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Death's door in the game find the killer. Scary stories and mystical stories. Who Is The Killer Walkthrough

Who is the killer episode 1 word O_ _O. Please help!!! and got the best answer

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Walkthrough - Page 1
The walkthrough was written for the English version of the game
Control of the game is standard for this genre of games and is carried out with the mouse. To set the direction of the hero and interact with objects, only the left mouse button is used. In the upper left corner of the screen there are three buttons (from left to right): exit to the main menu, mobile phone and highlighting of active points. If you are experiencing difficulties in passing and do not know what to do next, then you can always send an SMS message to your father, and he will tell you how to get out of the impasse.
The mouse cursor is presented in the form of a circle with an arrow and, when used on an object, offers a choice of one of the actions:
Hand icon - take an item
“Eye” icon - examine an object
“Suitcase” icon - apply the selected item from the inventory
Cloud icon - conversation with a character
Magnifier icon - examine an item
Door icon - open the door or enter
Arrows icon - rotate
Steering wheel icon - drive
In the lower left corner of the screen there is a sphere of intuition, which is responsible for Erica's unusual abilities. As you progress through the game, Reed will develop and acquire new abilities. All abilities are turned on and off the same way. To do this, we first click on the sphere of intuition: on the screen we see several objects over which smoke appears, select the object that interests us and again click on the sphere of intuition, after which we look at the vision. In the abilities acquired during the game, it is necessary to choose not one object, but several. All abilities are graphically distinguished by the color of the haze that appears when the sphere is turned on.
The inventory is located on the right side of the screen and by default is indicated by one empty cell. If we took an item from the inventory and are going to use it, then it ends up in a previously empty cell. By clicking on a cell, we open the entire inventory. In addition to the items themselves located in the inventory, there is also a panel with three action buttons: examine (eye), take (hand), connect (plus sign). First, we determine the intended action, and then select an item or items in the inventory (for combining items).
Nonlinearity of the game
The game is non-linear and depending on the selected lines at certain points in the game, the further passage will be different. I note that nonlinearity does not affect the end of the first episode and only relates to different ways of solving certain problems. This material describes several possible passage options.
After watching the video, we find ourselves in front of the cemetery gates. A message comes to my mobile phone in which our father offers his help. To use help, you need to write a response SMS message indicating the problem. We don’t need help yet, so we put the phone away by clicking on the phone’s “Exit” button. Click on the dark square in the upper right corner of the screen and select the pistol in the inventory that opens. We examine the gate and see that it is locked. We use the gun on the gate by selecting the suitcase icon. We aim at the keyhole of the castle and shoot. We remove the lock from the gate by clicking on the fence with the interaction icon, and enter the cemetery territory. We step to the right towards the fountain and notice footprints in front of it. We examine the traces and then interact with them. Erica decides to use her intuition. We click on the glowing ball in the lower left corner of the screen, thereby turning on intuition. Now click on the footprints in front of the fountain, and after that click on the intuition icon again. We watch a short video in which a man walks from the fountain to the mausoleum. We pass in the same direction as the man from our vision. Behind the crypt we find a red box for and

Mr. K., your friend, the Baroness, invited you to her castle for a few days. Unfortunately, you, along with several guests, are forced to stay here for six days. But this morning something happened... Mr. K's POV Day One One day I was chatting with the Baroness and her guests. The next day I woke up and went into the hallway. I was told that the Cook had died. I went into his room. Found him dead in his bed. An empty bottle appeared next to the corpse. I returned to the hallway. Standing in front of me was a man of about forty-five. He came to visit with his young mistress - the Artist - and seems to be absolutely happy. -Well, you ask. Don’t be shy! - the Doctor friendly invites me to a conversation. “What will you tell me about Sister?” I asked him. -Here’s what I’ll tell you, Mister K. My sister didn’t always serve God. Once upon a time she found herself involved in a very bad situation... And the Judge forced her to go to a monastery. It was better for everyone, including her. -What can you tell us about the Artist? -I wanted to find out more about the guests. I met the Artist in a gypsy camp. Yes, she is a gypsy by birth and spirit, despite the sophistication of her manners. I went to bed. I had a dream, and something in it seemed interesting to me. I woke up and drank a cup of coffee. Day two I saw the Doctor's corpse. He was shot in the head while reading a book. A shell casing appeared next to the corpse. The mistress of the castle, about 50 years old, tries her best to behave in a noble manner. -Yes, my friend? “I have no secrets from you,” she politely invites me to a conversation. “What will you tell me about yourself, Baroness?” I decided to get to know her better. -I was brought up in the old rules, and for me honor is more important than life. But sometimes it seems to me that following these rules is too difficult for me... -What do you think about the Artist? - I suspected this young girl of murder. -Her face seems strangely familiar to me. I'm racking my brains and trying to remember where we met before... - I walked away from the Baroness, without stopping her from thinking. I approached the Sister and asked her what she knew about the Colonel. -The Colonel is now very different from the person he was before. Yes, twenty years ago it changed dramatically for the better. In the end, I accused the Artist of murder and went to bed, hoping that I was right. Day three I woke up. At night the Baroness was murdered. Her throat was cut with a straight razor in her sleep. The razor lay nearby. I decided to find out more about the Cook and asked the Sister. “What do you know about him?” I asked her. The cook is a very greedy person. He is ready to do anything for money. Therefore, I am not surprised if I find out that his money is of dirty origin. If you want to know about the Artist, then I will tell you. I heard the Artist tell the Doctor that she couldn't shoot at all. Perhaps you can believe it - she has such thin fingers! I left my sister. The Artist came up to me and said: “It was no accident that the Baroness brought us here.” All the guests are somehow connected with a mysterious event that happened 20 years ago - she left. I went to bed earlier than usual. I had a dream. Everything was vague. I saw some fragments from my dream, and I wondered who would die next. Day four The judge was exposed to carbon monoxide from the fireplace at night. Someone closed the shutter at night. This day was very short. I arrested the Artist and learned everything about the other guests from the Colonel. There were no more murders. I was right. Day five The killer has been found. It turned out to be the Artist. No one died tonight, and the Artist confessed everything. But what is the motive? She agreed to tell me everything. -20 years ago, the young Baroness lived in this house with her husband. It was the Colonel. Among their maids they had one whom you know as Sister. The Colonel never hid his rude disposition and weakness for women, and the Baroness, whose marriage was a formality, turned a blind eye to this, only making sure that all the Colonel’s adventures did not go beyond the bounds of decency. One day, the Colonel, who was not used to receiving refusals, showed an animalistic interest in the Sister, and when she refused, he raped her. The Baroness knew about this, but chose to hide the crime to avoid scandal. Nine months later, my sister carried the baby, giving birth to a girl. It was me. The doctor delivered the baby, he knew, but hid the story of the child’s conception. The Baroness called the Cook and ordered him to give the child to the swinging gypsies, which he did. Subsequently, he began to blackmail the Baroness. And so that the Sister would not continue, the Judge, at the request of the Baroness, put her in a monastery. Now you understand why they had to die. “I did what I wanted and I’m ready to surrender to the authorities,” the Artist sighed hopelessly. “Now, please, leave me alone.” I left the Artist upstairs. It's all over... I was relieved and began to get ready to go home. A sudden telegram interrupted the preparations. “Father, come. My friend is dead. Nobody believes me. Anna” - My daughter!

There are 4 people sitting in front of me: an artist, a nun, a general and a young lady. All these people are suspected of killing the cook. I don't know much about them. The investigation got confused and they called me a detective or detective. The cook was killed by cutting his throat with a kitchen knife. No evidence could be found, which further complicated the situation.

I look at everyone intently, but they sit with serious faces. I'm trying to get information out, but it's no use. The day is coming to an end... I'm tired in the evening sorting through papers and exhaustedly falling asleep on my desk.

The next day begins with a doorbell. I open it. There are photographs on the floor in front of me. They show a murdered young lady. She was apparently shot. I blow myself up and go to the interrogation room. There were 3 people left in front of me. "Tell me, who did this?" - I shouted and threw the photos in front of them. No one was embarrassed and everyone was silent. I approached the general and asked: “Are you the killer?” But he only repeated: “20 years ago... 20 years later.” I understood that I would not achieve anything more from him. Then I asked the nun. She: “20 years ago... a monastery.” Again the silence that torments and penetrates the soul. Then to the artist. She: “Today I turn exactly 20 years old.” I understood that they were hinting to me. But my head hurt badly and I went home. The whole evening I remembered: “So, the general talked about 20 years, he looked like he was regretting something. The nun said that she ended up in a monastery 20 years ago, and from her eyes I understood that she didn’t get there of her own free will. And to the artist Today is 20 years old. How complicated and strange it is at the same time.”

I decided to go to the suspects' home and ask them more. I arrived at the artist’s house, but no matter how much I rang the doorbell, no one opened it. “Okay, then I’ll go to the general, find out something from him, maybe I’ll extract a confession,” I thought. I approach his entrance and go up to the floor. The door to the apartment is open, it's strange. Without thinking for a minute, I ran in there and froze in place. Right before my eyes, the artist stabbed the general in the heart, repeating: “This is for everything... For my mother. For me!” I quietly approached the girl, grabbed her hand and didn’t let go. She turned around, turned pale, and threw the knife on the floor.

I knew you would find me. Maybe she even wanted it,” the artist whispered in my ear.
- Why did you kill them?
- I'll tell you a story. After that, you can consider the case closed and put me in prison.
- Tell me, Miss Berg.
- The general and the young lady were husband and wife. They were served by a nun and a cook. The general was weak towards women, and the young lady knew this, but she turned a blind eye to her husband’s adventures. He took a closer look at the maid (nun), he constantly followed her, tried to hug or kiss her. But she didn’t give in. One day the general could not stand it and raped a nun. The young lady found out about this, but just threw up her hands. A week passed after the incident. The nun felt sick and felt unwell. It soon became clear that she was pregnant. They decided to keep the child. 9 months have passed. The nun carried me. The young lady ordered the cook to take me to the gypsies; he could have told about this incident, but money was more valuable to him. Then my mother was forced to go to a monastery. That's how I grew up. I'm 20. I took revenge on all the offenders, they made my mother and I suffer, so they had to die.

Who's the killer? (Episode l) is a game for those who want to have an interesting time trying themselves in the role of Sherlock Holmes. The game is created in the best traditions of detective stories. Definitely worth a try!



Despite the complex and deliberately convoluted plot thread, the game is very easy to control. Will you say that you don’t know a word of English? It doesn’t matter, all menus and subtitles are based on both English and Russian - your choice. The function of dialogues with characters will allow you to completely immerse yourself in the world of mysterious murders. To do this, you just need to point your finger at the desired hero and, using a clear interface, select the image of the one you would like to talk about. The hero's speech needs to be collected according to words... Or you can skip this detail. But then you won't get an extra mug of coffee, which would help you find the killer faster. Please note that suspects will not want to talk about all heroes. To invite them to a confidential conversation, you must first discuss the other inhabitants of the baroness’s house, using the appropriate columns for this. In a word, everything is simple, clear and understandable. Apart from the plot, of course.


All the characters in the game “Find out who the killer is? (Episode l)” are drawn carefully and with love. It is clear that not only time, but also a part of oneself was invested in their creation. The interface is pleasant and does not cause any complaints, and the fonts are neat and pleasant. The only thing is that there is no animation in the game at all. But why is it needed in a detective story?


The game's soundtrack is unsettling, but overall pleasant. Just what you need, to put it simply. It is ideal for the detective investigation genre.

Find out who the killer is? (Episode l) is a great game for those who want to spend time making logical chains and identifying the truth. At first glance this is easy. But after the second and then the third murder, I realized that I couldn’t trust my intuition. There must be a strict, reasonable calculation here. As soon as I took this as a basis, I found the killer. Someone accuses the application of being “a lot of buffoonery.” That's true. But you, too, are an unbiased detective. How else to get to the truth?

Who's the Killer (Episode I) Hack will allow you to make in-game purchases completely free of charge. In order to get a certain purchase in the game, you just need to enter certain cheats for Who's the Killer (Episode I). The cheats presented below are suitable for use on all mobile devices with Android and iOS, even without root (root) and jailbreak (jb). In the game Who's the Killer (Episode I) Cheats are entered very simply. But if suddenly you still don’t know where to enter cheats for Who the Killer (Episode I), then below you can find a link to instructions in which everything is described in detail, and you can easily hack Who the Killer (Episode I). Have a nice game.

Below are all the updated Cheats for Hack Who is the Killer (Episode I)

  1. 1 cup of coffee 59 rub. — BN_EaXF6x8QRF
  2. 10 Hints 59 rub. — IQ_lNdNbl5jZs
  3. Open arrest 119 rub. — TH_zvNLjgspMV
  4. 50 Hints (20 free!) 169 rub. — CR_uVaV2xFGGF
  5. 3 cups (1 free!) 119 rub. — DC_XND9EBq4fy
  6. 25 Hints (5 free!) 119 rub. — CZ_vwpz9UH8OM
  7. 6 cups (3 free!) 169 rub. —QQ_GNC7K9gOk3
  8. Speed ​​up the day RUR 59 — JJ_AFKgckGeDN

All Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Attention! In order to get instructions for cheats, you need to subscribe to this guy's channel on YouTube, and like any of his videos and watch this video to the end without rewinding

Cheat Codes are better than programs for Hack Who's the Killer (Episode I) because:

  1. You don't need to download any software to Hack Who's the Killer (Episode I)
  2. These Cheats work on all devices with Android and iOS(iPhone, iPad, iPhone) including tablets.
  3. You can Hack Who's the Killer (Episode I) without Root (root) and without Jailbreak (jb).
  4. Who's the Killer (Episode I) Hack will allow you to collect game purchases for free.
  5. You won't get a virus because you don't need to download anything.
  6. This Hacking 100% safe because you don't need to download mod apk and ipa files to hack.

“We would personally recommend everyone to try this game, especially those who love brain teasers. You’ll love it!” - Gameographics

What players say about the “Who’s the Killer” series of games:

“Best investigation game in a long time! The feeling is very real!” (Tia00)

“It's not like regular linear quests, the game really gives you freedom to investigate!” (abighoul)

“Just at the moment when you know who the killer is...

This article is found using the following search queries:

  • Who's the Killer (Episode I) hack ios
  • Who's the Killer (Episode I) mod apk
  • Who's the Killer (Episode I) hack android
  • Who's the Killer (Episode I) hacked
  • Who's the Killer (Episode I) cheat codes
  • hack Who's the Killer (Episode I)
  • Who's the Killer (Episode I) cheats

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