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Fruit peeling for the face with acids at home. Chemical peeling of the face with fruit acids Fruit acid for the face

Should you put your skin on a fruit diet? It’s easy when it comes to acid peeling for the face at home. Sometimes such cosmetic recipes are more reminiscent of yoghurts: they contain so many fruits, berries and milk.

Most often, acid peeling refers to fruit-based products, because they are the most gentle in their class. But in general, there are different acids for exfoliation, ranging from nuts to those extracted from the stomach of animals.

In other words, according to the strength of the impact, exfoliation can be superficial, middle and deep and affects accordingly:

  1. The epidermis is the outermost protective thin layer;
  2. Dermis - rich in blood vessels and nerve endings, responsible for renewing collagen and elastin fibers;
  3. Hypodermis (subcutaneous fat) is a layer for thermal protection.

But acid peeling at home should be as delicate as possible, with a composition concentration of maximum 25%, otherwise you risk harming yourself!


Now let's understand the terminology. There may be more than one acid in the exfoliating composition, and then we are talking about. It is not as strong in its effect as, for example, pure (a champion in tissue penetration due to its low molecular weight), but it is certainly better in other respects.

Thus, in combination with vitamins A and E, glycolic acid has a more pronounced antioxidant effect, and in alliance with seaweed, natural oils and a high UV factor, it is more suitable.


The sun is a taboo for fruit exfoliation. Many factors influence sun resistance. Therefore, the doctor must definitely clarify whether you are taking retinoids or birth control pills. And if it’s summer or winter, you’ll have to wait until the elements calm down to the Central European serenity of at least +1ºС, otherwise cracks or cracks may appear on your face after the procedure.

Acid peels can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Compositions prescribed by the doctor in preparation for the peeling course;
  2. Recipes from natural ingredients;
  3. Professional products for home use (alternative to salon products).


Recipes for superficial acid peeling at home:

Peeling with ascorbic acid at home (Aspirin)

Mix crushed aspirin with lemon juice to a paste and apply to skin previously degreased with alcohol for 10 minutes. Proportions: Grind 3 tablets into powder between two spoons, add the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then rinse with a neutralizer (1 tsp soda per 200 ml of boiled water). Moisturize.


Take a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and face cream. Apply to cleansed and oil-free skin for 15 minutes, rinse with still mineral water. Moisturize.


Grate fruits (strawberries, black or red currants, grapes and/or lemon) to a pulp, add tbsp. l. honey and st. l. gelatin, heat until gelatin dissolves, cool. Apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with still mineral water. Moisturize.

(for dry skin)

  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped almonds
  • 1 tsp. cream
  • 1 tsp green tea
  • drop of rose oil

Let the composition sit for 20 minutes, then apply to the face for 15 minutes, rinse with mineral water, and moisturize.


The same recipe, only instead of cream - milk, and instead of rose oil - lemon juice.


Combine coffee grounds with kefir until mushy, apply with massage movements to the skin of the face, let dry, then rinse with mineral water and moisturize.


Grind 1 tsp in a blender. rice, add 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 0.5 tsp. olive oil. Warm the mixture slightly and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse, moisturize.


1 tbsp. l. strawberry puree, 0.5 tbsp. l. mix honey, a drop of almond oil, massage into the skin for 2 minutes, rinse, moisturize.


Facial peeling with acids is not suitable if the following contraindications are present:

  • Mechanical violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • Infections;
  • Spider veins;
  • Herpes;
  • Allergy.


If you want to carry out professional acid peeling for the face at home (analogous to a salon procedure), this is done in the following sequence.

One of the types of chemical peels is peeling with fruit acids. Its purpose is to rejuvenate the skin, restore balance, and reduce oiliness. The key feature is deep penetration into the skin (all the way to the dermis). How to carry out this procedure at home, and what features distinguish this type of peeling?

Peeling with fruit acids. The essence of the procedure

The fruit acids themselves, called alphahydroxy acids, are obtained either from natural fruits or synthetically. Traditional set of acids for peeling:

  • Apple
  • Dairy (from blueberries, tomatoes, sour milk; synthetic)
  • Lemon (from citruses, pineapples)
  • Glycolic (synthetic; from sugar cane)
  • Wine (from grapes, wine)

Peeling with fruit acids has been used in many countries for a very long time. Initially, the procedure was carried out exclusively for medicinal purposes. But its effectiveness and effect on the skin (lifting effect, wrinkle reduction, skin lightening, etc.) made it possible to use peeling for prevention.

Efficiency and results of peeling with fruit acids

The effect of fruit acids is equivalent to the effect of alcohols and acids. For the skin this is a panacea. This peeling provides:

  • Painless lung exfoliation
  • Update healthy skin
  • Cell regeneration
  • Gain moisture influx to the top layer of skin
  • Cleansing the sebaceous glands
  • Reducing the risk of acne
  • Normalization of skin lipid balance
  • Elimination of excess pigmentation

Instructions for peeling with fruit acids

The very concept of peeling implies removal of dead skin layer , and peeling with fruit acids also means skin whitening with acids. Accordingly, the composition of the peeling mixture should imply the presence of an “abrasive”. That is, the mixture, in addition to fruit, must contain a powdery substance. For example, fine salt, candied honey, ground coffee or white clay. Having chosen one of these abrasives, we choose soft fruits - kiwi, banana, lemon, apple . As for gooseberries, apricots and strawberries, they already contain “abrasives” (hard fibers, tiny seeds). But to the mixture of orange, pineapple and kiwi white clay is added to soften the result - these fruits contain a large amount of acid.

How to peel with fruit acids?

  1. Mix the above ingredients to a mushy consistency.
  2. Clear facial skin.
  3. Rub a small amount of the mixture onto your face, leaving traces.
  4. Massaging the skin, gradually add the mixture to it until the mass covers the entire face except the eye area.
  5. It is preferable to carry out the procedure while lying on a diaper.
  6. Keep the mask on your face no more than twenty minutes .
  7. Remove the mask, massaging the skin in circular movements (if it is dry, you can slightly moisten it with water).
  8. Wash off the mask with warm water after the massage.
  9. Wipe the skin ice cube (you can use chamomile decoction).
  10. Wipe dry, apply cream.

Features of peeling with fruit acids

There is an opinion that. But each of the fruit acids has its own task:

  • In milk - skin hydration
  • Apple juice – activation of metabolic processes
  • Glycolic – exfoliation of dead skin
  • For lemon and wine - lightening

Thus, it becomes clear that fruit acids act most effectively in a complex manner. Among the features of peeling, the following should be noted:

  1. A peeling course with fruit acids is five procedures within one and a half months.
  2. For each subsequent peeling procedure acid concentration increases , the time allotted for the procedure, on the contrary, decreases.
  3. The effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on the acid content. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The amount should be increased gradually so as not to cause skin irritation.
  4. Such peeling ideal for dry skin . It will provide it with hydration and elasticity.
  5. The effect of creams and serums will be more effective if you regularly carry out the fruit peeling procedure.

Contraindications for peeling with fruit acids

  • Fresh tan
  • Allergy to any of the components
  • Summer time
  • Various skin lesions
  1. Each skin feature must be taken into account when performing the procedure. A harsh procedure can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in a beauty salon.
  2. You can use a peeling product at home with a maximum acid concentration of 25 percent .
  3. Before the procedure, it is preferable to contact a cosmetologist and, with his help, determine the condition of your skin, features and its type.
  4. The time of year is one of the criteria by which the possibility of using the procedure is determined. Peeling has different effects in different seasons.
  5. Start of peeling – allergy test using a minimum concentration of the product. Have you developed an allergy? This means the product is not suitable for you.
  6. Any allergies? Begin the pre-peel procedure. Gradually increase the concentration - from five percent to ten.
  7. For home use Fruit peeling product can be purchased at the pharmacy – it has a safe level of acid concentration.

Every woman tries to stay young and beautiful. Fruit peeling for the face at home can help her with this. The cell lives for 28 days, then it dies. If you do not remove it from the surface in time, it will clog your pores. As a result, the skin will not be able to receive the required amount of vitamins and nutrients, and will begin to look worse. The aging process is intensifying.

Features of fruit peeling for face

An important advantage of this type of peeling is that it can be used even by those with dry skin that is highly sensitive. Acids help provoke increased moisture flows to the epidermis. Therefore, the skin becomes moisturized and more elastic.

It is also important that acids perfectly cleanse pores, removing dirt and sweat from the sebaceous glands, normalizing their functioning. Therefore, it is useful to use peeling to prevent acne. If you already have blackheads, fruit peeling will help you get rid of them quickly. It also helps get rid of acne marks and age spots thanks to its whitening effect.

If you use peeling regularly, the skin will become noticeably more elastic, fresh and youthful, and the number of facial wrinkles will be reduced and they will become less noticeable.

The video shows the result of fruit peeling for the face:

Skin care after the procedure

Fruit peeling is a gentle procedure, but the skin needs special care after it. Although the effects of acids are quite gentle, they can cause destruction of the superficial layer of the dermis. Often after peeling you may notice slight redness on your face, which is completely normal.

After the procedure, it is recommended to protect your face from direct sunlight. If you visit a solarium, you will have to give it up for a few days. It is also recommended not to use decorative cosmetics for several days, not to wear makeup, if possible. The skin needs to breathe a little and be saturated with vitamins and nutrients. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with acid peeling Bark.

Peeling, exfoliation, exfoliation is getting rid of dead cells of the surface, stratum corneum of the skin. Why remove it? In order for the skin to renew itself and not look . Along the way, peeling with fruit acids can solve a lot of problems. Let's talk about everything in order.

How does fruit peeling work?

Fruit acids weaken the bonds between the cells of the stratum corneum and thus promote their removal, revealing clean, young skin.

    The skin, devoid of the “husk” of dead cells, looks fresh and radiant.

    As a result of controlled trauma to the skin, the process of its renewal is launched. The main principle of action of fruit (and any other) peeling is based on stimulating the self-healing of cells - they produce collagen and elastin more intensively, rushing to “fix” everything.

    For the same reason, young cells produce more actively, which contributes to the healthy functioning of the skin.

“Any peeling is perceived by the skin as trauma. And since there has been an injury and the skin is damaged, it is urgent to synthesize scaffold fibers and glycosaminoglycans of the dermis to restore the defect. This way, not only the surface layer of the epidermis is renewed, but also the deep layers of the dermis.”

Peeling with fruit acids is said to be the most gentle. But if you have thin, dry or sensitive skin, it is best to consult your doctor before undergoing the procedure.

When to use

Fruit peeling has become a familiar skin care routine for many. Home courses and significantly more effective peeling courses in a salon or clinic act against:

    photoaging and wrinkles;


    post-acne, scars and scars (not too deep);

    acne - beta hydroxy acids, such as salicylic acid, are used to combat this problem (but your doctor may also recommend fruit peeling).

    dullness of the skin with hyperkeratosis (too thick stratum corneum of the skin).

“The older we get, the more important tissue renewal is: with age, the natural cycle of differentiation and maturation of keratinocytes lengthens and instead of a month it is 50–60 days. It is necessary to exfoliate your skin, otherwise aging will only accelerate. The regeneration processes will slow down significantly, and the penetration of anti-aging care will be difficult.”


The effectiveness of fruit peeling is related to the acid concentration. After a very superficial home peel, the pigment spot will become paler. And after a course of superficial peeling in the salon (with a higher concentration of acids), it may disappear completely.

Peels with fruit acids have become popular because the rehabilitation process after the procedure is usually not very long, and the effect - renewed and radiant skin - is noticeable almost immediately.

Skin renewed after peeling looks radiant, fresh, flawless. © Getty Images

What acids are used for fruit peeling?

Fruit acids are also called alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), they are quite gentle on the skin. To get a visual representation of the main sources of AHAs, you can arrange the fruit nicely on a large platter. Each fruit and berry has its own cosmetic ingredient, or even a whole complex.

Let's list the most popular fruit acids for peelings.

    Glycolic(from sugar cane) is perhaps the most popular AHA acid. It is used in a huge range of concentrations, from 2% in home toners to 70% in salon products.

    Almond(from sweet almonds) has the greatest softness (along with lactic acid).

    Dairy the acid, of course, is not fruit in origin, since it is obtained as a result of milk fermentation, but in terms of characteristics and action it still belongs to this category. It is considered the softest of the AHA acids, suitable for use even on damaged, sensitive skin.

    Pyruvic (wine)- found in grapes. Pyruvic peeling at a certain acid concentration can have a deeper effect than the most popular glycolic peel.

    Apple It is obtained not only from apples, but also from many other fruits and berries: apricots, cherries, cherries. It also has pronounced antioxidant properties.

    Lemon popular in whitening peels because, in addition to exfoliating, it also has whitening properties. Not only and not so much citrus fruits are rich in it, but, for example, blueberries.

    Phytic acts quite softly. It is obtained from cereal extracts, such as rice husk, quinoa, etc. Gently exfoliates and has an antioxidant effect.

Blueberries, berries, almonds are all sources of fruit acids (AHA), which are used for peeling. © Getty Images

Features of peeling in the salon

Chemical peeling is carried out in a course that requires preparation. You should start by consulting a doctor. Depending on the condition of the skin and the problems that need to be solved, he will make a cocktail of fruit acids and select the desired concentration. All this depends on skin type, its pH, health characteristics, etc.

The procedure is unlikely to be performed on the day of the consultation. The skin needs preparation.

Preparatory stage

Medical director of the SkinCeuticals brand Elena Lykova recommends the following regimen:

“When preparing for peeling, it is better to use an integrated approach. It is recommended to adjust your usual skin care a month before the procedure.

    Include antioxidants in your usual beauty routine.

    Use a renewing (exfoliating) serum in the evenings (before applying night care products).

    Use sunscreens with the maximum level of protection (50+). This is a prerequisite for preparing for a chemical peel.”

Fruit peeling procedure

A chemical peel is a controlled chemical burn. The cosmetologist applies an acid or a mixture of acids to cleansed facial skin and leaves for several minutes. Then, with the help of a neutralizing substance, the reaction stops and the acids disintegrate. The first visual impression after peeling is not the most pleasant: redness, tightness, peeling. The skin needs rehabilitation and proper post-peeling care.

Post-peeling care

For a speedy recovery and the best effect, the following are very important:

    the most delicate cleansing (give preference to soft foam cleansers);

    antioxidant serums to accelerate skin recovery;

    powerful moisturizing care (no oils!);

    products with an SPF factor of at least 50, intended for the face.

Stages of fruit peeling at home

About 10 years ago, a revolution took place in home care. Scientists have found a way to “pour” fruit acids into vials for home use. Of course, you shouldn’t expect the stunning effect that is possible after a salon course, but noticeable and pleasant skin renewal is quite possible at home.

Fruit acids for home use do not tolerate fuss and negligence. Peeling is peeling, and it must also be carried out according to the rules at home.

The product with acids is applied in the evenings to thoroughly cleansed dry skin. Follow the step-by-step scheme.

  1. 1

    Waterless cleansing using (with or without oils) to remove makeup and impurities.

  2. 2

    Washing with a mild cleanser- gel or mousse depending on skin type and personal preferences. You should not use scrubs. The skin should be blotted with a soft towel, ideally a silk one.

  3. 3

    Alcohol-free toner. Let it absorb completely.

  4. 4

    Peeling with fruit acids apply only on completely dry skin, avoiding the eye and lip area unless manufacturer's recommendations indicate otherwise. Products with a low concentration of fruit acids can be used daily (read the recommendations for use on the product packaging). Home peels with more concentrated AHA acids are used in courses strictly according to the instructions.

  5. 6

    In the morning, before going outside, be sure to use sun protection factor cream.

Tools Overview

Night cream, skin renewing, Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight, SkinCeuticals enriched with soothing and moisturizing ingredients. A noticeable peeling effect is achieved by 10% glycolic acid in combination with phytic acid. We recommend applying moisturizing care products to your skin the next morning. And don't forget about sun protection.

Created for use as a course. For the first two weeks, a product based on phytic and fruit acids is used, and then you can move on to the second phase, consisting of glycolic (10%) and salicylic acids. After using the peel, apply a moisturizer.

Can be used daily. Glycolic acid in a low concentration (3.4%) is combined with a rich cocktail of caring components: essential oil and biologically active molecules of rose extract, argan and other oils. The next morning you need protection from the sun.


    Peeling lotions and creams with fruit acids are used before bedtime. These products increase the photosensitivity of the skin, and if applied in the morning, it will give the diametrically opposite to the expected result: from photoaging to burns, hyperpigmentation and other negative effects of ultraviolet exposure.

    For those with sensitive skin, La Roche-Posay brand expert Alexander Prokofiev advises to refrain from acid peels and use them only on the advice of a doctor, giving preference to the mildest AHA acids - almond and lactic.

If the care after peeling was thorough and reasonable, then the effect will be appropriate. © Getty Images

The list of contraindications for salon chemical peels is the same as for other cosmetic procedures:



    any disease in the acute stage, including acne;

    neoplasms of various nature on the skin.

Vichy brand medical expert Elena Eliseeva explains:

“Glycolic peeling (also known as hydroxyacetic acid peeling) differs in acid concentration, which can range from 5% to 70%.

    In the first case, the result will be only a slight renewal and smoothing of the skin surface, an improvement in complexion.

    In the second, the stratum corneum of the epidermis is “burned out” completely and the tissues are deeply renewed, which helps reduce visible age-related changes.”

The main indication for glycolic peeling is various signs of aging: from wrinkles and decreased skin elasticity to manifestations of photoaging and hyperpigmentation.

Glycolic peeling in high concentration is carried out in the salon by a doctor. Already 3-4 procedures later there is a noticeable smoothing of the skin, and after a course of 10 peels the face looks much younger.

However, this update also has its drawbacks.

Becoming the owner of healthy, young, glowing skin these days is not at all difficult. Some cosmetic procedures are so effective and easy to carry out that they can be easily performed not only in the salon, but also at home. The most popular peeling with fruit acids. Its distinctive features are a minimum of contraindications and side effects, the ability to eliminate fine wrinkles, and improve the structure and color of the skin.

General information

Procedures of this kind involve the use of fruit acids, which are naturally found in berries and fruits, and it is to them that they owe their official name.

Hundreds of centuries ago in Rome, Greece, Egypt and even Rus', juices and extracts were used to maintain youth through lotions, masks and even baths.

Depending on the type and intensity of modern drugs used, peeling with fruit acids can be either superficial or medium.

At the same time, most experts still agree that such an intervention can be considered the most gentle and delicate, and also very effective at the same time.

Main types of acids

There are several types of fruit acids, each of which has specific characteristics and purposes.

Thus, it is customary to select drugs based on:

  • Citric acid. Extracted from citrus fruits and pineapples. It is used infrequently and not in its pure form, but has excellent disinfecting and lightening properties.
  • Malic acid. It is naturally present in tomatoes and, of course, apples. Actively promotes stimulation of internal regenerative processes and strong exfoliation of the skin.
  • Glycolic acid. Contained in cane and green grapes. Due to the minimal size of the substance's molecules, it easily penetrates the pores and is absorbed almost completely. Reviews from experts contain information that peeling with glycolic elements is indicated in the fight against increased pigmentation.
  • Tartaric acid. The source is fermented wines, various varieties of grapes and even oranges. Helps replenish the lack of moisture, eliminate dead cells through pronounced peeling and deeply moisturize the skin.
  • Lactic acid. Contrary to popular belief, it is found not only in dairy products, but also in apples, blueberries, other fruits and even vegetables. It is used most often and is characterized by maximum hydration of the dermis.

Fruit peeling has quite a lot of different indications, among which, first of all, it should be noted:

  • Pale, unhealthy complexion, gray skin tone.
  • Heterogeneous skin structure, tuberosity.
  • Reduced dermal tone, prevention of the appearance and development of ptosis.
  • The first, shallow expression wrinkles.
  • Acne.

In cosmetology, fruit peelings are mainly used to care for the skin of the face and neck. They are chosen by girls aged 25 years and older.

Procedures that involve a superficial effect are good as preventative measures, while intermediate methods are more relevant for treating moderately severe problems.

Operating principle

At its core, any chemical peel (all fruit peels belong to this type) represents a mild burn of the skin, through which the upper layer of the dermis is removed, moisturized and the launch of its protective functions (restoration, collagen production, normalization of circulatory processes).

Main stages

Peeling with fruit acids refers to procedures, the positive result of which is formed only after attending several cosmetic sessions.

Their exact number is determined by a specialist, but on average the course of treatment and rejuvenation is about 8 – 10 peelings with an interval of 7 to 14 days.

If you want to take such a course, it is recommended to visit a specialist in advance for consultation. At this stage, the cosmetologist will tell you about contraindications and possible negative consequences of exposure, determine the type of facial skin and existing problems, the type of necessary ANA acids and their permissible concentration.

It would be a good idea to check with a specialist about the need for preliminary training. In most cases, facial peeling is carried out after a week of using creams with a low content of fruit acids.

The session itself lasts approximately 30 minutes. During this time, the specialist manages to pre-cleanse the skin of external impurities and makeup, treat problem areas with the selected composition, maintain the required amount of treatment exposure, neutralize it, wash off any remaining drug and apply a soothing mask.

Rehabilitation is carried out at home and is very easy to carry out. So, the skin will need to be moisturized regularly.

The easiest way to do this is with thermal water purchased at a pharmacy. Do not forget about fatty ointments that promote regeneration and nourishment of the skin. Most often Panthenol, Bepanten and Solcoseryl are used for these purposes.

We should not forget about protecting the skin from sun rays using cosmetics with a high protection factor.

Peeling based on AHA acids is tolerated quite easily by most patients. During the manipulation, no severe pain is felt; a rare reaction is a slight burning sensation, which passes quite quickly and does not cause any inconvenience.

However, we should not forget that side effects may well occur after the procedure. Thus, patient reviews indicate frequent manifestations of skin redness, swelling, itching and burning, mild pain, a feeling of tightness and flaking.

In some cases, more pronounced negative reactions (burns, allergies) may be observed, but this happens extremely rarely.


The use of AHA acids for cosmetic purposes is very safe and beneficial, but must be done wisely. To do this, it is imperative to adhere to the list of basic contraindications, which includes the following points:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity, accompanied by exacerbation of chronic diseases, viral infections and other manifestations of a similar nature.
  • Oncology, diabetes.
  • Individual intolerance to the components in the peeling preparation.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin, tendency to form scars, severe tanning.
  • Open wounds, herpes, active inflammatory processes on the skin of the face or body.

Fruit peeling therapy is considered a rather expensive pleasure, and reviews from many patients confirm this statement.

On average, the minimum price for a session starts from 2,000 rubles, but in the end it can be four or five thousand. The final amount usually depends on factors such as:

  • Type and concentration of the drug used.
  • Experience and qualifications of a specialist, pricing policy of a salon or medical clinic.
  • The size of the problem area and the complexity of the problem.

Fruit peeling at home can be performed superficially, or as a replenishment and cleansing of the middle layer of the skin.

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the procedure, if you just need to get rid of pimples or acne, then we use a superficial scrub, but if the problem is wrinkles, then we will need a deep homemade fruit facial peeling.

Step-by-step instructions: how to do peeling yourself

First you need to clean your face, this can be done with regular soap and water, or by wiping the pores with a cotton swab and lotion. Next, we prepare our own mixture for the procedure.

There are several proven recipes that you can easily use to make a fruit facial scrub at home:

  1. Honey and pineapple. A little exotic wouldn't hurt us. Cut off several slices of pineapple (approximately 200 grams without peel), grate and mix with two tablespoons of natural, slightly heated honey. If our mixture turns out to be somewhat liquid, then you can add a little chopped oat flakes to it. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes;
  2. Orange and coffee. The first method is a gentle method; this recipe is more of a medium peel. Its basis is the antioxidants contained in coffee, which help get rid of wrinkles and give the face a healthy and bright color. Mix the pulp of half the fruit with a spoonful of ground natural (not instant!) coffee, add one spoonful of heated honey, stir until smooth and apply to a clean face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wash it carefully (do not use water, it’s better to use something softer, say, a herbal decoction). You can do lemon peeling in the same way, simply replacing the main component;
  3. Grape mask. Grapes are very useful for children and pregnant women; their fruits contain a lot of sugar, which is so important for normal life, and the seeds help with many chronic diseases. In addition, this is a popular procedure, since making fruit grape peeling is very simple. You only need 5-8 berries. Mash them into a paste and wipe your face. You can mix the fruits with oatmeal or green tea (1:1). Keep on face for 10 to 15 minutes;
  4. Kiwi banana. Exotic fruits are one of the best sources of skin-healthy acids. The pulp of one kiwi and banana should be mixed and applied evenly to the dermis, leave for 10 minutes;
  5. Well cleanses and rejuvenates the skin without surgery strawberry peeling. Mash 4 berries, mix with a spoon of honey and apply to the face, rinse off after 15 minutes. This is an excellent recipe for fruit peeling of mature sensitive skin or body.

In addition, you can use special ready-made mixtures at home, which will make fruit chemical peeling easier and more enjoyable.

You can buy ready-made fruit peeling either in a specialized store or order it on the manufacturer’s official website. Before applying the mixture to your face, try to watch a video on the topic and purchase special tools: a spatula, sponges, napkins, an eye patch, sticks.

A mixture of exotic fruits for beautiful skin.


  • 200 g pineapple,
  • 1 kiwi fruit,
  • 1 banana.

Peel the fruits, beat the banana with a mixer and add chopped kiwi and pineapple. This mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes. After finishing the session, you need to wash your face with cool water.

Orange peeling.


  • orange,
  • natural honey,
  • coffee grounds.

The fruit pulp of the fruit is mixed with the other ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When applying the mixture to the face, it is recommended to perform a light massage. Peeling should be kept for no more than 5 minutes. The acids contained in orange make the skin elastic, velvety and very soft.

Lemon peeling.

To create this mixture we will need a small amount of lemon juice, rosehip oil and olive oil. To prepare the mask, you need to take the indicated ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and add a little lemon juice.

The resulting mass must be heated, but not brought to a hot state. The warm composition is applied to the face using a tampon. After 5-7 minutes, the face must be rinsed with water.

Frequently Asked Questions

What method does fruit peeling work on the facial skin?

Thanks to fruit acids, dead cells that interfere with physiological processes occurring in the skin are exfoliated. After the procedure, the skin becomes fresh, soft and velvety.

How many procedures do you need to do to get a good effect?

It all depends on the skin and the problems that need to be addressed. Most often, patients are prescribed 6-10 procedures. The break between peelings is 7-10 days.

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