Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Hygiene during pregnancy. All the secrets of proper hygiene for pregnant women

In this lesson.

Nutrition during pregnancy, diet of the last month, during childbirth, after childbirth. Hemoglobin - diet, fresh air. Hygiene of a pregnant woman. Bath and sauna. How to alleviate the “inconveniences” that arise during pregnancy: sleep, constipation

Breathing exercises, relaxation techniques. Vocal therapy. Gymnastics.
Printed material for home reference: breathing exercises.


(Based on materials:

The inconveniences of pregnancy can be reduced with the help of proper, nutritious nutrition, because many of them arise precisely from the fact that the rebuilding body lacks vitamins or microelements. And nature is designed in such a way that first everything necessary goes to the fetus, and then what is left goes to the mother. Therefore, increased nutritional needs during pregnancy are undeniable.

Pregnancy leads to an average increase in body weight of approximately 11 kg over the entire period. It is considered optimal if this increase is 230-460 g per week. However, it should be taken into account that a pregnant woman with significantly reduced body weight can add more than 11 kg without harm to her health, while an overweight, sedentary woman should not increase her already excessive body weight by 11 kg, therefore an individual approach to the diet of a pregnant woman is necessary .

The calorie content of food and weight gain or loss are correlated. The adequacy of food intake with a certain amount of calories can be assessed based on changes in body weight. Insufficient nutrition of a pregnant woman (low hemoglobin level or hypoproteinemia) is a reason that contributes to abnormal bleeding and spontaneous premature birth. Underweight pregnant women are precisely the category of women who are most likely to have premature birth. Preeclampsia and eclampsia may be partly the result of malnutrition, most likely protein (S. I. Babson et al., 1979). The previous belief that fetal growth can be satisfactory despite maternal weight loss has now been scientifically refuted. The health of the mother and fetus depends to a greater extent on the quality and to a lesser extent on the quantity of food she takes. It is known that normally the weight of the fetus doubles over the next two months of pregnancy. This weight gain can be significantly reduced by a fasting diet.

Adequate nutrition of a pregnant woman is more important for the growth and development of the fetus than the nutrition of a nursing mother for the growth and development of the newborn.

Pregnant women are recommended to increase the calorie content of food by 300 kcal (compared to non-pregnant women), take optimal doses of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and 16 other nutritional components (vitamins A, D, E, C, group B, folic acid, nicotinic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, zinc).
Attaching an important role to proteins in the anabolism of pregnancy, the importance of carbohydrates and fats in excessive weight loss is often undeservedly underestimated. It is known that protein deficiency can develop even with sufficient protein intake if the caloric content of food is reduced, since most of the amino acids will be deaminated to cover energy needs. A short semi-fast (less than 1500 kcal) can cause a decrease in the amount of proteins, enzymes and even hormones in the body. If fasting lasts several weeks or months, fluid retention and weight gain occur, which may be misinterpreted by the doctor and lead to the establishment of a more restrictive diet. Providing pregnant women with adequate nutrition is quite difficult. Lack of knowledge, general culture, education, money, etc. are the reasons why a pregnant woman does not receive well-balanced food rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. The amount of foods containing carbohydrates (especially easily digestible ones) should be limited. Here is a list and amount of basic food products per day during pregnancy and lactation (Brewer, 1989):

  • four glasses (or more) of milk (any);
  • two eggs;
  • one or two servings of fish, liver, chicken, lean meat or any cheese;
  • one or two servings of fresh vegetables (green leafy) - turnips, lettuce, cabbage;
  • two or three pieces of bread;
  • one orange (grapefruit), lemon or a glass of citrus juice;
  • one serving of margarine fortified with vitamin A.

During pregnancy and lactation, a woman should consume

  • a serving of porridge (millet, wheat, semolina or oatmeal), 4 times a week;
  • yellow or red vegetables (turnips, beets, etc.), 5 times a week;
  • liver - once a week;
  • whole baked potatoes - 3 times a week.

The opinion that has existed for many years that excess table salt in food contributes to the development of toxicosis in pregnant women is now being refuted. If you eat well, especially eat enough protein, sodium ions will be neutralized.

Poor nutrition in a pregnant woman can cause the birth of a child with reduced body weight or delayed psychomotor development.

A favorable diet before conception and in the first three months of pregnancy is often not given due importance as a vital necessity for the fetus, since this period escapes the supervision of the family doctor. In addition, a mother's childhood spent in poverty affects the growth of the fetus, slowing it down, even if her social and living conditions subsequently improve.
A gentle diet for pregnant women, aimed at improving the quality of nutrition, and not at increasing the number of calories, is needed for the fetus to limit its size and prevent the risk of birth injury.
It should be noted that short intervals between pregnancies can lead to depletion of nutrients in the body and adversely affect the offspring.

Diet of the last month before childbirth

I would like to add about the need to reduce the consumption of meat, flour and fatty foods in the last month of pregnancy, up to complete refusal, if possible. This will facilitate the work of the kidneys and liver, which are already under a lot of pressure from the child. It is especially worth worrying about the lightness of food in the last two weeks before childbirth, when contractions can begin at any minute. As a rule, in the first weeks after childbirth, bowel movements cause very unpleasant sensations, and in order to make your life easier, it is better not to eat heavy and dry foods, consume more liquid foods, fiber (however, remember that in the second half of pregnancy it is not advisable to exceed 1. 2 liters per day, and it is also necessary to limit salt intake). Of course, before giving birth in the maternity hospital, you will be given a cleansing enema so that the overcrowded intestines do not interfere with the normal course of labor.
As for the influence of nutrition in the last month on the child, it is in the last month that the child gains the most weight, and this point should also be monitored. Remember that when it is said that food should be sufficient and complete, this does not mean that you can overeat. At the 36th week, all the baby’s body systems are already quite well formed, and now is the time to take care of the woman’s comfort after childbirth, providing her with complete but light nutrition: vegetables, fruits, herbs, juices, meat broths. And try to replace sweets with fruits.

Features of nutrition and hygiene during childbirth and immediately after it

Childbirth is accompanied by a large expenditure of energy, so the woman in labor needs nutrition during the period of cervical dilatation. Food should be very easily digestible: jelly, broth with egg, semolina porridge, bread, dairy products, sweet tea, etc. Portions are small. The expectant mother often forgets to eat; it is necessary for someone to monitor her timely intake of food. In the maternity hospital, this function is performed by a midwife, but you yourself must provide for everything.

It is very important to go to the toilet in a timely manner, at least once every 2-3 hours. After this, it is advisable to wash yourself, preferably with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

During the first 3-5 days after birth, the breasts become overfilled with milk, so you should not drink a lot of liquid during this time; on the contrary, drink as little as possible. The baby most often cannot empty the breast yet, so relieve tension in the breast with a breast pump or express a little milk with your hands using circular massaging movements from the periphery to the center. Don't empty your chest, but make sure it doesn't feel like stone. This way you will maintain good lactation for a long time and reduce the likelihood of inflammation.


The delivery of the placenta is accompanied by natural blood loss. Immediately after the birth of the placenta, the midwife checks its integrity. The placenta is usually one color. If there are white spots on it or it is small in size, it means that it lacked something, for example, oxygen.

If the placenta is not damaged, then blood loss will be minimal, but still noticeable for an anemic woman. Therefore, the mother’s body must be prepared for this in advance.
Eating foods rich in iron in the last month of pregnancy promotes plethora and makes blood loss less painful.

Hemoglobin levels can be raised with the following foods: black caviar, buckwheat, pomegranates, meat and fish dishes (including liver, preferably veal, poultry), legumes (peas, beans, etc.), sprouted wheat grains , onions and green onions, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, prune juice, plums, apricots, dried apricots, raisins, nuts (including almonds), bran and rye bread. In addition, green apples, wheat porridge, dark chocolate, beets, tomato juice, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, peanut butter, oatmeal, and pineapples contain iron. Viburnum increases hemoglobin (binds iron).

It is necessary to take into account that no matter how many iron-containing foods you eat, if the body does not absorb it well, the amount will not save you. Therefore, you need to know that vitamin C helps to absorb iron, and with its deficiency, iron is practically not absorbed.
In addition, our body absorbs iron from products of animal origin much better than from flour foods: in the first case, about 20% of iron is “beneficial”, and in the second - no more than 5%. Nutritionists, when giving recommendations on creating a menu, advise maintaining a three to one ratio of products of plant and animal origin: this balance is closest to the “ideal diet” and has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Let's take a closer look at some of the products.
Buckwheat can help cope with anemia faster than many medications. However, it should be used for a long time to achieve the desired effect - at least a month daily.
In addition to iron itself, meat products also contain proteins necessary for its absorption. However, they should not be fatty so as not to increase the load on the liver.
Legumes contain vegetable protein. However, not every body can digest large amounts of legumes, so you should not overuse them, otherwise you may experience heaviness in the stomach and bloating.
We offer you a good menu of dishes that help cope with anemia. This note also contains an exercise, which, according to the coordinator of courses for pregnant women at the White Wings Center for Creative Pedagogy, also helps to raise hemoglobin levels.

Hygiene for a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, many women experience increased sweating, often with a change in odor. Increased vaginal discharge is also very likely. Also, for most women, the frequency of urination increases. These changes are natural and associated with changes in the body - a powerful restructuring of the hormonal system occurs, the volume of blood flow increases, and a gradual displacement of internal organs occurs, pushed aside by the growing uterus.

However, in addition to discomfort, these changes create conditions for the proliferation of bacteria, fungi, etc. Therefore, during pregnancy it is necessary to increase the frequency of procedures that keep a woman’s body clean. This could be a bath, shower, even a sauna or bathhouse. Contraindications to visiting a bathhouse or sauna are acute inflammatory diseases, conditions after recent surgical interventions, and complicated pregnancy. The influence of the bath in traditional medicine is reduced to negative, but we will talk about this below.

It is advisable to lay a special mat on the floor under your feet to reduce slipping. Remember that you need to be careful in your movements. Towards the end of pregnancy, showering becomes more difficult, be sure to ask your spouse for help, this will not only make your life easier, but will also bring you even closer.
Be a little more careful with hygiene products - watch your body’s reaction and try to choose soft colors and subtle odors.

In order to try to improve the condition of the skin, use soft creams and lotions, special cosmetic creams. During the day, spray your face with filtered or boiled water using a spray bottle, humidify the air in the room. The most important contribution to improving your skin is proper nutrition, sufficient vitamins and a good hygiene regime. If you are concerned about spots on your skin (for example, before going out), you can use a cosmetic color corrector and then apply foundation powder or cream to the area. However, do not overuse it and try to simply accept these changes for now.

At hair care Keep in mind that perming and hair coloring are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy due to potential danger to the fetus. And before you do them at a later date, think about it - is it really necessary? You may find that your natural hair color is no worse than what you are used to.

If you are concerned about the increased amount of hair on your shins or other places where you don’t want to see them, you can carefully remove this hair, but under no circumstances use chemical depilatories of any kind (creams, gels, etc.).

A very important point - oral hygiene. Diseased teeth can become a source of infection and cause complications in the postpartum period. Therefore, in addition to the one-time mandatory visit to the dentist, which is recommended for all pregnant women, do not hesitate to contact him several times in terms of prevention, not to mention those cases when the need arises. Don't put it off until later! It is advisable to get your teeth and gums in perfect order before conception, because... Painkillers are not advisable during pregnancy. If you don’t have time, then contact your dentist, and do not forget to inform him about your pregnancy. Discuss with your doctor all the manipulations and means that he is going to use during your treatment - x-ray and other studies, anesthesia and anesthesia, and other medications. We advise you to go to the dentist immediately before giving birth; after that, you may no longer have time to do this.

During pregnancy, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Do not ignore pastes “recommended by dentists around the world,” as well as specially designed brushes for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of crowns. You can use floss - special threads of different thicknesses to clean your teeth. An irrigator - a device that cleans out food debris with the pressure of a stream of water - can replace specially designed threads and brushes. Dentists recommend using it 1-2 times a day.

An important contribution to the condition of your teeth and gums is made by a proper diet, rich in vitamins and microelements (fluorine, phosphorus and calcium are especially important, and among vitamins - ascorbic and nicotinic acids; the latter should not be confused with nicotine). Limit your consumption of sweets, especially caramel, candies, and drinks like Cola or Fanta. After them, you need to brush your teeth or at least just rinse your mouth with plain water. Many obstetricians and gynecologists believe that it is enough for an expectant mother to eat 200 g of cottage cheese per day, and her body will more than replenish all the necessary reserves of calcium and other microelements. And an excess of calcium in a pregnant woman’s body leads to compaction of the baby’s head, which is why the head will not be elastic enough to pass through the birth canal. Dentists, on the contrary, consider this opinion of obstetricians and gynecologists to be stupid and advise taking phosphorus-calcium complexes... It is difficult to figure out who is right in this dispute. But you will have to make some decision.

In addition to the well-known truths about caring for the cleanliness of the skin of the face, the entire body and genitals, there is information about the need armpit care. This is necessary because this is where the thrush fungus (candidomycosis) can be found, which in the postpartum period can cause cracked nipples in the mother and lesions in the oral cavity of the newborn.

Besides, “harden” your nipples: to do this, after washing the mammary glands, massage the nipples for a minute with a clean, hard towel, then lubricate them with boric Vaseline. It has been found that women who prepare their nipples during pregnancy using the method described above suffer from mastitis 4-5 times less often. This is especially necessary for those women whose nipples are small and flat. (On the Maternity.Ru forum, many women say that such hardening of the nipples did not save them from mastitis. At the same time, others did not prepare their nipples in any way, and they did not have any special problems with their breasts except for soreness during the first time of feeding - approx. ShM "Makosh").

Some women feel great during pregnancy, note creative growth and do not worry about changes in their appearance. However, many women are depressed by weight gain, lost proportions, problems with skin, discharge, etc. Self-doubt, layered on top of the emotional instability common to pregnant women, can become a serious source of anxiety and irritability. And no one needs this - neither you, nor the fetus, nor the household.

By keeping yourself in hygienically proper shape, you will reduce these temporary disadvantages to a minimum. And a sense of humor will help you cope with the remaining minimum! Record tango or samba performed by you on a video camera (in the thirtieth week). Just smile and boldly look straight into the lens. They have always said about us - a strong people are those who can laugh at themselves!
If you do not agree with the statement that pregnancy makes a woman beautiful, then at least try to look critically at the problem - these changes in your body are not at all ugly, they can cause a kind smile, and not a grin.

Obstetrics, gynecology and bathhouse

In the lives of many peoples, the bathhouse (sauna) not only played a hygienic role, but was also a place where people were born and died. In particular, at one time in Russia it was customary to give birth to children in a bathhouse not only among commoners, but also among boyars and royal families. Many other nations of the world did the same. Among the Mayans, the bathhouse was also a place where children were born. And the habit of Finnish women to give birth in a sauna has recently become the subject of attention of doctors. It turned out that a sauna, especially a home one, is a sterile space from a bacteriological point of view. The sauna created good conditions for childbirth: there was a lot of warm water, the right air temperature, and other hygienic conditions not only for the woman in labor, but also for the newborn.

If during pregnancy a woman used the sauna (bath) correctly, her labor will be much easier and the labor itself will be about 1/3 shorter in time. Pregnant women who have visited the bathhouse are much less likely to experience pain during childbirth, requiring the use of antispasmodics and analgesics. This is associated with the psyche, increasing the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, reducing excessive muscle tension, and the positive effect of the bath (sauna) on the autonomic nervous system.

Bath (sauna) causes an increase in lactation in nursing mothers, which is observed in approximately 80% of cases.

It is known that approximately 1/3 of pregnant women develop varicose veins or its complications during pregnancy. When a pregnant woman visits a bathhouse, these disorders decrease, which is associated with an increase in the tone of the vascular system, which helps reduce the tendency to a collapsed state. Women who visited the bathhouse (sauna) were less likely to experience thrombosis and their complications, which indicates the influence of the sauna (bath) on blood clotting mechanisms. When pregnant women visited the sauna, they reported a decrease in headaches, fatigue and gastrointestinal disorders. The course of some infectious diseases during pregnancy is easier if a woman visits a bathhouse. For example, the course of the flu in women who visit the bathhouse is much easier. Under the influence of a sauna (bath), skin diseases during pregnancy, such as urticaria, dermatotoxicosis, itching and others, can regress or disappear completely.

Bath (sauna) is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Basically we are talking about chronic processes. The positive effect of the bath on the course of gynecological diseases is associated with an increase in blood circulation in the skin, the inclusion of redistribution and compensatory mechanisms that change blood circulation in the internal organs, with changes caused by rapid cooling. This leads to improved blood circulation in chronic diseases of internal organs and the removal of inflammatory components from tissues.

Indications for the use of baths (saunas) in gynecology and obstetrics: primary and secondary sterility and infertility, dysfunction of the ovaries and related disorders of the uterus, primary and secondary amenorrhea, ovarian dysmenorrhea and insufficiency, chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, chronic complications after termination of pregnancy, climacteric syndrome with tolerance of hyperthermic procedures, normal pregnancy right up to childbirth.

Contraindications: acute inflammatory diseases, conditions after recent surgical interventions, complicated pregnancy.

How to steam for pregnant women

I would like to warn expectant mothers: at the antenatal clinic you will most likely be advised not to visit the steam room - doctors, as they say, know best. But if you are drawn to the steam room, look for an experienced instructor, do not experiment alone.

  • You need to steam not only in a cap, but also in good company, the psychological climate is very important
  • First, go to the steam room (temperature about 90 degrees) for five to seven minutes. Monitor your heart rate - no more than 120 beats per minute
  • then you need to go out, throw on a sheet, sit on the sofa, drink herbal tea (with mint, chamomile, lemon balm). Heart and pulse return to normal
  • in the shower, wash off the released salt, dry off
  • go back into the steam room for about ten minutes. Keep an eye on your pulse
  • then you need to go out, rest, drink or eat fruit
  • after that you get in the shower and dry off
  • return to the steam room for the third time. Use a pre-soaked birch broom to lightly massage your feet, legs and thighs. Ask your friends to gently slap you on the back (you can get on all fours). Continue a light massage on the shoulders and even on the tummy
  • come out. Now you can plunge headlong into the cold plunge pool. At this moment, the peripheral vessels narrow, and the vessels of the internal organs dilate. Redistribution occurs, which means blood becomes healthier, hemoglobin increases
  • further - a swimming pool with warmer water (28-30 degrees) or a warm shower. Enjoy, relieve stress

Intuition will tell you whether to continue further. In principle, we can stop there. Dry your hair with a hair dryer and go home to a warm bed. With every part of your body you feel that you have been cleansed, deslagged. The knowledge that thanks to the bathhouse, water of contrasting temperatures and a broom, your and your child’s immune defense has increased, warms the soul...

During pregnancy with the desired child, every woman is beautiful. Close people around her provide comfortable living conditions, trying to somehow alleviate her condition, because dramatic changes occur in all organs and systems of the pregnant woman, which are transferred individually. The body is rebuilt psychologically and physically into a temporary state. Now he must ensure the normal functioning of not one person, but two.

The most noticeable changes are the skin and mucous membranes characteristic of the external genitalia and vagina, then hormonal changes occur, a decrease in immunity and local protective factors due to which the microflora and acid-base balance in the vagina are disrupted. Now the protective functions of the mucous membrane are reduced, sensitivity to the effects of infections increases, so hygiene during pregnancy takes on a slightly different character.

Intimate hygiene rules that are important for a pregnant woman to know

Every expectant mother is required to wash herself in the morning and evening, every day, using warm running water (shower or jug). During the toilet process, the hand should move in the direction of the pubis - anus. Otherwise, the likelihood of infections typical of the rectum getting into the vagina increases.

You should not take long baths, as in this case the infectious bacillus can also get into the genital area immersed in water.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of intimate hygiene products. Experts recommend purchasing these at a pharmacy. In addition, each trip to the toilet should be accompanied by treating the labia with a damp cloth, the pH level of which coincides with the acid-base composition of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia. It is these wet wipes that are hypoallergenic, therefore they do not disturb the structure of the microbial landscape of the mucous membrane and, in a sense, have a preventive effect. Such wipes are necessary not only for pregnant women, but also for those who are prone to fungal infections.

It is important to pay special attention to the choice of underwear for a pregnant woman. It should be made of natural fabric, since only it has good breathability properties. It is important to provide the skin with good air exchange to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions that can develop into an infectious disease.

Hygiene for a pregnant woman involves using only an individual personal bath towel, as well as toiletries. For example, soap, washcloths, and so on. A pregnant woman's toiletries should not come into contact with the skin of other family members.

Many women prefer disposable sanitary pads. So, during pregnancy you should avoid them, as they are provocateurs for the development of irritations and infectious diseases. Doctors observing pregnancy recommend washing yourself again or changing your underwear.

Sports and nutrition for pregnant women

Many women during pregnancy prefer to visit the pool for water aerobics. If there are no contraindications for this from the attending physician, this is a completely acceptable way to lead a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. But there are some conditions that every pregnant woman who visits a public swimming pool must fulfill.

When leaving the water, you should immediately take off your wet clothes, take a shower, wipe yourself dry and put on dry underwear. Public swimming pools contain disinfectant solutions that can cause irritation, and the humid environment creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal infections. That is why taking a shower after water activities is the key to cleanliness and health of the genital organs and mucous membranes. The temperature of the water in the pool should not bring discomfort to a woman, but, on the contrary, pleasure. Hypothermia is unacceptable.

Hygiene during pregnancy is directly related to nutrition, since changes in the microflora in the vagina can even affect the foods that a pregnant woman eats every day. For example, a large amount of sweets or smoked foods eaten cause the development of fungal infections, so you should control your diet, trying to consume acceptable levels of foods. This does not mean that a pregnant woman should give up junk food, but simply control the amount of food she eats.

Skin care during pregnancy

The rules of personal hygiene for a pregnant woman include not only special care for the cleanliness of the genitals. Cleanliness of the skin is of no small importance. After all, it is he who performs a protective function from the effects of harmful factors that are around us. The skin regulates heat and absorbs a certain amount of oxygen needed by a pregnant woman, so dirty skin loses its functionality.

All pregnant women experience an increase in genital discharge. That is why during this period special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of this part of the body. Many experts recommend completely shaving the bikini area because hair causes a persistent unpleasant odor and other discomfort. If a pregnant woman does not pay due attention to personal hygiene, she develops diaper rash, rashes, and develops severe gynecological diseases.

Breast hygiene is of no small importance during pregnancy. This part of the body should be washed at least twice a day using warm water and soap. After the procedure, the breasts should be thoroughly dried with a hard towel, but so as not to injure the delicate skin of the nipples.

The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of yellow or white discharge from the mammary glands, which is called colostrum. That is why the expectant mother should use special absorbent pads at this time and wash her breasts more often, removing excess liquid. At night, you should use special underwear made from natural fabric.

Bed linen should be changed at least once a week. In the summer, a pregnant woman suffers from increased sweating, so she should always have dry and wet wipes with her to wipe away sweat. Every pregnant woman should wash her hands frequently and keep the area where she spends most of her time clean.

Hygiene for a pregnant woman also includes maintaining a proper daily routine, nutrition and walks. Fresh air is necessary to normalize blood pressure, which is directly related to the general condition of the expectant mother.

For a normal pregnancy, a woman must observe an appropriate rational regime of work and rest.

If a pregnant woman’s work involves heavy lifting, excessive muscle tension, vibration, or chemicals, then in these cases the woman is transferred to easier work. Night shifts, overtime work and business trips are also prohibited.

A pregnant woman's sleep should be at least 8-9 hours a day.

Daily water procedures improve skin respiration and enhance the elimination of metabolic products harmful to the body through sweat. The genitals must be kept consistently clean, for which the pregnant woman should wash herself 2 times a day. Douching during this period is contraindicated. Sexual life should be limited, especially in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy to avoid spontaneous abortion and in the last 2 months due to the danger of introducing pathogenic flora into the woman’s genital tract. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy are completely unacceptable.

Pregnant women's clothing should be comfortable, clean, and not restrict movement. You should not wear tight belts or tight bras. Shoes should be comfortable, with wide heels. For varicose veins on the legs, it is necessary to bandage the leg with an elastic bandage in the direction from the foot up the shin, and if necessary, further along the thigh, or use special elastic stockings.

Particular attention should be paid to preparing the mammary glands for feeding the baby. The bra should be cotton and not put too much pressure on the mammary glands. This contributes to the roughening of the skin of the nipples, which to a certain extent is a preparation for feeding. It is necessary to wash the breasts daily with water at room temperature and rub them with a terry towel. For flat or inverted nipples, a gentle massage is recommended. Before the procedure, hands are washed; nails should be cut short. Fingers and nipples are sprinkled with talcum powder. During the massage, the nipple is grabbed with two fingers and pulled out, starting from the areola to the tip of the nipple with a simultaneous light circular massage. Massage begins from the 34-35th week of pregnancy and is done 2-3 times a day for 3-4 minutes. Proper nutrition is important for fetal development. If a woman feels well, then a special diet is not needed in the first half of pregnancy. Food should be varied and tasty. In the second half of pregnancy, nutrition should be focused on the active development of the fetus. In particular, the need for proteins increases; The daily norm is 100-120 g. Kefir, milk, eggs, lean meat, and plant products - beans, cabbage, oatmeal and buckwheat are recommended. The amount of carbohydrates in the body should not exceed 500 g per day, and if a pregnant woman is overweight - 300 g. Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits is mandatory. During pregnancy, a woman’s body needs a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, which are spent on the formation of the fetal skeleton, so there should be a sufficient amount of dairy products in the daily diet. In the second half of pregnancy, fluid intake (up to 1-1.2 l) and table salt (up to 8-5 g) per day is limited.

Throughout pregnancy, we must not forget about vitamins, which must be present in food in sufficient quantities. If this is not possible, on the advice of a doctor, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations. In particular, vitamin A increases the body's resistance to infection (found in the liver of fish and carrots); vitamin B prevents the development of vomiting in a pregnant woman (found in black bread, yeast and beans); vitamin C helps maintain pregnancy (found in rose hips, black currants, cabbage); vitamin D prevents the development of rickets in the fetus, has a positive effect on calcium and phosphorus metabolism in a pregnant woman (contained in fish oil); vitamin E is especially indicated for women with a history of premature pregnancies (found in sprouted wheat grains and green salad).

During pregnancy, it is important to know not only what to eat, but also how to eat. It is advisable to take food in small portions with 3-hour breaks, the last meal should be 1-1.5 hours before bedtime. And it is especially important to monitor body weight, the increase of which should not exceed 300-350 g per week. During the normal course of pregnancy, hygienic gymnastics are recommended, which help strengthen the muscles of the whole body and especially the anterior abdominal wall and pelvic floor. The exercises are prescribed by a doctor, and can be carried out by a specially trained nurse. The total duration of classes is 15-25 minutes. The pace of the exercises is smooth; breaks should be taken if necessary. In the second half of pregnancy, exercises in a supine position are recommended. There are many different methods of physical exercise, but the main thing for all is breathing exercises.

Early toxicosis can be alleviated by following the following recommendations:

♦ you should not wear tight, constricting clothes;

♦ If possible, stuffy and unventilated rooms should be avoided. When feeling nauseous, it is best to immediately open the window and breathe deeply. It is wise to carry a lemon with you, cut into pieces, so that you can always suck on it;

♦ smoking, including passive smoking (when others smoke in the presence of a pregnant woman), causes attacks of nausea. We must try to avoid such situations;

♦ sometimes the smell of food triggers nausea. It is necessary to ventilate the kitchen more often; boiling eucalyptus leaves or pine buds will help eliminate the smell;

♦ nausea and toxicosis can be caused by excessive fatigue. For a good night's sleep, you need to go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. Daytime rest is also necessary for pregnant women; if you can’t sleep during the day, you can just sit and relax by the window.

In some cases, early toxicosis is associated with increased flatulence; gases in the intestines sometimes cause excruciating pain. This happens due to poor digestion of food, as well as when eating large quantities of cabbage, peas, and beans.

For flatulence, a decoction of carminative tea (from mint, cumin, dill seed, taken in equal parts) will help. You can chew a few cumin seeds, this will eliminate intestinal colic and relieve the feeling of fatigue.

It is extremely important for a pregnant woman to have bowel movements every day. This can be a problem, since the hormones secreted by the fetus relax the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, and, in addition, the growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines. Considering that pregnant women are not recommended to give enemas, especially if they are prone to miscarriages, it is necessary to combat constipation using other methods. You should include more natural laxative foods in your diet, perform special exercises that stimulate intestinal function, and use herbal preparations that regulate its activity.

Natural products that have a laxative effect contain fiber, which fills the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness. Bran is one of the best sources of fiber. They prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids, which often accompany pregnancy, and reduce cholesterol levels in the body. You can make decoctions and jelly from bran with honey.

Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables, legumes, baked potatoes, black bread made from coarse flour, and seaweed, which can be added to salads, soups and porridges. It is better to exclude foods that contribute to constipation from the diet (hot bread, especially made from premium flour, cakes and other confectionery products made with soda with the addition of margarine and sugar, pies, salted fish, sausage, cheese, cocoa, tea, coffee).

If simply eliminating these foods does not work, you can drink a glass of water with lemon juice and 1-2 teaspoons of honey in the morning. For gastritis, instead of water, drink a decoction of flaxseed with honey and lemon juice (brew 1 tablespoon of flaxseed with boiling water and stir until mucus forms, strain before use). To prevent constipation, it is recommended to drink at least a liter of liquid per day: juices, vegetable decoctions, vitamin infusions, and also take special laxative mixtures that contain very valuable elements.

Every expectant mother should know that the health of the unborn child largely depends on how she prepares for pregnancy and how carefully she pays attention to pregnancy.

Nutrition for pregnant women

First of all, you need to take care of proper nutrition. Recommendations for rational nutrition during pregnancy usually take into account the interests of two beings - the mother and the fetus. To build its body, the fetus receives from the mother’s body all the necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. The mother receives these elements from food. Therefore, during pregnancy, food should be varied, containing sufficient amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

It has been established that insufficient nutrition leads to miscarriages, short stature, low body weight, impairs fetal viability, and increases the frequency of child losses both during pregnancy, during childbirth and after childbirth.

Excessive food consumption causes increased formation of adipose tissue in both the mother and the fetus, which in turn leads to an increase in complications of pregnancy and especially childbirth for both mother and child.

At each stage of its development, the fruit needs a certain composition of nutrients. In the early stages of pregnancy, the fertilized egg uses its own reserves for nutrition. Therefore, in the first half of pregnancy, a woman’s diet should not differ significantly from her diet before pregnancy. However, it must be complete (contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements). Do not contain foods and drinks that are harmful to the fetus (alcohol, very strong tea, coffee).

Of course, when shaping her diet, a woman must take into account national habits, climatic conditions, her height and weight, and working conditions. During the normal course of pregnancy in the first months, you should eat at least 4 times a day. This does not mean that you have to eat for two. Meals should be taken at the same hours and should consist of a variety of foods.

For a woman of average body weight (55-60 kg) and average height (158-165 cm), the daily diet should be 2400-2700 kcal and contain 110 g of protein, 75 g of fat and 350 g of carbohydrates. In the second half of pregnancy, it is advisable to switch to 5 or even 6 meals a day. The need for such a regime is dictated by the increasing needs of the fetus and the mother’s body itself for “building material”, since at this time, along with an increase in the mass of the fetus and uterus, the size of the placenta, mammary glands, and blood mass increase. Therefore, the amount of protein in women of average weight and height in the second half of pregnancy should increase to 120 g, fat - to 85 g and carbohydrates - to 400 g, and the total energy value of the daily diet - to 2800 - 3000 kcal.

You should strive to ensure that the daily diet contains 50-60% animal proteins, of which about 25% should be meat and fish, about 20% milk and dairy products, and 5% eggs. The rest of the proteins can be of plant origin.

Products containing complete proteins include:

  • milk
  • curdled milk
  • kefir
  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • mild cheese
  • boiled meat and fish
  • potato
  • cabbage
  • wheat
  • buckwheat and oatmeal

A significant proportion of human food consists of carbohydrates, since they compensate for energy costs in the human body (500 g of carbohydrates, as a result of their complete combustion in the body to water and carbon dioxide, is about 2000 kcal, which corresponds to 2/3 of the daily energy requirement).

A direct connection has been proven between the amount of carbohydrates consumed and the weight of the fetus. The intake of excess carbohydrates into the body of a pregnant woman leads to an increase in the weight of the fetus beyond the norm, which can cause complications during childbirth. It is advisable to get carbohydrates from foods rich in fiber: wholemeal bread, vegetables, fruits, cereals. These products, in addition to carbohydrates, also contain vitamins. Especially useful is the “Health” bread, which contains an admixture of bran, which is rich in B vitamins and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

The structure of all body tissues includes fats, which are also an important energy reserve, since they provide 2.5 times more thermal energy compared to carbohydrates and proteins.

Fats participate in plastic processes, influence the functions of the central nervous system, endocrine glands, reduce heat transfer and soften the impact of external temperature fluctuations on the body. A pregnant woman's diet should contain up to 40% fats of plant origin. These include sunflower, olive, and cottonseed oil.

Animal fats should include butter and ghee. It is recommended to refrain from lamb and beef lard and margarine.

A favorable course of pregnancy, childbirth, normal development of the fetus and newborn is ensured by nutrition with a sufficient amount of vitamins B, C, A, D, E. They act as regulators of metabolic processes. The role of vitamins in increasing the body's defenses has been proven.

During pregnancy, the need for vitamins doubles.

Products made from wholemeal flour, cereals, legumes, all kinds of greens and vegetables, fruits, berries, liver, meat, and dairy products, as a rule, provide the vitamins a pregnant woman needs.

In the winter and early spring months, a pregnant woman should, after consulting with her doctor, take vitamin preparations. However, we must remember that not only a lack of vitamins is harmful, but also their excess. It is advisable for pregnant women to take multivitamin preparations “Gendevit” or “Undevit” during the entire period of pregnancy, 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. Unlike "Gendevit", which contains vitamin D, "Undevit" does not. Therefore, in the winter-spring season, as well as in northern places where the sunny period is short, it is advisable to take “Gendevit” or “Undevit”, supplementing it with vitamin D as prescribed by a doctor.

The role of fluid in the human body is great; it makes up the bulk of the blood and part of the tissue substance (about 70% of the total body weight). A person's daily need for liquid is 2-2.5 liters. A pregnant woman should receive 1-1.2 liters of free fluid (water, milk, tea, compote).

Salt can be used to taste. However, in the first half of pregnancy it should not exceed 10-12 g per day, in the second half of pregnancy it should decrease to 7-8 g.

If you are prone to edema, it is recommended to take the drug "Sanasol", which has the taste of table salt, but it contains mainly potassium salts, which do not retain fluid in the body like table salt. In addition, sanasol is indicated for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia) and kidneys (nephritis). Add it to food immediately before consumption. Dose 1.5-2.5 g per day.

The human body, especially a pregnant woman, also needs minerals:

  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus

in microelements:

  • iron
  • cobalt

which are contained in sufficient quantities in food.

You need to give up:

  • fatty, spicy, overly salty foods
  • hot spices and seasonings
  • do not eat canned food
  • smoked meats
  • fried meat and fish
  • strong meat broths
  • limit products made from white flour and pastry
  • various sweets

In conclusion, it must be said that not only a varied diet is important, but also the diet itself. In the first half of pregnancy, with 4 meals a day, it is recommended: breakfast at 7-8 o'clock (30% of energy value), lunch at 13-14 o'clock (40%), dinner at 18-19 o'clock (20%), at 21 o'clock - a glass of kefir, a decoction of berries containing vitamins. The last meal should be no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. For dinner it is better to cook dairy and plant foods. In the second half of pregnancy, 5-6 meals a day are established due to an additional second breakfast at 11 - 12 o'clock (milk, cranberry mousse, cottage cheese, milk porridge, omelette) and an afternoon snack at 16-17 o'clock (fruits, berries, juice, low-fat cottage cheese , mousse).

Let's look at the approximate list of food products for 1 day and the menu for the week, which is recommended for women mainly in the second half of pregnancy

Photo: Radek Detinsky/

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of any woman. While carrying a child, your fragile body is susceptible to a large number of infectious diseases. Many of them can be prevented by paying enough attention to caring for your own body. Strict adherence to hygiene rules during pregnancy should become a habit.

Many girls consider bathing to be the best way to relax after a hard, busy day. However, hot water will have a bad effect on the course of pregnancy, so you will have to abandon such a spa procedure for a while. You can only take warm baths. Before filling the bathtub with water, wash it thoroughly with disinfectant gel. Place a special non-slip mat on the bottom of the bathtub. Strictly prohibited if there is a threat of miscarriage. You can add sea salt to the bath - it helps heal insomnia, varicose veins and tone the calf muscles. If your legs are very swollen in the evening, make decongestant baths from infusions of herbs - plantain, chamomile and calendula.

Showering is the main method of personal hygiene. You should shower at least twice a day. To avoid causing allergic reactions and dermatological diseases, avoid regular soap. Buy a suitable shower gel. The first trimester is traditionally characterized by nausea and increased sensitivity to strong odors. To avoid aggravating your condition, choose a gel without dyes or fragrances.

The vaginal microflora becomes especially sensitive due to hormonal changes. Thrush can be caused by polyester underwear, taking antibiotics, or irregular perineal hygiene. Wash yourself with a gel for intimate areas with lactic acids and a low ph level.

Diseased teeth affected by caries or tartar are an inexhaustible “source” of health problems during pregnancy. Food enters the open cavity of the tooth, rots there, and then is transported to the stomach, causing intestinal disorders. This can negatively affect the baby's health. Try to cure and fill your teeth before conception. A pregnant woman should brush her teeth not two, but four times a day. After each meal, rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Peppermint toothpaste is a great way to combat nausea. As soon as you feel the urge to gag, brush your teeth with plenty of toothpaste.

Again, due to hormonal “explosions,” the type of facial skin may change. It often becomes oily and starts to shine just a couple of hours after washing. Creams and lotions with mattifying properties will save the situation. Do it three times a week. Clay is a natural adsorbent that absorbs excess moisture and sebum. Swelling during pregnancy can manifest itself in the form of bags under the eyes. In this case, always store ice cubes from the infusion of clover or cucumber juice in the refrigerator. Lazy people can replace ice with a caffeine roller to cool their skin.

Pregnancy has a beneficial effect on hair condition. They become thick and thick, dandruff disappears. Wait a while with coloring - and the point is not at all in the medieval myth about the harmful effects of dyes on the fetus. The paint can cause a severe allergic reaction. The only trichological problem that worries pregnant women is hair loss. Before treating it with professional remedies, try rubbing capsicum tincture into your scalp every day.

No other part of the body comes into contact with pathogenic bacteria as often as the hands. You take money in your hands, touch fruit in the supermarket with your hands and pet your favorite cat. Therefore, you should always have antibacterial wet wipes at the ready. Please note that these wipes are only suitable for one-time use. Wipe your hands with them after every trip on public transport, contact with banknotes and friendly handshakes. Replace regular toilet soap with liquid antimicrobial soap. You can buy any liquid soap and add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil to it - it kills 99% of microbes known to man. The skin of your hands often becomes dry during pregnancy. Glycerin and lanolin will help cope with this - look for these components on the packaging of the product you choose.

Brittle nails during pregnancy can easily be explained by a lack of calcium in the body. To help them, use colored polishes less often and coat them with a healing coating more often. Introducing dairy products into your diet can compensate for calcium deficiency. Prepare cottage cheese casseroles, drink milkshakes and make cheese sandwiches. To cosmetically strengthen your nail plates, take baths with olive oil and lemon juice.

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