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Glycerin for the face: harm and benefit, the best recipes for use, reviews from cosmetologists. Glycerin in cosmetics, is it dangerous?

The key to beautiful skin lies in proper and regular care. To provide it with nutrients and hydration, you need to use creams, masks, and lotions. Many cosmetic products contain a component such as glycerin. It is a clear liquid with a viscous texture. This product can also be used to prepare moisturizing compositions at home. How to use glycerin on the face to achieve a positive effect and not harm the skin?

Effect of glycerin on the skin

This chemical is considered a conductor for valuable nutritional and moisturizing components. Glycerin is one of the most common components added to soaps, tonics, creams, and masks. After using such products, the skin becomes more hydrated and smooth. Proper use of glycerin for the face provides several effects:

  • Smoothing. Regular application of a cosmetic composition that contains glycerin helps eliminate the first wrinkles. The substance is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and make it smoother. Glycerin fills dry areas, gives the skin smoothness, and prevents moisture loss.
  • Moisturizing. The substance fills cells with moisture and promotes its retention. Prevents dryness in winter.
  • Supply. Glycerin contains nutritional components that fill the deep layers of the epidermis. This effect is especially noticeable if you combine glycerin with moisturizing substances. After just a few uses, you can notice changes - the skin will become smooth and will no longer experience moisture deficiency.
  • Protective. As soon as the skin receives a complex of all the necessary substances and is saturated with moisture, its protective layer will be able to cope with its functions 100%. Glycerin prevents the appearance of dirt and microcracks.
  • Medicinal. Products with glycerin not only moisturize the skin, but also have a healing effect on eczema. At the same time, the substance does not provoke the appearance of irritation, which, as a rule, appears during the treatment of this disease.
  • Bleaching. If you use glycerin on your face, you can get rid of acne marks and lighten age spots.
  • Cleaning. Due to this property, glycerin is often added to lotions and tonics, which are designed to gently cleanse the skin and tighten pores.

The benefits and harms of glycerin

Before you start using glycerin for your face at home, you need to take into account some of its features. The thing is that glycerin is able to absorb moisture from the air. If its value is less than 45%, he begins to extract it from the skin. That is why such a tool must be used correctly.

The benefits of glycerin include:

  • active replenishment of moisture deficiency;
  • stimulation of metabolism, which accelerates the process of removing toxins and impurities;
  • the possibility of using it as a stabilizer for home cosmetics.

Despite the fact that glycerin has a large list of positive properties, it must be used with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that it can:

  • draw moisture from the skin and dehydrate it;
  • when paired with silicones, create an unsafe composition that will prevent the skin from breathing.

In this regard, glycerin can be used if there is sufficient humidity, otherwise skin problems will be inevitable.

How to use glycerin for the face at home

For facial skin care, you can use homemade glycerin-based formulations. This substance combines well with water. Various masks are prepared on its basis. In its pure form, it is added to ready-made store-bought creams. To smooth your skin, moisturize it and reduce the number of wrinkles, you can pamper your facial skin with masks based on base oils and glycerin.

Mask for dry skin

A face mask with glycerin and vitamin E will be an excellent salvation for skin that lacks moisture. For 25 ml of pure glycerin you will need 10 capsules of vitamin E. The substances must be mixed and applied daily to cleansed facial skin. After half an hour, the excess mask should be blotted with a napkin. A mask of this type is also ideal for mature, aging skin.

An alternative to vitamin E is vitamin A, which is great for anti-aging care. The lack of nutrients in the spring-autumn period is compensated by vitamin C.

As for the regularity of procedures, vitamin masks with glycerin can be applied no more than once a week.

For dry skin, a mask made from yolk and glycerin is ideal. This mixture moisturizes the skin, nourishes it and smoothes it. To prepare the mask, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • mashed potatoes (10 g);
  • liquid honey (10 ml);
  • glycerin (5 ml);
  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • olive oil (10 ml).

All components must be thoroughly mixed, then pour a little still water into them. Apply the mask to the skin of the face, which must first be cleansed. Leave for half an hour, wash with warm water.

Glycerin mask for normal and combination skin

For combination skin care, a mask made of glycerin, honey and oatmeal is suitable. All components are taken in equal proportions (1 tsp each).

If the composition is too thick, you can add a little water to it. This recipe is also suitable for dry skin. In this case, water can be replaced with full-fat milk.

Anti-wrinkle glycerin mask

An excellent lifting effect will be provided by a mask based on egg white and glycerin. Mix the components and apply to the skin of the face, staying in a horizontal position.

Keep the mask on your face for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water and apply a cream with moisturizing properties.

Another recipe for a face mask with added glycerin includes:

  • glycerin (1 tbsp.);
  • white clay (2 tsp);
  • aloe leaf paste (10 g);
  • chamomile infusion (2 tbsp.);
  • oatmeal (100 g).

Mix the dry ingredients, then add honey, glycerin, and herbal decoction to them. Apply the resulting mixture to the face and décolleté area. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Applying the composition with glycerin at night

If we refer to the opinion of cosmetologists, then reviews of glycerin for the face say that the composition in which it is present perfectly moisturizes the skin if applied at night. To do this, it can be mixed with base oils. Ideally, it should be almond, olive or grape seed oil. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer to the skin two hours before bedtime. The product is perfectly absorbed, so there is no need to apply other care products.

Glycerin in its pure form: will it harm?

Glycerin is a substance that is present in many cosmetics. As for using it in its pure form, it can harm the skin. Its ability to absorb moisture from the environment can only be noticed when it extracts it from living tissues. To prevent the skin from suffering from dryness after improper use of glycerin, it must be mixed with various components.

Mask with glycerin and gelatin

A mask based on glycerin and gelatin helps fight the first age-related changes in the skin. The composition is prepared as follows:

  1. 1 teaspoon of gelatin is combined with 100 ml of warm water.
  2. Add ¼ tablet of salicylic acid and 3 tbsp to the composition. l. glycerin.
  3. The mixture is heated in a water bath and brought to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. When the composition has cooled, you need to beat it and add a little liquid honey to it.
  5. Apply the mask at night for 20 minutes.

This mask not only reduces the number of facial wrinkles, but also helps get rid of age spots and freckles. After the first procedures, the skin becomes soft and elastic.

Face cream with glycerin and vitamin E

A big advantage of glycerin is its hygroscopicity, due to which it absorbs moisture from the air. It is due to this property that glycerin is widely used in the preparation of creams. At a sufficient level of humidity, this substance extracts water from the air, forming a protective film on the face. To enhance the effect of a glycerin-based product, you can add vitamin E to it, which slows down the aging process and prevents the appearance of senile pigmentation. Reviews of glycerin and vitamin E for the face mention that the product gives an excellent effect after use in courses.

Recipes for face creams based on glycerin and vitamin E:

  • For combination skin. Combine 10 ml of glycerin with 20 ml of water and 2 ampoules of vitamin E. Rub the composition into the skin before bed. The composition can be used twice a week.
  • For the skin around the eyes. To prevent the area around the eyes from suffering from dryness, you can prepare a cream from 30 ml of glycerin and vitamin E. All components must be thoroughly mixed and then enriched with castor oil (10 ml). The product reduces wrinkles, smoothes and whitens the skin. Use in courses (daily for a month). After a month of use, take a break for several weeks, and then resume using the cream.
  • For aging skin. If the skin lacks moisture and loses elasticity, you can prepare a cream from 25 ml of glycerin, vitamin E (10 capsules) and apricot kernel oil (10 ml).

Experts assure that the positive effect of using glycerin is observed if you drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

For dark circles under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are a problem that most people face. It usually occurs with frequent lack of sleep, stress, and chronic diseases. To remove them, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive creams. At home you can make masks based on glycerin:

  • Recipe 1. Pour milk over oatmeal, combine with 1 tsp. glycerin. Apply the finished mixture to the area around the eyes while warm.
  • Recipe 2. Combine glycerin and castor oil in equal proportions (20 ml each). Add a little myrtle essential oil to the composition. Place in a dark glass jar and store for no longer than 10 days. Apply to the eye area daily.
  • Recipe 3. Combine 2 tbsp. l. banana pulp with 10 ml glycerin. Keep the mask in the area under the eyes for about 20 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad soaked in micellar water.


If you purchase such an affordable product as glycerin at the pharmacy, you can solve various skin problems. So that the effect is not long in coming and is not reversed, all homemade compositions must be prepared taking into account the above recommendations. Regular use of masks based on glycerin and other equally useful ingredients will make the skin elastic, fresh and moisturized. Systematic use of glycerin for the face against wrinkles will help provide excellent anti-aging skin care.

Almost all cosmetic skin care products contain glycerin. It helps moisturize the skin and also helps maintain the moisture balance in the epidermis, so it can also be used as an ingredient in preparing face masks at home. It is best to stir it with a small amount of boiled water before adding glycerin to the rest of the ingredients. Also, before preparing masks based on it, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with several rules - properties and use in cosmetologists

Five important beneficial properties of glycerin

1. Moisturizing effect

Everyone knows that glycerin hand cream is the best moisturizer. And indeed, precisely because glycerin helps reduce dryness, this substance is simply irreplaceable. This is especially felt in winter. Glycerin for the face collects exclusively positive reviews. You should verify this by applying a small amount to the skin. It will instantly become moisturized and soft.

2. Smoothing effect

The effect of glycerin on the skin of the face is very effective if wrinkles appear on the face. After all, this substance has a smoothing effect, eliminating numerous age-related changes.

The fact is that over time, the skin can no longer retain and retain moisture. That's why they become dull and rough. If you regularly use glycerin, this problem can be avoided. Due to the fact that dry cracks will be filled, the skin will become smoother and more beautiful, saving the woman from wrinkles.

3. Protective effect

By saturating the facial skin with moisture, this unique product preserves the integrity of its entire outer layer. This allows you to protect a woman from pathogenic microbes and contaminants that can penetrate inside through microcracks.

To ensure such a protective effect, it is enough to check whether there is glycerin in your face cream and use it daily.

4. Thorough cleansing

Glycerin for facial skin is very effective in removing dirt and dust. Reviews from numerous women advise mixing this substance with rose water. This liquid solution is applied to thoroughly clean the pores. It is important to use this remedy regularly to see the results of this procedure.

5. Nutritional effect

The benefit of glycerin also lies in its nutritional properties. That is why this substance is one of the main ingredients for a variety of cosmetics. If you apply it to your skin every day, you can keep it fresh and healthy for many years.

Glycerin in skin care

The main property of liquid glycerin is its ability to retain moisture, and this is its benefit for the skin.

The range of applications of this product is very wide: it is added to creams, masks and even used in its pure form.

There are known recipes for compositions with glycerin, which are used for problem heels covered with cracks. In this case, glycerin plays the role of an additional moisturizing film, which after some time is completely absorbed into the skin.

Cleansing lotion for problem skin can be completely replaced with liquid glycerin in its pure form. It has the properties of accelerated skin regeneration, so inflammatory elements heal much faster.

Glycerin is also used to make tonics. For example, a decoction of chamomile and calendula with the addition of glycerin (in a ratio of 10:1) has not only a cleansing, but also a calming effect.

Masks with glycerin for facial skin

Moisturizing and nourishing mask

A moisturizing and nourishing mask made of glycerin and honey, which also has a slight cleansing effect:

Mix 1 teaspoon of glycerin with the same amount of honey, add 3 tbsp. spoons of clean cool water, and stir everything well until the ingredients dissolve and obtain a homogeneous mass. Then add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal to this mixture and stir everything again.

If suddenly the mass turns out to be too thick, add a small amount of water to it. Apply the resulting mask to your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

Prepare mashed potatoes with milk for the mask. For the mask you need one medium potato, boil it with the skin on. The peeled potatoes should be peeled, crushed and milk added. Then grind a tablespoon of this puree with the yolk, add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Dissolve glycerin in water (a teaspoon of glycerin per two tablespoons of water). And mix glycerin with nutritious puree. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to face for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Mask for oily skin

Oily facial skin also needs hydration, so you can prepare a mask from cosmetic clay, which is sold in pharmacies. The instructions here are simple: mix 1/2 teaspoon glycerin with 2 tablespoons water. Now add clay to the solution in small portions until you get a paste-like mass. Apply the product to your face and leave for 15 minutes

Glycerin for hair

Glycerin is a chemical substance with a viscous consistency that has neither color nor odor, and therefore it can be added to absolutely any household chemical product. Previously, it was used exclusively in the production of soaps, skin creams, and dishwashing liquids. However, now it can increasingly be seen in hair products, and not in last place.

This is due to the fact that it not only softens and moisturizes the hair, but also gives it significant shine, thickening the hair, which has a beneficial effect on the thickness of the hair, and, moreover, promotes faster hair growth. And all this is absolutely without harm to the hair. Isn't this a miracle?

Hair mask

To prepare a mask for hair shine, you need: 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 3 tablespoons of cognac, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2-3 tablespoons of any vegetable oil (as a rule, olive, burdock or linseed oil is added). Mix the mixture thoroughly, apply to slightly damp hair, cover with a plastic bag and wrap your hair with a towel, or put on a hat. After 30 minutes, the mask should be thoroughly washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Glycerin for hands

Hands need almost more care than the face, as they constantly come into contact with water and detergents. To relieve irritation, you can use a mask for sensitive skin. If you don’t have time to prepare a special mask, you can simply add a few drops of glycerin to the hand cream.

How does glycerin act on the skin of the hands?

On no other part of the body is the skin exposed to such intense influence of adverse factors as on the hands. It suffers from frost, and from wind, and from solar radiation, and from detergents that have to be used every day. Lack of vitamins in the body is another problem for the skin of the hands, and it will be one of the first to signal this. Symptoms of a lack of vitamins and lack of moisture in the condition of the hands are difficult to recognize at first glance: they look the same. The skin loses its shine and elasticity, its surface becomes rough, and then becomes completely rough, against which bleeding and painful cracks appear.

Regular use of glycerin on hands is not a panacea, but certainly a right step towards maintaining the beauty and health of the skin. Even if you apply it in a minimally thin layer, it forms a durable and durable film on your hands. This film will reliably protect your hands from all kinds of irritations. It has one remarkable feature - it prevents the evaporation of natural moisture from the skin. Glycerin itself also partially moisturizes the skin of the hands, which cannot but have a beneficial effect on its condition. For these reasons, glycerin is now often included even in solid and liquid soaps intended for washing hands.

Do not forget that glycerin is a moisture-absorbing substance. If you use it at random, you can achieve not an improvement in the condition of the skin, but exactly the opposite effect. At some point, it may turn out that glycerin absorbs more moisture from the skin of the hands than it gives back. As a result, after glycerin hands you will not experience a comfortable sensation, but, on the contrary, suffer from increased dryness. In any case, you first need to try this product in action - apply a light glycerin mask to your hands and only then draw conclusions whether it suits you or not.

Glycerin (or glycerol)– an industrial by-product, obtained from the saponification of fats or produced synthetically, refers to trihydric alcohols. For external use, pharmacies dispense it in the form of a 20 ml liquid solution without a prescription. It is a colorless, transparent, sweetish, viscous liquid, odorless.

They are used in many industries, including food, medicine, and cosmetics. We will talk in more detail about the role of glycerin in cosmetics.

The benefits and harms of glycerin for the face

Like every remedy, glycerin also has its positive and negative qualities. Fortunately, the pros far outweigh the cons.

Facial benefits:

  • retains moisture in the skin;
  • helps nutrients penetrate into cells;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • moisturizes;
  • cleanses pores of dirt;
  • antiseptic;
  • softens.

Moisturizing the dermis occurs due to the hygroscopicity of the substance: it promotes the absorption of moisture from the environment. If a person is inside a dry room, then glycerol draws moisture from the cells of the dermis, releasing it to the environment.

Harm of glycerol:

  • the drug is used only at high air humidity, not less than 60%, otherwise instead of moisturizing, the opposite effect is obtained;
  • flushes out melanin;
  • may contribute to the appearance of comedones in the presence of inflamed skin;
  • in combination with silicone causes allergic skin reactions;
  • quickly removes tan.

The more humid the air, the faster the process of saturating cells with moisture occurs.

What is it used for?

Glycerol is used to treat skin diseases, as a laxative, in the production of cosmetics, household chemicals, and personal care products.

At home, it is necessary for making:

  • masks;
  • soap;
  • balms;
  • lotions;
  • medicinal ointments;
  • warm baths for hands and feet;
  • other cosmetics.

Homemade cosmetics with glycerin help improve the condition of the epidermis, nails, and hair. They become healthy, shiny, soft.

In everyday life, glycerol will help get rid of berry, tea or coffee stains. To do this, you need to rub the dirt with an undiluted substance, and after an hour, wash it off. You can get rid of annoying dust that constantly settles on furniture by wiping the surfaces with an aqueous solution with glycerin.

In the food industry it is known as additive E-422.

How to choose quality glycerin

Without further ado, purchase the product only at the pharmacy.

The packaging must contain the following notes:

  • natural;
  • of plant origin;
  • high degree of purification (99.5%);
  • best before date.

Glycerol based on vegetable fats clogs pores less, penetrates deeper into the skin more easily, carrying other useful components with it than substances of animal origin.

Instructions for use

Since the article deals with external use, we will omit the effect on the functioning of internal organs, body systems and the associated nuances of use.

The drug is prescribed for:

  • softening the skin;
  • treatment of mucous membranes;
  • eliminate dry skin, hair, dehydration of the dermis;
  • treatment of bedsores, diaper rash (treated with undiluted substance) or cracked heels;
  • for thrush, tonsillitis or pharyngitis (douching and rinsing with a diluted drug).

It acts as a dermatoprotector, filling in and smoothing out small wrinkles, which plays an important role in the manufacture. In addition to glycerol, they may include vitamins E, B1, ascorbic acid (stimulates collagen formation).

Glycerin in cosmetics is used to care for:

  • skin of the face, hands, feet;
  • nails;
  • hair.

Contraindications for the use of glycerol:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance (manifests in the form of allergic reactions);
  • open wounds, other violations of the integrity of the skin (may sting or burn strongly).

For internal use, there are an additional number of contraindications, so you should carefully read the official instructions.

It is not recommended to use undiluted glycerin: it can cause itching, peeling, and dehydration of the skin. Combine with water (including mineral water), oils, vitamins, herbal infusions, and other useful diluents. In the composition of cosmetics it should not exceed 5% (subject to home preparation) or it should appear further than the fifth position on the packaging of a purchased product.

Try to add alternative sources of moisture to your home cosmetics:, yolks, pulp or juices of fruits, berries, vegetables. Don't forget to maintain air humidity: spray water with a spray bottle in the room where you are.

Mask recipes

Diluted glycerol itself does not cause allergic reactions, but before using new mask formulations with additional components, experts recommend conducting a sensitivity test.

Recipes for the face:

  1. Softening: 10 drops of vitamin E are mixed with 20 ml of glycerin. To remove any remaining mixture, blot your face with a paper napkin (no need to rinse off).
  2. Nourishing, with honey: mix 1 tsp. honey, glycerol, add 3 tsp. water (cold), stir thoroughly until smooth. Apply and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  3. Toning, with honey and gelatin: mix 4 tbsp. l. glycerin, 4 tbsp. l. water, 2 tsp. honey, 2 tsp gelatin, dissolve in a water bath, add 4 tbsp again. l. water, stir thoroughly. Residues from the skin are washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream is applied.
  4. For oily dermis, with clay: mix 2 tbsp. l. sage decoction with half a teaspoon of glycerol, add cosmetic clay, stirring constantly until the mixture has a consistency similar to liquid sour cream. When finished, wash off with cool water.

Face masks are applied only to cleansed skin and left for 15-35 minutes. Apply 1-2 times a week.

Hair Recipes:

  1. "Lamination": mix heated 1 tsp olive and 1 tsp. burdock oil, add 1 tsp. glycerol, vitamin E (ampoule), stir. After 60 minutes, wash off.
  2. Moisturizing: take 3 tsp. glycerin, 3 tsp. apple cider vinegar (can be replaced with juice), add 3 egg yolks, mix everything. The mixture is washed off with warm water.

Hair masks are recommended to be done in courses: 8 sessions over 2 months. Mandatory condition: after applying the mixture, hide the curls under a plastic cap, and insulate the top with a towel, hold for 30-60 minutes, then wash your hair with.

Hand bath. Ingredients: half a liter of warm water, 2 tbsp. l. starch, 20 ml glycerol. Keep your hands in the liquid while the water is warm, then pat your skin dry with a towel.

Softening mixture for heels. To make your heels smooth and soft again, smear them with this homemade remedy at night: mix glycerin with ammonia (1:1), apply to the skin, do not wash off. The mixture is effective, only because of the ammonia it has an unpleasant odor.

A well-groomed face is the dream of many women. Experts have long been looking for effective products that can ensure healthy and fresh skin. One such remedy is undoubtedly glycerin, whose beneficial properties deserve detailed consideration.

Useful properties of glycerin:

  • Moisturizes the skin. Glycerin perfectly absorbs moisture from the air, attracting it to the skin.
  • Smoothes wrinkles. Regular use of glycerin helps against dryness and dehydration, and since it fills small wrinkles with moisture, it helps to visually reduce them and make the dermis smoother.
  • Softens and whitens. A significant number of soaps contain glycerin. It increases its washing ability and also helps soften and whiten the skin after washing.
  • Treats skin diseases. Glycerin is an effective antiseptic, promotes wound healing and prevents infection.
  • Cleanses pores. Thanks to glycerin, metabolic processes are intensified, which helps remove toxins, dirt and fat from the pores.
  • Protects skin. By moisturizing the skin and filling small wrinkles with moisture, glycerin creates protection for its top layer from germs and all kinds of contaminants.
Thanks to glycerin, moisturizers and nutrients are able to reach the deep layers of excessively dry skin. It is often seen as a panacea for wrinkles and unwanted aging, because under its influence the face is noticeably tightened, brightened and smoothed.

Harm of glycerin for the face

Possessing a rich list of healing properties, glycerin for the face is a rather specific chemical that can cause harm if used improperly.

Harm that glycerin can cause:

  1. Draws out moisture. Glycerin must be added to the cosmetic products used in certain proportions, otherwise it can extract moisture from the skin itself, drying it out. It is also important to carry out procedures in conditions of sufficient humidity to avoid this effect.
  2. Worsens skin problems. Despite its effectiveness in the fight against skin diseases, glycerin can aggravate the condition of hypersensitive and inflamed dermis and cause the formation of comedones.
  3. Creates a sticky feeling. Before going outside, you should use glycerin with restraint, since the stickiness of the skin caused by it contributes to the contamination of pores with dust and significantly worsens the appearance.
  4. Not compatible with silicone. Glycerin and silicone are an undesirable combination that can cause burning, peeling and itching.
  5. Excessively lightens the skin. If a cosmetic product (for example, soap) contains glycerin in high concentrations, this promotes intensive leaching of melanin (natural dark pigment) and lightening of the skin.
  6. May cause allergies. A similar drawback is typical for many cosmetic products. Before using glycerin, check your skin for sensitivity to avoid swelling and burning later.
Even experts argue about whether glycerin is beneficial or harmful. Any chemical can have unpredictable effects on the skin, so it is always important to consider contraindications and risks of possible use. It is recommended to use a high-quality drug purchased at a pharmacy with a valid expiration date.

Even in diluted form, glycerin should only be used in room humidity conditions above 60%. It is used with caution during the heating season, when indoor air becomes excessively dry. The percentage of this chemical in a cosmetic composition should not exceed 5–7%.

Composition and components of glycerin

Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol. Its formula is C 3 H 5 (OH) 3. In liquid form, it is viscous, transparent and very hygroscopic. Mixes with water in arbitrary proportions, mixes with ethanol. Almost insoluble in ether and fatty oils. The sweet taste of the substance determined its name (translated from ancient Greek “glycos” means “sweet”).

The chemical elements in the glycerin molecule are contained in the following percentage ratio:

  • Oxygen - 52.119%;
  • Carbon - 39.125%;
  • Hydrogen - 8.756%.
At home, the skin can get the necessary hydration by using glycerin diluted with water. It is preferable to use thoroughly purified water. Glycerin is also good to mix with other active substances that can have very beneficial and even healing effects.

How to use glycerin on the face

Glycerin is an important component of numerous cosmetics and is also used in medicine. It is also suitable for creating preparations for the skin in ordinary home conditions, since high-quality liquid glycerin is available for purchase in almost any pharmacy.

Face masks with glycerin

Having noticed the flaws and imperfections of the facial skin, women intensify their care. There is not always enough money and time to visit expensive salons and take advantage of complex procedures. Masks prepared and applied with your own hands are a completely effective solution to many problems.

Recipes for masks with glycerin for facial skin:

  1. Nutritious. Prepare a mixture of 25 g of glycerin and 25 g of coconut oil (you can also use olive or jojoba oil), which is used at night. This composition does not require rinsing.
  2. For oily skin. Take 10 g of glycerin and liquid natural honey, as well as one white of a fresh home-made egg. The components are mixed and left on the face for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash off with warm water.
  3. Refreshing. Thoroughly mix 10 g of glycerin, 1 chicken egg, a glass of heavy cream, half a glass of vodka, and the juice of one lemon. The composition is applied for 20 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad and warm water.
  4. Moisturizing. The following components are mixed (each taken in the amount of 1 teaspoon): liquid glycerin, water and natural honey. Oatmeal flour (1 teaspoon) is added to this composition. Cover your face evenly with the resulting mixture for 15 minutes. Wash off with boiled water, preferably at room temperature.
  5. For dry skin. Glycerin (10 g) and water (5 g) are added to the thoroughly beaten yolk until a homogeneous composition is obtained. The product is applied for absorption for 20 minutes. Removed with cool water.
  6. For mature skin. Recommended liquid ingredients (1 tablespoon each): glycerin, purified water, olive oil, full-fat milk. You will also need 1 egg yolk and 1 raw potato. Mashed potatoes are made from peeled and then peeled potatoes, adding yolk and milk. Glycerin, oil and water are added to the resulting mixture. This mask is applied for approximately 20 minutes, then washed off with water at room temperature.
  7. For wrinkles. 25 g of fresh aloe juice are combined with 25 g of liquid glycerin. This composition is applied generously for 20 minutes. Cleanse the skin with warm boiled water.
  8. For sagging skin. You will need glycerin (10 g), high-quality butter (5 g), liquid honey (10 g), 1 egg yolk, chamomile flowers (10 g), water (200 ml). We brew chamomile with boiling water and leave it on extremely low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the cooled infusion. Next, beat the egg yolk with high-quality butter and natural honey, add glycerin and the resulting chamomile infusion (10 g). It is recommended to apply the mask for 15 minutes. Rinse off carefully with cool water.
  9. Whitening. 10 g of glycerin, 100 g of liquid honey, and the juice of 1 lemon are whipped into a homogeneous mass. Then take a gauze napkin with holes for the eyes, mouth and nose, moisten it in the resulting composition and apply it to the prepared face. After 15 minutes, the napkin is replaced with a similar one and left for the same time. Afterwards you need to wash your face with warm water. The recommended course is 20 procedures. It is advisable to apply such a mask after 3-4 days.
With regular use of masks with glycerin, the effect of smoothing wrinkles, their visual disappearance is achieved, and the surface of the skin is reliably protected from the pathogenic effects of various microbes and contaminants.

Face cream with glycerin and vitamin E

An important advantage of glycerin is its hygroscopicity, which allows it to successfully absorb moisture from the air. This property makes the drug an important component of moisturizing creams. In conditions of sufficient humidity, glycerin extracts water from the air, creating an appropriate film on the face and making the skin extremely velvety and surprisingly soft. These wonderful properties can be complemented in the cream by the wonderful capabilities of vitamin E, which can slow down aging and prevent the occurrence of senile pigmentation.

Recipes for face creams with glycerin and vitamin E:

  • For combination skin. You should mix 10 g of glycerin, 20 g of water with 3 drops of pharmaceutical vitamin E. Rub the composition for early absorption shortly before bedtime. Recommended for use twice a week.
  • For the eye area. Take the contents of 10 vitamin capsules for 30 ml of glycerin, mixing everything thoroughly. Then 10 g of castor and camphor oil are added to the mixture. Refreshes the skin, smoothes wrinkles.
  • For aging skin. Vitamin E contained in 10 capsules is added to 25 g of liquid glycerin, as well as 10 g of apricot kernel oil. It is recommended to use courses in the summer until a noticeable result is achieved.
Experts note that glycerin is much more beneficial for the face if you consume enough water. We should not forget about the correct drinking regime, and skin hydration will be effective and optimal.

The use of glycerin for the face in scrubs

In order for the skin to have a blooming appearance, you need to take a comprehensive approach to care, which is why, in addition to nutrition and hydration, it is very important to cleanse it of dead cells in a timely manner, using the wonderful peeling capabilities.

Recipes for peeling compositions with glycerin:

  1. With sugar. Mix 25 g of fine cane sugar and 15 g of aspirin powder, add 5 drops of glycerin and jojoba oil. Leave the product on the face for 15 minutes, then gently massage the skin and rinse with lukewarm water.
  2. With almonds. Two almonds are soaked in water overnight, and after grinding in a coffee grinder, mixed with 10 drops of glycerin. Gently massage the mixture onto the face, and after drying, remove the product with warm water.
  3. With lemon juice. Take 25 g of lemon juice and castor oil, mix, adding 10 drops of glycerin. The resulting product is rubbed into the skin and left overnight. In the morning, remove the remains with a damp cloth.
Self-peeling should be treated with full responsibility. It is important that the skin is not damaged by inflammation, skin diseases, wounds, cracks. In such cases, you should listen to medical recommendations regarding its cleansing.

Lotion with glycerin for facial skin

Lotions differ from masks and creams in their lower viscosity, being aqueous-alcohol solutions of various active substances used for skin hygiene. These cosmetics are also quite suitable for successful DIY preparation.

Recipes for lotions with liquid glycerin:

  • Citric. Take glycerin and lemon juice in equal quantities, adding a little water. Daily wipes remove untidy blackheads from the skin and whiten the face.
  • Mint. Half a glass of dried peppermint is filled to the top with boiling water, covered with a lid, then wrapped in a towel. Leave for about a day and filter. 25 g of liquid glycerin is added to the resulting composition. Use this product to wipe the skin in the morning and before bed.
  • Chamomile. Chamomile flowers (25 g) are poured with boiling water (200 ml), after 8–10 hours of infusion, filter. Then mix with 70 g of vodka, adding glycerin (25 g). The resulting lotion is suitable for problematic and excessively oily skin.
High-quality glycerin purchased at a pharmacy will be simply indispensable for the preparation of quite affordable cosmetics that will delight you with their natural ingredients.

How to use glycerin for the face - watch the video:

Glycerin is a proven drug that is an important ingredient in a large number of cosmetics, often serving as their base. By attracting moisture to the skin, glycerin helps to nourish, revitalize, soften, and relieve dehydration and dryness. Healthy, elastic and soft skin is a guaranteed effect provided by the rational use of glycerin.

Glycerin was discovered back in the 18th century. Swedish chemist. It has a large number of characteristics, but in cosmetology it is highly valued for its ability to moisturize the dermis, due to the fact that it absorbs moisture from the external environment and transfers it to the skin cells. But cosmetologists do not recommend using pure glycerin for the face. Oddly enough, its high concentration causes dryness and tightens the dermis. The ideal concentration of glycerin for the face in a mixture of cosmetic composition is considered to be 5-7%. Today we will tell you how to make facial masks with glycerin at home.

Beneficial effect on the dermis

Glycerin (glycerol) is a chemical substance in the form of a colorless, viscous, hygroscopic liquid, miscible with water in any proportions. It has the characteristics of most alcohols, since it itself is a trihydric alcohol. The substance has a sweet taste, no aroma.

Characteristics and performance

If you place it next to an open container filled with water, after a certain time the structure of the composition will change. The result will no longer be full glycerol, but a compound of 80% glycerol and 20% water. The composition similarly absorbs moisture from the environment while on the skin, while moisturizing the face.

  • smoothing The composition fills microcracks and wrinkles on the face with water, smoothing the dermis and rejuvenating it.
  • protection. A kind of film created by glycerin on the skin of the face protects the dermis from microbial flora and dirt. The substance can successfully treat eczema and cope with excessive dryness of the skin without complications.

The use of compositions containing glycerin has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin:

  • covers the top layer of skin with a thin film, which helps retain moisture inside the skin;
  • softens and at the same time gives elasticity;
  • promotes much better penetration of nutrients into all layers of the skin;
  • helps speed up the recovery process;
  • removes toxins and free radicals; evens out facial wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

A direct indication for the use of compositions with glycerin is tired, poorly moisturized, sagging skin. In addition, it is widely used to care for the dermis in the eyelid area, removes bags, and removes signs of fatigue.

It is not difficult to fully use glycerin in the manufacture of cosmetics according to traditional recipes.

Features of application

Possessing hygroscopicity, under certain conditions glycerin for the face can not moisturize the dermis, but, on the contrary, draw moisture from it. This occurs if the humidity level in the room is below 60%. For example, during the heating season the indoor air is quite dry.

For this reason, in order not to cause harm, you should know certain rules for using glycerin for the face in cosmetology:

      • Glycerin is never used in its pure form.
      • The number of elements in a homemade face mask should not exceed 15%.
      • When choosing cosmetics with glycerin, it is advised to give preference to those formulations in which it is not in first place (its amount is less than other components).
      • It is recommended to apply a cream containing glycerin only to moisturized dermis.
      • Its use is especially effective after taking a warm bath or visiting a sauna, when the dermis is well steamed.
      • It is not recommended to use glycerin on the face in areas with inflamed dermis.
      • This can cause severe irritation.
      • After using glycerin masks, it is not recommended to immediately go outside if the air temperature is below zero degrees.
      • Under no circumstances is it recommended to combine glycerin and silicone in the same composition. They form a compound that is harmful and hazardous to health.

The remains of a cosmetic composition made for the face with glycerin that were not used during the session can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two weeks. With longer storage, they lose their useful characteristics.

Recipes for the face

Using glycerin on the face does not provoke the development of allergies. But if the concentration is not observed, it can cause burning, itching, and severe irritation.

You should know that glycerin is an alcohol, for this reason it should be used with great caution in a mixture of cosmetic compositions for the face.


Most women use masks made from cosmetic clay to combat wrinkles. The result of use will become brighter if the clay is combined with glycerin for the face.

Stir one large spoon of blue clay powder with mineral water (ordinary water is fine). There should be a similar amount of water so that the density of the mask is similar to sour cream.

Mix glycerin for the face (1 tsp), followed by a few drops of lavender oil.

According to the second recipe, the clay is infused with warm milk and glycerin is added. The face is cleaned of cosmetics and a mask is applied.

During the session, it is not recommended to talk or use facial expressions, otherwise the mask will not be effective. The duration of action on normal type dermis is 10 minutes, on oily dermis – 15 minutes.

Oil mask

A mask is prepared from one large spoon of olive oil (the use of coconut or jojoba is allowed) and the same amount of glycerin.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to clean dermis. Apply the mask before going to bed. It should not be deleted.

With tocopherol

Vitamin E (tocopherol) increases the beneficial effects of glycerin on the dermis.

The combination of vitamin and glycerin refreshes the fading dermis, evens out fine wrinkles, moisturizes and smoothes the skin texture.

To make a mask, glycerin and vitamin are combined in equal volumes. If you do a session in winter, you can easily add a small spoonful of water to the mixture.

Apply the composition to the clean dermis of the face and leave for an hour. Remains of the mask are removed with a paper napkin; you should not wash your face after the session.

Reapply the mask with glycerin to the face several times throughout the week.

Composition with honey

A self-mixed mask of honey and glycerin for the face is effectively used to combat wrinkles and other signs of aging of the skin.

Combine four small spoons of glycerin with two teaspoons of mineral water, add one small spoon of honey and the same amount of gelatin.

Mix all ingredients and heat over low heat, stirring constantly. When the gelatin dissolves, add two small spoons of mineral water again. Mix again.

Apply in a small even layer. After 15 minutes, remove with water. The face is blotted with a gentle towel and lubricated with cream.

Scrub to get rid of blackheads

A scrub is prepared from four large spoons of almond flour and two large spoons of glycerin. All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass, which is applied with massaging movements to the dermis in the T-area.

Treat the face for one to two minutes. When the composition with glycerin is one hundred percent dry, it is removed from the face with warm water.

For oily skin

To nourish and normalize the secretion of sebum on the oily dermis, use the following mask: slightly beat one egg white, gradually mix in one small spoon of liquid honey, and carefully pour in one small spoon of glycerin.

The prepared composition with glycerin is applied to the face with gentle movements, following the massage lines.

After 20 minutes, the mask is removed with warm water.

Moisturizing for normal and combination dermis

Glycerin for the face, honey, oatmeal flour and water are mixed in equal proportions. First of all, the liquid components are mixed, then oatmeal is added.

Apply the composition only to previously cleansed dermis. The influence time is fifteen minutes. Then remove with boiled water, cooled to room temperature.

Moisturizing anti-wrinkle composition

Mix one small spoon of juice from an aloe leaf (agagave) with two teaspoons of glycerin for the face.

Apply the compound in a thick, even layer to the surface of the skin. After 15 minutes, remove the residue with slightly warm boiled water.

Refreshing mask

The composition of this mask can be used by everyone, except those with dry skin.

Mix a whole glass of heavy cream with one chicken egg, a quarter glass of pure vodka, the juice of one lemon and one small spoon of glycerin.

Apply a mask with glycerin to a clean dermis of the face. It can be used not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté.

After waiting 20 minutes, the mask is removed with a wet cotton pad or napkin.

For dry skin type

One chicken yolk is beaten and combined with a small spoon of glycerin and the same volume of water. Bring the compound to homogeneity and apply to the dermis. Remove after 15 minutes.

For mature skin

Boil one medium-sized potato directly in its skin, peel and mash it with a fork. Add a large spoonful of full-fat milk (homemade is fine) and one yolk to the puree.

Stir the mixture, add a large spoonful of olive oil and water, and a small spoonful of glycerin. Apply the mask evenly to the dermis. After 15 minutes, remove and wash your face with plain water.

Against wrinkles and sagging

At the first stage, you should make a chamomile decoction: brew a large spoonful of chamomile in a glass of boiled water and boil for 10 minutes.

When the broth has cooled, it is recommended to strain it. Beat one yolk with a large spoon of butter and one small spoon of honey.

Mix a small spoonful of glycerin for the face and a large spoonful of chamomile infusion. Bring the mass to a homogeneous state.

Apply to the surface of the skin, and after 10 minutes remove with lukewarm water. After this, you can wipe your face with chamomile decoction.

Mask with whitening characteristics

Combine the ingredients and beat a little: juice of one lemon, four large spoons of honey, a small spoon of glycerin.

Take two napkins (made from several layers of gauze folded) and make slits for the nose, mouth and eyes. Moisten one napkin in the prepared solution and apply to the face for 10 minutes.

When the time is up, change the napkin to another, prepared in the same way. At the end of the session, rinse your face with warm water.

How to properly delete

When we read in recipes: “remove the mask with warm water,” you should know that when applied to masks using glycerin for the face, this statement has nuances.

It is not recommended to simply wash your face with water - the mask will not produce any results. The correct thing to do is to moisten a cotton pad with warm water or milk and gently blot the dermis. You should know that after such a mask you should not use cosmetic gels; you should not use face cream.

Course and duration of sessions

The standard course of using masks with glycerin for the face is on average 15-20 sessions, which are carried out with a break of 2-3 days. This kind of course can be held twice a year, optimally in spring and autumn.

Is it possible to leave it overnight?

A mask with glycerin for the face against wrinkles consists of quite fatty components, for this reason it is much better not to leave such a mask on at night: in the morning you may well wake up swollen.

If the mask with this element is not removed and left for a longer period for greater results, then it is quite possible to end up with soaked skin (all this is due to the characteristics of the composition to attract moisture).

An exception may be an anti-wrinkle face mask with glycerin and vitamin E; it can be left overnight without removing; only half an hour after applying the mask, excess composition should be removed with a cotton swab.

Are there age restrictions

There are no age restrictions for using these masks; you should follow useful tips and use this composition correctly.


External use of the composition is prohibited in case of violation of the integrity of the skin or an allergic reaction to the composition.

Features of use

The main quality of glycerol is hygroscopicity.

Glycerin for the face covers the dermis with a protective film, but at the same time has the ability to absorb moisture from the deeper layers of the upper layer of the skin, which contributes to drying out of the skin. For this reason, there is an opinion that the composition is more harmful than beneficial.

At the same time, the substance also absorbs the moisture that is in the surrounding atmosphere, simultaneously nourishing the top layer of the skin. But again: the atmosphere does not always have a sufficient level of humidity. If the air is too dry, the substance absorbs moisture from the deep layers of the skin, thereby greatly depleting it.

In winter, when heating appliances dry out the air, and in countries with arid and hot climates, it is not recommended to use facial care products containing glycerin in the mixture.

That is, it is not recommended to use glycerol in both too hot and cool seasons. If you still need to use this composition for cosmetic purposes, and the air is dry, then you should humidify it: it is quite possible to use a device for humidifying the air or a spray bottle with water.

It is strictly forbidden to apply undiluted glycerin to the face: be sure to mix it with water or oil. In its pure form, this substance will absorb moisture from the skin, and the maximum acceptable degree of glycerol presence in a cosmetic composition for the face should not exceed 10-15%.

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