin, adding rice starch so that a thin consistency is formed. This mask helps with inflammation and flaking of the skin. Apply the resulting mixture to damaged areas of the skin.

Pour boiling water (half a glass) over two prunes, mash them into a paste and combine with a tablespoon of honey, adding oatmeal so that you get a kind of paste, which you apply to your face for twenty minutes. After this, remove the mask with a cotton pad previously soaked in herbal decoction or weak tea leaves.

Prepare a decoction of chamomile. Take a tablespoon of the prepared broth in a warm form and add two tablespoons of warm milk to it. Prepare gauze in advance, folded in several layers and make slits in it for the eyes, mouth and nose. After this, moisten the gauze in the resulting mixture, squeeze lightly and apply to the face for 10 minutes. After removing the mask, pat your skin dry with a napkin. This mask serves as an excellent skin tonic, eliminating inflammation.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of milk and leave the mixture to swell, then apply the mixture to your face and neck, and after twenty minutes, wash off the mask.

Combine 50 grams of fresh yeast with a tablespoon of vegetable oil until a homogeneous mixture appears. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face and neck for twenty minutes.

In order to soothe the skin and relieve irritation, herbal infusions of sage, mint, plantain, chamomile, diluted with starch to the consistency of jelly, will help. Such masks are applied to the face and left for twenty minutes.

Take 250 g of natural yogurt, 60 grams of oatmeal and two teaspoons of honey or beeswax. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mass for twenty minutes on the face, previously cleansed of makeup and impurities. In case of allergies to honey and its products, it can be replaced with banana puree.

Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of milk and the same amount of chopped cucumber gruel. Apply the mixture to your face, and after twenty minutes, wash off the mask.

Combine cottage cheese and carrot juice in equal quantities and apply the resulting mixture to your face. After fifteen minutes, rinse off.

Add two teaspoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of finely grated carrots to a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of finely grated carrots, a tablespoon of banana pulp, two tablespoons of milk until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the resulting composition to the face for fifteen minutes.

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture and apply the mixture to your face. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask. You can simply cut peeled potatoes into ovals and apply them to your face.

Boil one potato in its jacket, crush it and add a tablespoon of milk and a teaspoon of olive oil (or other vegetable oil). Apply the mask for twenty minutes.

If your skin is hypersensitive, then instead of water you can use a special solution, to prepare which you need to mix a teaspoon of potato starch with a tablespoon of cold water so that you get the consistency of thick sour cream. After this, add about a quarter cup of boiling water to the resulting mass and mix everything thoroughly. Mix the mixture prepared in this way with a liter of boiled water and use it as water for washing your skin.

Take a teaspoon of honey and olive oil and combine with a tablespoon of milk. Distribute the composition over damp facial skin, applying it with light circular movements along the massage lines. After this you can wash your face.

Pour two tablespoons of chopped white cabbage leaves with enough boiling milk to make a paste. Apply the resulting mass warm to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Brew two tablespoons of oatmeal with boiling milk. As soon as the mixture cools and swells, take one tablespoon and mix it with the yolk, the same amount of cottage cheese, banana or melon pulp (1 tablespoon). The mask is also applied to the face for fifteen minutes and then washed off. For severe peeling of the skin, add a teaspoon of olive oil to the mask.

Recipes for lotions for sensitive skin.
Mix the following herbs, one tablespoon at a time: sage, mint, plantain, rose petals, chamomile, chopped parsley, aloe. Place the herbal mixture in a tightly sealed container. Take a tablespoon of the resulting herbal mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours, then strain. You should wipe your face with the resulting lotion immediately after washing. The effectiveness of the lotion will be significantly higher if you add a few drops of citric acid or a tablespoon of any fruit or berry juice (only sour) to it.

Pour boiling water (400 ml) into a mixture of two tablespoons of dried rose petals and jasmine flowers, close the lid tightly and leave for the mixture to infuse. After six hours, strain the infusion and add two tablespoons of vodka and two ampoules of vitamin B1.

Pour 50 grams of fresh cornflower flowers with a glass of boiling water, put on fire and boil for ten minutes. After this, cool the broth and strain. Use as a tonic.

Pour boiling water (400 ml) into two tablespoons of crushed rose petals and leave for half an hour, after which cool the infusion and strain. Use it as a skin spray throughout the day, especially in summer. To do this, it is convenient to use a spray bottle.

Cut the cucumber into several slices and put them in a bowl with milk for half an hour. After the specified time, remove the cucumbers and use the milk to wipe the skin of the face.

Brew a tablespoon of finely chopped dry mint leaves (or 3 tablespoons of fresh) with boiling water (200 ml) and leave to infuse for half an hour, then strain the infusion and use as a tonic lotion.

Pour 10 grams of chopped finely chopped elecampane root into half a glass of boiling water. Place the mixture on the fire and simmer for half an hour from the moment it boils. After this, cool the broth and strain. Use as a skin rinse after washing. Warm decoction can be used as compresses.

Pour half a tablespoon of yarrow into a glass of boiling water, leave, and then strain. Recommended as a sedative.

Pour boiling water (100 ml) over a teaspoon of herbal mixture of chamomile, plantain and linden, or any of these herbs separately. Leave for twenty minutes and then strain. Wipe your face with the resulting product every day. It perfectly tones the skin. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Crush a tablespoon of strawberries, dilute with a glass of cold water. Use the resulting solution as a tonic.

Brew a tablespoon of St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, leave for about twenty minutes, then strain the infusion. Recommended for use as an anti-inflammatory and firming lotion.

Thin facial skin is very sensitive and can be irritated by almost any influence, be it cold wind or low-quality cosmetics. This leads to redness, severe itching, burning and even peeling.

We will talk about the main causes of increased sensitivity and proper care for problem skin.

Causes of skin sensitivity

Sensitive facial skin is a special condition of the dermis that cannot be considered normal. This problem affects absolutely all types of skin, from dry to normal.

Increased sensitivity occurs when the hydrolipid mantle becomes thinner, which plays the role of a barrier, protecting tissues from negative chemical and mechanical effects.

When protective "shell" weakens its defenses, any external factors cause the epidermis to become irritated. This ultimately leads to redness and a feeling of tightness.

In some cases, increased irritability provokes allergic reactions.

Signs of skin hypersensitivity

Many people confuse allergies with hypersensitivity, and as a result take the wrong measures to cope with the problem. An allergic reaction appears approximately 30-60 minutes after exposure to the irritant. In case of hypersensitivity, unpleasant symptoms will appear almost instantly.

Signs of sensitive facial skin:

  • After washing, there is a feeling of tightness;
  • Redness appears on the face;
  • There is an itching or burning sensation;
  • Peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis occurs;
  • Red spots form on the chin, décolleté and forehead.

As a rule, women face this problem, which is due to the thinness of the integument and, accordingly, the hydrolipid mantle.

Factors leading to hypersensitivity

Before providing competent care for thin facial skin, it is necessary to eliminate factors that lead to the destruction of the protective layer of the dermis.

These include:

Caring for problem skin

What should you do first if you have very sensitive skin?

First you need to understand your daily care, which will include several stages:

  1. Morning care:
  • Cleansing. Every morning you need to wash your face only with warm water, and preferably not chlorinated. After this, you need to treat your face with a tonic to deep cleanse the pores;
  • Hydration. You can’t do without a day cream at this stage. Therefore, purchase a product that suits your derma type.
  • Protection. In summer, it is advisable to use special sunscreens during the day, and in winter - creams to protect against the cold;
  1. Evening care:
  • Cleansing. Use cosmetic milk to remove makeup, then use a toner, preferably without alcohol;
  • Nutrition. Apply a special night cream to nourish the dermis.

Masks for hypersensitive skin

To ensure the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the splitting of the hydrolipid mantle, it is necessary to make masks for sensitive facial skin from time to time. The best option would be products prepared at home from natural ingredients.

They will nourish the dermis and accelerate the process of cell regeneration.

What doesn't hypersensitive skin like?

In order not to provoke your own skin to irritation, you need not only to provide it with complete care, but also to eliminate factors that negatively affect its condition.

These include:

  • Chlorinated water. Overdried skin inevitably becomes sensitive, so it is not advisable to use tap water when washing your face. When visiting the pool, before the procedure, apply a special protective water-repellent cream;
  • Frequent changes of cosmetic care products. Constant experiments with hygienic cosmetics lead to disruption of the mineral and water balance of the epidermis. Therefore, dermatologists do not recommend changing cosmetics more often than once every 2-3 months;
  • Abuse of solarium and sunbathing. UV radiation promotes the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, but excessive sunbathing leads to drying of the epidermis and thinning of the protective mantle.

Skin that is very sensitive to external influences is a problem that women most often face. Often hypersensitivity occurs due to improper care or its complete absence.

Sensitive skin is characterized by hyperactive reactions when exposed to environmental factors. People with sensitive skin complain of excessive skin reactions when using topical cosmetics, although visible symptoms may or may not be present. In people who experience skin discomfort, in approximately 50% of cases there are no visible signs of burning of the skin. Changes in their integument in people with sensitive skin can cause a lot of inconvenience. When traveling, these people should take personal skin care products, as cosmetics provided in hotels may cause skin aggravation or skin discomfort. These people choose the right product and use it for a long time, trying not to use other skin care products. Cosmetics companies are aware of the problems that people with sensitive skin have and are trying to make products that do not contain substances that irritate sensitive skin.

Most large companies conduct research to study the effect of products on sensitive skin before releasing products. However, sometimes a study fails to declare substances contained in a cosmetic product that can cause irritation to sensitive skin, resulting in symptoms when the product is used by people with sensitive skin types. This situation poses a major challenge for cosmetics companies: 78% of consumers with sensitive skin say they avoid using a particular skin care product if they have previously experienced a skin reaction with that product. People who frequently experience skin reactions use only a few cosmetic products that do not cause irritation, redness or itching of the skin and thus do not interfere with their normal lifestyle. Frequent complaints of people who often experience skin reactions are complaints of decreased quality of life and the appearance of depression. According to a French study using the SF-12 questionnaire, which was administered to more than 2,000 study participants, people with sensitive skin are more likely to complain of decreased quality of life than people with other skin types. However, according to the study, the incidence of depression in people with sensitive skin and in people with “normal” skin was the same.


An epidemiological survey found a high prevalence of sensitive skin. In a telephone survey of 800 women of various nationalities living in the United States, it was found that 52% of them had sensitive skin. The most common sensitive skin type is observed in the facial area. However, according to one study in which 400 subjects took part, 85% of them had sensitive skin type in the facial area, while 70% had sensitive skin in other areas:

  • scalp (36%);

    feet (34%);

  • torso (23%);

    back (21%).

Sensitive Skin Types

Until recently, it was difficult to characterize sensitive skin. This was due to the following reasons:

    skin sensitivity is a subjectively perceived parameter;

    increased sensitivity is not accompanied by the appearance of visible skin changes;

    Tests aimed at establishing skin type may produce mixed and conflicting results.

In an attempt to characterize sensitive skin, several classification systems have been created. T. Yokota proposed dividing sensitive skin into 3 types in accordance with physiological characteristics.

    Type 1 was skin with a weak protective function.

    Type 2 included skin with preserved barrier function and the presence of inflammatory changes.

    For type 3, the term “pseudo-healthy skin” has been proposed, indicating normal barrier function and the absence of inflammatory changes.

All 3 skin types isolated by T. Yokota were characterized by the presence of a high content of nerve growth factor in the stratum corneum of the skin. The study noted that skin types 2 and 3 are highly sensitive to electrical stimulation. The results obtained indicate that the hypersensitivity reactions observed in the study of these skin types are due to the presence of nerve fibers innervating the epidermis.

A.Pons-Guiraud proposed his own classification of sensitive skin, distinguishing 3 subgroups. Skin that reacts to the influence of many exogenous and endogenous factors was classified as “very sensitive”. Patients with this skin type have symptoms indicating acute and chronic changes, as well as pronounced psychological changes. The second skin type was called “environmentally sensitive skin.” This skin type includes clean, dry, thin skin with a tendency to hyperemia and redness when exposed to environmental factors. The third group included “skin sensitive to the effects of cosmetics.” This skin type is characterized by the occurrence of reactions when exposed to certain cosmetics.

The influence of gender and seasonal changes on sensitive skin

According to one study, burning, rawness and itching of sensitive skin are more common in the summer than in the winter. In addition, the same study found that sensitive skin was more common in women than in men. This may be explained by the fact that women are more likely to use skin care products than men, with women using more products. The thickness of the epidermis was greater in men than in women, which indicates that men have more powerful protection that prevents the entry of irritants and allergens. Hormonal characteristics of a woman’s body can also increase the manifestations of inflammatory processes.

The influence of race on skin sensitivity

According to preliminary studies, the skin of Caucasians is more sensitive than the skin of Black people, and the skin of Asians is more sensitive than the skin of Caucasians. According to a French study using a questionnaire, people with fair skin are more likely to have sensitive or very sensitive skin types. According to a US telephone survey conducted by R. Jourdain, there were no differences in the prevalence of sensitive skin type among African Americans, Asians, fair-skinned Americans and Hispanics. According to a German-Japanese study, the frequency of complaints of skin irritation from Japanese women was higher than from German women. This study also found that Japanese women experienced more raw skin than Caucasian women.

The healthy stratum corneum of skin in Caucasians consists of approximately 15 layers of cells. The thickness of the stratum corneum is approximately the same among representatives of the Negroid and Caucasian races. However, the stratum corneum of African Americans contains a higher concentration of lipids and a greater number of cells than the stratum corneum of Caucasians. However, African Americans require more application and removal of adhesive tape to remove the stratum corneum than Caucasians. This finding explains why African Americans had mild erythema in several studies in which irritants were applied to the skin. There have been no large-scale studies examining the racial prevalence of different types of sensitive skin. To date, the influence of race on skin sensitivity remains incompletely studied.

The rabbit ear has been studied for a long time as a model used to determine the ability of cosmetics to induce the development of comedones. The results obtained using this model indicated that many substances included in cosmetic preparations, when applied to the skin of animals, lead to the appearance of comedones. The results of animal studies were regarded as unreliable, as a result of which new methods for testing cosmetic products were developed. Subsequently, O.N. Mills and A.M. Kligman published the results of a study of the influence of substances included in cosmetic products on human skin. The results differed from those obtained when studying substances using rabbit ears. Currently, a human skin model is used to study the comedogenic effect of substances.

    B2 skin type.

The study of the ability of skin vessels to dilate when applying substances that are active against blood vessels is used to identify the susceptibility of the skin to the occurrence of hyperemia. The most commonly used drug in research is methyl nicotinate (a substance that has a vasodilator effect). Methyl nicotinate at a concentration of 1.4-13.7% is applied to the proximal third of the inner surface of the forearm for 15 s. The degree of vasodilatory action is determined by assessing the severity of erythema, which is performed using various instruments, such as a spectrometer or laser Doppler flow meter. Another method for determining a person’s predisposition to facial hyperemia is a provocative test with red wine, but it is not specific. 10-15 minutes after drinking 170 g of red wine, patients with a predisposition will notice a sensation of warmth in the area of ​​the head or neck, which spreads to the face. 30 minutes after drinking wine, facial hyperemia becomes clearly visible. The disadvantage of this method is the lack of specificity. This test can be positive not only in people with type BZ sensitive skin, but also in people with various diseases, such as impaired alcohol dehydrogenase function.

    BZ skin type.

To assess the neurosensory mechanisms involved in the formation of the response of sensitive skin to irritation, a sensory activity test is used. The most common is the sting test, during which substances such as lactic acid, capsaicin, menthol, sorbic acid and benzoic acid are applied to the skin.

    B4 skin type.

To identify type B4 skin, the reactivity of the skin that occurs in response to an irritant is examined. This method is known as a patch test, which involves applying an irritant or allergen to the skin for a certain period of time, usually 48-82 hours. After this time, an objective assessment of the presence of irritation is made, which may manifest itself in the form of erythema or peeling. To conduct this study, the most important irritants for each specific case are used, such as sodium lauryl sulfate or potential allergens.

Complaints related to the patient having sensitive skin are quite common. There are several manifestations of diseases that arise due to the patient having sensitive skin. Based on these manifestations, a classification of sensitive skin was developed. Based on the Baumann classification of skin types, people with sensitive skin can be divided into 4 subgroups (discussed earlier). The use of this system can help determine the cause of the existence of different subtypes of sensitive skin (in addition to various causes, gender and race are considered as etiological factors) and select the optimal treatment for diseases that occur in people with certain skin subtypes.

Many people think that sensitive skin is a type of skin. This is not true at all. Sensitivity is an inadequate (not normal) skin reaction to various factors. Typical symptoms of sensitivity are irritation, redness, tightness, peeling and itching. They appear as a reaction to cosmetic procedures, as well as to cold, sun or polluted air.

Reminder for those with sensitive skin

So, if you have sensitive skin, it is useful for you to know:

To prevent irritation caused by bacteria, try adding a little vinegar to your bath. This remedy is especially useful in the summer. When it comes to choosing cosmetics, stick to a few dermatologist-approved brands.

If possible, drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, as well as spicy foods, should be excluded from your diet. You should also avoid those products that contain potential allergens.

Be sure to use sunscreen, even during the winter months. Avoid using new cosmetics without first testing them. To check, apply a little product to the crook of your elbow and observe the skin reaction over the next 24 hours.

It is important to choose the right moisturizer, which contains natural oils and is free of any fragrances. To properly moisturize the skin and provide it with proper nutrition, moisturizing creams must be applied in several layers.

Caring for this type of skin involves drinking plenty of clean water (about 2-3 liters daily). Do not overuse cleansers: by removing the protective barrier, you open the way for dirt and bacteria.

Masks for sensitive skin

Masks are one of the most effective cosmetic procedures. According to experts, masks act on the skin much more energetically than creams and other cosmetics. But you need to remember that for sensitive skin you should choose softening and nourishing masks. They nourish the skin, speed up metabolic processes, and give the face freshness. You need to make masks at least 1-2 times a week.

Rules for using masks

You need to remember that homemade masks for sensitive skin must be used very carefully so as not to harm yourself. The rules are simple, but require strict adherence.

  • Any mask must be tested for at least 20 minutes on the crook of your elbow or wrist. If after this period of time irritation and itching do not appear, the mask can be safely used.
  • There is no need to cleanse the skin with scrubs before using the mask: they can injure it.
  • Do not apply a thick layer of masks on sensitive skin: its thin skin will not withstand such a load.
  • As soon as you feel the slightest burning sensation under the mask, stop the procedure immediately.
  • There is no need to leave such masks on your face: 10-15 minutes is usually enough for their full effect on the cells.
  • It is recommended to wash off masks for sensitive skin with lukewarm water and not to wipe off with a towel after washing, so as not to injure the skin.
  • After the mask, be sure to apply your daily nourishing (or protective) cream to the skin to consolidate the result.

Only if all these rules are strictly followed can you expect the effect of masks for sensitive skin prepared at home.

Mask recipes

Cottage cheese mask for sensitive skin

Mix homemade cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) with warm low-fat milk (1 tablespoon), cucumber pulp (1 tablespoon). Action time - 15 minutes. Frequency of use: 1 time per week.

Mask with sour cream

Mix the pre-beaten yolk of one egg with two tablespoons of sour cream, add a teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply the mask to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mask of cottage cheese, milk, banana and carrots

For sensitive skin, a mask made from cottage cheese, milk, banana and carrots will be useful. For this purpose, take 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, mashed banana pulp and grated carrots, and add 2 tbsp. milk. Then the resulting mixture is thoroughly ground. This mask is applied for 15 minutes.

Oatmeal face mask

2 tbsp. l. Mix ground oatmeal with 3 tbsp. milk; After the flakes swell, apply the mixture to the face and neck and leave for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask.

Carrot-egg mask

Grate 1-2 carrots, mix with 1 yolk and apply to face for 20-25 minutes.

Rinse off the mask with warm boiled water. Course - 1-2 times a week.

Soothing cabbage mask

This mask is very useful for dehydrated, sensitive skin.

Grind some white cabbage using a food processor or a knife.

Cleanse your facial skin with your favorite facial milk.

Then wipe your face with olive oil using massage movements.

And only then apply the cabbage pulp to your face.

Hold for 15 minutes.

We wash with lukewarm water.

Most common mistakes

Error 1: stress Sensitive skin does not tolerate haste and nervous stress and reacts to them with unexpected redness, spots and itching.

Advice. You need to try to “respond” to stressful situations with exercises that discharge the nervous system. Yoga and auto-training are ideal. Therapists confidently claim that inner calm and balance can stabilize the condition of the skin for a long time

Error 2: coffee and the like Coffee, black tea, cola, champagne? These pleasures are not for people with sensitive skin. They greatly stimulate blood circulation and increase nervousness. This is what leads to red spots and irritated areas.

Advice. It is better to avoid foods that increase nervous tension. It is better to drink nettle tea, four to five cups daily. This tea has a calming effect.

Error 3: experiments. Women with sensitive skin often have difficulty choosing new cosmetics. That's why many people constantly try new creams on their faces. As a result, the skin becomes increasingly sensitive and may one day get completely out of control. All experiments must be abandoned. Sensitive skin requires very simple care products, and the less the better. Any new product may contain some active substance to which the skin will react negatively.

Advice. You cannot use any cream for a week. This will cause discomfort only in the first few days, but then the skin will begin to use its own internal resources and its condition will improve.

Error 4: peeling. Sensitive skin is naturally very delicate, finely porous, with a thin stratum corneum. Using exfoliating products is not only unnecessary, but also burdensome for her. They make the skin even thinner and negatively affect the condition of the stratum corneum. In the worst case scenario, the tiny exfoliating grains contained in each product can mechanically irritate the skin and lead to severe eczema. Intensive cleansing is quite acceptable for sensitive skin, but the method should be gentle. If, when washing, you simply wipe the skin with a rough terry mitten, you can consider it a soft peeling.

And, of course, a very useful addition would be the periodic intake of vitamin and mineral complexes (C, E, K, H, A, group B, rutin, zinc, selenium, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium), which will strengthen blood vessels and improve the protective skin function and will help reduce skin sensitivity.

Can you count the right cosmetic products on your fingers? Does the slightest touch to the skin surface cause discomfort? Is your skin peeling, rashes bothering you, and do you often feel burning and itching? Perhaps you have sensitive skin type. Don’t be upset; by choosing the right care for sensitive skin, many unpleasant phenomena can be avoided. But first, about the basics...

How to recognize the problem?

Any skin type can be sensitive. The special sensitivity of the skin surface to irritants often accompanies a person throughout his life, but sometimes manifests itself only at certain periods of time. Signs of pathology:

  • Excessively whitish tint of the skin (due to a thin layer of skin and a lack of pigment).
  • Tightening sensation after performing hygiene procedures.
  • Irritations that occur “out of the blue” (rashes, redness, blisters, etc.).
  • Tendency to form pigment spots.
  • Burning, swelling, tingling, redness and itching are felt after almost every touch of the skin.
  • Severe peeling.
  • Susceptibility to ultraviolet rays (causes burns).

The situation is typical for people with blond or red hair and light eyes. The reaction can be observed on a specific area of ​​the body (hands, face, scalp, etc.) or on the entire surface of the skin at once. If signs of sensitive facial skin are only partially present, a simple test will help determine more accurately.


Draw a stripe on the cheek or inner surface of the forearm with a non-sharp object (a ballpoint pen cap will do). The action provoked the appearance of a reddish line on the skin; note the period of time required to restore normal color. An interval of more than 2 minutes indicates increased sensitivity.

Factors provoking changes in the dermis

Very sensitive skin can react to any external or internal influences:

  • Climate changes (sharp gust of wind, frost, sun rays, dry or high humidity, heat, etc.).
  • Medicines (for oral and external use).
  • Cosmetics and salon procedures (peelings, exposure to radio frequency or laser radiation, ultrasound).
  • Changes in hormonal levels (changes in the phases of menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, pathologies of the endocrine system).
  • Clothing material.
  • Synthetic detergents (powder, rinse aid, bleach).
  • Respiratory infections, a period of weakening of the body's immune forces.

The causes of skin reactions may vary; to normalize the situation, it is advisable to know what irritant sensitive skin reacts to and eliminate its effect completely.

How to distinguish a sensitivity reaction from an allergy

Allergies and skin sensitivity are often present in a complex, but it is necessary to distinguish them, this affects approaches to care and treatment procedures.

  1. Allergies are detected by a specialized venous blood test (immunogram).
  2. In the history of a patient with allergies, there are often other manifestations of the reaction: Quincke's edema, intolerance to foods, medications, contact dermatitis, and the like.
  3. An allergic reaction develops several hours after exposure (using cosmetics, eating food), sensitive skin reacts instantly or after 10-30 minutes maximum.

Nuances of care

For sensitive skin, the water temperature for hygiene procedures should be within 34-35 degrees. After washing, it is advisable to spray yourself with a cool stream of water (not icy and not too cold!). Excessive enthusiasm for cleansing procedures leads to complete washing away of the skin's lipid barrier (sebum), which leads to an even greater severity of the problem. After each hygiene procedure, you should immediately apply a special soothing and moisturizing product.

You should adhere to a balanced diet and exclude the following foods:

  • Coffee, caffeinated drinks.
  • Carbonated sweetened drinks and sparkling mineral water.
  • Non-traditional spices.
  • Alcohol.
  • Highly allergenic foods (honey, cocoa, bright berries and fruits, citrus fruits, eggs, etc.).

It is imperative that you make an appointment with an endocrinologist or a female gynecologist-endocrinologist. The doctor will assess the body's hormonal balance and help restore it if necessary. In addition to hormonal medications, vascular strengtheners may be prescribed. Smoking is contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.


How to care for sensitive skin? There are a number of rules known to help avoid hypersensitivity reactions and reduce discomfort.

  1. Cosmetics for sensitive skin should have special markings and correspond to your skin type; it is better to choose products labeled “hypoallergenic”.
  2. Lotions responsible for cleansing the skin are chosen without alcohol.
  3. Soap is not used in care.
  4. You should wash your face with melt water or regular mineral water; tap water contains too much chlorine.
  5. If you need to remove makeup, it is advisable to do it with regular vegetable oils: sunflower, olive or almond.
  6. The exfoliation procedure is carried out without acid peels, large abrasive particles, and the products should not contain retinoids or glycolic acid.
  7. Aromatic additives (fragrances) provoke a violent skin reaction; preparations containing large amounts of them should be avoided.
  8. Before using any product, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test (apply a small amount to the skin, evaluate the result after a day).
  9. Every day, be sure to protect the skin surface from ultraviolet radiation, choose creams, lotions, milk, etc. with a maximum SPF filter. Preference is given to cosmetics with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide - they create a physical barrier to ultraviolet radiation.
  10. Apply cosmetics in small portions strictly along the massage lines of the face, the movements should be patting (the pads of the ring fingers have the least impact on the surface).
  11. When going to a steam room, bathhouse or sauna, you must cover your face with a thick towel.
  12. You should sharply reduce the time spent in heat, cold, and direct sunlight.
  13. A sensitivity reaction can begin not only to products applied directly to the skin, but also to vapors floating in the air. Therefore, aromatherapy is on the stop list.
  14. Solariums are prohibited.

Dry and sensitive facial skin needs a constant supply of essential substances. Night care products should be nourishing, and day care products should be moisturizing (preferably from the same cosmetic series). Oily, sensitive facial skin also causes a lot of trouble. Care should be dominated by products with a light texture (gel creams or gels) with a moisturizing effect. This applies to both day and night products. Combination skin requires careful selection of products:

  • in the case of a combination of dry and normal, care is carried out as for dry;
  • in the case of a combination of oily and normal, the products should be for oily skin types;
  • if there is a combination of oily and dry skin (this is quite rare), it is better to treat different areas with different means: on areas of increased oiliness - with light moisturizing cosmetics, on dry areas - with fatty nourishing products.


Sensitive skin of the body does not tolerate soap, alcohol-containing cosmetics, rough cleansing and similar procedures. Preference should be given to shower gels with a neutral acidity level and soft sponges. Intense rubbing can have a mechanical effect on the skin, so those with sensitive skin should lightly pat the body dry with a soft towel.

Ordinary water can also cause great harm (the chlorine it contains has a detrimental effect on the epidermis). There is only one way out - immediately after water procedures, lubricate the surface of the body with specialized oils or moisturizing creams. Baby oils for babies cope well with this task; their composition contains the maximum amount of natural ingredients and perfectly restores the lipid barrier. To avoid leaving greasy marks on your items of clothing, you should wait until they are completely absorbed before putting them on.


What to do for sensitive scalp? Choose the right shampoos. Ideally, you should find a hair cleanser that contains soap tree root instead of sodium lauryl sulfate and its derivatives as a surfactant. In practice, it is rare to find such shampoos on the shelves. If the treasured jar is found, it is usually not cheap. There is a little trick, look into the children's cosmetics department and buy shampoo for babies. Almost every label contains a mention that the product is used in infants and adults with sensitive scalp. The surface of the head responds better to the children's line of shampoos, but you should expect difficulties with combing long curls (a children's conditioner for easy combing in the form of a spray will help in this situation).

Before washing your hair, it is good to apply vegetable oils to the root area and roots. Under an insulating cap, you need to keep such a mask for at least an hour or even more (some sources recommend leaving the oil on all night). Oils that are suitable for masks:

  • almond;
  • grape seeds;
  • avocado;
  • jojoba;
  • epey;
  • evening primrose;
  • borage;
  • olive

In extreme cases, regular sunflower oil will do. The ingredients can be mixed, but only one ingredient should be added each time (to avoid an allergic reaction). Oil extracts of plants enrich the skin with fatty acids, restore the lipid barrier, help soothe the scalp and prevent dandruff.

Nutrition for sensitive skin

A specialized diet can significantly affect the quality of the skin.

  1. Include vegetable oils in your diet. They should be added to salads and consumed in unheated form.
  2. Use all possible vitamins in vegetables and fruits; to do this, consume at least half a kilogram of fresh natural gifts every day.
  3. Fiber cleanses the body of toxins; it acts like a brush from the inside. It is rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Lean meat is a supplier of valuable vitamins and microelements.
  5. Fish is a storehouse of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

If you feel that your diet is far from ideal, take a course of complex vitamin and mineral food supplements.

Professional cosmetic treatments

Some salon procedures can affect the condition of sensitive skin and slightly adapt it to the external influence of aggressive factors.

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