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Why does a person need pubic hair? Why is pubic hair necessary? Why does the hair on the eyebrows and groin grow to a certain length? And not like on the head and face endlessly

The modern idea of ​​beauty obliges women and girls to take careful care of their bodies every day. A fit, athletic figure, soft skin without rashes and unwanted hair, healthy hair, well-groomed nails - this is the minimum necessary to feel attractive to the opposite sex. A particularly troublesome task for many women is removing excess hair from the body. The question has become relevant: should a girl shave her groin and how to do it correctly.

The presence of hair around the genitals is a secondary sexual characteristic in women. Around the age of 11-12 years, girls begin to grow light vellus hair on their pubic hair. Towards achievement age 13-14 years they become darker, thicker and tougher. Ovarian hormones regulate hair growth in the groin area, so during menopause it can become much less frequent.

Hair in the groin area evolutionarily must perform the following functions:

  • They increase the surface area for the evaporation of pheromones secreted by special glands in the groin;
  • Thermoregulation function;
  • Visual sign of puberty;

Female pattern hair growth is characterized by a horizontal border of hair growth. Any disturbances in the time of hair appearance, its structure and growth zone may indicate hormonal abnormalities in the female body.

Why remove groin hair?

There is no clear answer to the question of whether a girl should shave her groin, but unwanted hair causes a lot of inconvenience. You should think about removing pubic hair, let's look at why?

  1. If you want to wear lace lingerie and thong. Hair peeking through your underwear doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Most modern swimsuit models involve depilation in the bikini area.
  3. Men rarely appreciate the lush vegetation in the intimate area of ​​women. To please your loved one in erotic panties or completely naked, you should shave off excess hair.
  4. Shaving is necessary if you want to experiment with intimate haircuts or tattoos.
  5. Hair creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and increases sweating (especially in the hot season). Personal hygiene can be considered one of the main reasons why girls shave their groins.

With what and how to shave hair in the groin

If you decide to take care of the hygiene and beautiful appearance of your pubic area and perineum, you should definitely find out how girls shave their groin correctly.

The skin in the bikini area is very sensitive to irritation, and the hair is stiff, which can cause some difficulties during shaving. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of a razor, shaving products and the procedure itself.

Most special women's shaving machines are convenient for removing hair from the surface of the legs and are not very effective at shaving the skin of the groin area. A razor for men can come to the rescue. As a rule, the blade of men's razors is much sharper, and they are located on a more movable base, which is of fundamental importance for removing hair in hard-to-reach places.

The range of women's shaving products today is quite wide. You can choose a shaving foam, cream or shaving gel with the scent you like. But there are a number of products that are not recommended for use when shaving the intimate area:

  • Men's shaving products. Their composition includes more aggressive components that can cause an allergic reaction on delicate female skin. They also have a specific “masculine” aroma;
  • It is better not to use soap, shower gels and mousses. They contain a lot of active detergents, which, in combination with microtraumas that occur during shaving, can cause irritation;

In addition to shaving cream, for maximum effectiveness after shaving, apply special skin aftershave products. They soothe and moisturize the skin, preventing redness and itching.

Before starting this delicate procedure, it’s best to remember a few useful tips on how to shave a woman’s groin:

  • Before shaving your intimate area, use a body scrub. It will exfoliate dead skin cells and prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs after shaving;
  • Moisten the skin of the groin area and apply shaving cream to it for 5-10 minutes. This time is necessary to prepare the skin and hair for the procedure;
  • Shave only as the hair grows to avoid cuts and irritation;
  • For convenience, before moving the razor, you can slightly pull the skin;
  • If a cut occurs, it must be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • After completing the shaving process, blot your bikini area with a dry towel (do not rub, this may cause irritation);

Hair removal in the groin area is a purely individual decision for each woman. You can choose the method of removal, whether to remove hair completely or partially, at your discretion. It is important to follow the recommendations and not turn caring for your body into a routine or painful task.

In the groin and armpits, in addition to the usual sweat glands, there are large sweat glands that release pheromones. Hair in these places is needed in order to increase the evaporation surface (so that pheromones can evaporate not only from the surface of the skin, but also from the surface of the hair).

Why are pheromones needed?

Long-range pheromones(small volatile substances, the same for all people) attract individuals of the opposite sex - not in the sense of “causing wild desire”, but simply - they report that there are organisms in the area that are capable of mating.

Short-range pheromones(heavy, poorly-flying substances transmitted through close contact and ) tell other people your private“genetic profile” - so that they can calculate how biochemically (genetically) compatible you and they are. And if the compatibility is high, and the organism of the “sniffer” is ready...

Her imagination has long been
Burning with bliss and melancholy,
Hungry for fatal food;
Long-time heartache
Her young breasts were tight;
The soul was waiting... for someone

Then the millstones of love may well begin to spin.

And she waited... The eyes opened;
She said: it's him!
Alas! now both days and nights,
And a hot lonely dream,
Everything is full of it; everything to the sweet girl
Incessantly magical power
Talks about him.

Introduction to pheromonology

Pheromones- this is a large group of substances that ensure chemical communication between individuals of the same species. Animals can use scents

  • communicate to each other about fear and danger,
  • mark the boundaries of the territory,
  • mark the way home and to the food source.

In addition, pheromones play an important role in organizing sexual behavior.

  • Male insects can smell a pheromone to find a female at a distance of several kilometers.
  • The female pig, sensing the male's androsterone, arches her back, spreads her hind legs and stands motionless, waiting for something.
  • A male rhesus monkey gets wildly sexually excited when he smells a female's copulin.

Exactly the same reaction is observed in these animals to simple cotton wool soaked in pheromone. It has not yet been possible to isolate a similar active substance in humans (“wildly stimulating” in its pure form, from cotton wool) - perhaps we simply don’t have it.

What do we have?

According to “long-range pheromones, the same in all people”

  • The smell of a T-shirt allows most people to fairly accurately determine the gender of the person wearing that T-shirt. The smell of the opposite sex is usually pleasant, the smell of the same sex is not.
  • Many experiments have been conducted with androsterone (which pigs are so good at). Men and women were asked to choose one of two objects, one of which was treated with androsterone, and the other was not (and the concentration of the pheromone was very low, and no odor was felt). It is absolutely clear that men more often chose a clean object (photo, chair, rest room), and women - a processed one.

By "short-range pheromones that convey a personal genetic profile"

  • Women's sensitivity to odors depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle: it is highest on the day of ovulation, when fertilization is most likely.
  • If women are asked to choose from a heap of men's T-shirts the one with the most pleasant smell, then women choose men who are most different from them in terms of the major histocompatibility complex.

Actually, that's all. Despite the fact that the topic is very exciting, and the experiments are very inexpensive (a T-shirt costs much less than a collider, you must agree), so far there have been no major breakthroughs in this area, and the number of newspaper articles greatly exceeds the number of scientific papers. This is due to the fact that people’s reactions to odors are very individual, and patterns that are common to everyone can rarely be identified. However, a detailed study of human pheromones began relatively recently (in the 1970s), so we’ll wait.

Additional information

The most impressive experience with pheromones did not make it into the main text (because it is not very related to “sex”) - I am posting it here: the smell of the armpit sweat of some women can affect the duration of the menstrual cycle of other women. If women live in the same place (the study was conducted in a dormitory), then their menstrual cycles are synchronized. Why this is necessary is an obscure question; they write that the simultaneous birth of several children allows women (together) to better care for them - some very dubious explanation.

The vomeronasal organ may be able to determine not only genetic compatibility, but also other parameters of the intended sexual partner - such as the presence of various diseases, stress level, etc. - for example, see on “Elements” “The immune system helps animals distinguish sick relatives from healthy ones by smell.”

© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity ask many questions about pubic hair. Why do you need hair below the waist, how to care for it and is it worth shaving? In this publication we will give answers to all questions, based on the opinions of anthropologists, urologists, and hairdressers.

Is groin hair a sign of brutality?

That's right. The presence of pubic hair is the key difference between a mature man and a boy. Anthropologists think so. Women are also sure that hair between the legs is a sign of a real male. There are glands in the groin that secrete pheromones. Hair increases the area of ​​distribution of individual odors. Women are sensitive to male pheromones. Smells attract them like magnets. Therefore, those with lush vegetation between their legs can count on the favor of girls.

Pubic hair is frizzy - why does this happen?

This is how nature intended it. Pubic hair is thicker and coarser. This is due to the fact that the main purpose of the hairline is to protect sensitive parts of the body from friction. The vegetation between the legs also serves other functions. Pubic hair is a natural defense against bacteria. For this reason, many people do not shave their groin hair. To follow this trend or shave off your hair is everyone’s personal choice. But we must not forget that curly hair retains odors produced by the body well. This is why men with lush hair attract women.

What is pubic hair care?

There is nothing complicated about this. If you want to have full hair in the groin, anoint your hair with balm. This is an effective product that gives volume and silkiness to hair. Is this relevant for men? How to say...
If additional volume is not needed, limit yourself to simple. Then your hair will be clean and well-groomed.

How long does pubic hair grow?

Don't worry. There is no such thing as too long hair, so hair does not come out of your trouser legs. People who have never trimmed vegetation in the intimate area do not feel discomfort. On average, the length of pubic hair is 2-7 cm. This is a limitation imposed by nature. But there are also exceptions to the rules. A unique record was recorded in South Africa. The man's pubic hair reached his knees. This is a phenomenal phenomenon. But was the man happy with him?
- This is a rhetorical question.

Possible baldness in the groin?

With age, changes occur in the body. After 50 years, the amount of testosterone decreases in representatives of the stronger sex. For this reason, the hair in the groin thins and falls out. This is an age-related change that you can't argue with. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that in old age the vegetation in the intimate area will disappear.

I want to shave my hair. What will be the consequences?

An interesting study was conducted at the University of California. His results make you wonder whether you should shave your groin hair. It was found that would-be hairdressers face trouble. Men are admitted to the hospital with wounds that were received when shaving a sensitive area. This is due to the fact that there are many blood vessels located under the skin.
The statistics are sad: 83% of genital injuries are caused by razor cuts, and 22% by punctures with scissors. But that's not all. In many cases, damage occurs from hot wax. Does this really happen?
- Yes, if you pour candle wax on yourself.

Is it possible to guarantee one hundred percent security?

Even if you handle the razor correctly, you cannot be completely calm. Your thing changes in size. In its normal state, the skin on the genital organ lies in folds. There are many bacteria living there. As long as harmful microorganisms are on the skin, they are not scary. If the skin is injured by a razor, an abscess and even Fournier's gangrene can form. There is a lot of information and pictures about this on the Internet. Check them out if you want to know the truth.
- We warn you right away: the spectacle is terrifying.

What to do: follow the example of our ancestors and not shave off the hair in the intimate area?

The choice is up to you.
If you don't like full hair between your legs, use advanced techniques. This refers to hair removal with wax or sugar. Such procedures cause pain, but for the sake of the result you can endure everything. Smooth skin lasts for several weeks. This is an excellent indicator. You can go the other way by using an electric razor. This is a good alternative. If you are sure that the hair between your legs makes you sexy and attracts women, just maintain daily hygiene.

Groin hair appears from the onset of puberty. It is so inherent that nature does not give anything extra, including hair in the groin area, which carries certain functions. To shave it or not to shave is a purely individual matter and only the person himself has the right to decide this issue.

Why should a man shave his groin?

Every man chooses for himself whether to shave his groin or not. But there are still some reasons for removing hair in the groin. Below in this article we will look in more detail at the pros and cons of getting rid of hair in the intimate area.

Maintaining personal hygiene

It is known that hair has a protective function, which is carried out by retaining harmful microorganisms. Please note the following points:

Thus, we can conclude that with a shaved groin it is easier to maintain cleanliness of the skin and genitals. In addition, an intimate area without dense vegetation does not have an unpleasant odor.

Personal life

From an intimate life perspective, there are several undeniable arguments that tilt the choice of shaving the groin area in a positive direction. It is worth remembering that sexual intercourse is for two and you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of your partner.

How to always bring a girl to orgasm?

It's no secret that almost 50% of women do not experience orgasm during sex, and this greatly affects both manhood and relationships with the opposite sex. There are only a few ways to always bring your partner to orgasm. Here are the most effective:

  1. Strengthen your potency. Allows you to prolong sexual intercourse from several minutes to at least an hour, increases a woman’s sensitivity to caresses and allows her to experience incredibly powerful and long-lasting orgasms.
  2. Learning and applying new positions. Unpredictability in bed always excites women.
  3. Also, do not forget about other sensitive points on the female body. And the first of them is the G-spot.

You can find out the rest of the secrets of unforgettable sex on the pages of our portal.

Let's consider what are the advantages of shaving the groin from the perspective of personal life:

  1. Most representatives of the opposite sex now prefer men who take care of their intimate area. According to the survey, only 10% are of the opinion that the hairline should remain intact.
  2. It will be much more pleasant for your significant other to perform oral sex with a shaved groin. Hairs will not get stuck in the teeth, which in itself is not very pleasant for both partners, and there will also be no unpleasant odor.
  3. With a shaved groin, the length of the penis usually appears longer. The hairline rises above the skin by an average of two to three centimeters, and its removal will visually increase manhood by the same figures. The visual effect of the penis plays a role in sexual life for both men and women. Not to mention the fact that genetically, men have the principle of feeling more confident with a large farm.
  4. Visual pleasure during sexual intercourse will be much higher.

Other cases

In addition to complete hair removal in the groin area, a man can opt for an intimate haircut. The hair in the groin will simply be neatly trimmed. This option will be less traumatic and will not cause discomfort to a man, unlike a smoothly shaved area of ​​skin on which hairs will soon begin to grow again. That is why many men prefer this option. It’s not difficult to cut your hair yourself, and such a haircut will also look neat and aesthetic.

Why you should leave your groin hair alone

It should be noted that there are arguments that support shaving the groin in men. After thinking about them, a man will be able to decide and make a choice. But before making a decision, you need to weigh the reasons that do not recommend hair removal in the intimate area. Below in the article we will look at them in more detail:

  1. Protection.

Groin hair is a kind of barrier to pathogenic microflora; bacteria are retained on it and their further spread to the genitals is not allowed.

  1. Women's consciousness. In the subconscious of many female representatives, the opinion remains that a real man is covered with hair from head to toe. This is a kind of confirmation of male strength, since the most masculine hormone, testosterone, is responsible for hair growth.
  1. Weight gain. This point remains controversial, but American scientists revealed in a study that people who undergo frequent hair removal in all interesting places are prone to gaining excess weight. This can be explained by the fact that shaving itself is an irritation, and in response to irritation, hormones are produced, which could affect the overall metabolism.
  1. Loss of pheromones. It is believed that these substances accumulate on the hair in the intimate area.

    It has been proven that pheromones are responsible for attracting the opposite sex; therefore, when shaving, a certain percentage of attractiveness for women will be lost.

Although pheromones are present in all animals, it is believed that humans have lost them during evolution. But the following experiment was done: some things were treated with male androgens. Men, as a rule, chose clean objects, while women selectively chose processed things. Also, out of two T-shirts offered, a person will smell only the one worn by the opposite individual.

Thus, whether or not to shave the groin remains a purely individual matter for each person. There are pros and cons to both solutions. From a biological point of view, it is most beneficial not to shave; from an aesthetic point of view, shaving will bring more benefits. Or you can approach this issue with a compromise, for example, do not do a complete shave, but only a partial one, or give preference to an intimate haircut.

Ingrown hairs usually appear in areas that are shaved or epilated. The process when the hair does not break out, but grows inward, is called pseudofolliculitis.

Ingrown hair in the bikini area is a common problem, as the skin here is very thin and prone to irritation. It is especially unpleasant when the follicle becomes inflamed, causing considerable discomfort. However, there are ways to prevent ingrown hairs, and if this has already happened, then quickly cope with inflammation.

In men, the epidermis is rougher, so pseudofolliculitis occurs more often in them than in the fairer sex. Due to increased testosterone levels, the sebaceous glands work faster, secreting excessive amounts of fat. This increases the likelihood of inflammation several times, which is more pronounced. Fortunately, not all men remove groin hair.

The reasons for improper hair growth are as follows:

  • Too frequent shaving procedures lead to thickening of the epidermis and thinning of the hairs. The defect can be caused by an insufficiently sharp blade, skin injuries, strong pressure on the machine, shaving against hair growth;
  • non-compliance with the technique of the depilation procedure, neglect of preliminary preparation;
  • as a result of accelerated keratinization of the epithelium (follicular hyperkeratosis, “goose bumps”), the hair simply cannot break through;
  • naturally dry and thin skin, prone to frequent irritation;
  • thick, coarse and curly hair growing in different directions;
  • tight synthetic underwear rubs, disrupts the oxygen exchange of skin cells, and prevents the evaporation of sweat from the surface;
  • location of the bulbs at an angle.

If the hair follicle in the groin is inflamed, then the cause should be sought in improper hygiene of the intimate area. The secretion of the sebaceous gland, sweat, and particles of dirt collect around the hair twisted under the epidermis. This entire mass is an excellent breeding ground for the growth of pathogenic bacteria. There is itching, slight pain, and a papule with a white or yellow head and a red rim forms on the surface. A loop or tip of a hair is visible inside it. If the proliferation of microbes is not stopped, a dense nodule will form, and then an abscess.

But inflammation can also begin with careful hygiene. The body simply perceives an ingrown hair as a foreign inclusion and tries to reject it. Itching, swelling, and redness appear. After some time, the woman notices that the ingrown hair in the groin has become a lump filled with white contents.

How to properly get rid of ingrown hairs?

If the twisted ring is clearly visible through the epidermis, it means that it is located shallow. Hair can be carefully removed, but only if there is no inflammation or pus. To do this, the affected area is steamed in warm water or a decoction of chamomile or string. Then thoroughly wipe with alcohol or any antiseptic (for example, Chlorhexidine). Hands must be washed and also disinfected.

Using a thin needle from a disposable sterile syringe, carefully pierce the skin and pull out the hair. After this, it is grabbed with disinfected tweezers and pulled out (do not pull out, so as not to damage the bulb) strictly in the direction of growth. Finally, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide and lubricated with antibacterial ointment (Levomekol, Metrogyl). The bikini area is not shaved or epilated until the damaged area is completely healed.

Ingrown hairs in the groin photo

How to treat inflammation?

When an ingrown hair in the bikini area has become a lump, you can no longer touch it. Mechanical impact can provoke even greater inflammation of the tissues and penetration of infection into the dermis. This often results in blood poisoning.

To begin with, you should refrain from removing hair in the groin and try to cope with the inflammation. In some cases, the body independently rejects the foreign body. The contents of the pimple spontaneously burst out along with the unruly hair. This process lasts a week or longer, but there are ways to speed up healing:

  • the lump is lubricated with benzoyl peroxide gel twice a day (Baziron AS);
  • morning and evening, spot-burn the pimple with salicylic acid or calendula tincture;
  • To absorb the purulent contents, make a compress with Vishnevsky's liniment at night. Fold a sterile bandage into quarters, apply a pea of ​​ointment to it and apply it to the inflamed area. Secure the compress with a bandage.

Also, increased attention is paid to the hygiene of the lesion in order to avoid the addition of a secondary infection.

Prevention rules

Following simple preventive rules will help prevent ingrown hairs:

  1. Particular attention should be paid to preparing the intimate area for depilation, namely, preliminary softening of the skin. It is recommended to lightly steam it in warm water, for example, under the shower or in the bath. Then you should apply a scrub that exfoliates dead epidermal cells.
  2. When shaving, it is not advisable to move the razor against the direction of hair growth. Do not put too much pressure on the skin or stretch it. Ideally, the hairs should be cut off the first time. Be sure to use shaving foam or gel, and finally apply special soothing products.
  3. It is important to moisturize the skin with milk, lotion or body oil every day after water procedures.
  4. If ingrown hairs always remain after shaving or waxing, then it is better to choose another way to get rid of unwanted hair. For example, try sugaring, laser or photo hair removal in a salon.

If an ingrown hair in the bikini area has become a lump with pus, then it is better not to risk your health, but to entrust the opening of the abscess to a specialist. A dermatologist or cosmetologist will remove the rod under sterile conditions and clean the canal. After the procedure, a small wound will remain, and after it heals, a barely noticeable spot will remain. Lightening peels and creams will help get rid of pigmentation.

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