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“Spiritual and moral development of children through environmental education.” Presentation on the topic "ecological education of preschool children." Positive aspects of project technology

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Formation of ecological culture of preschool children Author Naberezhneva Svetlana Mikhailovna teacher of the 2nd qualification category

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Just like a small tree that barely rises above the ground, a caring gardener strengthens the root, on the power of which the life of the plant depends for several decades, so a teacher must take care of nurturing the feelings of his children boundless love to the Motherland. The development of these qualities begins from the time when the child begins to see, cognize, evaluate the world around us. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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In my profession, I am taking the first, but already confident and conscious steps of a person who knows in which direction to move. This work opened up a huge scope for professional self-development for me. In our kindergarten a favorable environment has been created for teachers’ self-development. My pedagogical topic“Formation of ecological culture of preschool children.”

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Relevance of the work Currently, new trends and problems are visible in the field of ecology, indicating the need to address environmental education on a high quality basis new level. If in the recent past there has been a rapid penetration of environmental issues into the domestic pedagogical science and practice, at all levels educational process, then at present such activity is noticeably decreasing. The contradiction between the demands that the era of environmental disasters places on people and the real level of environmental education of the younger generation is becoming more and more obvious. The low effectiveness of the efforts undertaken leads to the need to increase the level of environmental education of preschool children.

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Objectives: 1. Improve the subject-development environment for experimental research; 2. Enrich children’s speech through systematic and consistent acquaintance with the world around them; 3. Raise children together with parents emotionally positive, careful and compassionate attitude towards objects of the surrounding nature. Goal: education of environmentally literate, socially active preschooler, responsible for the state of the environment, caring for the wealth of nature.

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The main principles of my work Systematicity Focus on the child’s age Integration Continuity of interaction with the child in the conditions preschool and families

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Forms of work: With children preschool age Reading literature, memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings Didactic, active and role-playing games Musical and sports entertainment Experienced activity Observation of flora and fauna, the work of adults Labor activity in a corner of nature, on the site and in the garden Excursions to nature Educational activities

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Forms of work: With parents, Parent meetings, consultations Information stands, environmental newspapers Family living rooms Photo reports, home video Questionnaires, conducting surveys Screens, environmental stands

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Forms of work: Advanced teaching experience Video trainings Teacher advice, consultations Creative groups Thematic meetings Practical seminars Ecological school With teachers

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The first thing I did was to create an ecological development environment, where students independently learn about the world around them, observing objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature

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Great value in environmental education has the environment at the kindergarten site. In the process of working with children, I noticed that in the course of specific observations they easily grasp the connections between various natural phenomena.

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In order to organize a search research activities preschoolers in nature, a laboratory is needed, i.e. a place where material is concentrated for constant observation of experiments and the relationship between living and inanimate nature.

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We have created a mini-library. Here we have collected a variety of colorful books and encyclopedias for children. I use the literature of famous children's writers, naturalists Prishvin, Bianchi in classes and thematic readings. Often with children we learn poems about nature by our famous poets A.S. Pushkina, N.A. Nekrasova, I.A. Bunin and others.

Environmental education of preschool children in kindergarten involves: - education humane treatment to nature (moral education); -formation of the system environmental knowledge and representations ( intellectual development) ; -development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it); -participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.

The main directions of environmental education of children and educational areas Physical development Cognitive-speech development of artistic aesthetic development Social personal development Physical culture Health Artistic creativity Communication Music Reading fiction Cognition Horizon Socialization Labor Safety

ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION Senior group ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION Senior group Familiarization with living and inanimate nature Emotional-aesthetic development Excursions, walks, Observations of objects on the ecological trail Excursions, walks, Observations of objects on the ecological trail Mysterious announcements Speech logic problems Mysterious announcements Speech logic problems Cultural and leisure activities Educational projects Play activity Artistic and creative activity Teacher Koptenko T.A

The teacher's PORTFOLIO contains: 1. Information and technology cards; 2. Didactic and illustrative material; 3. Long-term calendar planning of work with children; 4. Practical material for working with children to familiarize themselves with the natural world: Speech games Riddles Models and diagrams of objects of living and inanimate nature Games of ecological content, game educational situations, travel games, environmental games with rules Description of ecological trail objects

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As a result of the work done, it is noted positive results: - the beginnings of ecological culture have been formed in children; -a consciously correct attitude towards objects and natural phenomena has been formed; -children learn practical actions to protect nature; -develop mental abilities children who manifest themselves in the ability to experiment, analyze, and draw conclusions. PROSPECTS OF WORKING WITH SENIOR GROUP STUDENTS IN ECOLOGY At the school. Implementation of long-term educational project“Love and know the Komi region” Quiz with children and their parents “I want to know everything” Organization and implementation of the “Green Christmas tree - living needle” campaign

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 165" Cheboksary

Environmental education of preschool children through familiarization with living nature

Prepared and carried out

teacher 1st qualification categories

Udyakova Valentina Mikhailovna

The main goal of environmental education of preschool children is to form in them the foundations of environmental awareness and environmental culture. The formation of environmental consciousness is carried out by solving a number of problems that will allow the child to develop environmentally correct behavior.

Objectives of environmental education:*Enrich children with knowledge about nature, its diversity, the integrity of a living organism, its needs, distinctive features, features of adaptation to environment, lifestyle. *Form concepts about the relationships and interdependence of all components of nature; animals with each other, plants and animals, living and inanimate nature, humans and nature. *Instill practical skills and abilities to care for the plants and animals of your immediate environment. *Develop artistic ability, aesthetic feelings; the ability to notice beauty, admire and admire objects of nature, protect and, if possible, increase beauty and wealth native nature. *Develop children’s coherent speech: enrich and activate vocabulary, develop conversational speech and speech evidence, teach writing stories.

  • Cognitive activities.
  • Labor activity on the site and in the garden.
  • Reading literature, looking at demonstration material
  • Didactic, role-playing, outdoor games.
  • Providing musical and sports entertainment.
  • Observation of the animal and plant world, and the work of adults.
  • Experimentation

The methods and techniques of work are varied: observations, experimental activities, practical activities in caring for animals and plants in a corner of wildlife, reading fiction, environmental articles with subsequent discussion of the content, lessons of kindness, environmental modeling, holding competitions, exhibitions of crafts from natural material, holidays and much more.

  • ecological excursions;
  • lessons of kindness;
  • thinking lessons;
  • environmental clubs;
  • environmental competitions;
  • environmental auctions, marathons, quizzes;
  • environmental actions;
  • nature explorers club;
  • laboratory of a young ecologist;
  • drawing up environmental maps;
  • environmental exhibitions and expositions;
  • environmental museums;
  • days of environmental creativity;
  • environmental holidays and festivals;
  • environmental tales;
  • environmental trainings;
  • environmental propaganda teams, etc.

The children took all the watering cans, And the flowers were watered. Leaves with a soft cloth Our Tanya did the cleaning. “Dust prevents them from breathing, It closes the pores." Zhenya loosened it with a sharp stick Earth for them in pots. Kate - very smart girl, Washed the pallets .

We want to know about nature -

Where does the edible mushroom grow?

Why do they eat fruit?

Don't they want a toadstool?

Why are our squirrels like this?

Do they deftly jump on branches?

Why does autumn come?

Why do flowers bloom?

Who will tell everything:

Why does there thunder?

And about how gardeners

Are they breaking up flower beds?

And about the north and about the south,

And about everything that is around?

About the bear, about the fox

And about the berries in the forest?

  • Information brochures, booklets for parents
  • Release of newspapers, posters, consultations, folders.
  • Conversations for round table, parent meetings, consultations

Joint visit to the zoo "Zooland"

  • Veretennikova S.A. Familiarizing preschoolers with nature: A textbook for students of pedagogical schools.
  • How to introduce preschoolers to nature: A manual for kindergarten teachers / L.A. Kameneva, A.K. Matveeva, L.M. Manevtsova and others;
  • Markovskaya M.M. Nature corner in kindergarten.
  • Solomennikova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten. Senior group. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2015.
  • Preschool child education program / Ed. O.V. Dragunova.
  • Kindergarten education and training program / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.
  • Ryzhova N.A. Program “Our home is nature.”
  • Ryzhova N.A. Not just fairy tales
  • Path to nature. Smirnova V.V., Balueva N.I., Parfenova G.M.
  • Environmental education of preschoolers: A manual for preschool education specialists
  • Nikolaeva S.N. How to introduce a child to nature. Methodological material for working with parents in preschool institutions.
  • Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education for preschoolers.
  • Teplyuk S.N. Walking activities with preschool children.
  • Magazine " Preschool education», № 7/2004.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Shubina)
Presentation “Environmental education of preschool children”

1-word Hello, dear colleagues! I am glad to see you today at our seminar.

2-word Undoubtedly environmental education need to start from the very beginning early age, since child psychologists consider the age of 2-3 years to be the most receptive to cognition. It is at this time that the coordinate of the baby’s values ​​and his attitude towards the world around him and himself are formed and approved.

3-word It is in preschool age learning the basics environmental knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature is very emotional as something living. Nurturing ecological culture of preschool children is multifaceted, a multi-structure process.

4-word When starting to work on this topic, we set ourselves target:

5 words To achieve this goal, you must complete the following tasks, you see them on the screen.

6 words As a result of our work, we want to show children that man is a part of nature, that life without water and air is not possible, and we must appreciate and see the beauty of nature and take care of it.

7 words Working with children, as is known, is regulated by the legal field. Regarding environmental education, then aspects of working with this component regulated:

by law Russian Federation "About Education";

Federal Law of the Russian Federation "About the environment";

8 words The forms of work that we used to achieve our goals in environmental education of our students, you see on the screen.

9 words Environmental education children in kindergarten is implemented in five directions: cognitive development, social-communicative, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical.

10 cl. Cognitive development this is an integral part environmental education of preschoolers. It is at the stage preschool childhood, the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different forms life, i.e. he develops the fundamental principles ecological thinking, consciousness, the initial elements are laid ecological culture. But this only happens when condition: if adults, raising a child, themselves possess ecological culture: understand the problems common to all people and worry about them, show little man beautiful world nature, help to establish relationships with him.

11 words Environmental education shapes the child's speech. The beauty of native nature on a walk does not leave children indifferent. They talk about what they see, what they feel, thereby enriching the child’s vocabulary. Reading fiction about nature makes a child not only develop memory and thinking, but also touches the emotional strings of the soul.

12 words Social and communicative development is also closely related to ecology. Since this is a complex process during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he will live. This is development positive attitude child to himself, other people, the world around him. And also, by caring for plants, feeding birds during the cold period, collecting natural material for activities, games, and entertainment.

13 syllables Formation in a child correct attitude to representatives of fauna and flora also passes through artistic and aesthetic development. And artistic and aesthetic upbringing, for its part, develops in the child a sense of harmony inherent in all natural objects and phenomena. Works of art, reading fiction and entertainment on environmental issues, just like real nature, serves the most important means knowledge of the surrounding world.

14 syllables Physical development is also directly related to the surrounding nature, as a natural hygienic and hardening agent and environment motor activity, as well as an understanding of the value of a child’s life and health.

15 words When looking for any information, children turn not only to teacher, but also to parents. Who also participate in our activities, they try to guide and help with the search for information and materials for our work. And, of course, they participate in it.

16 words Completing presentation, let me present you with a list of literature that was theoretical basis this project.

17 words Thank you for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

Presentation-analysis “Ecological education of children of senior preschool age”[b] Presentation-analysis on the topic: “Environmental education of children of senior preschool age. (Beloglazova Svetlana Viktorovna, teacher.

Presentation “Ecological education of younger preschoolers through experimental activities” Technology of environmental education younger preschoolers includes the following components: various cycles of observations in everyday life.

Slide 1: Presentation on the topic “Environmental education of senior preschool age” Slide 2: Nature is a rich storehouse, invaluable.

Presentation “Environmental education of preschool children” Experience in environmental education of preschool children in the social rehabilitation center for minors "Topolek".

Presentation “Environmental education in preschool educational institutions. Environmental action-competition “Clean Spring 2017” Environmental action - competition “Clean Spring - 2017” Topic of the work: “ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION IN PRESIDENTIAL EDUCATION” The purpose of the work is based on the theoretical.

Environmental education of preschool children The interaction between man and nature has become one of the most troubling problems of humanity today. The environmental crisis has struck.

“Moral development of the child through environmental education” Topic: 1 slide MBDOU Kindergarten No. 5 combined type“Cheburashka” Topic: “Education of ecological culture of preschool children - the path to the moral development of the child” teacher Larina Nina Borisovna 2 slide Moral development is: - one of the forms of reproduction, inheritance of morality; - a purposeful process of introducing children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society; - formation moral qualities, character traits, skills and behavioral habits. basis moral development is morality. Morality is understood as historically established norms and rules of human behavior that determine his attitude towards society, work, and people. Morality is internal morality, morality is not ostentatious, not for others - for oneself. Over time, the child gradually masters the norms and rules of behavior and relationships accepted in society, appropriates, that is, makes his own, his own, methods and forms of interaction, expressions of attitude towards people, nature, and himself personally. Systematic, purposeful formation a highly moral personality occurs every day in an organized children's team. In kindergarten, special educational work is carried out aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual. Preparing the younger generation for life and work, we teach children to be modest, honest, principled, we teach them to love their Motherland, be able to work, combine sensitivity and a caring attitude towards people and nature. 3 slide The goals of moral education of preschoolers can be formulated as follows - the formation of a certain set moral qualities, namely: - humanity; - hard work; - patriotism; - citizenship; - collectivism. The ideal goal of moral education is education happy person. All these qualities can be developed through environmental education. The educational value of nature is difficult to overestimate. Communicating with animals and plants, a person becomes cleaner, kinder, softer. The best awakens in him human qualities. Nature leaves a deep imprint on the human soul, and even more so small child, with its brightness it affects all his feelings. 4slide Environmental education By environmental education of children, we understand, first of all, the education of humanity, i.e. kindness, responsible attitude towards nature, and towards the people who live nearby, and towards descendants who need to leave the land suitable for full life. Environmental education should teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them. Environmental education of preschool children should be considered as moral education, because the basis of a person’s attitude to the natural world around him should be humane feelings, i.e. awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, the desire to protect and preserve nature, etc. We believe that it is necessary to teach children to behave correctly in nature and among people. Often, due to lack of knowledge, they cannot choose the right course of action. It is necessary to make educational work invisible and attractive to children. A child should not mindlessly look at nature, but see and understand natural phenomena and the connection between them. To instill in children interest and love for nature, their native land, the desire to protect and grow plants, to cultivate in children's hearts a friendly and caring attitude towards all living things - this is our most important task. It can only be solved if children have at least basic knowledge about nature, master simple methods of growing plants, and learn to observe and understand the world around them. 5 slide The criteria for the formation of a conscious and active humane attitude towards nature are the following: understanding of the need for a careful and caring attitude towards nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans; mastering norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them and applying them in practical activities and in everyday life; manifestation of an active attitude towards objects of nature (effective care, the ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature, make value judgments). 6 slide Directions of the teacher’s work 1. Greening developmental subject environment in groups; 2. Greening various types activities of the child in everyday life In accordance with FGT (Federal State requirements), each program has an environmental component; it is included in the section Cognition: Formation of a holistic picture of the world, and is also recommended in planning walks and in organized educational activities in the afternoon. Directions of environmental work: 1. fulfillment of certain environmental tasks; 2 execution of individual environmental projects(for example, the project “Our Tree”); 3. creating conditions for environmental education in groups; 4 selection of plants, animals and care for them; 5. work with parents; T.K. there is no ecologist, the functions of environmental education are assigned to the educator, who independently implements an integrated approach through the greening of the developing subject environment in the group and the greening of various types of activities of the child in everyday life. 7 slide Program of Nikolaeva S.N. (photo materials) In planning and conducting organized educational activities with an environmental focus, S.N.’s author’s program provided us with invaluable assistance. Nikolaeva " Young ecologist" It has a well-balanced system of scientific knowledge with the level of development of the preschooler: excursions to nature, acquaintance with living objects, games, caring for plants, experiments and experiments - all this allows, in our opinion, to introduce the child to correct perception and awareness of one’s place and role in the environment. 8 slide Organized educational activities (photo materials) It is necessary to remember that children’s often careless and sometimes cruel attitude towards nature is explained by their lack of necessary knowledge. In organizational educational activities, it is necessary to take into account that children are very susceptible to what they themselves directly encounter in life. At each age stage, a child turns out to be the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age level becomes favorable for further neuropsychic development and comprehensive education. How smaller child, the more important sensory experience is in his life. That is why the education of empathy and compassion occurs in inextricable unity with the formation of a system of environmental knowledge accessible to preschoolers, which includes: ideas about plants and animals as unique and inimitable living beings, about their needs and ways to satisfy these needs; understanding the relationship between living beings and their environment, the adaptability of plants and animals to living conditions; awareness that all living beings on Earth are connected to each other by a complex system of connections (everyone needs each other, everyone depends on each other, the disappearance of any link breaks the chain, i.e. biological balance) and at the same time, each of them has its own ecological niche, and all of them can exist simultaneously. It is very important to show children that in relation to nature they take a more strengths and therefore must patronize her, must protect her and take care of her, and also be able to notice the actions of other people, peers and adults, give them an appropriate moral assessment and, to the best of their ability and ability, resist inhumane and immoral actions. 9 slide “Let's decorate the city with flowers” ​​(photo materials) Of course, knowledge alone is not enough to develop a humane attitude towards nature in children - it is necessary to include them in practical activities feasible for their age - to create conditions for constant and full communication of children with living nature. And creating and maintaining positive emotional state children (joy from work completed, praised by the teacher, a blossoming flower, sprouted seeds of future beautiful flowers...) contributes to the further development of feelings of compassion and empathy. Project “Let’s decorate the city with flowers” ​​We got acquainted with different types flowers, compared seeds, sowed in a seedling box, planted seedlings in the spring in flower beds, involved parents (many have their own gardens, dachas) - they brought seedlings of perennials, ornamental shrubs... 10 slide Greening the developmental subject environment in the group Throughout the year work is being done in an ecological corner, a corner of nature. Introducing children to indoor plants, we explain and show how to propagate indoor plants, follow the rules of caring for them, we also conduct tests and experiments: what is needed for plant growth (the value of water, air, heat for good growth). 11 slide Didactic games (photo materials) In-depth work on environmental education convinced us of the need for a selection didactic games and environmental benefits. When using games and game situations During ecology classes, it was noted that children became more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, and ask many additional questions that interest them. Collections of educational environmental fairy tales and albums “Education” were compiled careful attitude to nature - “Nature is in danger”, “Birds are our friends”, “Red Book”. IN at the moment There is an accumulation in the group of illustrations, photographs, reproductions of paintings, which depict animals, plants in different times year. 12 slide Practical activities(photo materials) The child is developing an ecological culture through practical activities, which he really likes and which is an indicator of his positive attitude towards the object of the image. Slide 13 “We’ll draw what we see” (photo materials) On a walk or during an excursion, we teach children to capture a beautiful landscape and then, when they come to the group, make a sketch and compose a story based on their drawing. We use artistic expression so that the perception of nature evokes vivid impressions in children; poems, stories about the seasons, and folk signs are widely used in our work; Slide 14 Ecological development environment (photo materials) The ecological development environment is important. An active humane attitude towards nature is supported and strengthened when children develop an awareness of the aesthetic value of natural objects, their enduring and unfading beauty at any time of the year, which is why the education of aesthetic feelings is one of necessary conditions environmental education, which includes a love of nature. Slide 15 On a walk (photo materials) But constant communication with nature alone can awaken and develop an aesthetic attitude towards it. It is necessary to draw children's attention to the beauty of nature, teach them to observe the state of plants and the behavior of animals, getting pleasure from it and noticing the beauty of life, to realize that beauty is in no way determined by a utilitarian approach (many children believe that what is harmful is ugly). The main thing is to always remember: before teaching children to see beauty and understand the essence of beauty as an aesthetic category, it is necessary to develop their emotional sphere, because the feelings of preschool children are not yet stable and deep enough, and are selective and subjective in nature. 16 slide Work on the site. (photo materials) 17 Action “Helping the Janitor” (photo materials) Particular attention is paid to work in the kindergarten area. IN autumn period The area is cleared of fallen leaves. Digging up the soil in the garden. In the fall, various seeds are collected for winter feeding of birds. Children, together with their parents, are involved in collecting dry leaves, driftwood, and cones, which are used throughout the year in classes and for decoration. group rooms. In winter, children from preparatory groups help the janitor clear the area. 18 slide Action “Labor Landing” (photo materials) Children provide all possible assistance during the ripening of apples in the fruit plot: they collect fallen apples - “sanitary” cleaning of the territory. Slide 19 Action “Let's help birds in winter” (photo materials) B winter period Bird feeding begins. Children can freely watch how birds sit on branches and wait for seeds and bread crumbs. IN educational work Children are taught not to throw away pieces of bread or leftover cereals. The attendants collect everything in a plastic bag and the birds have the opportunity to receive a variety of food. 20 slide Holiday “Birds Day” (photo materials) Every spring the holiday “Birds Day” is held: we put on performances, recite poems, sing songs, put on an exhibition of drawings and crafts, and at the end we go out into the street, where birdhouses made by the parents of the pupils are hung. 20slide Events within the framework of the project “Earth is our native home” (photo materials) In the past academic year the entire team worked on the project “The Earth is Our Native Home”: there were excursions, exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials, art themed exhibitions, holidays, work activity on the territory of the kindergarten, including with the involvement of parents. 21 slides Working with parents (photo materials) An important aspect in the system of environmental education is working with parents. Every year, general and group parent meetings are held in the kindergarten on the issue of environmental education of children. At them we explain to parents what role the skills of a caring, respectful attitude towards all living things play in the development of personality and the moral education of a child, we talk about environmental health work, the benefits of excursions, and the participation of parents in events. We invite parents to participate in seasonal exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials. In order to identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education in the family, a survey was conducted. It showed that the majority have animals at home. Adults look after them, and children help. From the questionnaires we learned that many spend their weekends in nature. 22 slide (photo materials) Thus, already during this period the fundamental principles of environmental thinking, consciousness, ecological culture, and therefore morality are formed. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show the little person the beautiful world of nature, help the little person the beautiful world of nature, help establish relationships with him. Slide 23 (photo materials) The task of educators and parents is to bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for the Earth, and everyone can preserve and increase its beauty. Slide 24 Thank you for your attention

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