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If an adult sleeps during the day. Daytime naps: is it beneficial and when is the best time to sleep? Benefits for the nervous system

The first thought that comes to me in the morning when I see my own half-closed eyes in the mirror: “Today I’ll go to bed at nine o’clock in the evening!” A sleepy body calls you back to the warm duvet world so much that it is very difficult not to give in to temptation. And I give in. “Just a minute” ends up being a whole hour late for work.

But the most interesting thing happens during the day: fatigue puts pressure on every cell of the body and forces you to look for a secluded corner to take a nap there, right in the middle of the working day! Has this ever happened to you?

For the time being, I thought it was abnormal to want to sleep during the day. But then I found out that nap- This is a completely natural need. In countries South America It’s even customary to arrange a “quiet hour” - when, after the lunch break, employees lock themselves in their offices and just... sleep.

American sleep expert Scott Campbell called napping a healthy habit. He explains this by saying that his own body tells a person to take a nap after lunch, and there is no point in “turning a blind ear” to these prompts. If you don't listen inner voice and not rest for a few minutes, our strength will quickly be exhausted.

The benefits of short sleep have been proven by science. Experts in this field say that biological clock Each of us is configured in such a way that we need to sleep twice a day. The first is from midnight to seven in the morning, and the second is from one to three in the afternoon.

What is the reason for this natural need? With the cold. It is during these periods of time that our body temperature drops, and this does not depend on diet and rest.

Many studies show that a short nap of 15 minutes increases physical and brain activity. After a slight “break,” the mood improves in both children and adults. And especially useful afternoon nap for the elderly.

And yet, every medal has a downside. Some scientists explain the desire to sleep among broad daylight laziness and the presence of serious illnesses. So, if older men and women like to lie down after lunch, then this may be a wake-up call stroke. This hypothesis is confirmed by research, which found that people experiencing urgent need in daytime sleep, are two or even four times more susceptible to strokes.

What explains this paradox? It turns out that shallow, superficial sleep (and this is often what daytime naps are) provokes disruptions blood pressure. Such jumps lead to cerebral hemorrhage.

But don’t be alarmed, the researchers reassure. You only need to sound the alarm when you sleep enough during the day and are not overtired, but the bed still calls you for a date during the day.

For young people, the desire to sleep during daylight hours is completely normal, if not inevitable. After all, it is young people who most often lack sleep at night and are in dire need of recuperation. Experts from Harvard have concluded that just 60 minutes of daytime sleep can restore brain function in the same way as a full night's rest. To establish this fact, they recruited volunteers who slept for 20 minutes before taking an attention and memory test. Such young people showed more good results than those who do not sleep during the day, and after 40 minutes or an hour of daytime sleep their mental abilities and even increased.

So, you and I have to determine the harmfulness and usefulness of daytime sleep for ourselves. And yet, I will say, based on personal experience: sleep whenever you want, because you deserve it. ;)

Children's naps during the day are considered beneficial for health. But when a person becomes an adult, the habit of sleeping in the middle of the day puts him in the category of lazy people.

Why is the opinion about healthy sleep with age? Scientists around the world claim that napping helps restore physical strength, normalize emotional background, increase the efficiency of any activity. Patterns in society about daytime naps have no scientific basis. In this article we will talk about an important and interesting topic for many - is it good for an adult to sleep during the day?

Historical and scientific facts

Scientists from the University of California conducted a study of a group of people who practiced daytime naps throughout their lives. Based on the experiment, experts came to an amazing conclusion that proved the benefits of napping in the middle of the day for health. Compared to adherents of wakefulness, such people have a 50% increase in concentration and a 30% improvement in memory. Napping does not disrupt life biorhythms and does not cause insomnia. Useful practice prevents the development of depression and improves mood, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 40%, allows you to relax and get to work with renewed vigor.

It is wrong to think that lazy people, losers or slackers can sleep during the day. Historical facts indicate the opposite. Great people: creative people, politicians, philanthropists prefer to relax in the middle of the day. Such a vacation greatly contributed to their success, allowed them to concentrate on their goals and respond correctly to difficult situations. life situations. The benefits of daytime sleep for humans are confirmed by their example by Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Eleanor Roosevelt, Leonardo Davinci, Thomas Edison, and John Kennedy. These people have always practiced napping and at the same time achieved success and worldwide popularity.

Benefits of resting in the middle of the day

The question of whether it is useful for adults to sleep during the day can be answered positively with confidence. Those who practice napping remain healthy for many years into old age, and their life expectancy is higher than that of people who are constantly awake during the day.

Health benefits of napping:

  • restores performance, gives a feeling of vigor;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • increases resistance to stressful situations;
  • sharpens the functioning of the senses and reaction to external stimuli;
  • activates metabolic processes in the body;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • improves performance cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • aligns the emotional background, promotes a good mood;
  • improves thought processes: attention, memory, creativity;
  • prevents physical fatigue.

The more regularly a person allows himself to rest, the more regularly the person allows himself to rest. Daytime naps at least three times a week lead to improvement general well-being and extends active life. The reason is the stimulation of the production of endorphins (“happiness hormones”) and inhibition of the synthesis of cortisol (“anxiety hormone”).

The harm of daytime rest

Scientists say that the benefits and harms of daytime sleep depend on many factors that are important to consider. We'll talk about healthy napping rules later. Daytime rest can be harmful if you nap for a long time, without taking into account the time, external conditions and sleep phases. Napping is not useful, and sometimes contraindicated, in patients with severe depression and mental disorders. Daytime rest can be harmful for people suffering from insomnia. In this case, life biorhythms are disrupted and sleep disturbance processes progress.

Day rest rules

We got the answer to the question of whether adults need to sleep during the day. Now let's look at how to properly nap. This is important because disordered sleep can cause jet lag, impair nervous and endocrine system. You might sometimes notice that after a daytime nap you feel exhausted, cannot concentrate on work, there is a general weakness and headache. These are signs that you fell asleep or woke up at the wrong time. allotted time, without taking into account sleep phases.

The benefits of daytime sleep for a person will be most complete if the following rules are observed:

  1. The optimal duration of rest for a full night's sleep is 20-30 minutes. This time is enough to relax and restart the work of all organs and systems. The deep slow-wave sleep phase begins half an hour after falling asleep and lasts for an hour. If a person wakes up in a deep phase, then his state will be broken. Therefore, it is necessary to wake up before reaching the deep phase. If the night's rest was inadequate, a daytime nap should last 1.5-2 hours before the onset of the next deep sleep phase. This important condition which must be followed.
  2. The relaxation environment is no less important. It is necessary to get rid of sources of loud sounds and bright lights. Can be used special masks over the eyes and earplugs.
  3. The sleeping place should be comfortable for temporary relaxation. Experts do not recommend going to bed, which can contribute to prolonged rest. An armchair, sofa, sofa, or car seat would be more suitable. It is better to loosen tight clothing parts.
  4. It is important to organize daytime rest at 13-15 hours, no later. This optimal time for relaxation and restoration of performance.
  5. Must be taken into account individual characteristics person to fall asleep. If you take a long time to go to bed, then you need to add 10-15 minutes to your rest time.
  6. For those who have difficulty waking up, experts recommend drinking strong tea or coffee before dozing off. The drinks begin to take effect within 20-30 minutes, just in time for waking up.
  7. After resting, do exercises to warm up your muscles.

Why is napping good for you?

So why is sleeping during the day good for your health?

The thing is that during the day, not only the whole body works very hard for a person, but also his psyche. This is especially true in modern urban realities. Working to the limit of our strength, we experience a lot of negative feelings and emotions. All this wears us down and leads to illness.

This is why resting at least a little during the day is vital if you want to stay.

Relaxation during the day

But it will be best and much more useful if you don’t just sleep during the day, but short time relax and turn off your head. Those. stop thinking and experiencing bad emotions.

For relaxation, and is used. Try these techniques in the middle of the day and you will feel your energy return. You will be able to work harder and better and will not come home very tired.

But if you don’t have the opportunity to lie down in shavasana, try to find a little time and relax, at least just sitting on a chair with your eyes closed. The main thing is to turn off your head well. Even such a short rest will be beneficial for the whole body and psyche.

And it remains last question, is it possible to sleep during the day after eating? Yes, it does not harm the digestive processes. The body spends a lot of energy to digest food. And it is better if you rest at this time, and do not start working hard immediately after consuming food. Everyone knows that in the afternoon after a good lunch, we are drawn to sleep. Do not interfere with this urge of the body. But you shouldn’t overeat at night.

If you decide to practice napping during the day, do not be shy and do not listen to the opinions of others. Your health, both physical and mental, will be much stronger than that of people with stereotyped thinking.

If you can't sleep, step away from work for a short time, close your eyes and relax. Stop thinking, in other words, meditate. The body will thank you for this.

And in conclusion, watch the video on the topic of the article:

See you soon.

I wish you happiness and health.

Everyone likes to get some sleep. And the kids in kindergarten, and adults often take naps during the day. This article will tell you what positive influence Sleeping after lunch has an impact on your health.

Recent research by doctors has shown that our brain is responsible for the amount of rest. It is he who determines the time of sleep. When he's working on full power, then I don’t want to sleep. But still, our body needs periodic rest. If we take a short break, turn off the brain for 20 minutes, let it sleep, then we will work more productively, because the body will receive additional energy.

When fully immersed, you receive recharge for creative ideas. Typically, people who take short naps during the day do not require constant coffee breaks. Moreover, the supply of energy will allow you to feel cheerful and full of energy not only during the working day, but also after the end. You will not fall asleep during meetings with friends, you will stop spending evenings watching TV, lying exhausted on the sofa.

Our tips will help you better understand your body and help you understand the benefits of short sleep.


If you sleep a little on a cozy and soft sofa, or take a nap with your head resting on a mountain of papers, you will feel physical relaxation. Studies have shown that when people take naps during the day, their levels of stress hormones decrease. You should choose a quiet place to relax. This way you can reduce the load on your brain, and then start working with fresh energy. You will become more collected and focused. A short time for rest will be enough; it is not necessary to spend several hours on a nap during the day.


Research shows that 20 minutes of sleep during or after work will be more beneficial than an extra 20 minutes of sleep in the morning. But short nap It will take a few more minutes to concentrate. You will be a little distracted at first, but this will pass after some time. You will be able to return to work with a new charge of vigor. This energy will be enough for the whole day. Sometimes the rush takes you by surprise and you have to work all night. This negatively affects performance. Try to take a break after a night without sleep. Then you will be filled with energy, concentration will increase.


Anyone can experience the positive effects of daytime sleep. These can be both older people and young energetic students. The latter are especially recommended to sleep for a few minutes after lunch. After all, this is how you can increase your ability to learn and absorb information.

To prove the positive effects of sleep, the following experiment was conducted. Students were given special tests with images. The images differed, but only slightly. According to the test conditions, it was necessary to detect these differences. The tests were carried out on one day.

The first test was performed perfectly. The second testing did not differ from the first in terms of time and accuracy of work. After the second test, some students took a short break and slept. And others continued to work. Those students who took the test without interruption showed a decrease in scores and accuracy. Students who took a 20-minute nap performed as well as they did on the first two tests. And the group of people who slept for an hour even improved their morning performance. This study clearly demonstrates why short nap. It protects the brain from overwork and excessive stress.


This fact was proven by scientists from NASA. According to research results, it has become clear that half an hour of sleep during the day can improve cognitive function by 40%.

1000 volunteers took part in the study. As a result, it became clear that those subjects who slept during the day passed the IQ test better. And those working without a break showed a significant decrease in test results, as well as their memory has deteriorated and performance.

The study was carried out by NASA specialists and students from the Berkeley Biology Department. Scientists have found that maximum effect brings a short sleep. Daytime naps are beneficial if they last less than 45 minutes. Otherwise you won't get required result. It is best to sleep for 15 or 35 minutes. During this period, the neurons of the brain will be able to recover, and the body will receive an additional surge of vigor and strength.

If you sleep well at night and take some time to rest during the day, your body will be ready to perform physical exercise. Typically, teenagers do not exercise because they are tired. 28% of teenagers cite fatigue. This is caused by lack of rest. A little sleep and you can set your own records. Improve physical fitness possible without fatigue or exhaustion.


The beneficial effect on health is priceless, but short-term sleep also has a positive effect on the creative component. It improves imagination. This is useful not only creative people, but also useful in ordinary life. You can find the right solution for any situation, get out of the problem. Sleep also stimulates the emergence of new ideas. We often get stuck in our work and cannot move. Then you definitely need to rest a little. This will help you relax and take your mind off work thoughts. And then you can look at the problem with a fresh look. This has a positive effect on business. You devote very little time to yourself and your rest, but the work as a whole benefits.


No one feels good if they didn't sleep well at night. Distracted attention and drowsiness are symptoms serious problems with the body that night lack of sleep brings. One of the main dangers is metabolic disorders. Evidence of this was provided by scientists from the University of Chicago. They conducted a study on 11 young people who were asked to reduce their sleep to 4 hours a night. The experiment was carried out over 6 nights. As a result, they were noticed serious violations body - it began to absorb carbohydrates worse, and hormonal problems appeared. The state of the body without sleep was similar to the state of patients with diabetes.

To reduce the harmful effects of lack of sleep, you can regularly practice short naps. If you don't get enough sleep at night for some reason, then resting during the day will help you recover. Scientists have not yet figured out how it works. There is an opinion that sleep time can be accumulated. This question appeared after a unique test. One group of people slept at night required quantity hours, and the second slept less at night, but rested a little during the day. Both groups of people showed similar results in the studies.

8. COMBAT Drowsiness

Short sleep is also useful as a preventive measure. Many people have to get up quite early, which often makes them feel sleepy. Representatives of some professions are forced for a long time spend without sleep, for example, shift workers or pilots. Students often do not sleep for a long time. An adult's daytime sleep is perfect way fight against drowsiness. If you take a few hours to sleep during the day after a sleepless night, you can easily recover.


Rest after lunch will help reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. This is especially true for young people who do not yet have serious health problems. This fact was confirmed by a study conducted in Greece. In this country there is a tradition of an afternoon siesta - rest or sleep in hot weather. More than 23 thousand people took part in the study. Their distinctive feature- absence genetic predisposition To serious illnesses– cancer, stroke or coronary heart disease. Tests from this group showed that the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases was 37% lower in those who slept for half an hour during a siesta. Therefore, a midday nap can have a positive effect on your future health. This is also confirmed by general medical research. Heart disease occurs less frequently in residents of countries where it is customary to take a siesta.

There are doctors who study sleep patterns. One such specialist is Dr. Sarah Mednick. Her research shows that short sleep breaks are beneficial hormonal levels, stimulate the restoration of body cells. Sarah Mednick even wrote a book about it, Take a Nap! Change Your Life (Take a nap! Change your life). In it, she gives some tips for napping. According to her, anyone can sleep, the main thing is to create the necessary conditions.

Daytime nap time

There are several categories of sleep, each of which lasts a certain amount of time.

  • Nano-sleep: 10 to 20 seconds.

We can see such a dream in transport. You can pass out for a couple of seconds on the subway or train, and then immediately wake up from a jolt. The positive effects of nano-sleep are not yet fully understood.

  • Micro-sleep: 2 to 5 minutes.

Positive effect – getting rid of drowsiness.

  • Mini-nap: from 5 to 20 minutes.

A person increases attentiveness and concentration, is capable of physical activity, becomes more active.

Like the two previous categories, real sleep helps improve attention, fight drowsiness, and stimulate activity. This rest time also has a positive effect on muscle and long-term memory. The brain throws out information it doesn’t need, but leaves important information.

  • Lazy person's sleep: 50 to 90 minutes.

This time helps improve perceptual activity, strengthens and restores bones and muscles.

You shouldn't think that people rest during the day just because they are lazy and don't want to work. There are many examples business people, which can be called sleepyheads. However, they have achieved some success. For example, Leonardo da Vinci, Bill Clinton or Thomas Edison took a nap after lunch. This allowed them to achieve significant results. If you want to increase your productivity, you can simply sleep - the results will not keep you waiting. You just have to try it, and you will be surprised by the opportunities that open up and the energy boost for the whole day.

How to get a good and quick sleep during the day

While there are many benefits to taking a nap at work, it's important to learn how to fall asleep properly. After all, you need to sleep for a short period of time, and not a full cycle. This is called polyphasic sleep, a phenomenon characteristic of some animals, cats, for example. The tips you read below will help you learn to sleep for about 20 minutes. If you learn multiphase sleep, you can easily sleep for short periods of time.

Rules for short sleep


How to wake up

  • After waking up, you need to get up immediately. You can put the alarm clock in the distance, then you will need to get up to turn it off.
  • You can’t laze in bed or set the alarm clock ahead another 5 minutes. You can oversleep. If you are cold, you can perform several warming exercises.
  • After you get up, it's better to eat a little. It is advisable that the food does not contain many carbohydrates. You can snack on nuts, such as almonds. Sometimes chewing gum helps.
  • You need to train your body so that it can wake up as quickly as it can fall asleep. Then you will not make any effort to wake up - it will become a habit. However, the technique will not work the first time; practice and training are also needed here.
  • The body wakes up better when physical activity on fresh air. You can take a little walk, then you will feel more energetic.

At home

Outside the home

  • Before going to bed, you need to choose where you are going to take a nap. If you search for a place for a long time, you will sleep worse due to stress.
  • You should always have a spare set of items for falling asleep. You should have earplugs, an alarm clock, music, a mask and everything else you need for a good short sleep.
  • The method of sleeping outside the home will differ from that used at home. However, there should not be significant differences. U different people Methods may differ, the main thing is that the actions are as similar as possible to home ones.
  • Not all people understand how great the benefits of daytime sleep are, so they may judge or make fun of you. However, this should not offend or offend you. Not everyone will understand all the features of sleep during the day, but you don’t have to discuss it with them. And those who are especially curious say that they simply didn’t get enough sleep at night. This will stop unnecessary questions.

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Daytime sleep is useful for nervous individuals, people engaged in mental work with large volumes information, and workaholics. According to scientists, an hour of daytime sleep can replace a full night's rest. In many countries (Japan, Spain, etc.), daytime sleep is actively used even at work to improve the performance of citizens.

If you experience constant sleepiness during the day, this may indicate chronic fatigue, lack of sleep at night and the presence various diseases(neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia, etc.). Don't be lazy to visit a doctor.

For some diseases, a person is prescribed electro-sleep. In the atmosphere of a physical therapy room, on a couch behind a screen, you will be induced to nap during the day using special electrical sensors attached to your head. Low frequency current pulses, when affecting the nervous system, cause its natural inhibition, and the person falls asleep.

Scientists estimate that sleeping during the day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 35%. Also, during daytime naps, reserves are replenished faster. physical strength and normalizes peace of mind.

A short daytime nap fills the body with hormones of joy and can replace sleep, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by people seeking to lose weight. This kind of rest is also good for the brain. Removed nervous tension and the stress of waking up early.

People who know how to relax during the day are more cheerful and active.

An interesting fact is that daytime dreams are more vivid and easier to remember.

What daytime hours are good for sleep?

Sleeping during the day is not only possible, but also necessary. It is not for nothing that daytime naps are used in children's institutions and sanatoriums. However, it is not recommended to go to bed for an hour or two after 16-00, when the sun is high above the horizon. The consequences of such a dream can be headache, lethargy and general malaise.

The most best time for daytime sleep - this is the afternoon from 12-00 to 14-00. Such sleep helps digestion and energizes you for the rest of the day.

If the weather permits, you can go to bed in nature. For example, at the dacha in a sun lounger or hammock. If there is no dacha, a glazed balcony with open doors will do, provided that the yard is quiet. Sleeping outdoors in the shade - best medicine from depression and stress received in the metropolis.

Scientists have long debated the benefits of daytime sleep. Indeed, short-term rest has a beneficial effect on physical and mental activity. The body regains strength, the person can easily cope with current tasks. But there are supporters of a different opinion. Let's try to figure out how to sleep so as not to feel overwhelmed and is there any point in resting in the middle of the day?

Scientists conducted tests to study the benefits additional rest during the day. Representatives of various professions and segments of the population took part in the study. More than eighty percent of subjects confirmed the positive effects of sleep. But there were exceptions. For example, the crew of passenger airliners felt very tired after forty minutes of napping. Thanks to the study, it was possible to establish the influence of rest duration.

To regain strength and feel good, you need to sleep for more than one hour or twenty minutes. Then the deep sleep phase will not have time to begin or will have time to end. In any case, daytime sleep should not last more than two hours. After a long rest, the body's reactions slow down, and the physical and emotional state will deteriorate significantly. This leads to a decrease in mental abilities.

You can choose the optimal time for yourself. Let's consider the most useful species sleep.



If you feel drowsy and cannot get a full night's sleep, rest for two to five minutes. A short microsleep will help you cope with signs of fatigue.


A daily minisleep of five to twenty minutes increases endurance and alertness. Significantly improved motor activity And general condition body.

For 20 minutes

The optimal duration of daytime rest is 20 minutes. This type of sleep includes the benefits of both micro and mini sleep. After the brain is rebooted, space is cleared for better perception of new information.

Long lasting

Young children, as well as adults, need to sleep from fifty minutes to an hour and a half during illness. The body recovers faster. Significantly improved cognitive process. A day's rest of this duration includes fast and slow phases.


Daytime sleep, when properly distributed, helps to reboot brain activity, and the body feels a surge of strength. Doctors recommend resting during the day to relieve stress and increase productivity and focus. Memory and perception are significantly improved.

Daytime naps are used to prevent cardiovascular diseases. There are cases where rest in the middle of the day contributed to an increase in creative potential and the desire to work physically.

How to lose weight with sleep?

If you are watching your figure, proper rest during the day will help your body work better. When a person doesn't get enough sleep, it happens hormonal imbalance. Metabolism is disrupted, carbohydrates are difficult to digest. Constant disruption of sleep patterns leads to excess weight or even diabetes.

Daytime rest helps replenish night sleep. The level of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, decreases.

A surge of strength and energy contributes to active sports. A person can eliminate excess weight.

Getting rid of daytime sleepiness

Frequent sleepiness during the day makes it difficult to concentrate on work. Even on weekends you cannot get ready to relax. The term hypersomnia refers to repeated daytime sleepiness. In most cases it occurs due to insufficient night sleep.

Just a few sleepless nights, and you will feel the pace of life slow down and your mood deteriorate. There are several effective ways that will change everything. Night sleep will become more complete and better, and daytime sleepiness will disappear. Let's look at them in detail:

  1. Get enough sleep at night. People often wake up earlier than usual in order to finish current affairs or get themselves in order before work. Thus, night sleep time is consumed. This indicates an incorrect distribution of morning tasks. By creating a schedule, you can wake up several hours later. After all, an adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep for proper rest. A teenager will need an average of nine hours.
  2. Organize properly sleeping place. Before going to bed, it is not advisable to watch TV, play video games, or work on the computer. Also, do not deal with business papers or decide conflict situations before bed.
  3. Try to wake up at the same time. Daytime sleepiness often occurs due to improper routine. The schedule must also be followed on weekends.
  4. Accustom your body to the new sleep time gradually. For example, go to bed fifteen minutes earlier for four days. This approach will help reduce the load. If you try to fall asleep abruptly an hour earlier than your usual schedule, your daytime sleepiness may only get worse.
  5. It is important to maintain order in your circadian rhythms. If possible, meal times should be consistent. Frequent snacking during the day, as well as towards night, leads to sleep disturbances. Breakfast and lunch should be complete. Do not overload your body with food three hours before rest.
  6. Pay attention physical exercise. Thirty minutes a day active activities will help you fall asleep calmly and easily. Aerobic exercise also promotes relaxation. But in any case, it is not advisable to actively engage in sports less than three hours before bedtime.
  7. Follow a daily routine. If you can't get seven or eight hours of sleep, rearrange your schedule. Review things that are not very important. You can reschedule activities you start late at night to another time.
  8. Go to bed only after the first signs of drowsiness. You need to distinguish between fatigue and the desire to sleep.
  9. Evening sleep negatively affects the body's condition. Daytime fatigue will only increase, and at night you will most likely not be able to sleep.
  10. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages. Alcohol before bed disrupts deep sleep. As alcohol is eliminated from your body, you will wake up at night. You won't be able to fully relax.

Effect on night rest

Frequent naps during the day can have a negative impact on your well-being. Excessive rest time or incorrectly chosen time (after 14.00) can affect night sleep. Lack of sleep will cause extreme fatigue. Therefore, a person is forced to rest several times during the day. This schedule can cause chronic insomnia.

Harm to health

American scientists have found that napping in older people during the day increases the risk of stroke by four times. English somnologists share the same opinion. Daytime sleep of the elderly and mature people(but only if sleep duration is more than 8 hours) shortens life expectancy.

An increased risk is also associated with diseases of the elderly age category. For example, snoring often leads to obstructive sleep apnea (breathing cessation). This, in turn, increases daytime sleepiness and increases the likelihood of strokes. But still we're talking about about excessive daytime rest. Short naps are beneficial.

Avoiding daytime naps

There are situations when it is better not to sleep during the day. If you simply have nothing to do or are bored, sleep will not best way kill time.

Sometimes the body cannot resist the urge to sleep. People intend to lie down for 20 minutes but only get up after 3 hours. As a rule, this is fraught with headache and fatigue. If you cannot cope with drowsiness, it is advisable to undergo an examination or consult a somnologist. Excessive sleepiness is not normal.

If you have a hard time falling asleep in the evening, sleeping in the middle of the day is not advisable for you. There is a risk that going to bed at night will become even more difficult. How to plan your sleep correctly? Let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. Try not to let anyone disturb your peace. After all, if there are several awakenings in half an hour, rest will not bring the desired result.
  2. If you have trouble falling asleep in the presence of noise and light, create optimal conditions. Earplugs and an eye mask, silence and darkened roller shutters on the windows will help. You don't have to go to bed during the day. After all, due to insufficient willpower, you can sleep much longer. Ideal for short-term relaxation are “daytime” clothes and a sofa. You don't have much choice at work. You can take a nap on a regular sofa or folding chair.
  3. You may be overwhelmed by everyday thoughts. Try to distract yourself. In just twenty minutes nothing will happen. Not everyone manages to fall asleep the first time. Even the first week can be unsuccessful. Don't worry. Time will pass, and you can fall asleep absolutely calmly anywhere.
  4. Plan to sleep no later than 14.00–15.00. Until this time, the body is in dire need of rest, and you will fall asleep faster. If you wait, awakening may be significantly delayed. As a result, it will be very difficult to sleep at night.
  5. Set your alarm time correctly. Don't forget that it takes about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep.
  6. If you have classic problems waking up, drink a cup before bed strong drink. Tea or even coffee will do. After all, the action will begin only in twenty minutes. Until this time, you will get enough sleep and can easily get to work.
  7. It is normal to experience slight fatigue and muscle flaccidity after sleep. For quick recovery Do some exercise, go outside, or turn on a bright light. will appear good mood, cheerfulness and fresh ideas.

Daytime sleep should not be perceived as a whim of sissies and lazy people. Everyone needs proper rest healthy person not only to increase labor productivity, but also as a prevention of many diseases.

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