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How to quickly get rid of a hematoma under the eye. Basic tips on how to remove a black eye from a blow

Everyone has faced the question of how to quickly remove a black eye. It is impossible to solve the problem in one day, but it is quite possible to alleviate the condition and reduce bruising.

The causes of bruises under the eyes are different:

  • Severe physical trauma;
  • Minor household injuries due to increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • Insect bites;
  • Allergies;
  • Dental diseases;
  • Operations.

According to Obaglazaru, a black eye most often appears in people who are actively involved in sports - martial arts, football, ice skating. This can be considered physical trauma. When force is applied to skin tissues, they are damaged simultaneously with the smallest blood vessels that feed them; blood spills into the subcutaneous layers. The site of the injury swells, and after a while a bruise appears. If the bridge of the nose is injured, both eyes will be affected.

If you are bleeding from the nose after a bruise, you should not blow your nose - the bruise will only increase.

If no measures are taken, the bruise will go away within 7-10 days - the period depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The color of the hematoma will gradually change from deep purple to sickly yellow.

Correct actions immediately after injury will help, according to obaglaz, to limit the area of ​​damage and speed up the resorption of the bruise. If you quickly apply a cold compress to the site of the bruise, the affected vessels will narrow, the pressure in them will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the release of blood into the tissue. This procedure can minimize the consequences, but only if ice is applied immediately after the impact.

To provide assistance, apply ice for at least 15-20 minutes - place it in a heating pad or plastic bag, wrap it in a towel so as not to freeze the skin. It is necessary to apply cold to the hematoma under the eye several times over 5-6 hours. The interval between applying compresses should be at least an hour so as not to cause harm. It is worth noting that cold is effective immediately in the first minutes after injury.

If the bruise is obtained at home, then instead of ice it is convenient to use improvised means:

  • Frozen fruits or vegetables;
  • Frozen meat or semi-finished products;
  • Metal objects, such as a spoon.

If you use chilled products, then the plastic bag in which they were in the refrigerator should be wrapped in a towel to avoid infection and frostbite of the skin area.

According to the site, even a bottle of chilled drink from the refrigerator immediately applied to the site of the bruise can help remove a bruise and reduce its size.

After removing the cold compress, Troxevasin or Heparin ointment should be applied to the affected area. This is necessary to relieve swelling so that it does not progress, and to relieve pain. Lubricate carefully, avoiding getting the medicine into your eyes.

Medicines to remove hematoma

A day after the blow, in order to quickly remove the black eye, they change the treatment strategy, using heat rather than cold. Warming up accelerates the restoration of blood vessels, activates blood circulation, as a result of which the bruise resolves faster. The warming effect, notes Oglazapy, is possessed by some pharmaceutical products specially created for the treatment of such injuries (bruises). Some of them:

  • Troxevasin ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Ointment “Bruise-Off”;
  • Balm “Rescuer”;
  • Balm “SOS”;
  • Ointment "Ratovnik";
  • Ointment "Badyaga";
  • Products containing mountain arnica extract “Arnica gel” or homeopathic preparations in capsules.

These drugs are applied to the bruised area and help remove the hematoma under the eye.

To quickly remove a bruise, you need to carefully lubricate it with ointment every 3-4 hours.

We have also compiled a list of various ointments in a separate article that help remove a bruise.

Folk remedies against bruises

Even though it’s the 21st century, traditional medicine can easily tell you how to quickly remove a black eye using only available means. These methods are no worse in action than pharmaceutical drugs.

Making compresses from a decoction of herbs

A good effect, according to the website, is given by lotions made from a decoction of dried herbs plantain, chamomile, sage and marigold. The infusion is prepared as follows: a mixture of an equal amount of herbs is poured with boiling water at the rate of 2 tsp. herbs for 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours in a sealed container.

A folded piece of gauze or thick soft cloth is moistened in the broth and applied to the bruise. Hold until the compress cools down. The procedure is repeated every 3-4 hours. In this way, traces of injury can be removed fairly quickly.

Apply cabbage leaf

It helps a lot to quickly resolve the hematoma under the eye by applying a crushed cabbage leaf immediately after the injury. You can use a whole piece, after softening it with a kitchen hammer. The sheet is attached to the site of injury with a plaster and changed every 3-4 hours.

We use salt compresses

Regular kitchen salt dissolved in water at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of salt in 100 gr. Warm water helps relieve swelling while reducing pain. For a compress, folded gauze or thick soft cloth is moistened with the solution, squeezed out and applied like a band-aid.

Vinegar with salt and iodine

A mixture of two tablespoons of vinegar, 9%, a tablespoon of salt and five drops of iodine works well. For treatment, according to, you should lubricate the bruise with this mixture before going to bed.

Drawing a mesh of iodine

A mesh applied overnight to the site of the bruise helps quickly remove bruises. In addition to the warming effect, this mesh has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps remove swelling.

We use pharmaceutical badyagu

To quickly remove a bruise using a badyagi sponge, you should take pharmaceutical powder from a ground sponge, dilute it with warm water to a paste, and apply it to the bruise. After drying, the product should be washed off with cold water. More than three times a day, according to ObaGlazaR, this recipe is not recommended.

Making lotions from coltsfoot broth

Lotions made from an infusion of dry herbal extracts of wild rosemary and coltsfoot, mixed equally, effectively remove a bruise. To prepare the infusion, 2 tsp. Pour the dry mixture into a glass of boiling water and heat for about five minutes. Leave for 2 hours in a sealed container.

Soak folded gauze or soft, dense cloth in the broth and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Repeat every three hours.

Making honey ointment

A good way to quickly remove bruises, the site notes, is honey. It is used together with other remedies: grated raw onion and powdered plantain leaf. The components, taken in equal parts, are mixed, applied to the tissue and strengthened with a plaster at the site of the hematoma. Keep it for at least two hours, changing the compress three times a day.

We use aloe

Bruising can be quickly removed using the healing properties of aloe. The leaf cut from the plant is washed, cut in half lengthwise, and secured with a bandage at the site of injury. Change the compress as the sheet dries until traces of the hematoma disappear.

We use wormwood

In order to quickly remove a bruise, crushed wormwood herb is applied to the affected areas. If the bruise is large, then the layer of wormwood should be thick. Change the grass without letting it dry out. If fresh is not available, then you can use steamed dried herbs, but, according to obaglaza, it is less effective.

Treating a bruise with onion juice

If you need to quickly remove a bruise, then grind a fresh small onion on a grater, and add a teaspoon of salt to the resulting gruel and apply it to the hematoma as a compress. Make sure that the mixture does not get into your eyes.

Beetroot balm

If you need to remove a bruise very quickly, you can make a balm from beets, aloe and celandine. To prepare it you need:

  1. chop small beets;
  2. pour in a spoonful of celandine juice;
  3. add a tablespoon of aloe leaf pulp.

The mixture is kept for two hours, squeezed out, and the juice is poured into a glass jar with a lid.

Moisten a cotton swab with balm and apply it to the hematoma area for 20 minutes, once for two to three hours. The bruise may go away in three days. This recipe is popular because it is very simple and relatively quick to remove a bruise.

We use warming up

To quickly remove a bruise, notes, you should warm the bruise site only if the edema (swelling) itself has gone away. As a heat source you can use:

  • hard-boiled egg;
  • a cloth bag with heated salt or sand;
  • fabric folded in several layers and ironed with a hot iron.

The compress should be warm enough, but not hot.

Removing a bruise in one day at home

It is worth understanding that the body needs time to restore damaged blood vessels, resolve the hematoma, and that such miracles do not happen. But if you still need to quickly remove a bruise in one day, then, according to obaglazaru, the easiest way to do this is to disguise or lighten it.


You can apply a masking pencil depending on the stage of the hematoma. If the skin color at the site of impact:

  • green - you need a red concealer pencil;
  • brownish - take a pink pencil;


    All remedies are good when used correctly and at the right time. And you need to be aware, as ObaGlazaRu notes, that a bruise cannot be removed in one day.

    A lot depends on first aid, how correct and prompt it was. Also what actions were carried out after it. After all, if everything is done clearly, you can significantly reduce the recovery time and minimize problems. In any other case, only makeup will help.


Getting a hematoma under the eye is quite simple and it does not have to happen in a fight; a person can simply lead an active and healthy lifestyle by playing sports. However, during classes you need to be careful enough not to get seriously injured, but not everyone can avoid getting bruises and bruises. If a person has a bruise in the eye area, then this is a reason to once again arouse the interest of passers-by. Therefore, you need to know how to remove a bruise that appears in one day, and whether this can be done at all.

How does a bruise develop?

A bruise occurs when a person hits hard or gets a serious injury. At this time, the vessels burst, and blood gets under the skin. This should be remembered if the bruise occurs on the face, because in this area of ​​the body, a bruise may not appear immediately. Now, if the blow was applied to the eye area or the bridge of the nose, then within twenty-four hours only severe swelling will be visible. After this time, it will be noticeable.

Appearing in the eye area in just one day is very difficult, we can say that it is impossible. And all because the formation of a bruise takes a certain time, because the formation process itself is divided into several stages. Of course, it is possible to speed up these processes a little, but human capabilities in this are limited.

So, there are two main stages, these are:

  1. The area where the blow was struck swells and takes on a red-blue color because the hemoglobin in the blood is colored that way. The size of the hematoma will directly depend on the amount of blood leaking under the skin. Accordingly, in order for the size of the hematoma and its color to be less pronounced, it is necessary to prevent a large leakage of blood. This stage usually takes no more than three days, in some cases less. During this time, you should not heat the bruise site.
  2. At the second stage of hematoma formation, hemoglobin decomposes, which is why the coloring of the bruised area changes. At first the color appears yellow, then it turns green and finally brown. If you do not take any action, the hematoma will go away after one and a half or even two weeks.

There is one homemade recipe for removing a bruise.

You will need:

  • One tablespoon of crushed pomegranate seeds.
  • Three teaspoons of crushed Volosh nuts.

Mix the ingredients to form a homogeneous mixture and apply it to the bruised area. Leave on for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

How to help if several minutes have passed since the injury?

Since it is practically impossible to cure a bruise at home, especially if it is large, everything should be done to prevent all signs of the bruise from appearing later. This must be done very quickly, because time counts in minutes. The sooner you start taking action, the faster the bruise will subside.

The following rules must be followed:

  • In the first minutes after injury, cold should be applied to the sore spot. You can use any frozen food from the freezer. But before that, the package must be wrapped in a towel so that the skin does not touch the cold.

In the first minutes after the blow, it is necessary to apply ice to the affected area of ​​the skin.

  • The time during which this must be done should not exceed ten minutes. If this limit is exceeded, then it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of a large hematoma.
  • You should keep the cold for twenty minutes, then you need to take a break for ten minutes and apply the cold towel again.
  • Also, medications, for example, Heparin ointment, will help relieve you of a hematoma in 1 day. It must be applied within the first ten minutes after injury. But you can also do this during a ten-minute rest from the compress. If you apply it later, the effect will not be as strong.
  • You cannot apply heat on the first day, because the effect will be the opposite. Heat can be applied only after the swelling has completely subsided.

Substances with absorbable action

If you need to quickly cure a bruise at home, then various lotions or masks with a dissolving effect will come to the rescue. There are many such recipes, let's look at some of them:

  1. Badyagi mask. Badyagu is used to eliminate bruises and age spots on the skin, because it is a potent active substance. This remedy will help the fastest, but it still has its drawbacks. It should be used extremely carefully if the bruise occurs on the face. Before applying the product to the skin of your face, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it. If everything is fine, you can start applying. Just remember that the area under the eyes is too delicate, so keeping the product here for a long time is not recommended. This will take no more than five minutes. Apply the product carefully so that it does not get into your eyes. If a bruise needs to be removed from another area of ​​the body, then the badyagu can be used without fear, but still wisely. Keep for no more than fifteen minutes. To prepare a mask from badyagi, you need to mix the powder and water.
  2. Cabbage leaf compress. Cabbage does not have as strong an effect on a bruise as the previous remedy. But it is also often used to eliminate a bruise under the eye in a day. For the compress you will need cabbage chopped in a blender. Apply the resulting mass to the bruise for fifteen minutes. The more often you perform this procedure, the faster the bruise will disappear.
  3. Onion ointment. You will need a small head of onion, one tablespoon of grated laundry soap and melted wax. Peel it, place it in a small enamel container, completely fill it with sunflower oil and put it on fire. Cook until the onion turns black, then remove it and squeeze the juice out of it into the same oil. Also add wax and soap to the oil, and place the container in the refrigerator to harden the mixture. It should be applied at least three times a day.
  4. Salt compress. Every person understands that it is almost impossible to get rid of a bruise in a day, so in some cases you can use several methods at the same time. For example, a salt compress will quickly get rid of a bruise. To prepare it, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of salt in one liter of boiled water. Soak a piece of cloth in the resulting solution and apply it to the damaged area on the face for about half an hour.

Help of medicines

Arriving at the pharmacy, you can ask the pharmacist about in a very short time. Today there are many such drugs, for example, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Rescuer, Sinyak-Off, Arnica and many other drugs.

Generally speaking, any remedy that has a resolving and vasoconstrictor effect will help to get rid of a bruise.

Ointment for bruises "Lioton"

It would also be a good idea to take vitamin C and PP; this can be done using a special cream or taking vitamins orally. They will strengthen blood vessels and quickly restore damaged tissue.

When you buy the drug at the pharmacy, carefully read the instructions for use for contraindications and side effects.

Remember that the most effective way to deal with a hematoma is to simply try not to bruise. But if it was not possible to avoid this, then therapy undertaken in the first minutes after the injury will help in getting rid of it. If this is not done, the treatment will drag on for several days, regardless of the method used.

A black eye is not necessarily a consequence of a fight, since it can appear due to an awkward movement, a fall, or in other situations. Knowing how to quickly remove a bruise under the eyes, you don’t have to be afraid that someone will notice unpleasant swelling and blue discoloration. From a physiological point of view, a bruise is considered to be a site of soft tissue injury, which causes damage to cells and blood vessels.

How can you quickly remove a black eye?

It is possible to prevent the formation of a bruise or at least reduce the damaged area only if you provide first aid immediately after the injury. In addition, it is important to use these tips correctly.

First, let's find out how to remove a black eye from a blow using improvised means. You need to apply cold to the affected area, it can be snow or ice wrapped in natural material. Another option is a cold metal object, such as a tablespoon, dipped in ice water. The cold must be firmly applied to the site of the bruise and held for 15-30 minutes. You can use wet wipes or towels, but it is important to soak them periodically in ice water without allowing them to heat up. Low temperatures lead to constriction of blood vessels, which means there will be no rush to the affected area. After the compress, it is recommended to lubricate the bruise with a special ointment. If it was not possible to provide first aid when a bruise appears, then it will not be possible to avoid discoloration of the skin. Then you can use remedies that will speed up your recovery.

How to remove swelling and bruise under the eye with medications?

Today in the pharmacy you can find special ointments, creams and gels that help speed up the healing process. The chosen product must have a resolving effect. It is important to use them regularly.

What remedies will help remove a black eye in 2 days:

  1. "Troxevasin". The gel must be applied every hour for two days. This remedy helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  2. "Bruise-Off". The leech extract contained in the ointment promotes faster resorption of bruises. It also helps remove inflammation and swelling. You need to apply the ointment 5 times a day.
  3. Heparin ointment. It contains an anesthetic that helps relieve pain. This ointment also relieves swelling and increases blood clotting. It needs to be applied 2-3 times a day.
  4. "Lioton". It is worth noting a good anti-inflammatory effect, and this gel also strengthens blood vessels. Needs to be used 3 times a day.

In addition, you can additionally take tablets containing vitamin A and ascorutin, since these substances strengthen capillaries.

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes using folk remedies?

To reduce the recovery period, you can additionally use proven folk recipes that people have been using for many years to solve a similar problem. Let's look at a few popular options:

No one is immune from bruising. An accidental blow to a door frame or a sharp corner of furniture, sudden showdowns with street hooligans, or simply an unfortunate touch (with pathological disorders of the walls of blood vessels) - all this can lead to the appearance of a hematoma, which will look very unpleasant, gradually changing its color from blue to yellow within 1-2 weeks.

Is it possible to quickly fix a bruise? Yes, there are many ways to help you do this at home. We will describe the most common of them - quite possibly, you will be able to find the most suitable one for yourself.

Surgical removal of a bruise

The best way to remove a hematoma under the eye is to prevent it from appearing in the first place. To do this, immediately after an injury that feels like it may cause a bruise, you must follow these steps:

  • Apply a cold compress to the bruised area. You can use anything for it - any metal objects that keep cold for a long time, ice from the refrigerator, snow. It is advisable to apply all this through a piece of fabric or gauze - this way you will minimize the risk of skin damage. It is advisable to apply compresses only in the first 15-20 minutes, when internal bleeding has not yet stopped. If you don’t have time, you will have to use other methods to remove an already formed bruise;
  • relieve pain using analgesics or No-shpu. Never take Aspirin, as one of its many side effects is blood thinning. After injuries associated with vascular damage, such exposure can even be dangerous.

Did the hematoma still appear, despite all your efforts? Then all that remains is to use folk or medical remedies to help speed up its disappearance.

Compresses that have a resolving effect on the hematoma

How to quickly remove a black eye using folk remedies? We offer several compresses that can help get rid of questionable jewelry in just a couple of days:

  • grated potatoes, which not only have a resolving effect, but also relieve inflammation in the damaged area of ​​the face. The resulting potato mass should be applied to the hematoma and held for at least 30 minutes. By repeating the procedure a couple of times a day, you will significantly speed up skin healing;
  • cabbage leaves. They can be applied whole, but it is better to pass them through a meat grinder to squeeze out the maximum of healing juice;
  • decoctions of plants such as chamomile, celandine, coltsfoot, linden and others. They also relieve inflammation and remove swelling, returning the skin to a healthy color;
  • a compress of honey combined with vegetable oil and flour. All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass, after which the mask is applied to the hematoma. It is advisable to use cellophane in order to enhance the effect of the composition on the skin.


In any pharmacy you can easily find a huge variety of medications that can help cope with any bruises. The most popular of them are “Bruise OFF”, “Rescuer”, “Lioton”, “Indovazin”.

Modern means for relieving hematomas and inflammatory processes are mainly made on a natural basis, and therefore cannot cause any harm to the body. Despite this, we still recommend that you carefully study the instructions for the drugs and follow the recommendations contained therein.

If you can’t remove the bruise, and you don’t really want to “show off your black eye” at a business meeting or at any special event, you can disguise it. For this purpose, it is recommended to use professional theatrical makeup, and in its absence, foundation or cosmetics.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes

Not only hematomas, but also bags that form under the eyes from lack of sleep or are a consequence of poor nutrition, obesity, endless stress, and age-related factors can make an unpleasant impression on others. In some particularly difficult cases, the help of a plastic surgeon may be required, but there are ways to remove bags without his participation:

  • cold. A proven way to get rid of swelling is to apply ice or metal objects chilled in the refrigerator. This kind of compress is performed in the morning and provokes a rush of blood to the face and automatically removes bags;
  • facial massage using a special cream;
  • procedures offered by beauty salons - mesotherapy, electrical stimulation or lymphatic drainage.

Bruises, or subcutaneous hematomas, are hemorrhages in the thickness of the skin. They appear as a result of traumatic rupture of capillaries. The hematoma under the eye itself goes away within a week. However, it may take longer to resolve if the hemorrhage is large and the skin is thin and sensitive, with fragile blood vessels.

You can quickly reduce a black eye with badyagi ointment

As the blood elements break down, the color of the bruise changes. A fresh bruise is purple-red in color. Then it turns blue-violet, green and finally yellow.

Important! To prevent a hematoma from appearing, you need to apply a towel with ice to the site of the bruise for the first 2–3 hours after the impact.

If a cold compress does not help and the bruise still appears, after a day you can start warming it with egg or salt.

The hematoma will resolve faster if some kind of angioprotector is applied to the darkened skin three times a day. Ointments of this type reduce tissue swelling, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and restore their elasticity. The angioprotectors include troxerutin, ascorutin, heparin, horse chestnut extract, and leeches.

How to quickly cure a black eye using folk remedies?

Badyaga, a medicinal powder made from dried freshwater sponges, is considered the No. 1 assistant in the fight against hematomas and bruises. The organic extract is valued in medicine and cosmetology for its absorbent, analgesic and antiseptic properties.

A cold compress can help heal a black eye quickly.

Ready-made ointment based on badyagi can be bought at the pharmacy. A home remedy for hematomas is made from cosmetic powder, diluting it with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 4.

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes if you don’t have a badyagi? Vegetable compresses will help.

  • Wrap onion pulp mixed with salt in gauze. Apply the compress three times a day for a third of an hour.
  • Dilute potato starch with water. Apply the resulting paste in a thick layer under the eyes.
  • Remove the thick veins from a fresh cabbage leaf. Rub it lightly and then apply it to the bruise.

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