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Information for the preparatory group of kindergarten. Preparatory group of kindergarten. Game "Activities in kindergarten"

Continuation: “What groups are there in kindergarten?”

This article will talk about the last group of kindergarten - preparatory. Examples of classes and work are given.

Part Five: Preparatory Group

● Kindergarten groups. Preparatory group.


Kindergarten preparatory group

The preparatory group is attended by children aged 6 to 7 years. The group is open every day, except Saturday and Sunday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

This is the last year of kindergarten. Last year before school.

Children are actively preparing to enter first grade. They do reading, literature, mathematics, drawing, and physical education. Teachers introduce children to the basics of traffic and behavior on the street.

An effective means for further developing children's abilities is complex classes.

Their distinctive feature is the combination of various types of activities into one lesson, which eliminates the conflict between the mobile nature of the preschooler and the process of acquiring new information.

Full-fledged theatrical performances are organized, with music and dancing.
The graduation party in the preparatory group marks the end of the period in kindergarten.

What do children do in the preparatory group of kindergarten?

The daily routine, as in other groups, is scheduled hourly. Children take this routine for granted and try to stick to their routine at home.

Daily routine:

  • - Children are brought to kindergarten and changed.
  • - independent activity until the group is fully assembled
  • - conducting morning exercises;
  • - breakfast;
  • - independent games
  • - classes on previously prepared topics, according to the methodological plan
  • - walk in the fresh air
  • - dinner;
  • - afternoon nap;
  • - lifting, water procedures;
  • - afternoon snack;
  • - independent games
  • - a walk in the fresh air;
  • - dinner;
  • - returning home.

* As you can see, being in the last, oldest group does not violate the previously established order. Children study and go out as usual, but unlike previous groups, here the main emphasis is on intensive training in subjects such as mathematics, literature, and the world around us.

Children are taught how to be on the street, what a traffic light is, learn the basics of traffic rules, etc.

Information for parents

  • Many parents think about the question at what age is it optimal to send their child to school - from 6 or 7 years old?

As for child psychologists, most agree that the child should be prepared for school, both physically and mentally.

If you think that he is not ready enough, do not rush to give up your child at 6 years old. It is better to extend the period of study in kindergarten in the preparatory group and send them to school at the age of 7. This will allow you to avoid psycho-emotional stress when starting your studies prematurely.

* In the photo: mathematics classes in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

Age characteristics of children from 6 to 7 years old

At this age, a child has a desire to learn something useful and interesting.

The classes that take place during this period are perceived as an exciting game in which the child strives to show his parents and educators how capable he is. He strives to distinguish himself and achieve recognition of his qualities.

During this period, parents and educators do not need to skimp on invitations in order to show the child that they value his successes.

Based on these praises, the child’s self-esteem grows.

The possibilities of intellectual activity increase noticeably. The child’s ideas about the world become broader, more diverse and more generalized.

Continued on next page.


“We are walking down the street” prep. gr

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge that a traffic light controls the complex movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the street and roads;

To consolidate children's knowledge of signs and their purpose;

Teach children to choose the safest road using traffic lights and road signs, navigate in space, know the meaning of traffic lights;

Expand children's knowledge about the rules of conduct for pedestrians and drivers on the street;

Practice using generalizing words: indicative, prohibiting, warning;

Strengthen the ability to use ready-made forms for a new toy, create the construction of buildings according to the scheme;

Develop imagination, cultivate interest in creativity and mental activity.


The song “This city is the best city on earth” is played.

Children are included in the group. They are seated.

Vos. : The city in which you and I live,

It can rightfully be compared to a primer.

ABC of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here is the alphabet above your head -

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no trouble happens to you.

Law of streets and roads. Which is called "Road Rules", strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, without following the rules. But this law is also very kind. He protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only constant adherence to the rules allows us all to confidently cross the streets.

Today you will show how you know the rules of the road and behavior on the street.

(3 children come out)

Together: To help you

The path is dangerous

We burn day and night -

Green, yellow, red.

1st child: All attention! All attention!

The yellow light tells you.

I announce to you in advance:

There is no more transition!

Take your time, look

Look at me!

Don't rush, wait until the green light turns!

Child 2: Now go boldly,

The path is open for pedestrians

Come in, I give you permission

It doesn't matter that I'm alone

I reliably protect

From trams and cars.

3 child: Red light - alarm

In traffic light eyes,

Don't walk on the road

Stay where you are.

Even if you're in a hurry

To work or to the cinema,

Wait, wait,

Wait anyway.

Together: Our motto is:

Make friends all the guys

With a traffic light family

Playback : And now I’ll check everyone and offer you a game. I will ask you questions, but answering them is not easy. If you act in accordance with the Traffic Rules, then unanimously answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” and if not, this should be the answer.

Which one of you is moving forward?

Just where is the transition?

Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

Who knows that red light -

Does this mean there is no move?

Which one of you is going home?

Is it on the pavement?

Educator: I also want to ask you questions:

Who is called a pedestrian?

Which part of the street should a pedestrian walk on?

What is the street for?

What parts is the street divided into?

What is the name of the place where the street intersects?

(Bob the dog appears to the music)

Vospmt.: Who are you?

Bob: I'm a student of traffic science - Bob.

Educator: So you know the rules of the road.

Bob: Why should I know them? I can do just fine without them.

Educator: Well, now let's check. Please tell me how to cross the street?

Bob: How? Along the roadway.

Educator: Then how should you behave if you got off the bus and you need to cross to the other side of the street?

Bob: We need to get around the bus. Better yet, crawl between the wheels.

Educator: Is it possible to play on the roadway?

Bob: It depends. You can't play chess.

Educator: Why?

Bob: Cars will crush my figures. But you can hit the ball. Yes, yes.

Educator: Do you agree with Bob?

(addresses Bob): Rules of the road in the world

Learn them all for you

Didn't bother me.

Bob: Yes, I brought some signs here. Only I don't know them. Can you help me figure it out?

Educator: Guys. Look how many signs there are. They're all mixed up. Let's look at each of them according to their purpose. What are the purposes of the signs?

Game “Name the sign”.

Educator: and now I suggest that Vika and Snezhanna choose warning signs, Misha and Kostya - prohibition signs, and Vanya and Olya - directional signs.

(children make signs on the floor)

Educator: Well done! Vika and Snezhanna, what signs have you collected? Misha and Kostya? Vanya and Olya?

Bob, did you understand anything? Then sit down and listen some more.

And now I suggest you sit on the chairs and play. I will show a road sign, and those who recognize it will stand up (they call it one by one or in chorus).

Educator: I suggest playing the game “Street”. We already have something to play with.

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 24"

Locality: Vologda region, Cherepovets

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.


  1. Clarify the concept of “human inventor”; consolidate the ability to use a morphotable; deepen children's understanding of the properties and qualities of plastic, rubber and foam rubber, polyethylene; expand children's understanding of the use of these materials in everyday life. ("Cognitive Development")
  2. Strengthen the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, ask and answer questions correctly; introduce the words “man-inventor”, observation, determination, curiosity, ingenuity into the children’s active vocabulary; consolidate the skill of dividing words into syllables, composing words from syllables; development of the ability to construct a statement based on a morphotable. (“Speech development”)
  3. Practice the ability to jointly perform tasks and actions; cultivate interest in joint work; consolidate the ability to express one’s point of view, listen to a friend, conduct a dialogue, and negotiate in a game. (“Socio-communicative development”)
  4. Develop creative imagination; continue to develop the ability for figurative perception, the ability to convey what is conceived in compositions and crafts according to a model and design, using different materials. (“Artistic and aesthetic development”)
  5. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health. ("Physical Development")

Preliminary work: examination of the book “Inventions of Man” by Yu. Amchenkov and encyclopedic literature; watching the cartoon - R. Kipling “The Cat Who Walked Where He Liked”; reading - E. Efimovsky “Like birds and plants, with you here and there... inventions live, discoveries live”; viewing paired pictures “From nature to man”

Individual work: assistance in the correct construction of sentences when describing objects, when constructing statements based on the morphotable; in the correct pronunciation of word endings, assistance in composing words from syllables; consultations in choosing images for creative work.

Methods and techniques:- practical: didactic games “Guess what the hidden word is?”, work in groups of 6-7 people; reflection

Visual: surprise moment “What’s in the basin?”; looking at photos, pictures depicting objects; watching videos, presentations “How plastic toys are made”, “Galileo. How foam rubber is made", "Materials", working with morphotables

Verbal: answer and ask questions, reason, draw conclusions; teacher's story, activation of words: inventor, inquisitive, purposeful, etc.

Equipment and materials: multimedia equipment; media files - videos “How to get plastic toys”, “Galileo. How foam rubber is made”, presentation on the topic “Materials”; a picture depicting a portrait of I. Kulibin; pencils, felt-tip pens; split syllables ( ter-mas, rets-tvo); sets of objects made of plastic, rubber, samples of polyethylene, foam rubber; colored and self-adhesive paper, cardboard, scissors; containers with water, mass (dough) for modeling; large basin, three medium-sized baskets.

Working with parents: involvement in the preparation of a message on the topic “What is rubber?”, a memo for parents on the topic “Plastic labeling system.”

Progress of educational activities:

The teacher brings in a large basin filled with various objects

Guys, look what I prepared for you, I barely brought it!

Can all of THIS be called in one word? (Things, objects)

I don't know what can be done with these items... (Children’s answers. Lead the children to divide objects into groups according to materials)

Well done! You absolutely correctly named the materials from which these items are made. Do you know how exactly these objects differ from each other? Do you want to know?

Let's split into three groups: one group will deal with plastic items, another with rubber, and the third with foam/polyethylene materials.

For each team I have prepared “schemes - tips” (morphotables) to characterize a particular material:



Interaction with water, scissors

Actions with an object

(There should be three such tables, depending on the number of teams)

Who's ready? Let us listen to you.. (One team member is given a speech)

Children, does anyone know how they get plastic toys? (Children's answers). Do you want to know?

I have prepared material about this material. Let's take a look at it. (Watch the video “How plastic toys are obtained”)

Some manufacturers of children's toys add toxic substances to the plastic mixture, which emit a clearly unpleasant odor. You've probably felt it yourself more than once. So, when choosing toys, the first thing you can do is what? (Smell). Absolutely right! And so warn your parents against buying a toy that is dangerous to your health and the health of your loved ones. Warn your parents and tell them the easiest and surest way when choosing toys as a gift for you. And I have prepared a leaflet for parents entitled “Plastic Labeling System.”

So, Team Plastic, what can we say about your material in general?

(It has a different color and shape, different sizes - from very small to huge, basically has a smooth structure (surface), light in weight; when interacting with water, the plastic is durable - it does not stretch, does not allow water to pass through; when interacting with scissors, it is difficult to cut ). (Demonstration of slides of the presentation “Materials. Plastic”)

Next team...Who's ready?

I know that Angelina and dad have prepared a little message for us about rubber. Let's look (listen) to their material! (View slides of the presentation “Materials. Rubber”)

In our free time, we will watch an educational cartoon from the Galileo series about the history of the discovery of rubber.

So, Team Rezin, what have you learned about your study material? (Children's answers)

Last command, your performance... (One child from the team speaks)

Foam rubber is also produced artificially by chemical means, just like polyethylene. But the process of making it is a lot of fun. Let's watch a movie!.. (Watching a video from the series “Galileo. How foam rubber is made”)- Team Foam Rubber/Polyethylene summarize your knowledge about your material.. (Children’s answers) (Demonstration of slides of the presentation “Materials. Foam rubber / Polyethylene”)

You guys are so great! But I noticed that all teams had a question in the last paragraph of the hint diagram “Actions with objects.” Let's all figure this out together! I invite you to our big carpet!

I know that in our group there are many children who can read. Help me, please, collect these words. (Children are offered syllables printed in large print on cards: ter-mas, rets-tvo. From them, children receive the words “master” and “creator”)

Thanks guys for your help! What other name can you call such a person? (Inventor). What qualities should a true inventor have? (Children's answers)

Guys, would you like to become inventors? Think and tell me what we can do from the subjects that you studied today? (Children's answers)

The Plastics team comes up with objects from their material. (Children are offered a ready-made mass (dough) for modeling - it, too, like plastic, can take different shapes, then hardens in air. Some children can make products from waste material).

Team Rubber - from its own material (for example, they fill balloons with water, flour, sand and paint them, getting funny little people).

Team Foam Rubber/Polyethylene - from our (for example, compositions are laid out from sponges of different colors and shapes according to plan, supplemented with polyethylene appliqué).

(During the children’s creative work, the teacher advises, gives creative and design advice. For children who are especially at a loss, you can prepare sketches and samples of products from one or another material in advance)

So guys, let's put all your work together into one exhibition. What can you call it? (Children’s answers. Lead the children to the name “Artificial materials” or “Our inventions”).

Thus, the materials with which we worked today - rubber, plastic, foam rubber, polyethylene - are obtained artificially, which is why they are called artificial materials, or synthetic.

When you come home, carefully examine all the objects in your apartment. Find and sketch some of those made from rubber, plastic, foam/polyethylene. Share your sketches with us, tell us about your interesting subjects.

Now let’s stand in a circle and share with each other our impressions of the lesson. (The children and the teacher stand in a circle and in a “chain” express their opinion, give an assessment, etc., putting their hand on each other’s shoulder. The teacher informs the children that in the next study they will get acquainted with the life of the remarkable self-taught inventor Ivan Petrovich Kulibin - a portrait is shown).


  1. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development. – Voronezh: Shopping Center “Teacher”, 2004.
  2. Gor'kova L.G., Obukhova L.A. Scenarios for classes on the integrated development of preschool children. – M.: VAKO, 2005.
  3. Gorkova L.G., Kochergina A.V., Obukhova L.A. Scenarios for classes on environmental education for preschoolers. – M.: VAKO, 2005.
  4. Materials from Internet sites.

Elena Dedova
Lesson summary on the topic: “We are different” (preparatory group)

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their destinies are like the stories of the planets.

Each one has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets similar to it.

Target: education of humanity, formation of positive, respectful relationships of preschoolers towards people different nations.

Tasks: To clarify children’s knowledge about Russia and its large territory. To reinforce the idea that many people live in Russia different nations. Foster love and interest in your homeland - Russia.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, I suggest you sit in a circle, passing a ball of magic threads and tell any child that I am in a good or wonderful mood today, because ....” Everyone who gives and to whom the magic ball is passed winds a piece of thread around his finger.” Show how it should be done. Continue the game until all the children are tied with a thread.

- “Look how we are all connected by one thread. I propose to tighten it slightly in order to feel that each of us is part of one whole. You and I are one.” Well done, take a seat on your chairs.

Today, we will talk about you and me, about what we are different.

How huge and beautiful our country is.

You and I live in a country that has a very beautiful name - Russia.

How many of you know why our country has such a name?

Reading a poem.

For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For a Russian field with tall ears of corn,

Overflowing rivers in blue flames.

They called you in Slavic - Russia.

Let's all repeat this word together - Russia.

There is a lot in our country amazing: beautiful cities, nature and amazing people. Our country is a multinational state.

Today we will take a short trip through the peoples of Russia and get to know them. And we will travel on a magic carpet. And the first one is ours station: "Peoples of Russia".

We look at and talk using slides or pictures « Different nations» .

(examination of costumes, national dishes).

How are all nations similar and how are they different?

Now we will check whether we are all the same or different.

Next station "Listen carefully".

Stand in the hoop, those with dark hair;

Stomp those who have a brother;

Nod your heads, you boys;

Clap those with blue eyes;

Stand up, those wearing shorts;

Raise your hand if you have braids.

You see, guys, we are all very different, each of us has our own characteristics, not to mention the fact that each person has his own inner world. And therefore we must respect the individuality of each person, because we are all people, we have differences, but each of us will not be repeated and is needed by everyone else.

We sit down on our airplane carpet and move on.

Fizminutka "We are musicians"

Next station "What am I like".

“I have a magic flower, but its petals have fallen off. We need to collect it, and its petals will tell us how unusual you are. Everyone will take a petal and place it on their palm. Look how handsome he is! Let's praise ourselves, talk about our hobbies and achievements. Listen to me do it." (the child talks about himself and attaches the petal to the middle).

This concludes our journey with you.

Conversation “What have we learned new?

1. Where have we been?

2. What country do you and I live in?

3. About customs and traditions, which peoples did we remember?

4. Which national costume do you remember most?

And in conclusion, I want to say that we must respect representatives of all nations, be hospitable and honest in our friendship.

Publications on the topic:

Program content: 1. Educational: To cultivate interest in design. 2. Developmental: Develop attention. Develop fine motor skills.

Goal: Enriching children's knowledge about the planets of the solar system, their ideas about the planets (their sizes, location to the Sun, some features).

Integrated lesson on the topic: “Round dance of friendship” (preparatory group) Objectives: To form children’s idea of ​​what is on Earth.

Summary of the musical lesson “These different, different marches” for children of senior preschool age These are different, different marches. Senior group. Target. Strengthen children's knowledge of genres in music. Learn different types of marches. Learn to speak up.

Progress of the lesson: Voss: Guys, we have guests today. Greet them warmly and cordially so that they feel that we belong to them.

PROGRAM GOALS: expand children's knowledge about the agricultural work of grain growers; instill respect for work, caring attitude towards.

Does anyone know the benefits of a preparatory group? Many parents of kindergarten-aged children are tormented by the question of whether to send their beloved child to kindergarten or leave it under the supervision of grandparents. Of course, in each case everything is individual and it’s up to you to decide, but having become more familiar with what awaits your baby in his first educational institution, it will be easier for you to accept the right treatment.

  • First of all, kindergarten is a kind of step in the development of your baby. Growing up, our children gradually enter adult life, the regime of which quite often differs greatly from the cozy pastime at home, where all attention is given only to him and all desires are immediately satisfied. In kindergarten, a child learns to adapt to a routine and a certain rhythm of life - these are the first steps of independence and self-discipline.
  • Secondly, such groups are precisely distinguished by the fact that here children are purposefully developed and prepared for the next stage.

Basically, in this age group, the use of role-playing games in teaching preschool children continues. In the preparatory group, integrated (complex) classes are used, which will be discussed a little later, and the necessary skills are directly developed in children of this age period.

Let's look at specific examples of each of these methods.

Classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten:

Thematic role-playing games in the development of a preschooler

As for role-playing games: with the help of such games, children strengthen their ability to interact with each other, that is, the ability to cooperate, and develop the ability to interact with objects (consolidating knowledge about the shapes, colors, sizes of various objects).

Imagination develops through the animation of toy characters and dolls.

At this age, children can already independently invent roles for themselves and play without the direct participation of a teacher, but the role of an adult is to create an object-based play environment and organize an appropriate atmosphere. The child chooses his own role (mother, builder, doctor) and then behaves according to the chosen plot. This strengthens the ability to transfer one’s action from one object to another, to compare one’s actions with the actions of the people around him.

The teacher must prepare the necessary sets of toys that I can captivate children with play, and then encourage the kids to play. This can be done by starting the game yourself, for example, like this: “I am a doctor. I will treat the children. This is where I will have a hospital. Come in if you need treatment. Kitty, are you sick? Where does it hurt? Show me the neck and the ear. Now we’ll take the temperature, here’s a thermometer.” (He puts the thermometer on the cat.) Now we’ll see you. Does your hand hurt?” Then the teacher, together with the toys, can treat the children, and then invite the children to play themselves.

Of course, in the group more attention is paid to the development of counting, reading, first mathematics and writing skills.

Complex classes in the preparatory group

As we said earlier, complex classes are very effective for developing children’s abilities. Their distinctive feature is the combination of various types of activities into one lesson. Changing types of action goes well with the active and mobile nature of children and helps to consider the subject (or phenomenon) being studied from different points of view. The lesson also provides for the consolidation of new knowledge in practice. The advantage is that the child does not have time to get tired of the amount of new knowledge acquired, but at the right time, to a new type of “absorbed” information.

Complex classes help smooth out the emerging contradictions between pedagogical training and the natural development of the personality of the future schoolchild, thus eliminating the conflict between the mobile nature of the preschooler and the process of acquiring new information.

By combining in the required proportions fragments of improving speech abilities, artistic creativity, and developing physical health into one comprehensive lesson, the teacher can maintain children’s attention at a high level for quite a long time, and this applies to children of different temperaments and abilities. In an integrated lesson, almost any child will find interesting topics for themselves.

The main areas in which children are taught in preparation are:

  • speech development;
  • acquaintance with nature;
  • knowledge of the surrounding world;
  • classes in fine arts, modeling, appliqué;
  • mathematics and logical thinking skills;
  • memory development with memorization of short poems;
  • strengthening physical health, using exercise and some other abilities.

Let's take an example of a complex lesson in the area of ​​getting to know nature, developing speech and drawing skills. Let's present it in a condensed form to understand the essence.

Lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten on the topic: “Sparrow”

  • Give children knowledge about the sparrow.
  • Learn to retell the text, maintaining the figures of speech used by the author, without breaking the sequence. Continue teaching the children how to draw a bird, creating a composition.
  • Vocabulary: sparrow, little sparrow.
  • Develop coherent speech and fine motor skills.
  • Practice onomatopoeia, counting abilities and number composition.
  • Instill curiosity and an ecological perception of the world.


  • A picture with a picture of a sparrow and an inscription.
  • Audio recording of sparrow sounds.
  • Sparrow mitten doll or cut out paper bird figurine.
  • Landscape sheets with a drawn outline (outline in pencil), colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

Now we will get acquainted with a small bird. This is a sparrow. (Show the picture and read the inscription).

Look at the sparrow. It is approximately the size of a parrot (15 cm), brown with gray accents.

The sparrow moves in small jumps and makes sounds: “chick-chirp.” Listen to him tweet. (Turn on the audio recording).

Try to say “chik-chirk” yourself. (Onomatopoeia).

What are sparrow chicks called? Let's repeat the chicks of other birds.

Game "Guess the Chick"

A cuckoo chick is a cuckoo chick.

A stork chick is ... a stork.

A crow chick is... a crow.

A starling chick is ... a starling.

An owl chick is... an owlet.

Crane chick - ... this is a baby crane.

Now let's play.

Dynamic recreation “Sparrows are looking for food”

Children imitate the flight of birds and run out from the tables onto the carpet, on which there are many medium-sized buttons. These are grains and other birdseed. The teacher suggests taking two grains each - the sparrow will not carry more. Children fly for food several times. Then count the number of buttons. It is said that four is made up of two twos.

Now the continuation of the story about the characteristics of the behavior and life of a sparrow.

Sparrows are funny, active birds. One day this story happened. The teacher tells a short story with elements of showing what is happening, you can attract the children.

Reading a story about a sparrow by famous writers. Then depict an episode from the story on a prepared sheet of paper (outlines of sketches are allowed).

Outdoor game “Birds are flying home”

Children fly like birds. If they hear names other than birds, they stand still. And when they hear the words “sparrows go home”, they run to the carpet and stand in the nests (hoops).

The crows are flying home.

The sparrows are flying home.

You will take your drawings home and, looking at them, tell about the sparrow.

Then read a poem or tongue twister about a sparrow.

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