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Ep 730 technical specifications

Surface preparation is carried out according to GOST 9.402 (degree of oxide removal - 2, degree of degreasing - 1) or according to MS ISO 8501-1 (to the degree of Sa2 ½ or St3). The surface must first be cleaned of dirt, rust and scale with sandpaper and degreased with a solvent.

Material preparation: before application, EP-730 varnish is diluted to working viscosity with solvents: xylene. Before use, hardener No. 1 is added to the varnish and mixed in the ratio of 3 parts of hardener by weight per 100 parts of semi-finished varnish, after which the varnish is thoroughly mixed for 10 minutes and left for an hour.

Methods and conditions of application: the varnish is applied to the surface of the product by brush, pouring, dipping or pneumatic spraying at a temperature of at least 100C and a relative humidity of not higher than 80%. The second layer can be applied only after the first has dried.

Dilution: A mixture of xylene, acetone and ethylcellosolve taken in a ratio of 4:3:3 by volume; solvent R-5

Viability of the finished varnish: At a temperature of (20±2)0С - no more than 48 hours

The service life of the coating is established for each aggressive environment in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for painting products. A coating system of 3 layers of varnish applied to aluminum and non-metallic surfaces and dried at (150±2)0C for 3 hours is fungus resistant (PG2X). Electric strength (Epr.) of the varnish film at an alternating voltage of at least 60 kV/mm.


1. Practical consumption depends on the layer thickness, application method and conditions, surface roughness and product shape;

2. The thickness of one layer on a vertical surface depends on the degree of dilution of the material, temperature, application method, surface roughness and product shape

Based on the above, the consumption of heat-resistant varnish EP-730 for a single-layer coating can be 65-80 g/m2

Each batch of products undergoes careful control and is accompanied by a quality certificate, which confirms that the material meets the requirements of GOST.

Prices and terms of delivery

The manufacturing plant of chemical-resistant and heat-resistant varnishes guarantees you low prices and high quality products.

You can find out the price and buy EP-730 from the Khimtek company in one click, using the service on our website “order a call” or call a toll-free number, or you can also leave a request by mail. Our specialists will contact you and advise you on to all questions that have arisen.

Delivery is carried out wholesale and retail to all regions of Russia by any transport companies, and pickup from a warehouse in Yaroslavl is also possible. More detailed information about this can be found in the section

Varnish EP-730 is used to protect metal surfaces operating under conditions of constant exposure to alkalis, alcohol-gasoline mixtures, elevated temperatures and humidity, used under a canopy or indoors in various climatic regions (cold, temperate, warm climates). In addition, EP-730 varnish is used for the preparation of alkali-resistant enamels, as well as for the production of films with a specific electrical resistance of at least 5ּ10 12 Ohms. The service life of the coating is set individually for each aggressive environment in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation.

Varnish EP-730 is supplied by the manufacturer as a two-pack material consisting of a base and a hardener. The varnish is applied using various methods using a brush, roller, paint sprayer or pouring. All products sold by the Khimprom-M company comply with GOST 20824-81 and have quality certificates. The use of domestic raw materials ensures high quality and affordable prices. From us you can buy EP-730 wholesale or retail by selecting the desired packaging (tin cans or industrial containers) from the catalog.

Anti-corrosion varnishes EP

Regulatory documents:

GOST 20824-81

Application of varnish EP-730:

Before applying varnish, the surface should be carefully prepared - cleaned of rust, debris, dust, degreased, and dried. The hardener and base are mixed in the proportion specified in the accompanying documentation and kept for one hour at a temperature of 20 degrees. Mix thoroughly and, if necessary, dilute with solvent R-5 or a mixture of acetone, xylene and ethylcellosolve in a ratio of 4:3:3 to achieve the desired level of working viscosity. EP-730 is applied by pouring, brushing, dipping or by pneumatic spraying at a humidity of at least 80% and a temperature of at least +10°C. The second layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Consumption depends on the application method, temperature conditions, and personnel qualifications. R-5 can be used to wash instruments. The shelf life of EP-730 varnish is 1 year from the date of production in unopened packaging.

Security measures:

Be careful, EP-730 varnish is flammable. Keep away from fire. Work in well-ventilated areas. Store away from direct sunlight and moisture. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, respiratory and digestive organs.

Properties of EP-730 material, technical characteristics

Good performance properties ensured popularity, high demand and a lot of positive reviews about EP-730 varnish. The film is not afraid of constant exposure to alcohol-gasoline mixtures, alkalis, changes in temperature and humidity, 3-layer coatings applied to non-metallic or aluminum surfaces and dried in hot drying mode at 150 ° C for 3 hours are characterized by hardness, strength, and fungus resistance.

GOST 20824-81*

Group L24


LAC EP-730


Varnish EP-730. Specifications

OKP 23 1132 1100

By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated January 15, 1981 No. 8, the validity period was established from 01/01/82 to 01/01/95**
** The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 4-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS No. 4, 1994). - Database manufacturer's note


* REISSUE (July 1992) with Amendments 1, 2, approved in December 1982, in July 1986 (IUS 4-83, 10-86).

An amendment was made, published in IUS No. 11, 2002; amendment published in IUS No. 6, 2019

Amendments made by the database manufacturer

This standard applies to EP-730 varnish, which is a solution of E-41 epoxy resin in a mixture of organic solvents with the addition of a hardener.

Varnish EP-730 is intended for the protection of aluminum, steel and non-metallic surfaces of products operating in conditions of high humidity, temperature, the action of alkali solutions, alcohol-gasoline mixtures, used indoors or under a canopy in various climatic regions, as well as for the production of alkali-resistant enamels and to obtain electrical insulating films with a specific volume resistance () of at least 5·10 Ohm·cm*.
* Error in original. Should read "not less than 5·10 Ohm·cm"

The coating system, consisting of three layers of EP-730 varnish, applied to aluminum or non-metallic surfaces and dried at (150±2) °C for 3 hours, is characterized by fungal resistance according to GOST 9.050-75 method “A”.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).



1.1. Varnish EP-730 must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the recipe and technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Varnish EP-730 is manufactured in the form of two components supplied as a set: semi-finished varnish and hardener N 1.

Before use, hardener No. 1 is added to the semi-finished varnish at the rate of: 3 parts of hardener per 100 parts of semi-finished varnish by weight,

After introducing the hardener, the varnish must be thoroughly mixed and kept for at least 1 hour at (20±2) °C before application.

The prepared varnish must be used within 48 hours; it is allowed to dilute the varnish once or twice to reach working viscosity.

1.3. Varnish EP-730 is diluted to a working viscosity of 11-12 with a mixture of xylene (GOST 9410-78 or GOST 9949-76), acetone (GOST 2768-84) and ethyl cellosolve (GOST 8313-88), taken in a ratio of 4:3:3 by volume, or solvent R-5 (GOST 7827-74).

1.4. Varnish EP-730 is applied by pneumatic spraying, dipping, pouring or brushing.

1.5. The coating system and coating service life are established for each aggressive environment in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for painting products.

1.6. The semi-finished varnish EP-730 must meet the requirements and standards specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name

Test method

1. Color according to the iodometric scale, mg of iodine, no darker

2. Conditional viscosity according to the V3-4 viscometer at (20.0±0.5) °C, s

3. Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, %

1.7. Varnish EP-730 must comply with the requirements and standards specified in Table 2.

Table 2

Indicator name

Test method

1. Appearance of the film

After drying, the varnish should form a glossy transparent film without mechanical inclusions. The presence of isolated small pockmarks is allowed

2. Drying time to degree 5 at (150±2) °C, h, no more

3. Film hardness according to the pendulum device M-3, conventional units, not less

4. Elasticity of the film when bending, mm, no more

5. Film strength upon impact, according to a U-1 type device, cm, not less

6. Resistance of the film to the static effects of water at (100±2) °C, h, not less

According to GOST 9.403-80, section 2 and clause 4.5 of this standard

7. Film resistance to static exposure to 10% caustic soda solution at (100±2) °C, h, not less

According to GOST 9.403-80, section 2 and clause 4.6 of this standard

8. Film resistance to static effects of alcohol-gasoline mixture at (20±2) °C, h, not less

According to GOST 9.403-80, section 2 and clause 4.7 of this standard

9. Electric strength () of the film at alternating voltage, kV/mm, not less

According to GOST 6433.3-71
and clause 4.8 of this standard

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2), (Amendment. IUS No. 6-2019).


2.1. Varnish EP-730 is a toxic and fire hazardous material, which is due to the properties of the solvents included in its composition and the hardener No. 1 used (Table 3).

Table 3

Component name

Maximum permissible concentration of vapors of harmful substances in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises, mg/m

Temperature, °C

Concentration limits of ignition,% (by volume)

Hazard class



Minus 18


Ethyl cellosolve

Ethyl alcohol


Solvent R-5

Minus 5.0

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.2. Epoxy resin E-41, which is part of the varnish, and hardener No. 1 (hexamethylenediamine) can cause dermatitis.

Vapors of solvents included in the varnish and used to dilute it have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the eyes and upper respiratory tract.

The dried film has no harmful effects on the human body.

2.3. All work related to the production and use of varnish must be carried out in workshops equipped with local and general supply and exhaust ventilation, ensuring clean air in the working area, the content of harmful substances in which should not exceed the established maximum permissible concentrations.

2.5. Persons associated with the production and use of varnish must be provided with personal protective equipment that meets the requirements of GOST 12.4.011-89.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.6. All work related to the use and storage of varnish must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of fire safety and industrial sanitation rules in accordance with GOST 12.3.005-75.

2.7. Fire extinguishing agents: sand, felt, water in a fine spray, chemical or air-mechanical foam from stationary installations or fire extinguishers, carbon dioxide.


3.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 9980.1-86.

3.2. The indicators for subparagraphs 6-8 of Table 2 are checked by the manufacturer periodically in every 20th batch.


4.1. Sampling - according to GOST 9980.2-86.

4.2. Preparing for the test

4.2.1. The appearance of the varnish film, the time and degree of drying, the elasticity of the film when bending is determined on plates made of hot-rolled sheet metal 0.25-0.28 mm thick, 20x150 mm in size (to determine bending) and 70x150 mm (to determine other indicators).

The hardness of the varnish film is determined on glass for photographic plates according to GOST 683-85, size 9x12 - 1, 2.

The strength of the film upon impact and alcohol and gasoline resistance are determined on plates made of steel grades 08kp or 08ps, size 70x150 mm and thickness 0.8-0.9 mm according to GOST 16523-89 *.
GOST 16523-97, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

Resistance to static water is determined on rods made of hot-rolled round steel according to GOST 2590-88 or from round steel rods according to GOST 7417-75, length 100, diameter 13-15 mm and on plates made of anodized aluminum D16 according to GOST 4784-74 *, size 70x150 and thickness 1.5 mm.
* GOST 4784-97 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Database manufacturer's note.

The resistance of the varnish film to the static effects of a 10% caustic soda solution is determined on rods made of hot-rolled round steel according to GOST 2590-71 * or from round steel rods according to GOST 7417-75, length 100, diameter 13-15 mm.
* GOST 2590-88 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Database manufacturer's note.

Plates and rods for applying varnish are prepared in accordance with GOST 8832-76, section 3.

The electrical strength of the film is determined on copper (GOST 495-77 *), brass (GOST 931-90) or steel (GOST 16523-89) plates measuring 100x100 mm with a thickness of up to 1.5 mm.
* GOST 495-92 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.2.2. The color, viscosity and mass fraction of non-volatile substances are determined in the semi-finished varnish without adding a hardener.

Conditional viscosity is determined using a VZ-4 viscometer with a nozzle diameter of (4.000±0.015) mm.

To determine other indicators, add hardener No. 1 to the semi-finished varnish in the amount specified in clause 1.2, mix thoroughly, if necessary, dilute to working viscosity in accordance with clause 1.3, leave for 1 hour, and then apply to plates and rods. To determine the electrical strength of the film (), the varnish is applied in bulk to one side of the prepared plates; to determine the appearance, the varnish is applied with a paint sprayer or in bulk; to determine other indicators, the varnish is applied with a paint sprayer.

To determine the indicators according to subparagraphs 1-5 of Table 2, the varnish is applied in one layer; to determine the remaining indicators, the varnish is applied in three layers, and the film thickness for testing according to paragraph 9 of Table 2 should be (50 ± 10) microns.

When applying a single-layer film, the varnish is dried for 1 hour at (20±2) °C and 1 hour at (150±2) °C. The thickness of the dried film should be 18-22 microns.

When applying a three-layer film, the first and second layers are dried each according to the following regime: 1 hour at (20±2) °C, 1 hour at (150±2) °C, 1 hour at (20±2) °C, the third layer is dried at for 1 hour at (20±2) °C, and then 3 hours at (150±2) °C. During interlayer drying, the plates intended for determining electrical strength () are kept at an angle of 45°; when applying each of the subsequent layers, the plate is turned over 180°.

Before testing for resistance to static effects of water, caustic soda solution and alcohol-gasoline mixture and before determining the electrical strength, the dried films are kept for 24 hours at (20±2) °C and relative air humidity (65±5)%.

The edges of the plates for testing resistance to the static effects of an alcohol-gasoline mixture are coated with the same varnish and dried for 1 hour at (150±2) °C.

4.2.1, 4.2.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

4.3. The appearance of the dried varnish film is determined visually in diffuse daylight.

4.4. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

4.5. The resistance of the varnish film to the static effects of water is determined according to GOST 9.403-80.

Before testing, a layer of gauze (GOST 11109-90), about 5 mm thick, is wound on the rods, for which a strip of gauze 1 m long is taken. The wound gauze layer is tied with thread.

The plates and rods are immersed in boiling water and kept for 1 hour. During testing, the water level in the glass and boiling are kept constant.

Then the test samples are taken out, cooled to (20±2) °C, the gauze is removed from the rods and the change in the appearance of the varnish film is visually determined.

The film should retain its shine and be free of blisters and bubbles. Slight whitening of the film is allowed.

4.6. The resistance of the varnish film to the static effects of a 10% caustic soda solution is determined according to GOST 9.403-80 (method 1, immersion).

The rods prepared according to clause 4.2 are immersed in a boiling 10% solution of caustic soda according to GOST 2263-79 and kept for 3 hours, while maintaining the boiling point and the level of the solution in the glass.

After the test, the rods are cooled to (20±2) °C, washed with water, dried with filter paper, and the change in the appearance of the varnish film is visually determined.

4.7. The resistance of the varnish film to the static effects of the alcohol-gasoline mixture is determined according to GOST 9.403-80, section 1.

The varnish film should be unchanged.

4.5-4.7. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.8. Electric strength () is determined according to GOST 6433.3-71 at alternating voltage. The determination is carried out on two plates. The average value is obtained from the results of 7-10 measurements.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


6.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the varnish meets the requirements of this standard - subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

6.2. The guaranteed shelf life of semi-finished varnish is 12 months from the date of manufacture.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1. The best performance in terms of the appearance of the varnish film is achieved by diluting the EP-730 varnish before application to a 27% concentration of the mass fraction of non-volatile substances in the semi-finished varnish.

2. To improve the filling of EP-730 varnish in the event of the formation of pockmarks and craters, before use, add 2% K-421-02 resin to the varnish, recalculating the mass fraction of non-volatile substances of K-421-02 resin and the semi-finished varnish.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Varnishes are a type of paint and varnish materials that contain film-forming substances, water, and organic solvents. When dry, the varnish gives a transparent film, and this layer will reliably protect the surfaces and emphasize their structure. Typically the product is used as a finishing layer, providing a beautiful, finished look to any product.

Epoxy materials get their name from the epoxy resins they contain. The products of the EP brand are most widely used on the farm. They contain special hardeners, target components that provide the desired properties.

Varnish brand EP-2146

Parquet varnish EP-2146 is used to cover parquet and wooden floors; it can also be used to paint any wooden surfaces (furniture, stairs), decorative paper. The coating must be used indoors. Production is regulated by standard TU 2311-055-56041689-2007.

Composition, properties

The product contains epoxy resin, colloxylin, plasticizers, curing accelerators, an additive to improve spreading, and solvents. The material forms a glossy coating, resistant to mechanical damage, which protects the floor from abrasion and scratches. The surface can be washed with water, with SMS.


The main technical characteristics of the brand are given below, regulated by technical specifications:

  • film - homogeneous, without foreign impurities, inclusions, transparent;
  • color - 80 mg I2/100 cc. cm on the iodometric scale, darkening EP-2146 is unacceptable;
  • viscosity according to the VZ-246 viscometer at a temperature of +20 degrees - 40 - 120 s;
  • dry residue share - 31 – 37%;
  • drying time at a temperature of +20 degrees - 2 hours;
  • hardness according to the TML device - 0.15 cu. e.;
  • shine - 55%;
  • resistance to water at a temperature of +20 degrees - 8 hours;
  • consumption of 1 kg of material - for 10 - 14 sq. m of coverage.


The product has a peculiarity in its application. Before work, it must be mixed - combine the main composition with the hardener. There is a ready-made form of the product on sale, one-component. If necessary, the varnish is diluted with solvent No. 646.

To prepare the base, you need to clean it from grease, dirt, dust, sand it, and dry it. The product is applied with a brush or roller, drying for 2 hours between each layer. Apply 3 layers, then dry the coating for 24 hours. Work is carried out at humidity up to 65% and at a temperature of about +20 degrees.

It is important to wear gloves and a respirator, and paint products only with good ventilation. After drying, the film is safe for humans.


Epoxy varnish of this brand is produced according to the state standard GOST 20824-81. Used for application on surfaces made of aluminum, steel, and other (non-metallic) materials.

The product withstands the effects of humidity, high and low temperatures, and tolerates the effects of alcohol, gasoline, and alkali. The varnish can be used for outdoor work for those products that are used under a canopy.


The material is characterized by high strength, resistance to mold, hardness, and protects products from scratches and abrasions.


Main technical parameters of the varnish:

  • the appearance of the film is glossy, transparent;
  • drying time at +20 degrees - 2 hours;
  • dry residue share - 30 – 33%;
  • layer thickness - 18 – 22 microns;
  • number of layers - 1 – 3;
  • consumption - 65 – 80 g/sq.m. m.

Working with varnish

The surface is prepared in a similar way - it is cleaned, sanded, and dried. Preparation of the material: mix the base and hardener in the proportion specified in the instructions. Then the material is kept for 1 hour at room temperature. If necessary, use solvent R-5.

Painting is carried out by pouring, direct application with a roller, brush, or using a spray gun. Drying is done for 2 hours for each layer.


The EP-55 product is used for painting concrete and metal that are exposed to atmospheric factors. Protects products from aggressive environments.

Typically, the material is used after primers of the EP series, after putties, and anti-corrosion enamels. The composition includes a base and a hardener. The varnish gives a beautiful glossy finish that dries within 12 hours.


EP-741 provides anti-corrosion protection to metal with a phosphated coating. The material will provide resistance to salts, alkalis, water, acids, gases, and temperature changes. Can be used in any climate, even tropical.

The product is prepared by mixing the base and hardener, applied by pouring, dipping or using a paint sprayer. The varnish dries for 12 hours at room temperature, it is applied in 2 - 3 layers.

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