Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Flower meadow applique for children. Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic “Flower Meadow. Psycho-gymnastics “Spring flowers”

Yulia Ilyushkina

Abstract on fine arts in middle group.

Application. Teamwork.

Subject: « Flower glade»

Target classes:

Develop feeling collectivism, create an emotional mood for children.



Continue to encourage children to want to engage in activities with pleasure collective activity;

Strengthen the skills of creating a composition;


Develop aesthetic taste, navigate on a sheet of paper;

Develop imagination and creative thinking.


To instill in children an understanding of beauty and a love of nature.


Recording of Antonio Vivaldi's "Summer"

Pictures with the image flowers;

Whatman paper for the base appliqués(flower meadow, on which it is fixed specimen flower);

Material to occupation:

Squares, triangles, polygons, petal patterns, circles from colored paper.

Glue, brush; brush stand, scissors, napkins.

Methodical techniques:

surprise moment, musical accompaniment, psycho-gymnastics, conversation, questions, encouragement, instructions, summing up.

Surprise moment:

The teacher brings a doll in the form flower fairy.

Progress of the lesson:

Summer has arrived, a wonderful time of year. Everything is around blooms and smells, the birds are singing, the sun is warming, and every day is like a holiday, it’s beautiful and cozy outside, you want to swim and play outside all the time.

Summer is a sea of ​​sun, light, warmth.

It's time for joy.

This is the sun in the sky.

And a bright sparkle in the eyes.

Psycho-gymnastics "Summer flowers»

(Performed to the music of Vivaldi)

Imagine that you are small seeds flowers. You were planted in the ground in a flowerbed. A warm ray of sunlight fell on the ground and warmed the seeds. Small sprouts sprouted from them, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But now the summer sun has warmed up, and small sprouts begin to grow quickly. Here is a sprout that has gained strength and finally got out into the fresh air. Your leaves have grown, the stem has become strong, you are reaching for the light, the sun. How good! A small bud appeared on the stem. It grows, swells, and finally unfolds its petals, so they straighten out, and everyone around sees a beautiful spring flower. (Children stand in a circle, the teacher shows imitation of germination movements flower from the ground, children repeat.)

The teacher shows the children the basis for appliqués« Flower glade» , on which one is fixed specimen flower.

Look, we have a magical clearing.

What do you think we need to do to make fabulous ones grow on it? flowers? (must be done paper flowers) .

Let's remember the rules of execution appliqués?

Before you start work, prepare your workplace correctly.

During work keep your place in ok: where you got it - put it there

Always think about how to do better job: save materials, take care of tools.

Finished work, clean your place quickly and neatly.

Work together.

And now I suggest you do colored paper applique, glue the petals onto a circle of paper so that you get flower. Completed glue flowers to the clearing.

The fairy reminds the children that they are on a magical clearing, which has only been imagined so far. Offers to decorate meadow of flowers. Think about what there will be flowers, what colors how they should be placed so that they fit together beautifully colors.


In a fashionable blue hat

The bell is mischievous.

Whom he won't meet -

Bends to the ground.


The dandelion made everyone laugh -

Got into a fluffy sundress,

Like a spinning top, he spun,

The sundress flew apart.

Big-eyed daisy,

Friends with clover and porridge.

frolic in the open space,

He runs away into the forest and into the field.

Tell me guys, did you like creating flower meadow? What do you remember most? Which flowers did you like the most?

Guys, what a great job you are, you made a real flower meadow with summer flowers, you did a great job.

Publications on the topic:

Summer is a wonderful time! A riot of colors and the aroma of flowers. Watching the flowers in our group’s plot, in the flower beds of the kindergarten, and just...

During the lesson, the teacher improves the children’s ability to create a composition from pre-prepared flowers; consolidation of the skill of spreading.

The goals and objectives of this work: 1) to create interest and a positive attitude towards drawing; 2) clarify and consolidate knowledge of colors; 3) develop.

Summary of an open drawing lesson in the first junior group “Flower Glade” Objectives: Learn to draw with paints using your palms and fingers. Reinforce knowledge of red, yellow and green colors. Develop the ability to see.

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas: speech, social-communicative, physical, cognitive.

Type: Integration.

Children's age: 3-4 years (junior group)

GCD forms: examination of the subject, use of clarity, artistic expression, questions, game, game situation, individual work, analysis.

Forms of organization of children: subgroup 8 people



Continue to develop children's abilities for creative activity.

Generalize and consolidate ideas about creating a drawing in various non-traditional ways.

To develop in children the ability to navigate concepts such as color and shape.


Develop fine motor skills of the hands, manual skills when making crafts from waste material, when drawing with sand.

Encourage children to pronounce words indicating the name of art materials, colors of objects, shapes.


Arouse children's interest in working collectively with art materials.

Formation of goodwill, independence, desire to help.

Equipment and materials:

A)demo: Computer, projector, presentation “Flower Meadow”. Sand screen. Camera.

B)dispensing: colored napkins, foam shavings. Glue, brushes, oilcloths, wet wipes, colored sand, ready-made paper flower templates

Star icons (according to the number of children)

Children are included in the group. V-l: “Guys, do you want to go on a trip? (children’s answers) We’ll go by train, stand behind each other, our train is leaving!” (to the music, children move around the group and approach the screen)

V-l: “Guys, where are we going? Let’s sit down on the chairs and look at the screen” (children sit down)

V-l: “Look at what a beautiful clearing is depicted, how many flowers there are on it. What color are the petals? What shape are they?”

On the screen, a color photograph becomes black and white.

V-l: “Oh, guys, what happened? Where have all the colors gone? Let's listen to the fairy fairy"

The Fairy appears on the screen:

“Hello, guys! I am a good Fairy, I live in a meadow of flowers, where the sun always shines, trees grow, flowers bloom. But one day everything changed - a strong wind blew and took away all the colors. Everything here has become boring and gray. I learned that you draw very well and make bright, beautiful crafts. I want to ask you to help us. Please help our meadow become cheerful, colorful, colorful again.”

V-l: “Guys, let’s help the good Fairy?” The children agree. “Now we will make beautiful bright flowers using different materials that we are already familiar with. Tell me, please, how can I decorate flowers? (children's answers). That's right: colored napkins, foam shavings, colored sand. Before we begin the task, let's stretch our hands. Come on the mat and let's play"

Physical exercise “Flower”

“A flower grew in a clearing,

In the morning I opened the petals.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

Together they give roots underground"

V-l: “Look, on our tables there is everything necessary to make beautiful flowers and the clearing will become bright and beautiful again.”

Children approach the tables and sand screen.

1st table - children decorate ready-made flower templates using colored paper napkins (templates, colored napkins, glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth)

2nd table - children make an appliqué “flowers” ​​using foam rubber shavings (templates, foam rubber shavings, glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth)

Abstract of OOD on application in a non-traditional form “Flower Meadow” (middle group)

Goals. To evoke in children a positive response to the beauty of nature and convey their attitude towards itby unconventional means.

Program content. Teach children to depict nature usingnon-traditional materials. Foster independence in creating compositions. Develop creativity, imagination, feelingcolors, aesthetic taste. Learn to do work diligently and accurately.

Material to OOD . Music by E. Grieg"Morning" , ball, envelopes with cut pictures with the imageflowers for each child, flowers made from colorful scraps, cotton swabs, glue, napkins, disposable plates, green gouache paintcolors, pokes, oilcloth.

Preliminary work. Looking at illustrations depictingflowers, drawingflowers in free time, didactic games on the topic, conversations about spring, riddles, poems.


OOD progress.

Children entergroup.

Hello guys! Say hello to our guests. Tell me, what time of year is it now? What signs of spring do you know and observe now?(children's answers) . That's right, the first ones begin to bloom in the springsnowdrop flowers. It's still earlycan't find any flowers yet, but I really want to invite you to oneflower meadowand not only visit there, but also become aflowers(to the music we walk to clearing )

Look guys how much there is hereflowers! And remember, I promised you that you too will stayflowers? Let's hold hands and make a circle.

Stand up, children, stand in a circle,

We are bigflowering meadow.

Grow in the meadowflowers

Unprecedented beauty!

(at this time we put on masks and caps)

Look, here you areflowers! Oh, how beautiful it suddenly became around! Let's play a game and see whatflowers you know. (ball game)

Did you like it onclearing? You could just walk here and admire... but I want to invite you to make small ones yourselfclearings. Are you ready? Then let's go to the tables

. (children sit at tables) .

Look, there are envelopes in front of you, and hidden in the envelopesflowers. But what are they?flowers, you will find out when you collect the pictures.(working with cut pictures)

Well done, guys! Tell me why we love so muchflowers? Why is it customary to give them?Artists paint flowers, songs and poems are written about them. Our guys have prepared poems aboutflowers.

In the meadow, by the path that leads straight to our house,

Roslong stalked flower, white, with a yellow eye.

II wanted to pick a flower, raised her palm to him,

And the bee withthe flower has flown off, buzzed to me"Don't touch" !


Here's the snowdrop onclearing, I found it!

I’ll take the snowdrop to mom, even though it hasn’t bloomed.

And me withflowerMom hugged me so tenderly,

That my snowdrop opened from her warmth!


The sun drove away the winter frosts,

The fragile violet onthe clearing has risen.

The blue corolla stubbornly reaches out to the sun.

I will pick the first violet for my mother!

These are the poems our guys know! But now it's time for us to get to work. Look, you have all the necessary materials on your tables. Let's check it out. Remember how to work with glue? You need to take a little glue so that the work is clean and neat, remove the excess with a napkin. Place on platesflowers. Make sure they fitblossom. Now coat them with glue and glue them to the plates.(children do the work) .

Okay guys. And now I invite you to ourclearing for a little rest.

Physical exercise.

Herethe flower grows

(children squat, slowly raise their heads)

The petal releases

(arms to the sides and slightly up)

He raises his head

(the arms rose higher and slightly rounded above the head)

ANDthe flower opens.

(children stand up to their full height and open their arms)

So we grew upflowers of unprecedented beauty!

(children return to their seats)

Look at your work. What do you think is missing from them?(children's answers) . I think there are some leaves missing here. Let's fill the empty spaces with green leaves. To do this, we will take these special pokes, put them in plates with green paint and apply them to our work. Now we have the real onemeadow with flowers.

Well done, guys! Now let's put our works together to make one big oneflower field.

Reflection. – What did we do today? What did you like? What was difficult for you? What was easy and simple?

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