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Linden flowers for the face - home care for mature skin. Linden face lotion. When to collect linden blossoms

No, in fact, it's not about her (or not really about her)!

And we will not let virgins bleed, but we will go a different way - Humane!

We will wash ourselves with linden!

What's the benefit?

Linden contains phytohormones, identical in composition to female sex hormones, therefore it has rejuvenating properties. It is good to use for the face for dry, flaky skin, since linden flowers contain many mucous compounds and oils that moisturize and soften the skin. Also rinse with infusion hair to strengthen hair follicles, restore shine and shine to hair healthy looking.Baths with the addition of linden decoction refresh the skin, make it elastic and relieve fatigue.

We take linden flowers, preferably, of course, collected ourselves, bought at the pharmacy...

And here there are two options - Pour boiling water and let stand (infusion),

or (as I do) I pour a spoonful of flowers a small amount water!

Bring to a boil over low heat...

And turn down the heat for three minutes!

Let the broth sit until it cools down until warm.

and go to the bathroom to wash!

You can also-

  • Wet the towel and apply it to your face for a few minutes!
  • Make compresses for eyes/face/neck!
  • ​Freeze in the freezer and rub the cubes on your face!

In any case, this is a great way to quickly add freshness.

And blooming species to your face!

After washing, you can immediately apply the cream. Although linden does not dry out, but even moisturizes,

therefore, there is not always a need to apply additional products.

And now about the lady....

And why is she here? There is simply an opinion that she took a bath with an infusion of herbs

and they gave a brown-purple color, which caused horror among the superstitious people. And everything else

just a manipulation of the facts, interested in her elimination (with the subsequent appropriation of her property), the prosecution!

So here it is- Cooled linden decoction, take dark color with a purple tint,

so anything can happen!!!

The fragrance of linden flowers delights us every summer. Tall trees attract bees, which actively collect one of the delicious varieties honey - linden. However, not everyone knows that not only the product of beekeepers, but also linden inflorescences are useful for beauty. Since ancient times, linden has been used for the face by women to preserve youthful and healthy skin.

Linden flowers in various variations moisturize, tone, tighten pores, relieve puffiness, refresh and rejuvenate the skin.

Linden face masks at home

Masks with linden flowers have different effects depending on additional ingredients. For convenience, we have divided all recipes according to their area of ​​influence.

Homemade linden masks soothe the skin, promote cell regeneration, and eliminate inflammation. The compositions can get rid of oily shine and have an anti-aging effect.

Before using the mask, be sure to perform an allergy test. Apply a little product to the skin of your wrist and wait 30-60 minutes.

If no negative reactions occur, the mixture can be used for its intended purpose. When itching, rash, or redness appears, the mask cannot be used.

For wrinkles


  • linden decoction – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • banana – ½ piece;
  • oil walnut– 30 drops.

The banana is crushed into puree. Warm linden decoction and oil are added to it. Everything is mixed until smooth. The mask is distributed onto cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes.

Smoothes fine wrinkles, promotes the production of elastin.

For acne


  • linden – 1 tsp;
  • thyme – 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal – 1 tsp.

All ingredients are ground into powder in a coffee grinder. The mass is applied to a moisturized face. massage lines. The duration of the procedure is 8-10 minutes. You need to repeat every other day until the skin recovers.

The mask reduces secretion, cures acne and stops the spread of infection.

Around the eyes


  • linden decoction – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped parsley leaves - 1 tsp;
  • cottage cheese – 1 tsp.

All ingredients are combined and distributed on closed eyelids. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

The mixture eliminates puffiness, bags under the eyes and rejuvenates the skin.

If your skin is oily


  • linden infusion – 1 tsp;
  • red clay – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • kvass – 2 tsp.

All ingredients are mixed. The mask is applied to steamed facial skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off alternately with warm and cold water.

The mask cleanses the skin, tightens pores and restores structure.

If your skin is dry


  • linden decoction – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk of one egg;
  • persimmon – 1 pc.

Persimmons are peeled and pitted and pureed using a blender. The remaining components are added to the fruit. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

As a result of use, the water-lipid balance is normalized, the skin is saturated with vitamins.

For skin elasticity

To prepare you need:

  • dried linden flowers – 1 tsp;
  • kelp – 1 tbsp. l;
  • mineral water– 1 tbsp. l.

Dry ingredients are ground in a coffee grinder and filled with water for an hour. The skin is well steamed with a hot compress. The mask is applied along the lymphatic lines for 30-40 minutes.

The skin becomes firm and elastic, the oval of the face is corrected.

How else can you use linden for your face?

Linden flowers can be used not only as masks. There are other options.

For example, to strengthen blood vessels and skin elasticity must be used cosmetic ice from linden decoction. In the fight against greasy shine and enlarged pores will be helped by an alcoholic infusion of medicinal flowers, and the cream will cope perfectly with sagging and age-related changes.


To prepare linden decoction, take:

  • linden flowers - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 350 ml.

The components are mixed and placed on the stove. 10 minutes after boiling, the broth is ready. It must be filtered, cooled and poured into a cosmetic bottle.

The prepared decoction can be used for daily cleansing skin instead of micellar water. It is added to masks, lotions and used for steaming.

Linden decoction moisturizes, refreshes and acts as a natural antioxidant.


To prepare the infusion, you need to take linden (1 tsp) and 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. The ingredients are placed in a dark vessel and infused for eight days.

Linden is a fairly powerful and tall tree, covered in the middle of summer with a huge amount of fragrant yellowish flowers, collected in clusters. Many people know linden honey, which bees collect from the flowers of this tree, but few people know that linden flowers have been actively used for several centuries in folk medicine. They are also used in cosmetology, in particular, face masks made from linden help to effectively tone the dermis, refresh it and launch rejuvenation processes.

Linden for the face cosmetic and healing properties

Linden is popularly deservedly called the queen among honey plants and the golden tree, also a natural healer. In ancient times, they tried to plant this tree in every yard, since the linden tree was considered a kind of talisman that brought light and goodness. Healers of different times used flowers harvested from the summer to treat various diseases.

The beneficial properties of the flowers of this tree are currently quite actively used in cosmetology. Linden blossom extract is often added to industrial cosmetic preparations, and decoctions and infusions are used in home cosmetology to improve the condition of the dermis, increase its protective functions and evening out the overall skin tone.

The beneficial properties of linden blossom are largely explained by the unique composition of the flowers, which contains many valuable components, including a very significant set of polysaccharides, flavonoids, tannins and many vitamins.

Linden inflorescences contain a large amount of natural polysaccharides, such as galactose, arabinose, xylose, glucose, and a whole series little-known representatives of this group of substances. Thanks to their content in large quantities, cosmetic preparations based on linden flowers help retain valuable moisture in different layers of the dermis, activate the production natural collagen, strengthen the local resistance of the epidermis to various negative factors. As a result, the skin becomes healthier, its elasticity increases, elasticity improves, dermal cells begin to renew at an accelerated pace, which helps maintain youth.

In addition, many types of polysaccharides have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the use of infusions and decoctions allows you to quickly eliminate inflammation, symptoms of irritation, acne and pimples. Such products also accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, and also smooth out wrinkles.

Among the flavonoids in linden blossom, kaempferol, quercetin and hesperidin, which are natural antioxidants, can be especially noted. Thanks to these elements, a decoction of linden blossom and its infusion help to quickly cleanse the skin not only of acne and sebaceous plugs, but also eliminated from cells various pollution, toxic compounds and accumulated waste.

Favonoids also help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing the formation of rosacea and getting rid of existing networks. These substances also have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of their own collagen fibers.

Tannins in linden face masks enhance the protective properties of the dermis, helping to resist many negative factors, including temperature changes, as well as negative influence solar radiation. In addition, such elements help remove excess fluid from the body, eliminating swelling, for example, under the eyes, without creating dehydration.

Tannins reduce the level of fat in the dermis and normalize functions sebaceous glands, relieve symptoms of irritation and help eliminate pimples, comedones and blackheads.

Linden flowers also contain other substances valuable for the skin, for example:

  • Ascorbic acid, without which the correct and sufficient production of your own collagen fibers is impossible. Vitamin C is also necessary to strengthen tissues, maintain their turgor, fast healing damage.
  • Saponins, which are natural steroid substances that help to effectively cleanse the dermis of impurities on all its layers.
  • Carotene, which has intense moisturizing properties, protects the dermis from drying out, and accelerates rejuvenation processes.
  • Natural essential oils that help cleanse cells, whiten the surface of the face, eliminate irritation, smooth out wrinkles and soften the skin.

In fact, a decoction of linden blossom and its aqueous infusion can be used to care for any type of skin, including flabby, mature dermis that has lost its elasticity, since this product can solve any cosmetic problems.

How to prepare linden flowers

It is necessary to collect flowers from a tree during their active flowering period, which lasts from the end of June to approximately mid-July. It is very important that trees grow in clean areas, away from various industrial enterprises, roads and highways, best outside the city, where instead of harmful chemical compounds they absorb all the benefits of nature.

It is best to collect flowers before lunch, when dry and hot weather. Collect after rain or when present on inflorescences. morning dew, not worth it.

Pruning of inflorescences is carried out with scissors, without grabbing the leaves, cutting off a whole bunch of flowers at once, which should be fully open, healthy, fragrant and without any damage. The flowers should be whitish-greenish in color, sometimes with some hint of yellow, but there should be no yellow spots on the petals.

After collecting the flowers, you need to sort them out, check them again for possible damage, and then immediately lay them out on the surface of a cloth or ordinary paper towels thin layer for drying.

The raw materials must be placed in a ventilated, clean room so that the flowers are not exposed to the sun's rays, which quickly destroy all valuable substances. The drying time of the inflorescences is about 4 - 5 days, during which the arranged flowers must be carefully turned over 2 - 3 times.

Drying is considered complete when the inflorescences break easily, producing a pleasant crunch. After this, the dried flowers need to be folded into paper bags or place in cardboard boxes, putting them in a dark and dry place. At proper storage raw materials retain their beneficial properties for 2 years.

How to use

It is important to remember that serious dermatological diseases cannot be treated independently using a decoction or infusion of linden. In this case, you must contact a qualified dermatologist to prescribe therapy.

Before using the product, it is necessary to test for the possibility of allergic reaction. When treating pimples and acne formations, procedures must be carried out in courses several times a day, for 2 weeks, applying applications with infusion to problem areas. Freckles can also be eliminated using the same method. age spots and other defects.

Masks based on linden flowers are recommended to be used in courses of 10 or 12 procedures, carried out in the presence of problematic dermis and fatty type twice a week, and for dry or sensitive skin - once every 7 days.

Before using any product, the face must be cleaned by washing thoroughly, and be sure to use a scrub to improve tissue permeability. To enhance the effect, the skin can be steamed.

The maximum period for using preparations based on linden blossom is 3 months, after which it is necessary to take a break and give the skin a rest. A second course of therapy can be carried out only after a month and a half.

Remedies with linden

At home, you can prepare various cosmetics using linden flowers, for example, a decoction, which is used most often.

To make it, you need to take dried linden flowers, chop them and pour boiling water (1 cup) over a full tablespoon of the resulting mass and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, leave until cool, strain and use to wipe your face or make cosmetics. Every day you need to prepare a fresh decoction.

This decoction can be frozen by preparing cosmetic ice cubes, with which in the morning you can quickly remove puffiness under the eyes and circles in this area of ​​the face. You can simply wipe your face with them after morning wash for the purpose of refreshing the skin and toning it.

Linden infusion for the face is prepared a little differently. In this case, pour a spoonful of crushed dried flowers into a glass of hot water, leaving it to boil for 10 minutes, and only then pour it over the flowers. The container must be covered and wrapped, left for 1 - 2 hours or infused in a thermos. The infusion can also be used to make masks and ice cubes.

You can also prepare a special linden oil that has both cosmetic and healing properties. With its help, you can eliminate irritations, treat pimples, blackheads and wounds, add them to home and industrial creams, and to masks as a base product.

To prepare it, you need to take 100 grams of dried linden flowers (you can also use fresh ones, but in this case you need to take 200 - 250 grams), place them in a dark glass bottle and fill them with natural olive oil (unrefined, cold-pressed), and then seal them and put it in a dark place for 20 - 25 days. The bottle must be shaken once a day. Before straining, shake the mixture vigorously and wait until all the flower particles sink to the bottom. This product can be stored for 2 months by placing it in the refrigerator.

Special anti-acne cream

To make such a product, you need to take a spoonful of dry crushed linden flowers and strings, put them in a regular bowl. glass jar, add 50 ml natural oil olives and leave covered for a day. After this, place the open jar in a water bath and leave it for 2 hours.

Next, in a glass jar you need to put a piece (6 - 7 grams) of natural beeswax, strain the heated oil with linden flowers into it and put it back in the water bath for another 10 minutes to melt the wax. After this, you need to add 1 - 2 types of essential oils according to your skin type to the mixture (removing it from the water bath), mix and let it harden.

You can also make masks from linden. For example, for oily skin you can take it cosmetic clay(one spoon) and dilute it with linden infusion to a convenient consistency. Rinse off after 15 - 20 minutes. For dry skin, you can mix persimmon pulp mashed into puree and raw yolk chicken egg and a spoonful of linden decoction. Wash off after 20 minutes. To eliminate wrinkles, you need to mix banana puree with linden decoction until creamy, and add a spoonful of walnut oil. Wash off after 20 minutes. In fact, linden decoction and infusion can be added to any mask, for example, by diluting dry ingredients with them.

Linden is a fairly common tree in our latitudes. It is unpretentious, decorative, and at the same time provides a lot of shade, which is why it was often used to decorate alleys in rich estates. For a gardener this tree is a real gift: in the fall there is no need to rake out fallen leaves; they rot remarkably, enriching the soil with the organic matter and microelements it needs.

Did you know? Linden is a tree shrouded in many secrets. Since ancient times, the Scandinavian peoples considered the linden tree sacred, associating it with Freya, the goddess of spring and patroness home comfort. It was customary to gather in the shade of this tree to resolve matters important to the local community. The Slavs also deified the linden tree, making it a participant in many rituals dedicated to the goddess of love and beauty Lada. The ancient Greeks revered the “golden tree” as a symbol of love and fidelity. Linden was also a source of inspiration for many Russian creators - Akhmatova, Blok, Yesenin, Pasternak, Fet, Derzhavin, Tolstoy and others.

Linden blooms quite late - in mid-summer - and at this time it emits an intoxicating smell that actively attracts bees. Linden tea and linden honey are a favorite delicacy of our ancestors; in addition, they long ago noticed that sore throat and bronchitis, ulcers and intestinal disorders, burns, migraines and dizziness are far from full list painful conditions, which linden treats.

Composition and beneficial properties of linden

Due to its numerous beneficial properties, linden is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in pharmacology. Few people know that used in lindennot only flowers, but also bark, bracts (wings), and less often - buds.

All linden organs contain a lot of ascorbic acid and carotene, they also contain glucose, sugar, micro- and macroelements, protein, tannin, tannins, flavone glycosides (bioflavonoids), amino acids and essential oils.

The plant is endowed with beneficial qualities by various antioxidants and phytoncides.

Thus, the glycoside tiliacin has diaphoretic and antibacterial properties, the flavonol quercetin is one of the most powerful antioxidants, and kaempferol strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries and removes harmful substances from the body.

Based on all of the above, linden blossom is a proven antipyretic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, widely used to treat colds and respiratory diseases, as well as oral infections (in the form of a rinse). In addition, linden flowers in the form of decoctions and infusions are used to relieve pain and cramps, as a diuretic and choleretic agent, in case of loss of consciousness and other painful conditions.

Linden has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, soothes, thins the blood and improves the production of gastric juice. Linden is used for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular for high acidity. Linden blossom stabilizes metabolic processes, heals ulcers and wounds, eases hemorrhoids, relieves joint pain, rejuvenates and tones the skin.

Bath brooms are made from linden branches, and linden honey has unique anti-cold properties.

Linden is included in many herbal preparations, but is also used in pure form. In addition to the decoctions and tinctures mentioned above, lotions and compresses based on linden blossom, as well as linden baths, have a calming and healing effect. Thus, the use of linden bark and flowers can be both internal and external.

Beneficial properties of linden tea

Knowing the benefits of linden flowers, you should stock up on them to make linden tea. It is in this drink that the amazing aroma of the essential oils contained in the plant is best revealed, and the tonic, anticonvulsant, diaphoretic and other invaluable properties of linden blossom are realized. This tea has a stimulating effect on the circulatory, cardiovascular and genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and gallbladder, cleanses the liver, removes toxins from the body, reduces blood viscosity.

Separately, it should be noted the beneficial properties of linden tea for women suffering from menstrual irregularities and painful menstruation. The thing is that linden contains a lot of phytoestrogens, which are similar in composition to estradiol, the female sex hormone.

There are several ways to prepare delicious and golden linden tea. The first one is standard: fill it with lime color hot water, wrap it up, let it sit for about a quarter of an hour and enjoy.

We determine the amount of raw materials according to taste, keeping in mind, however, that if there are too many flowers, the drink may turn out bitter. Some people prefer to pour cold water over the linden and not just bring it to a boil, but even boil it for a few minutes. This drink turns out more rich and can be used as tea leaves (diluted with water when serving).

And finally, you can add linden blossom to ordinary tea leaves, brewing the drink in your usual way. You can drink this tea with linden honey.

Important! Ascorbic acid contained in linden flowers decomposes at high temperatures, so if you want to preserve as much as possible all the beneficial properties of a medicinal plant, pouring boiling water over it, much less boiling it, is still not worth it.

When and how to properly collect and store linden blossoms

Linden flowers are collected in active phase flowering - depending on the region and type of linden, this may be June or July. It is important to correctly determine the moment when to collect linden blossoms. Try to do this when most of the flowers on the tree have opened. Don't be late - linden blooms from 10 days to two weeks, aim for approximately the middle of this period.

For harvesting, you need to choose healthy inflorescences, without external defects and signs of disease (pests), which can manifest themselves in darkening, rust, drying out, etc. If the flower has faded, it cannot be used; as an experiment, try drying one such inflorescence, and you will immediately notice the difference - the raw material is completely unsuitable for use.

Important! To prepare raw materials, you need to choose a dry day (there should be no moisture on the inflorescences) and carry out the procedure during the day so that the flowers are fully open.

It is not recommended to harvest linden blossom in large quantities (unless, of course, you are going to sell it or are not involved in healing professionally). For “internal consumption” throughout the winter, it is enough for the average family to collect a kilogram of flowers (after drying, this weight will decrease three times), and next year It's better to stock up on fresh color.

Of course, there is no point in collecting medicinal raw materials along roads and in the middle of city streets - so much industrial dust accumulates on such flowers that beneficial properties plants can be forgotten.

Look for a suitable tree or grove in the forest or planting during a picnic and, when the season comes, go to it for the “harvest”. Also make sure that there is no apiary nearby, otherwise you will do the bees a disservice and leave the owner without honey. You need to collect the inflorescences carefully, one at a time, picking them with your hands or cutting them with scissors, so as not to harm the tree. The flowers do not break off individually, but are separated with the bract.

If you are planning to stock up on tree bark, then you need to do this in the off-season, as close to the cold weather as possible - in late autumn or early spring.

Important! If the linden tree does not grow on your summer cottage, to remove bark you need to obtain permission from the forestry department (or municipal services– depending on whose jurisdiction the tree is located).

There should be no questions about when to collect buds - only when they swell.

For further preparation, the raw materials must be dried. To do this, undisassembled inflorescences are laid out on a horizontal surface (the layer should not exceed 2-3 cm) and dried in a place protected from bright light with good ventilation. You can use a dryer or oven (the temperature is set to 45 degrees, not higher). Periodically, the raw materials must be gently shaken or mixed.

The readiness of the raw material is indicated by its acquisition of fragility and characteristic yellowish color. The linden aroma should remain, but become much less noticeable. In addition, the flowers should stick slightly to your hands (this indicates that you managed to preserve the precious essential oils contained in the inflorescences).

You can store raw materials in paper or linen bags or in a ceramic container so that the flowers have access to oxygen. Glass and plastic are the enemies of lime blossom. If everything is done correctly, collected flowers can be used for up to two years.

Use in folk medicine

The use of linden flowers and bark for medicinal purposes is very diverse. Let's look at just a few traditional medicine recipes that have long been used by our ancestors.

For headaches

As mentioned above, linden has a pronounced sedative and calming effect, and also thins the blood. Therefore, for severe headaches and migraines, you can pick several fresh inflorescences or young leaves from it, chop them well and simply apply to the forehead and temples - the essential oil extracted from the raw material will be easily absorbed into the skin and provide an analgesic effect.

Throughout the year, linden tea will help you get rid of headaches, as well as tea made from an aromatic collection - mint, lemon balm, linden blossom and motherwort. This drink will also help get rid of insomnia and overcome negative consequences stressful situations experienced during the day.

When coughing

The use of linden gives a strong expectorant effect. This property works best if you take a decoction based on linden blossom. Dried flowers are poured with cold water, boiled for several minutes after boiling, then the broth is wrapped and thoroughly infused. You can add dried black currant leaves, raspberries, elder flowers or dried raspberries to the linden blossom. This collection will further enhance the expectorant effect.

It is better to pour the strained broth into a thermos so that you can drink it warm several times a day and not reheat it.

Proportions for preparing the decoction: 1 tablespoon of medicinal raw material per glass of water. But if you don't have a thermos, you can prepare a more concentrated solution and then dilute it throughout the day warm water like tea leaves.

For a cold

Linden for colds - excellent remedy in order to get a good sweat. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve the symptoms of respiratory infections. A decoction prepared as described above is perfect for this, as well as aromatic linden tea with linden honey (just do not add honey to a hot drink, this will destroy its healing properties). To reduce the temperature, you can take a glass of linden infusion every hour. Children should be given this drink at night. If a cold is accompanied by a sore throat, it is useful to gargle it with linden decoction.

For prostatitis

The original way to alleviate such an unpleasant male disease as prostatitis is also associated with linden. After burning the branches or logs of the tree, the coals are collected, thoroughly ground and brewed in a similar way to coffee powder. Take a glass of this drink a day for a week.

In case of poisoning

The coal powder obtained by the above method is taken three times a day, a teaspoon at a time. food poisoning as an adsorbent.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If you have stomach and intestinal disorders, it is best to use non-concentrated decoctions of herbal collection, including linden blossom, chamomile and mint. This drink has a high choleretic effect. To prepare the decoction, pour two tablespoons of the raw material into a glass of boiling water and simmer for ten minutes over low heat. Infuse, strain and take completely cooled.

A linden bath will help get rid of intestinal colic and spasms. Fill the bathtub with warm water and add to it a concentrated decoction obtained from linden flowers, poured with boiling water and brought to a boil (the decoction must be infused and then filtered before use).

After lying in such a bathroom for a quarter of an hour, oh the unpleasant pain in the intestines you can forget.

A decoction as a diaphoretic and antipyretic

Pour a tablespoon of linden blossom into a glass of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Wrap, insist, strain. Take warm as needed (in case of severe fever), to enhance the effect and facilitate sleep - at night. A single dose - depending on the condition - can be quite large - up to three glasses.

Did you know? A high temperature indicates that the body is resisting infection, so fever is more likely good sign than a reason to panic. If we start artificially By reducing body temperature, we thereby prevent our own immunity from fighting the disease. Another thing is that long-term and truly high temperature(40 degrees and above) may adversely affect water balance body and provoke disturbances in the functioning of the heart and central nervous system. Therefore, antipyretic drugs should be used, but not uncontrolled, but only in critical situations.

Linden flower decoction for adding to baths

Above was described a method for preparing a linden blossom bath to get rid of stomach colic. Such a bath will also have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

If you are nervous and frayed, if you have been nervous and fussing all day, if you are tormented by insomnia, do not be lazy at night and decompress by taking a linden bath; this pleasure is worth the few minutes spent preparing a concentrated decoction.

In addition, you will receive an additional bonus in the form of rejuvenated and refreshed skin, because linden also has cosmetic properties. Linden baths are especially recommended for people with oily skin.

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, linden blossom is used not only in the form of baths.

Linden infusion has a beneficial effect on the skin, and is suitable even for those who have particularly sensitive skin. The high content of ascorbic acid in linden flowers determines its use in the form of an extract, which is added to various lotions, tonics, bath foams and shower gels. Such products have a nourishing, softening and refreshing effect. In addition, it is linden that “opens” the skin to all chemically active substances included in cosmetic products.

Linden helps get rid of swelling, improves skin elasticity, strengthens and soothes it, and even helps get rid of the first signs of wrinkles.

Linden extract is often included in cosmetics intended for skin care in the eye area. They get away from this dark circles under the eyes and swelling of the eyelids, the skin becomes smooth and has a healthier appearance. In addition, such products are good protection for the epidermis from harmful effects external environment, wind, cold and heat.

Linden is also used in the manufacture of hair products - shampoos, foams and balms. Hair combs better, falls out less, gains shine and elasticity.

To prepare a linden face mask at home, pour half a glass of hot water into three tablespoons of linden blossom, gently heat with constant stirring and apply the hot paste to your face. Exposure time is 20 minutes, then the mask is washed off. For oily skin, this mask is more preferable, but you can also use it for dry skin, you just need to apply a thinner layer.

Contraindications and possible harm

As always, when talking about the beneficial properties of linden, we must not forget about contraindications.

Actually, there is only one thing - do not abuse it and listen to your body. The pronounced diaphoretic effect of linden and its diuretic properties, if consumed uncontrolled, can negatively affect the functioning of the heart and kidneys, so drinking linden tea every day, regardless of your health condition, is definitely wrong. An overdose can also result in blurred vision. Linden is a medicine, not a harmless delicacy, and it is its chemical activity that provides healing effect, may have the opposite effect if taken incorrectly.

The presence of serious chronic or, conversely, acute diseases that are not included in the list of ailments treated with linden can be a serious contraindication to its use, therefore, similar cases You should definitely consult your doctor first!

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Linden is a deciduous tree with a large crown, reaching up to 25 m in height. Known for its fragrant flowers- during the flowering period, linden exudes a pleasant sweetish aroma. Linden is unpretentious and quite widespread in the forests of the central zone of the European part of Russia.

The flowers of the plant are most often used as medicinal raw materials. They should be collected during the period of active linden flowering - usually in July, when most of the flowers have bloomed, but there are also some that have not bloomed. There is no need to rinse the collected raw materials. Dry the flowers in a dry, ventilated area, covering with gauze and turning over periodically. It is recommended to store dried flowers in fabric bags.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties

Linden flowers are rich in tannins, carotene, sugars, ascorbic acid, essential oil, saponins and glycosides. Leaves contain ascorbic acid, carotene, mucus and carbohydrates. The fruits are extracted from fatty oil, tastes like almond.

Linden flowers have anti-inflammatory, sedative, diuretic, diaphoretic and antipyretic effects. In folk medicine, remedies based on linden blossom (tea, infusion, decoction) are recommended for:

  • colds and their prevention;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • cystitis, urolithiasis, renal and gallstone colic;
  • neuroses;
  • convulsions, frequent fainting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • decreased immunity;
  • insomnia.

Linden tea:

  • 1 tbsp. linden flowers;
  • 200 ml water.

Douse teapot boiling water and brew linden flowers in it in the specified proportion (for every 200 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of linden blossom). For brewing it is better to take hot water temperature 90-95 °C. Cover the kettle with a towel and leave to steep for 20 minutes.
This tea can be consumed both simply as a pleasant drink and as a medicine. So, linden tea will help restore damaged menstrual cycle. And if you brew sage with linden, you will get a drink that alleviates menopause.

Linden infusion for colds:

  • 1 tbsp. linden flowers;
  • 250 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the flowers and let steep for 40 minutes. Then strain the resulting infusion and drink 1/3 of a glass three times a day.
This infusion can also be used as a gargle for a sore throat.
Lotions for rheumatism and gout:

  • 4 tbsp. linden flowers;
  • 500 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the flowers and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain the resulting broth and use for lotions.
ContraindicationsI: individual intolerance. Excessive use linden infusions and teas can lead to deterioration in performance cardiovascular system and loss of vision. These side effects usually go away after stopping use medicine, but it’s still better to observe the measure from the beginning.
The recommended course of continuous treatment with linden tea or infusion is no more than three weeks of continuous use.

Linden in cosmetology

Linden is used not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology. Due to the content of phytohormones, products from this plant have rejuvenating properties.
Skin firming mask:

  • a handful of linden flowers;
  • 100 ml. hot water.

Fill the flowers with water and heat until a mass forms that can be applied to the skin. Apply this mask moderately hot - a thin layer on dry skin, a thick layer on oily skin. You need to keep the mask for 20 minutes, then carefully remove it from your face with a dry towel.

Nourishing cream:

  • 4 tbsp. fresh linden flowers;
  • 3 tbsp. almond oil;
  • 1 tbsp. lanolin;
  • 100-125 ml of water.

Mix flowers almond oil and lanolin in an enamel bowl and place in a water bath for 1 hour. Strain the resulting mixture and beat, slowly adding 100-125 ml of warm water during the churning process. This cream is suitable for moisturizing, strengthening and rejuvenating the skin.

Ice cubes for first wrinkles:

  • linden flowers;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • sage;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Mix the plant material in equal parts, take 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture, pour boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain the infusion, pour into molds and freeze. Wipe your face with the resulting cubes twice a day - morning and evening.

Soothing mask for irritated skin:

  • 1 tsp linden flowers;
  • 1 tsp Salvia officinalis leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. milk.

Chop linden flowers and sage leaves and pour a glass of milk over them. Leave the mixture to sit for 5-7 minutes and then bring to a boil. Strain the resulting broth and cool. Lubricate your face light cream for dry skin, apply a chilled decoction on top of the cream, place plastic wrap on top, and terry towel. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, and then remove with a napkin or cotton swab soaked first in warm water and then in cold water. The recommended course of masks is 15-20 procedures, 2-3 per week.

Moisturizing and rejuvenating linden mask with cream:

  • 3-4 tbsp. linden flowers;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tsp creams for dry skin;
  • carbonated mineral water for washing.

First, prepare this decoction: pour linden flowers with two glasses of water and boil for 5-10 minutes, strain and cool slightly until warm. Next, take 2 teaspoons of the broth and mix them with 2 teaspoons of cream. The resulting mass should be warm! Apply the mask to your face and neck for 15 minutes. It is recommended to wash off this mask with warm carbonated water. mineral water. The recommended course is 2 times a week, 20 masks in total.

Lotion for dull skin:

  • 1 tbsp. crushed linden flowers;
  • 1 tbsp. chopped dill;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. boiling water

Mix linden flowers with dill, take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water. Let sit for 30 minutes and strain. Wipe your face with the resulting lotion morning and evening.
Moisturizing compress
Linden decoction is used as a compress on top fruit masks to prevent tightness and moisturize the skin. The compress is made from hot broth.

Compress for firmness and elasticity of the skin:

  • a handful of linden flowers;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Brew the flowers with boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain. Wet a terry towel with the resulting infusion and place it on your face for 2-3 minutes. Then change the hot compress to a cold one - place a towel or napkin moistened with cold water on your face for 2-3 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times, alternating warm and cold compresses.
Toning lotion:

  • 1 tsp linden flowers;
  • 1 tsp St. John's wort;
  • 1 tsp chamomile flowers;
  • 1 tsp mint leaves;
  • 5 tbsp. vodka;
  • 2 tbsp. boiling water

Brew herbs and flowers with boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain and add vodka to the resulting infusion. Use to wipe your face 1-2 times a day. This lotion cleanses the skin well and has anti-aging properties. Fits this remedy for any skin type, but if you have dry skin, then immediately after using the lotion, apply a nourishing cream to it.

Bath for cleansing normal and oily skin:

  • 2 tbsp. linden flowers;
  • boiling water.

Steam linden flowers in a wide container (enamel or glass pan will do) with boiling water, close the lid, let it brew for 2-3 minutes and do steam bath, leaning over a container with infusion. Don't forget to cover yourself with a towel so that the steam hits your face and neck. Conduct this procedure recommended for 5-7 minutes. Be careful: the steam should not burn your face, you should only feel pleasant warmth- do not lean too low over the infusion.
Soothing bath for dry and irritated skin:

  • 1 tsp linden flowers;
  • 1 tsp mint;
  • 1 tsp chamomile flowers;
  • 1 tsp calendula;
  • 1 l. boiling water

Collect the herbs in a linen or gauze bag and brew the bag with boiling water. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, pour it into a wide bowl and put your face in it. There is no need to wipe your face with a towel - wait until it dries on its own. This bath can be done several times a day.
Rinse for shine and hair loss:

  • 8 tbsp. linden flowers;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Pour linden flowers with water, let it brew for half an hour and use to rinse your hair after washing. It is recommended to keep your hair in the infusion for at least 5 minutes.

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