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Quotes from the movie p s I love you. Quotes about life and love: "P.S. I love you." Love statuses for a girl

To love means to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. (Gottfried Leibniz)

Only those who have a warm heart are able to experience boundless happiness and eternal love. Hong Zicheng

Love is the only passion that cannot stand either the past or the future. (Honoré de Balzac)

He who truly loves is not jealous. (Anna Stahl)

“In love there must be mutual admiration, as a result of which someone will consider themselves smart, and someone beautiful.”

“With one glance you can kill love, with one glance you can resurrect it.”

In this world, many are unhappy, but only because of the inability to love, to love another being. Eduard Limonov

If it seems that the one you love is just like you and wants everything you want, then in reality you will not love her, but only yourself. Marguerite Valois

With one glance you can kill love, with one glance you can resurrect it.

Nothing strengthens love like insurmountable obstacles. (Lope de Vega)

Love never asks, it always gives. (Swami Vivekananda)

To love means to stop comparing. (Bernard Grasset)

Your eyes match the wallpaper.
Finger to lips - quieter -
it will be better for both of us,
just trust me, you hear...
how the sea breathes with surf outside the window
and gives the pulse of the false night.
You know, my love is so similar to an ellipsis.

And I love you with smoke lines,
the freshest wounds,
burnt curtains,
my jeans are torn.
And I walk on untrodden paths,
increasingly losing consciousness.
I love you despite horoscopes,
as if there were no rules, no punctuation marks.

I love every blown night,
Every unfinished song.
I love you endlessly and firmly,
Otherwise I'm not interested.
And I won’t settle for anything less.
And the heaviest downpours
I love you,
and even if it's dangerous,
just don't ever stop me.
I love you.
I love.

I love you - isn't that enough?
I'm ready to give everything for you.
I've dreamed about you all my life...
I wouldn't be the same without you,
I forgot how to fly without you!

I love you - is that too much?
Like moments of night and day.
Every day I wait for you at the doorstep.
I love you to the point of chills,
To the last drop of my soul.

I love you - how to measure it?
Is it possible to calculate love?
You can only hope, believe,
Opening doors for her every day,
At night I fall asleep with her again.

I love you - that's enough
For everything that is measured out to us.
Every day waking up in bed,
Saying “I love” simply means
This is life divided in half!

I love you in everything:
.. .. .. .. .. .. .
In a ballroom, gauze outfit,
In a sea of ​​lace, blondes and roses,
In the smoky kitchen, on the stage,
In a circus, a noisy masquerade,
In the heat and cold and frost...
Behind the piano keys
Over a plate of fatty cabbage soup,
Behind the novels of Feval,
At home, in public, among guests.
In every sound, in every look,
In a bright scattering of speeches,
In an important dispute, sweet nonsense
About the weather, about the pattern,
About playing without trump cards.
In preference, dance, dancing,
In a fight with a serf girl,
In a sea of ​​tears, in streams of affection,
In a sundress and a headband -
You are all powerful over me.

I'll knit you a scarf
I will warm you with love,
I know you are only mine,
I heard you were in pain
Bullet in the chest, spine damaged,
My dear, I am with you,
Can you hear my beloved, I’m nearby,
He can't hear the doctor telling me here,
I don’t believe he hears, I’m nearby...
Here love will decide for us.

I remember once they asked me,
Long before our meeting.
- Borya, do you have a weakness?
And who are you talking to? beautiful speeches?
Then he answered without a doubt, proudly!
- I don’t believe in love without separation
And in life I’m like a lone wolf,
I suffer, but without the torment of love.
But this did not last long,
Somehow our paths crossed with her
So it was the will of the Almighty!
The patient gets what he deserves.
Now I can say with a smile:
I'm glad that I stumbled upon love again.
Even if just recently, what seemed like torture,
And now Zheiran, I love you!

Bayram Karamamedov

Look up to the Christmas sky
Make a wish for everything you dream about.
I have never been so happy in my life before you.
For you alone (you love them so much)
These white flowers

I love you to tears:
Instead of lies beautiful phrases -
This is a cloud of roses.
White rose petals
I'll make our bed.
I love you to tears
I love you madly.

The whiteness of your alluring white skin,
The beauty of your divine hair
I admire you, you are dearest to me,
Everything with you and I has just begun...
I love you to tears.

I love you to tears:
Every breath is like the first time.
Instead of lies, beautiful phrases -
This is a cloud of roses.
White rose petals
I’ll make our bed...
I love you to tears
I love you madly.

...Instead of the lies of beautiful phrases -
This is a cloud of roses.
White rose petals
I'll make our bed.
I love you to tears
I love you madly.

How I love, the fire burns in my eyes,
I delve into this image every day...
And when I see him, words disappear.
Shy... hasn't changed with age.

He takes a look, and I get goosebumps.
And the body seems to pierce everything with an electric shock...
I wish I didn't become a toy
Which will temporarily distract you from your worries!

In this world I am an uninvited guest,
It's cold everywhere here,
Not lost but abandoned
I'm alone with the city.

Among meanness and betrayal
And the courts, for immediate punishment,
There is a pleasant circumstance:
I love you - it's great
This is cool,
This is cool.

I'll stay forever, apparently
On these lists of missing people
On the fronts of that invisible war
Giftedness with uselessness.

The principles of non-interference are everywhere,
Instead of gold they melt tin,
But there is a pleasant circumstance:
I love you (I love you)

I make a forever commitment
That I will not become the raven's prey -
There is a special circumstance
I love you…
I love you - it's great
This is cool…
This is cool…

Love? This is the shortest path from one heart to another: a straight line.
Bedel 30

I miss you very much - a phrase that warms the soul even on the coldest day. 33

Even after 100 unsuccessful attempts Don't despair, because 101 can change your life. 56

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven; she has heaven, but wants heaven. O lovers! All this is in your love. Just be able to find it. Victor Marie Hugo 13

Love is a wise invention of nature: the one who loves easily does what he should. Wilhelm Schwebel 34

Love conquers everything, let us submit to its power. Virgil 10

Love each other, but don't turn love into chains. Let it better be an exciting sea between the shores of your souls. Gibran Khalil 25

Before devoting himself to love, a person must make sure that he has wisdom, patience and the ability to forgive, otherwise jealousy, pettiness and resentment will destroy all nascent feelings. 40

Love is born with a smile, grows with a kiss and dies with a tear. 38

Age cannot protect us from love, but love, to some extent, protects us from age. 25

Love is life. When we lose love, we lose life. 46

I fell in love with him the way people fall asleep. First slowly, and then immediately. John Green 38

Sex can only be truly amazing when it is combined with infatuation or love. Everything else is fitness. 44

In love special taste and smell. This feeling cannot be confused with anything. It makes you feel sweet and you can breathe freely full breasts, and everything seems exceptional. 29

Perhaps the whole meaning of this life comes down to being needed by at least someone. After all, if no one thinks about you, then it’s as if you don’t exist... 29

You need to have something in common in order to understand each other, and be different in some way in order to love each other. Paul Geraldi 16

It is better to yearn for the one you love than to live with the one you hate. 31

What is love? - they asked the little boy.
“Yesterday I gave my jacket to a girl, she put it on, and it was warm for me,” he answered. 28

Where love reigns, the impossible becomes possible. 9

If the fire does not go out, the tree will burn. Therefore, the fire, loving the tree, must leave. Even if leaving for the fire means losing food and dying. I'm leaving you because I love you. Where do you live? 10

Love is not a light bulb, it cannot be turned off. Castle 12

You took a step and I took a step. Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). Love. Freedom. Loneliness 19

I wanted him to experience what I felt next to him - this amazing combination of calm, depravity and miracle. I wanted him to know that after just trying it once, I was hopelessly addicted. Jodi Picoult. Fragile soul 30

Love is something worth fighting for, fighting and biting. And after that, having received pleasure and joy for the fact that you won her, just truly appreciate this feeling. 13

The human heart is musical instrument, it contains great music. She sleeps, but she is there, waiting for the right moment to ignite, to be expressed, to be sung, to be danced. And this moment arises through love. Without love, a person will never know what music he carried in his heart. What should I do? (Dechiré) 18

Let me live in hard time, but with a light heart, a beloved man and big plans for the future!

Loving is when you don’t eat, don’t drink, think about this person all the time...

As for me, the main thing is that there is a loved one nearby. And if there is such a person, everything will be: family and children, and all sorts of other things for complete happiness!

Your loved one works and doesn’t let you go on holiday. Worried or jealous?

If I were your tear, I would lower myself to your lips to kiss you... and if you were my tear, I would never cry, so as not to lose you...

I'm sorry, I need you, I'll do it myself somehow, I hope I can...

Just your smile brings me so much joy!!!

There are billions of people in our world, but why can’t any of this billion replace you?

The lover is more divine than the beloved because he is inspired by the gods.

...I am jealous of you when it rains, when it snows, when there is wind... When the long black night does not let me sleep... I am jealous of you, well, you are more precious than anyone in the world, and to see you again I will go this way...

The body of a loved one is always beautiful.

And yet he is the only one... So dear, harmful, beloved, and most importantly MY... And no one can compare with him...

I wish that your loved one will definitely tell you: “Let’s get married”

I read quotes on the site, and with each one I understand that he is perfect for me, but he is already infuriating me with his perfection!

How to explain to your loved one a stupid woman's heart? I looked into his tender tired eyes - and was happy just because he was nearby...

My heart aches for my loved one! He is tired of living, but I don’t know how to help him! I say that everything will be fine, that I’m with him...

The words “I love you...” are empty, meaningless words...
This is a prudent act done in the name of a loved one - there is the greatest explanation in LOVE...

What is Love like? But I just can’t get enough air without him!!

A man who needs you always will find a way be with you!! Even if he is on another planet... and he has no free time at all...

A man's wealth is determined by how well a woman is groomed...

I am ready to do a lot for my beloved... Is it necessary???

I love my beloved, I am loved by him, I am happy with my beloved, he is happy that I am with him...

How cool it is to dream when there is a loved one who makes all these dreams come true...

I will always be with you, just let me know what you need...

If everything is bad in your life, do something nice for others and you will feel better.

If there is jealousy, then there is no indifference. And since there is no indifference, that means there is love.

U loving man: a woman is naked at home, but wears a hat outside.

I want you to be mine: Hugger, kisser and sleeper!!

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings about love for your beloved guy, man
The spaces between the fingers are created for a reason, but in order to fill them with the fingers of a loved one...

There is no place for evil in my soul... Everything is occupied by people I LOVE!!

Men, let's do the laundry, clean, cook, iron... and we want you!

Only in Russia do they call loved ones... “My woe!”

The most tender thing that I always want to snuggle up to is the unshaven cheek of my beloved man.)

When you have a beloved man, it seems that half of your life is already organized!

I need strong man... in every sense, and so that his only weakness is ME!)))

Understand for once that in this noisy life, I seize every moment to be with you. That I love you, I love you madly. How I love life, how I love happiness!

It’s just that his eyes are dear and beloved... It’s just that his lips whisper tender words... He's just mine ... I'm just lucky.

No matter what they say, you can always find time for your loved ones.

Happiness. Closing my eyes I see my loved one... I open my eyes and... he is nearby!!!

It's nice when your loved one just gives you huge bouquet, it’s nice, damn it!

Boy, take care of the one who cries for you... God takes care of you for her tears!!!

With a unique man - I want to repeat it!

A man, in terms of sex, is a workaholic... but God's gift he is out of his mind... he jumps on many Women like a rabbit... but he could jump on one like a Tiger!!

I promise I'll be there. Just say you need it.

Everything else doesn’t matter... When your favorite miracle is waiting at home and the man with whom you want to live forever!!!

In your palm is my life line...

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings about love for your beloved guy, man
A real man will never talk about her after they break up, he will simply say one day: “You know, even now I’ll rip off the head of anyone who offends her...

And, do you know what I like more than anything in the world? waking up from your kisses.

The beloved husband is the only one in the world, smart, handsome, desirable and dear. He is with a gentle smile at dawn, and I know - he is always only mine!!!

He is the only one. When I see him, I'm happy. When he is near, I feel so warm. His smell is special, his hands are gentle, his smile is dear... he is the best, my favorite.

You don’t have to live with your LOVED... And you don’t have to watch the sunrises together... To love HIM ONE, to simply know that HE is walking somewhere... PRAY for Him and WAIT... To be surprised at the call, like a miracle... And not to betray your feelings that are in your soul stored...

Sometimes happiness is unshaven and sleeps next to you on the pillow.

We need beauty to be loved by men; and stupidity - so that we love men.

Are you simply overwhelmed with feelings of love? Why not express them beautifully and tell the whole world about them? Interesting idea, isn't it? But you've already tried to compose so many times own statuses, but the result was only a set of words, then stop getting upset. We offer very wide choice statuses where it seems in ordinary words talks about the unusual feeling– love. You can simply use our options as a template by entering the name of your loved one or affectionate nickname, don’t be afraid if the muse suddenly knocks on your door. Don't be afraid to express your feelings, because they are beautiful. Be sure that even the most reserved guy will appreciate such a manifestation of feelings and will be very happy. Be loved and happy!

They say that you cannot command your heart to love another... But I will take it and command it! And I will love you...

Darling, don’t play with my heart, you can easily break it.

I love, miss, remember you my beloved! At least write a message or something.

All you have to do is carry me in your arms. I’ll climb onto your neck myself.

But he is my best. He tolerates my character. I’ve already eaten up all his nerves, but he endures it. The best, and most importantly mine.

You can’t even imagine how much I would give for your “I love you”

Darling, tell me why in the bouquet you gave me all the roses are white and one is red? - How can I explain? You see... because everyone is the same... And you are the only one!

We met you by chance, from a million thousand eyes, yours are like little sparks, it all started with ridiculous phrases. And we become closer and dearer to each other every day and the snow becomes whiter when you and I are together...

When you hugged me I realized that I was standing behind a stone wall, when you kissed me I realized what tenderness is, when you left I realized what pain is, when we were at a distance I realized that our feelings are strong! and most importantly, I realized that all this is called LOVE!

They say that ‘a kiss is a word’. Well, my dear, get ready. A serious conversation awaits you...

I don’t need someone who will say “I love you” all day long, but someone who will one day say: “...that’s who I need... a little unbalanced psychopath...”.

And his eyes are beautiful... so dear... insanely kind... and sad... it’s not difficult to fall in love with such eyes... they give you the desire to live - namely to live, and not to exist...

You know, you are so dear. Your hands are always warm. I love holding them in my palms. And your eyes are beautiful, very... And your hair smells delicious. There is no such smell in nature. Only you smell like that. And your smile is completely childish. Infects. And in general, you know, you are mine. I somehow didn’t want to fall in love, but somehow it happened, it just happened...

I love. To tears. To the stars. Until oblivion. Earthly. Impossible. Yours. I miss...

You filled my existence with meaning, gave me such happiness! Thank you, my joy, that I have you!

I don’t care what color your eyes are, as long as they look only at me.

I fall asleep and wake up happy man in the world, because next to me you are my beloved.

So in love that I stopped adequately perceiving the world around us.. Became blind and deaf in everything that concerns you...

He is simply the one for whom you want to live.

Recently he put hearts on your wall, but now he doesn’t even say hello...

I will have fun, walk, flirt, go on dates, wear skirts, dresses, stilettos... but at heart I will remain a simple girl in jeans and Adidas. Loving sincerely...You

There is happiness. I know him. I know his phone number, the color of his eyes... He has gentle hands and is a great kisser.

No matter how it is, and no matter what happens, I love you, loved you and will always love you, please remember this, but I will never be with you again, and these are not loud words - this is just the truth, the truth about us.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, turn to him, and don’t believe that I can just hug him... I kiss him quietly... and suddenly I feel like strong hand tenderly, hugs me to himself...

Your heart beats - that means mine beats too... I feel every beat of it... And even though we will never be together, your breath will forever be remembered by me...

Cupid... come here, I'll give you an orange! Do you want two? And you shoot that boy! Fine?

I love it more than chocolate! I love it more than rock! I love him more than the light! I love him more than life...

I may not be liked by all your friends, and I may not be called a cool girl... But I love you like no one else will ever love you.

You know, cat, love is a drug that makes the tummy grow, such a paw will be born, it will open its eyes and say - dad

The more I start to like you, the more I lose my sense of reality... you and I have so much in common...

A girl in love would rather forgive a major indiscretion than a small infidelity.

And let his name be the same as half still sounds special to me...

A million words, a million phrases, a million sweet and loving eyes. A million roses, a million orchids, a million snow-white swans... But I have one, only YOU, And I don’t need any flowers...

I never thought that there was so much love in my soul. Until I met you.

You are more than love: You are life, you are passion, you are tenderness, You are a breath of air, You are inevitability... ... and children's dreams - all YOU!!!

Every night I see only one dream, how we dance at night in the summer rain, you tell me that you love, that you can’t be alone, you tell me that you will only be mine... There are two infinite things in the world: the universe and my love for you .. Although... I’m not sure about the universe...

And you know, I want everything to work out with him... for a long time... even forever.

I will be the only one, beloved and the sun as long as you love me...

Never show a guy how much you need him. You won't see anything good in return.

I need someone who will take me by the scruff of the neck, sit me on my knees and say: “Don’t rock the boat, baby, now you’re mine!” Then I will relax and really be his only...

I will become a drug for you... which will drive you crazy... without which you cannot... without me you will die from withdrawal with me from an overdose.

Sometimes it seems that you really love. The main thing is to find extra word. Either it's true or it seems...

I wanted to forget your hair, laughter, eyes, lips. I wanted to hate your smile and look. I wanted not to look back. I wanted to, but I couldn’t...

I will close my eyes and ears tightly so as not to listen to anyone. I know for sure - he is the best and with him I am the happiest.

I can move mountains because I know you believe in me..

Your beloved is a dear soul, in which a piece of heaven shines... With whom it is so pleasant to be silent, and laugh, and cry, and dream...

I'm afraid to admit to myself that for me happiness is like this - calm, smoking and with blue eyes...

I just now realized that pride and love are incompatible things. When love lives, pride is absent; when pride appears, love dies!

I am grateful to fate that we are now together. Darling, I can’t sleep - I think about you all the time. I dream about you. I wake up thinking about you. I love you!

I don't want to be a girl in some pretentious magazine, I want to be a girl forever in his life...

May we feel good with you, like in heaven. I give you everything that is in my heart.

My beloved... I love you! I never loved you like that before! After all, you are my only one! The dearest one whom fate suddenly gave me...

I thought that we would never be together, but everything turned out differently - my dream came true, we are together! I love you very much! I'm happy that I have you! I want you to always be near!

Don't be jealous of me and don't doubt me! If I'm with you, then I don't need anyone else! Trust me!

I'm never late, it's just that others arrive earlier.

I wanted to find someone I could live with, but I found someone I couldn’t live without.

There are only two blind people in the world - you, because you don’t see how much I need you, and I, because I don’t notice anyone but you.

Life without you is like tea with lemon and without sugar - many people like it, but I can’t drink this crap.

The most comfortable place in the world is the embrace of the person you love... I want to come to you... Into your arms...

My smile is intended for everyone, I am ready to give my friendship to some, but my love will go to you alone...

I remember the day when I fell ill with you. And I haven’t found a cure for this yet...

Even the most faithful and loving person will get tired of waiting if she constantly feels coldness and disrespect towards her.

I love my beloved to love! I love being his beloved!

I cook so well that even the smell of burning from the oven turns my boyfriend on!

Do you think you'll be my boyfriend? Naive... A husband at least!

A loved one is a guy who will shut you up with a kiss when you say you don’t need to. Will warm you up when you're cold. Will support you when bad things happen. The head will be torn off by anyone who lays a finger on you. He'll hold you close and won't let go...

Tell me, did you cheat on your girlfriend? - No. - Why? - I respect myself, which means I respect my choice.

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