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Interesting facts about cats (18 photos). Interesting and funny facts about cats

Today I want to present to you, readers of modest cat notes, such a selection of interesting facts and simply interesting data about four-legged furballs, that is, about domestic cats. You may know some things, but some will be new.

  1. A cat's heart beats up to 140 beats per minute, which is almost twice as fast as a human's.
  2. A cat uses as much water to lick its fur as it does to urinate.
  3. The normal body temperature in cats is about 38 degrees. This is slightly more than that of a person.
  4. There are 250 bones in a cat's skeleton. (Some sources call 245 and claim that bones can grow together as they grow older.) In humans, it is 206.
  5. About 10% of all bones are in the tail. Everything for better balance when running and jumping.
  6. There are 517 muscles in a cat's body. A person has 650 of them.
  7. To control the ear, cats have 32 muscles at their disposal. A cat's ear turns 180 degrees, and does it ten times faster than a dog.
  8. A cat's eye, relative to its body size, is larger than that of most mammals.
  9. Cats can see some colors. Experiments have shown that cats can distinguish between red, green, and blue. With other colors the situation is somewhat worse, that is, in shades of gray. Details in our.
  10. Cats can see up to 60 meters away. The field of clear vision is 135, and peripheral lateral vision is about 285 degrees.
  11. Cats are not very good at distinguishing small details.
  12. To see at night, cats need 6 times less light than humans. Their night vision is amazing! In the dark, a cat's eye even uses light reflected from the retina.
  13. Kittens' eye color can change as they grow older.
  14. At birth, kittens are deaf and blind. They open their eyes at 7-10 days, and vision and hearing develop at two weeks.
  15. The pattern of lines on the surface of a cat's nose is unique, just like a human fingerprint. No two cat noses are alike!
  16. Cats smell 14 times more powerfully than humans. They have 80 million olfactory receptors in their nose.
  17. In addition to the nose, cats can detect odors using the so-called Jacobson's organ, located on the upper palate behind the front incisors. The cat uses it when she is completely focused on some particularly interesting smell, sucking in air, slightly raising her upper lip and nose.
  18. The cat perceives the smallest vibrations in the air and its direction through its vibrations. A kind of natural direction finder! A cat has a total of 24 main whiskers, arranged in four rows on each side of the head. Moreover, the cat can control the upper two rows of whiskers independently of the lower ones.
  19. One of the largest cat breeds is . Males weigh from 6 to 10 kg, and females from 5 to 8 kg. - Singaporean. Males weigh about 3 kg, and cats barely gain 2 kilos.
  20. The giraffe, camel, horse and cat are the only ambling animals whose left legs walk first and then their right ones. This type of walking guarantees speed, maneuverability and silence.
  21. Domestic cats are the only species of cat that can hold its tail upright when walking. All wild cats hold their tails horizontally when walking.
  22. Only the pads of a cat's paws sweat.
  23. Cats usually have 1-6 kittens in a litter. On average, a cat is capable of giving birth to 2-3 litters per year and can produce more than 100 kittens in her lifetime. One pair of cats and their children can produce 420,000 kittens in 7 years.
  24. One litter can have kittens from different fathers.
  25. When drinking, a cat takes in liquid with the underside of its tongue more than the top.
  26. Cats purr at a frequency of 26 vibrations per second, and they do this both while inhaling and exhaling. We have separate material.
  27. While hunting for prey, a domestic cat can dash at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour.
  28. In England, cats are used for their intended purpose to guard granaries and other food warehouses; they are quite officially put on allowance. Cats also protect books and other relics of the British Museum from mice. And in Austria, a cat that has served as a warehouse guard for several years is entitled to a lifelong pension, given in products: milk, meat or broth.
  29. If a cat is near you and its tail is shaking, this is the highest feeling of love that it can express. When the tail begins to droop, it means the mood has changed - you can move away, she will not be offended.
  30. Cats wag their tails when faced with a choice, and one desire conflicts with another. For example, if a cat is standing in a doorway and wants to go out, and it is raining outside, the tail will sway due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but doesn't want to get wet. As soon as she makes a decision (stay at home or go out into the rain), the tail will immediately calm down. We have an interesting one.
  31. With pleasure, cats extend and retract their claws, spreading their fingers.
  32. Do not pick up a kitten, or especially an adult cat, by the scruff of the neck. You will never be able to do it like a mother cat who carries her kittens this way. At the same time, they fall into a state of stupor. With such a burden in its teeth, the cat is able to overcome various obstacles and jump up and down.
  33. The average age is 15 years, while for wild ones it is from 3 to 5 years.
  34. People who have pet cats live longer and are much less susceptible to stress and heart attacks.
  35. The cat kills moving prey, but not necessarily for food. Understanding that hunting is about obtaining food is an acquired skill.
  36. A cat falling from a height always acts the same way. First the head is leveled, then the back, then the legs, and finally the back is arched to soften the landing.
  37. “Sociable” cats follow you from room to room to monitor your actions.
  38. If your cat is tearing up furniture, try giving the area a lemon or orange scent. Cats hate citrus smells. You can read more about smells that cats don’t like.
  39. Cats distinguish intonation. When speaking to them, be mindful of your tone of voice. Cats understand very well when you are angry with them (although they may not show it).
  40. Cats can make about 100 different sounds. For comparison, there are only about 10 dogs.
  41. not only from pleasure, but also expressing pain or fear. Cats often purr when giving birth or when petting kittens.
  42. Cats rub against humans in order to “cut out” other people’s smells and appropriate their own. The smell comes from glands located between the eye and ear and at the base of the tail. For the same reason, cats lie on their owners' clothes.
  43. Do not put your cat on a vegetarian diet. They need animal protein. After all, these are carnivores!
  44. Cats are one of the laziest mammals. They are able to sleep 18 hours a day. A cat falls asleep faster than almost all other animals.
  45. Cats, when not sleeping, spend a third of their time grooming themselves.
  46. The cat easily jumps to a height five times its height.
  47. Cats love heights - from there they have a better view of the surrounding area. And enemies will not so quickly overcome the height to which the cat has climbed. Leopards and jaguars, who sleep in trees, also love heights.
  48. If a cat bites when its belly is stroked, this does not mean that it is evil, it just doesn’t like it.
  49. If a cat sleeps with all its paws tucked under itself or curled up in a ball and covering its nose with its tail, this indicates cold weather.
  50. Modern cats are descended from miacidae, small animals that live in trees. They existed more than 40 million years ago. The first representatives of modern cats emerged approximately 12 million years ago.


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Before getting yourself a pet, it is a good idea to find out as much information as possible about it. The most interesting things about cats and cats are collected in this article. You will see for yourself that these are very kind, affectionate and unusual animals.

Owners can tell the most interesting facts from the life of cats - their beloved pets. For example, that these animals have their own special daily routine, and they can sleep most of the day. Many of them find a permanent place to sleep. The owner should be aware of it and clean it from accumulated hair and dandruff from time to time. You also need to remember that you cannot suddenly drive a cat away when it is resting or sleeping. This can lead to injury to the animal, as it may not have time to orient itself if it falls.


Inexplicable, but true - cats experience almost the same feelings as people: happiness and depression, playfulness and excitability, anger and affection. Surely many people know that it is better not to anger a cat, otherwise its reaction may be revenge on the owner for the offense. This could be, for example, damaged furniture or broken dishes.


If we compare the level of odor perception in humans and cats, then, of course, in the latter it is much more developed. In these animals, the part of the brain responsible for smell is much larger compared to its total volume. This feature gives cats the ability to easily distinguish people, and also establish, using scent marks, whether she has ever been in a given place. In addition, the smell allows males to determine whether the female is ready to mate.

Here are some more interesting facts about cats related to their amazing ability to smell:

● The nose is not their only organ by which they can smell. In the animal’s mouth there is a so-called Jacobson’s tube, located behind the front teeth on the upper palate. Cats use this organ only when they need to concentrate on only one of the smells. To do this, they inhale, raising their upper lip and opening their mouth. It seems that they taste the air with an unfamiliar smell, like food.

● Compared to humans, cats smell about 14 times better, since they have about 60-80 million olfactory cells for this, while humans have only 20 million.

● Each animal is unique. For example, to determine a person's identity, fingerprints are usually taken from him. In cats, the pattern on the nose is unique.

● Some owners consider their pets to be quite capricious animals due to the fact that before they start eating, they begin to sniff the food for a long time. This judgment is incorrect, because in this way cats try to find out its temperature, and their nose acts as a thermometer.

● They can also determine air temperature using their sense of smell. For example, when cats sleep curled up in a ball, it means that the environment is cool; if they stretch out their front and hind legs, it means it’s warm. Sometimes during sleep they can hide their nose or cover it with their paws - this behavior indicates that cold weather will soon come.

● It happens that animals lose their hearing or go blind. In this case, cats are quite capable of moving on and navigating their way through space, although not as well. But the loss of their sense of smell for them is tantamount to the loss of all chances of survival.

● Cats are sensitive to the smell of certain plants, which have an intoxicating effect on them. These include thyme and mint, and elderberry generally brings them unimaginable delight.

● Owners should be aware that a bowl that is washed too thoroughly, and even with the help of some chemical agent, including simple soap, can scare away animals. The fact is that its smell is quite unusual for them, although a person may not feel it.

The following facts about cats and cats indicate that smells play a very important role in their relationships. For example, they may contain quite valuable information that a strange male passed through a given place and could have encroached on the territory, or that there was a trace of a cat ready to mate. If the cat discovers the place where the partner was recently, he begins to rub against it with a joyful and satisfied look. This can symbolize either his good mood and readiness for love games, or his determination to take military action.


It's no secret that these animals have excellent hearing, the capabilities of which are simply amazing: with its help, a cat can filter out everyday noises that mean nothing to it, and from all the various sounds, single out only the necessary ones. This could be, for example, the very quiet rustling of a mouse or the approach of the owner.

In addition, cats can “hear” even with their eyes. The fact is that they contain nerve cells that transmit sounds to the brain, but a person cannot hear them. By the word “silence” we mean the absolute absence of sounds, but at this time the cat hears various kinds of noises, indicating that life is in full swing around.

There are also quite interesting facts about cats related to their hearing organ. For example, their ears can rotate up to 180 degrees and face in different directions, and 27 muscles are involved in these actions. In addition, their hearing acuity exceeds not only humans, but also dogs several times, and its range reaches 65 kHz, while humans have only 20.

It should be borne in mind that cats’ hearing is quite sensitive to very loud sounds and this susceptibility is 3 times higher than humans. Therefore, owners who love their pets should not turn on the TV too loudly or the music at full volume when the animal is nearby in the same room. We need to let him leave this room.

In addition, information has become known that the upper limit of sound vibrations heard by adult felines reaches 65, and the lower - 30 kHz. But kittens at the age of 10 days are able to distinguish sounds in the range of up to 100 kHz. To make it clearer, for comparison let’s take dogs that hear noise in the range of no more than 40 kHz, and humans - 20 kHz.


It is quite specific for a cat. She can see everything that is happening within a radius of 180⁰, that is, not only in front of her, but also from both sides at the same time. But at the same time, the cat cannot see what is too close to it.

When playing with a ball, animals pay more attention to the horizontal movement of the object. This is due to the instinct associated with catching rodents.

The sizes of the eyes of different breeds of animals differ and have their own characteristics. For example, a British cat. Interesting facts are that their eyes are too large compared to their body. In addition, they have one more feature - they do not have eyelashes. But it should be noted that these facts do not in any way affect the visual acuity itself.

The most common myth about cats is that they see perfectly in complete darkness. It must be said that this is an erroneous statement, since under such conditions they cannot recognize objects. Facts about British cats show that there must be at least some glimpses of light indoors for them to see perfectly.

Unlike dogs, which are mostly myopic, cats are farsighted, and their vision is naturally designed in such a way that while catching mice, they can freely observe several minks at the same time.

Tongue and teeth

Interesting facts about cats also concern its unusual language, which, by the way, has some similarities with humans. It is also able to distinguish four basic tastes: sour, sweet, salty and bitter.

On top of the cat's tongue there are special microscopic horny hooks that can be compared to ordinary sandpaper. A person can feel them when an animal begins to lick his skin. A cat's tongue is so rough that its structure is similar to a rasp and after several touches the skin may turn red.

Nowadays, the main food for pets is either canned food or human food. For such food, the cat almost does not need to use its teeth, since it does not chew it. But if she herself wants to hunt and kill prey, then the large front fangs are used. She bites into the neck of her victim, and her long teeth penetrate between her vertebrae, tearing them apart. And indigenous cats use it to tear their prey into smaller pieces.

Cats and mice

As you know, ears are one of the most significant sense organs in animals, which helps to recognize various sounds and determine where they are coming from. The organ of hearing warns them of danger or helps them hunt.

Amazing facts about cats say that although they are inferior to dogs in terms of smell, their hearing is much better developed. They can hear the rustling of a mouse at a distance of up to 500 m, and their scratching - up to 25. These actions can disturb a cat's sleep, especially if it is also hungry.

Excellent hearing is not the only super ability of this animal. The amazing thing is that cats understand “mouse language”. The fact is that rodents “communicate” with each other by emitting sound signals in the range of about 40 kHz. And cats are well versed in such “negotiations.” This ability allows them to know when the mouse will come out of the hole.

The most interesting facts about cats related to their hunt for mice are that one cat can save up to 10 tons of grain per year from voracious rodents. For example, in England, animals that guard food warehouses are fed at public expense. But cats are especially revered there, as they protect exhibits stored in the British Museum from mice.

In addition, in the UK, furry four-legged animals are part of the staff of some London post offices. Cats receive an official "wage", which increases from time to time due to inflation, and this has been the case for 130 years. And they occupy a very important position - they protect parcels from damage and rodents entering them.

In Austria, there was one known cat who guarded warehouses for several years and was given a lifelong pension, not in the form of money, but in food - milk, meat and broth.

But in Russian Yekaterinburg there lived a cat Kuzya, who once protected... mice! His owner, having discovered a rodent in her closet, called him for help. The cat dealt with the mouse, but spared its babies, who hid in his fur. For some time he even took care of them, but, of course, the owner did not like it.

Cats and dogs

The development of relationships between these animals belonging to the same owner can go in two directions. The first of them is close and selfless friendship, and the second is absolute indifference to each other.

It is worth noting that a cat and a dog living under the same roof cannot actively quarrel with each other for a long time. Over time, they get used to such a neighborhood. At first, the cat begins to perceive the dog as one of the elements of the environment and tries to stay away from it. But in the end, mutual understanding and affection inevitably arise between them, and later they can begin to play with each other and even eat from the same bowl.

Relationship with other animals

When a cat is an old-timer in the house, for a long time and with enviable tenacity it will defend, in its opinion, only the territory that belongs to it. At the same time, the gender or age of the competitor does not matter to her. If they bring it when there is already a dog or another cat in the house, then it begins to prove its right to live and actively conquer part of the territory.

It happens that owners also get rabbits, birds, fish or hamsters. Cats will always perceive such small animals as objects for hunting and one should not hope that this state of affairs will change over time. The only exception is when a cat loses its offspring. In this case, she can “adopt” the baby of another animal.

Scientific facts

It is believed that cats descended from miacids - ancient animals that lived on earth more than 40 million years ago. They were small in size and climbed trees. And about 12 million years ago, modern cats appeared.

Scientific facts, confirmed by specific studies conducted in the USA, indicate that about 50% of doctors in this country advise their patients to have pets. Most often they recommend cats. In their opinion, these little animals are the best “recipe” for healing. It has been proven that cats help get rid of certain diseases, and also relieve symptoms of overwork and constant stress.

American scientists from Buffalo conducted a number of studies. As a result, it turned out that the happiness of cat owners directly depends on whether their pet is healthy. In addition, families where these animals are kept cope much easier with various crisis situations and stress, and also communicate with each other more often.

Many doctors tell amazing facts about cats, from which it follows that furry creatures are simply irreplaceable for people. For example, they can prevent heart attacks. A person with high blood pressure only has to stroke his beloved cat and it will begin to decrease.

There have been cases when animals even helped scientists make useful discoveries. One of them is the invention of iodine. They say that he was found by accident, and the cat helped in this. She accidentally knocked over the flasks with chemicals, as a result of which they mixed, and the well-known iodine was obtained.

Facts that no one knew about

Many will agree that cats are very mysterious animals. And even scientists are not sure that a person will ever be able to reveal all their secrets. Here are 10 facts about cats that most likely no one knew until recently. American scientists conducted research for several years and found out a lot of things that make people look at their pets in a new way.

● Short memory. Cats can remember their surroundings or obstacles they overcome in as little as 10 minutes. Moreover, visual memory is much shorter than muscle memory.

● The birth rate of cats is affected by global warming. An increase in air temperature led to a reduction in the duration of the cold season, and this, in turn, increased the mating season in animals. The birth of too many kittens leads to an increase in the number of stray cats on city streets, since most of them do not find homes.

● Cats are loved more than dogs. That's what the American Veterinary Association found after surveying many families about their pets. They learned quite interesting facts about dogs and cats. It turned out that in 2007, about 72 million families kept the first animals, and almost 82 million kept the second. This means that most people prefer to have cats. In addition, you need to take into account that there can be two or more of them in one house.

● Dogs are smarter than cats. In 2010, scientists published the results of their research. They said that social animal species, such as dogs, have experienced greater brain growth over the past 60 million years than solitary species, i.e. cats. In addition, there are many cases where the former show intelligence much more often than the latter. For example, dogs benefit humans: they serve as guides for the blind, find drugs, diagnose cancer, search for and save people from avalanches and rubble. What do cats do? They bask in the sun for hours and wake up all the inhabitants of the surrounding houses with their nightly “concerts”. Based on the degree of usefulness for humans, we can conclude that dogs are smarter than cats. This is considered only because they are more often used by people and behave more actively than furry purrs.

● The most interesting facts about cats and dogs are that they can live together quite peacefully and even be friends. Scientists are confident that the long-standing enmity between these two different species of animals exists only due to disruptions in communication, and not due to innate instincts, as previously thought. If you bring them together at a fairly early age, they will communicate, play and understand each other perfectly.

● Cats are very cunning and cunning. In 2010, one interesting video was presented, filmed by wildlife researchers in the Amazon forest. Thanks to these sensational images, unusual facts about the cats living in this area became known. In the Amazon jungle there is a small species of monkey - tamarins. They are the favorite prey of the local wild cat, the margi. In order to lure a monkey out of hiding and catch it, it imitates the sounds of its prey.

● Cats control humans. Probably many have already thought about this. Interesting facts about cats say that our pets manipulate us and encourage us to do what they want with the help of purring, rubbing against their legs, loud meowing, or even a heart-rending and unpleasant “concert”. They force their owner and his family members to fulfill all their wishes - to feed them, pet them, let them out for a walk, or allow them to jump on the bed.

● Interesting facts about cats say that they drink not like other animals, but in a special way. To see this, you need to record a video of them lapping up milk, and then watch the recording in slow motion. You can see that cats first bring their tongue to the liquid, creating a small vertical column out of it, and then return it to the mouth with milk. In order to make it convenient for them to drink, you need to choose a bowl that is not too large and deep.

● Cats, like people, can also be obese. The number of overweight animals increases every year. There are now about 50 million obese cats in the world. This is due to the fact that pets rarely leave the apartment and they really lack any physical activity. And its absence when consuming large amounts of high-calorie food leads to excessive weight.

Those people who have kept a cat at home for many years know almost all the behavioral features of this cute animal. They can confirm that each of the animals has its own special temperament. Sometimes cats can be very demanding and sometimes completely unpredictable, but in any case they are loved and cared for.

If you want to know interesting facts about cats, then you have come to the right place. We have prepared for you the most fascinating facts that will amuse some, and maybe even surprise you.

So, let's get down to our “cat” facts!

    1. Cats' ears are made up of 32 muscles, and they use twelve of them regularly.
    2. Cats can turn their ears almost 180 degrees, so be careful when telling secrets in front of them.
    3. Cats have a 14 times stronger sense of smell than humans. Therefore, if you forgot sausage in your bag, which is also securely wrapped in a plastic bag, rest assured, your pet will find it.
    4. The average lifespan of a domestic cat is 15 years. If the cat is three years old, then this corresponds to the age of twenty years for a person. If a cat is 8 years old, then this is 40 years old, in terms of our years, and if a pet is 15 years old, then this is our 70 years old.
    5. Males require almost ten times more territory for their livelihoods than females.
    6. Cats cannot fully exist if you do not feed them meat, since it contains the most important amino acid for cats (arginine).
    7. Cats prefer warm or room food rather than cold or hot food.
    8. Some people treat their pets with human medicine. An interesting fact is that cats can be fatally poisoned by a regular Aspirin tablet.
    9. Do you know how many times a minute a cat’s heart beats? – this is about 140 beats. For comparison, in humans the norm is 80 beats.
    10. Everyone knows that fingerprints can identify any person, since they are not repeated, being absolutely unique. The same goes for a cat's nose print.
    11. Interestingly, cats are able to hear sounds transmitted at a frequency of 60 kHz. To understand this, imagine that dogs hear at a frequency of 40 kHz, and people hear at 20 kHz. Naturally, even the subtlest rustle of a mouse, which seems silent to us, is very clearly audible to cats.
    12. Incredibly, these creatures can make more than 100 different sounds, while dogs can only make about 10 sounds.
    13. Many children are perplexed why cats do not react to “sweets” that are thrust right under the animal’s nose. The thing is that cats don't see well at close range. The most comfortable zone for their vision varies from 75 centimeters to 6 meters.
    14. Typically, all cats have twelve whiskers on each side. In other words, these can safely be called twenty-four-haired creations!
    15. An interesting fact is that there is scientific evidence that cats retract their claws while sleeping. This applies to the entire cat family, with the only exception being the cheetah - its claws are always ready.
    16. Cats never communicate with each other using meowing. Their language of communication is hissing, purring and snorting. But when cats meow, they address themselves exclusively to people, probably thinking that they are expressing themselves perfectly in human language.
    17. If you trim a cat's whiskers, it will completely change in behavior. This happens because it is with the help of their mustaches that they perceive the world around them. Although it is more correct to say not mustache, but vibrissae, since this word refers to long hair, which is endowed with supersensitive nerve endings that transmit impulses to the brain.
    18. Some believe that the whiskers are the sixth sense of cats. Indeed, this unique mechanism allows animals to move freely in space even in complete darkness. In other words, vibrissae can almost completely replace both ears and eyes.
    19. An interesting fact about cats is that they are terribly afraid of water. Although in fact, under normal conditions, cats can even catch fish. But if you hold them tightly and try to force them into the bathtub, they can become aggressive. Maybe this is due to the legends circulating among cats that some kittens are drowned in water as children?
    20. But this fact is probably unfamiliar to you. Do you know why cats lick their fur? This does not come from cleanliness at all. It’s just that cats thus lick a substance secreted by their body, which normalizes their mental activity. That is, roughly speaking, if a cat does not lick itself, it is quite possible that it is crazy! Seriously speaking, this is really important, and if you deprive a cat of this opportunity, she may simply die.

      The cat calls the kittens home to eat

    21. You need to know that allergies to cats are not caused by the fur itself, but by the FEL D1 protein, which is spread through the hairs. An interesting fact is that cats are more allergenic than cats.
    22. Most cats butt or “bump” their heads into your legs to demonstrate their affection for people. This is truly a sign of affection, although sometimes this behavior is annoying.
    23. If you are wondering why cats rub against people's legs, as well as various objects, then we will clear it up. The bottom line is that these animals have special glands on both sides of the head, on the tail, near the genitals and on the paws. When they rub against you, they seem to mark you, they say, you are one of them.
    24. When cats are in someone else's cat territory, they slow down when they meet other cats. This happens because, being “away”, they do not want to enter into conflict.
    25. Almost all cats love valerian. Her smell acts on them like a magnet. It’s interesting that they turn into drug addicts when they smell this smell and get completely drunk on valerian. In case of an overdose, the pet may even die, so you should not indulge in this.
    26. If a cat wags its tail, it means there is a complex dilemma going on inside it. For example, standing in the doorway and not knowing whether to go outside in the rain or stay in a dry room, the cat will wag its tail.
    27. If a cat's tail trembles when you are nearby, then rest assured that you are one of her closest and dearest creatures. This is how the most tender feeling in these pets manifests itself.
    28. Cats don't like sweets. The fact is that they simply do not understand the taste of sweetness due to the lack of the necessary taste buds. Therefore, you can’t pamper these comrades with sweets!
    29. When a cat shakes off its paws, it demonstrates that something is very unpleasant to it.
    30. Cats' eyes glow in the dark because light reflects off their retinas. For this reason, they only need a sixth of the light that we need for orientation in space.
    31. Cats are farsighted by nature and have difficulty seeing close objects. But dogs, on the contrary, are myopic.
    32. Ailurophilia is an excessive love for cats. Precisely excessive, since this term is taken from psychiatry. As a rule, older women suffer from this mental disorder, keeping several dozen of these pets in a small apartment.

    33. Cats sleep two-thirds of the time each day and groom themselves the remaining hours. This is probably the reason why they don’t have enough time to curry favor with their owners, as dogs with no dignity do!
    34. In Australia, 90% of homes have cats. Such a “cat state”!
    35. Kittens also lose their baby teeth, just like humans.
    36. All cats love to play with boxes. There are many very funny videos on this topic on the Internet.
    37. Cats were highly revered in Egypt. If a pet died, all family members shaved their eyebrows as a sign of grief.
    38. Surprisingly, the cat tribe doesn't sweat. Yes, yes, only their paw pads can be moisturized.
    39. Particularly capable cats can easily survive a fall even from the height of a nine-story building.
    40. And finally, the last fact. Did you know that cats can meow for hours on end? They are very persistent...
    41. Now, if someone asks you to talk about interesting facts about cats, you can do this without any problems, or simply share this page on a social network with the applicant.

What do we know about cats?

We bring to your attention a large selection of interesting facts about cats, many of which may be unexpected for you.

Cats often suddenly rush at the feet of a person passing by. This is how they play. The habit remains from childhood, when, as a kitten, she jumped out from ambush at her relatives.

Cats know how to kiss their beloved owners. They grab his finger or a fold of skin with their teeth and let go.

Cats are sensitive to signs of attention from humans. If they see the absence of one, they simply lose interest and turn their back to the person, or rather, their tail.

Cat toys should be easy to toss, soft on teeth and claws, and large enough not to be swallowed.

The early ancestors of modern cats lived about 30 million years ago. Scientists named them "Proailurus", which means "first cat" in Greek. The group of animals to which modern cats belong appeared about 12 million years ago.

A group of cat-related words (catt, cath, chat, katze) come from the Latin "catus", meaning "domestic cat", as opposed to "feles", meaning "wild cat".

Cats often bring killed mice to their owners. They do this to thank them for their care, or they believe that the owner will not be able to feed himself, since he hunts poorly. Or maybe he just knows that there are no competitors at home, and the prey can be eaten in peace.

Before they start eating a caught but still living mouse, cats play with it. She just enjoys catching her escaping prey over and over again.

Cats, when catching birds, squat and rise again. There is a version that this is how they prepare to jump. According to another version, the cat behaves this way only when it understands that “the eye sees, but the tooth is numb,” this is a gesture of despair. When unable to catch prey, cats' jaws sometimes tremble and their teeth chatter.

If the cat lies on its back, showing its belly, this is a sign of trust in the animal or person present. After all, the stomach is the most vulnerable place in a cat.

You can often see his favorite toy in a cat's bowl. He brings it because it is his territory and he considers it safe, suitable for hiding a toy.

Cats are not afraid of water, contrary to popular impression. In nature, they can freely dive in order to catch fish. But they hate it when they are put into water against their will, and even held.

The most popular cat breed in the world is the Persian cat, followed by the Maine Coon cat and the Siamese cat.

If a cat is faced with a choice between drinking water from a bowl or from a dripping faucet, he will choose the latter. Cats are hunters and love everything fresh: food and drink. The water in the tap seems fresher to them than in the bowl.

At birth, kittens cannot see or hear. They open their eyes at 7-10 days, and vision and hearing develop at 2 weeks. They begin to walk at 20 days.

The effect of glowing eyes in a cat is explained by the reflection of light from the reflective membrane (tapetum), which is located behind the retina. As a result, light re-passes through the retina and is “processed” once again. The surface of the tapetum has yellow to green pigmentation.

Cats often lick unfamiliar objects, especially plastic ones. They subtly sense smells and get acquainted with new ones. A person does not smell smells so subtly.

Do all cats love valerian? Not all of them, but only those who have a special gene. Sometimes cats (less often cats) roll around the place where the valerian was spilled, or on the leaves of the plant. Then they return for a long time to the treasured place and lick it again. But there are cats that do not react at all to the plant and the medicine of the same name.

Cats wrinkle their upper lip when a smell piques their interest. The sensitivity of a cat's sense of smell is 14 times stronger than that of a human. In addition to the nose, the olfactory organs include the Jacobson tube, located behind the upper front teeth on the palate. When a cat uses this particular organ, its upper lip quivers.

The cat's lower jaw trembles and its teeth chatter only if the prey is unattainable.

A cat's tail is a part of the body by which one can recognize the animal's mood and thoughts. She waves it when faced with a difficult choice. For example, if it is pouring rain outside and the animal is about to go out, but does not dare, it wags its tail. But once the cat makes a decision, she stops waving. If a cat makes the same gesture near its owner’s feet, it shows its love for him. It’s worth letting her stand nearby as long as necessary. The tail dropped - you can move away, the cat has received a charge of positive energy.

Although it is generally believed that the ancient Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats, the oldest known domestic cat was recently found in a 9,500-year-old grave on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. This predates references to the cat in Egyptian art by more than 4,000 years.

There is a breed of cats that love to swim. The wool of the Turkish Van, a breed developed in Central Asia, has a unique texture that makes it waterproof.

Over time, cats begin to enter into dialogue with their owner. If you talk to them, they begin to respond by meowing and looking into the eyes. They behave the same way when their owner talks on the phone. Since there are no other people nearby, it means the owner is talking to the pet. And since he’s talking, he has to answer.

Cats make purring sounds from excess emotions. It doesn't matter whether they are positive or negative. The number of sounds cats make when communicating reaches several hundred, which significantly exceeds the “vocabulary” of a dog or even a gorilla.

Good hearing allows a cat to hear its owner’s steps from a distance and recognize his car by the sound. It happens that a cat does not respond to the owner’s call from another room, but this does not mean that the cat does not hear well; most likely, it is full and lazy.

The cat's food is placed in a bowl, and she pours it out or pulls it onto the floor nearby. The fact is that she does not like the contact of food with the walls of the dishes. And the tongue may not be able to reach the food from the narrow part of the bowl. But if the container is wide and has a rounded bottom, your pet may love to eat from it.

Cats do not like sweets because they do not have such a taste bud. They don't so much dislike him as they don't feel him. All representatives of the cat family have the same feature.

Often cats, when falling from a great height, simply get up and run away without receiving any damage. The fact is that they know how to control their body. During the fall, the cat spreads its paws in different directions, and the body acquires the properties of a parachute. There is another version: the cat flies from a great height, spinning. This reduces the speed of fall. When jumping from a small height, cats land on their paws, which are slightly springy.

A cat's tail can speak for its owner: an angry cat will aggressively beat its tail, while a happy cat will lazily wag only the tip of its tail.

A cat can jump up to 5 times its own height.

The cat can move at a maximum speed of about 50 km/h for short distances.

If touching something disgusts the cat, it begins to shake its paws. She also behaves when stepping into the water. This is an instinct of dislike for water.

Most cats, when sick, hide in a secluded place in the apartment, and if possible, leave it altogether. This is an instinct of self-preservation. The animal understands that the disease makes it weak and easily accessible to the enemy.

People with heart disease have a chance of living longer if they have a cat, compared with those who do not have a cat or dog. Since communicating with a cat reduces your heart rate.

Everyone knows that a cat can see in the dark. In fact, in complete darkness she cannot do this. But if there is at least 1/6 of the light that is necessary for a person, the cat will already see. Cats are naturally farsighted, while dogs are myopic. A cat can see even at a distance of 60 m. But the clearest vision of objects is if they are at a distance from 75 cm to 6 m. The acuity of its vision does not depend on the shape of the cat’s eyes (round, slanted, almond-shaped). Pupil dilation occurs when the light intensity decreases or when the animal becomes more interested in something. Kittens are born blue-eyed, but by 2-3 months the eye color may change.

Cats can see up to 60 meters away. Field of view is 185 and peripheral vision is about 285 degrees.

A cat's sensitivity to sounds is 3 times greater than that of a person, and 1.5 times greater than that of a dog. A cat's ear can rotate 180 degrees, using 32 muscles. The ears may not move in sync.

Cats' whiskers are one of their sense organs. They help the animal determine the air temperature, the presence or absence of wind. A cat without whiskers is like a person whose skin feels nothing. He may die from severe burns or frostbite. A cat with a trimmed mustache is also at risk of death.

Cats live 5 times less than humans. A three-month-old kitten corresponds in development to a 4-5 year old child. An animal's three-year age is equal to 21 years in humans, 8 years is 40 years, and 15 years is 70 years. The lifespan of a wild cat is 3 times less than that of a domestic cat.

Cats living in the same territory go out hunting one by one, following their “cat schedule.” Something similar happens to people when they use a shared bathroom or stove.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, one of the heaviest cats in the world was the Australian cat "Himmy", who weighed 21 kilograms. The record was set in 1986. His waist was 84 centimeters!

In Yekaterinburg there lived a cat named "Kuzya" who protected mice! His owner found mice in the pantry, the cat dealt with one mouse, but took pity on four little mice that hid under his thick fur. Kuzya warmed the kids and took care of them.

On average, cats spend 2/3 of their day sleeping. This means that the nine-year-old cat was only active for three years of his life.

Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth. Scientists believe this is due to a mutation in one of the key taste receptors.

Cats, as a rule, “dig” with their right paw, and cats with their left.

A cat cannot climb a tree upside down due to the structure of its claws. In order to get down from the tree, she needs to retreat, walking backwards.

Cats make about 100 different sounds. Dogs - only 10.

A cat's brain is biologically closer to a human's than a dog's. The same parts of the brain that control emotions in cats are the same as in humans.

There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, and there are about 40 different breeds.

To make a coat you need approximately 24 cat skins

During the Spanish Inquisition, Pope Innocent VIII recognized cats as assistants to the devil, and thousands of cats were burned. Unfortunately, the mass killing of cats led to a sharp increase in the rat population, which aggravated the consequences of the Black Death (plague epidemic).

In the Middle Ages, cats were associated with black magic and on St. John's Day, people all over Europe stuffed them into bags and threw them into bonfires.

The first cat to go into space was a French cat named Felicette (that is, Astrocat). In 1963, France launched it into space. Electrodes implanted into the cat's brain sent neurological signals back to Earth. The astrocat survived this flight safely.

According to Jewish legend, Noah prayed to God to protect the food on the ark from rats. In response to this, God made the lion sneeze, and a cat jumped out.

Cats rub against people not only out of affection, but also to mark territory with the scent of glands located around the muzzle. The smell is also emitted from areas near the cat's tail and paws.

Scientists don't know exactly how a cat purrs. Most veterinarians believe that a cat purrs by vibrating the vocal cords located deep in the throat. To do this, the muscles of the larynx open and close the air passage about 25 times per second.

In ancient Egypt, when a domestic cat died, family members shaved its eyebrows and mourned it. They also held funerals, during which they drank wine and beat their chests. The cat was embalmed and placed in a family tomb or pet cemetery with tiny mouse mummies.

In 1888, more than 300,000 mummified cats were found in Egyptian cemeteries. They were stripped of their cloth and taken to England and the United States to be used as fertilizer.

Most cats give birth to litters of one to nine kittens. The largest known litter contained 19 kittens, of which 15 survived.

Smuggling cats from ancient Egypt was punishable by death.

The largest wild cat today is the Amur tiger. It can grow more than 3.6 m in length (about the size of a small car) and weigh up to 320 kg.

The smallest wild cat today is the Black-footed cat. Its females are less than 50 cm in length and can weigh only 1.2 kg.

Although in many parts of Europe and North America a black cat is considered a bad omen, in the UK and Australia seeing a black cat is a sign of good luck.

Some Siamese cats cross their eyes due to the special structure of the optic nerves.

The world's most expensive cat, Little Nicky, cost her owner $50,000. She is a clone of his former cat, who died of old age.

The cat has approximately 12 whiskers on each side of its face.

A cat's vision is both better and worse than a human's. Better - because cats see much better in the dark and have a wider angle of peripheral vision. Worse - because they don't distinguish colors like humans. For example, grass appears red to cats.

In Spanish-Jewish folklore there is a parable that Adam's first wife, Lilith, turned into a black vampire cat, sucking the blood of sleeping babies. Perhaps it was this fact that gave rise to the belief that a cat can strangle a sleeping baby or “suck” its breath.

The most famous comic cat in literature is the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. With his ability to disappear, this mysterious character represents the magic and witchcraft historically associated with cats.

In the original Italian version of Cinderella, the good fairy godmother was a cat.

At the Dutch Embassy in Moscow, staff noticed that two Siamese cats began to meow from time to time and scratch the walls of the building. Their owners finally decided to find out what was going on, thinking they would find mice. Instead, they discovered Russian spy microphones hidden in the walls. The cats heard the microphones when they were on.

Cats' ability to find their way home is called "psi travel." According to experts, cats either determine their location by the angle of sunlight, or cats have magnetized cells in their brains that act like a compass.

A cat's jaws do not move from side to side, so the cat cannot chew large pieces of food.

Cats very rarely meow at other cats, usually only at people. The cat will most likely snort, purr, or hiss at other cats.

A cat's back is very flexible because it has 53 loosely fitting vertebrae. People - only 34.

About 1/3 of cat owners believe that their pets can read their minds.

All cats retract their claws when at rest, with the exception of the cheetah.

Excessive love for cats is called Ailurophilia (from Greek: cats + lover).

Most cats were short-haired until experiments with breeding and crossbreeding became fashionable about 100 years ago.

Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear (humans have only 6). This is why cats can turn their ears 180 degrees.

One of the reasons that kittens sleep so much is that growth hormone in cats, just like in humans, is released only during sleep.

Cats have approximately 20,155 hairs per square centimeter.

The oldest cat listed in the Guinness Book of World Records was Creme Puff from Austin, Texas, who lived from 1967 to August 6, 2005, and died three days after his thirty-eighth birthday. Cats typically live up to 20 years, which is equivalent to 96 years of human age.

In this article you can find out the most interesting facts about cats. .

  • 1. The most ancient representatives of the cat family existed more than 50 million years ago.
  • 2. Cats can turn their ears 180 degrees. They achieve this thanks to the special structure of the organ. Each ear consists of 32 muscles, twelve of which animals use very actively.
  • 3. A cat’s heart beats faster than a human’s: up to 140 beats per minute.
  • 4. Cats’ favorite activity, purring, occurs about one and a half thousand times per minute.
  • 5. Cats live on average 15-17 years. It is believed that by the age of three this animal reaches twenty-one in our opinion, and a ten-year-old cat is already elderly.
  • 6. Everyone knows that cats love the smell of valerian. Have you heard that these animals are not indifferent to garlic, coffee, vinegar, grapes and onions? Unfortunately, these products are harmful to our pets. So keep them away.
  • 7. Aspirin is deadly for cats.
  • 8. Interesting facts about cats also apply to babies. For example, the first two months of a kitten’s life are decisive for their entire subsequent life.
  • 9. If a kitten was born in a large family, with a lot of people, then it will easily adapt to a change in environment.
  • 10. Kittens get self-confidence and friendliness from their dad.

  • 11. Cats like food at room temperature, not from the refrigerator.
  • 12. If you have several cats in your house, feed them from separate bowls. This is because these animals are predators and competitors by nature.
  • 13. Your pet should not be a vegetarian. It is meat that contains an important substance for its health – arginine (amino acid).
  • 14. Cats love to live clean. Therefore, never place a food bowl or litter box near their sleeping area. These animals follow this rule even in the wild.
  • 15. Cats require their own territory, ten times larger than for cats.

  • 16. Cats cannot tolerate closed spaces and stale air. Therefore, always ventilate your home and do not close the interior doors.
  • 17. When cats lick their fur, they also comb it. After all, their tongue has hooks and combs that are convenient for this activity.
  • 18. Cats have a unique print that is not repeated between two individuals. This is a nose print.
  • 19. Cats sleep a third of the time of the day. Oh, a third of the remaining time they take care of themselves.
  • 20. Cats are unique animals. They perceive odors 14 times better than humans and can hear sounds at a frequency of 60 kHz. For comparison: people - 20 kHz, dogs - 40 kHz.

  • 21.Cats make up to a hundred different sounds. And, for example, dogs - up to ten.
  • 22. Cats have a hard time seeing small objects, for example, a piece of treat right under their nose. The best distance for their vision is from 75 centimeters to six meters.
  • 23. Cats perceive all information about the world around them with the help of their whiskers. There are about a dozen of them on each side. Each of which begins with vibris (the base of the whiskers), on which a large number of nerve endings are collected. Therefore, if a cat's whiskers are trimmed, it will not be able to hunt and will be insecure.
  • 24. You've probably noticed that cats love to rub against people. She does this not at all out of love for her owner. In this way, cats eliminate the smell of others from the glands that are located at the base of the tail and in the area between the eyes and ears.
  • 25. Cats are famous home healers. According to scientists, it is enough to stroke your pet to lower blood pressure and calm down. Therefore, in a house where cats live, stress is easier to bear, and the family becomes more harmonious and friendly.

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