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Essential oil for oily skin. Which oil is right for your skin? Procedure for using oils

Find out which oils are for problem skin The most useful thing is how they affect the body, how they differ and whether they can somehow harm. The benefits of almond, olive, tea, lemon and other oils.

Contents of the article:

Oils for problem skin are the best cosmetic products you can use. They almost never cause allergies and are suitable for absolutely different cases, starting from age spots and ending with acne, and can be used at absolutely any age. A huge range of these products allows you to choose the most suitable product for you and provide decent care behind the face.

The best oils for problem skin

Problematic dermis needs special care. Perfect for this natural oils, which can cope with any imperfections of the epidermis, such as pigmentation, acne, post-acne. They are able to regulate the production of sebum and fight excessive fat content, and also have anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. We present to your attention the TOP 20 best oils for problematic facial skin.

Almond oil

The product is recommended for the care of dry skin prone to keloid scars and acne. It is widely used to soothe, moisturize, eliminate flaking, and regulate the water and lipid balance of the dermis. With its help, you can quickly cope with dermatitis, eczema, and herpes. The product is very useful for chapped lips, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Such wide range action is due to its rich composition, which includes vitamins E, A, B, linoleic and others fatty acids. The oil does not cause allergies and has no contraindications.

Olive oil

Its composition is similar to almond. Based on this, the effect will be approximately the same: the skin will be properly moisturized, the process of its regeneration will accelerate, the color will improve, and unevenness will disappear. Thanks to it, you can eliminate inflammation, severe itching, and irritation of the dermis.

The product restores blood circulation in tissues, removes toxins from them, tightens them, saturating them with moisture. It is very useful to use it for washing in the presence of acne and blackheads, age spots, moles and freckles.

Used in cosmetology raw product first spin.

Coconut oil

This tool is actively used in various masks and creams for dry, dull and loose skin. It is indicated for acne, pimples, and age spots. Its use allows you to protect the dermis from the destructive effects sun rays and wind. Thanks to it, it becomes softer, more toned and elastic, and stops peeling due to the saturation of the tissues with moisture.

But you shouldn’t get too carried away with this oil, as it clogs pores, which will not be easy to clean later.

Peach oil

It is not very popular in cosmetology, although it is quite effective and inexpensive. It contains the most valuable acids for the skin - linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic, etc. Due to this, the product reliably resists the aging process, moisturizes the dermis, helps it recover faster from burns and damage to its integrity, and helps get rid of acne and acne.

Taking this into account, it is extremely useful for teenagers and older people, who most often suffer from age spots, various rashes and acne.

Grapeseed oil

This oil is popular due to its varied effects. It is capable of treating burns and preventing them, so it is useful to use it as sunscreen. Containing large amounts of vitamin E, steroids and phenols, it effectively eliminates age spots, dryness and itching, bruises, stretch marks and wrinkles.

The use of the product is relevant for acne, dermatitis, and urticaria. Its powerful wound-healing properties help the skin recover faster from cuts caused by shaving. It also calms her down and normalizes blood circulation. But above all, it is a powerful antioxidant that removes toxins from tissues and prevents their aging.

Jojoba oil

The product is obtained from Simmondsia fruits by pressing them without heat treatment. Its main exporters are Israel, the USA and Mexico. It is valuable for the skin due to the presence of amino acids in its composition, reminiscent in its structure of the “building” protein of the skin - collagen.

Considering this, it is not surprising that it is recommended for use in the care of flabby and mature dermis. The product can serve as a balm for chapped lips and a moisturizing after-shave spray. Indications for its use are age and expression wrinkles, age spots, dryness, itching, pallor, greasy shine, skin laxity.

Tea tree oil

The product is obtained by processing the leaves of this tree; the resulting product has a pale yellow color and a strong, sweetish aroma. It contains fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B, and carotenoids.

It is known for its antihistamine properties, which reduce facial puffiness and eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes. This option is suitable for those who are concerned about their pores, which end up being cleared and tightened. The product has a bactericidal and calming effect. Usage tea oil for problematic facial skin, it allows you to restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so it is most useful for those who have oily skin.

Peppermint, Geranium and Lemon Oil

A mixture made from lemon, mint, and geranium is called hydrophilic oil. It is intended for effective cleansing face from blackheads, makeup, age spots, acne, bags, dark circles. The product, once on the skin, easily breaks down, binds and removes fat and any cosmetics, even waterproof ones. But it cannot penetrate deep into the tissue, so it is ineffective in combating wrinkles and oily shine.

Essentially, this is the same cleansing milk, only after using it you may feel a sticky or dry feeling on your face. It is also unpleasant that it clogs the pores.

Essential camphor oil

The product has a good mint aroma and is used for excessive dryness of the skin, flaking, sagging, irregularities, and age spots. It is effective for whitening the dermis, treating ulcers and bruises on the face, relieving inflammation and preventing purulent acne. This ideal option for the care of inflamed, acne-prone dermis.

It is recommended to pay attention to it if you need to find an effective sunscreen, antiseptic, soothing, regenerating oil. It is suitable for normalization of work sweat glands and rejuvenating facial massage.

Patchouli essential oil

This product will be a real helper for those with problematic skin - too dry, aging, flaccid. It can be used equally effectively for acne, scars, pimples, pores, not beautiful color, disruption of the functioning of the sweat glands. It is widely used in the treatment of acne, age spots and traces left from them.

Its aroma is woody with notes of camphor. The product is easily applied to the face, quickly absorbed and, if necessary, without special problems cleaned up. After him there are no discomfort.

Bergamot oil

It will come in handy for caring for oily, sweaty skin affected by various pimples, blackheads and rashes. The main effects of the product: narrowing pores, restoring the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminating oily sheen, toning and brightening the dermis. In addition, the product is able to improve complexion, smooth out wrinkles, and moisturize it.

This is an excellent remedy for cleansing and increasing skin turgor. This complex impact explained by the presence of caprylic acid, myrcene, citroptene, and vitamin E in the oil.

Sandalwood oil

The product is the result of processing wet sandalwood bark chips that are over 30 years old. It should be pointed out special attention people over 25 years of age, when the skin begins to slowly age due to lack of collagen and moisture. It just helps to replenish them this remedy, which also takes care of a beautiful complexion, elasticity, cleanliness and freshness of the dermis.

The use of this oil for problem skin is important for dermatitis and eczema. All this is a consequence of the rich composition, which contains amino acids and various micro- and macroelements (iron, magnesium, iodine).

Jasmine essential oil

If you compare the price of all essential oils for problem skin, this will be the most expensive. It helps well in caring for mature skin. Its use is justified in case of severe acne, violation of the integrity of the dermis, vascular pattern on the face, increased sweating and poor blood circulation in tissues.

This product has a strong antioxidant, rejuvenating, cleansing and regenerating effect. Penetrating deep into the skin, it starts the processes of its renewal, removes toxins from it, narrows pores, and improves the color of the dermis. The product is extremely useful for pregnant women and girls who, due to hormonal problems, are worried about a severe rash.

Cypress oil

Cypress oil is indicated for rosacea, dermatitis, acne, pimples. It works best on dry, moisture-deficient skin. This option helps when it is covered with age and facial wrinkles, age spots, and signs of fatigue. It is relevant as a relaxing, tonic, soothing, softening, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent.

Regularly using it will increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin and improve complexion. The high effectiveness of the oil is easily explained by the presence in its composition of active components in the form of flavonoids, vitamins A, E, B3, B6, B9, L-ascorbic acid.

Frankincense oil

The product is universal in that it provides reliable care for both dry and oily skin. It helps with acne of different origins, acne and allergic rashes, dermatitis. The product is especially useful in winter, when the dermis is exposed to negative impact wind and cold. In summer, the oil protects against ultraviolet radiation and prevents the dermis from aging prematurely.

It is no less valuable for warts, moles and papillomas, which it can eliminate. The product contains a lot of resins, acids, gums, and amino acids, which give it soothing, wound-healing, rejuvenating, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ylang-ylang essential oil

It's simple universal oil, suitable for all facial skin types. It can be used both on very oily and dehydrated, fading dermis. Thanks to it, the work of the sweat glands is normalized, pores are narrowed, and all acne goes away. The product is known for its vibrant moisturizing, softening, soothing, and rejuvenating properties.

You should not use it if you are allergic to any essential oils, dermatitis or hives.

Rosemary essential oil

The product is obtained by evaporating fresh flowers, shoots and leaves of the plant of the same name. Ready product has a pale yellow color and a light, pleasant aroma of spring grass. What makes it invaluable for cosmetology is the possibility effective use for the care of both oily and dry skin.

Even a sensitive type of dermis will not be a contraindication for this. As a result, it will shine beautifully, delight you with cleanliness, smoothness, and elasticity. Pimples, comedones, boils after its use are significantly reduced in size and subsequently disappear completely.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is not often used in cosmetology, and if it is used, it is mainly as an anti-inflammatory, antibactericidal and blood circulation improving agent. That is why it is recommended to include it in the care of delicate, sensitive, pale and contaminated skin that needs deep cleansing. What exactly will it be - dry or oily - special significance does not have.

This option is not suitable for violations of the integrity of the skin, allergies, dermatological diseases and inflammation, but it copes with herpes, boils and dark spots with a bang.

Lemon oil

This oil is the most powerful of all in terms of antibacterial action. Based on this, it is recommended to use it primarily when large quantities acne, comedones, blackheads. It has the ability to dry out acne and speed up its healing.

It is also worth adding it to your line of facial care products because it is a highly effective product for tightening pores, normalizing the functioning of sweat glands, whitening the skin, improving its elasticity and brightening. It protects the dermis from premature aging and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Orange essential oil

In terms of its effectiveness, this remedy can be compared with lemon essential oil. It also has high activity against bacteria. It is widely used to cleanse and tone the skin.

How to use facial oils - watch the video:

Considering the indications for use of each of the described drugs and the effects obtained with their help, the best oil for problem skin it became almond. All the others are also quite good and will quickly find their place on your shelf.

Skin becomes oily due to excess secretion sebum, which is released to naturally protect the epidermis. Oily skin looks unattractive, and it is also susceptible to various inflammatory processes. If care for oily skin is not organized correctly, then acne and comedones may appear on its surface. In general, in order for the skin of this type looked attractive, it is necessary to carry out daily cleansing with products that reduce sebum production, tighten pores and fight bacteria on its surface. To do this, you can use ready-made cosmetics, which often contain harmful components. As a replacement cosmetic preparations can be used essential oils, which are completely natural remedy care oily skin faces.

The best essential oils for oily skin care: cypress, geranium, lavender, tea tree, sage, cedar, orange, bergamot, incense, grapefruit, juniper, lemon, rosemary, sandalwood, ylang-ylang.

Cypress essential oil normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It has astringent and antiseptic qualities that are ideal for removing excess oil from the skin and neutralizing bacteria that cause skin rashes.

Essential oils of geranium and ylang-ylang are a mild astringent that helps keep skin clean and smooth. These oils also regulate hormonal balance.

Essential oils of lavender and lemon normalize water-fat metabolism, have antibacterial, moisturizing and regenerating properties.

Oil tea tree is a natural antiseptic and an excellent antifungal agent.

Essential oils of sage and sandalwood soothe, tighten oily skin and have light astringent property.

Essential oils of cedar, cypress, juniper Help cleanse and tighten the pores of oily skin.

Essential oils of orange, bergamot, grapefruit relieve inflammation, treat acne and help get rid of post-acne marks

You can experiment by creating various combinations from these essential oils and choose the recipe that suits you. Essential oils can also be used to enrich cosmetics in a proportion of 10 drops essential oil per 100 ml of cosmetic base).

Essential oil blends for oily skin

You can use these mixtures as a replacement for your night cream or use them for masks. Masks should be applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes. After completing the procedure, remove any remaining oil mixture using a napkin.

Mixture No. 1: 3 drops of cypress oil, 3 drops of lavender oil and a tablespoon of grape seed oil. Rub into problem areas.

Mixture No. 2: 3 drops of geranium oil, 3 drops of tea tree oil, a tablespoon of grape seed oil. Rub into problem areas.

Mixture No. 3: 3 drops cedar essential oil, 4 drops cypress essential oil, 3 drops juniper essential oil, 30 ml almond oil. Mix all the ingredients in a bottle and apply to the skin.

Mixture No. 4: 3 drops geranium essential oil, 2 drops lemon essential oil, 3 drops orange essential oil, 2 drops rosemary essential oil, 30 ml evening primrose oil. Mix all ingredients in a bottle and apply to skin.

Mixture No. 5: 2 drops bergamot essential oil, 3 drops cypress essential oil, 2 drops frankincense essential oil, 3 drops grapefruit essential oil, 30 ml almond oil. Mix all ingredients in a bottle and apply to skin.

Mixture No. 6: 3 drops geranium essential oil, 3 drops grapefruit essential oil, 3 drops lavender essential oil, 30ml evening primrose oil. Mix all ingredients in a bottle and apply to skin.

Steam baths with essential oils for oily skin

If you have oily skin, then for it better cleansing It is good to use steam baths with essential oils.

Recipe No. 1. Mix: 2 drops of cypress essential oil, 2 drops of lemon essential oil, 2 drops of juniper, 1-2 liters of warm boiled water. Place essential oils into a bowl of water. Tilt your head over the bowl and cover with a towel.

Recipe No. 2. Mix 2 drops geranium essential oil, 2 drops grapefruit essential oil, 2 drops rosemary, 1-2 l warm water. Place essential oils into a bowl of water. Tilt your head over the bowl and cover with a towel.

Steam your face for 10 minutes, then cleanse it with an astringent toner.

Do not use steam baths if you have spider veins on the face!

Masks for oily skin with essential oils

Recipe No. 1: 2 tablespoons of blue or white clay, 1 teaspoon of lemon pulp, 1 teaspoon of boiled water, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 drop of cypress essential oil, 1 drop of juniper essential oil.

Mix the ingredients to form a paste. Apply to face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave the mask on your face to dry completely. Rinse off the mask with warm water. Do this mask once a week.

This mask will cleanse the skin of impurities, shrink pores and even out the complexion.

Recipe No. 2: mix 1 banana softened with a fork, 1 tablespoon plain yogurt, 5 drops mint essential oil, ½ teaspoon blue or white clay.

Apply the mask to the face and neck thoroughly, avoiding the eye area and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse it off cool water. Use this mask once a week.

This mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also reduces sebum production.

Recipe No. 3: mix 1.5 tsp. beet juice, 1 tsp. green clay, 5 drops of mint essential oil.

Apply to face and neck, avoiding the eye area and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Use this mask for oily skin once a week.

This mask improves the quality of skin texture and absorbs excess sebum, leaving it matte.

Recipe No. 4: mix 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. yogurt, 1 tsp. any cosmetic clay, 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

Apply to face and neck avoiding the eye area and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

This mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin, cleanses and tightens pores, and also reduces sebum production.

Recipe No. 5: mix 2 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast, 2 drops of mint essential oil, 2 drops of thyme essential oil, a few drops of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. yogurt.

Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

This mask cleanses and closes pores, regulates skin oiliness, prevents and treats acne.

Toner for oily skin with essential oils

To care for oily skin, the use of tonic is mandatory. By using a toner, you can significantly improve the appearance of oily skin.

250 ml distilled water,

3 drops lavender essential oil,

3 drops orange essential oil,

3 drops lemon essential oil,

3 drops tea tree essential oil,

1 drop of geranium essential oil.

Mix all ingredients in a bottle and let sit for 24 hours. Shake the bottle before use. Wipe your face with this toner after washing. This product should be stored in a cool place.

This toner tightens pores and removes excess oil from the facial skin. It also kills bacteria and perfectly cleanses of any contaminants.

A variety of oils are widely used to care for oily skin. When used correctly, they help cleanse pores, normalize sebum production, and remove inflammatory processes, even out complexion.

Does it help?

It would seem that the use of oils is unacceptable when fat type skin, because the production of own fat exceeds required level, which causes many problems. The skin becomes beautiful shade, has a porous structure and many inflammatory elements that accompany owners of oily skin.

However, the effect of using oils in a variety of cosmetics and pure form solves many problems:

  1. Dissolve the fat film.
  2. Brighten the skin of the face.
  3. Cleanses and tightens pores.
  4. Normalize hormonal background.
  5. Increases the functionality of the epithelium.
  6. Improve metabolism.
  7. Helps increase oxygen saturation of the skin.

The entire range of beneficial effects can be easily felt on your own skin. If you choose the right ingredients and the form of their use.

Before we start cosmetic procedures it is necessary to take into account the processes that will occur on the face after using each product separately. And the necessary composition to eliminate a specific skin problem.

How to choose

The range of oils used in cosmetology is divided into basic products and concentrated essential oils.

Basic products used for oily skin have antioxidant properties and high regenerating properties.

Even 1 application is capable of:

  1. improve skin texture,
  2. deeply cleanse clogged pores,
  3. dissolve excess fat,
  4. normalize the functioning of the glands.
  5. the skin becomes soft and tender.

The most suitable oils are those made from grape seeds and jojoba.

The best essential oils for oily skin:

  • Tea tree oil. Has a bactericidal effect, harmonizes the functioning of the glands, accelerates regeneration processes;
  • Lemon and bergamot. They have a significant effect in cleansing and tightening pores;
  • camphor oil, strong antibacterial agent;
  • Fir, eliminates inflammation.

Essential oils can be selected taking into account the desired effect and taste of a person.

How to properly use essential oils for oily and problem skin

Rules for using essential oils for oily and problem skin:

  • It is unacceptable to mix essential oil with cosmetics, only with base oils.
  • It is best to leave the use of essential oils for evening time If you do the procedure during the day, at least 2 hours should pass before going outside. Some oils tend to become toxic when exposed to direct sunlight.
  • At the slightest allergic reaction, the oil should be thoroughly washed off and not used again. At high degree allergenicity, before use, you should conduct a sensitivity test to the selected oil.
  • Follow the instructions before using any oil. If there are contraindications indicated there, do not use it.

By observing these simple rules, you will avoid negative influences, which can be provided by the remedy.


It is not permissible to use essential oils with a high concentration in their pure form.

IN for cosmetic purposes mixtures of essential oils based on the base oil are used, a few drops of the selected product are added. You can use 1 essential oil or several at the same time.

By following the chosen recipe or intuitive selection of the composition, you can make a unique drug that matches what you want. Do not use more than 5 oils at the same time.

Steam baths

The steam bath procedure has a beneficial effect on oily facial skin when used as part of a care package or as an independent procedure.

Under the influence of steam, pores are opened and deeply cleansed, and blood circulation in the skin is also improved, which leads to increased nutrition and improvement. general condition.

After steaming, the effect of masks and serums applied to the face is greatly enhanced.

Preference should be given to:

  1. lavender,
  2. pine,
  3. sage
  4. mint.

At the end of the procedure, rinse your face with water and lemon. This will shrink enlarged pores and nourish the skin with vitamin C; in addition, lemon has a brightening effect, which perfectly refreshes the face.

It is not allowed to use baths at elevated body temperatures or acute inflammation.


Face masks are not replaceable in comprehensive care, you can use ready-made cosmetic forms, or you can make your own using only high-quality and natural raw materials.

The time spent preparing a fresh mask will more than pay off in the result obtained and will amaze you with its low cost.

With pharmaceutical clay

You can use pharmaceutical clay, sour cream, fruits and vegetables as a basis. Everything has an excellent result and is quite simple to prepare.

For skin with acne A mask based on white pharmaceutical or blue clay is suitable:

  • add oatmeal,
  • mix with kefir and add a few drops of essential oil with an anti-inflammatory effect: tea tree or mint (optional).
  • Apply a thick layer to the face and after 20-30 minutes rinse using warm water.

With sour cream or kefir

To lighten the skin, add chopped fresh parsley to sour cream, a few drops of any citrus oil, you can use natural lemon juice.

Use a freshly prepared mask 1-2 times a week, best between 18:00 and 20:00.


To restore the elasticity of skin with the first signs of aging, you should choose jojoba oil as a base oil.

Add a couple of drops from the citrus row and mix with rolled oats passed through a blender or meat grinder.

Face masks can solve almost all cosmetic problems. The main thing is to choose the right one necessary components. To do this, you need to identify the skin problem ( dull color, acne or loss of elasticity) and, focusing on it, choose the composition.

When using a mask in combination with a massage or steam bath, the effectiveness increases many times over.

The number of procedures per week is selected individually for each skin. It is good to use 2 masks per week, with different directions. One should be cleansing, and the second anti-inflammatory or nourishing.

In case of illness skin Before the procedure, consult a dermatologist.


Tonics and lotions are indispensable in cleansing facial skin.

Tonics are aimed at removing excess sebum.

A refreshing effect on the face during the day, they have excellent anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor properties. Every girl can prepare a tonic at home.

The choice of ingredients for the lotion provides the desired effect: antibacterial properties, wound healing, brightening, toning.

The only drawback of this product is its short service life. You will have to change the lotion weekly, and the vodka-based lotion every 3 days.

On the other hand, due to the need to replace the product with a fresh one, you can adjust the composition taking into account the urgent needs of the skin.

Several recipes selected for oily skin:

  1. For a glass of green tea, you can add a few drops of lemon essential oil lemon juice. Store in the refrigerator for 1 week. Brightens and refreshes the face.
  2. White wine. Excellent remedy even without additives. Improves complexion, cleanses pores, has a rejuvenating effect.

To create a tonic you can use:

  • various herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile, yarrow, mint),
  • with the addition of essential oils (tea tree, citrus, bergamot, lavender and others).
  • this will allow you to choose a product for any occasion without the expense of purchasing a ready-made store-bought tonic.
  • You can change the composition at least every 3 days. Thus achieving the ideal condition of your skin.

This tonic will not harm the skin even with frequent use(for example, in the heat).

If you take alcohol, vodka, wine as a basis, then use tonic no more than 3 times a day. Otherwise you can “burn” top layer epidermis, thereby provoking an increase in sebum secretion.

Video: Choosing a cream


Contraindications to the use of essential oils should be read in the instructions for the chosen product.

The main factors that exclude the possibility of using aroma oil are:

  • pregnancy,
  • intolerance to components,
  • susceptibility to an allergic reaction,
  • violation of the integrity of the skin (burns, cuts).

Severe inflammation on the face, in such cases the procedure is aimed at treatment and has a targeted effect on the pathological element.


With any procedure, basic rules must be followed. To exclude an allergic reaction, you should conduct a skin test with a ready-made product.

Any procedure requires a competent approach; it is unacceptable to try to achieve results in a shorter time by increasing the amount of essential oil!

The essential oil must be completely dissolved in the base oil. The high concentration does not provide for use in its pure form.

The miraculous effect of essential oils in contact with the skin was noticed in ancient times, when aromatherapy was the main component of face and body care. They are not only famous for their pleasant aroma, but also have healing effect, in particular, are capable of restoring protective function epidermis. Millions of women use it daily various recipes based on miracle oils to improve and restore the structure of the skin, as well as the general condition of the body.

Useful properties of essential oils.
Not everyone knows that essential oils do not belong to the category of true oils because they do not contain fatty acids. Checking this is quite easy and simple: by dropping on white sheet paper a few drops of any of these oils, after a minute you will not see it on it greasy trace. Thanks to the minimum of molecules in the composition of essential oils, they are absorbed incredibly quickly, without accumulating in the body, but giving it all the beneficial elements they contain.

When buying aroma oil, remember that it should not be used on the skin. clean condition dangerous because it can become a source of severe irritation and provoke allergic reactions. IN in this case as an exception, tea tree and lavender oils should be considered. Therefore, use all other oils in this category only with carrier oils or mix with creams. Before use, be sure to check the quality of the product and that you are not allergic to it. The base component can be olive, almond, apricot, flaxseed and other cosmetic and vegetable oils. They have a delicate soft structure, so many “foundations” or “bases” are applied to the skin in their pure form.

Essential oils have wonderful property restore the oxygen balance of the skin, increase its level of moisture, thereby restoring elasticity. This is why many girls over 25 years old regularly use masks based on essential oils to prolong the youthfulness of their facial skin. Moreover, aromatic oils have antioxidant properties, so the healing of acne and skin wounds is significantly accelerated. For healing purposes, rose, sandalwood, and jasmine oils are often used, which not only regenerate the skin, but also inhibit the processes of natural aging and fading of the skin.

Thanks to unique combination bioactive elements and provitamins, essential oils can improve blood flow and restore the body’s hormonal levels, which in the future will certainly have a beneficial effect on appearance and facial skin condition. Small pimples and rashes will disappear in short terms. For these purposes, use rosemary, lemon, mint, juniper, ginger, thyme or lemon balm oil.

Facial skin care with essential oils.
Self-care is a very pleasant process that gives all women, without exception, a lot of pleasure and pleasant moments, and also delights with excellent results. Essential oils in this process are effective assistants. All you need to do is find the required recipe on the Internet or read in a book and make your own elixir of beauty and youth. Today there are so many recipes for masks, creams and emulsions based on aromatic oils that your eyes often run wild, so try to use only those that your skin needs most.

Before using aroma oil, decide what effect you want to achieve for your skin. At the same time, take into account your age and, above all, your skin type.

Recipes for caring for normal facial skin with the addition of essential oils.
Effective skin care is known to require integrated approach. Masks and creams with the addition of essential components are an important part of proper and regular home care skin care, so don’t be lazy to prepare the “elixir” of youth and beauty with your own hands, then the result will make you quite surprised.

To the owners normal skin Lemon, geranium, neroli, lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, jasmine, orange, mint, rose and tea tree oils are suitable. All these aromatic oils perfectly tone the facial skin, soothe and help smooth out fine wrinkles. If your goal is to cleanse your skin and eliminate acne, then you should purchase lemon, eucalyptus, sandalwood, rose or lavender oil. It is enough to dilute one drop of the “elixir” with a dessert spoon of any base oil (for example, olive) and apply it to the face thin layer, like an emulsion for about seven minutes, then remove the residue by blotting lightly with a paper or cosmetic napkin.

You can enrich your creams and emulsions with essential oils. For 10 ml of cream, take two drops of essential components. For example, mix two drops each of lemon and ylang-ylang oils with one drop of peppermint oil and add it all to a 10 ml portion of your regular night cream. Or this recipe: add one drop of rose and mint oil and one drop of neroli to the base (cream).

Essential components can be used effectively for steam baths. For normal skin type, one drop of mint, lemon and ylang-ylang oils per half liter of water is enough. As usual, bring the water to a boil, enrich it with essential ingredients and steam your face for several minutes.

To maintain normal skin healthy and radiant, there is the following wonderful mask: the base in this case will be St. John's wort oil. For 10 ml of base or foundation we need one drop each of lemon, mint and neroli oil, as well as two drops of ylang-ylang. Apply the mask to a pre-steamed and cleansed face, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Caring for dry skin with essential oils, recipes.
Girls with dry skin need regular softening and moisturizing, so the best option would be jojoba oil, sandalwood, Damask rose, lavender, myrtle, geranium, patchouli and grape seed oil. Almost all of them have a satin texture, are perfectly absorbed into the skin and do not leave greasy stains. To maintain the elasticity, firmness and moisture level of dry skin, essential components are also recommended to be added to care products. The base in this case is also cream (10 ml). So, for this amount of base, take three drops of Damask rose oil and two drops of myrtle oil, or two drops each of rose, chamomile and sandalwood oil.

For steam baths for dry skin types, it is effective to add the essential components of rosewood (three drops) and sandalwood (two drops) to the water.

A mask based on wheat germ oil, enriched with orange, rose and chamomile oils, taken one drop each, and sandalwood oil (two drops), has a beneficial effect on dry skin.

The following mask perfectly takes care of dry skin: four tablespoons healing mud pour in chamomile infusion or tea until you obtain a homogeneous creamy mass that does not flow when applied to the skin. Enrich the resulting mass with essential components, adding a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, one drop orange oil and three drops of tuberose. Distribute the composition evenly over the face, excluding the area around the eyes, and when dry, rinse with gentle movements using warm water.

Care for oily skin with essential oils, recipes.
Those with oily skin need to be on alert, because many essential oils cause irritation and sometimes even burns, so they must be used with extreme caution, observing the ratio of base and essential oils. If pimples and blackheads often appear on your face, then in addition to special pharmaceuticals, use masks with the addition of fir, camphor, lemon and rosemary oils 1-2 times a week. They contain elements that block comedones and pimples, while normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. For oily skin it is useful to use grapefruit, lemon oil, as well as oils of rosemary, Schisandra chinensis and bergamot.

Having purchased an essential oil, do not rush to add it to your cosmetic creams if they contain preservatives. The best option- mix it with one of the medicinal creams purchased at the pharmacy or with base oil. Oils are effective when adding to your nighttime facial care products. Again, take 10 ml of cream and add: a drop of lemon balm, two drops of bergamot and three drops of grapefruit oil; or three drops of lemon and two drops of rosemary oils.

If you have oily skin with enlarged pores, it is effective to use chamomile, pine, lemon, peppermint, eucalyptus, and juniper oils.

These same types of oils are effective for acne, as they have healing, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

To steam the skin, it is effective to take a steam bath with the addition of essential ingredients. For example, for 500 ml of boiling water you will need two drops of bergamot oil and a drop of Schisandra chinensis, or add a drop of lemon balm, bergamot and two drops of grapefruit.

A mask made from a tablespoon of rolled oats flakes, pre-steamed in boiling water, with the addition of three drops of bergamot oil and four drops of grapefruit, cleanses oily skin very well, relieving inflammation and providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

Recipes based on essential oils for different types skin.
So, if you want to cleanse your facial skin, we recommend preparing the following mask a couple of times a week: drop 1 drop of jasmine and lavender oil into a small glass container, add one teaspoon of liquid honey and stir well. Then, using a sponge, apply to the face, tapping the composition lightly with the pads of your fingers. After about five minutes, wash off the residue with a damp cotton pad and apply baby cream on top.

For more deep cleansing skin, it would be a shame not to use this recipe: you need to apply a few drops of oil to a pre-steamed face apricot kernels, put wet on top terry towel, lie there for two or three minutes, then remove the towel and remove the remaining “fat” cotton pads. After a couple of minutes, you need to wash your face with cool water. Believe it or not, your skin will remain matte throughout the day.

For tired, tired skin, prepare this simple cream: mix two drops of sandalwood oil with two drops of orange oil and add to any night cream. You need to do this before ten o’clock in the evening, and before going to bed, pat your face thoroughly with a napkin. In the morning you will notice that your skin is rested and well-groomed.

For all types suitable for skin Here’s a mask: grind three or four strawberries to a paste, add three drops of orange oil and one teaspoon of sour cream, mix everything well and apply to the face, avoiding the skin of the eyelids. Keep the mask on for about a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water room temperature(can be cool).

Lotion with essential oils for oily and porous skin.
Perfectly cleanses the skin and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, 10 ml lotion ethyl alcohol, enriched with essential components of chamomile, geranium and orange, taken three drops each.

Skin around the eyes.
In caring for sensitive area It is also effective to use essential oils, but in this case you need to be extremely careful to prevent oil particles from getting into your eyes. Oils of rose, mint, lime, sandalwood, myrrh, neroli, frankincense, and pine favorably tone the skin of the eyelids, nourish and rejuvenate it. In this case, you can add them to your cream for daily care, or mix with the base. For 10 ml of base or cream, you can add two drops of rose and lime and a drop of incense, or a drop of sandalwood, lime and rose. There can be a lot of options.

Essential oils for washing.
Not many people know, but essential components are effectively used in morning washing. It's simple: mix three drops of oils (you can have different ones drop by drop, but suitable for your skin type) in a liter of water. It is advisable to mix in plastic bottle. For each procedure, it is necessary to prepare fresh water, since the essential components cannot be preserved for a long time. beneficial properties being mixed with something. This type of washing will return a natural glow to the skin, improving complexion, and also smooth out wrinkles.

Essential oils for skin lightening.
You can also use essential oils to eliminate freckles and age spots. Good effect give lemon, rose, chamomile or grapefruit oil. But cypress, mint, lemon, and sage oils will help lighten the skin and make the vascular pattern less noticeable.

Anti-aging cream recipe.
If you are no longer thirty, then your skin definitely needs regular moisturizing and a home anti-aging program. Of course, no one forbids you to visit a cosmetologist’s office at the same time, but home methods for maintaining skin elasticity will not be superfluous. That is why we recommend a unique anti-aging cream recipe. To prepare it you need to mix in glassware twenty grams of cocoa butter, as well as beeswax and grape seed oil, taken 10 g each. Next, place the container in a water bath until the contents melt and turn into a liquid mass. After this, add preheated mineral water(better without gas). Beat all this slowly for ten minutes with a mixer. After the cream you prepared has cooled, add aromatic ingredients to it, namely 10 ml of hazelnut oil and 5 ml of evening primrose, mix everything again. The cream is ready. Here is a simple recipe for aging facial skin.

We hope that our advice will be of benefit to you and will prolong and preserve your youth and beauty for a long time!

Where to start choosing a base oil? Of course, by determining your skin type. There are four main skin types: normal, dry, oily and mixed (combination). Each type has its own characteristics and requires special care.

Dry skin has a matte dull shade, narrowed pores; the skin is very thin and delicate. The owner of such skin did not suffer from acne in her youth, but unfortunately this type of skin is prone to rapid fading, peeling, and allergies. After washing, there is a feeling of strong tightness. This type is one of the most problematic and requires especially careful care.

Oily skin. This type of skin is very easy to identify by its oily shine on almost the entire surface of the face and noticeably enlarged pores; this is due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. This skin quickly becomes dirty and is prone to various rashes and pimples, which requires special delicate care. But, oily skin also has its advantages, since with age it becomes normal - the secretion of the sebaceous glands returns to normal. Those with oily skin become familiar with the first wrinkles much later.

Normal skin smooth and elastic, with even color, there are no enlarged pores, blackheads, allergies, or various acne. This kind of skin is typical healthy people, which is very rare these days. Leather normal type easily tolerates both heat and cold. Any external factors are not scary to its owner.

Mixed (combined)- the most common skin type. It is characterized by an oily sheen on the forehead, nose and chin, and, at the same time, dry thin skin around the eyes, cheeks and temples. This type of skin requires separate care for oily and dry areas of the skin on the face.

In addition to the main four skin types, a distinction is made between aging (fading) and sensitive types skin.

So, we have decided on the skin type. It's time to determine which base oils are right for you. But first, let’s clarify what a base oil is.

Base oils (carrier oils, base oils, base oils, transport, carrier oils) are vegetable oils that are used in aromatherapy to dissolve essential oils, as well as for use in cosmetology, soap making, and so on.

Base oils are valued due to their composition - valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides, waxes, phosphatides, lipochromes, tocopherols and the entire spectrum of vitamins “from A to U”. Thanks to such components, these oils strengthen skin cell membranes, stimulate metabolism and regeneration, and have an antioxidant effect. Vegetable oils increase the skin's ability to retain moisture. Paradoxically, base oils dissolve deposited secretions of the sweat glands and remove dirt, dust, and cosmetics from the surface of the skin.

So what oil will do just for your skin.

For dry skin suitable oils: avocado, shea (macadamia), wheat germ, coconut, sesame, sea buckthorn, almond, peach, evening primrose, jojoba, cocoa, rose hip, raspberry, cranberry, watermelon, walnut, St. John's wort.

For oily skin care suitable: grape seed oil, apricot, almond, jojoba, peach, evening primrose, poppy seed oil. In addition, one of the most suitable for the care of oily skin prone to acne is hazelnut oil.

For the care of mixed (combined) skin types suitable: apricot, sesame, almond, watermelon, jojoba, hazelnut, macadamia (shea), green coffee oil, grape seed oil, evening primrose, St. John's wort.

For normal skin care you can use the following oils: apricot, coconut, jojoba, cranberry, poppy seed, watermelon, shea, wheat germ, evening primrose, hazelnut, sesame, almond, peach.

So, you have already decided on your skin types and... base oils suitable for them. It remains to understand exactly how to apply this knowledge in practice.

Although the oil itself has therapeutic effect, this is not enough, and it would be nice to enhance this effect with active ingredients, which include, for example, essential oils.

For dry skin you can use essential oils of chamomile, jasmine, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosewood, orange (cannot be used before going out into the open sun, as this oil is phototoxic, it increases the negative effects of the sun and can cause the appearance of age spots and sunburn).

For oily skin Essential oils of chamomile, lavender, ylang-ylang, mint, lemon, bergamot, grapefruit (phototoxic oils, like all citrus essential oils), rosemary, lemon balm, rosewood, neroli, geranium are suitable.

For normal skin— essential oils of lavender, rose, neroli, geranium, jasmine, chamomile, mint, ylang-ylang, incense.

For mixed (combination) skin- rosewood oils, lavender, lemon, bergamot (citrus essential oils should be used with caution in open sun), neroli, tea tree, ylang-ylang, mint, rosemary.

By combining base and essential oils you can make an oil mixture that will have therapeutic effect. Below are examples of oil mixture recipes for different skin types.

Oil mixture for oily facial skin.
For 20 ml of mixture:

  • 10 ml grape seed oil
  • 5 ml evening primrose oil
  • 5 ml St. John's wort oil
  • 1 drop lemon essential oil
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 3 drops geranium essential oil

Oil mixture for normal facial skin.
For 20 ml of mixture:

  • 10 ml wheat germ oil
  • 5 ml almond oil
  • 5 ml peach oil
  • 3 drops geranium essential oil

Oil mixture for mixed type facial skin.
For 20 ml of mixture:

  • 10 ml grape seed
  • 5 ml jojoba oil
  • 5 ml St. John's wort oil
  • 3 drops neroli essential oil
  • 3 drops ylang-ylang essential oil

Oil mixture for dry facial skin.
For 20 ml of mixture:

  • 10 ml avocado oil
  • 5 ml sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • 5 ml poppy seed oil
  • 2 drops vetiver essential oil
  • 2 drops ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 2 drops geranium essential oil

Oil mixture for aging facial skin.

  • 15 ml jojoba oil
  • 7 ml evening primrose oil
  • 8 ml avocado oil
  • 1 capsule vitamin E
  • 3 drops geranium essential oil
  • 3 drops carrot seed essential oil
  • 3 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 1 drop lavender essential oil

Method for preparing oil mixtures:

  • Choose a recipe that suits your skin type.
  • Prepare a bottle of dark glass or plastic.
  • Mix base and essential oils in it.
  • Leave to infuse for 3 days.

Before using the oil mixture, the skin must be cleansed. Apply 2-5 drops of the mixture to slightly moisturized skin in the morning and evening. After 15 minutes, blot off the remaining oil with a napkin. Apply the product an hour before going to bed or going outside. The course of using the oil balm is 21 days.

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