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Episiotomy when you can sleep with your husband. Sex after an episiotomy. How to overcome problems in your intimate life

Childbirth is always a test for the female body, and additional surgical intervention, such as episiotomy, usually complicates postpartum recovery and return to normal life, including sexual life. After cutting the perineum and applying sutures, scar tissue is formed, which, unlike the skin and muscle fibers, hardly stretches. This can cause discomfort and even pain during sex, especially in the first few months after giving birth. In addition, the scar covers many nerve endings, and therefore the woman does not get as much pleasure from sex as before. But not everything is so sad - it just takes time to restore the tissue of the genital organs. When and how women who have had an episiotomy can safely resume their sexual life, we will tell you in this article.

Episiotomy: when can you have sex?

Many women and, of course, their husbands are concerned about the question: when can you have sex after an episiotomy? Doctors usually recommend that young mothers maintain sexual rest for the first month and a half after childbirth, and this figure is not related to the number and type of stitches applied. The uterus is an open wound surface after childbirth, and having sex too early carries the risk of bleeding or infection.

Usually after 5-6 weeks, postpartum discharge (lochia) stops, which means that the uterus has shrunk to its normal size, and its inner surface, the myometrium, has returned to its normal state.

Only a doctor can give you specific numbers and dates for resuming sexual activity, based on the condition of your stitches. However, gynecologists rarely advise excluding sex after an episiotomy for a longer period than 2 months.

Sex after an episiotomy: will it hurt?

Sexual activity after an episiotomy may be uncomfortable, and this is completely normal. The “first time” can be painful or unpleasant for almost everyone, because natural childbirth, even without tears and incisions, is a serious stress for the genitals, and their recovery takes time. Some even compare the first sex after childbirth to the loss of virginity. However, there are others for whom no cuts or stitches prevent them from enjoying themselves, and they are sincerely perplexed: what pain, what are we talking about? Both childbirth and postpartum recovery are different for all women, because each of us has our own pain threshold and our own physiological characteristics. So don't assume in advance that sex after episiothymia will be terrible.

Ask your husband to be careful and try to relax. What hinders many women is primarily fear and anticipation of pain. Try using a lubricant, perhaps even one with an anesthetic component such as lidocaine - this will alleviate any possible discomfort. Remember that no one is rushing you - perhaps you will feel nice and good as before the next time, or maybe a year after giving birth, but, in any case, it will happen. Be gentle to each other, add variety to sex, and just practice it more often - and very soon everything will get better!

Episiotomy is not the most pleasant procedure, especially when it comes to its consequences. You will have to consider that the genitals have undergone major surgery. It is important to follow the recommendations of your obstetrician-gynecologist regarding the treatment of sutures, intimate hygiene and returning to intimate life after childbirth. Sex after an episiotomy may not be very pleasant at first, but this is a temporary problem. Be healthy and love each other!

In this article:

One of the procedures during childbirth may be an episiotomy. It is a forced surgical intervention consisting of dissection of the perineal tissue. It certainly makes childbirth easier, but the recovery phase after such a procedure, especially sex after an episiotomy, can become quite painful for a woman.

Sutures after episiotomy heal within a month. Complications may arise in the form of pus appearing at the incision site, and the suture may be painful for a long time. In these cases, healing may occur later.

In any case, the resumption of sexual life should be agreed with the attending physician. During the examination, he will be able to assess the degree of healing of the scar and the readiness of the tissue to stretch.

What is sex like after surgery?

The first sexual intercourse after an episiotomy causes significant discomfort, and sometimes quite noticeable pain. This is due to the low ability of scar tissue to stretch. In addition, after childbirth, the vaginal tissues swell and do not produce enough natural lubrication.

An important role is played by the feeling of fear experienced by a woman before her first sex. Together, these factors lead to pain during intimacy.

How to overcome problems in your intimate life?

Some time after giving birth, the question of sex arises before the spouses. A woman who has undergone a surgical procedure called episiotomy, when asked when she can have sex, must answer based on her personal feelings. The first sexual intercourse will be accompanied by tension and tightness if she follows the lead only of her partner.

A gentle and attentive attitude on the part of a man will help avoid emotional stress.
It is important to devote sufficient time to foreplay. They will put you in a romantic mood and help you relax. In some, especially difficult, cases, they are sufficient for the first time. Directly to sexual intercourse should be approached gradually. Let this become a kind of love game.

At the first stage of building a sexual relationship, when natural lubrication is not enough or there is none at all, lubricant gels will not interfere.

Choosing the most comfortable position for sex, for example, when the woman is on top, will help you cope with unpleasant sensations. This way, the depth of penetration can be controlled by the woman, causing her minimal discomfort.

Helpful video about recovery after episiotomy

On average, the recovery of a woman’s body after childbirth takes about six weeks. During this time, the uterus acquires its original size, microcracks in the mucous membrane of the birth canal heal, and the woman begins to feel as before, feminine and desirable. However, in some circumstances, postpartum rehabilitation and resumption of sexual activity may take longer, for example, if an episiotomy was performed during childbirth.

Episiotomy is a surgical procedure in the form of an incision in the soft tissue of the perineum to facilitate the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Upon completion of childbirth, the incised wound is sutured, after which a suture is formed in the perineal area, which should be protected from tension and infection. As a rule, it is episiotomy that is one of the reasons for the late resumption of intimacy between spouses.

Sex after episiotomy: when is it possible?

The inner surface of the uterus after childbirth is an extensive wound surface susceptible to infection, so during normal childbirth you can have intimate relations after about six weeks. Adhering to medical recommendations, having sex after an episiotomy is allowed after about two months - according to doctors, this time is enough for the suture in the perineal area to heal. Undoubtedly, in each individual case everything is individual, because much depends on the severity of childbirth, regenerative functions, postpartum well-being, etc. If you have doubts about whether it is time to resume sex after an episiotomy, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Early resumption of sexual activity after childbirth is highly undesirable if:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody or bloody-mucous discharge from the genital tract;
  • unhealed suture after episiotomy.

Sex after episiotomy: physical discomfort

What problems do women face when having sex for the first time after an episiotomy?

  • Pain and discomfort
  • Narrow entrance to the vagina

After an episiotomy, the previously stretchable and elastic tissues of the perineum are filled at the incision site with connective tissue that lacks these properties. That is why the first sexual intercourse after childbirth in this case is often accompanied by discomfort and sometimes severe pain, which feels comparable to the loss of innocence. And a man often has the feeling that he is depriving his chosen one of her virginity, and the reason for this is the excessively narrow entrance to the vagina after an episiotomy.

What to do? Naturally, the first and most correct solution if problems arise in bed after childbirth is to visit a doctor. During a gynecological examination, you can find out whether everything is “sewn up smoothly and beautifully” or whether you need the help of a plastic surgeon.

If a woman feels severe pain during sex after an episiotomy, it may be necessary to increase the duration of foreplay, provide a romantic atmosphere and complete immersion in the process. Very often, a young mother is so afraid of pain that she cannot relax either physically or emotionally, which is detrimental to sexual relationships.

Vaginal dryness after childbirth is a consequence of low levels of estrogen in the blood. You can combat this problem with the help of special intimate gels and lubricants, some of which also contain an anesthetic, making sexual intercourse as comfortable as possible.

A narrow vaginal opening after an episiotomy can become a real problem in the first months of sexual activity. The only sure way in this situation is to regularly have sex after an episiotomy, in order to increase the extensibility of the tissue in the suture area. In most cases, after a few months of frequent intimacy, the problem resolves on its own. Some medical sources indicate that the use of special gels and ointments for healing postoperative sutures also helps with problems with sex after an episiotomy. The most famous of these products is Contractubex gel, which helps smooth out episiotomy scars.

Sex after episiotomy: an emotional barrier

The first intimacy with a partner after the birth of a child in most cases makes a young mother wary - the woman fears that she will be hurt and uncomfortable. It should also be remembered that it can take from two weeks to six months to restore libido after childbirth, which also puts regular sex life on the back burner.

What to do? An attempt to “love each other” will be crowned with success only if the woman relaxes as much as possible, forgetting for a while about dirty diapers, bottles and household chores. Do not forget about your femininity and attractiveness, because intimate intimacy only strengthens feelings and gives self-confidence.

How to return to normal life and in general, is there sex after an episiotomy? If you've asked yourself this question, it means your time for nightly lovemaking simply hasn't come yet. However, this does not mean that you can give up on your intimate life; it’s just that every woman needs time to resume sexual relations. You should also not delay sex after an episiotomy, as motherhood can completely absorb you, leaving your beloved man unattended for a long time.

After childbirth, a lot of changes occur in a woman’s physiology, especially if the baby born is the first-born. Pregnancy and childbirth are the greatest stress a woman’s body endures in her entire life. Let's figure out when to decide sexual activity after episiotomy.

Childbirth and pregnancy have a very strong impact on the sexual relationship of spouses. There are many factors that influence these processes: the nature of pregnancy and the state of the body during the postpartum period.

If the birth proceeded normally, without surgical intervention, the uterus is cleared of residual blood and returns to its normal state in 4-6 weeks. During this time, the uterus contracts and damaged tissues are restored.

During this period, it is recommended to refrain from intimacy. A woman's genital organs are susceptible to all kinds of infections, which can cause inflammation of the uterus. Also, during sexual intercourse, bleeding from damaged areas may resume. If the birth was complicated, the period of abstinence from sexual intercourse should be increased. In this case, only a gynecologist can determine the exact timing. Also, trust your instincts. But don't forget to see a doctor!

You've probably heard that after childbirth, intimate life is already different. According to statistics, more than half of women after childbirth have a negative attitude towards intimacy during the first three months, and 18% during the year. This is explained by the fact that physical contact of this kind after the birth of a child can cause painful sensations. If you had stitches, then damaged nerve endings could be caught in them - these are the ones that will cause concern. This is why intimacy after an episiotomy requires special attention.

Painful sensations often go away over time - the nerves adapt to new conditions. You can also soften the suture area using special ointments such as Solcoseryl, Contratubes and others.

After childbirth, the vagina becomes less elastic than before. But don’t worry, the vagina usually returns to normal pretty quickly. You can speed up the process by doing Kegel exercises, which a woman usually does during pregnancy.

Remember that discomfort during sexual intercourse may be associated with serious disorders of the vaginal anatomy. Sometimes, to help a couple improve their sex life, it even comes down to surgery.

If you gave birth via cesarean section, you may not experience problems with vaginal elasticity. But it is quite possible that the suture on the uterus will cause you concern. Restoring such a suture usually takes longer than solving problems in women who gave birth in the usual way.

Often women in the postpartum period are faced with a lack of extragenic hormones. This leads to depression and even vaginal dryness. This problem can be solved simply with the help of various gels and ointments. The main thing is to pay close attention to the composition of the medications, especially if you are still breastfeeding.

And please don’t be scared after reading this article; on the contrary, some ladies do not experience any problems with their sex life after childbirth. We are all individuals, but caution in such a delicate matter will not hurt anyone.

Be sure to read it!

Childbirth is a great stress for a woman’s body, requiring a rehabilitation period. In the presence of surgical manipulations, such as dissection of the perineum, recovery becomes longer and more difficult. Wounds need to heal and tissues need to recover. If the birth was complicated, there are prohibitions in the postpartum period. It is allowed to resume sex after an episiotomy after two months.

When making an incision in the perineum and applying sutures, scars form on the tissues, which prevent the skin from stretching. Lack of elasticity creates discomfort during sexual intercourse in the first months of the postpartum period. The appearance of a suture causes temporary numbness of the nerve endings around it, so the woman does not receive the same pleasure from sex.

How soon can you have sex after an episiotomy? It is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for 2 months. This is approximately, some women do not feel discomfort until after 60 days. When you can have sex after an episiotomy, nothing bothers your wife, and the process brings her pleasure.

The duration of sexual rest depends on the severity of the birth complication. At the end of delivery, the uterus is a bleeding and wounded organ. Early sex after a birth incision has consequences. It causes bleeding or leads to infection.

As a rule, by 6 weeks after birth, a woman stops producing lochia. The uterus returns to its previous size, and its upper layer, the myometrium, is completely restored. At this stage, sex after childbirth with an incision is allowed to resume, from the point of view of medical indications.


A woman must work to restore sexual intercourse on her own, as it can be painful to have sex after an episiotomy. Sometimes it is not the pain itself, but the anticipation of it that provokes discomfort. To relax as much as possible, you need to completely trust your husband. You should ask your partner to be more careful and careful.

Pain occurs due to the lack of elasticity of scar tissue. Intimacy will become more pleasant when the seams are tightened. During the first time after childbirth, a woman does not produce lubrication, so it is recommended to use artificial means to reduce friction, possibly with an analgesic effect.

It often happens that the reason for a pause in a couple’s intimate life is changes in the woman’s everyday life. Not only is she responsible for housework, but she also takes care of the baby, so she has no strength left for sexual relations. Episiotomy and sex are completely compatible concepts, the main thing is to allow the mother to rest and get enough sleep, then she will have a desire to have fun and relax.

Discharge is another nuisance that interferes with the sexual life of a woman in labor. A woman will not experience true pleasure if there is intense vaginal discharge during sex. This condition creates discomfort for both partners. In addition, during the period of lochia, the entrance to the uterus is completely open to infections. Therefore, a woman should not have sex after an episiotomy from a medical point of view.

Not every woman in labor feels pain and discomfort during sexual relations after childbirth with a perineal incision. But even if there are no signs of pain or discomfort, it is better to wait before resuming sex.

Before you bring sex back into your life, you should consult your doctor. Only a gynecologist will give an adequate assessment of the state of a woman’s reproductive system. Women in labor have different pain thresholds and physiological characteristics of the body. Anal sex after an epizotomy is also prohibited in order to avoid injury to the stitches. It is better to abstain from it for about six months, because pressure on the scars provokes new cracks.

Emotional barrier

It happens that the period of medical prohibition on sex has already passed, but the wife does not allow her husband to approach her. You should not be afraid of this condition, you just need to figure out what is the basis for the lack of desire to have sexual intercourse. The reason may be simple fatigue or everything is regulated on a subconscious level.

Nature has laid down that while the baby needs maternal care 24 hours a day, there is no talk of any subsequent child. Therefore, the level of estrogen in the female body is reduced at this time (as a result of which the vagina is excessively dry even when aroused). If the delivery was complicated, the woman in labor, on a subconscious level, takes revenge on her partner so much that she had to go through difficult moments.

Often, the lack of sexual activity after an episiotomy or other birth complications is due to a feeling of one’s own unattractiveness. During the postpartum period, the figure does not take on the best shape, but this does not mean that men consider their wives ugly.

Postpartum depression often becomes the basis for dulling of sexual desire. If a woman is dissatisfied with life, cannot cope with household responsibilities and everything around her is burdensome, we are not talking about sex at all. Sometimes a mother invents fears that prevent her from enjoying her intimate life. Many are gratuitous, but some are well founded.

Why is a mother afraid to have sex after giving birth with an incision:

  1. fear of pain;
  2. fear of waking up the baby;
  3. the occurrence of a new pregnancy.

Many mothers in the first months of a child’s life feel an emotional barrier before resuming sexual intercourse. You need to find a rational way out of the situation and apply it.

Methods to overcome the problem

There are several effective ways to combat lack of sexual desire. You just need to choose a method for a specific case, depending on the nature of the problem.
Takes him to the doctor. If the reason for the lack of libido is the fear of feeling pain again, it is better to find out the condition of the genital organs and readiness for sex from a doctor. When the gynecologist gives permission and does not identify pathologies, the fear will disappear by itself.

Discussion with a partner. Family conversations will help a woman feel needed and attractive. The husband should encourage his wife in every possible way and show signs of attention. The only condition is that a woman needs to tell her partner what is bothering her. Then you can really solve the problem.

Having sex during the day. You can ask the grandmother to take the baby for a little walk outside and have sex in the meantime. This will relieve two difficulties at once: in the middle of the day the mother will not be tired, and she will also relax, because she will not worry that the child will wake up.

Use of contraceptives. It is better to start immediately to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, so that your wife is not haunted by fear. At this stage, another breastfeeding baby is completely inappropriate. They use the IUD, hormonal pills, condoms and other contraceptives that are acceptable for breastfeeding. Only a gynecologist has the right to prescribe contraception, because there are many details, including weight gain due to taking hormonal medications.

For medical reasons, sex after an episiotomy is allowed to resume from 7-8 weeks. There are other reasons for the lack of sexual activity in the postpartum period. This is painful sexual intercourse, discharge, emotional unpreparedness for intimate relationships.

The husband must help overcome the mother's fears. It is important to support your wife, show love, and participate in caring for the newborn. Then the appearance of a new family member will not negatively affect the sex life of partners.

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