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How to get rid of swelling during pregnancy. Drug treatment of edema. Treatment and prevention of swelling during pregnancy

Treatment of edema during pregnancy takes important place in obstetric practice, since impaired lymph circulation can cause serious violations in the female body. And this, in turn, can pose a threat to the health of the unborn baby. Only a small percentage of women are able to go through the entire period of gestation without swelling of the arms or legs; for most pregnant women this problem remains relevant.

Follow simple tips to avoid swelling:

  • Monitor it, as rapid weight gain negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother and her child.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day to stimulate your kidneys to eliminate fluid.
  • During the day, allow yourself to lie down to rest, while placing a cushion under your shins.
  • Do not stay in one position for a long time; alternate between sitting, standing and walking.
  • Give preference to shoes with low, stable heels.

If you adhere to these rules, you may never know what edema is throughout your entire pregnancy. If the measures taken are ineffective, contact your gynecologist.


They say that pregnancy is a natural state of the female body, tuned to bear future offspring. But pregnancy is also heavy load on maternal organism. During this period, the work of all organs is restructured. She's heading to main function– ensuring the vital activity of the fetus. As the embryo develops, the size of the uterus increases. This organ begins to compress nearby organs and displace others. All this contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. But some women experience swelling during pregnancy, while others experience this problem. What is the reason?

Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in organs and individual tissues body. Rare pregnancy without swelling. Edema occurs both in early and early later. Edema appears in the form of enlargement of one or another part of the body. Edema itself is not dangerous, but it is often a consequence of serious pathologies. Most often, edema in pregnant women is associated with increased capillary permeability. Changes in the smallest vessels lead to the penetration of fluid from the bloodstream and filling of its surrounding tissues.

Typically, the amount of fluid increases in the fingers and toes. This is clearly noticeable when removing shoes and rings - there are prints left that disappear gradually. Edema can be physiological or pathological. The attitude towards edema in pregnant women is serious. These manifestations are included in International classification diseases. Their ICD code is O00-099.

Why does swelling occur during pregnancy?

There is no clear answer to the question of why edema occurs during pregnancy. Each case is individual. Swelling is a sign of physical inactivity. With little mobility, blood flow slows down, which contributes to the accumulation of fluid - swelling begins. After the walk they disappear. But it can also be the other way around: your legs swell after a long walk. The causes of edema are diseases of the heart, kidneys, endocrine system. Edema is a manifestation of inflammatory and allergic diseases. Problems with blood vessels also lead to swelling. The cause of edema caused by pregnancy can be difficult to establish even in a clinic with good equipment.

On average, 25% of women develop varicose veins of the lower extremities during pregnancy. Blame it on " interesting situation" it is forbidden. The disease occurs when there is a predisposition to it. Signs of varicose veins appear long before pregnancy. But the pathology develops slowly. The period of bearing a baby only aggravates it.

The physiological basis for varicose veins is simple. Blood is pumped into the lower extremities, but cannot return back due to partial compression of the vessels. Stagnation occurs, which bursts the vessels from the inside. This is how swelling appears. The disease goes through several stages:

  1. In the initial stages, the problem is weakly expressed. By evening, your legs get tired, begin to ache, and swelling appears. By morning painful condition disappears. Such symptoms are rarely paid attention to.
  2. At a later stage, the disease manifests itself with night cramps and itching in the area of ​​the affected veins. These symptoms, along with increasing pain and swelling, bother you at night.
  3. The next stage of varicose veins leads to severe deformation of the veins. Veins are clearly visible above skin. They are greatly enlarged and have a modified shape. The swelling does not go away.

Signs of the disease are quite individual. Some pregnant women with mild external signs are concerned severe pain. For others, on the contrary, external signs on the face and pain syndrome absent. During pregnancy, the veins of the genital organs and rectum often become dilated. Hemorrhoids are one of the most common negative consequences of pregnancy.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to wear compression stockings. Stockings are selected by a phlebologist. At the first manifestations, the legs should be wrapped in elastic bandages. The problem of preventing varicose veins can be solved by a number of simple measures:

  • wearing loose clothing, which does not interfere with blood circulation;
  • shoes with heels no higher than 5 cm;
  • systematic change of positions;
  • movement - best prevention many diseases.

Swimming and walking are beneficial for pregnant women.

Kidney diseases

Kidney diseases are a common companion of pregnancy. This is one of the reasons why edema occurs in pregnant women. A number of factors lead to this:

  • During pregnancy, hormonal levels change;
  • mobility of the kidneys, as a result of weakening of the ligaments;
  • the changed size of the uterus and its deviation to the right have negative impact on the right kidney;
  • decreased tone of the ureters.

The most frequent illnesses kidneys during pregnancy, leading to edema, are:

The first signs of urinary tract diseases are not significant. The most common complaints among women arise from frequent urination(up to 7 times a day) and night urges. These signs are often physiological nature- the enlarged uterus puts pressure on bladder. If urination is accompanied by pain, a nagging pain appears in the lower back, body temperature rises - this serious sign pathology.

Signs of kidney disease include swelling of the face during pregnancy. The face becomes puffy, bags appear under the eyes.

The main sign of renal edema is a movement from top to bottom: first the edema affects the face, and then the limbs.

If characteristic swelling appears, you should immediately consult a gynecologist for advice. If he deems it necessary, he will send you for additional examination to a urologist. Only after diagnosis and identification of the causes can you prescribe correct treatment swelling.

Internal swelling during pregnancy

Internal edema is called pasty. The main danger of internal edema is its visual imperceptibility. If swelling of the legs is immediately visible, then swelling of the placenta during pregnancy is completely invisible. Hidden edema is more dangerous than external edema. They are always associated with serious pathologies.

The main sign of internal edema is fluctuating weight. Liquid adds extra grams. If weight gain is not uniform, then this is a serious reason to think about it.

Weight gain during pregnancy is natural, but it has its own parameters. If the weight increases to a greater extent, then, regardless of the reasons, this is a bad indicator, raising suspicion of edema.

One of the pastous edema diagnosed during pregnancy is placental edema. This is very interesting organ. It is interesting because its constant presence in a woman’s body is not necessary. It only appears during pregnancy. In another way it is called a children's place. And this is really true: the placenta binds children's body with the mother and provides nutrition to the fetus.

One of the reasons for placental edema is its dysfunction. Dysfunction can lead to:

  • inflammation of the placenta,
  • kidney diseases,
  • venereal diseases,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • viruses, including ARVI, herpes, and influenza,
  • intrauterine infection,
  • excess weight,
  • lack of body weight.

Pathology children's place determined only by ultrasound examination. Upon examination, the placenta is enlarged, its walls are thickened from a quarter to 100% normal indicator– there is swelling. This pathological condition carries negative consequences: lack of oxygen and nutrition. All this leads to irreversible changes in the development of the fetus.

Preeclampsia – late toxicosis

The cause of edema during pregnancy is late toxicosis. Toxicosis is the result of poisoning of the body expectant mother products of endogenous origin. There is an opinion that toxicosis is a natural accompaniment of pregnancy, but this is not so. Early toxicosis caused by changes in the body. If the process is delayed, you should contact a gynecologist. Manifestations of toxicosis in the later stages are a sign of a pathological condition. One of these manifestations is gestosis. This complication is manifested by edema, cramps, hypertension, and protein loss.

Late toxicosis goes through several stages in its development. The degrees of gestosis are characterized by an increase in pathological manifestations.

  1. The easiest manifestation of gestosis is “hydropsis of pregnancy.” Its symptoms are swelling of the arms, legs and face. Visually they may not be noticeable. If in the third trimester of pregnancy the weight gain is more than 500 g per week, then this indicates internal edema.
  2. A more severe manifestation is nephropathy - kidney damage. Its signs are severe edema and hypertension. A urine test indicates the presence of protein in the urine. The main sign of nephropathy is scanty urination and severe swelling.
  3. A severe manifestation is preeclampsia. The clinical signs are the same as those of nephropathy, but there are additional disturbances nervous system: headaches, nausea, severe vomiting, blurred vision.
  4. The most severe stage of gestosis is eclampsia. In addition to all of the above, convulsions and loss of consciousness lasting up to 1-2 minutes are added. Eclampsia often causes the death of the mother and baby.

Late toxicosis is dangerous pathological condition, requiring immediate specialist intervention.

Physiological edema

Physiological edema during pregnancy is not dangerous. They do not lead to development pathological processes. Such swelling is typical for the second half of pregnancy. They appear towards the end of the day and can be the result of heavy physical activity or hot weather. And most importantly: the physical condition of the expectant mother does not change in the presence of edema.

If your ankles and ankles swell, this is a sign of physiological edema. The feet may become swollen. Fingers often increase in size during pregnancy. This is not scary, but if any swelling appears, you should bring this to the attention of a specialist during your next visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist. Only a doctor can distinguish pathology from physiological edema.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s immunity is greatly weakened. This leads to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora and the appearance of inflammation. Swelling of the throat during pregnancy - common occurrence in the first trimester. Edema occurs due to the proliferation of streptococcus and staphylococcus. Although this is not a serious pathology, it requires treatment. You should not take any medications on your own - they can harm the baby. Most the right approach– consultation with a specialist. The doctor will recommend harmless medications to fight the infection.

How to determine edema during pregnancy

How to recognize physiological edema during pregnancy? Most often they are visible visually. The face swells during pregnancy or the legs look swollen. But, if in doubt, you need to press your finger firmly on the shin so as to touch the bone. Hold your finger in this position for a little while and then release it. There will be a hole in the place where the finger was. If it does not straighten out for a long time, then this is a sign that swelling has appeared.

Symptoms of internal edema are hidden. The following diagnostics will help track this pathology:

  1. Diuresis: daily fluid intake and amount of urine. It is considered normal to eliminate 75% of the fluid consumed.
  2. Change in calf girth. If it increases by more than 1 cm, then it is a clear sign pastous edema.
  3. Medication test. During this test, saline solution is injected subcutaneously. After its administration, a blister appears, which resolves within 60 minutes. If the lump has not resolved within this period of time, this should suggest internal swelling.

Physiological edema does not pose a threat to the health of the mother and child. Pastous edema is a sign of pregnancy pathology. It is difficult for a woman to determine the nature of the edema on her own. If swelling is detected, you should tell your gynecologist about it.

Why are edema dangerous?

Physiological edema is not dangerous - it disappears on its own after childbirth. But severe swelling during pregnancy may be a sign dangerous diseases mother and threaten the well-being of the child. Edema of the lower extremities, accompanied by increased frequency heart rate- a clear sign of heart problems. This problem most likely existed for a long time, but became worse during pregnancy. With cardiovascular diseases, the fetus is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen. This threatens oxygen starvation and improper development. Heart problems complicate childbirth.

Renal edema begins in the face. They are the most dangerous, as they can be a sign of nephropathy. Another sign of this pathology is high blood pressure during pregnancy. Special attention you need to pay attention to this phenomenon if hypertension did not manifest itself in any way before. Late pregnancy is dangerous due to swelling. Swelling can be a sign of gestosis. Late toxicosis threatens the loss of an already born child, however, with timely treatment, health is restored. If you notice any swelling during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor.

How to get rid of edema during pregnancy

Treatment of edema during pregnancy is an important area of ​​obstetrics and gynecology. Disruption of lymph flow can lead to serious pathologies in the mother’s body and negatively affect the baby’s health. There are various ways treatment of edema.

Drug and hardware treatment of edema

You should not decide on your own how to relieve swelling during pregnancy. There is no need to take medications on your own - this can cause irreparable harm to the mother and child. It is better to seek advice from a doctor. Among the medications for edema, diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed:

To relax smooth muscles, Magne-B6, No-shpa, Eufillin are prescribed. For severe swelling of the legs, compression stockings are prescribed. Pressotherapy can also be used - during pregnancy it gives positive results. This is a hardware procedure in which the impact is compressed air. If fluid accumulations are not strong and do not cause changes in health, then traditional medicine is more suitable for pregnant women against edema.

Treatment of edema with folk remedies

How to get rid of edema during pregnancy? Will help traditional medicine. There is no single recipe that would help everyone equally against edema. You should use folk remedies for edema carefully, carefully observing the results.

Fruit juice helps pregnant women especially well against edema:

Cranberries are rubbed through a sieve or simply kneaded thoroughly. The resulting berry mass is poured cold water, put on gas and bring to a boil, but do not boil. The cooled drink can be drunk in any quantity as desired. Fruit juice is a source of vitamins and microelements. It has a weak diuretic effect and helps remove swelling.

Help relieve swelling in a pregnant woman at home herbal teas. For them you need to use herbs that have a diuretic effect. Rose hips, mint, cornflower flowers, and elderberry inflorescences are suitable for diuretic tea. Place three tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos, add boiling water and let it brew. Drink the decoction instead of tea as needed. The rule is simple: to prepare tea, you can take any diuretic herbs and herbs sold in pharmacies. The swelling will go away.

A decoction of dried fruits will help get rid of edema during pregnancy. You will need 300 grams of dried apricots. Dried apricots are poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and left for an hour. A decoction is taken to quench thirst, but at the same time it helps reduce swelling.

Diet for edema

Diet will help reduce swelling during pregnancy. If edema appears, fluid intake should be limited. Most often, this measure gives temporary results. But swelling will decrease if you limit the amount of salt. You cannot live without salt all the time - this will lead to an imbalance in the water-salt balance. But once a week you can eat everything without this spice. This will give new taste sensations and will help get rid of swelling. If eating bland food is completely unbearable, then you should reduce the amount of salt to a minimum.

Watermelon is a good and tasty diuretic. You need to eat it in the morning, then by the evening the swelling will decrease significantly. You should not take diuretics at night - this will deprive you of good rest.

You should not eat when you have swelling:

  • pickles;
  • pickled mushrooms;
  • salted and smoked fish;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sweets;
  • fatty and fried foods.

It should be remembered that a diet will help reduce swelling in a pregnant woman only if it is not pathological.


Expectant mothers are often concerned about the question: if edema occurs during pregnancy, what to do? First, consult a doctor and make sure there is no pregnancy pathology. If there are no health problems, then they will help you fight them simple exercises. If your legs are swollen, you should not stand in one position for a long time. If there is a need for this, then you should periodically rise on your toes and lower yourself. Alternate tension and relaxation of muscles helps reduce congestion in blood vessels. Two more daily exercises for pregnant women:

  • Grasping the foot with both hands, you need to try to pull on the imaginary stocking. First you need to pull it on your foot, then on your shin, then on your knee and thigh.
  • Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, and bend your legs at the knees. As you exhale, pull your stomach in and hold it in this position. Then relax the muscles. For variety, you can do it while sitting. In a different position, other muscle groups are tensed. The effect is the same as when lifting on your toes, only the action is directed to other organs. Swelling will decrease.

How to avoid swelling during pregnancy

Edema – frequent companions pregnancy. Even if it is not possible to completely get rid of edema, prevention will help prevent it. You should stick to a diet, move more, engage in feasible physical labor, and do exercises. Do not ignore the advice of your gynecologist. And it will become clear how to avoid edema during pregnancy.

Almost every pregnant woman knows what edema is and how to deal with it. But not everyone thinks about the nature of this phenomenon. Meanwhile, the formation of edema can be either a completely harmless physiological process or a symptom of a serious pathology.

What are the dangers of edema during pregnancy?

In most cases, edema in pregnant women is physiological and does not harm either the expectant mother or her baby. To reduce them, it is enough to follow a simple diet and at the end of the day lie down with your legs in an elevated position. More dangerous is the swelling that accompanies gestosis - late toxicosis. Here, the consequences of inattention to one’s health can be extremely severe:

  • preeclampsia. Severe complication, manifested by abdominal pain, fever, confused speech, and blurred vision. Sometimes a woman behaves inappropriately and complains of feeling unwell;
  • eclampsia. An even more serious complication may be accompanied by convulsions and cardiac arrest. In extremely rare situations it occurs death. How to remove acute condition or to prevent it altogether, only a doctor can explain.

At severe forms Preeclampsia affects both mother and child. Sometimes doctors decide to induce premature labor.

Swelling can also signal other diseases:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart. With such pathologies, swelling is located in the lower part of the body. The woman’s liver enlarges, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and blue lips appear. If the totality of symptoms is not taken into account, you can end up in the hospital with serious heart problems;
  • renal dysfunction. Edema may be one of the signs of nephropathy, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. At the first stage, pain appears, then the arms and legs swell. This condition is accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine and high blood pressure. The disease must be treated.

How to determine edema during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the tissues of the female body intensively accumulate water necessary for normal development fetus and stable course of important physiological processes. allows you to notice in time the period when there is too much liquid.

The process of edema formation occurs gradually. Regardless of the cause, doctors define 4 stages in it:

  1. 1. Slight swelling of the feet and legs appears. The elastic bands of socks leave a deep, long-lasting mark on the shin.
  2. 2. Swelling of the feet begins, swelling of the abdomen in its lower part, swelling of the labia, swelling of the fingers, swelling of the hands. The expectant mother begins to feel uncomfortable in her usual shoes. The ankle becomes noticeably wider, and the foot becomes unusually thick. When pressing on top part foot or lower leg, a dimple is formed that does not immediately smooth out. The rings became difficult to remove or put on the fingers.
  3. 3. Visible swelling of the face, swelling of the nose, and hands appears.
  4. 4. Dropsy of pregnancy develops - generalized edema.

Edema can also be hidden, when it is impossible to recognize it visually. In this case, the following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • 1. McClure-Aldrich test. The procedure is performed by a nurse. A pregnant woman is injected subcutaneously with a small amount of saline and the time is noted until it is completely absorbed. If the drug remains in place after 35 minutes, it means there is too much water in the body;
  • 2. Regular weighing. Weight gain should not exceed 400 grams per week. If the mass increases faster, and this is combined with high blood pressure and poor urine tests, the woman may have hidden edema;
  • 3. diuresis study. The woman is asked to measure the amount of liquid she drinks, including soups, and the amount of urine she passes throughout the day. Normally, the volume ratio is approximately 4:3.

Both external and internal swelling should not be ignored, especially in early stages pregnancy. A doctor's consultation is required.

Treatment of edema in pregnant women

Identifying the cause and treating edema during pregnancy is a matter for the doctor. Most of our and foreign experts believe that slight physiological swelling of the legs and feet does not require special treatment. It is enough to comply a certain diet and rest with your legs elevated. But some gynecologists believe that even the initial manifestations should not be ignored. A pregnant woman should listen to the doctor she is seeing.

  1. 1. Wearing compression stockings. This is especially important if a woman has problems with her blood vessels. Special stockings or tights reduce blood pressure and help. The doctor will also tell you what gel or ointment can be used to eliminate varicose veins.
  2. 2. Taking vitamins B (Magne B6), E, ​​lipoic acid. The medicine will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent water from penetrating from the blood into the surrounding tissues.
  3. 3. Medicines Canephron, Cyston, Fitolysin. The tablets improve kidney function and have a weak diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Medicines can also be prescribed as a dropper, but only a doctor always makes the prescription. You cannot take medications on your own, as there is a risk negative influence on the development of the child.
  4. 4. Antispasmodics: no-spa, aminophylline intramuscularly or in tablets.
  5. 5. Essentiale or Riboxin, previously diluted with the patient’s blood, is prescribed intravenously to stimulate myocardial metabolism. Folic acid is prescribed for the same purpose.
  6. 6. Drugs that increase the production of atrial hormone: methionine, potassium orotate, nicotinic acid.
  7. 7. Diuretics for short term for severe edema in a hospital setting: hypothiazide, furosemide with simultaneous administration of potassium supplements.

When the situation requires medical intervention, it is not enough to know how to treat and how to relieve swelling during pregnancy. It is important to additionally select medications that improve blood flow in the placenta in order to prevent fetal hypoxia. The doctor decides which medications and in what dosages should be taken based on the results of an examination of the pregnant patient.

Diet for edema during pregnancy

When asked what to do if swelling appears, the doctor will definitely say: follow a diet. The diet must be balanced in such a way that salt consumption is reduced. This substance promotes water retention in tissues and should therefore be avoided whenever possible. Drinking is limited to 1000 ml per day for the entire treatment period. Here are some more recommendations:

  1. 1. Avoid sweet and carbonated drinks that increase thirst. In hot weather, it is better to drink plain water in small sips or take a shower. Although, today many experts say that you cannot limit yourself in drinking and call the figure of liquid consumption about 1.5-2 liters per day, excluding soups.
  2. 2. Avoid smoked and fried foods, try not to use spices in cooking. It is better to steam food.
  3. 3. Be sure to eat protein-rich foods every day: fish, cottage cheese, meat.
  4. 4. Include in large quantities fresh fruits and vegetables that a woman is accustomed to eating even before pregnancy. It is better to avoid exotic fruits and berries. It is unknown how the body will react to new foods while in this state.
  5. 5. Eat celery, parsley, watercress, apples. IN small quantities they have a diuretic effect.

It is worth asking your doctor for help in planning your diet. Such an easy diet will benefit both mother and baby.

Folk remedies for edema during pregnancy

There are a lot folk recipes, but none of them can be called universal. For one woman, the herb helps get rid of swelling, while for another it worsens the condition. Each pregnancy proceeds differently, so it is better to agree on the chosen recipe with a specialist.

You can reduce swelling outside the hospital in the following ways:

  1. 1. Take daily walks or do gymnastics if a woman spends most of the day sitting.
  2. 2. Brew herbal teas. Rose hips, dill, lingonberry leaf. They have a weak diuretic effect. A fruit drink made from cranberries, dried apricots, lingonberries, and viburnum gives the same effect.
  3. 3. Drink birch sap three times a day, a tablespoon.
  4. 4. Brew dried apple peel and drink as tea throughout the day.
  5. 5. Make foot baths with sea salt.
  6. 6. Take an infusion of bear's ear (bearberry).
  7. 7. Use kidney teas, which are sold in pharmacies, instead of regular tea.

In case of severe pathologies of the heart or kidneys, a pregnant woman may experience sharp deterioration. In order not to put you at risk, each action must be agreed upon with your doctor.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

Edema is also an aesthetic problem, numerous photos swollen ankles are proof of this. To prevent this condition or reduce the risk of its occurrence, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  1. 1. Follow a diet to avoid gaining weight too quickly.
  2. 2. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day to stimulate kidney function.
  3. 3. Rest with your feet up. It is necessary that the ankles are higher than the level of the hips.
  4. 4. Avoid prolonged sitting or standing during the day.
  5. 5. Give up high heels. You will temporarily have to sacrifice your favorite shoes for the sake of your health.

Implementation of these simple recommendations will help a woman carry a pregnancy without education severe swelling. If, despite everything measures taken, fluid still accumulates in excess, you need to inform your gynecologist about this.

Swelling of the legs during late pregnancy: what is dangerous and how to treat

The last months of pregnancy create a feeling of soon happiness, but the elevated mood from hormones can darken serious problem. Swelling of the legs in pregnant women in late stages– this is not such a rare occurrence. The growing fetus requires more space in the abdomen and displaces internal organs, causing swelling in various parts of the body. They may be physiological norm or, conversely, are dangerous for the child and require treatment.

  • Why does swelling occur?
  • Attention! Summer
  • How to relieve swelling in the heat
  • What can cause swelling in pregnant women?
  • Consequences
  • Swelling of the hands
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Facial swelling
  • Pastiness of the genital organs
  • Drinking regime
  • Treatment
  • Local therapy: gels, creams for swelling during pregnancy
  • Treatment in hospital
  • Therapeutic diet and sample menu
  • Exercises and gymnastics for home
  • Treatment folk remedies and recipes
  • Diagnostics

Causes of edema, what is wrong with the pregnant body

Edema appears due to a sharp enlargement of the uterus: water accumulates in the body, internal organs, nerves and blood vessels are compressed, the passage of oxygen to the extremities is blocked, the outflow of urine is disrupted and stagnation occurs in the bloodstream.

Most edema occurs in women bearing a child for the first time, but the first child is not the main cause of pathology.

During gestation, progesterone levels increase. Its main effect is relaxation of smooth muscle muscles. And this type of muscle tissue is present in most internal organs:

  • in the vascular wall of veins and arteries;
  • in the esophagus, intestines, stomach, gallbladder, bile ducts;
  • uterus;
  • in the ureters and bladder.

Progesterone is the main cause of edema. All others are secondary or dependent on the influence of this hormone. It is because of it that heartburn, constipation and swelling occur during pregnancy.

Other causes of edema in pregnant women:

  • Chronic diseases: cardiovascular (increased load), endocrine, genitourinary systems, from the blood vessels - or deep vein thrombosis.
  • Uncontrolled consumption of salty foods.
  • Tight clothes and uncomfortable shoes: leggings, .
  • Protein deficiency(hereditary or due to poor nutrition or loss of proteins due to gestational nephropathy).
  • – toxicosis in pregnant women. In addition to edema, hypertension appears (increased blood pressure) And . Adult women at risk: (from), pregnant with twins or triplets, smokers, suffering from episodic seizures or with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Fluid accumulation occurs from bottom to top, so the first swelling appears in the legs. Pasty feet look like thickening of the skin, swelling of the subcutaneous layer of fat. Easily distinguishable, since the protruding veins on the leg are completely closed, folds may form. Usually the swelling looks like in the photo.

To check whether there is an accumulation of sweaty plasma on the lower extremities, you need to press thumb soft fabrics to the tibia. This bone is located on the front surface of the lower leg. If after pressing for 3-5 seconds a depression remains, this is swelling. Moreover, the degree of swelling is higher, the higher the pressure remains on the hole.

Preeclampsia is dangerous because it causes swelling of internal organs, including the placenta, which can impair the exchange of oxygen between mother and fetus. Late gestosis is a threatening condition for both. Therefore, the woman and the obstetrician-gynecologist should be wary in his presence. If the condition is confirmed in severe cases, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and intensive treatment is prescribed.

Attention: summer and heat

When talking about the reasons for the development of edema syndrome in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to mention the time of year. In summer, especially in the heat, swelling develops faster, stronger and more difficult to remove. This is due to the physical effect of heat, which has a relaxing effect on blood vessels:

  • blood flow slows down;
  • perfusion pressure in the vessels increases;
  • more liquid sweats into the intercellular space.

Therefore, if the 3rd trimester of pregnancy occurs during the hot season, your actions should be aimed in advance at preventing the appearance of edema.

What can you do in the summer to alleviate the condition?

You can remove or alleviate swelling using contrast shower for legs. The temperature difference will allow the vessels to “play” and return to tone. Such hardening exercises - the best remedy to prevent swelling of the lower extremities in the third trimester.

What can cause swelling in pregnant women?

In addition to the feet, the hands and fingers, face, mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and genitals are susceptible to swelling. Hidden edema is the most dangerous during pregnancy. They are distinguished by the absence external symptoms: the body does not get tired, the muscles do not hurt, the thickening of the skin is invisible, but weight is rapidly gaining. Therefore, in antenatal clinic Where you are being observed, before visiting the obstetrician-gynecologist, a control weighing is required.

Since edematous fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of internal organs, a chronic disease can determine which part of the body is in greatest danger. Mothers with cardiovascular disease are more likely to have swelling in their legs, lower back, and feet. In women with kidney disease, any organ can be affected, including the face and hands.

The average period for the occurrence of edema during pregnancy is . But later swelling is also possible, and even. And the early ones - from .

What are the dangers of edema in late pregnancy?

Swelling on last month pregnancy associated with chronic diseases causes speed dial weight (about 300-400 g per week) and is dangerous due to its rapid spread throughout the body. Swollen organs compress blood vessels, sodium and oxygen metabolism is disrupted, and the child receives less nutrients and may be born premature. To exclude such consequences, pregnant women are constantly monitored in the hospital.

Significant risks to the fetus arise only when the woman does not report swelling and allows it to progress.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

The most common location for swelling during pregnancy is the legs. Fluid accumulates in the body and, under the influence of gravity, falls down to the ankles.

At night, when a woman lies in a horizontal position, the fluid moves higher up her legs and the swelling may decrease in the morning. This condition is normal for pregnant women. Slight tingling and short-term numbness of the extremities are possible. Exercise also helps with morning pastiness.

You can reduce mild swelling on your own. During sleep, it is recommended to elevate your legs - place them on an additional pillow.

You need to be less in an upright position without moving, wear comfortable shoes(especially if flat feet are diagnosed to any degree), do foot massage or gymnastics, wear compression stockings and drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day in small portions.

If the swelling remains the same size in the morning or other parts of the body begin to swell, you should inform your gynecologist. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy can be indirect sign.

Swelling of the hands in pregnant women

There are two ways to determine whether there is swelling of the hands during pregnancy or not:

  • In the morning, put the ring on your finger; if there is swelling, by the evening swelling will form around the ring, and the jewelry itself will be more difficult to remove;
  • take a tight elastic band and put it on your hand; when there is swelling, after a few minutes the skin under the elastic band is pressed in, and after removing it, a dent is still visible for some time.

Swollen hands usually do not cause discomfort. Your fingers hurt if you type on the keyboard for a long time. To avoid swelling when working at the computer, just place your elbows on a flat surface, preferably with a soft pillow, and give your hands a rest every 10-15 minutes.

Simultaneous swelling of the arms and legs is a sign that cardiovascular system, together with the lymphatic, cannot cope. In late pregnancy, the heart experiences increased stress, and venous blood is poorly “pumped” from the extremities to the heart. Because of high pressure the walls of the veins expand and small holes are formed through which fluid leaks into the intercellular space. At the same time, thrombophlebitis worsens. Inflammation of the veins can be suspected if one leg is swollen more than the other.

If swelling of the fingers does not go away on its own, the doctor will recommend strict diet and control over the fluid entering the body. IN advanced cases are appointed separately medicines, increasing blood flow in the kidneys and vitamins B, E and A.

Facial swelling

Facial swelling appears later than anything else, sometimes before childbirth. In the morning, slight swelling of the eyelids is noticeable. In severe cases, the area under the eyes constantly swells and the contour of the face changes.

In the early stages, a runny nose or nasal congestion develops, which sometimes accompanies the pregnant woman until the very beginning. The face often swells when the salt load increases at night. You should avoid eating salty, spicy foods.

Swelling of the face is dealt with in the same way as swelling of the arms and legs: a strict diet, fluid control, baths, moderate physical activity.

Swelling of the labia

Swelling of the genitals at 9 months is not always dangerous, more often adipose tissue increases to make it easier for the child to walk along birth canal. But such enlargement of the labia is not accompanied by a constant feeling of discomfort.

If, along with swelling, the vagina constantly itches or the discharge turns green, yellow tint, then we can talk about infection and infection. In this case, additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are individually prescribed, then medications are prescribed.

If the swelling causes discomfort, but the discharge is normal, a general diet, drinking regimen and a warm bath are prescribed.

Drinking regime for swelling

In the third trimester, blood circulation increases by about 40%, which is why the body requires more fluid - about 1.5 liters per day, including first courses, juicy fruits and vegetables. Moreover, during a full lunch, it is important to reduce the amount of salt to 1.5 g, it has the property of retaining liquid. In the morning and evening you should drink a glass of kefir or. and it’s better to drink hawthorn infusion or kidney tea. If it is difficult to adhere to the drinking regime, and the body constantly requires more water, you need to drink; you should not starve yourself with thirst during pregnancy.

You need to know that fluid in the body retains not only salt, but also sugar. Therefore, the diet also includes the exclusion of sweet dishes. But most of all, the formation of edema in pregnant women is influenced by the sugar-salt complex. These two products potentiate each other in the development of edema syndrome.

To get rid of edema during pregnancy, it is forbidden to take diuretics (diuretics) on your own. If you choose the wrong drug during pregnancy, the body will begin to eliminate useful substances, depriving both the child and the mother of macroelements. Only a doctor can prescribe a diuretic based on tests.

Treatment: medications and rules of administration

During pregnancy, the following medications are allowed to be taken under medical supervision:

  1. Triampur (for heart, liver and kidney diseases) – 2 tablets/day. morning and evening for 20 days;
  2. Canephron – 1 tablet 2 times a day before meals for 15 days;
  3. Eufillin – 0.15 g, 2 times a day;
  4. Hofitol (organic preparation based on artichoke) – 3 tablets/day. before meals;
  5. Furosemide – 1-2 tablets/day.

Excess medication in the 3rd trimester affects the baby. The exact dosage can only be prescribed in a hospital. Any of the drugs is supplemented with diuretic products: oatmeal, eggplant, celery or. In severe cases, only medications help.

Local medications to relieve swelling

Helps fight edema syndrome local remedies– heparin-based gels and creams. It improves the rheological properties of blood, prevents the formation of blood clots and restores vascular wall, thereby helping to avoid swelling in pregnant women on the legs, arms and under the eyes on the face.

Treatment of edema in late pregnancy with creams and gels without the consent of the doctor is prohibited!

Treatment of edema during pregnancy in a hospital

In case of severe edema syndrome, hospitalization of the pregnant woman in a permanent hospital or day hospital may be recommended.

In the hospital, if necessary, prescribe vascular drugs and administer them using a dropper. Treatment with Pentoxifylline and Eufillin is carried out in this way. In short, these drugs will help the kidneys filter out excess fluid accumulated in the body of the expectant mother and cope with edema.

Previously, the drug magnesium sulfate (magnesia) was prescribed for this purpose, but progressive specialists are gradually “moving away” from it. Its effect is insignificant and questionable in terms of fetal health.


The table shows acceptable dishes for each meal; the diet is compiled based on the preferences of the pregnant woman.

Table 1.

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Before bed
Muesli with milk, or boiled eggs, or 100 g of cottage cheese;

Juice and apple or berries

Vegetable or seafood soup or beef soup

100 g vegetable salad or rice side dish.

2-3 slices of black bread, cucumbers.

Drink juices or compotes.

Apple, pear, assorted berries, a piece of watermelon or melon, dried apricots (your choice). Kidney tea Rice side dish with cutlet or boiled fish.

Treatment of edema in late pregnancy with folk remedies

Folk remedies will also help cope with swelling; they can be taken along with a course of medications, but it is important to notify the doctor about this. Up to date folk herbal medicine includes various tonics and sedatives:

  • cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks from fresh or frozen berries;
  • tea or infusion of lingonberry leaves;
  • (without sugar, you can with honey), it is important to choose high-quality tea;
  • A decoction of bearberry helps to remove excess fluid, drink for no more than 10 days, long-term use may irritate the muscles of the uterus;
  • , lavender, jasmine or other herbs as an addition to water;
  • For treatment, use a decoction of dill seeds or add seeds to food;
  • corn silk for kidney disease.

Diagnosis of pastosity: how to determine whether there is fluid retention or not

To identify edema during pregnancy, doctors prescribe the woman a daily amount of water and monitor the amount and condition. By comparing the rate of consumption and output, one can conclude how much fluid remains in the tissues, and therefore predict the appearance of edema. Pastosity in a progressive form affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and throat, a constant runny nose occurs, turning into rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa). Rhinitis in pregnant women does not require treatment.

A blister test is used: injection of 0.2 mg of saline into the forearm. The greater the body's edematous readiness, the faster the blister resolves.

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky (normal in brackets) shows the average volume of urination (60-300 ml), the ratio of daytime and nighttime diuresis (3:1), the ratio of excreted to ingested fluid (75-80%). For analysis within 24 hours, a urine sample is taken every 3 hours 8 times, starting at 9:00. The first portion is flushed down the toilet, the rest are collected each time in a separate jar, stored in the refrigerator and taken to the hospital in the morning. Diuretics should not be used during the analysis.

If a pregnant woman’s body is predisposed to edema, then it will not be possible to avoid it, but it can be prevented and recognized in time by undergoing examinations in the hospital, especially in the 3rd trimester. It is not the swelling that is scary, but the lack of desire and desire to treat it.

Edema during pregnancy: how to get rid of it and why does it appear? This phenomenon observed in more than half of expectant mothers. There are several types of edema, they are classified depending on the cause. Accordingly, the methods of getting rid of them will be different.

Varicose veins

These swellings usually cause aching pain in the extremities, similar to the type that occurs with ARVI or influenza. In addition, a venous pattern may appear, and “stars” may appear.

For these symptoms, doctors may recommend wearing compression stockings. And healers offer preventive methods, tell how to get rid of edema during pregnancy at home using folk remedies. You can take foot baths and wash them cool water, in a lying position, keep your legs raised up. It is recommended to walk in low-soled shoes and wear compression tights. It is allowed to use ointments and creams containing horse chestnut extract or heparin.

If you have previously suffered varicose veins veins, it is imperative to visit a surgeon and phlebologist during pregnancy.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system

Such swelling may appear on early stages pregnancy. Since at this time there is already an increased load on the heart, it may malfunction... This is fraught with consequences for both the mother and the fetus, and requires immediate hospitalization. The situation is especially dangerous when one limb begins to swell sharply. This may be a symptom of thrombosis - blockage of the veins.

Kidney diseases

Such causes of swelling of the arms and legs during pregnancy are quite likely if they appear in the first trimester. IN in this case Hospitalization will be required; self-medication is strictly forbidden. Pyelonephritis - common complication pregnancy. It is detected by examining urine and blood.

As a variant of the norm

Physiological edema. They appear later, starting in the middle of pregnancy. The cause of the appearance may be over-salted food and a small volume of liquid taken, as well as excessive physical activity, forced long-term stay in a vertical position. Such swelling may have a mild manifestation on the feet, legs or in the lower third of the limbs. They are associated with water retention in tissues. There is no need to treat physiological edema. They usually appear in the evening and disappear on their own after proper rest.

In order to prevent this type of edema, as well as to eliminate it, it is necessary to correct the diet and balance the work and rest regime. Walking in the fresh air is important.

If swelling of the legs periodically appears during pregnancy, what to do in this situation? Traditional medicine in this case recommends drinking a decoction of birch buds. By the way, it can be effective for other types of edema. As a diuretic, you can take a decoction of horsetail, but you should not abuse diuretics so that calcium and other necessary substances are not removed from the body along with the fluid. In any case, application traditional methods during pregnancy, it is possible after consultation with a gynecologist.

Late toxicosis

Pathological edema, as a manifestation of late toxicosis. Such edema is also called dropsy of pregnancy and appears in last trimester pregnancy. On initial stage they are noticeable in the area of ​​the legs and feet, and at a later stage - in the lumbar region, sacrum, abdomen and even the face. Dropsy in pregnancy can be caused by a number of reasons, such as changes in neuroendocrine regulation, genetic predisposition, stress can play a significant role in this.

Such swelling does not go away on its own and can lead to complications in the pregnant woman’s condition; as for the fetus, hypoxia may develop ( oxygen starvation). How to get rid of leg swelling during pregnancy in this case is not the best important question. After all, gestosis is one of the most common causes of maternal and child mortality. It is important to monitor the condition of the kidneys, eyes, heart, and prevent increased blood pressure.

Prevention measures

Among the common preventive measures, helping to avoid various types swelling or to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, you can note:

  • drinking fluids within physiological need– up to two liters per day;
  • inclusion of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • eating boiled or steamed food;
  • reasonable reduction in salt intake;
  • exclusion from the diet of pickles, smoked foods, spices, carbonated drinks, semi-finished products and tomato juice.

The causes of edema are not fully understood. It is worth noting that doctors in lately recognize them as a normal protective reaction of the body preparing for the upcoming loss of blood and fluid during the birth of a child. It is this accumulated fluid that will be called upon after childbirth to replenish the amount of circulating blood in the mother. Therefore, driving it away is unnecessary and harmful.

However, this does not apply to cases where the course of chronic diseases in a pregnant woman is accompanied by edema; here the decision on the need for treatment and the choice of methods is the prerogative of the relevant specialists.

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