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Teacher's Day: you can congratulate your mentor with an original poem or a beautiful postcard. Soshi "umid Department of Education of Donetsk City Administration

Happy birthday, dear mentor. I wish you to always be invulnerable and invincible, confident and courageous, persistent and wise. May there be peace and harmony, joy and happiness in your life, may there be many successes and glorious worthy victories on your path. I wish you health, love and prosperity.

Thank you for your instructions,
For all your advice from the heart!
I wish you on this birthday
Wishing you new bright and big successes!

Let love fill your whole heart,
Let your smile shine like the sun
Let everything your soul dreams of,
A whirlwind of positivity will burst into life!

Happy birthday, mentor. I wish you perseverance and strength, patience and peace, inner peace and confidence, kindness of soul and courage of heart. May every day give you a worthy goal and success, good luck and inspiration, the love of loved ones and happiness.

I want to wish you on your birthday
Never rush into endless tasks!
And no matter how dull life may be,
Make sure that the road leads to happiness.

Please accept my gratitude from the heart
And just look forward with a cheerful smile!
You are a mentor from God! Your experience and class
They will definitely help me in my life now!

Ability and skills
Skill and experience,
You are generous, mentor,
You pass it on to me.

I wish you on your birthday
Good health to you,
Treat your students
You with kindness, love.

Us, young, inexperienced
You get used to work,
And patiently ours
You correct mistakes.

Energy and vigor
I want to wish you
Mentor for new
Generations to become.

My mentor, congratulations,
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you health,
Strength, prosperity, inspiration.

Let all your dreams come true,
Prospects in life beckon,
Let happiness not leave you
There is no alternative.

Taught me everything
My only mentor
I wish him
Always be in charge in life.

For life advice
He always gave to the people
And his authority
Getting stronger every year!

Congratulations, mentor,
They gave me a lot in life,
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
And good luck in fate.

Let the birthday open
The door to new successes,
Let life be rich
No failures or losses.

Good health in the body
And good luck to you in everything,
Let everything in life succeed,
The energy is in full swing.

I wish you success, goodness,
A sea of ​​bright events and days,
And good health, so go to the doctors
You have never walked in your life!

Let your smile shine
And there’s a sparkle in your eyes!
And let what the heart dreams of
Fulfilled on this day!

I wish you any morning
Start with a clear smile,
And, of course, only wisely
Perceive the whole world around!

I wish you great happiness,
Love and devoted friends,
Good health, steel
And the most encouraging news!

The final stage of the all-Russian competition “Leaders of Russia”, held in Sochi, continued with Mentor Day: the finalists competed in business games from 39 mentors from among the country’s leading managers.

It is noteworthy that most of the final tasks were based on real cases in the field of public administration and business. In particular, Viktor Zubkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom, invited the finalists to understand the development of the gas engine market in Russia.

As the mentor himself noted, the participants were so interested in the project that they asked to take part in the implementation of this program:

The guys are smart and interested. They represent different regions and professions, but they have a team spirit and actively support each other. I am sure that many of them can become real participants in projects being implemented in the country.

The case study on the implementation of modern advanced information technologies was assigned to the final participants by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova Group of Companies, President of the Skolkovo Foundation, Viktor Vekselberg. The mentor admitted that he was pleased with the results of the finalists’ work:

I was pleasantly surprised by the level of our leaders in so many areas. They showed excellent knowledge of the basic principles, their answer was fully consistent with the ideology necessary to solve such problems.

The head of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Popular Front, Alexey Anisimov, said that many of the finalists’ proposals deserve consideration by the Russian government: “I would call the Leaders of Russia competition a platform of opportunities. After talking with the finalists, I realized that for them the desire to be heard is much more important than the possibility of getting a new job. Their main desire is to change the quality of life in Russia.”

According to him, all participants in the competition “have already received the prospect of further career growth and work where their experience and skills will be in demand”:

It is quite possible that this place for someone will be the “Popular Front”. Finalists of the competition can apply for positions of heads of regional executive committees or heads of departments in the federal Executive Committee of the ONF. I would like to especially note that not only the finalists, but also the semi-finalists of the competition fell into the orbit of the ONF. The Popular Front can help them in self-realization, provide what we call a “horizontal elevator” - a platform on which they will be seen and heard. After the elections, the Popular Front will have new tasks, new ideas and projects will be needed. The ONF can become a platform for participants in the “Leaders of Russia” competition to launch their own socially significant projects aimed at improving the quality of life of people.

In turn, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin gave the main advice to the finalists of the competition: “There is no need to be afraid, and then new opportunities will open up.”

As Reedus previously wrote, the final of the all-Russian management competition “Leaders of Russia” is in Sochi. 300 participants arrived to participate in the final stage of the competition. Each of them has already earned a targeted grant for an educational program in the amount of one million rubles. One hundred winners will have the opportunity to undergo internship under the guidance of mentors - leading managers from government agencies and the most successful Russian companies.

The competition is held by the Presidential Administration and the RANEPA Higher School of Public Administration. The competition is part of the open platform “,” the implementation of which began with the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the development of social elevators.

The “Russia - Land of Opportunities” platform selects, examines and supports projects aimed at ensuring the operation of effective and fair social elevators. The “Russia - Land of Opportunities” line of projects is designed for promising managers, entrepreneurs, young professionals, volunteers and schoolchildren.

Teaching is the most noble and honorable profession in the world. Teachers and mentors are entrusted with a special civic mission - educating the younger generation. On the day of their professional holiday, kindergarten teachers, teachers of schools, colleges, lyceums, higher educational institutions and professional mentors accept congratulations and hear words of gratitude. And rightfully so - after all, they are the ones who make the most important contribution to the social, economic and intellectual development of the nation.

Teacher and Mentor Day has been celebrated as a public holiday in Uzbekistan since October 1, 1997. Over the years of independence, the country's education system has been radically reformed. One of the priority areas of state policy has been and continues to be the training of highly qualified national personnel. The laws “On Education” and “On the National Program for Personnel Training” and other legislative acts have been adopted.

During this time, new schools and vocational colleges were built and existing schools and vocational colleges were renovated in the republic. They are equipped with modern educational and laboratory supplies and computer equipment. Advanced pedagogical and information technologies have been introduced into the teaching process of schools and universities. Electronic textbooks, video and audio lessons, interactive and animated virtual laboratory work, tests, educational games, interactive services and information systems have been created and put into practice.

The practical results of the work of teachers and the large-scale efforts of the state were not long in coming. Schoolchildren of the republic have won more than 250 medals at international olympiads.

The implementation of state programs designed for 2009-2014 and 2016-2020 has made it possible to raise education in children's music and art schools and academic lyceums to a high level. The talented youth of our country confidently take leading places in the most prestigious music competitions.

Sports training has not been forgotten either. Olympic reserve colleges, gyms and swimming pools are open throughout the country. Students of schools, colleges and universities compete in the sports games “Umid Nihollari”, “Barkamol Avlod”, “Universiade”.

The state is no less interested in the startup movement as one of the real opportunities for graduates of vocational colleges and universities to organize their own business. Project authors learn the basics of business and marketing, test their ideas and developments under the guidance of mentors - experienced specialists in this field. Support for youth startup initiatives to create their own businesses is expanding every year.

The great merits of our teachers and mentors are in strengthening love and devotion to the Motherland in the hearts and minds of our youth, protecting them from various threats and challenges, and raising the younger generation as physically healthy and spiritually mature individuals. The work of those, without whom we would not have acquired vital skills, knowledge and abilities, is appreciated by the country. Every year on the eve of their professional holiday, the best of the best are deservedly awarded honorary titles, orders and medals.

Every person - no matter where he works, no matter who his profession is and no matter what position he holds - always lives with a sense of boundless respect and unpaid debt to his teachers and mentors, who trained and educated him, who opened the way to independent life.

Happy upcoming holiday, our dear teachers!

Each of us has our own Teacher and our own Mentor. These are people without whom we would not have succeeded as individuals, we would not have acquired vital skills, knowledge and abilities. You can express your gratitude to these outstanding people on their professional holiday - Teachers and Mentors Day, celebrated on October 1.

A teacher is more than a profession, a teacher is a calling. This is not only a person who teaches science, but also a bearer of spirituality and moral principles. Teachers perform a special civic mission - educating the younger generation. You can express gratitude to teachers of schools, colleges, lyceums and higher educational institutions on their professional holiday - Teacher and Mentor Day. This holiday has been celebrated in Uzbekistan since 1997 in accordance with the Decree of the first President I. Karimov dated December 27, 1996.

On this day, we pay tribute to all teachers for their leading role in shaping the lives of children and for their vital contribution to the social, economic and intellectual development of the nation.

Currently, 383,625 teachers work in the public education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In ensuring the effectiveness of education, the professional skills of the teacher, his knowledge, skills and abilities are considered important factors. In this regard, the Ministry of Public Education pays great attention to the issues of improving the qualifications of teaching staff. For these purposes, distance educational resource centers have been created at the Central and 14 regional institutes for retraining and advanced training of public education workers. This year the number of participants in these courses has reached almost 5 thousand people. In addition, the Ministry of Public Education is constantly working to attract specialists with higher education to teaching activities. For example, today 79.3% or 304,204 teachers working in secondary schools have higher education.

It should be noted that in order to identify and disseminate best practices among the country’s teachers, the Ministry of Public Education holds various competitions, including “Best School Principal of the Year”, “Best Subject Teacher of the Year”, “Most Active Promoter of Spirituality of the Year” and others. Moreover, in the period from 1991 to 2014, 3,954 employees of educational institutions of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan were awarded high state awards.

As a result of targeted work carried out to stimulate the work of teaching staff, the average salary of teachers increased 12 times compared to September 1, 2006, that is, as of September 1, 2015 it amounts to 1 million 235 thousand soums.

In his congratulations addressed to teachers and mentors, the head of Uzbekistan highly appreciated their work. He said:

“Dear teachers and mentors! It gives me great pleasure to sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, congratulate you, generous, selfless and kind people who have devoted their entire lives to such complex and noble work as raising the younger generation, on a wonderful holiday - Teachers and Mentors Day.

...It has become a good tradition in our country to widely and solemnly celebrate this bright day - October 1 - as a national holiday. This is a clear evidence of our people’s high respect and recognition of the worthy work of teachers and mentors who, sparing their knowledge and experience, talent and skill, warmth, strength and energy, showing the best human qualities, selflessly serve the cause of education and enlightenment with all their hearts.

Thinking about teachers, naturally, each of us, regardless of where and by whom we work, what position we hold, remembers our school years, a carefree childhood, which left an indelible mark in our memory, as the best time of our lives, and feels a sincere sense of respect for the teachers who gave not only knowledge, but also lessons of humanity.

On this holiday, the administration of the Umid boarding school congratulates all teachers on their professional holiday!
We wish them good health, happiness and prosperity, as well as a tireless search for truth and knowledge and grateful, inquisitive students! I would like there to be more understanding and warmth in the life path of people in this profession, so that their work brings only joy, and that words of gratitude and recognition are always heard!

Poems for Teacher's Day
Poems about teachers

Your modest work knows no price,
It cannot be compared to anything!
And everyone calls you with love
Your simple name -
Teacher. Who doesn't know him?
This is a simple name
What illuminates with the light of knowledge
I live the whole planet!
We originate in you,
You are the color of our life, -
And let the years, like candles, melt away, -
We won't forget you, no!

You led us along the path of knowledge.
Giving us a lot of strength and intelligence.
How much effort did you put in?
May we always study well!
You taught us to write beautifully,
Solve problems and behave,
Always calm, sensitive, patient
And you managed to find an approach to everyone.
You are always at the forefront...

You are always on the front line
At the very junction of the future and the past,
Good with evil, sublime with vulgar,
And tomorrow there will be an invisible battle again:

Another dangerous forced march
Under the bombs of ignorance and laziness,
To the cape of love, kindness and inspiration -
From the abyss of despair to a hair's breadth...

There is always a bunker embrasure under the chest,
And in the bunker there are fragile minds,
You burn at work day after day,
Saving them from the ignorance of darkness.

My head gets heavy by lunchtime
But in the evening, get ready like Budyonny,
Break through notebook barriers
And repel the attack of “House-two”.

And at night go on guard duty again:
Cribs are poured into the trench with precision,
And the director’s tank with a flashing light is driving...
The alarm clock rings - it's time to get up!

You are always on the front line
Ears are accustomed to loud cannonades,
Overcoat in chalk – no time for parades yet!
But you got along with fate a long time ago.

Teachers are the heroes of our days,
Soldiers of the mighty Salvation Army!
Participants in the great battle
For our growing children.
(Maria Kaluzhskaya)

Our dear teacher!
We really want you to know
What roads there were for us!
We will never forget
Your heartfelt conversations...
Forgive us... After all, sometimes
We were restless!

Reach every heart

Reach every heart
Those whom you decide to teach,
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy
Late for first lesson
And the naughty girl in the past
Will invite you to the last call!

And many more years will pass,
Maybe someone's fate will work out,
And both pain and adversity will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be everyday life of study
And the answers are heard at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without anger,
And donated rose petals!
(Mark Lvovsky)

Beautiful at heart and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find your way to the children,
May success await you on this path!

For teachers

If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we wouldn’t be Icari,
We would never have soared into the sky,
If only through his efforts we
The wings were not grown.
Without him there would be a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because it is very dear to us
Our teacher's name!
(Veronica Tushnova)



Principal of School No. 61


school concert

dedicated to the holiday

Prepared 9 "B" class

Key manager Levanova N.Yu.

DASHA and ALAN come out

Presenter: Today schools are full of chaos. The students are still playing the fool.

And who doesn’t know - it’s just shame and disgrace that today is the Teacher’s Day!

Leading: And on this day, with the desire of grief, I congratulate any teacher...

After all, in principle, we are all teachers, but with a capital letter “U” - quite a bit.

Presenter: Hello, dear teachers and guests of our holiday.

Leading: Today is an unusual day!

Today is an amazing day!


Presenter: Holiday!!!


Long awaited!


ALL : Teacher's Day!!! Happy holiday


We remember the year, and the day, and the hour, When the call is cheerful

He called me to study in the first grade, to our native school.

And the timidity immediately passed, And autumn became more beautiful,

When our teacher entered the class with a smile.

We met her in the morning, hurrying to work.

She taught us goodness, both literacy and numeracy.

She could understand without words and knew how to listen to us,

Instilling faith and love in an open soul.

As foliage reaches to the sun, We have always been drawn to it,

And the main words became: Teacher, Friend and Mom!

Let the years fly by - Like a reflection of distant days,

We will never forget those first lessons.

And, to see you again, to hear your word,

We are all ready for first grade. Go to study again!


Dear teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day!

Let autumn be here for a whole month,

Today suddenly there was a breath of spring,

Flowers bloom today in every heart:

Teacher - today is your holiday.


ALAN and NARINE come out

Leading : I respect you, teachers.

We express our gratitude with our hearts!

And may the sun not cool down in your soul!

Low bow to you from your pets

My friends! Friends of my friends There is no holiday more worthy and beautiful!

We honor our teachers, whom our school knows and loves!

Narine:We love you for rigor, simplicity, for knowledge, for humor, for skill,

For human kindness, For your selfless burning!

Congratulations! I bow to you and all good songs are sung.

And together with you, as if in unison, the hearts of the guys beat so selflessly

DASHA and ALAN come out

Leading : Today we welcome you to our cozy hall


Leading: Strict and affectionate, Wise and sensitive,

To those who have gray hair at the temples, To those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

Those who are considered middle-aged. To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,

Teaches to achieve victories in work, To everyone whose proud name is Teacher,

Low bow and warm greetings!

Presenter: You opened a whole world before us,

We are interested in every hour with you,

And it's impossible to express in words

The love with which we think of you!

You always serve as an example for us. We want to become the same as you,

Health and joy for many years to come. Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Leading: Ah, the holiday in our school hall.

We called all the teachers

To say kind words.

And hearty congratulations to everyone!

Know, teachers here in Tashkent

Source of kindness and honor

The power of knowledge is given to them all

Know that she is the main thing in life!

Remember or write down:

All the warmth of my soul

Teachers give us

This is why I love them all!

Presenter: A lot of words have been invented about teachers,

But we want to repeat again:

Teacher for children - the beginning of fate!

The moment has come to give you a dance


DASHA and ALAN come out

Presenter: And now we bring to your attention a horoscope for the academic year.

Leading: There are horoscopes of all stripes in the world,
Adults and children adore them
Only Horoscope for teachers
No one has composed it on the entire planet.
It's time for us to correct this mistake
And draw up a teacher's horoscope.
Presenter: Won't give usAriesbleat at the blackboard -
He's a real wolf in sheep's clothing
Taurus- not formidable bulls,
And calves are kind by nature.
Twinscouples are mercilessly sculpted,
Grumbling angrily: “What kind of baby talk?”

Leading: URakovvery tenacious claws
They don’t let you leave the board for a long time!
If you show stupidity, they back away,
Lionsgrowl, but reward generously.
Virgoappearance and diligence
Content is more important than answers!
Presenter: Scaleseveryone wants justice
But the balance is unstable.
Scorpionhides a terrible poison,
Suddenly it stings - and in the magazine there is a deuce!
Shoots with remarks
Who can dodge - well done!

Leading : Butting headsCapricornimpossible,
The teacher is right - he knows in advance!
And with
AquariusIt’s also hard to argue
It will flood - and who will save you?
And you remain silent when you go to the bottom, -
After all
FishThey love silence very much!
Presenter: Now we know everything about teachers
And we are not afraid of any flood,
After all, the student will be unsinkable,
When will he study this Horoscope?


DASHA and SERGEY come out

Presenter: September comes - it's time for school. The guys go to lessons in the morning,

And, of course, the teacher is in a hurry with them, And the wind swirls the autumn leaves.

There are different ways to live in life,

It is possible in sorrow and in joy.

It's on time. Drink on time.

Do nasty things on time.

Or you can do it like you: get up at dawn

And, thinking about a miracle,

Reach the sun with your naked hand

And give it to people.

Sergey Belov: Lesson, change and lesson again,

First call and last call.

And between them all life lay,

Which was often difficult and alarming.

Waltz whirling and tears from the eyes:

Now the senior classes are leaving us,

But you come back to school in September,

And again you are happy with the mischievous children.

And every autumn again and again

You will celebrate your holiday with your friends,

Sad and laugh for the umpteenth time,

And listen to the autumn teacher's waltz,

Quiet, autumn teacher's waltz.


DASHA and MARYAM come out

,Leader: Your profession is prestigious, it is needed like air and water!

After all, without a beloved teacher, no one will ever move forward!

And even if your salary is low, “Money doesn’t buy happiness,” they say,

But now modernization is all around,

There are computers all around! What kind of teachers work at school,

And many, and more than a dozen years! but it’s mainly women who teach,

There are none more charming!

Maryam:Our dear teachers!

We speak words of confession

Thank you for the love and affection,

Care, tenderness and warmth.

When you are near, life is like a fairy tale,

And on the gloomiest day it is light.

We would like to congratulate you today...

We cannot convey everything in words.

We, dear ones, need to take care of you all.

This is what we wanted to tell you!

And let the years fly ahead. There is no need to be afraid of age,

You may have many years of experience, but in your heart there are only 20!



Song: “We wish you happiness!”

1. In a world where crazy snow is swirling,

Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,

Where sometimes we wait for a long time for good news,

To make it easier in difficult times,

Each of us really needs

Everyone really needs to know that happiness exists.

Chorus: We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world!

Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house

We wish you happiness, and it should be like this -

When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others

2. In a world where there is no rest for the winds,

Where there is a cloudy dawn,

Where on a long road we often dream of a house.

It is necessary both in a thunderstorm and in a snowfall,

To someone's very kind look,

Someone's very kind gaze warmed me with warmth.

Leading: Congratulations on your holiday, our dear TEACHERS.

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