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Where is the marriage line on the hand: meaning and interpretation. Fortune telling by line on the palm. Determining the duration of marriage Marriage by line

With the help of palmistry, you can learn about various features of your own destiny, the nuances of future relationships. The Marriage line will help reveal the age of marriage, the stability of unions, and their number. Features of the location of the arc, dash and branch will indicate not only facts about the future partnership, but also about possible problems. This knowledge will help you avoid quarrels and choose the right model of behavior in controversial situations, based on the warnings of fate. The Marriage Trait is easy to find, and even a beginner in palmistry can interpret it.

Location on the hand

It is easy to see the marriage line: it is located on the edge of the palm above the Heart line, below the little finger. Represents horizontal lines. There may be several of them, they can be of different lengths and thicknesses.

You should look for signals about an upcoming wedding on your active hand: for right-handers it is the right hand, for left-handers it is the left hand. This is explained by the fact that the active hand contains signs about the future and your actions, while the passive hand will tell you about the past and your prepared fate. But the left hand can still suggest a few nuances:

  1. If the signs on both hands are in the same place and converge when folding the hands, you should be prepared for a very strong union, bestowed from above.
  2. Many lines on the left hand and one on the right will indicate several intimate relationships, among which a person will choose one and be faithful to him.
  3. The absence of a wedding trait in a married person indicates a lack of love in marriage, a union of convenience.
  4. The crown of celibacy can cause the absence of a sign of marriage in the palm of an unmarried person.

Estimated number of marriages

Correct interpretation of the characteristics of the wedding sign will help you learn about many features of the course of future or current relationships.

The number of future unions, not necessarily officially concluded, is shown by the number of strokes between the little finger and the heart line.

The age of future entry into the union will reveal the location of the trait:

  1. The Marriage Arc is closer to the Heart Line - the partnership will be concluded at approximately 19-22 years of age.
  2. The location of the wedding line closer to the finger will indicate a late relationship, after 33-36 years.
  3. The standard age for marriage (25-28 years) will be indicated by the Marriage line, located between the two above.

An experienced palmist will suggest a more accurate time for marriage by checking with additional signs on the client’s palm.

Features of the location of the Braque line

All signs in palmistry have their own characteristics - direction, the presence of breaks and bifurcations. All the nuances clarify the fate of the carrier and can tell many important details. The Marriage trait can have the following course options:

  1. A straight long line of a wedding means a future long-term union with a possible wedding. Short signs signify short-lived unions, typical for young people who are at the beginning of their journey to building a strong union.
  2. A fork at the end of the partnership sign will indicate a future separation or divorce. The main reason for the end of a relationship will be the dissimilarity of characters.
  3. An island at the end of the line also foreshadows a divorce, in which case it will be difficult and associated with severe nervous tension.
  4. A relationship line stretching downward will indicate that its bearer will live longer than his spouse. Crossing the Heart line will also indicate the death of a partner, but not always physical. A situation may arise with its figurative death for the wearer, due to treason or betrayal.
  5. The sign of marriage may end with an island, touching the line of the Heart. This situation speaks of possible incest and connections with relatives.
  6. A line that touches the line of the Sun will speak about a relationship with an influential partner, about the desire to keep him by all means.
  7. A long marriage sign reaching the Head line will indicate a negative union, including humiliation of the owner and assault.
  8. The wedding line leading to the little finger will indicate a partner who will be older than the wearer. Another interpretation is a quick divorce, argued by the fading of feelings after the wedding.
  9. Gaps in the line will indicate a person’s tendency to be lonely. He is uncomfortable around his partner and often feels unloved and misunderstood.

Interpretation of signs

As with all signs on the palm, you can find various marks and signs on the Marriage line. Their interpretation is also important and influences the fate of the bearer:

  1. A cross on the Marriage line speaks of the negative interference of third-party factors in the lives of partners - financial situation, difference in status and age.
  2. The star will tell you about internal problems and possible desires to cheat on your partner.
  3. A vertical line on a wedding sign foreshadows a pause in the relationship, or separation. In this case, the divorce will be calm and will not cause problems.
  4. A parallel feature, less pronounced than the main one, signals connections on the side during the main relationship.

Using additional signs, you can consider the possible number of children in a given union. Only a specialist can accurately distinguish them - the lines are faint and may seem invisible. They go up from the Marriage line, the number of such strokes will tell you how many children there will be in the future union. The strokes will also tell you about the gender of the heirs:

  1. A clear short line will predict a daughter.
  2. A deep and long line promises the bearer a son.

Such touches indicate not only the birth of your own babies, they also take into account adopted children.

Is it possible to influence fate

Palmistry suggests many twists and turns in the fate of the wearer, warns of possible difficulties or promises good luck. When faced with a negative sign, you should not despair; you cannot completely trust good omens.

The signs on the palms are just a message, a warning. All palmists note that only a person himself can influence his destiny by performing certain actions and only by listening to signs from above.

Having noticed a bad omen, there is no need to become depressed; it is important to consider the following details:

  1. All strokes that appear on the active hand of the carrier change throughout life. Changes depend on the actions and worldview of the owner, on his understanding of each message.
  2. Only an experienced specialist can create a complete picture of the upcoming union by connecting the Marriage line with other strokes on the palm.
  3. It is important to act on your own, even if a person is predicted to have a happy marriage. It is impossible to find an ideal partner by spending all your time near the computer and looking at your palm, so you need to act and realize your dreams.
Basics of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Chapter 3 Love Relationships and Family

Love relationships and family

Getting married and creating a reliable family is a very significant event in our lives, so the nature of the line of love relationships and marriage on hand is of interest to almost every person, especially women. Many people want to find their marriage lines and interpret them correctly. Using marriage lines, you can quite accurately determine how many marriages or long-term love unions there have been in a person’s life.

Marriage lines really reflect the physiology of close love relationships with a loved one in the past, present and even in the future. In palmistry, it is believed that the main marriage lines on the hand are located on the Mount of Mercury and often originate on the edge of the palm. One example of the location of defect lines is indicated by an arrow in Figure 22.

As can be seen from this figure, the marriage lines are horizontal lines located on a small area of ​​the palm, between the base of the Mercury finger (little finger) and the Heart line.

Rice. 22. Lines of marriage (relationships)

The absence of a marriage line in the hands of a married person indicates his profitable and calculating love affair, which has nothing to do with true love, filled with emotional feelings and spiritual closeness with a loved one. Usually men suffer from this. In married women, marriage lines, as a rule, are always present on the right palm.

The emergence of close love relationships in time is counted from bottom to top, from the line of the Heart to the base of the Mercury finger. The first deep love attachments in youth will be located closer to the Heart line. If you look closely, you will find that most people experience two, three, or even four lines of close love relationships throughout their lives.

Such a line often, but not always, indicates a love union formalized as a legal marriage. If the marriage line does not reach the middle of the edge of the palm, this indicates that such a love union will (or has already been) short-lived.

If a strong love union is broken for some reason and then restored, then this is reflected on the hand in the form of two lines, despite the fact that the partner remains the same as before. The situation is complicated by the fact that the double marriage line symbolizes a possible, but not necessarily actual, reunion.

If you don’t know which hand is better to look at the marriage lines on, the right or the left, then use the following advice. If you are very young and only 17-25 years old, then look for the lines of future marriages on your left hand. If you have quietly passed the age of 30–40, and your personal life has not yet improved, then consider your left hand as your past, and your right hand as an indicator of the present and bright future.

If you are young in soul and body, full of strength and energy, but according to your passport you are already over 50 years old, then with a slight ironic smile look at the story of your love in the past (left palm). After this, turn your gaze to your right palm, carefully examine the marriage lines on it, reflecting your present and future. Believe me, today you still have the opportunity to find your love. However, there is only one or two chances left to live in love and harmony, no more. So be sure to take advantage of your nearest selection.

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In an exact science with a title palmistry The marriage line is of great importance. A line on the palm can tell not only about the number of trips to the registry office, but also about the problems that are expected in family life.

In the article:

Where is the marriage line on the palm

To find a sign of marriage on your hand, you should find and pay attention to the area under the little finger. Between it and the ring around this finger (if there is one) there is a wedding line.

Palmistry schools, for example, Indian, says that marriage lines with a similar meaning are located under the thumb. Some practitioners consider this trait to be a misnomer.

Palmistry - how many marriages there will be

Palmistry will answer you about the number of marriages in a few minutes. Divorces were rare in the old days, but if you got married or got married several times, widowers remained desirable candidates for spouses.

To determine the number of marriages by hand, you need to count the signs indicating marriage. Pronounced - a stable union that will last a long time. Almost imperceptible lines show temporary connections and relatively serious relationships that will not lead to marriage.

If there are no marriage lines, it is necessary to study the sign that compares the signs on the palms and the damage - the crown of celibacy. If relationships with the opposite sex are not going well, you need to get rid of the negativity, which may be a family heritage. The absence of lines under the little finger indicates a union of convenience, without feelings.

In palmistry, the number of marriages is counted from the heart line. Important: if you wish, you need to pay attention to the marriage lines, since they are interconnected.

Forks and islands - guessing about relationships

During fortune telling, the line tells about the number of serious connections. You can learn about family problems and details of your personal life.

A fork is a bifurcation of a line located on the palm. The end of the line is directed towards the index finger, located further from the edge of the palm. Forks speak of disagreements and discrepancies in characters, everyday habits, and outlook on life.

When a marriage ends in a fork, it means divorce. The wider the ramification, the greater the disagreement expected between spouses. The initiator will be the person with the sign on his hand. The family will constantly quarrel because of different views on every controversial issue.

Pronounced islands on the line indicating marital status are a sign of divorce. This sign is heavier. In the first case, there is a chance for partners to behave adequately; in the second, with an island, there is no point in hoping for something positive. This predicts litigation, scandals, and enmity.

There is a specific mark of divorce that appears on the hands of people whose happiness is threatened by something. This is in palmistry, and interpreting the mark is not easy.

Fortune telling by hand - marriage line about the secrets of personal life

The great significance of the marriage line is that the line reveals a person’s secrets. For example, a straight line says that the family will not differ from the average: problems of a different nature are foreseen in married life, but the couple does not hide serious secrets.

When the line ends with an island and bends towards the heart line, this is a sign of incest - a relationship between relatives, for example, a brother or sister. You can check the information by looking at the Mount of Venus - there is confirmation or refutation of the relationship.

If the line reaches the Sun sign and crosses it, the husband will be a noble man. The man is rich, with a reputation for being respectable and influential. Marriage will be important for both, but there is also a calculation involved.

Features on the hands that can tell about family happiness may interest a person. If you decipher the signs correctly, you can find out about troubles in advance and try to prevent them.


According to palmistry, the science of the hand, you can learn from the lines and palm about a person’s relationships, about marriage, about love.

There are several lines on the palm of each person, by which you can find out about all the relationships of that person.
The most popular and famous lines are the marriage line and the love line. Palmistry and relationships are very closely intertwined. A person who decides to find out some information about himself, when turning to palmistry, almost always first asks about relationships - existing and future.

For example, all girls want to know about their future husband, about marriage, about children.

The relationship line in palmistry is the marriage line. You need to remember and know that the relationship line itself does not affect the relationship. As you know, on the left hand there is information that is laid down from birth, that is, the future that awaits a person. And on the right is the real person. And it is also known that throughout life, all lines change, and some disappear altogether.

The number of lines of marriage and relationships shows us those partners who have passed through the heart. This does not necessarily show official marriages of the person who is telling fortunes. In the palm of your hand, these lines can display information about those people with whom a person met, lived for a long time, and who somehow influenced his life.

Return to past relationships

In palmistry you can also look at past relationships.
The closer the line of marriage and relationships is to the line of life, it means that the earlier these relationships were. And you can also look at their branches - children. That is, from what relationships there are children.

By the size and color of the relationship line, you can see and read important information. For example, if the line is clear, long, and straight, then this will indicate that a person is serious in terms of any relationship. Or vice versa. A fuzzy, blurry, broken line speaks of the opposite - impermanence, the possibility of betrayal and departure.

It is also important to look at small marks that may appear on the line itself. For example, an asterisk that will tell about a person who can use these relationships for social success.

Long distance relationship

Long-distance relationships can also be viewed in palmistry. Here there is more information about a person’s character, whether he is capable of serious changes in life, of moving to another city or even country.

Through marriage or relationship, you can clarify what kind of relationship there was. For example, the line is fuzzy and unclear, which means that the relationship is not fully realized.

If the line of fate does not intersect with the lines of relationships, or intersects, but not immediately, then in palmistry this is a long-distance relationship. And further, by this very line one can judge whether they had a continuation or not.

The life line may have a thin second line, which means the person may move, which is also associated with long-distance relationships. And now it’s time to compare both hands - what was destined by fate, and how it actually turned out. You can also look at missed opportunities by comparing both palms.

Relationship with a married man

In palmistry about relationships, the following question also arises: whether a relationship with a married man is shown or not.

Also, by looking at the palm of your hand and along the lines of relationships and marriage, you can see whether there are betrayals, whether both sides have lovers.
There are small lines that indicate that the partner has a lover after marriage, and one during marriage. And by the size and clarity of these small lines, you can find out what format they were in and whether they are finished or not.

When the relationship line leans more towards the Heart line, this means that one partner will outlive the other.

It is also very important to look at which end of the marriage line is. If there is a fork in the road, it means that the relationship, according to palmistry, ended unsuccessfully; there may have been quarrels, scandals, even trials. Using these same lines, you can see what kind of relationship there was - in love or, for example, in cruelty.

Thus, palmistry and relationships are closely intertwined. In one case, you can see what fate awaits a person, what kind of relationship there will be. You can also check your partner, whether he is deceiving you or not, what kind of relationship he had before you.

But before making quick conclusions, you need to very carefully study all the lines, fine details, look and compare all the lines, as well as both palms. For example, under no circumstances should you confuse the line of the heart and the line of love.

These are absolutely two different lines that carry different information about different kinds of relationships. It is definitely important to compare the sizes of all lines, their length or width, how they end and where they begin, all branches, their number, the depth of the line, the angles of directions, the relationship to the other and the main lines on the palm, for example, the lines of Fate, and so on. All these details, individually and together, will give an idea of ​​a person’s relationships, according to palmistry.


In palmistry, you can learn from the palm of your hand about various relationships - about marriage, about civil relationships, about first love, whether there will be or have been divorces, how many children there are from each relationship. You can also see what format exactly this or that relationship took.

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