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Getting rid of dry heels at home. How to soften the skin on your heels: tips

Heels are exposed to serious stress every day. Standing on your feet for a long time in uncomfortable shoes affects the condition of your feet. The skin quickly becomes rough, the heels become hard. The problem is especially relevant with the onset of the summer season. In the warm season, you want to wear open shoes. Women are interested in how to make their heels soft at home.

Basic principles of care

It’s quite possible to get beautiful heels without going to a salon. A comprehensive approach to foot care is important. The skin on the feet needs regular cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. The epidermis is constantly renewed. The top layer is usually represented by dead cells. A large number of them is a difficult obstacle to overcome for the active components of caring cosmetics. The keratinized scales must be removed.

An experienced pedicurist will tell you how to properly care for your feet. The whole process will consist of several stages.

  • Steaming the skin. This is an important element of preliminary preparation. After steaming, it is easy to remove dead layers of the epidermis.
  • Exfoliation. To get smooth heels, you need to get rid of dead skin.
  • Hydration. The skin on the legs will become soft only if there is a sufficient amount of liquid in its layers. Cream is usually used for moisturizing purposes.
  • Nutrition. The ideal way to deliver valuable substances deep into the skin is to use masks.

There are many ways to soften your heels. Many cosmetic companies produce lines of care products for the skin of the feet. Traditional recipes are also effective. With regular care, getting soft heels at home is not at all difficult.

Steaming legs

High-quality steaming is necessary to remove the dead layer of the epidermis. Most often, heel baths are used for this purpose. Under the influence of water, the maceration process begins in the skin. The epidermis gradually loosens. After this, the stratum corneum is easily removed. The water can be hot, warm or room temperature. To enhance the effect, various steaming components are added to the bath. An overview of the most popular ones is given in the table.

Substance Added quantity Bath effect
Milk and soap 1 tablespoon of crushed baby soap and ½ liter of milk Soap allows you to thoroughly cleanse the skin, and milk nourishes its deep layers.
Baking soda and soap 150 grams of each component Baking soda promotes rapid exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis.
Olive oil 5 tablespoons The oil nourishes the skin of the heels. This bath helps maintain smoothness.
Salt ½ cup Salt accelerates the healing of small wounds, abrasions and cracks on the feet.
Medicinal plants 300 ml decoction of linden blossom and marshmallow root Plant extracts have an antiseptic and softening effect.
Glycerol 1 teaspoon Glycerin added to water makes the feet soft and smooth.

After thorough steaming, the feet are dried. Next, you need to exfoliate dead skin cells.

Exfoliation of rough skin

To soften the heels, you need to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Many people are interested in what they can use. Pedicurists warn that cutting the skin with sharp objects is dangerous. There is a risk of damaging the epidermis and causing infection.

Special grinding files remove rough skin well. There are electric models. This file is used to remove skin from dry feet. this way is easy and convenient. An alternative option is to use a pumice stone or mechanical file. Before the procedure, your feet must be steamed in a bath.

To keep their heels soft, many women use various scrubs. You can purchase a ready-made product from one of the cosmetic brands or prepare it yourself.

For exfoliating mixtures the following are used:

  • ground coffee beans;
  • apricot kernels;
  • coarse sea salt;
  • baking soda.

The abrasive particles of homemade scrubs are usually large. There is no need to rub the skin of your heels too much. To soften it, just do a light foot massage in a circular motion. This method allows you to clean your heels efficiently. The product will not only remove dead skin particles, but also eliminate impurities. The remains of the scrub are washed off with water. After this, your feet are ready to apply moisturizers.

Products for moisturizing the epidermis

Often even steamed feet remain hard and rough. The question arises of how to soften the heels of your feet at home. The problem is a lack of moisture and nutrients. To replenish the deficiency, a moisturizing and caring cream is applied to the skin.

Many cosmetic brands have products for heels. You can choose the optimal cream in any price category. The advantage of ready-made cosmetics is ease of use. In addition, all active components are selected in the required proportions.

Many people note that such creams only work for minor peeling of the skin of the feet. If the top layer of the epidermis is very hard, then the concentration of active substances in commercial creams is not enough.

Pedicurists know how to quickly restore beauty to your feet. They advise preparing the cream yourself. The base for the moisturizer is calendula ointment. This substance can be purchased at a pharmacy. Vitamins A and E are added to the ointment. Rough feet need these ingredients.

The mixture is applied to steamed and cleansed skin. You can do this 1-2 times a week. For severe heel defects, the procedure is carried out daily. This ointment promotes the healing of cracks and softening of corns.

Folk recipes for foot masks

Moisturizing alone is not enough to soften rough heels. It is necessary to saturate the skin with nutrients. Foot masks or compresses do an excellent job of this role. There are several effective recipes.

  • A compress of apple cores will help soften the skin on your heels. Rye flour is added to the crushed fruit. The mixture is applied to the feet. Cover the top of the compress with plastic wrap and leave overnight.
  • Many people know how to soften their skin with fruit masks. This recipe is also suitable for heels. The apricot pulp is crushed and heated over low heat. The cooled pulp is applied to dry feet. The mask is effective for 40 minutes.
  • An inexpensive and effective remedy is zucchini pulp. The vegetable is chopped. Next you need to squeeze out the excess moisture. The zucchini compress is left on the feet for half an hour.
  • Honey-based masks have a good softening effect. Various base or essential oils are added to the beekeeping product. Such products allow you to simultaneously cleanse and soften the skin.

Before using any recipe, be sure to clean the skin of your feet from dirt, sweat and oil. Masks help even with very rough skin. They need to be done at least 2 times a week.

There are a few more simple tips on how to soften the skin on your heels. So, many people prefer to lubricate their feet with vegetable oil at night. This allows you to moisturize and nourish the layers of the epidermis. You can treat your soles with hydrogen peroxide. This measure will enhance the effect of the cream or mask. It should be remembered that peroxide is an aggressive reagent. It must be used carefully.

The main rule is regular foot care. Hygiene also plays a role. Feet should be kept clean. It is important to choose socks and shoes made from natural materials. If you follow all the recommendations, your heels will remain soft and smooth for a long time, and your legs will look well-groomed.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 12 minutes


Summer is the time for the sea, fruits, beaches, sundresses - and, of course, sandals. If in winter many representatives of the fair sex can still afford a not too thorough pedicure, then in summer the legs should be simply perfect. The most common problem during this period is the problem of rough skin on the heels, which, alas, cannot be hidden even with beautiful nail polish.

How to restore smoothness to your heels, and what do you need to know about the secrets of caring for them?

Causes of Rough Skin and Cracked Heels – Why Are Heels Hard?

No matter how much we dream of smooth heels, unfortunately, after a certain age, our heels suddenly lose their childish tenderness and softness.

Moreover, sometimes heels remain rough even with intensive and regular care.

What is the reason for this, and what are the real reasons for rough skin on the heels?

  • Lack of proper care.
  • Drying of the skin. The reason is not unique to the summer period: sometimes this also happens in winter when the air in the apartment is dry.
  • Wrong shoes. As you know, tight and poor-quality shoes contribute to disruption of the water-fat balance of the skin and its injury. In addition, materials that are unnatural and harmful to the skin can cause irritation, allergies, increased sweating and, as a result, dry skin.
  • Poor nutrition. A lack of vitamins always affects the skin with cracks, dryness, irritation and other manifestations. Rough heels are often found in girls who are constantly on diets.
  • Excessively intensive heel care. Yes, this happens! For example, in the case of too frequent and intense peeling, which requires time for skin restoration (more than once a week, this procedure is not recommended).
  • Water is too hard in the water supply.
  • Frequent hypothermia - or, on the contrary, overheating of the legs.
  • Use of low-quality cosmetics (including soaps and gels).

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth?

Possible medical reasons:

  1. Fungus. The most common cause of dry and rough skin with cracks. Unfortunately, the fungus manifests itself not only with these symptoms, and in the absence of proper treatment, the legs take on a very unsightly appearance, which is also accompanied by itching, sweating and other troubles.
  2. Diabetes mellitus type 2. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with skin problems, and you cannot do without consulting a specialist.
  3. Problems in the endocrine system. Issues of aesthetics (heels, in this case) are resolved after (or simultaneously) with treatment.
  4. Obesity. With this disease, the full blood supply to the lower extremities and their connection with the central nervous system is disrupted, the skin on the feet becomes thinner, and there is a tendency for the skin to crack.
  5. Psoriasis. With this disease, the entire immune system does not work well, and creams and hygiene alone will not get rid of rough skin on the heels - an integrated approach is needed.

It is important to understand that serious problems with the skin of the feet can be a very warning sign. Therefore, in the case when you cannot cope with cracks on your own, and the accompanying symptoms cause you inconvenience, it makes sense to consult a dermatologist and therapist.

Proper cleansing of heels at home - instructions

Taking care of your heels in a beauty salon is a pleasant experience. But not everyone has the means, time, or desire to go to salons.

And it’s much easier to take care of your heels at home. Especially if you know exactly how.

First, steam the legs in the bath.

And if you also give a foot massage before the bath, the result will be even more surprising, pleasant and long-lasting.

The massage can be replaced with regular walking on a hard massage mat or with your feet moving peas, balls, etc.

Which bath should you choose? Best recipes:

  • Dairy. We grate classic baby soap on a coarse grater, add 1 tbsp of shavings and 0.5 liters of warm milk to the basin, then hot water. Keep the legs until the water cools down.
  • Herbal. We take 1 tbsp of dry herbs: oak bark and chamomile, celandine and calendula, St. John's wort. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for a day, and in the evening pour the strained broth into a bowl and dilute with boiling water.
  • Soda and soap. For 1 basin – ½ cup of soap shavings and the same amount of soda, plus boiling water. Keep the legs for about 10 minutes.
  • Citrus. 2-3 hours before the procedure, brew citrus peels in boiling water, and then simply add the broth to the water, plus 1-2 drops of orange essential oil.
  • Nettle. In a bowl of hot water - 1 liter of nettle infusion (from 2 tbsp of dry nettle).
  • Oily. Aroma bath for feet and soul. For 1 bowl – 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil.

If you have time for daily heel care procedures, then instead of files and pumice stones, it is better to use scrubs to exfoliate rough skin. They act more gently (a thick layer of rough skin cannot be removed), but with regular use of scrubs, the dream of “heels like a baby” becomes a reality.

You can make scrubs at home with your own hands if you want to save on store-bought products - which, by the way, often contain.

Important! We apply the scrub only to already steamed feet, and after the massage with the scrub, we leave the mixture on the heels for 7-10 minutes - that is, we are not in a hurry to wash it off.

  1. Sugar with butter. Mix olive oil and sugar 1:2, apply to feet, massage.
  2. Coffee with sea salt. Mix 1:1 tablespoon coarse sea salt and coarsely ground coffee, add 2 tbsp kefir, apply and massage.
  3. Cocoa with sugar. For 2 tsp sugar - 1 tbsp cocoa (not nesquik, but normal confectionery cocoa powder) and milk for binding. Mix, apply, massage.
  4. Citrus with salt. For 1 tbsp of fine salt - the peel of 1 orange, ground in a blender.
  5. Salt with honey . For 2 tbsp honey – 1 tbsp sea salt.
  6. Sand with sour cream. If you live by the sea, then this option is for you. If there is no sea sand, we take regular sand. For 1 handful of sand - 2 tbsp of fat sour cream. Mix, apply, massage.

What's next?

  • If there is no scrub (or too lazy to make one) , then after the bath we use a file to remove rough skin. It is advisable to use only the fine-grained side: rough grinding of the heels contributes to the appearance of scratches, cracks - and even more dryness. Smoothness and tenderness of the heels can only be achieved by regular procedures with a light and non-traumatic scrubbing effect.
  • The use of pumice stones is strictly not recommended. Firstly, they injure the skin of the feet, and secondly, they are a source of bacterial growth.
  • When using a file, first lubricate dry heels with cream and wait for absorption - this way the procedure will be more effective.
  • We use a slightly damp file, but not three heels under water ! We polish the heels until the rough skin is completely removed.
  • Now rinse the legs in warm water , wipe dry, generously grease with rich cream and put on cotton socks.

At least 2-3 similar procedures per week - and you will not be ashamed to wear open shoes outside.


  • If you have cracked heels they should be treated with a disinfectant immediately after the procedure, and only use a cream that contains components that promote the healing of cracks (for example, salicylic acid).
  • It is not recommended to cut rough skin and calluses! This procedure will only speed up the regeneration of injured skin, which will regain its “protective roughness” even faster. Use gentle means and methods – regularly and wisely, and the effect will pleasantly surprise you.

7 folk recipes for soft and smooth heels - how to quickly make heels like a baby’s at home?

Today there are a huge number of recipes for quickly returning smoothness to your heels.

But you should understand that if you haven’t taken care of your heels for a month, then you simply won’t be able to return them to their blooming look “like from the cover” in 1 procedure.

The most popular recipes for smooth heels at home:

  1. Steam your feet in the bath for 15 minutes, wipe, massage with cream, treat with a soft grater “dry”. Next, take a warm shower, wipe dry again and apply the pre-prepared mixture: 1 tbsp starch, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 raw yolk. Now we wrap the legs with film for a couple of hours, or better yet, overnight. All you have to do is remove the exfoliated skin with a light file, rinse the legs in the shower and, after drying, lubricate them with cream.
  2. We wrap the feet in slices of fresh zucchini and fix them with film for 2 hours. Next, rinse the legs, dry them, file them, and apply cream.
  3. Heat olive oil (about 100 ml) in a water bath, add a piece of beeswax, then 1 tsp each of sea buckthorn oil and glycerin. Apply the warm mixture to steamed and dried feet, leave overnight under cotton socks. Store the mixture in the refrigerator (you can spread it cold).
  4. Cook oatmeal that is not too thick without sugar and salt, cool and apply it lukewarm to your feet. We fix it with film, put socks on top, after an hour we wash it off, dry our feet and lubricate it with a rich cream.
  5. Mix honey and olive oil in half, apply to the feet, fix with film, wash off after 2 hours, treat the feet with a file, then follow the usual procedure - shower, towel, cream.
  6. We brew strong green tea, strain and steam the legs in a bath with this decoction. Next, apply the tea leaves (immediately after the bath) - in a film and around the feet for a couple of hours. Next, wash your feet, dry, and apply cream.
  7. Mix oatmeal with milk (5 tbsp - 1 handful) and crushed aloe leaves. Apply the mixture to the feet, fix with film for 2-3 hours. Next, we process it with a file, rinse it, dry it and grease it with rich cream.

How to restore softness to your heels - pharmacy products

There are a lot of drugs available in modern pharmacies to treat cracks and soften the skin.

Take note!

  • Sea wolf (nourishes, moisturizes, restores).
  • Bepanten (softens, heals).
  • Ointment with calendula (heals, softens, tightens cracks).
  • Salicylic ointment (heals).
  • Balsamed (moisturizes, nourishes, protects).
  • Radevit (stimulates skin restoration, removes inflammation).
  • Lamisil (against infections and fungi).
  • BioAstin (against fungus and infections).
  • Zazhivin (from cracks).
  • First aid (heals, softens).
  • Etc.

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth - heel care at home

Heel care - how to prevent cracked and rough skin on your heels and feet?

  1. We wear the right shoes.
  2. We often walk barefoot on grass and pebbles and do foot massages.
  3. We use gentle abrasives.
  4. We regularly use a rich nourishing cream (preferably at night).
  5. We follow a diet and take care of personal hygiene.
  6. We wear slippers in swimming pools, bathhouses and other public places.
  7. We avoid synthetic materials when choosing shoes.
  8. We use washable rugs in the bathroom.
  9. 2-3 times a week (ideally every day) we take foot baths (warm! Not with hot water!) and use a scrub.
  10. After a bath and a regular bath, be sure to pour cool water over your feet. Especially before bed.
  11. Always dry your feet and toes after a bath.
  12. We do not use rough pumice stones, grinding stones or blades.
  13. After each procedure, treat the file used with a disinfectant solution (or at least wash it with soap and pour boiling water over it).

In the summer, we intensify the intensity of heel care.

Cracked or rough heels with a yellow tint are not only unsightly to look at, but they also cause pain. Compressed foot skin is an absolute taboo, which can be easily “smoothed out” on your own, while maintaining a beautiful pedicure and soft skin.

What can cause cracked heels?

Cracked heels can be the result of dehydration, an unhealthy diet, and wearing ill-fitting shoes that distribute weight unevenly and cause pressure to occur most often on the heels and sides of the feet. Cracked heels are the last stage of trampling with complete dehydration of the skin. It is better to take precautions before your heels start to crack, as healing cracked heels is not a quick process. Therefore, care should be regular and especially attentive if the skin of your feet becomes rough rather quickly.

Feet after a pedicure look simply magical, but what to do in the intervals between full pedicures to keep the skin of your feet soft, you will learn from the recommendations below.

Ongoing treatments to maintain soft feet

You must remember:

  1. Foot socks must be made from natural fabrics better than cotton;
  2. You need to soak the skin in water without allowing the accordion effect;
  3. If there are cracks or wounds on your feet, do not use acidic ingredients;
  4. All these recipes are guaranteed to make your skin soft, but for this you need to do the procedures regularly.

1. Homemade bath to soften feet using soda:

You will need a product common in our kitchens - baking soda! Add 4 tablespoons of baking soda to warm water and soak your feet in this solution for about half an hour (the skin should steam, but not shrink). After steaming, apply patchouli or sandalwood essential oil.

For maximum benefits, you can add bath salts (sea salts). Salt helps soften the skin and relax the muscles.

Repeat this procedure regularly! Sea salt with lavender extract is especially relaxing; this steaming before bed will allow you to completely let go of your thoughts and fully relax. Rub your legs with your hands to circulate the blood and relieve fatigue. You will immediately feel light, especially after a day spent in heels.

2. Banana puree mask for feet and heels (softening):

Banana is a tropical fruit that boasts a number of health benefits. It will also help cure rough skin on your feet.

Grind a ripe banana with a blender (or a fork), add a tablespoon of honey to the puree and apply the resulting banana pulp evenly on your feet. Let it dry for 10-5 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Apply nourishing cream 20 minutes after the mask. Carry out this procedure once a week, preferably before bed, and get the desired result - soft heels.

3. Daily cleansing procedures (polishing heels):

It is very important to regularly practice simple hygiene practices, such as scrubbing your feet with a buffing grater. This will prevent dead skin from accumulating on your feet and will also protect your skin from drying out and flaking. This procedure will take no more than 6 minutes for both feet, but it is thanks to it that the skin will become smooth.

All you need is to rub your feet while showering with a grater (before treating your heels, apply liquid soap or shower gel to the grater, this is mandatory). The hardness of the grater-polishing should not be higher than 100/180 grit. Once you're done, let your feet dry and moisturize them well with cream.

4. Foot massage with olive oil to soften:

Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer, especially for dry skin. To use olive oil, your feet must be clean. The easiest way is to dip a cotton ball in olive oil and apply it to the rough areas. Gently massage your feet in a circular motion to restore blood circulation. Once you're done, put on the wrap and a pair of warm socks on top and let your skin absorb the oil. After an hour, rinse your feet. Massage your feet with olive oil every other day.

For maximum benefits, leave the oil on overnight (but use it without film for no more than an hour; you shouldn’t soften your feet too much) and wash off the next morning.

5. We use vinegar to steam out old skin on the feet:

IMPORTANT! This method is only suitable if you have very dry skin WITHOUT CRACKS.

Dissolve 5 tablespoons in warm water, use only apple cider vinegar; its texture is more delicate. Soak your feet in this bath for no more than 10 minutes, and then be sure to apply the cream liberally and let it absorb (without socks). This procedure is not for every day; soften the skin of your heels with this bath 2-3 times a week.

6. Peppermint for dry feet:

Apply a small amount of peppermint oil to clean feet every day before going to bed or some time before leaving the house in the morning. The antiseptic properties of the oil will not only make the skin smooth, they will give a pleasant smell and prevent bacteria from entering the skin throughout the day. The oil also reduces pain and discomfort.

This is one of the simplest home remedies to treat cracked and rough heels.

7. Exfoliating Homemade Foot Scrub:

Treat your dry heels with this simple homemade scrub. It will remove the dead layer of skin. Make this scrub by mixing oatmeal with lemon juice, honey and sea salt.

  • honey one and a half tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 4 parts lemon;
  • oatmeal - half a glass;
  • sea ​​salt 1.5 tablespoons.

Keep the scrub on for 30 minutes and then rinse your feet with warm water. Moisturize your feet with mint oil after scrubbing.

8. Another homemade mask, honey and salt to moisturize and exfoliate the skin on the feet:

Honey has many healing properties and is an excellent product for the skin. Add salt to honey so that the mask has an exfoliating effect, the ratio of components is 1 to 1. Simply distribute the mask over your feet and massage your feet, rinse as usual. After the procedure, you don’t need any cream or oil, just put on socks. Do this procedure every day for 10-15 minutes and say “bye” to dry heels.

9. The best natural moisturizer is milk:

The value of milk for the skin was felt by Cleopatra herself and many women in Egypt. Prepare a warm water bath with a cup of hot milk and 2 tablespoons of sea salt to open the pores. Keep your feet in it for a while. Do this not every day, but only once a week!

10. Soak your feet in warm water with iodine and salt:

Once or twice a week, soak your feet for 10 minutes in warm water with two tablespoons of sea salt and a tablespoon of iodine. Polish the skin with a grater and apply cream. Do this softening method once a week.

11. Care for calluses on feet at home:

If you have problems with calluses or corns, use a small finger grater.

You will need:

  • finger grater;
  • remover (a professional product for softening corns and skin);
  • oil to add to water (or honey);
  • moisturizer (oily texture).

On dry skin, apply the remover to the roughest areas of the skin, hold for 5 minutes and immerse your feet in warm water with oil. Steam for 7-10 minutes and lightly rub them with a grater, rinse off the removed skin, dry your feet from moisture and apply cream (no need to wear socks). Repeat the procedure if corns appear, usually once every two weeks.

12. Toe hygiene - remove all excess with an orange stick:

Take an orange stick, steam your toes in a warm bath with aroma oil and sea salt to clean all the dirt from your toenails. Be very careful not to inject yourself. You can also use steel tools, but an orange stick is completely harmless. Use one stick only once.

13. Remove hangnails and cuticles:

Clean hangnails and cuticles quickly and easily with a cuticle remover. After you have steamed your feet and cleaned your nails, carefully remove, push back and cut off the cuticles with clippers. You don't have to push the cuticle to the base of the nail if it's very small.

14. Trim your nails regularly:

You should trim your toenails at least once every two weeks. Long toenails are not very hygienic and even unsafe, since they can push against shoes and deform their growth, this often leads to this. that the nails begin to grow into the skin. You need to cut your nails carefully, especially at the free edge (in the corners). Do not cut your nails too short; it is better to remove the main length with a tool and then shape it with a nail file.

15. Polish the surface of your nails with a buff:

Polishing your toenails is just as important as your fingernails. This should be done in the same way as on your hands.

16. Problem of sweaty feet:

If your feet sweat and smell bad, then you need to wear shoes that “breathe” to work. Apply talcum powder to the inside of your shoes (if you wear shoes on bare feet) or sprinkle talcum powder on the bottom of your feet (if you wear socks). This will absorb sweat and get rid of bad odor. You can also rub two drops of pure sandalwood, lavender or peppermint oil on your feet before putting on your shoes.

17. Base Nail Coat:

If you're not in the habit of painting your toenails, but you like a neat pedicure, try painting them with a clear polish. This will give a healthy, natural look to your toenails.

18. To keep your feet soft and healthy, take care of your shoes:

Be sure to use antibacterial sprays for shoes, especially closed ones. It will remove the unpleasant odor and the bacteria that causes it (if you have such a problem). It can also be used for preventive purposes. Before use, read the instructions from the manufacturer you purchased.

These simple methods will help restore and maintain softness to the skin of your feet, as well as maintain neatness and beauty until your next full pedicure.

Everyone knows that there are a huge number of active acupuncture points on the feet, and many Eastern healing systems are based on this knowledge. Therefore, you need to constantly take care of your feet, do pedicures, foot massages, and other cosmetic procedures. After all, not only our gait or sense of self, but also our health depends on this.

Foot baths are perhaps the simplest and most accessible home procedures that can restore beauty and lightness to your feet.

A bath that softens the skin of the feet. Done before pedicure procedures, as a result, the rough skin of the feet and heels softens, which facilitates further manipulation of the feet. It’s easy to prepare: add 2 tablespoons of soda, grated laundry soap and ammonia to 3-4 liters of water heated to 37-38 degrees. Depending on your mood, you can add aromatic oils to the bath. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes.

To soften the skin of your heels or calluses, you can take overnight baths with infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, and nettle. Decoctions of medicinal herbs have a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. After the bath, you can lubricate your skin with refined vegetable oil and go to bed in socks, or treat corns and calluses with pumice and then lubricate the treated areas with a rich cream.

A bath with an infusion of nettle and St. John's wort has a similar effect. Pour 3 tablespoons of dry crushed nettle and St. John's wort into a liter of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for about half an hour - an hour. Strain and add the infusion to the foot bath.

An “oatmeal” bath will help you soften rough skin on your heels. Mix half a liter of oatmeal decoction with 1 tablespoon of pine needle decoction.

A milk bath will make the skin of your feet soft and velvety. To do this, you just need to add 1 liter of hot milk to a bowl of warm water. The duration of the procedure is half an hour, then you need to wipe your feet dry and wipe your feet with lemon or a swab dipped in lemon juice.

Foot baths with aromatic oils are especially useful for fungal infections of the feet. Ingredients: 2 drops of tea tree oil, 2 drops of bergamot aroma oil, 3 drops of lavender essential oil, dissolve the mixture in 10 ml of any thick bath foam (you can use cream and salt instead of foam). Then pour hot water into a bowl and add the resulting mixture of aromatic oils. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wipe your feet dry and lubricate with cream, either a rich nourishing or medicinal one. It is recommended to do such baths in a course of 1-2 months, 2-3 times a week.

Probably every woman would like her skin legs was soft and well-groomed. But dreams sometimes diverge from reality. The long-awaited summer time is coming and, having taken out your favorite sandals, you sadly look at your heels and see that they are far from perfect. But with proper care it is quite possible to restore the skin legs attractiveness.

Oil for

will prevent the formation of calluses and also protect


from mycosis. As a base, take equal parts of corn oil, kernels and

glad, sesame. For 10 ml of base, add 4 drops of essential oils: basil, fennel, sandalwood. Rub in circular massaging movements

oil skin

feet, pay special attention to the skin on

Here you can rub the oils on it

oh more.

If the skin along the edges of the foot and on


Then you can use the baths. Foot baths

can be very different: herbal decoctions (sage, mint,

pharmaceutical chamomile

), a warm solution of baking soda, water with lemon and grapefruit juice. Hold it

and 15-20 minutes in any of the listed solutions. After this, rub the problem areas with a pumice stone or a special metal brush. Now apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your feet. If you did


before bed - for extra

To soften the skin, you can generously lubricate your feet with olive oil.

Mayonnaise or margarine, then put on cotton socks at night. Several such procedures – and your skin

on the feet

will be soft and smooth.


skin on your heels

from potatoes or pulp from them. On washed

and apply cleaning or paste and hold for 30 minutes. The skin will become soft, and after several such procedures, cracks will disappear.

Milk bath for legs It will also help with rough skin. Pour warm milk into the basin, lower your feet legs and leave for about 20 minutes. After the bath, rub your feet using a slice of lemon. Lemon has good wound-healing, antiseptic, and softening properties.

If cracks appear on your heels, you can use an apple mask. Grate the apple and pour in milk to make a thick paste. Bring the mixture to a boil. Apply the cooled mixture to the problem area.


Lie down with a mask on

for about an hour and then wash off. It is good to apply on after the mask


with cracks glycerin or wound healing cream.


In winter, the skin of the feet especially needs care and moisturizing. With constant contact with shoes, dryness increases, small cracks and corns appear. Simple remedies will help you get rid of them.

What to do for rough feet skin

The main causes of rough skin on the feet are:

Improper care;

Wearing uncomfortable and hard shoes;

Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;

Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

When choosing shoes, you should pay attention to their size and shape. The foot should feel comfortable inside the shoe. Under no circumstances should you choose shoes if they pinch or put pressure on your toes. High and unstable heels increase the risk of the formation of calluses, corns, and roughening of the skin.

When taking water treatments, it is advisable to use pumice stones weekly to exfoliate old and dry skin. This improves the process of cell regeneration and softens rough skin on the feet. After taking a bath, it is recommended to apply moisturizer to your feet.

It is better to choose oilier products, as they perfectly soften the skin of the feet.

Baths and masks to soften the skin

For rough skin on the feet, various baths and masks can help, which are quite easy to do at home. Before performing a pedicure, you must thoroughly steam the skin in hot water with the addition of a small amount of soda, laundry soap and ammonia. After 20 minutes, the skin will soften, after which you can begin manipulations to remove the stratum corneum and cuticles.

If calluses and corns appear that spoil the appearance and cause pain when walking, baths with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs will help. The most effective and beneficial herbs for the skin are chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, and nettle. They relieve inflammation, increase tone, soften the skin. After steaming, carefully treat your soles with pumice stone, and at night apply greasy cream or Vaseline to problem areas.

To soften the skin, apply a thick layer of Vaseline and leave overnight.

A bath of oatmeal perfectly softens the skin. Brew 2 tbsp. rolled oats in a glass of water and add to a bowl of water. To improve the result, you can mix oatmeal broth with pine needle infusion.

A milk bath makes the skin soft and smooth. Mix warm water with hot milk in equal proportions and place the legs for 20-30 minutes. After the first procedure, your feet will look much better. After the bath, wipe the skin of your feet with lemon juice, which has a whitening effect.

Baths with the addition of essential oils can not only eliminate rough skin, but also get rid of fungal infections of the feet. For example, mix 2 drops each of bergamot, tea tree, and lavender oils, add to the prepared water and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wipe the skin dry and apply a nourishing cream.


How to soften rough feet skin at home

Beauty and HealthBody care

Skin care is required constantly: at any time of the year it needs cleansing, softening, moisturizing and nourishing. In cosmetic stores today there is a large selection of a wide variety of skin care products: these are creams and gels, tonics, lotions and masks, but their effect is not always as wonderful as they say and show in colorful commercials, but many of them are not cheap at all.

However, it is quite possible to make your skin softer and softer with the help of home remedies: it will not require much expense, and the ingredients for preparing homemade cosmetics are always at hand.

Most often, our skin becomes rough on our hands, on our legs - mainly on our knees and feet, and on our elbows - they are exposed to stress and external influences to a greater extent than the rest of the body.

How to soften the skin of your hands

Homemade masks perfectly soften the skin of your hands from ordinary food products - for example, flour and butter.

It is better to take olive oil (2 tablespoons) and mix it in a deep plate with an oil solution of vitamin E (1-2 capsules) and corn flour (¼ cup). Apply the mixture to your hands carefully, holding them over a plate - on both sides of the hands, on the wrists, rub it into the joints, age spots and cuticles. Hold your hands like this for 5-7 minutes, then wash with warm water and mild soap (preferably liquid), and pat dry with a towel. This mask can be done once a week, but for prevention once a month is enough: it improves blood circulation, cleanses, softens and rejuvenates the skin of the hands.

Oatmeal has also long been known for its softening properties. You can take ready-made flour, or grind the flakes in a coffee grinder or mixer - you should get about 1/2 cup. Pour the flour into a bowl, add aloe juice (1 tbsp) and a little water if the mixture turns out thick. Apply and wash off this mixture in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Baths are another great way to soften the skin of your hands. You can make them with potato broth, whey, sauerkraut juice and fresh cabbage, 1-2 times a week. After baths, you need to apply a rich cream and wear gloves, so it’s better to do this at night.

A kind of bath-mask is made with semi-liquid mashed potatoes: you need to soak your hands in the warm mashed potatoes for 10 minutes, then wash them with warm water, and rinse with water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice.

A decoction of flax seeds softens the skin of your hands well - it is especially useful to use it after washing, cleaning or washing dishes.

How to soften the skin of your feet

When it comes to softening the skin of the legs, women most often think about the feet, and especially the heels, but the skin on the calves, knees and thighs also needs care - the knees are worth thinking about first. It often happens that a woman looks quite fresh and young: there are few wrinkles and her figure is slender, but her knees betray her age in the most treacherous way. It is convenient to care for your feet in a sauna or bathhouse, but you can do this at home - at least, do not forget to lubricate them with cream after a shower and bath - chlorinated water is very harmful to the skin of the knees.

Masks and wraps can be done not only on the knees, but also on the entire skin of the legs, from the hips to the ankles. Regular kefir (4-6 tbsp) is mixed with eucalyptus oil (2-4 tsp), rub the mixture into the skin of the legs, wrap them in cling film and a thick, warm cloth. The wrap is kept for 20 minutes, then the feet are washed with warm water. It is enough to do this 2-3 times a month, and on the knee area - 2-3 times a week, and the skin of your legs will be soft and smooth.

You can add cucumber juice (2-4 tsp) and lemon juice (4-8 drops) to kefir - then the effect will also be whitening. This remedy is very useful for those who sunbathed a lot in the summer: brown and rough skin on the knees will become soft and pink - rub the mixture well into them in a circular motion.

Many women like to use ground coffee scrub to soften the skin of their feet. You can take coffee grounds - for example, after brewing coffee for several people, or use freshly ground coffee, adding a little warm water to it. You need to rub your legs completely, in a circular motion - hips, knees, calves, ankles, feet, and then all the skin will be cleansed of dead cells and become soft and smooth. After the scrub, you can lubricate your feet with a nourishing cream.

Take care of the skin of your legs, and you can safely wear miniskirts: no one will ever think of doubting your youth.

An excellent means of caring for knees is ordinary table salt, and in general, you can use it to soften the skin on the elbows, feet and other parts of the body - a positive result appears quickly. Even the darkest and roughest areas of the skin become light and soft. To prepare a knee scrub, you need to mix salt with honey (50 g each), add 1 tsp. castor oil, and a few drops of your favorite essential oils. If desired, you can add coffee grounds. The scrub is good to use in a bathhouse or after a bath, when the skin is steamed, and after the procedure, lubricate problem areas with a rich cream - cream with beeswax is perfect.

How to soften the skin on your elbows

And now about the skin on the elbows - why does it darken, become rough and flake? There are few sebaceous glands on the skin of the elbows, and there is practically no protective film there, which is why cracks, calluses and small wounds appear. And if, in addition, you wear synthetic sweaters and turtlenecks, and even in the cold season, the skin on your elbows will constantly peel off, and a rash may even appear. There is no need to lean on your elbows if there is no need for it: you can read books in a different position, and while eating it is also better to sit upright - we try to put our elbows on the dining table; and you shouldn’t open doors with your elbows at all - that’s not what they’re designed for.

Dry and rough skin on the elbows can indicate problems in the functioning of the endocrine system, so you should also consult a doctor: a specialist will help you balance your diet and select the necessary vitamin preparations - for example, elbows often suffer from a lack of vitamins A and E.

For prevention, it is enough to use some kind of scrub, store-bought or homemade, 2 times a week, and even just rub your elbows with a hard washcloth - they should be lubricated with a rich cream every day, and even an ordinary “Children’s” one will do.

If the skin begins to roughen and peel, you should use compresses, baths and masks.

Compresses are more effective, but it is better to do them at night - discs or tampons moistened with vegetable oil should be secured to the elbows. During the day, you can take baths with oil: sunflower, corn, olive, almond, burdock or even avocado oil - keep your elbows in warm oil for up to 15 minutes, and then gently wipe with a napkin and rub gently with a washcloth - dead cells are easily removed. Even if you just rub oil into your elbows when you are in the kitchen, the skin on them will no longer be dark and rough.

For compresses, it is good to use fresh cabbage leaves: they should be slightly mashed, applied to the elbows, wrapped with a bandage and left overnight.

Mask with milk powder and lemon: milk powder (1/4 cup) is mixed with lemon juice to make a paste - you can add water. The mixture is applied to the damp skin of the elbows, kept for 20 minutes, rinsed off and gently rubbed with a hard washcloth for several minutes, then lubricated with a rich cream.

How to soften the skin of your feet

There is a lot of talk about foot care, but not everyone understands the importance of this care: people think that their feet and heels are unworthy of attention, or are the least worthy of it. Meanwhile, there are many biologically active points and nerve endings on the feet - by acting on them, you can improve and restore your health, however, when the skin is rough and cracked, this is almost impossible to do.

The skin of the feet should be made softer - for example, using baths of herbal decoctions.

The following infusion softens the skin well: chamomile, birch leaf and mint are mixed in equal parts, pour 5 tbsp. mixture with boiling water (2-3 l), and leave for about an hour; filter, add warm water, dip your feet in the infusion, and take a bath for 20-25 minutes. After the bath, the rough areas are gently rubbed with pumice, the feet are lubricated with a nourishing cream, and lemon peel compresses are applied to problem areas - it softens the skin and heals wounds and cracks. It is more convenient to do this procedure before bed and leave the compress on all night.

And another inexpensive universal recipe. Mix glycerin 1:1 with ammonia, and rub this mixture morning and evening on your knees, elbows and feet - the skin will become soft and pink.

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