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Games at home for children 3 years old. We develop gross and fine motor skills. General development, knowledge of the world


The game begins with the words of the presenter:
- Simon says: “Put your hands up!”
The presenter raises his hands. The child must also repeat this movement. Further, according to the same model, any commands are given, for example, touch your fingertips, sit down and stretch your arms forward, bend over, etc. However, from time to time the leader forgets to say the beginning of the phrase “Simon says” and then the child should not follow the command. The game develops attention and the ability to follow instructions. If your child is unable to immediately grasp the phrase, start simply by typing commands. Let your child also try to be the leader.


Cut out two circles from cardboard and attach them to a stick (juice tube, sushi stick, etc.) We play like this: when the light is red we stand, when the light is green we move towards the goal. Task: walk the specified distance without making a mistake. The game not only develops attention, but also, no less important, helps to learn the rule of crossing the road.


Draw any icons on a white piece of paper and ask your child to cover them with stickers. Develops fine motor skills, perseverance, attention. Depending on the theme of the stickers, the task can be played out in different ways: feed the fish, plant flowers, etc.


Make cards with paired images. Place several pairs of pictures face down (it’s better to start with 4-6 cards). The child opens any picture he likes, looks and remembers what is drawn on it, and looks for exactly the same picture. Only 2 cards can be open at a time, and if it is a pair, the cards remain open. In case of failure, both open cards are turned over and the pair must be looked for again. The game develops visual memory.


A game for practicing long breathing. To form the correct and beautiful speech It is very important to develop long breathing in the child. To do this you can inflate bubble, blow on candles, try to keep pieces in the air paper napkins and finally come up with a game with cotton balls. For example, passing through a labyrinth.


Tennis with balloon. A game to develop movement coordination. For rackets, use plastic plates on sticks.


At the age of three, a child should not only know basic colors, but also be able to sort toys and other items by color. It is good to use plastic bowls from IKEA and Kinder Surprise toys for this game.


Ask your child to make a hairstyle with the colander by inserting it into the holes. fluffy wire. Good game for the development of fine motor skills.


A game for developing hearing, the ability to improvise with rhythm and just for Have a good mood. We build a home drum kit from scrap materials. We arm ourselves with drumsticks - cardboard tubes from cling film or foil - and make a merrily noise. Draw your child's attention to what sounds different objects produce, how the same object can produce several sounds depending on the place of impact. Try tapping familiar melodies.


Winter activity for a child to develop observation skills. Tell us about the animals in winter forest and demonstrate with toys that different animals have different tracks. Make a path from the tracks of some animal and ask the child to guess who ran. For instructions on how to prepare the “winter” dough, see below.
For the test:
Flour - 2.5 cups
Salt - 0.5 cups
Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
Soda - 1 tbsp
Boiling water - 2 cups
Mix the ingredients and let the dough cool slightly. If the dough sticks to your hands, add more oil. If it is too oily, add flour. But be careful, if you use too much flour, the dough will quickly harden.


Take any small bags, pockets, jars, boxes. Hide a small toy or any other “treasure” in them and ask your child to find it. In this way, we train fine motor skills and learn everyday skills to “open” and “close” different things. Next time, ask your child, on the contrary, to hide the treasure.


We make three holes in the lid of the shoe box (one above the other). We glue the lid to the base of the box vertically, take a large package of felt-tip pens, divide them equally, and sit down different sides our “mail” and start playing. First player:
- Please send me a red felt-tip pen through the top window.
- Please send me a purple marker through the middle window.
And so on. Task: to understand the concepts of “upper”, “lower”, “middle”, as well as shades of basic colors.


A fun game on the theme “Who eats what?” Take pictures of animals or toy figures. Place carrots, apples, nuts, bananas, seeds in bowls, you can also pour milk into a saucer. Ask your child to place the animals correctly. Well, then, come and visit everyone))


Throw your family members' shoes into a pile. Place boxes or plastic baskets (according to the number of people) and give the child the task of bringing, for example, dad’s sneakers. Then tell me which basket it should be placed in. Then ask them to find him a mate. In this game we teach the child: firstly, to pay attention to details (father’s big shoe, mother’s smaller one, mother’s shoe with a heel), secondly, to find a pair, thirdly, to hear instructions and strictly follow them, fourthly, put things in their places.


Playing while walking.

Do you know how to turn a walk with your child into exciting game? So, to make the road to the garden, school, or store fun, we will be spies. Start the game like this:

You: I see something of blue color, what don't you see!

Child: Car.

Child: Urn.

Child: Signboard.

We switch roles: now the child is the spy. You can describe the hidden object not only with the help of color, but with any other adjective - round, prickly, glass, etc. The game perfectly develops observation skills and lexicon!


At the age of three, children already love and can reproduce scenarios of their favorite fairy tales. They can become heroes of fairy tales ready-made toys from the baby’s arsenal or made with mother’s help, drawn, cut out, painted.


Development game tactile sensations for babies. Take the package balloons one color and use a funnel to fill them with a wide variety of contents. Rice, flour, sugar, small pasta, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lentils and any other grains are perfect. Do this with your child, he will love helping you in such an important matter. In addition, he will probably be able to remember some new words.
So, make 2 balls with each type of filling and start the game. To begin, ask your child to find by touch 2 balls with the same contents, and then try together to determine what is inside.


Creative imagination in the kitchen. Children love creativity, and children love sweets. Well, “sweet creativity” is doubly joyful!

You will need: white chocolate, bread sticks or straws, gelatins, dragees, confectionery sprinkles. Melt the chocolate and decorate your painting with candy. Cool the finished masterpiece for 10 minutes in the freezer. And then, if desired, we put it in a prominent place and give it away to a loved one or eat together with the whole family :)

The development of children who are 3-4 years old should be carried out taking into account their age and psychological characteristics. At this age, children are very active, inquisitive and eager to acquire new knowledge. At the same time, they are not yet able to concentrate well enough, and therefore it is important that during classes there is a systematic change of exercises, physical exercise alternated with mental ones.

Developmental activities for children 3-4 years old should include development exercises:

  • fine motor skills;
  • speech apparatus;
  • vocabulary;
  • mathematical knowledge;
  • logic;
  • artistic skills.

The comprehensive development of a preschooler contributes to the formation of the necessary skills, abilities and mental abilities.

The principle of constructing classes for preschoolers

All activities for children preschool age are built on the principle game-based learning and development. Children better assimilate information that is presented to them unobtrusively, in the form of a game.

Classes should be carried out after a night or nap - this is the time when a preschooler is ready to learn new material. The duration of classes should not exceed 25 minutes.

For classes, you need to prepare props, make a plan and think through a scenario. It is better if all the exercises in one lesson are united by a common plot. It may be certain fairy tale hero, who came to visit the baby and needs help. The latter helps the guest solve problems and find a way out of the situation, simultaneously learning the material and the necessary knowledge.

Knowledge and skills of children 3-4 years old

A preschooler aged 3-4 years already has a certain experience and set of knowledge. Typically at this age children are able to:

  • distinguish and name colors;
  • count to 10;
  • collect simple puzzles from 4 to 6 parts;
  • remove excess items according to specified characteristics;
  • see and name inconsistencies;
  • memorize easy poems.

When developing a scenario for a lesson with a preschooler, these nuances should be taken into account. Too simple exercises will not arouse interest in the baby, and complex ones, in addition to misunderstanding, can provoke a protest.

Tasks for the development of children 3-4 years old

When developing a lesson scenario, you can be creative and come up with exercises yourself. Another option is to use ready-made exercises, used by teachers in preschool institutions.

The following exercises will help develop your child’s logic and attention:


At the age of 3-4 years, children already know how to count to 10, distinguish larger from smaller, short from long, name the basic geometric shapes.

Speech development

A child of 3 years old can already maintain a dialogue and speak. simple sentences. He understands and uses the pronouns “I” and “we” and can tell what is shown in the picture.

  1. Daily activities articulatory gymnastics, learning and reciting pure sayings and poems will help improve the sound side of speech.
  2. Show your child a picture and ask him to write a short story based on it.
  3. "As the animals say." This exercise is relevant both for playing with young children and for classes with preschoolers. Special attention pay attention to the purity of spoken sounds.
  4. Read to your baby a short story and ask him to retell the plot.

The world

Children 3 years old can already distinguish domestic animals from wild ones, berries from fruits, fish from birds, etc. They name the signs of the seasons, distinguish the time of day.

Music classes

It is necessary to develop a 3-4 year old child not only mentally, but also physically. Active motor activity under musical accompaniment has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional mood of a preschooler. Music classes help to vaccinate aesthetic taste, teach you to feel the rhythm and navigate in space.

  1. Invite your child to dance to different music: rhythmic, melodic, mischievous, sad. Let him not only repeat the movements while dancing, but also learn to hear and convey the mood of a piece of music. Explain that movements should be smooth and measured to slow music, and fast to rhythmic music.
  2. Learn a children's song with your child and come up with a dance for it together.
  3. Sing a well-known song to a different tune: cheerful, sad, questioning. Let the baby also try to sing this song, changing the intonation of his voice.


At the age of 3-4 years, children experience active development creativity. Kids enjoy cutting, gluing, drawing and crafting. simple crafts under adult supervision.

Fine motor skills

Working with your hands helps develop fine motor skills. This could be modeling from plasticine, using mosaics in classes, beads and buttons. During an activity that involves using small items, you must carefully ensure that the child does not bring them to his mouth and taste them.

Classes for children 3-4 years old should be aimed at comprehensive development preschooler. Any, even minor, achievement of a child should be celebrated and encouraged. If some exercises are difficult for him, you should suggest and help without expressing your dissatisfaction. The right approach to the organization and conducting classes will help develop cognitive activity crumbs and lay the foundation for the future positive attitude to gain new knowledge.

The game prepares the child for the rest of his life. There are many games and exercises that develop creative and intellectual abilities children 3-4 years old, which do not take up too much time: they can be played not only at home, in the kitchen or in the bathroom while bathing, but also on a walk, in transport, on the way from kindergarten. You will give him not only happy moments of communication with you, but also prepare your child for adulthood.

Games for recognizing shapes, colors, sizes

At 3-4 years old, children already know a lot and strive to learn even more. Games based on interaction with objects and characters, comparing them, identifying similarities and differences will help develop children's imagination, creative abilities and introduce them better to the world around them.

"Find desired color»

Think of the desired color and try, together with your child, to find the same color in surrounding objects: toys, books, dishes, furniture, etc. Let him look out the window. Remind him that not only cars, houses, but also the sky are blue, and green are the grass and leaves on the trees. This activity will teach a 3-4 year old child to recognize primary colors and their shades. Bright green, dark green, light green, etc.

"Who am I?"

Depict an object, animal or person using facial expressions, gestures and sounds. You can show anything that comes to your mind: an airplane, a dog, a train, a football player, a driver, etc. Let your baby also show you an object or character. Such games will help develop his imagination and creativity. And it will simply bring him great joy.

"What is the difference?"

Most children at 3-4 years old already know how to compare and draw conclusions. Take two similar toys and ask them to compare them. What do they have in common? Eyes, arms, legs. How are they different? The color of hair and clothing (dress, trousers, vest, etc.).

"Domestic and wild animals"

Tell your child that animals are not only domestic, but also wild. After the story, share soft toys with your child, placing separately the animals that live at home and in the forest.

"Coloring the letters"

With the help of this have a fun activity the child will consolidate knowledge about a certain letter. You can color with felt-tip pens, pencils, crayons, or even your fingers. finger paints. Help him: draw a hedgehog (letter E), a squirrel (B), etc. next to him so that the letter is better remembered. Ask him what the letter “B” looks like (the squirrel raised its tail), etc.

"Letter to Grandma"

At 3-4 years old, children already develop an interest in letters and writing. You are taking beautiful postcard. Let the child draw his own picture in it for grandma, dad or someone else close to him. Tell him that from “B” + “A” you get the word “baba”, and from “P” + “A” you get dad.

The list of educational games that you can play at home with a 3-4 year old child is extensive:

    collaborative drawing;

    modeling from plasticine;

    lotto, children's dominoes, puzzles;

    board games for children 3-4 years old;

    for the development of fine motor skills: laying out patterns from beads, matches, buttons, etc.

Role-playing games (creative games)

The older the baby gets, the more complex and varied his games become. A child of 3-4 years old becomes not only a researcher, but also learns to put himself in the shoes of others, try on different roles, and master new rules. Educate children role-playing games You can play not only in kindergarten, but also at home. Children 3-4 years old should already be able to interact with a partner.

"Mom, driver, salesman"

At 3-4 years old, children can already try on the roles of mother, driver, seller, teacher, and resolve some problematic situations, interact with others, learn to use game coins in denominations of 1, 2, 3 rubles. and consolidate knowledge of these numbers.

"Toys at the Doctor"

With this game you can also expand your vocabulary and teach your child how to care for sick toys. You can take on the role of the nurse, and the child - the doctor prescribing treatment, and then switch roles. Mishka has a toothache because he ate too many sweets. The doll Masha hit her leg, etc. The doctor examines sick children (toys), and the nurse carries out all the doctor’s orders.


Today is the birthday of a doll or teddy bear (bunny, dog). Let the child help the birthday boy set the table. Together with your child, choose what you can give for his birthday. Seat all the children invited to the birthday party (toys). The vocabulary of 3-4 year old children should gradually expand. Learn together a funny congratulation poem and new words “ holiday dinner", "dishes", "serving", etc.

"We're going for a walk"

When you leave the house for a walk, you can take the doll with you. To teach a 3-4 year old child to correctly name items of clothing and be able to select them for each season, you can take the doll’s clothes out of the locker and dress her according to the weather, commenting on your actions: “You don’t need sandals, doll Katya, it’s warm at home, but it’s too cold outside,” “it won’t be hot in this sundress,” etc.

Games for physical development

There are many sports exercises for children 3-4 years old that can be done at home:

    you can walk like a geese, stretching your neck, or run on all fours like a dog;

    play volleyball with a balloon;

    games that develop posture (for example, for future ballerinas or dancers) walking with soft toy on the head, etc.

"Accurate shooter"

Games for coordination of movements. Alternately throw a ball or a wad of paper into a bucket, pan or other container. For a child of 3-4 years old this is still difficult task. Give him the opportunity to beat you: this will teach him to believe in himself.

"Breathe Deeper"

During such activities, the blood is saturated with oxygen and the functioning of all organs improves. You can blow soap bubbles and try to keep them suspended for as long as possible, blow on water, etc.


Imagine that the carpet is a mountain river, which is dangerous to step on and even more so to fall into. But how to get to the other side? Try, together with your child, using any available means (chairs, sofa, table) to get to the other side without stepping on the carpet.

Basic rules of classes

A 3-4 year old child can quickly lose interest in games, especially if he has already mastered them. But it is not necessary to come up with new activities every day: you can only create new stories and goals. Do not demand to go through all the stages: for children 3-4 years old, it is still typical to quickly switch to other subjects. Encourage his “victories”: give the winner a small card, badge or candy.

Joint activities and games unite and strengthen the family. Let your baby see you not only as a mom and dad, but also as friends with whom you can have fun and who you can trust.

At three years old, a child overcomes a kind of psychological milestone: he leaves the nursery age and becomes a preschooler. He gains confidence in himself and his strengths, perseverance, intelligence, and stubbornness. He can do a lot: he knows several small poems, retells simple tales, speaks both simple and complex sentences, knows his first and last name, home address, consistently names parts of the day and seasons, distinguishes between left and right right hand. Uses pronouns and prepositions correctly in speech.

He quickly collects simple pictures and a pyramid. Knows 5-6 colors, the main parts of the body, distinguishes 2-3 flowers, trees, generalizes groups of objects - dishes, furniture, clothes. Finds both similar and great friend objects from each other.

Child care at 3 years old

The baby actively moves throughout the apartment, playing, and spends a lot of time on the floor. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning and thoroughly ventilate the room. The child’s previously acquired hygiene skills – washing hands, combing hair – are reinforced, as well as new ones are instilled. The baby must have a handkerchief in his pocket so that he can use it if necessary.

His clothes should be clean and ironed. If a child gets dirty, he must be changed immediately. He should know that he should not wear dirty clothes, so he will get used to being neat. For children, it is advisable to purchase clothes only from natural fabrics. Especially the one that comes into contact with the body so that it does not cause chafing and irritation. At home, the child should be dressed in soft, comfortable clothes from flannel or knitwear.

At three years old, you can show your child how to use a toothbrush and in which direction to move it across the teeth. It is not necessary to apply paste to the brush, because... Not all children have yet learned to rinse their mouths correctly. It is enough for the child to simply understand that teeth require cleaning in the morning and evening. Let him develop a daily ritual.

Nutrition of a child at 3 years old

From the age of three, a child can eat almost all foods, with the exception of very fatty and spicy foods. From this time on, the child gradually moves to the common table; food is prepared for him separately less and less often. To diversify the menu, he can small quantities give meat, vegetables, canned fish, smoked meats, pickles, nuts and seeds.

Viscous and liquid porridges are replaced with drier and crumbly ones. Why put one part of cereal to two parts of water? To make the porridge especially tasty, it must be flavored with a piece butter. The child must receive required amount not only carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but also vitamins. In the summer, he needs to make salads every day from raw vegetables - carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes. Salads are seasoned with sour cream or butter and sprinkled with herbs - parsley, celery, dill, green onions.

In hot weather, hot meat first courses should be alternated with cold vegetarian ones - okroshka, beetroot soup. Which are seasoned with bread kvass, kefir, and whey. For snacks, instead of cookies and sweets, you can make healthy sandwiches: grease a slice of black bread vegetable oil, add a little salt and sprinkle with finely chopped green or onions. Or grease a piece of black bread with a sweet cheese mixture or a thick layer of regular cottage cheese sprinkled with sugar.

For hot drinks, you can offer your baby black or green tea. It is too early to introduce natural coffee; it is being replaced with a coffee drink brewed with milk. The baby is given cocoa with milk no more than twice a week.

3 year old child's daily routine

A child's daily routine is a schedule of activities - feeding, playing, walking, sleeping, which alternate in a certain order and after a certain period of time. Establishing a routine helps your baby feel comfortable throughout the day. His body, tuned to a harmonious rhythm, will itself require eating or resting at the same time. The child will not need to be put to bed for a long time or forced to eat. Well-rested and well-fed, the baby will always be in a good mood. Will be active, inquisitive, energetic. In order not to disrupt the rhythm, deviations from the time established in the daily routine should not exceed 30 minutes.

The need to stay on fresh air is approximately 4 hours. This time is divided into two or three walks. Don't skip going out into the fresh air if it's raining outside. All you need to do is put on rubber boots, a raincoat and an umbrella.

Games and entertainment at three years old no longer necessarily take place under the guidance of an adult. The child can keep himself busy by assembling construction sets, mosaics, drawing, or playing. This way the baby shows independence, and the mother has a little more free time. Of course, it is imperative to supervise the child, periodically entering the room and checking what he is doing.

Meals should always take place at the same time, with about four hours between them. At three years old, a child already knows that he must wash his hands before eating. You can involve him in helping to set the table. Let him lay out spoons, forks, bread, napkins.

Activities with a 3 year old child (how to develop)

In order for a child to develop in a variety of ways, adult help is needed. Therefore, if the baby does not attend kindergarten, you need to work with him at home. First of all, you need to pay attention to the development of speech. While walking, show and talk about the names of different tree species, pay attention to the shape of their leaves, and what the parts of the tree are called. Boys can be shown and named the make and color of passing cars. Tell what parts they consist of. Ask your child questions, encourage him to communicate, and come up with rhymes for words together.

It is important to develop gross and fine motor skills. For gross motor skills Games with pins or a ball are useful - tossing it, throwing it, throwing it at a target. To develop fine motor skills, you need to sculpt from soft plasticine, salt dough, sort through cereals, beans, sort buttons or beads by color and shape, draw straight lines, rounds, ovals. Very helpful finger games when an adult reads poetry (for example, “Let’s go for a visit,” “Pies,” “Vegetables”), and the kids knock on the table with their fists, clap their hands, stretch out their arms, and play with their fingers.

You can introduce your child to counting, subtraction and addition. First, they start with something simple: they explain what the concept of “one” means, what “many” or “few” are. They tell what shape objects come in – round, square, rectangular. They show examples from life - a round wheel, a square stool, etc. Soon the child himself will find objects of the desired shape.

Games and toys for children aged 3 years

Children of any age love ball games. It is better to have several balls of different diameters in your arsenal. You can play with your child by alternately kicking the ball or tossing it from hand to hand. To train coordination of movement, start with the largest ball, gradually moving to small balls. The child will be interested if other children from the yard join in the game. Together they will be able to play not only ball, but also hide and seek or catch up.

Modern cartoons on TV or DVD are certainly good. But it will be even better if you still have old filmstrips and a projector. Children love to watch such homemade cartoons on the wall or a white sheet. There is a certain amount of mystery and mystery in this process. Especially the older ones soviet cartoons interesting and very kind. It is important for the child that mom or dad are nearby, who at this moment look like good wizards.

At three years old, children have quite a lot of toys. These include dolls and cars and a “hospital” or young hairdresser set. You can tell them how to distribute roles in the game. For example, doctor-patient, hairdresser-client, taxi driver-passenger. The child will be able to try himself different professions, will acquire a variety of skills in these games.

U three year old child There must be puzzles and other educational toys - construction sets, kaleidoscopes, mosaics, cubes. With their help, logic, imagination, spatial and creative thinking.

Medical supervision at 3 years

If the child does not have health problems, then his visits to doctors are limited preventive examination before vaccinations. If your child is preparing to enter kindergarten, he will need to undergo in-depth medical examination. He is examined by an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an orthopedic surgeon, a dermatologist and a dentist. According to indications, a cardiologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, phthisiatrician and other specialists are added. In kindergarten, a psychologist or teacher will additionally communicate with the child. At three years old, the child must be shown to a speech therapist. If the baby has problems with speech, clarity of pronunciation, or does not speak, the doctor will prescribe him individual sessions. You shouldn’t ignore them; in just two or three months you will notice significant changes. Perhaps your child will be advised to attend a special kindergarten with a speech therapy focus, where they work with children in more depth. This is not a sentence, you don’t need to be ashamed or afraid of it. The earlier they start working with the child, the more significant and quick results can be achieved. It is much easier to correct speech defects at 3 years old than at 7 years old, when he starts school.

At three years old, children are very inquisitive, they are interested in literally everything. Don’t extinguish this spark, be sure to maintain curiosity and guide him in the right direction, broaden his horizons. Don’t brush him off, talk to him, answer questions, learn new poems, letters, syllables, numbers. Otherwise, his interest will fade away, which will then be very difficult to renew. If the child has a desire, you can introduce him to reading or counting skills, or try to learn foreign words.

Continue to develop your child's speech. Chat with him, discuss the books you read, the cartoons you watched. Let the baby learn to reason logically. True, it is difficult for some children to do this, because... they have a poor vocabulary. Help him, read books, memorize poems. When communicating with him, don’t babysit, but talk like he’s talking to someone big. The child must understand that he is no longer a baby. Explain to him that he is big, and in controversial situations he should not cry or be capricious, but be ready to compromise.

Once a baby reaches the age of three, he changes in many ways. Often children at this age already know well what they want and how to achieve what they want. A three-year-old is already a real person with his own tastes and preferences. But the child is still small enough to be completely independent of his parents. He still has a lot to learn. And adults can help with this.

How and where to organize

Most children at 2-3 years old already begin to attend kindergarten. Here

Qualified educators work with the baby according to a special program. In the company of his classmates, learning is interesting and fun for the child. In kindergarten, children tend to quickly learn information. But unfortunately, not all parents can send their child to. Excellent educational activities for 3-year-old children can also be done at home.

If a child does not attend kindergarten, his mother or grandmother is involved in his development. In rare cases, a qualified nanny is hired. In any case, there is always an adult next to the baby, who not only makes sure that the child is healthy and well-fed, but also often conducts activities with him.

It is advisable to plan developmental activities for children 3-4 years old at home in the first half of the day. At this time the child is most susceptible to new information. Lessons should be of interest to the child. If he is distracted and does not make contact, it is better to reschedule classes.

It's not boring together

It is advisable to complete simple tasks together with your child. Regardless of whether your baby is drawing or putting together puzzles, you need to do it with him. Even the most boring job could turn into fun game, if the adult does everything on the same level as the child.

The child needs to be constantly praised. Even if something doesn't work out, he should know what he is on. the right way. Can be shown finished work baby to family and friends. Additional praise will not make your child arrogant at all. And here positive emotions and the desire to conquer new heights are guaranteed.

Imagination is the basis of all abilities

The extraordinary character of any person depends greatly on his creative abilities. And the basis of any creativity is imagination. Therefore if

parents want to raise a truly extraordinary and successful personality, great attention should be paid to imagination. Everything you have to do good parents- this is not to disturb the child. All kids are great dreamers.

Parents should be attentive to the child's wishes and his games. You shouldn’t once again pull your child back and give him advice on how to build a house from a construction set. The child must come to a decision on his own.

Many parents have noticed that their child is interested in non-standard subjects. Pockets may contain toothpaste tubes, sticks picked up on the street, or clothespins. At the same time expensive toys The three-year-old is not at all interested. It's quite normal. A child can play with anything. The main thing parents should take care of is safety.

Developing hand motor skills

Great attention should be paid to the development of motor skills of children's hands. Classes with 3-year-old children accelerate mental thinking and speech development. The child becomes

more attentive and diligent.

You should start training with your baby by studying the hand. The child should know how many fingers there are on it, what each individual finger is called. To do this, parents can draw a small poster depicting a palm. Each finger can be painted a different color. This way the child will be able to remember the names much faster.

Special simulators that you can make yourself perfectly develop the motor skills of children's hands. This could be a small cardboard covered with fabric. You should place laces and several types of fasteners on it. By fastening buttons and buttons, tying knots, the baby will develop his fingers.

Already with three years old You can begin to prepare your child for writing. For this purpose, special recipes for the little ones are available for sale. Classes should begin with the most simple tasks. Let the child draw circles and place sticks. Such lessons will help him quickly learn how to hold a pen correctly.

We fantasize and draw

Drawing promotes the development of imagination in children and is also wonderful

develop finger motor skills. After all, to make it work beautiful picture, you need to hold the brush and pencils correctly in your hands. three years must necessarily include drawing lessons.

You need to start with the simplest. The child must learn to draw objects correct form- circle, square, line. Together with your child you can draw a clearing, a sun, a house. It is better to create the first drawings together so that the baby can remember the technique.

Developmental activities for children 3 years old using finger paints are quite popular. For the lesson it is better to use a large Whatman paper. On a huge sheet of paper, the baby will be able to fully express his imagination. are absolutely safe for children's health. They can be used from a very early age. It doesn’t matter if the child wants to taste the color he likes.

Learning letters

mental development, and also helps to broaden your horizons. But before the baby learns to read, he must master the alphabet. The first educational activities for 3-year-old children at home should begin with simple reading aloud. To do this, you need to choose a large colorful book with fairy tales. The child must not only perceive information by ear, but also see the pages.

The child must encounter letters every day. You can purchase special puzzles depicting the alphabet. You should also not hide books from your child for fear that he will spoil them. Some literature, of course, will suffer. But seeing the text every day, the child will be able to learn to read much faster.

A large bright poster with images of letters will help you learn the alphabet faster. It should be hung in the most visible place in the children's room.

Learning English with a three-year-old

There is an opinion that in early age Children are most amenable to learning foreign languages. In any case, educational activities for 3-year-old children that involve learning English will not be superfluous. In this case, the child will be able to perceive other foreign languages ​​much better already at school age.

Activities for children 2-3 years old should not be intrusive. You can start the process by watching cartoons in a foreign language. Moreover, at an early age, the baby is of little interest in what language the characters speak. Reading bright books in English will also be beneficial.

You can also learn a foreign language while walking. A mother can tell her child in a foreign language what she sees around her. It is better to start with the simplest words.

Today there are many special cartoons that are designed specifically for studying foreign language with a small child. The animated series “Dasha the Explorer” is extremely popular. A little girl teaches kids simple words in a fairly simple manner.

Physical activities with your baby

The physical development of a preschool child is of great importance.

Parents should gradually prepare the baby for more heavy loads in future. The first thing that relatives should organize for the child is morning work-out. You can spend just a few minutes in the morning simple exercises. Classes for children 3-4 years old should be carried out before breakfast.

Can't be neglected daily walk in the fresh air. You can take a ball with you or kite. Educational activities for children 3 years old can be carried out in the park or in your own yard. You can also read, study English, or study the surrounding nature outside. The main thing is that the walk does not tire the child and arouses great interest in him.

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