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If the girl gives you a treat. Should I buy her a drink? Psychological aspects for seducing a girl

I'll keep it short: don't buy her a drink. Don't offer to buy her a drink and don't give in to her requests for it (" I'm thirsty…", "Would you like to buy me a drink?", etc.). And here's why - if you do this, you will become a "loser" in her eyes. And women despise "losers". They do not respect them. I will give a couple of examples as an illustration:

She ("Let's see if I can hook this sucker"): "Will you buy me a drink?"

You ("Oh god, I'm so lucky, this woman must like me if she's asking me to buy her a drink."): "Certainly!"

She ("Ha! Another loser! He only buys me drinks because I asked him to. What a weakling! Are they all like this? Do they think I'll go to bed with him for a bottle of beer? I'm daydreaming... I'll finish my drink and go find myself a NORMAL man"): "Thank you! You are so nice! Ciao!"

You (confused): "Hey... wait! What the hell?!"

Even if she stays for 5-10 minutes to chat with you about some nonsense, it doesn’t matter - you completely failed the beginning. You were removed from her list of potential partners because you are a WEAK!

It's even worse if you offer to buy her a drink. By doing so, you are voluntarily showing her that you are a loser. Women will either refuse the treat (they don't want anything to do with a weakling like you) or they'll agree to it but then dump you anyway (they don't like weaklings, but they won't mind drinking at your expense). More sensitive women will agree to drink with you and even stay with you, but only out of pity - and at the same time they will feel awkward about it (" I agreed to the treat, so I probably need to stay with him a little - it’s rude to leave him like that right away. But he probably already imagines that since I agreed to have a drink with him and am standing next to him, he can get more from me. What a freak! Jonah! I really need him! I'll get rid of him as soon as possible!"). And if a woman is awkward with you, then do you think you have a chance with her? Of course, if you masterfully master pickup techniques, then you won’t get lost in such a situation - but maybe it’s not worth it, that’s all -So, create unnecessary difficulties for yourself?

So what should you do if you suddenly hear from her: " Won't you buy me a drink? "What if she actually liked you (for example, you had been talking for some time up to this point, and then she decided to test you with her " would you like to buy me a drink??" ("Does he like me enough to buy me a drink??"). Or - what if she approaches you with the intention of getting to know each other and - purely by chance, in order to start a conversation - chooses the technique that is most popular among Ordinary Insecure Suckers (" Can I buy you a drink?"), turning it 180 degrees (" Won't you buy me a drink?")? In that case, explain to her that it is not in your principles to buy drinks for women, but she can buy drinks for YOU. :) For example:

She: "Won't you buy me a drink??"

You: "No. But you can buy me a drink" :)

She("Yeah... Hmm... But he's not a sucker! Maybe this is a real man? Oh, what is it - I got wet!?"): "Me?... ah-ah... Okay!"

However, another option is also possible: she is simply circling around the territory in search of a drink and, it seems, she is not at all interested in you. And if you simply answer her “no” in such a situation, then she will understand this as the fact that she needs to move on, and that she will not hear anything more from you and that she needs to ask some other sucker for a drink. Therefore, you need to give something that will immediately stop her dead in her tracks :) How about this answer:

She: "How about buying a girl a drink?"

You: "How about French kissing?"

Please note that you immediately make it clear exactly what kind of deal you want. You demanded more than just a “kiss on the cheek” - if you lowered your demands to that level, then you will again be recorded as a “weakling”. What I love most about this scenario is that if she says no, then SHE (not you!) will now be the party who said no in the situation. You don't have to be a "freak" for turning her down. If she says yes, then you can immediately begin touching and further verbal processing. And then buy her a drink as a reward :)

Here's the thing: She'll probably be "shy" before she gives in, but this is your opportunity to show her your playful side. Immediately apply the "GM" and "Mr. Smooth" techniques to her!

"Yes, you're kind of tense. Don't like to relax? We're just having fun! :)

"You like cool guys, right?" :)

"Well, this isn't sex yet... it's just a kiss!" :)

I will try to answer this question as a girl, and even, dare I say it, a woman, with some life experience.

Firstly, it very much depends on the circumstances. And secondly, on the character and upbringing of the girl herself. Despite the victorious march of the sexual revolution across the planet, many girls are still embarrassed to look closely into a man’s eyes. Moreover, to come right up and say it! So the thesis about the gaze may turn out to be false.

Focus on other signs of desire - those that are beyond our conscious control, which means they cannot be hidden or faked.

When we want someone, we do not limit ourselves to looks; we want, first of all, to be as close to him as possible. And often we involuntarily shorten the distance - we sit down next to each other, come close, move closer, although there are plenty of other empty seats around. Just don't get confused! Forced crowding on public transport is a necessary evil, but if in an empty cinema hall a girl sits down on the next seat, this could already be a hint.

In addition, you want to touch the object all the time: hug, take the hand. This is what we do, as if not on purpose, but much more often than necessary. Sometimes we disguise it as care: we straighten a man’s tie or collar, smooth his hair, clap him on the shoulder. True, if this is done by a woman 15 or more years older, most likely she really only feels maternal feelings for him.

You should also pay attention to the mouth. If a girl listens to your speech so much that her mouth opens slightly, or she lightly licks and bites her lips, in her dreams she is already kissing you. Just make sure she doesn't have a runny nose and is simply not breathing through her mouth out of necessity.

I don’t know why, but the trick with food always works: women steal food from the plates of only those men they like. If you don’t like the guy, then even if he offers to help himself, the girl won’t accept it. Important: the food should come exactly from the plate of the man we want! His plate is an intimate area. Shared food = shared spoils. In the same way, if a woman treats a guy with food from her plate, then with this gesture she invites him into her intimate area. Some ancient instinct comes into play here, dating back to the days of hunting mammoths.

The most shy and modest of girls still blush when they meet eyes or talk with a man they are interested in. This blush shows through even through makeup.

And the bravest ones do not hesitate to give compliments. And if a girl tells you: you have such gorgeous biceps/eyes/motorcycle/rating - this is definitely not without reason and she obviously doesn’t mind finding out how gorgeous you are and everything else))

September 10, 2012, at 15:13

Mother Nature has done a good job, making men and women so different in their perception of the world around them! What seems so obvious to men looks like an absolute secret to women, just like vice versa! Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in both affairs of love, some misunderstanding arises among men and women, and questions arise that require immediate answers.
You don’t need to think that men are less sensual in love relationships than girls, they just don’t express their emotions as clearly. As for the rest, they also experience strong emotional experiences that love sometimes throws at us! And men, no less than women, are often interested in the fundamental question - does our soulmate love us? If girls usually do not hesitate to ask their boyfriends about this, then men, seemingly so confident that they are loved, very often doubt this and ask themselves - are they really loved by their chosen ones?
Let's look at some distinctive signs in a girl's behavior that will clearly hint to us about the sincerity of the love she feels for us!

1. Calls often and writes often! The girl who is the first to get in touch, be it phone calls or SMS messages, clearly gives us a sign that she cares about us! If a girl is interested in what we are doing now, what we had for lunch or how our day went, rest assured, she is already interested in a man!

2. The girl is curious! Women are by nature much more curious than men! Therefore, it is completely natural that they will try to find out everything they can about guys who arouse amorous interest in girls! Habits, hobbies, information about childhood, friends and relatives and much more - this is just the tip of the information iceberg that a girl in love will try to learn about from her boyfriend! If a girl doesn’t show much interest, and doesn’t even ask counter questions to the ones we asked, then it’s worth thinking about it - maybe she doesn’t give a damn, as they say?

3. Wants to introduce you to your parents! Of course, if lovers introduce each other to their parents, then this is already a qualitatively new stage in their relationship! With a hint of a future together, so to speak! Usually, when a girl has serious plans for her boyfriend, they do not delay the moment of getting to know their relatives! In addition, the girl herself does not mind meeting the parents of her chosen one! Sometimes, of course, a girl can be shy. They say, “in what capacity will I introduce you to your mother” and all that. And he’s in no hurry to meet the guy’s parents. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions and jump to conclusions that this girl doesn’t care about you. Perhaps she just wants to make sure of your feelings for her in order to move on to such an important step as meeting your parents.

4. Wants to introduce you to friends! A very sure sign! It is very important for a girl that her boyfriend also impresses her friends! Of course, if you have been dating for some time, and the girl is really in love, then probably all her friends have known you in absentia for a long time!

5. The girl cares about you! Women not only have a developed maternal instinct, but also generally have a well-established mechanism for caring for people who are dear to her! Of course, you don’t have to wait for a girl to come to your house to take out the trash can or whitewash your ceiling! After all, a man should do this kind of work on his own! But if a girl treats you to something tasty, especially prepared with her own hands, then this is already a reason for joy - for an unloved man, she is unlikely to be so tense!

6. The girl makes gifts! Be careful with this point! After all, it is completely inappropriate to expect some expensive gifts from a girl, which we may have already given her. Expensive gifts are the prerogative of men; a girl does not need to surprise men with high prices. After all, even a small postcard with drawn hearts or a trinket in the form of a dove or a cute pendant is enough, with which a girl will express her feelings for a man!

7. The girl talks about the future! Girls are more likely than boys to make plans for the future. Of course, she will only make these very plans with the guy she loves! She can imagine pictures of life together, she will talk about what the future child could be named, and in general, she will often draw pictures of her desired future. Of course, the girl is unlikely to tell you about this directly - she will give you various hints!

8. Particular attention to appearance! What girl doesn't want to look beautiful? If a girl is also in love, then she pays as much attention as possible to her appearance! At meetings, she constantly looks in the mirror, straightens her hair, tints her lips with gloss... She pays no less attention to her clothes - God forbid, some thread gets caught on her blouse or a cat hair gets on her jacket... After all, you need to look perfect in front of your loved one! Men in love, wanting to emphasize how much they love their chosen ones, usually say that their girls are good in everything! This sometimes offends girls who think that they are not able to appreciate their appearance! In fact, for a man in love, it doesn’t really matter what his beloved is wearing - even if it’s a quilted jacket and a hat with earflaps! A beautiful girl's outfit for a man is like icing on the cake!

9. The girl is ready to give up some of her habits! This sign can be safely attributed to both women and men. Only a girl who really cares about her boyfriend and whom she truly loves can give up getting together with friends, watching her favorite TV series, or going shopping with her friend in order to meet her lover!

10. Gentle touches! If a girl tries to touch him while talking with a guy, then this is a clear sign that expresses her affection. She can stroke his hair, pat him on the back or just take his hand... At the same time, if the guy himself is the first to not dare to take the girl’s hand, she herself, if she likes the guy, will take the initiative and be the first to take his palm in hers.

Of course, you cannot try to explain such a feeling as love with some rationally explained signs! Here you need to feel, and not try to verify the feeling with statistical observations or behavior analysis! That's all - all these signs are just general traits of behavior that are characteristic of girls who have love in their hearts!

“I’ve never had anything like this before!” Have you ever heard such words from a girl? If you look at how most guys behave in the process of seduction, you will notice that they are simply trying to “buy” the girl’s interest or logically prove why she should date them. Many people behave banally, ask the same standard questions, give flowers on the first date and invite them to dinner at a restaurant. But logically, persuading a girl to meet and not only is a “dead number.” You need to communicate with girls in emotional language so that her inner world explodes with surprise every time.

Surprised girl?! For what… ?!

Any man who wants to conquer a girl must know how to surprise her. Girls love emotions very much. Many men don't even understand the role emotions play in their lives. Women are like that by nature. They receive much more information from emotions than from words. Their logic and actions directly depend on the emotions they receive. The sun is shining and she is being fed ice cream - she is in a good mood. So you are so positive and wonderful. But, if a bird pooped on her new dress, then you are a scoundrel and she is ready to kill you for this stupid walk. But in any case, she will be with you because you give her these very emotions.

Let's immediately decide why it is necessary to learn how to surprise girls.

1. Be able to stand out from a large number of “standard” fans in order to arouse genuine interest.

2. Simplify the process of seduction and bring acquaintance to the first intimacy.

3. Speed ​​up the time to create a strong relationship in which the girl will be ready to do anything for you.

There are a large number of ways that can surprise a girl. Now I want to focus on their quantity or uniqueness, but I’ll tell you about the correct sequence of their use. Because a lot of guys have big problems with this. The main point is that emotions need to be strengthened gradually as you communicate and move from free methods to more expensive ones. It may even turn out that surprising a girl without money will work out much better than, say, taking her to an expensive restaurant or giving her a large bouquet of 101 roses.

The easiest way to meet girls is, of course, dating sites and social networks. So, let's say you liked some girl on VK. It is important to understand that first you just need to establish contact, and not try to immediately surprise the girl. The simple word “HELLO” will be enough. and began correspondence. And if it is clear that the girl is ready to communicate, then we need to move on to inducing positive emotions in her.

How to surprise a girl on VK?

An interesting story from your life with photos

Your communication has begun. And, as a rule, we try to learn more about each other. And these should not be banal questions of the same type and short answers to them. You need to learn to present yourself, your best qualities, your interesting life. To do this, you need to have a couple of good stories in stock that will evoke positive impressions of you. For example, this could be a story about your extreme hobby, about an unforgettable trip with friends in Europe, or about helping someone in a difficult situation. The stories themselves should have a large number of adjectives, which will evoke the emotions themselves. It will be an even bigger plus if bright, memorable photographs are attached to the story itself.

A beautiful compliment

After you find out more about the girl, you can give her a nice compliment. The whole point of a compliment should be one thing – to surprise the girl! It should not look like just “grease.” Therefore, it is better to write it not straightforwardly, but between the lines. And it should be both extraordinary and beautiful. You should not use standard phrases and banal confessions. The compliment must be truthful or, in other words, “from the heart.” Girls feel everything, so there’s no point in lying. And we must not forget that different girls love different compliments. You will surprise some by complimenting your appearance, others by emphasizing your intelligence or individuality.

Drawing from symbols

Train your brain with fun

Develop memory, attention and thinking with online trainers


If a girl accepts your compliments, asks you a lot of questions, jokes, then you can invite her on a second date. In VK this can be done very simply by sending a message with a beautiful picture of symbols. It is very easy to find such drawings. You can try to be creative and come up with something yourself. This will only emphasize your originality. The drawing should be meaningful and unite you at the same time. For example, you found out that she loves to walk along the embankment. So draw it with symbols and under the drawing itself make a call to take a walk in the evening this weekend! She will be pleasantly surprised and, of course, agree.

How to surprise a girl on a date?

Appearance and positive thinking

The first impression, as we all know, is based on appearance. Clothes and shoes should always be clean, tidy and new. Face, hair and hands are always well-groomed. This is exactly the standard. You also need to be able to communicate well. The speech should be clear, short and meaningful. And, of course, a smile on your face and positivity in everything. The easiest way to evoke emotions is to joke. Laughter should be your weapon on the first date. Funny stories, a couple of cool anecdotes should always be in stock. Just don't turn into a clown, everything in moderation.


Then you need to show naturalness. The fact is that on the first date, every person still puts on some kind of mask and behaves unnaturally. This is simply a defensive reaction. But on the second one it’s quite possible to be natural! It is “to be”, not “to seem”. Forget about all sorts of templates and showing yourself as an alpha male. It doesn't work. Always behave with girls the same way you behave in cases when you are alone with yourself. This may take some time, but it's worth it. Individuality always reveals itself in naturalness! And the manifestation of individuality cannot but evoke emotions.


Every man should have goals in life. Clear, understandable and best of all ambitious. A man by nature must be an achiever and always have a vector of forward movement. At the same time, goals should not be someone else’s, they should be consistent with internal desires. Buying a house, a car and earning a million a month are common goals that you won’t surprise anyone with. And you need those who will evoke positive emotions towards you as a person. For example, my goal is to create a modern youth development center in Moscow. Think about what a cool goal you could have. And if on the third date you tell about her, it will make you more interesting and give her confidence in you, which is very important for the further development of the relationship.

If 3 dates went well, then you can move on to intimacy.

How to surprise a girl in bed?

Erotic massage

When approaching for the first time, you need to be more than careful, affectionate and willing to give the girl maximum pleasure. You can surprise a girl by offering to give her a relaxing massage first. First of all, everyone loves massage. Secondly, according to data, in 80% of cases the massage ends in sex. Therefore, you should definitely adopt the massage technique. Girls, like cats, hide their claws when you show care and affection. Moreover, the better she relaxes during the massage, the better her orgasm will be. And this is only a plus for you!

Fierce poses

During the second sexual intercourse, the girl must be given varied and quick sex. The Kama Sutra should be your second book after the Bible. Study all the poses, choose the ones you like best. Show that sex with you is not just a 69 position, but a tornado that sweeps away everything in its path. Different speeds, different poses. You have to wear her out in a good way. She should be pleasantly surprised by how much you want her and how much energy you have.

Hard sex

The third time you have to show who is finally the alpha male. You need to be tough with her. This, of course, needs to be learned. Attention! Rigidity is not cruelty! This does not mean that you need to spank her so hard that it really hurts her. Rigidity is not pain, it is the transfer of inner male strength. If a girl is of a romantic nature and you think that this will not work with her, then you are mistaken. Sex is, in fact, an animal passion. Girls want to give themselves to the strongest male. You must become exactly like that for her.

Sex is not yet a serious relationship, so you need to continue to surprise a girl without money.

How to surprise a girl without money?

Beautiful place in the city

You can surprise a girl with an invitation to one of the unusual places. There are such in every locality. These could be beautiful parks, the banks of a river or pond, the roofs of abandoned buildings, or maybe a place where you like to spend time alone. There may be two options here. Either bring the girl to this place with her eyes closed, which will already cause some intrigue, or make a date near him, also without saying anything. The place should really evoke a lot of positive emotions!

Romantic gift

You will give a girl a lot of impressions if you show yourself as a romantic. It could be a beautiful poem written by you, a song performed with a guitar, or a picture drawn of the place of your first date. It’s very easy to go buy a gift for money, but it won’t contain your love. And you just need to start giving your love to strengthen your relationship. Give your all. The most pleasant thing is to receive gifts made from the heart!

Free event

And, of course, you shouldn’t miss the chance to surprise a girl with various free trips where something interesting might happen. These could be Friday concerts in bars, exhibitions in museums, city festivals, car and air shows. You should always have a poster of upcoming events in your browser bookmarks. Of course, you have to be sure that she will definitely like it. Once or twice a month, such trips will give you new bright emotions. It’s definitely not worth sitting at home alone!

Time will pass, relationships will only get stronger. But the time comes when you have to separate for a while. This could be school, a business trip, a trip home to visit parents, or any other occasion. Communication via the Internet or telephone will become commonplace. Therefore, next you need to learn how to surprise a girl from a distance.

How to surprise a girl from a distance?

Surprise with courier

Every city already has a delivery service for flowers, jewelry, soft toys and various exotic foods. Why not pamper her and remind her of your innermost feelings? You can't do this without spending money, but it will be worth it. You just need to check with her in advance about what specific time she will be there. Otherwise some other incident will happen)


Why not? Do you think it's no longer relevant? Vice versa. Few people use this method at all. Write how dear she is to you, express all your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Pack it in a beautiful designer envelope and send it with an “emotional dove” to pleasantly surprise her. The only caveat is that letters take a long time to reach the addressee, so it is better to speed up the whole process by sending a registered letter.

Here I am

An option that will cause a storm of surprise in a girl. If you are impatient and don’t want to deal with separation, then you can come to your beloved. Let the girl know that you are ready to fly to the ends of the earth for her. Plan your arrival carefully so that she doesn't suspect anything. Give her a whole day of surprises. Draw the cherished “I love you” on the asphalt in front of her window. Launch a lot of balloons so that she can see, and say that this is how you send all your joint wishes to the Universe. And, of course, show up in the evening with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of sparkling champagne!

Your relationship continues to develop and her birthday is coming! Such an event must be approached very seriously and interestingly. You already know a lot about your companion, so you need to do something that she doesn’t expect at all.

How to surprise a girl on her birthday?


All girls love animals very much. Some are cats, some are fish, some are pandu. After all, they are just as cute. You can touch them, feed them, cuddle them. You can actually ride with dolphins. Therefore, you can give a lot of impressions by going to a park, circus or aquarium for your birthday. In general, to where these animals are.


Give her some kind of mind blowing already. The easiest way is to add a little extreme to her life, but so that there is a lot of adrenaline, and not a sea of ​​​​tears and swearing. Here you need to understand what dose to give. This can be an off-road ride in the mountains, fast riding on road motorcycles along the highway, a hot air balloon or paragliding flight, diving, surfing, river rafting, horse riding, snowboarding, flying in a wind tunnel and much more. It may be better to ask in advance between conversations what extreme things she would like to try.

Travel tickets

What would bring the most emotion to you two? That's right, traveling together. Once a year you definitely need to go somewhere with your beloved girl. Relaxing with your loved one on the seashore, relaxing from work, bringing cool photos to your girlfriends is every girl’s dream. Therefore, for your birthday it is worth investing in emotions in a big way - giving trips to the resort. The format should be “all inclusive”, so as not to catch a taxi at the airport, look for a place to stay and not think about how to diversify your vacation. For example, I myself would not refuse a trip to the Maldives! Well, you can finish her off in the good sense of the word by giving her a ring and proposing!

I think that if you learn all these methods, then over time you will be able to surprise girls “automatically.” Gradually collect your “backpack of surprises”. Let me remind you that you need to strive at first to give emotions without resorting to money. Ideally, you should not spend a penny before having sex. The mistake most guys make is that they immediately start spending money on flowers, movies, gifts, cafes, etc. This is simply called prostitution. You buy sex with money. And the main currency should be emotions.

But I’ll tell you a secret: giving positive emotions is only the first level. In general, ideally, girls should be given a different range of emotions, both positive and negative. Therefore, at the second level, practice ways of presenting negative emotions. And the “God” level in seduction will come when you learn to alternate positive and negative emotions in equal parts. As big as “+”, so big is “-”. This will allow you to make a variety of girls fall in love with you even more!

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