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To achieve an ideal physique with beautiful contours of sculpted muscles, you need not only to choose the right system of regular physical exercises, but also to create a diet that helps reduce the level of subcutaneous fat mass, that is, drying the body.

Drying the body is aimed at burning excess fat through special diets and a set of exercises.

Drying the body allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect. However, when drawing up a nutrition program, girls should not forget about preserving women's health.

A diet for drying the body for girls should include in the daily menu the consumption of foods with an optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.

When drying your body, you need to consume the following products:

  • rich in protein;
  • containing carbohydrates that promote the breakdown of fat cells;
  • Low-calorie foods that simultaneously support the body's metabolic process at a normal level.

How much protein per 1 kg of body for girls

Protein serves as the raw material for the generation of new body cells. During the period of drying the body, the daily protein requirement per 1 kg of weight for a girl is 1.5-2.5 g. In turn, 2/3 of the resulting proteins must be of animal origin, which are absorbed faster and more fully used by the body.

Protein products of animal origin (complete proteins) are well absorbed by the body and make it possible to maintain muscle mass during the drying period.

Such increased protein consumption during a period of decreased energy value of food helps maintain muscle size and also, if necessary, serves as an alternative energy resource.

How many calories can you have per day?

To dry out the subcutaneous fat layer, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit. In order for body drying to proceed without harm to health, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit for the body that will allow it to adapt to changes in physical activity and nutrition, as well as maintain muscle volume.

The critical level of calorie intake for girls who regularly engage in sports is in the range of 1450-1700 kcal.

On a diet when drying the body for girls, a sharp reduction in the calorie content of consumed foods to a critical level is unacceptable on the menu, since instead of the desired result, this will lead to loss of water in the body and a decrease in muscle mass.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day

Despite the fact that carbohydrates are the main generator of energy, the diet during the period of drying the body should include a decrease in the rate of their consumption.

The daily requirement for carbohydrates per 1 kg of a girl’s weight should be within the following limits:

  • on the I and II seven-day diets - 3-4 g;
  • on the third and fourth seven days - 1.5 -2 g;
  • from week V - 0.5-1 g.

The need for daily carbohydrates, gradually decreasing, will reach 40-60 g for girls.

Allowed body drying products for women

In order for drying the subcutaneous fat layer to successfully achieve the desired result, the basis of the diet during this period is food that contains more proteins and carbohydrates.

During the day, you can include the following protein-rich foods without restriction in any meal:

  • egg white - fresh or boiled;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • chicken or turkey meat (preferably breast meat) boiled or steamed;
  • beef, veal, boiled or in the form of steam cutlets;
  • steamed white fish fillet (pollock, cod, tilapia);
  • squid fillet;
  • fermented milk products (kefir and yogurt 1%).

To regulate the metabolic process, girls during a diet when drying their bodies should stick to eating foods containing complex carbohydrates in the menu.

These products include the following:

  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice, boiled in water;
  • pasta made from high-quality wheat flour;
  • legumes (peas, lentils, beans), prepared in the form of soups or main courses;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips, carrots, cabbage, beets, celery), fresh, stewed, boiled or steamed;
  • fresh greens.

When drying the body, the menu for girls should include small amounts of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed) - exclusively as a salad dressing, as well as tonic drinks (tea with ginger or green).

Be sure to drink still or boiled water - in a daily volume of at least 2 liters.

Prohibited products for drying the body

  • sweets (sweets, lollipops, chocolate);
  • baked goods (cakes, cookies, pies, donuts, rolls);
  • sweet drinks.

During the period of drying the body, it is forbidden to eat foods containing fast carbohydrates.

Instead, to compensate for glucose deficiency, it is sometimes allowed to consume honey, dried fruits, berries, yellow and green citrus fruits.

Sausages, fatty meat, any canned food and semi-finished products are strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to avoid dressing salads with mayonnaise and sauces., as well as from salt and any types of sugar.

Body drying diet for girls

In a diet for drying the body for girls, the menu and food intake must be organized according to the following 5 principles:

  1. Entering and exiting a diet should be smooth.
  2. The number of meals per day is at least 4 times in small portions.
  3. About 65% of the daily amount of food should be consumed in the first two meals, preferably in the first half of the day.
  4. The evening meal should contain exclusively protein-rich foods.
  5. There should be a 2-hour gap before and after between meals and training.

The daily diet should be varied. In combination with exercise in a sports club or exercise at home Be sure to keep track of the calories consumed every day and monitor your weight.

Menu for the week by day

The daily menu should include a certain number of products, taking into account their energy value.

During a diet when drying the body, the recommended weekly menu for girls is as follows.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable soup; boiled chicken meat.

Third meal: grated apple seasoned with yogurt.

Dinner: stewed cauliflower, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: cucumber salad with herbs and olive oil, vegetable puree soup with beef.

Third meal: omelette, kefir.

Dinner: salad of squid fillet, cucumbers and peppers.


Breakfast: bran bread, dried fruits, tea with lemon.

Second meal: cod soup; mix of green peas, asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Third meal: yogurt with strawberries.

Dinner: rice, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, ginger tea.

Second meal: vegetable soup with meat broth; boiled turkey fillet.

Third meal: apple slices topped with yogurt.

Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with herbs, dressed with olive oil.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable puree soup with veal; mix of vegetables.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge.

Dinner: boiled beans, steamed pollock fillet.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, tea with ginger.

Second meal: vegetable soup; chicken fillet.

Third meal: yogurt with grated apple.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: omelette, dried fruits, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: pasta with beef.

Third meal: kefir, dried fruits.

Dinner: boiled Brussels sprouts, steamed pollock fillet.

Menu for the month

If your health is normal, then, starting from the third week, the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods (vegetables, pasta, cereals) should be reduced by about 2 times, partially replacing them with foods that are rich in protein.

A body drying diet for girls should include a number of food products containing proteins of animal and plant origin in a ratio of 2/3 - complete proteins and 1/3 - incomplete proteins. They help maintain muscle mass while burning subcutaneous fat.

The diet is becoming more strict. The last meal should be lighter and consist of cottage cheese combined with kefir or yogurt. Starting from the fourth week, fruits are excluded from the diet.

A gradual reduction by 2 times in the daily requirement for carbohydrates reaches their minimum in the fifth week. From sources of carbohydrates, it is allowed to consume only porridges prepared in water from oatmeal, buckwheat or lentils.

It is necessary to introduce foods into the diet in the following order:

  • from week VI - fruits and dried fruits;
  • from week VII - vegetables, pasta, cereals.

A sharp return to the usual diet will cause a rapid increase in the kilograms lost during the drying period.

Vegetarian diet for drying the body by day for a week

The peculiarity of body nutrition for vegetarians during drying is that, unlike meat eaters, they do not consume protein of animal origin, but exclusively of plant origin.

To obtain the required amount of protein, vegetarians can eat legumes and other products containing protein of plant origin, but it should be borne in mind that it is less easily absorbed by the body compared to animal protein.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: pea puree, mushrooms.

Third meal: pumpkin jail, nuts.

Dinner: stewed vegetable stew.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: boiled beans, fresh vegetable salad with herbs and olive oil.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: boiled lentils.


Breakfast: bran bread, tea with lemon.

Second meal: buckwheat, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: grapefruit, nuts.

Dinner: curd mix with honey.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, ginger tea.

Second meal: brown rice; cucumber salad with olive oil.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: yogurt.


Breakfast: spelled porridge, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: pea puree, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge, nuts.

Dinner: vegetable mix of asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.


Breakfast: corn porridge with water, tea with ginger.

Second meal: brown rice; mushrooms.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: millet cereal, boiled in water, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: stewed beans, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: grapefruit, nuts.

Dinner: boiled lentils.

Sports nutrition for drying the body

In addition to diet and exercise in the gym or at home, special supplements are required, designed directly for burning subcutaneous fat mass.

Such supplements help replenish the amount of vitamins, which the body lacks during the diet, preserve muscle mass and support the functioning of metabolic processes.

Sports nutrition supplements help maintain the health of the body during drying periods.
  1. Whey protein- serves as a source of protein and amino acids required to increase muscle mass. It has a high absorption rate, which contributes to the rapid burning of calories and fat. Helps quickly restore strength after grueling workouts. According to the advice of nutritionists, the recommended volume per day based on the intake rate per 1 kg of weight is divided into 3-5 doses.
  2. Creatine- helps restore energy reserves and build muscle mass by stimulating the process of producing growth hormone.
  3. Glutamine- is an effective fat burner. Strengthens the immune system of an athlete who experiences stress from a combination of intense training and a strict diet. Helps reduce the feeling of fatigue during training and quickly restore strength after it.
  4. Multivitamins- replenish vital nutrients lost by the body during a cutting diet, maintaining good health and physical activity. It is recommended to take them during or after the first meal.
  5. BCAA- a complex of amino acids, reduces the risk of destruction and promotes the restoration of muscle fibers during intense training, increases the body's endurance and accelerates the growth of muscle mass.

Taking such supplements promotes effective burning of subcutaneous fat and is harmless.

However Use specific supplements only strictly in accordance with the instructor's recommendations, taking into account the state of the girl’s body, her physical fitness, sports regimen and diet.

Recipes for drying the body

For girls who strive to achieve the desired effect when drying their body, the set of dishes on the diet menu should be diversified with various cocktails and easily digestible cold appetizers based on vegetables.

Salads when drying the body

Vegetable salads are very useful for regulating digestive processes. In addition, in combination with meat ingredients, they are additional sources of protein.

Recipe No. 1: Chinese cabbage salad with chicken

Tear the Chinese cabbage leaves by hand. Cut the boiled chicken egg into small cubes. Cut the boiled chicken breast fillet into slices. Mix the ingredients and add finely chopped herbs (leeks, dill, parsley, celery). Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and season with olive oil.

Recipe No. 2: white cabbage salad with turkey fillet

Shred white cabbage. Cut the boiled turkey fillet into thin slices. Add crushed walnuts. Add finely chopped greens (spinach, dill, cilantro). Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and season with yogurt.

Recipe No. 3: squid salad with avocado

Cut the squid fillet into thin strips. Peel fresh cucumber and cut into thin slices. Peel the avocado and cut into cubes. Mix the ingredients and season with olive oil.

Cocktails on a diet when drying the body

Diet shakes consumed during drying should contain a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of protein. They should be consumed immediately after production. To prepare a diet shake, you will need a blender or other chopper.

Recipe No. 1: kiwi cocktail with walnuts

Place 250 g of kefir, 2 pre-peeled kiwis, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of cottage cheese (not curd mass), 100 g of boiled water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped walnuts. Mix the contents thoroughly.

Recipe No. 2: berry smoothie

Place 200 g of kefir, ½ cup of pre-washed black currants, ½ cup of raspberries, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of cottage cheese (not curd mass), 150 g of boiled water into a blender. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Recipe No. 3: honey-oat cocktail

Place 250 g of kefir, 3 tbsp. in a blender container. spoons of honey, 4 tbsp. spoons of cooked oatmeal, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g of boiled water. Mix the contents thoroughly.

In fitness, “drying the body” is not only a process of improving the body, but also adjusting self-discipline, self-control and lifestyle in general.

Strict adherence to the body drying diet menu for girls, combined with physical activity that forces the body to expend as much energy as possible, leads to achieving the desired result in just 6-8 weeks.

Useful videos about exercises and diet when drying the body for girls

What is body drying, how does it differ from a regular diet, recommendations from a professional athlete:

Body drying diet for girls and a set of effective exercises:

To form an ideal body, two components are needed - physical activity and thoughtful nutrition. If an athlete does not pay enough attention to planning his diet, then his training may be useless. This is especially true for the drying program, which is used by athletes to burn subcutaneous fat and build a sculpted body. Today it is actively used by girls who want not only to lose weight, but also to gain a beautiful, healthy, sculpted body. Drying the body for girls at home, the weekly menu of which we will look at below, helps to cope with all these tasks.

The main essence of the diet when cutting is to significantly limit the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and reduce the caloric content of the diet and therefore. Since excess sugar with insufficient consumption provokes the appearance of fatty deposits. If we limit the amount of these components in the menu, then the body, in need of energy, breaks down fat reserves, and due to this, weight loss occurs. In fact, the menu for a week of body drying diet for girls differs little from the male version. The only thing is that women need fewer calories, and more vegetable oils are allowed in their diet - the female body needs fats for normal functioning.

Drying has a number of contraindications. You cannot experiment with it if you have liver or kidney diseases, if you have problems with the heart or gastrointestinal tract, or if you have a lack of muscle mass - drying makes sense only for those who have a certain amount of it and who regularly play sports.

Basic principles, on which the drying menu for girls for the week will be based, are as follows:

  • Drying lasts 6-8 weeks. It is not recommended to stick to it longer - this can lead to very dangerous consequences.
  • You need to eat often and in small portions.
  • Increase the amount in your diet liquids. You need to drink at least two liters of water. This is important in part because the amount of protein in the diet increases, and it needs more water to function adequately.
  • Count your calories every day. Their exact amount will be determined by your weight, age, and physical activity, but 1500 kcal is usually taken as a guideline when cutting.
  • Must be done regularly exercise, combining strength training with aerobic training.
  • Carbohydrates in the diet are limited, but not completely excluded! When creating a menu for a week of drying for girls, keep in mind that this amount should decrease gradually, and not immediately.
  • Necessarily have breakfast, and breakfast should be quite hearty.
  • Dishes can be boiled, stewed, baked, steamed. Frying is excluded.
  • Floury and sweet when drying categorically forbidden.
  • Fats in the diet are also limited, but they must be present. Their optimal source is vegetable oils.

Drying the body for girls: dietary features

The nutrition menu for drying the body for girls should include protein foods, as well as carbohydrates that do not contain simple sugars and large amounts of fat. Fatty meat and cheese, stewed meat, lard, various sausages and canned food are excluded from the diet. The basis of the diet will be protein products. Prohibited fats include mayonnaise, sour cream, butter and other lipids of animal origin.

Sweets, flour, fast food, alcohol, of course, are also excluded. Caution is also needed with fruits, especially if they are sweet. Salt, spices, sauces are also limited. Also keep in mind that the bulk of your food intake should be in the first half of the day. The calories that were consumed at this time can be completely absorbed by the body without being stored as fat.

The menu for a week of drying the body for girls assumes a low-carbohydrate regime. The diet should contain a lot of proteins. Because of this, you can lose weight without losing muscle. Proteins are the main building material for muscles, which promotes their growth and maintains their tone. Proteins in the diet will be represented by the following products:

  • lean meat: veal, rabbit, chicken and turkey fillet;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt - all with low fat content;
  • legumes;
  • eggs (preferably only white);
  • low-calorie vegetables and greens.

Drying involves serious carbohydrate restriction, but keep in mind that you cannot exclude them from your diet completely. Otherwise, you can provoke serious deviations in the functioning of many body systems. Carbohydrates are necessary to maintain the functioning of the central nervous system. But their number should not be more than permitted. Also remember that you can only consume complex carbohydrates, represented by vegetables, fruits, pasta, and cereals. They are slowly absorbed by the body without causing insulin spikes. It is recommended to consume carbohydrate-containing foods in the first half of the workout and a couple of hours before training. If the diet is too meager, then you may simply not have enough strength for physical activity.

The drying diet for girls, the weekly menu of which we will consider below, should be supplemented by regular exercise. You need to alternate cardio training and strength exercises. Often when drying, so-called circuit training is used. It is recommended to exercise 3-4 times a week.

Drying diet for girls: menu for the week

The body drying diet menu for girls will be different every week of the program, since the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet will change.

At the beginning of drying, carbohydrates per day should be consumed at the rate of 2 g per kilogram of weight. Their sources will be cereals, vegetables, fruits. The basis of the diet, as, in fact, throughout the drying process, will be protein products - fish, chicken fillet, low-fat dairy products. The diet should also contain enough vegetables, herbs and lettuce. You can use olive oil or lemon juice as a salad dressing.

There is no need to start drying abruptly, otherwise it will be a huge stress for the body. Prepare yourself for this.

At the first stage of the body drying diet for girls, the weekly menu may be as follows:


  • 1 meal: 150 g of sea bass or other fish, 30 grams of buckwheat, 50 g of grapefruit, a bunch of greens.
  • Meal 2: 2 hard-boiled eggs and 100 grams of milk.
  • Meal 3: steamed chicken and rice dumplings in the amount of 190 grams, a couple of tomato slices.
  • Meal 4: 250 g of cottage cheese, a small orange.

Ideally, you should have five meals a day, so if you want a snack, you can use something protein, unsweetened fruits or vegetables.


  • Meal 1: three-egg omelette and 100 grams of milk.
  • Meal 2: 150 grams of turkey meat, vegetable salad, 20 g of berries.
  • Meal 3: 200 grams of perch, 100 grams of broccoli, a couple of lemon slices.
  • Meal 4: a couple of glasses of kefir.


  • Meal 1: Three-egg omelette.
  • Meal 2: 150 grams of pike-perch fish, a bunch of greens, one grapefruit.
  • Meal 3: 100 grams of steamed veal cutlets.
  • Meal 4: 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, carrots.


  • 1 meal: 150 grams of steamed poultry cutlets, 100 grams of buckwheat, half a citrus fruit.
  • Meal 2: 200 grams of fish fillet with vegetables, 50 grams of rice, a couple of tomato slices.
  • Meal 3: 150 grams of salad and vegetables, which can be seasoned with olive oil.
  • Meal 4: 150 g kefir, 50 g grapefruit, tea.


  • Meal 1: omelet of three egg whites and one yolk, half a glass of berries.
  • Meal 2: 250 cabbage soup without adding sour cream, 70 grams of boiled beef, greens.
  • Meal 3: 200 grams of seafood, half an orange.
  • Meal 4: 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 50 grams of grapefruit.


  • 1 meal: 30 grams of oatmeal, to which you can add a few dried apricots and 20 grams of raisins.
  • Meal 2: 300 grams of boiled chicken fillet, Greek salad.
  • Meal 3: 40 grams of cabbage salad, up to 200 grams of boiled pike perch.
  • Meal 4: 300 grams of cottage cheese, 150 g of orange.


  • Meal 1: two-egg omelette, steamed, one grapefruit.
  • Meal 2: 100 grams of boiled fillet, 30 grams of brown rice, a bunch of greens, a glass of natural juice.
  • Meal 3: 200 grams of seafood and lemon.
  • Meal 4: 300 grams of cottage cheese with berries, tea.

At the next stages, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is gradually reduced, and then it increases again, and you gradually come out of drying. Please note that you need to exit gradually, otherwise you risk simply wasting your time. As such, there is no specific body drying menu for every day for girls; you can create it for yourself. It is only important to adhere to the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, fit into the allowed calorie content and eat only those foods that are allowed during drying. And, of course, remember about physical activity, which is also an integral attribute of the drying program.

Drying recipes on video

More and more people are trying to dry up their muscles and get rid of excess fat. Some choose individual classes in the gym for this, others turn to nutritionists. We will tell you about what proper body drying should be like in 5 days at home.

Drying the body in 5 days: diet and nutritional features

Drying is the elimination of subcutaneous fat while maximizing the preservation of muscle mass. The visible result of this process is a clear delineation of the muscle relief. You can achieve a good drying effect with the help of a properly selected nutrition system and regular exercise.
Proper drying is not quick, it should last for months and, in general, should be a way of life rather than a short-term activity. In addition, many will object to the humaneness of such a system for the body. Thus, drying the body for only 5 days is obvious stress for the body and damage to health, which has only a short-term effect. But in some cases, especially before a performance, competition or simply an important special event, getting rid of the extra 5 kilograms is simply necessary.

First of all, you should reconsider your diet if you are interested not only in losing weight, but also in drying your body. A diet, the menu of which for 5 days was compiled taking into account the need to lose weight by several kilograms, will only work if you strictly adhere to the schedule and volumes of food consumed.

Drying the body: diet for 5 days

So what is the essence of dietary nutrition when cutting? Firstly, in detail. This system involves four meals.
Secondly, nutrition includes the intake of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Thus, by definition, your body will receive everything it needs, but without excesses.
Thirdly, with such a diet, muscle drying is based on a kind of “slide effect” - first we reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, and then increase their intake. So, let's look at what such a diet looks like day by day.

First day:

  • Fish (cod, hake) – 60 g, boiled rice – 30 g, half an orange.
  • Chicken fillet – 60 g, buckwheat porridge on water – 30 g, medium tomato and 3 olives.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 100 gr., 1 banana and half an orange.

Second and third days:

  • Omelet (egg, 2 extra egg whites and half a glass of milk).
  • Veal, a couple of lettuce leaves, a third of sweet pepper.
  • Fish (cod, hake) – 80 g, broccoli or cauliflower – 150 g, 2 slices of lemon.
  • Choose from low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g or kefir 300 ml.

Fourth and fifth days.

  • Oatmeal with water - 30 g, raisins - a tablespoon, dried apricots - 3 pcs.
  • Rice – 30 g, three egg whites, a couple of lettuce leaves, half an orange.
  • Veal – 70 g, rice – 30 g, tomato, 3 olives and a couple of lettuce leaves.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt – 120 g.

Remember: all products except omelettes are cooked in water.

5 days of buckwheat diet and body drying

As we have already said, in 5 days it is quite possible to get your muscles into excellent shape and reduce weight by 5 kg. If you only have a few days left, then contact.
Buckwheat porridge should be eaten without salt and only with water. However, you can use it in any quantity. In fact, it is simply impossible to eat a lot of such food, and since buckwheat is a complex carbohydrate, the body spends a lot of energy on its absorption.
During this period, nothing is allowed except buckwheat porridge and water. This diet is very effective for drying the body. This diet for 5 days is quite easy to follow, especially since due to the beneficial qualities of buckwheat for the body, you will not get either a stomach ulcer or problems with digestion and intestines.

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Drying the body: useful information

Many people confuse the concepts of drying the body and losing weight. Body drying is a process of targeted reduction of subcutaneous fat to 8-10%, as a result of which muscle relief is better manifested. Losing weight is getting rid of extra pounds (not just excess fat).

Three components of drying:

  • Drawing up the right training program.
  • Normalization of caloric intake.
  • Correction of the proportions of muscle and fat tissue.

In other words, drying the body for girls is not a diet for 2 weeks, but a long process that will take up to 2 months. Experts emphasize that this system is not for everyone, it can be performed a maximum of 2 times a year, and is certainly not recommended for people with poor health.

The initial level of subcutaneous fat should be no more than 25%. We would like to warn you that muscles are burned faster than fat, so they must receive high-quality support (strength and nutrition). The amount of protein in food increases, but carbohydrates and fats are minimized.

A completely carbohydrate-free diet can be dangerous to health; medical reviews about it are ambiguous, because ketoacidosis can develop. But consuming carbohydrates in small quantities solves this problem. Carbohydrates are energy, it is the energy that accumulates in the muscles, and the unspent energy is transformed into fat deposits. Accordingly, when the body uses up glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver, fats from the depot are used.

Important! Drying the body will be effective only if girls have muscle mass. If it is not there, you need to move from fitness to strength training and mass-gaining programs, and only then dry off.

Diet and its features

During drying, 70% of the diet should be proteins, the rest - unsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates.

Not everyone knows about the principles of healthy eating, but briefly about the main thing:

  • Fats are saturated and unsaturated. Saturated ones are found in fatty meat, butter, and dairy products. These are harmful fats that are poorly broken down by the body. Unsaturated fats are found in sea fish, low-fat dairy products, dietary meat, and nuts.
  • Carbohydrates - there should be a little of them in the menu, start with 2 grams per 1 kilogram of your weight and gradually reduce the amount. Include porridge (buckwheat oatmeal) and durum wheat pasta in your menu. But you need to be careful with sweets and baked goods. For a slim body, you will have to give up fruits while drying, because they contain fructose and sugar.
  • Proteins can be either plant or animal. Vegetable protein is recommended for girls; men have a harder time digesting it.

Drying rules for girls:

  • Meals should be fractional (5-7 times) and consist of the right foods.
  • You should drink more water: your weight in kg x 0.03. It improves metabolism and cleanses the body.
  • Nutrition should not be high in calories: you lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume. Count calories every day and adjust your diet.
  • The result will be noticeable within 2 weeks, but the process itself lasts from 6 to 12 weeks.
  • Do not forget that proper nutrition alone will not give results; you need high-intensity training. Heavy loads are not recommended for girls; supersets, crossfit, and interval training have proven themselves well. Alternating strength and cardio exercises has the best reviews.
  • You cannot sharply reduce the calorie content of your diet; the menu must be complete. Every day that you live on a starvation diet, your body compensates. Moreover, he will begin to store fat for future use, and all efforts will be in vain. Therefore, you cannot go hungry.
  • You can additionally drink fat burners, but remember that they also have contraindications. Each drug is selected individually. In addition, they do not work without appropriate loads; only during sports does the metabolism activate and the process of burning fat begins.
  • A month may pass and you will notice that the program has stopped producing results. You can change the menu for a couple of days, saturating it with good fats and carbohydrates. This unloading stimulates the production of hormones, and fat burning will resume.
  • Before training, it is recommended to create a menu with slowly digesting carbohydrates (oatmeal, whole grain bread) and proteins.
  • You should not eat 2 hours before and after training. Before lunch you should eat 2/3 of the foods from your menu.
  • Give up junk food, alcohol, smoking - such nutrition definitely does not help you lose weight.
  • It is recommended to steam, stew or boil dishes. Make sure there are no fried or smoked foods on your menu.
  • The menu should include low-fat fermented milk products, dietary meat and fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables, and cereals. Fruits are allowed only in the first week, then they are excluded.
  • If drying lasts longer than a month, consult your doctor about taking multivitamin complexes.
  • On average, you will lose up to 5 kg in a month. In 2 weeks – 2-3 kg.

Indicative menu for a month

  • Week 1 – 2 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of your weight.
  • Week 2 – 1 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg, do not reduce the amount of proteins and fats.
  • Week 3 – everything is the same as for the second.
  • Week 4 – repeat of the first.

It is also better to calculate your exit from the diet by day: for the first 3-5 days, stick to the diet of the fourth week. We increase the amount of carbohydrates gradually, do not abuse simple carbohydrates. We increase the calorie content of the diet by no more than 100 kcal per day.

Day of the week Indicative menu 1st For breakfast: vegetable salad (200g), a glass of low-fat yogurt.
For lunch: stewed vegetables (100g), boiled chicken (150g).
For dinner: vegetable salad (200g), boiled chicken (100g)2nd For breakfast: cottage cheese with nuts (120g).
For lunch: meat broth (100g), beef stew (100g), cabbage salad (150g).
For dinner: vegetable salad with egg (150g), lean ham (50g)3rd For breakfast: oatmeal with raisins (100g).
For lunch: pureed vegetable soup (200g), boiled beef (100g).
For dinner: stewed chicken with vegetables (250g)4th For breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1 glass of kefir.
For lunch: pepper with rice and lean beef (150g), vegetable salad (100g).
For dinner: rice with vegetables (200g)5th For breakfast: scrambled eggs from 2 eggs.
For lunch: lean borscht (150g), stewed beef (100g).
For dinner: seafood salad (150g)6th For breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (100g).
For lunch: stewed fish with vegetables (250g).
For dinner: baked fish (150g), vegetable salad (150g)7th For breakfast: buckwheat porridge (150g), 1 glass of milk.
For lunch: boiled chicken (150g), rice porridge (100g).
For dinner: stewed beans (100g), boiled beef (100g)

Table 2. Menu 2 weeks by day

Day of the week Indicative menu
1st For breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (150g), 1 glass of kefir.
For lunch: low-fat fish soup (150g), stewed fish (100g).
For dinner: omelet from 3 egg whites, boiled chicken (100g)
2nd For breakfast: oatmeal with berries (150g).
For lunch: stewed chicken with vegetables (250g).
3rd For breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes.
For lunch: puree soup with cauliflower (200g), boiled beef (100g).
For dinner: buckwheat porridge (100g), boiled chicken (100g)
4th For breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits (150g).
For lunch: rice with vegetables (200g).
For dinner: beef chop (100g), vegetable salad (150g)
5th For breakfast: 1 boiled egg, oatmeal (100g).
For lunch: mushroom soup (150g), chicken cutlet (100g).
For dinner: vegetable stew (200g)
6th For breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (120g).
For lunch: meat broth (120g), stewed vegetables (150g).
For dinner: pilaf with beef (150g)
7th For breakfast: omelette (150g).
For lunch: bean soup (200g), boiled chicken breast (100g).
For dinner: cottage cheese with dried apricots (150g)

The third week repeats the menu of the second, and the fourth week repeats the menu of the first. Reviews about this diet are mostly positive.

Among girls, a nutrition program aimed at eliminating fat deposits and toning muscle mass is becoming increasingly popular. Properly selected products during drying the body contribute to the breakdown of fats in the body of women while maintaining muscle mass. In order to get maximum results, you must adhere to the basic principles provided by this nutrition program and follow a menu that allows you to achieve drying of the body.

Drying the body for girls at home

What is drying the body?

Body drying for women is a specific nutrition program, the menu of which provides for a reduction in daily caloric intake.

Considering the fact that fat deposits are formed in the body of women due to excessive consumption of carbohydrates, it is precisely these that need to be abandoned in order to get the result - getting rid of fat and preserving muscles.

In addition to following the menu, when drying the body, the fair sex must adhere to the following principles:

  • Drying the body for girls should be supported not only by following the menu, but also by the presence of physical activity, in particular aerobic exercise.
  • Diet plays an important role when drying the body. You need to eat at the same time, in small portions. This regimen for women includes at least 4 meals per day. In this case, it is necessary to count the calorie content of the foods eaten.
  • During the diet, you need to drink up to 2.5 liters of purified water throughout the day. This volume does not include other drinks.

During drying, you need to drink up to 2.5 liters of purified water throughout the day.

  • The diet during the diet includes a ban on eating before and after physical activity for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • In order to prevent girls’ bodies from finding themselves in a stressful situation, in the first time after switching to this nutritional system, you can eat foods that contain a small amount of carbohydrates.
  • The main meal of the day is breakfast, so you should never ignore it. As well as dinner, which should not consist of foods that are heavy for the girls’ bodies. It is necessary to make every effort to ensure that most of the food enters the body in the first half of the day.
  • You need to stick to the menu for 1.5 months. During this time, carbohydrate intake must be reduced gradually. By the end of the last week of the diet, their consumption should be minimal or reduced to zero.
  • For cooking, you need to avoid frying. Instead, give preference to boiled or steamed food.

Nutrition when drying the body for girls is based on these principles, therefore, to obtain the expected result, they cannot be ignored.

Cook food by steaming or in the oven


The menu during drying the body includes avoiding foods that are a source of carbohydrates, as well as foods containing animal fats. Products that contain excess salt, spices, and sugar are also not included in the diet. The same goes for carbonated, sweet and alcoholic drinks.

It is necessary to replace all prohibited foods with proteins, while preference should be given to those with minimal fat content. The menu for girls during this period should consist of dishes based on egg whites, chicken breast, squid, fish and cottage cheese. Allowed products include porridges, for example, buckwheat or oatmeal, as well as durum pasta, some vegetables, in particular tomatoes, cucumbers, white cabbage, peppers and herbs.

The menu for girls should include consuming a certain amount of carbohydrates. For this purpose, a calculation is provided, according to which the daily diet for 14 days should consist of 2 grams of carbohydrates for every kilogram of the girl’s body. Further, the consumption of carbohydrate foods will be reduced by half. The diet for drying the body for girls during the first time of transition to such a diet must necessarily consist of a small amount of vegetable oil and tonic drinks, in the form of green or ginger tea.


For girls who want to tidy up their body, get rid of excess fat and maintain muscle mass, there are several menu options. The approximate menu consists of 4 meals a day - breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Meals are taken every 3 – 3.5 hours. The menu for the week looks like this:

  • Oatmeal, cooked in water, egg whites, green tea without sugar/Baked chicken fillet with herbs, salad with fresh cucumbers and herbs/Buckwheat, cooked in water/Stew with white cabbage and bell pepper, steamed or baked lean fish.
  • Protein steamed omelet, low-fat milk/A piece of beef cooked in the oven with herbs, bell pepper/Stewed asparagus, fish fillet baked in the oven/Cottage cheese with kefir, the fat content of which is minimal or absent at all.
  • Buckwheat porridge cooked in water without adding oil, egg whites/Fish soup with a small piece of fish, no potatoes, salad based on tomatoes and cucumbers/Curd mass with dried apricots/Fish, baked or steamed, cabbage in any form.

Buckwheat porridge cooked in water while drying

  • Oatmeal cooked in water, green tea with a slice of lemon/Baked squid carcass in a sauce with sour cream and herbs, bell pepper/Vegetable soup without potatoes/Cottage cheese and kefir, free of fat.
  • Steamed protein omelet with fresh cucumber, herbs, tea/Mushroom soup, chicken breast baked with herbs/Fresh vegetable salad/Stew of cabbage, bell peppers and tomatoes, steamed fish.
  • Boiled egg with tomatoes, green hour with low-fat milk/Stewed beans, chicken breast boiled or baked with herbs, herbs/Curd mass or kefir/Buckwheat porridge with water, chicken gravy.
  • Dairy-free oatmeal with dried fruits, green tea/Vegetable stew, white fish/Fresh vegetable salad/Squid carcass baked in sour cream sauce with herbs, low-fat cottage cheese.

The given menu for drying the body, subject to the above principles, guarantees a reduction in body weight to 8 - 10 kilograms.

Healthy oatmeal with water

In order to get this result, you must follow the above menu, in which new restrictions are introduced every week:

  • During 2 weeks of such a diet, it is necessary to reduce fruits on the menu, keeping their consumption to a minimum.
  • Menu for 3 weeks you need to exclude fruits completely.
  • Nutrition for 4 weeks of the diet involves reducing the daily dose of cereals to 5 tablespoons.
  • For week 5, you must completely exclude any cereals from the menu. Instead, introduce protein-rich foods into your diet.
  • At week 6, all dairy and fermented milk products are excluded.

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