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Children's stories about theft. Tag Archives: Tales of theft. Golden grains of fairy tale therapy

There was and there was nothing - there lived only one king. The king had a servant. He was a very clever servant, and he knew his business well. So one day the servant decided: “Let me learn another craft.” I thought, thought, searched, chose - and chose theft. He will leave the hat in the royal chambers, then sneak up and take it away. The king saw him stealing his hat, called him and said:

Hey guy, what are you doing there?
“Sir,” answered the servant, “I have learned to serve you well, but I also want to learn how to steal.”
“Okay,” said the king, “I have a white horse; If you steal it, you’ll get two thousand; if you don’t, I’ll take your head off.
“Very good,” said the thief.

The king ordered the horse to be brought into the stable, put one man on the horse, gave the reins to another, and placed a third at the door.

The thief got up at night, took all kinds of food and a jug of vodka, brought it all to the guards and said:
- The king sent you, have dinner and drink so as not to fall asleep.
The one standing in the door fell asleep standing there; the one who was holding the reins fell down with the reins, and the one who was sitting on the horse fell asleep on the horse.

The thief took the reins from the horse, pulled off the rider along with the saddle, sat on the horse and rode off. The next morning the king enters the stable - there is no horse. He called the thief and gave him two thousand. The thief brought a horse.
The king told him:
- I have black bulls; If you steal them, you’ll get three thousand, if not, I’ll take your head off.
“Okay,” says the thief.

Shepherds guard the bulls in the mountains. A thief went, took a pair of boots, smeared one boot with mud, and left the other clean. He threw the dirty boot on the road along which the shepherds led the bulls to water, and placed the clean one near the water. He hid himself. The shepherds took the bulls to a watering place and saw a boot lying there; They picked it up, they wanted to take it, but they thought: one boot, and even that one is covered in mud, it’s not worth washing. We reached the water, looked at another boot, were delighted, and ran after the first one. And the thief went out and stole the bulls.

The shepherds returned, but there was no trace of the bulls. They rushed here and there - no bulls. They went to the king to report: so and so, misfortune - the bulls disappeared. The king realized whose business it was and called the thief.
- Lead the bulls, take your three thousand.

The thief drove the bulls and took three thousand. They argued for the third time.
“If you manage to steal my wife, I’ll give you half the kingdom,” said the king, “but if you don’t, I’ll take off your head.”
The thief asked for two weeks. They gave it to him.

And the king decided to kill the thief. He surrounded his palace with troops and ordered to shoot whoever showed up.
The thief found the dead man, dressed him in his dress, dragged him and placed him at the gate. The guards thought that this was the thief, let’s shoot at him, they riddled him all over. They reported to the king that they had killed the thief. The king was delighted, ordered to bury the imaginary thief and disbanded the entire army. And the thief crept into the palace, grabbed the queen and ran away with her.

The thief is leading the beautiful queen, and the devil is meeting her. The devil liked the queen:
- Sell!
- I’ll sell it, but what will you give me? - I'll give you whatever you want.
- Give me a hat full of gold.

The devil was delighted, ran for the gold, and the thief dug a huge hole, made a hole in his hat and covered the hole with it. The devil pours gold, he pours it, he can’t fill his hat, he dragged all his gold, barely filled the hole. The devil took the queen away.

The king returned from the funeral - the queen was gone. I called the thief.
- Take your wife, take half the kingdom. Go to hell, the thief says:
- I don’t need your gold! It was the queen, return it - the king demands it.
“No,” says the devil, “let’s compete.” Whoever wins gets gold and a woman.
- Come on, how?
“Let’s run,” says the devil, “whoever comes running first wins.”
“Okay,” said the thief, “I’ll just run myself, I’ll go and get my cousin.”
“It’s good,” says the devil, “if you have a brother to overtake me.” A thief went, caught two birds with one stone, put one in his bosom, took the other in his hands,
strokes it, says: “Come on, little bunny brother, run, don’t be an ass.”
“I’m ready,” says the devil, “give me your brother.”
- You run, he will catch up.

The thief let the hare go, it darted into the bushes and ran away. The devil rushed after him. The thief took another hare out of his bosom, held it in his hands, stroked it and said:
- Well done, brother bunny, he didn’t disgrace me. The devil runs back and shouts:
- Here I am, where is your brother?
“He came running a long time ago, waiting for you,” says the thief. The devil argued:
- I don’t agree, let’s argue differently.
“Come on,” says the thief, “but how?”
- Come on - whoever shouts louder.
- You're crazy, why should we shout?
The devil is not far behind, the thief agreed. As the devil screamed, our thief almost went deaf and barely survived. You have to shout to the thief, and he says:
“You don’t have to scream like that, but like I’ll show you.” Just plug your ears with cotton wool and blindfold your eyes - otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll deafen you or blind you.

The devil plugged his ears and blindfolded him.
“Well, hold on,” says the thief, “I’ll scream now!” - He took a huge club and hit the devil on the head.
- Oh, that's enough, don't shout anymore! - the devil prays. And the thief beats him even more. The devil roared.
- Well, did I win? - asked the thief.
“Not yet,” says the devil.
- What else do you want?
- Let's fight - whichever of us is stronger, let him take both the gold and the queen.
“Okay,” says the thief, “I’m just afraid to kill you, but I have an old uncle, let’s go, he’ll fight you.”
The devil was happy:
- Very good!

The thief took him to the bear’s den and said:
“He’s lying there, go to him, grab him by the hand, drag him, he’ll come out, and you’ll fight.” The devil climbed up to the bear, grabbed him, grabbed him, dragged him, the uncle monk got angry, picked him up
paw and smeared the devil on the head, knocked him down and began to thrash him. He finished it off beautifully.
Both the queen and the gold went to the thief. A thief came to the king, removed him from his reign and became the king himself.

The little bear stood indecisively for a while in front of the wolf's house. After all, the little fox said that the wolf stole it, the little hare suspects him, and so does the raccoon, which means it’s true! We all need to go to the little fox together and ask him for some evidence. And Mishutka hurried back along the shortest route. When Mishutka came to a large clearing, his friends immediately surrounded him. “It’s so good that you’re back,” the bunny rejoiced. “We thought that a wolf ate you,” the raccoon said in a whisper for some reason. “We’ve been waiting for you, we’ve been waiting for you!” – the little bunny hugged Mishutka. - Wait, where are my jump ropes? - And my net? – the raccoon was upset. “The wolf didn’t give it up,” the bear cub sighed. “He told us to take evidence and evidence from the little fox.” - What is this? – the raccoon and the little hare asked in unison. “The wool is on the fence,” Mishutka answered vaguely and walked along the path towards the large oak tree. A fox opened the door for the animals.

Therapeutic tales about theft for children 5-7 years old

But since there were many people willing, she didn’t manage to play with the kaleidoscope for long. After afternoon tea, all the animals were taken for a walk. Yasha the hamster with a kaleidoscope in his paws walked next to Dusya. - Yasha, will you take your toy home? - asked Dusya the Guinea Pig. “Of course, Dusya, I’ll carry it, otherwise I’ll get lost here,” answered the Hamster. Guinea pig Dusya thought: “If the kaleidoscope is lost, Yasha will not be able to take it home.

But I’ve played with it so little, and the guinea pig family has never seen such a toy.” And so Yasha the Hamster ran down the slide, leaving the kaleidoscope by the stairs. Dusya quietly moved the kaleidoscope to the nearest bushes.
"It's done!" - she squeaked contentedly. - Yasha! Hamster Yasha, your dad has come! - called the teacher Wise Turtle. The hamster rolled down the slide for the last time and ran to dad. - Bye, Yasha! - Dusya waved to her friend.

Golden grains of fairy tale therapy

And how do you know who the thief is? - Well, someone saw him take my ball! - Nobody saw it! – the little fox said confidently. - No one has ever seen a thief! - And I want to see. I want my ball back! The little fox thought. - That's it, we need a suspect! Do you suspect anyone? – the little fox looked intently at the bear cub. - How’s that? - Well, you think that he stole it... For example, a hare! “No, the hare wouldn’t take it,” the bear cub shook his head. - He's my friend. - Okay, if you don’t want to suspect him, let’s suspect someone else. Got it! It's a wolf! - Why a wolf? – Mishutka was surprised.
- It's very simple! If you stole it, it means you did something bad! If you acted badly, then you are evil! And the most evil wolf in our forest! - Well, then I'll go! -Where did you go? – the little fox grabbed Mishutka by the paw. - To the wolf. Let him return my ball. - No need! - The little fox was scared.

Bunny! The hedgehog exclaimed... But the bunny did not pay any attention and silently walked to his desk. Then the hedgehog approached him - Bunny, hello! I know why you’re so sad, it’s because of the ruler, right?! The bunny raised his eyes at the hedgehog in surprise - How do you know? Did you find her? -I.. – the hedgehog felt ashamed to admit that he took it without asking.. – yes, I found it! Here it is! The bunny was delighted and thanked the hedgehog, told him how his mother scolded him and how much he loved this ruler. Then the hedgehog became very, very ashamed and he admitted to the hare that he had taken the ruler.

He asked for forgiveness - Forgive me, bunny! It’s just that your ruler is very beautiful and I wanted to use it. I will never take other people's things again, I'm very ashamed. The teacher, the wise owl, heard all this. He praised the guys for finding a common language and for the fact that the hedgehog was able to answer for his actions.

Mishutkin's ball

There are four basic parenting rules that can help stop theft, whether your children are young or older. These four steps will help you achieve lasting behavior change. Step 1: Approach the situation calmly and assess the child's intentions Step 1 is to try to find answers to five fundamental questions: What happened? Where and when did this happen? Who was your child with? Why did he steal? Unfortunately, the direct question “Why did you do that?” leads to nowhere.

The best place to start is with your reaction, explaining what you think happened and how you feel about it. For example: “Tim, I was upset when I found a video game in your closet, because it’s not yours. How did she get there? If there is no answer, you can directly ask: “Did you take her?” It is important to remember two “nots” in parental behavior.
First, don't overreact.

Your psychologist. work as a psychologist at school.


It is better if you accompany the child.) If the theft occurred in a store, talk to the store owner first so that a friendly seller will forgive the child for what he has done. If the item is damaged or cannot be returned, the child must pay its cost. You will probably have to give your money, but the child should pay it back over time from his pocket money or through additional daily responsibilities.

REMEMBER: Before you take your child to a store, find out whether the store typically requires police intervention. And then decide what is best to do. A step-by-step plan for changing your child's problem behavior If you want your children to be honest, set an example of honesty in your behavior so that they know what you expect of them. Start by assessing examples of honesty in everyday life.

Remember, Dusya: you shouldn’t take something that doesn’t belong to you, even if you really like this thing,” said Papa Guinea Pig, hugging Dusya. The next day, Dusya the guinea pig brought a kaleidoscope to the kindergarten. She felt awkward, it seemed that all the animals around knew about her bad deed.

On the way, Dusya's legs gave way, she was very ashamed. When Hamster Yasha saw his toy, he was happy. Running up to Dusya the Guinea Pig, he kissed her on the nose and, jumping for joy, shouted: “Dusya, you found him!” You found my favorite kaleidoscope! Hooray! You are a true friend! Let's play together: we'll spin the kaleidoscope and show each other the most beautiful patterns! And they played together all morning.

Tales about theft for children 5 6 years old

Then go home, and tomorrow come to the big clearing. Will you come? - I’ll come! – the bear cub said sadly. The little fox ran off to have lunch, and the little bear wondered where to go. If he returns home, then they will definitely ask him where the ball is and will scold him.

Mishutka didn’t want this at all, and he went to the wolf. The little bear, of course, knew that everyone was afraid of the wolf, but he himself was not afraid. Probably because his mom and dad weren’t afraid of anyone in the forest.

Mishutka was walking along the path to the river and had just begun to hum his favorite song when he suddenly heard someone crying. Parting the tall grass, the bear cub saw a hare. -Did anyone offend you? - asked Mishutka. - No! – Are you just crying? - No! – the little bunny cried even louder. - What happened? – I had jump ropes, completely new. I left them here in the clearing. And when he returned, they were no longer there.

The little fox said that the wolf stole them.

Tales about theft for children 5-6 years old


More on this topic... Olesya Emelyanova (fairy tale for kids) One day, mom and dad gave the bear a new ball. On one side it was red, on the other side blue, and in the middle it had a white stripe that never ended. Mishutka was very happy and immediately ran to a large clearing to play with his friends.

There, under the tree, a little fox was already waiting for him. - Why are you so happy? – he asked. - Guess what they gave me? - Candy? – the little fox sniffed and snorted. - No! Ball! – the little bear threw him up. “How cute,” the little fox rushed forward, caught the ball and pressed it to himself with both paws. - How I envy you! - Are you jealous? – the little bear was surprised. – You said that you have two whole balls. And I only have one. - But he’s brand new! - Let's play! - suggested Mishutka. - Throw it to me.
The hedgehog had a favorite hand - beautiful and very comfortable, then his mother asked him to imagine that suddenly his hand disappeared! So he was sitting in class, writing to her, and at recess he went out with the guys - he returned to class, but there was no pen. - No! This can't happen! This is my favorite pen! -And just imagine that someone took it without asking and didn’t return it! -Then I’ll be upset and probably cry... -You see, the bunny is also upset, because you took his ruler and didn’t tell him. And he was even more upset when he came home and his mother scolded him. — But I like this line so much!!! Can I keep it?! -No, you must return the ruler, because it is not yours. And one more thing - you need to apologize to the bunny. We shouldn't take what doesn't belong to us - look how much unpleasant things happened because of the ruler! And this will always be the case if we take someone else’s. You can't take someone else's. All night the hedgehog was thinking about the conversation with his mother.

Children's stories about theft

  • “Dislike” on the part of parents. The child desperately tries to attract the attention of his parents to himself in various ways, including shocking them with theft. He acts on the principle “all means are fair” and can steal more than just change from his mother’s wallet
  • The desire to appear “cool” in front of peers. This is especially true during adolescence. The child needs authority, but he does not know how to earn it. Having watched enough films about charming thieves, he tries in his own way to show “daringness.” It’s okay that there will be a thrashing from parents, the main thing is that your classmates will admire it!
  • The desire to have something that parents “can’t afford.” Recently, this type of theft is very common among girls. There are quite a lot of stories in the press and on television about girls taking away expensive phones, watches, and jewelry from their peers. They come up with any excuse for their actions, but the motive is the same - the desire to have something that they and their parents cannot afford
  • Impunity. Some moms and dads don't have the habit of keeping track of their finances and shove bills into different drawers and shelves. Children may take a little without their parents' knowledge and, making sure that they did not notice the loss, will do it again and again.

Therapeutic tales about theft for children 5-7 years old

The little bear stood indecisively for a while in front of the wolf's house. After all, the little fox said that the wolf stole it, the little hare suspects him, and so does the raccoon, which means it’s true! We all need to go to the little fox together and ask him for some evidence. And Mishutka hurried back along the shortest route.

Golden Grains of Fairytale Therapy

In any case, one of the ten commandments “Thou shalt not steal” has been violated. The child does not have the concept of “his, mine” and “someone else’s”; for him everything is “mine”. There is no taboo, no strict prohibition – you cannot take someone else’s property under any circumstances! Certain social norms are not brought up. In any case, one must somehow react to theft, but this reaction will be determined by the reason why the child steals.

A tale about theft for children

Child theft is a very common problem, although many parents are embarrassed to talk about it, considering it a shameful family secret. Most of them do not know how to react correctly: either swear, or pretend that nothing happened, or blame themselves for the incorrect upbringing of the child.

The Thief - another instructive tale about a thief - Russian fairy tales

And if you don’t hear, then go to bed with God. The janitors went into the kitchen, and Matrokha unlocked the gate, let his teacher in, and the two of them set to work: they began to break locks, clean out barns; they took everything that was better, and that was it! It came to a division; well, that's a good thing

Psychocorrectional tales

In a dense forest, at the edge of a clearing, a fallen tree lay. Under the roots of the tree there was an entrance to the time. It was a spacious, cozy hole: there was straw on the floor to keep it warm and soft, and a roof made of roots and earth protected from the rain. In this hole lived a large and strong toothy Papa Wolf, Mama Wolf(she was also strong and toothy, but only smaller than her husband) and small Teen Wolf. Little Wolf's paws were short, his teeth were small, and his fur was soft and fluffy.

Children's stories about theft

There was and there was nothing - there lived only one king. The king had a servant. He was a very clever servant, and he knew his business well. So one day the servant decided: “Let me learn another craft.” I thought, thought, searched, chose - and chose theft. He will leave the hat in the royal chambers, then sneak up and take it away. The king saw him stealing his hat, called him and said:

Theft in fairy tales

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Child theft

It is necessary to explain that this is not accepted in society, talk about the consequences and the attitude of others towards theft. Read instructive stories, watch films or cartoons about how sooner or later theft is discovered anyway, giving the child the opportunity, through the characters, to project onto himself the feeling of social shame experienced after the discovery of theft.

Class hour on the topic: Theft

One day, a boy found money in a thick book on a bookshelf. He thought that the adults had forgotten them here and would not remember them. The boy decided to go to the store and buy whatever he wanted. He felt completely grown up and enjoyed shopping. The boy gave some of the toys to the children in the yard, and brought others home. In the evening, the mother remembered the money and asked her son: “You didn’t take the money?” The boy remained silent.

Tale of theft

— The refrigerator was bought with a bribe from Boris Lvovich. And so endlessly throughout the day, you will inevitably go crazy. Both of his wives gathered for a consultation and decided to send the bigamist deputy for treatment. To the madhouse. Of course, it’s not for you to vacation in the Canary Islands at state expense, but what should you do?

Your psychologist

2. Once you understand why your child is stealing, ask yourself how to get rid of this problem. For example, if you think your child is stealing to gain acceptance from his peers, help him find friends who will help him build character and teach him to stand up to his peers. Write down what you are going to do to solve the problem and commit to following it with your child.

Tale of a thief

Shepherds guard the bulls in the mountains. A thief went, took a pair of boots, smeared one boot with mud, and left the other clean. He threw the dirty boot on the road along which the shepherds led the bulls to water, and placed the clean one near the water. He hid himself. The shepherds took the bulls to a watering place and saw a boot lying there; They picked it up, they wanted to take it, but they thought: one boot, and even that one is covered in mud, it’s not worth washing. We reached the water, looked at another boot, were delighted, and ran after the first one. And the thief went out and stole the bulls.

Children's stories about theft

It should be noted here that we do not mean cases of true kleptomania, which is a mental illness and is quite rare. If there is no positive effect from the correctional work carried out and there is a relapse of offenses, parents are advised to consult a neuropsychiatrist.

A tale about a thief. Georgian fairy tale

There was and there was nothing - there lived only one king. The king had a servant. He was a very clever servant, and he knew his business well. So one day the servant decided: “Let me learn another craft.” I thought, thought, searched, chose - and chose theft. He will leave the hat in the royal chambers, then sneak up and take it away. The king saw him stealing his hat, called him and said:

- Hey, guy, what are you doing there?
“Sir,” answered the servant, “I have learned to serve you well, but I also want to learn how to steal.”
“Okay,” said the king, “I have a white horse; If you steal it, you’ll get two thousand; if you don’t, I’ll take your head off.
“Very good,” said the thief.

The king ordered the horse to be brought into the stable, put one man on the horse, gave the reins to another, and placed a third at the door.

The thief got up at night, took all kinds of food and a jug of vodka, brought it all to the guards and said:
- The king sent you, have dinner and drink so as not to fall asleep.
The one standing in the door fell asleep standing there; the one who was holding the reins fell down with the reins, and the one who was sitting on the horse fell asleep on the horse.

The thief took the reins from the horse, pulled off the rider along with the saddle, sat on the horse and rode off. The next morning the king enters the stable - there is no horse. He called the thief and gave him two thousand. The thief brought a horse.
The king told him:
- I have black bulls; If you steal them, you’ll get three thousand, if not, I’ll take your head off.
“Okay,” says the thief.

Shepherds guard the bulls in the mountains. A thief went, took a pair of boots, smeared one boot with mud, and left the other clean. He threw the dirty boot on the road along which the shepherds led the bulls to water, and placed the clean one near the water. He hid himself. The shepherds took the bulls to a watering place and saw a boot lying there; They picked it up, they wanted to take it, but they thought: one boot, and even that one is covered in mud, it’s not worth washing. We reached the water, saw another boot, were delighted and ran after the first one. And the thief went out and stole the bulls.

The shepherds returned, but there was no trace of the bulls. They rushed here and there - no bulls. They went to the king to report: so and so, misfortune - the bulls disappeared. The king realized whose business it was and called the thief.
- Lead the bulls, take your three thousand.

The thief drove the bulls and took three thousand. They argued for the third time.
“If you manage to steal my wife, I’ll give you half the kingdom,” said the king, “but if you don’t, I’ll take off your head.”
The thief asked for two weeks. They gave it to him.

And the king decided to kill the thief. He surrounded his palace with troops and ordered to shoot whoever showed up.
The thief found the dead man, dressed him in his dress, dragged him and placed him at the gate. The guards thought that this was the thief, let’s shoot at him, they riddled him all over. They reported to the king that they had killed the thief. The king was delighted, ordered to bury the imaginary thief and disbanded the entire army. And the thief crept into the palace, grabbed the queen and ran away with her.

The thief is leading the beautiful queen, and the devil is meeting her. The devil liked the queen:
- Sell!
- I’ll sell it, but what will you give me? - I'll give you whatever you want.
- Give me a hat full of gold.

The devil was delighted, ran for the gold, and the thief dug a huge hole, made a hole in his hat and covered the hole with it. The devil pours gold, he pours it, he can’t fill his hat, he dragged all his gold, barely filled the hole. The devil took the queen away.

The king returned from the funeral - the queen was gone. I called the thief.
- Take your wife, take half the kingdom. Go to hell, the thief says:
“I don’t need your gold!” It was the queen, return it - the king demands it.
“No,” says the devil, “let’s compete.” Whoever wins gets gold and a woman.
- Come on, how?
“Let’s run,” says the devil, “whoever runs first wins.”
“Okay,” said the thief, “I just need to run around myself, I’ll go and get my cousin.”
“It’s good,” says the devil, “if you have a brother to overtake me.” A thief went, caught two birds with one stone, put one in his bosom, took the other in his hands,
strokes it, says: “Come on, little bunny brother, run, don’t be an ass.”
“I’m ready,” says the devil, “give me your brother.”
- You run, he will catch up.

The thief let the hare go, it darted into the bushes and ran away. The devil rushed after him. The thief took another hare out of his bosom, held it in his hands, stroked it and said:
- Well done, brother bunny, you didn’t disgrace me. The devil runs back and shouts:
- Here I am, where is your brother?
“He came running a long time ago, waiting for you,” says the thief. The devil argued:
- I don’t agree, let’s argue differently.
“Come on,” says the thief, “but how?”
- Come on - whoever shouts louder.
“You’re crazy, why should we shout?”
The devil is not far behind, the thief agreed. As the devil screamed, our thief almost went deaf and barely survived. You have to shout to the thief, and he says:
“You don’t have to scream like that, but like I’ll show you.” Just plug your ears with cotton wool and blindfold your eyes - otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll deafen you or blind you.

The devil plugged his ears and blindfolded him.
“Well, hold on,” says the thief, “I’ll scream now!” - He took a huge club and hit the devil on the head.
- Oh, that's enough, don't shout anymore! - the devil prays. And the thief beats him even more. The devil roared.
- Well, did I win? - asked the thief.
“Not yet,” says the devil.
- What else do you want?
- Let's fight - whichever of us is stronger, let him take both the gold and the queen.
“Okay,” says the thief, “I’m just afraid to kill you, but I have an old uncle, let’s go, he’ll fight you.”
The devil was happy:
- Very good!

The thief took him to the bear’s den and said:
“He’s lying there, go to him, grab him by the hand, drag him, he’ll come out, and you’ll fight.” The devil climbed up to the bear, grabbed him, grabbed him, dragged him, the uncle monk got angry, picked him up
.paw and smeared the devil on the head, knocked him down and began to thrash him. He finished it off beautifully.
Both the queen and the gold went to the thief. A thief came to the king, removed him from his reign and became the king himself.

How do parents feel when they find out for the first time that their child has taken someone else’s? Panic, indignation, confusion, shame. If a child steals, it is often perceived by loved ones as a tragedy.

How dare he? There have never been thieves in our family!
- How can we look people in the eyes now?! It's a shame!

There is a desire to solve the problem with radical measures once and for all:

Well, now I'll ask him! So much money that it will be disgraceful to take someone else’s property!

In fact, every child at least once tried to take something that did not belong to him, even if it happened in kindergarten or a sandbox in the yard. Until the age of 4, all children are selfish and, without thinking about the consequences, take what they like, be it their own or someone else’s. At 4-5 years old, the concepts of “one’s own” and “someone else’s” take on more concrete outlines, and if a child reaches out to someone else’s thing, this is done consciously, although without “calculating” the consequences.

If a child steals, there is always a reason.

Reasons for child theft

  • “Dislike” on the part of parents. The child desperately tries to attract the attention of his parents to himself in various ways, including shocking them with theft. He acts on the principle “all means are fair” and can steal more than just change from his mother’s wallet
  • The desire to appear “cool” in front of peers. This is especially true during adolescence. The child needs authority, but he does not know how to earn it. Having watched enough films about charming thieves, he tries in his own way to show “daringness.” It’s okay that there will be a thrashing from parents, the main thing is that your classmates will admire it!
  • The desire to have something that parents “can’t afford.” Recently, this type of theft is very common among girls. There are quite a lot of stories in the press and on television about girls taking away expensive phones, watches, and jewelry from their peers. They come up with any excuse for their actions, but the motive is the same - the desire to have something that they and their parents cannot afford
  • Impunity. Some moms and dads don't have the habit of keeping track of their finances and shove bills into different drawers and shelves. Children may take a little without their parents' knowledge and, making sure that they did not notice the loss, will do it again and again.

How to prevent child theft?

  • Starting from the age of 4-5 years, it is worth talking with your child about what theft is, why it is bad, especially if you notice his interest in other people’s things and an attempt to appropriate them
  • Stop your child from touching things without your permission.
  • Make it clear to your child that he will not be able to use the stolen item because he will have to return it or pay for it. But at the same time he risks losing your trust and friends.
  • The child must understand that by stealing, he is doing wrong and will be punished for it.
  • Show enough love to your child and be attentive to him. Psychologists say that the source of the family drama called “child theft” is most often a lack of affection and respect from parents.

If, despite the measures taken, you still encounter theft, do not try to solve the problem “one time” by using physical punishment and rudeness. This may have the opposite effect: the child will look for ways to hide such facts from you.

When solving ethical problems, great tact is required, and the more trusting your relationship with your child is, the higher the level of mutual understanding with him, the greater the likelihood of coping with the problem of child theft. Psychologists insist that the main reason for this and other problems in a child’s behavior is failures in his upbringing.

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