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Gradient nails in blue tones. Ombre nails with glitter polish. Two-layer gradient on nails using the “scotch tape” technique

Our theme new article: , in particular how to create a new gradient and how to use it in Photoshop. Gradients are used quite often when working in Photoshop, as they can help us create quite beautiful effects. Let's figure out how to work with them.

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Often designers use a gradient to create a smoothing effect or, for example, to give depth to some objects. But more on that later, but for now let’s start from the very beginning.

You can find the Gradient tool in the Tools panel, along with the Fill tool. After that, in the menu bar, you will see a preview of the gradient settings, where by clicking on the black triangle, you will open a window with the gradients installed in your Photoshop.

  • If you don't know yet, read our article.

Choose any gradient you like and, by left-clicking at one point, drag the line to another point. Thus, you have specified the gradient spill vector.

Did you get a similar effect? Great. Now let's try to make a new gradient in Photoshop. To do this, click on the gradient in the menu bar (indicated by a red checkmark).

In the “Gradient Editor” that opens, click in the place indicated by the checkmark.

Have you added a new slider? Fine. You can change its color to any other. You can also add sliders on top. Using them you can change the “Opacity” parameter for any color, try it.

Have you noticed that small diamonds have appeared between the sliders? Try moving them left and right. Is the blending range of one of the colors changing? Amazing. If you need to delete one of the sliders, hold down the left mouse button on it and drag the slider outside the window, or, selecting the unnecessary slider, click the “Delete” button. Well, if you want to save the new gradient, give it a name and click the “New” button.

If you play around with the gradient settings, you can get some very interesting effects. Let's try out our new gradient by giving it a left to right direction.

Finally, let's look at the types of gradients: linear, radial, cone, mirror, and diamond. You can switch between them in the gradient settings menu. So, this one is radial (the direction of the spill is set from the center to the edge).

The ombre style has been very popular for several seasons now. He touched on almost all areas of fashion - from hair coloring techniques to accessories and clothes with patterns and color solutions completed with transition.

Gradient on nails - new ideas

Therefore it is not surprising that this fashion trend migrated to nail design. And if the French name for this technique “ombre” is more associated with hair, then the Latin “gradient” has taken root in manicure.

So, if you want to look fashionable and stylish, then a gradient manicure should definitely decorate your nails from time to time.

What is a gradient on nails? This is a gradual transition of colors from one to another. At the same time, the border between them seems to be blurred. As a result of such transitions, new colors and shades are formed. The uniqueness of this technique lies in the fact that there are no rules or restrictions on the choice of colors. On the contrary, there are enormous opportunities for experimentation and search for new original solutions. This means that your manicure will be unique and one of a kind.

Types of gradient manicure

I wonder what gradient manicure differs not only in color solutions, but also in application technique. To create it, you can use a sponge or thin brush. In addition, several variations of this design can be distinguished, which as a result create completely different visual effect. Let's look at some of the types gradient manicure.

1. Simple gradient on nails

This option fully lives up to its name. It's really very easy to make, even at home. All you need is 5 shades of polish. You also don’t have to mix anything or use improvised means.

Just decide what you want color scheme, pick up the right shades with the transition from light to rich bright or dark and you can start. The most is applied to the little finger light shade, gradually from finger to finger use more dark shades, the thumbnail will be covered with the darkest color.
For example, you love coral color? Great! Start on your little finger with a soft pink and gradually move to a rich coral. The beauty of such a gradient is the ease of execution and the ability to make it, as in discreet pastel colors, and in richly bright

2. Classic gradient on nails

Classic version involves the use of varnishes of two colors. Moreover, they can be either in the same key or contrasting. It is most convenient to perform it using a sponge - apply two selected colors to its surface, so that they form a small area of ​​overlapping each other, and then press the sponge to the nail plate.

3. French gradient on nails

French manicure has long become a classic that never goes out of fashion. It is a symbol of grace and elegance, as well as an absolutely universal design that will be appropriate for any style and look. But this season, the designers went further and offered us a French gradient - the ends of the nails are covered with white varnish and it gradually turns into transparent shades towards the cuticle, traditional for classic French manicure. This gradient looks very stylish and gentle.

4. Beverly Hills Gradient Nails

IN in this case two colors are used, but the transition between them is carried out not within one nail, but throughout the hand. Let's bring step by step example for clarity:

  • Let's take cherry and pale pink varnishes;
  • apply pink polish to the little finger, and thumb- cherry;
  • Now on a separate surface we place approximately the same two drops of both varnishes and mix, apply the resulting color to middle nail;
  • For ring finger mix the varnishes so that the tone is darker than on the little finger, but less saturated than on the middle finger;
  • For index finger we mix a tone that is already more saturated than on the medium one, but has not yet turned into cherry.

The result will be very impressive.

5. Gradient painted nails

The gradient may well become the basis for a drawing. This season, various geometric patterns and ornaments are fashionable. To make them look impressive on a gradient manicure, use black, gold or silver polish for application. It can be other colors - the main thing is to choose an expressive contrast.

6. Gradient on nails - bright skittles

You've probably seen, and maybe even loved, Skittles candies. Your gradient nails can be just as vibrant, and this is very fashionable for the new season. To create such a manicure, you can choose several bright colors and apply them randomly, one might say chaotically, using a sponge on your nails. Uniqueness and originality with this technique will be guaranteed.

7. Gradient nails with glitter

Who said that a gradient is just a color transition? You can easily create a stretch effect with glitter or confetti. The nail is covered with the main varnish, and then glitter is applied to the edge of the nail. large quantities- you literally completely cover the edge with them, and then with the help of a pussy you stretch them towards the hole more thin layer. It's spectacular and holiday option manicure At the same time, you can achieve completely different effects, choosing glitter to match the base polish or vice versa, playing with contrast. Using confetti, you can “play” with their size - confetti of a larger diameter at the end of the nail, smaller ones towards the middle of the nail.
Try, experiment and be trendy!

Those who dream of becoming a professional graphic designer strive to learn how to create unique photographs using the tools of the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor. Along with them, those who direct their efforts to improving amateur photography also want to master the skills of working with this program.

Adobe Photoshop gives the designer a lot of opportunities

The Adobe Photoshop graphic editor is equipped with a sufficient number of different tools, using which it is possible to create photographs that are accompanied by special originality and high aesthetics. One such tool is Gradient, which is focused on creating a fill that combines several color shades, smoothly turning into each other. Given the uniqueness of such a fill, novice designers are eager to learn how to make a gradient in Photoshop.

Photoshop is aimed at users with different levels practical skills. It has tools that make it easy to fill with a gradient, and there are also opportunities to create your own options to emphasize the uniqueness of the image being adjusted. It is for this reason that it is important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced gurus on how to create a gradient in Photoshop, but first it is useful to study the varieties of the Gradient tool in order to subsequently use it as effectively as possible.

Types of gradient

Photoshop has a collection of ready-made gradients, represented by five popular varieties.

Linear gradient is enabled by default. It is used when you want to create a transition of color tone or transparency level, accompanied by a user-selected direction and based on the transition relative to a straight line.

If it is necessary to provide a color transition with the same distribution relative to the designated point, then the user can use the radial type of gradient fill.

A gradient fill looks beautiful, accompanied by a color transition in a spiral. This type is called cone-shaped.

Also, relative to a straight line in one direction, a color transition can occur if you use mirror view gradient fill.

The diamond-shaped variety is accompanied by a display of a color transition from the center of the diamond to all its diagonals.

Creation process

So, having figured out which type of gradient fill will be optimal for correcting a certain image, the user can proceed directly to practical work.

First of all, you should activate the “Gradient” tool on the panel, accompanied by an icon in the shape of a rectangle with an uneven fill.

Now an additional horizontal panel appears at the top, allowing you to edit some settings. In particular, by clicking on a strip with an uneven fill, the user opens a new window in which you can set the necessary parameters for the Gradient tool. It is in this window that you need to specify the number of points, as well as select the color shades that you would like to see in the gradient fill.

In the open window, the designer can visually observe the proposed examples, however, if such gradients do not suit you, you can view the following samples. To do this, just click on the arrow, which is located above the color samples. After pressing it opens additional list a collection of gradients installed in Photoshop.

IN practical activities It happens that the desired gradient is not in the proposed list. In this case, you should clarify how to install gradients in Photoshop, then download it to your computer in grd format and move it to the Gradients folder, which is located inside the Adobe Photoshop root folder, most often located on the system drive.

To directly fill with a gradient, the user must select the area to which the adjustment will be applied, then indicate the direction of the gradient fill by dragging the mouse cursor from the starting point in a certain direction. The longer this line is, the wider the gradient stripes will be.

If during the adjustment process the user does not like the selected color, he can easily change it by clicking on the “ Color palette", in which, by moving the slider, you can set a wide variety of shades.

Additional modes

Experienced graphic designers whose hands-on skills in Adobe Photoshop are thorough don't limit themselves to just the built-in features and collections. They focus on creating unique images, trying to make adjustments that will absolutely delight most people.

Process of using additional tools

Of course, even beginning designers, wanting to gradually develop their creative skills, strive to initially understand for themselves how to apply a gradient in Photoshop or how to make a unique version of it?

Using the Opacity field, you can vary the visual appearance of the main background by setting transparency parameters from 1 to 100%. Please remember that by choosing maximum rate, the selected area will become completely opaque after filling.

The Invert checkbox allows you to change the order in which color tones are displayed. To set or disable the gradient fill anti-aliasing mode, the user must use the Dither checkbox. Using the "Mode" list, the user can set desired method gradient overlay.

So, it becomes possible to make any image original if a graphic designer masters the technique of applying a gradient to selected areas. It is not difficult to develop such practical skills if you have the desire, as well as diligently studying the recommendations of those who have already achieved a certain skill, who can make any picture truly masterpiece in a short period of time.

Gradient is a relatively new trend in nail design. A smooth transition from shade to shade or a rainbow tint makes it possible to combine this type of manicure with almost any style of clothing.

What is most attractive about this technique is its simplicity of execution. You can create a gradient manicure yourself; the effect of such a design is not inferior in its attractiveness even to complex techniques which can only be performed by a professional master.

If desired, create bright image, but lack of practical skills, the gradient will be the most suitable.

Simple Gradient

A simple and accessible way to apply a gradient is to use a sponge. With its help you can create smooth transitions that cannot be done with a brush. Sponge prints must be made carefully. Their number on one nail depends on the desired intensity of coloring: the more sponge imprints, the richer and brighter the manicure will be.
After applying the gradient, the top of the nail is immediately covered with a fixing compound. This will help avoid transferring its porous structure from the sponge to the nail.

The disadvantage of this method is that before treating each nail plate, it is necessary to reapply varnish to the sponge, because most of it is quickly absorbed.

Despite some inconveniences during the procedure, the results are worth it.

Gradient brush

To apply a gradient manicure with a brush, you will need the same materials as for the sponge technique. But the peculiarity of this method is that the varnish can be applied both vertically and horizontally.

By following the algorithm, you can even create a gradient on your nails yourself:

  1. At the first stage, you need to select shades of varnishes so that when they are combined, you get a smooth transition from light tone to dark or from rich to muted.
  2. In order for the manicure to last longer, the nails must be properly prepared: do at least the simplest manicure, carefully polish the nail plate.
  3. The first layer of base is applied to the prepared nail. Give it time to dry.
  4. It is better to treat the skin surrounding the nail with cream. This will make it easier to remove excess polish after a manicure.
  5. The selected color of varnish is applied carefully, trying not to go beyond the edges.
  6. Varnish of a different color is applied so that it covers half of the nail from the cuticle to the tip.
  7. While both layers varnish coating not completely dry, they create a gradient. They do it with a sponge. Use it to carefully blot the border between the two shades of varnish. The movements should be fast and jerky.
  8. When the nails are a little dry, the final layer is applied with a fixative.

Gradient manicure options

  • White gradient

The white gradient is similar to French manicure. Smooth transitions of soft pink or cream and white varnish give special grace to the hands. A white gradient looks good against a tanned skin background.

  • black gradient

Black color is universal; it goes harmoniously with many colors. Combining black and white polish on one nail will add rigor and elegance to the look. And the combination with a rich scarlet color simply cannot fail to attract the attention of others.

  • red gradient

A gradient manicure made in red tones can include varnish from bright to almost black-burgundy. This design is ideal for an evening event.
Sometimes a red gradient is made with transitions to another color scheme.

  • Pink gradient manicure

Makes any look gentle and feminine. It suits women regardless of status and age, and is appropriate in any setting.

  • blue gradient

Blue varnish - great alternative for those who consider the classics boring and uninteresting. Advantage blue in its versatility, in the presence of a large number of different and interesting shades.

Beautifully and neatly made, suitable for both everyday life and festive event.

  • Shiny Gradient

Gradient manicure can be not only in the form of a color transition. A stretch effect can be created using confetti or sparkles.

At the first stage, the nail is coated with varnish of the main color. Then glitter is generously applied to the edge of the nail plate, and with the help of a brush they are stretched towards nail hole, thinning the layer.

Glitter will create a festive and spectacular manicure. In this case, glitter can be used in the same color as the main varnish or, on the contrary, focus on contrast.

Using confetti in nail design, they focus on its size. For example, place larger confetti at the end of the nail plate, and smaller ones towards the middle.

  • Gradient with design elements

The most impressive, but at the same time the most difficult to implement, is a gradient with design elements. There may be several options. A manicure is widespread when the accent in the form of a pattern or gradient of a different color is placed on one or several nails of one hand. A drawing located on top of color transitions requires special skills of the master, since there is a high risk of overloading nail plate or make it bigger.

A shaped or geometric gradient, which implies the presence of shapes and outlines of the stretch line, always looks original.

A gradient using foil tape or rhinestones has an equally impressive look.

Gradient manicure cannot leave anyone indifferent. Among all the variety of its types, every woman can choose the one that will suit her mood.

Today we will talk about gradient in photoshop. Gradient is an important tool in Photoshop. In this tutorial I will teach you how to use it. You will learn how to create and save a gradient, what types of gradients there are, and of course, in what situations you should use a gradient.

First, let's find out what a gradient is. A gradient is a fill with smooth transition several (two or more) colors into each other.

Photoshop allows you to fill a new or existing layer with a gradient, and the gradient is also used in layer styles (read more about styles in the lesson “ “). The gradient also plays a significant role for . However, any gradient obeys the same rules, which we will talk about now.

How to create a gradient in Photoshop

The Gradient tool is located in the toolbar on the left, the icon looks like this:

By clicking on this icon you will see the gradient settings at the top:

Clicking on the gradient strip you will be taken to the Gradient Editor. Here you set the number of dots and transition colors. A standard set of gradients should look something like this:

If you click on the arrow, a list of all gradients installed in Photoshop will open:

To install a new gradient, you need to put the .grd file in the Photoshop/Presets/Gradients folder (For example, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS5\Presets\Gradients). And now I'll tell you how create your own gradient in photoshop. In the gradient editor, select any of the gradients (preferably regular black and white) and start editing the points:

Then click the New button and your gradient will be saved. To save the resulting set into a separate file, click the Save button. Please note that the color and position parameters are active for the lower points, and the opacity and position parameters for the upper ones. Thus, you can make the gradient transparent by decreasing the Opacity parameter for one or more points. Well, we've figured out the gradient editor, now let's focus on how to actually use the gradient. Let's say you've set up the desired gradient and want to fill the current layer with it. Nothing could be simpler. To do this, select the starting point of the gradient (it will correspond to the 0% position on the gradient bar) and drag the gradient to another part of the image. Note that the further you stretch the gradient, the wider the stripes will be:

Now let's look at the rest of the gradient settings in Photoshop.

Types of gradient

There are 5 types of gradient in Photoshop.

— Linear. The gradient is built in a straight line along given direction:

— Radial. This type of gradient is distributed evenly in all directions from a given point:

— Cone (Angle). The gradient is built in a circle, starting from a given point:

— Mirror (Reflected). This gradient consists of 2 linear gradients moving in opposite directions:

— Rhombus (Diamond). The gradient is built in the shape of a rhombus:

Gradient blend modes

The Reverse checkbox inverts the gradient colors:

Transparency allows you to use an opaque gradient.

Basically that's all I wanted to tell you about gradient in photoshop. By using gradient in photoshop you can set the opacity of the image using a layer mask, tint the image, and do many other useful things, some of which you already know about from the photoshop lessons on our website, and some you have yet to learn about 😉

With this I say goodbye to you until next time photoshop lesson and I wish you creative success.

P.S. Don't forget to leave comments :)

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