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The fortune teller says that he is my destiny. This is not my destiny: the story of how a trip to a fortune teller turned out to be the end of love. Our experts' opinions

This story is not a horror story, not about a ghost or about the devil, but it is strange and incomprehensible. I would classify it as a coincidence. Further from the first person...
It all started, apparently, from childhood. I was fond of fortune telling, and my small predictions always came true, although I made them up as I went along. All my friends liked it, and they asked me - “Well, tell your fortune!”
Already, as students, my friends and I decided to go to a professional fortune teller. I, judging by myself, did not believe her words and took it lightly. She told me that the guy I am with now will not become my destiny and will not bring me happiness. Although the matter “smelled” like a wedding. I was very upset and left there in tears. My friends reassured me, but I didn’t want to believe that I would have to break up with him, because I loved him. And after every quarrel we had with him, I remembered the words of the fortune teller: “You yourself will understand that it’s time for you to leave.” I reassured myself and thought that I would endure everything just to be with him.
About two years passed, and in 2008 he proposed to me. We got married, and it seemed to me that I was the happiest on this earth. My parents were silent, although at first they forbade me to meet with him, but then they finally reconciled and even fell in love with him. Although now, looking at myself from the outside, I see that there was no happiness there.
The holiday was approaching - “the year of our life together.” I was waiting impatiently, preparing a surprise. By the way: we rented an apartment in the same city where our parents lived.
I prepared a surprise at my parents’ house while he was at work. By evening I decided to return to our rented apartment. Mom stayed overnight, but my husband was supposed to return from work that night, so I went. It was summer, and it was not yet completely dark outside.
I walked and thought only about whether he would like my surprise and how we would celebrate our holiday.
A woman was walking towards me. From a distance I noticed that she was peering in my direction. When we were very close, she stopped next to me. Smiling joyfully, she told me: “Girl, you look great!”, and continued: “Do you think a person is born with a destiny or can he create it himself?”
Thinking about what a fortune teller told me a couple of years ago and, comparing my current life, I said: “I think that a person himself has the power to control his own destiny!”, to which she again smiled and said: “I can’t argue with you” and handed me several small brochures - “Read and make sure of this again.”
At this point we went in different directions. Arriving home, I put these leaflets down and started eating dinner...
The day of the anniversary has arrived. We celebrated it very well. Romantic dinner. The next day I went to work; my husband had a day off. When I came home from work, I was a little upset. My husband and his friend were sitting and drinking, and I was even offended by him, because I expected him to greet me from work with a delicious lunch. I turned around from the doorway and went to my mother. I come and tell you. Mom swears, they say, why did she leave the drunk alone at home, now he will fall asleep, the apartment will be cleaned out. They waited for my dad to get home from work and took me back home. But his car was not in the yard. I started calling, but the phone was switched off. I went into the apartment and saw that all his things were scattered, and some were collected, and he took them. It looked like he had gone to his parents. I started calling them. His mother said that he came to them. Then he picked up the phone and said that he would be right back. We had a fight. Apparently, he wanted to take revenge by leaving because I left.
Walking takes about 20-30 minutes. And he was in the car, but he was gone for two hours. Then he arrived and fell at the threshold in tears. At first I didn’t understand and began to reassure her that everything was fine and we were together. But then in his words I heard the phrase: “I hit a man... to death.” I cried, and until the last moment I didn’t want to believe him. She went outside. Under the illumination of the flashlight, I saw a broken windshield and prints of children's hands on the hood. An hour later he was taken away for 15 days. During these 15 days I drank only water and did not eat.
His friends began to come to me with support, and on one of these 15 terrible days his friend came and began to persuade me to eat at least something. We sat down at the table and he asked what kind of newspaper you were reading... I looked at the leaflets that a woman gave me on the street and saw a picture of a broken windshield!!! I didn't read the article.
Six months later I got divorced... now my life has changed for the better. Although I still feel guilty for some reason.

Fortune telling is one of the deepest human needs. In our country, according to the World Health Organization, there are about a million magicians, fortune tellers, healers, and astrologers. According to statistics, every second woman and every fifth man uses their services. Billions of rubles! Therefore, mental anguish due to a bad prediction is a common problem. My mother-in-law attended sessions with one psychic for five years. He called her: “I saw that your husband (son, nephew) will die soon. Come and film.” So I carried him money until I got tired of it. If you went to a fortune teller and now you can’t calm down, what should you do in such cases? Usually they just tolerate it somehow. They told a person, for example, that he would die at 45. So he lives somehow until this date, and then relaxes.

A gypsy told my aunt: “You will die at 40.” She lived this year in hell, she kept thinking: tomorrow I will die, tomorrow I will get into an accident, tomorrow they will kill me. I couldn’t sleep, I didn’t leave the house, I was hiding from people like a madwoman. When she turned 41, she cried her eyes out all day, it was such a relief. Now she is over 60, she remembers with trembling.

An acquaintance was immediately told by two fortune tellers that he would die at 37 years old. The man did not start a family and children because of this. I'll be turning 45 soon. Business, appearance - everything is fine. But there is still no family.

The fortune teller told her friend that her boyfriend would leave her and she would find some other, thirty-year-old man. He will invite her to nature, and there she will face a violent death.

I was told that my life would be short. I'll be dead by the age of 20. How wildly I was afraid of this date. And then for the whole year, until I turned 21, I was pounding with fear. Now I’m over 30. I remember my fears well, I was too impressionable.

It is especially difficult if the date of death predicted for you does not correspond to any specific year. You will have to suffer all your life.

Great-grandmother was told that she would die on her birthday. She, poor thing, hated this day all her life. I dressed all in white and got ready. What a holiday it is! And she eventually died at the age of 90, on Easter.

Why fortune tellers often predict bad things. There are three reasons why you are more likely to be predicted a negative scenario. Firstly, people will believe bad things faster. Secondly, prophecies of an alarming nature evoke a greater emotional response. Fear turns off thinking; you are more likely to hurry to pay for the removal of damage, a magical ritual. From a financial point of view it is more profitable. And thirdly, if the evil prediction does not come true, if you do not die at 45, for example, then you will not run to deal with claims and grievances, out of harm’s way. Fortune telling is something magical and special for you, but for people it is a business.

When the prophecy comes true. Unfortunately, sometimes a prediction resonates with an internal process (a person is not loved in the family or has a lot of guilt, has experienced mental trauma, this reduces inclusion in the flow of life, mentally weakens), and then the prophecy can come true. People only see a direct connection. It seems that the fortune teller knew the future. But in fact, it pushed me towards death, strengthening the negative internal dynamics. Therefore, fortune telling is considered a great sin. And such people pay, of course. When they write about poltergeists, knocking noises, nightmares, I ask in detail, and it often turns out that the person constantly wonders and loves this business. Sometimes the consequences are very serious. Men are especially easy to suggest. Therefore, it is important to get out of resonance.

Dad was 35 years old, the gypsy said that he had 5 years left to live. Four months short of 41, heart attack. I never complained in my heart, but this is what happened. He was impressionable.

A gypsy woman accosted my brother on the street and said that she would die at the age of 28. Last year I was buried, a month later, when I turned 28. I thought about it often and couldn’t forget.

Why is it so difficult to forget a bad prediction and live in peace?We are all smart people, and we understand that magicians often manipulate through fear for profit. The techniques are simple.

I know about one. The advertisement is still running on the local channel. Popular. So she simply collects gossip from her friends: who, how and with whom. Then they encourage their colleagues to go see her, for a fee, of course. My husband told me that I was sitting in their office, sniffing around.

An astrologer drew up a horoscope for me for two years. I saw a terrible accident there, with a disability or death. It is necessary, he said, to carry out a ritual on my car, it will cost 10 thousand. I refused. There were no accidents, I already changed the third car.

It happens that they guess without money, but they scribble so much that you won’t be able to sleep. And it seems like why would a fortune teller lie, there is no benefit. It’s just nice to feel your power over a person. You lost peace and sleep, and she felt a surge of energy, because she was speaking on behalf of fate, special, not like everyone else. This is how the brain works: when we experience ourselves as significant, important, endorphins, hormones of joy and pleasure, are produced. If you do something nasty, it's a joy to your heart! But you have the opposite process. The psyche cannot ignore information if it concerns vital things. The one who did this in primitive times died out and left no offspring. There has been an evolutionary selection in favor of those who are anxious and trying to anticipate and prepare for the worst. Therefore, brushing it off (“Nonsense! Never mind!”) will not work.

Technique for removing negative programming for a bad fate

The essence of the pathological process: a pattern of anxious anticipation of the realization of the prediction has formed, generalization is activated (thoughts, feelings, bodily reactions are captured), and an anxious dominant is formed.

Removal mechanism: to open the dyad “man” - “fortune teller” through the big phenomena “genus”, “love-luck”. In the psyche we update the deep spiritual and ancestral layers and through them we remove the alien program.

Metaphor: there is dog excrement on the ground, it is raining, streams of rain wash it away, enriching the soil, allowing herbs and flowers to grow. The focus shifts from dog poop to the big, beautiful world.

Result: increased energy, love and acceptance of oneself, desire for greater intimacy with people.

What to do: Place three chairs to form a triangle. The “Rod” chair, the “Love-Luck” chair and the “I” chair. Take turns sitting on each one and try to get the consent of family and love (spiritual state of consciousness) for a happy long life. The process is spontaneous. From the bottom of your heart, ask your ancestors whether you need to act according to the imposed scenario or whether you can create your own destiny. Then sit down and listen to the answer. It comes from within (in thoughts, images, feelings). From a position of love, look at yourself with spiritual vision (acceptance in integrity). You love this person more than anyone. After all, he is the only one you have, you live this life through him. Can he be happy? Should I do as I was told? Why did they tell him that?

Give thanks. You remove the chairs.

Check: you can do a check, you need two chairs “fate” and “you”. Do the same with spontaneous dialogue. Does fate look kindly on you?

There is no need to suffer because of bad predictions; programming can be easily removed. Death, serious illnesses, misfortunes as predestination are tied to family (transgenerational processes), and they can be transformed. There are many stories of people suffering because of other people’s evil words. Don't repeat other people's mistakes.

Many years ago, my mother and aunt went to a fortune teller. She told her aunt that she would be killed at 45. She is already 55, alive and well. She said that her son would be sent to the Far East after military school and he would stay there. He went to the South and stayed there. My mother was told that her youngest daughter would have a baby's uterus and would never be able to have children. My sister gave birth safely, and my niece is already 3 years old. In general, she said a lot of nonsense. So convincing that my mother became ill with her heart. I had to call an ambulance right there! Because of this swindler, my mother and aunt waited for something bad for many years. I never go to any fortune tellers and I don’t recommend them.

Lesha and I have been dating for almost a year. He was invariably polite and attentive to me, if there were some minor problems in the relationship, then who doesn’t have them? In any case, I loved him, and the future seemed bright and cloudless to me. In my dreams, my Beloved has already proposed to me - of course, as expected, with a ring and in some romantic place.

And of course, I already imagined how, trembling with happiness in my soul, but holding back the emotions overwhelming me, I told him “Yes.”

Finally, one evening Lesha invited me to a restaurant. And he said meaningfully that we need to have a serious conversation. Here it is – my heart jumped.

I'm sorry. This is our last meeting. I should have told you a long time ago that I have another woman. This is stronger than me - I fell in love and no longer want to hide my feelings. Today we are parting, and I ask you not to hold a grudge against me.

This was not at all what I expected. It seemed to me that the ground had disappeared from under my feet, and I was falling into some kind of abyss. The glass of wine fell from my weakened fingers.

Can't be! This is some kind of stupid joke. Now he will laugh and say that he just wanted to scare me. But he was silent and looked at one point on the table covered with a snow-white tablecloth.

As if in a fog, I remember that he took me out of the restaurant by the arm and almost forced me into a taxi. When I returned home, I sank to the floor and continued to sob.

Mom jumped out into the corridor, hugged me, asked what happened, and tried to somehow calm me down. In general, everything was as it happens in such cases. And I thought only about one thing - that I don’t want to live anymore and I won’t. It was the most terrible night of my life.

Of course, I didn’t hang myself or get poisoned – fortunately. In the morning I washed my face with difficulty, tried to get myself in order and went to work. The next day - again. Everything was like a dream. I couldn't work, I only thought about what happened.

I really wanted to call my beloved and hear from him that he missed me and wanted to see me, that he would pick me up again in the evening. I pressed the phone button and listened to a mechanical voice telling me that the subscriber was unavailable.

The girls who worked with me looked at me sympathetically and tried to cheer me up as best they could. They said everything that is usually said in such cases, that he is a goat, that he is not worth me, that he will regret it and all that.

And of course, they themselves did not believe what they were saying. I nodded, agreed with them, promised to pull myself together, and then jumped out of the room, ran to the smoking room, took a drag on my cigarette and sobbed again.

Finally, one of my friends called me into the corridor and said that she had a woman friend who could help me. They say she practices magic and knows how to bring back her loved one. This is guaranteed - she turned to her herself.

Indeed, I remembered that some time ago she walked around as if down in the dumps - her husband had found a passion on the side and was even going to get a divorce. And then, somehow, everything seemed to settle down. The husband didn’t go anywhere, he came to his senses, she forgave him, they got back together and still live together.

But still, I didn’t believe in any fortune tellers or sorcerers. I thought that they were all scammers and only defrauded people of money. A friend almost forcefully shoved a piece of paper with the fortune teller’s phone number into my hand. She said I could call her if I changed my mind.

And of course, in the end, I did just that. Don't judge me harshly, a drowning man clutches at straws.

A couple of days later I called and made an appointment. When I walked to the address given to me, I thought that I would now see some old woman in a headscarf or a gypsy with a shawl thrown over her shoulders and with gold teeth. Or anyone else like that.

But I was wrong. When the door opened, standing in front of me, although not too young, was a well-groomed and quite attractive woman. She invited me in and asked what brought me to her.

I thought that you should know the answer to this question - are you a clairvoyant, a fortune teller?

The woman grinned. She understood that in this way I wanted to test her abilities. She sat me down in a comfortable chair, stood next to me, took my hand and closed her eyes.

Honestly, I thought that now she would lay out the cards or something like that. And I was somewhat disappointed. Until she spoke again.

The woman not only told me that I wanted to get back the man who recently dumped me, but she even described him exactly. And she called the name - Alexey. She said that he left for someone else. And she also said that he would not have happiness there.

I asked her if she could return it.

“I can,” she answered. - It's not difficult. But why? You don't need it. This is not your destiny. And you will soon see this.

Of course, I began to dissuade her, saying that I loved Lesha very much and could not live without him.

She just shook her head.

As you know. Take his photograph... - And then she told me in detail what and how to do.

Inspired, I did not go, but flew home. And already on the same day I strictly followed all her instructions. All I could do was wait.

Two months have passed. One evening I was leaving work when a familiar car pulled up next to me. And I heard those words that I had been waiting for so long.

Hello. How are you doing? Can I give you a ride? We need to talk.

I once thought that I would die of joy at this moment. Meanwhile, nothing happened. My heart didn't even beat faster. I calmly got into the car.

He said that he was mistaken, that he missed me, that he wanted to come back so that everything would be as before. I listened to him and suddenly realized that I no longer wanted this. That I don’t want to return to a man who could betray me at any moment. That's what I told him when we arrived at my house.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he shouted to me for forgiveness. But I just shrugged my shoulders and went into the entrance. At home I blocked his number. I really didn’t need this person anymore - just like the fortune teller said. Thanks to her for her help.

I have been dating a young man for over 2.5 years. We love each other, everything is fine with us, but sometimes we quarrel. And then one day, after a big quarrel, I accidentally found out from a friend about a fortune teller I knew, and since I was worried about the quarrel, I decided to find her and find out what to do next! She told me that my young man is not my destiny, and there are many other not very pleasant things about him: that our union is unsuccessful and we need to run away from him as soon as possible, otherwise I will be unhappy, and that I have a different destiny, and he doesn’t want me loves. Soon we made peace with him, and now everything is fine with us, I told him that I went to a fortune teller, and he told me not to believe her and that they were just making money on me, and he wouldn’t give me to anyone! But the fortune teller said some things that coincided with my destiny! What should I do? We are together, but her words torment me, and with every disagreement I remember her, and I have developed a mistrust of the young man! Should she be trusted? She seemed like a normal woman to me! Some say - believe it, others - that this is complete nonsense! Recommend something, I can’t forget about it!

Ira, Moscow, 23 years old / 03/06/07

Our experts' opinions

  • Alena

    That’s interesting... You went to a fortune teller, being in a big quarrel with your boyfriend, when it was not clear at all whether you would get back together or not. What did you want to hear from her? That he is your destiny, and you urgently need to run to him to make peace? That even though everything is bad now, you will get back together and live happily ever after? Well, how long would such a fortune teller last if she “gave fortunes” to her clients in such situations? This is despite the fact that the quarrel is major, and the chances of restoring the relationship are not clear. Yes, your “normal woman,” naturally, said exactly what she could have said at that moment: “not fate.” And these words can always be used later for absolutely any outcome of the situation in the near future. For example, if you really hadn’t made peace, she would have been right. And they made up - she’s right again, and you’re going against fate and don’t listen to what they predicted for you, so sooner or later you’ll quarrel again (which is logical - all people quarrel periodically), and you’ll again remember how she told you about that this guy is not for you. So the combination of verbal instructions you were given is correct, it works for any outcome. As well as the message of happiness. Do you know what “being happy” is and how long this process should last so that at the end of your life you can say “I’ve been happy all my life”? Of course, there are enough happy moments and sorrows in life. The problem is, is the glass half empty or half full? The fact that you are now with a young man who loves you and whom you love (probably) is happiness? Or should this be treated as if you are missing out on some other happiness because you were told that this man is not the one destined for you? In other words, dear Ira, will you accept those moments of happiness that are in your life now, or poison them, thinking that you are missing out on something more important in life? After all, this can last a lifetime. And in the end you will tell yourself that you were unhappy because you did not listen to the fortune teller, right? But in reality? In fact, you will be unhappy all your life because you took the words of a person who makes money from other people’s sorrows too seriously, and you ruined your life instead of enjoying it.

  • Sergey

    I wonder, what’s the point of giving you any advice now? You have already done something stupid - you went to a fortune teller. You are 23 years old, you still have very little personal life experience, but you have consumed quite a lot of science fiction films and books. On top of everything else, you are a very suggestible person and are not yet completely independent. So you want to know in advance what will happen. You are simply afraid to face life's troubles and difficulties yourself. After all, how much easier it is to live if everything is written out for you in advance. In this situation, you will not be to blame for what happens in life. It's all rock and fate. And you have nothing to do with it. In addition, the concept of programming has not yet been canceled. This is when, having heard something, the suggested person himself does everything possible to accomplish what was predicted. They told you, let’s say, that a young man is not your destiny, that he doesn’t love you, and you, having believed a complete stranger who sees you for the first time, stopped believing the words of your loved one. What's next? Then you become nervous and irritable. If everything is good for you, you suspect that this is actually not the case or that all this should end soon, and therefore you no longer feel the joy of being “good.” You are looking for some kind of catch, and if there is none, then you invent it yourself. As a result, all the young man’s attempts to make you feel good and pleasant will go in vain. But if some kind of conflict arises, instead of looking for a way to resolve it, you will suspect that this is the end, and will only aggravate it. You have already begun to doubt the sincerity of your loved one, right? Soon you will begin to suspect him of cheating, quarrels and scandals will begin, and as a result you will really break up. But who is to blame for this? Fatum? Rock? Or your suggestibility and stupid belief in a higher destiny? You are now ruining the relationship with your own hands just because someone raised doubts. Now think about what will happen when the relationship collapses? You will go to the same fortune teller again, because she has already been right once, and they will tell you something again. Time will pass, and you will go to her again, and now they will tell you that you have an evil eye or damage, and you need to take it off urgently. And then everything starts all over again. And regarding the fact that they told you something about you, I can assure you that there are a huge number of methods for finding out information from a person so that it seems to him that it was not he who told it. The most banal of them is used in card fortune telling, when the recipient is invited to a discussion. That is, the cards are laid out, and, for example, crosses appear in the layout. The person is asked to look at the layout, frowns intelligently, sighs and asks in a sort of dead voice, where did the government house come from in the past? Were you in the hospital? And the recipient begins to tell how, where and why he was lying, what he was sick with, and as a result he remembers that they already knew something about him, although he just said it himself. A cross does not fall out, a heart or a diamond or a spades will fall out, and then the question will concern love or other matters. And the person will again tell everything himself. In general, think about why you went to the fortune teller. This is much more relevant now than your fantasies on her given topic. We all live, we all communicate. This means we inevitably quarrel, make peace, solve old problems and create new ones. It's inevitable. And it depends only on ourselves whether we will eat scrambled eggs this morning or get by with a glass of kefir. True, if in the evening someone very unsure of himself asks what we should eat tomorrow, and a person who “knows” answers him: “scrambled eggs,” then that’s what he will eat in the morning. Even despite the fact that eggs are strictly contraindicated for him. So think about it, do you choose what to eat? So far it looks like no.

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