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How to measure a dog's temperature with a regular thermometer. What is the normal temperature for dogs, how to measure it and what to do if it is elevated, to bring it down? We work without a thermometer

Every dog ​​owner has wondered at least once in his life how to measure a dog's temperature. After all, measuring temperature is an informative method that allows you to learn a lot about your pet’s well-being and determine the presence of illness at the very beginning.

There is a thermometer, mercury or electronic, in every home, and when it comes to the need to measure a dog’s temperature, both will do. The animal should have its own personal thermometer - this is advisable because hygienic reasons, and therefore you should have your own measuring device for him, the same as for a person.

An electronic thermometer is the most desirable instrument for carrying out such a procedure - with it accurate results You will be able to get it in 1.5-2 minutes, but you will have to keep the mercury one for about 3-5 minutes. Measurements are taken using the rectal method, the thermometer is inserted into the dog's anus approximately 2 cm.

If you are wondering how to measure a dog’s temperature and will be doing it for the first time, it is worth noting the following points:

  • The tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream so that its insertion does not cause severe discomfort.
  • While measuring the temperature, you should calm the dog down and talk to it gently. If her appetite is normal and her condition does not cause serious concern, you can treat her to her favorite treat.
  • It is necessary to carry out measurements in a calm environment, in a quiet place, so as not to cause unnecessary anxiety and excitement in the dog.
  • After measurement, the thermometer must be disinfected (for example, wiped with alcohol).

If you need to know how to measure a dog’s temperature at home, and you simply don’t know how to organize this procedure and how to position the animal correctly, it is worth noting that it is better to place the dog on its side. If this is your first time doing the procedure, it will be easier for both her and you. If the dog has had to deal with such events in the past, and you also have similar experience, you can leave the animal in a standing position, as veterinarians do.

Features of the procedure

Often the question of how to measure a dog’s temperature is asked by owners whose animals are simply frightened by this procedure and begin to run away and resist. This is a completely normal reaction of a dog if it has not encountered such events in the past, or if they were painful or unpleasant. You should not resort to violence in cases where it is possible to avoid putting on a muzzle, tying, or putting pressure on the dog - in most cases, the owner can easily convince the dog to calmly perceive what is happening if he gives him a little attention and affection. This will be the best approach and will definitely help with future follow-up measurements if they are ever needed again.

You can even accustom the dog to such procedures, develop the command “go measure”, “get treated”, or another similar one. By warning each time with selected words about the need to carry out such a procedure, and rewarding the animal during or after its completion, you can easily ensure that the dog itself will come at the first call to measure the temperature.

How often do you need to take measurements?

If there are no veterinary recommendations for monitoring the animal’s condition, it is worth taking temperature measurements only if you suspect illness - or in a situation where the animal is sick and you are monitoring its condition on your own. Before vaccinations and during veterinary examinations, the doctor can also check the temperature of the four-legged patient. The only exceptions in this regard are purebred puppies, whose temperature is controlled by breeders in the first days after birth in order to prevent illness and death.

If there is a suspicion of injury or illness, open wounds, bruises, other damage, if the dog has fought with other animals, or has suffered from human actions, the temperature may indicate inflammatory process, and about problems in the body as a whole.

Dull and protruding fur, lack of appetite, convulsions, vomiting or diarrhea, inappropriate behavior of the animal - all this indicates the need to take the temperature and consult a veterinarian. It doesn’t matter whether the temperature is high or low with such symptoms, in any case you can judge about health problems, and sometimes even about the need to urgently save the animal.

How to understand that there is a temperature if you don’t measure it

Some dog breeders say that you can tell if there is a fever by looking at the dog’s nose. This is a misconception; it doesn’t matter whether the dog’s nose is dry or wet.

But if a dog sticks out its tongue and breathes heavily, lies down, trying to gather itself into a ball, or vice versa, spread out its body as widely as possible, if it lies down in a puddle, looks for a warm or cool place - we can judge with a certain degree of confidence that with Something strange is going on with her.

The norm and its variants

Another important question, which can torment the owner after measuring the dog’s temperature - is the resulting indicator really normal? Understanding this is not always easy, because in dogs this indicator is more individual than general - unlike humans. Abundance of rocks different sizes and physiology create wide gradations of the norm from 39.3 for puppies small breeds and up to 37.4 for a large adult. A bitch in heat will have more high temperature, than normal, and before and after childbirth the indicator will drop. Physical activity, emotional state– all this and much more leaves its mark on the indicator. And therefore it will not be stable.

You can also ask a question to our site's staff veterinarian, who as soon as possible will answer them in the comment box below.

To make sure your pet is healthy and well, you need to measure its body temperature. This indicator is a signal as to whether the dog needs your help or not. In my article, I will help you understand what symptoms can be used to diagnose a cold and how to correctly measure the temperature of a sick animal. I will also explain how to properly reduce your pet’s fever with medications and using available means.

Let's talk about the norm. This concept is relative and varies depending on breed, height, age, gender and some physiological characteristics(pregnancy, long-term recovery from illness, estrus). It is also worth considering that each dog’s normal temperature is individual, so its measurement must be constantly monitored.

Puppies have a body temperature of approximately 39.0°C. In adult breeds it can be 37.4 to 38.6°C.

The average data is shown in the table below.

Any large deviation is the first condition for contacting a veterinarian.

How to tell if your pet is sick: first signs and symptoms

An increase in body temperature is a clear signal that the body is fighting the disease.

Unfortunately, our smaller brothers cannot speak, which means that responsibility for their health lies entirely with us, their owners. It is the owner who needs to understand that the pet is sick. It is impossible to say for sure whether a pet is sick or not. To do this, you need to pay attention to the symptoms.

Increased eye irritation and nasal discharge are a sign of a cold.

  1. Touch your nose.
  2. You need to take your temperature. We have already talked about the norm above.
  3. Pay attention to the dog's fur.
  4. Snot and lacrimation.
  5. Refusal to eat, but at the same time manifestation increased thirst. If your pet does not want to try even his favorite treat, then this sign, together with the above, also indicates that the dog is sick and needs diagnosis and treatment.
  6. Lethargy. Lethargy and passivity of the dog is another symptom that the dog has started to get sick.

Intense heat deprives the dog of strength, because the body has devoted all its strength to fighting the virus.

How to measure a dog's temperature with a thermometer?

If you notice that the above symptoms appear in your pet, then it’s time to start decisive action. First of all, remember that the temperature of a pet is not the cause of the disease, but only its consequence, the body’s protective reaction to the virus.

Tarnished “fur” is considered an indicator of malaise.

The procedure with a thermometer should be carried out in as calm an environment as possible.

To find out your pet's temperature, buy a regular mercury thermometer (like a human one) or a digital thermometer from a veterinary pharmacy. Contact thermometers are also sold.

Body temperature in animals can be measured in two ways: rectally or by external signs.

Calm your pet, lay him on his side, move his tail slightly up and carefully insert the thermometer 2 cm into the anus. After five minutes, take out the thermometer and check the readings. The digital thermometer must be held until the sound signal; this must be done carefully. After the procedure, praise and treat your pet, he deserves it.

How to measure temperature without a thermometer, signs of fever in an animal

A dog's nose is an important indicator of his health.

You can determine whether an animal’s temperature is high without a thermometer. To do this, just touch the dog’s nose: when it’s hot, the nose will be hot and dry. White streaks become noticeable on the lobe. However, there should be no discharge from the nostrils. Also touch the armpits, groin, and check the paw pads. If your pet has a fever, these parts of the body will be hot to the touch.

If the nose is hot and dry, then most likely the dog has a fever and is sick.

How to bring down a high temperature in a pet to normal

In extreme heat, it is better to take the dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible for a full diagnosis, otherwise complications may occur.

If your pet has a fever, take him to the doctor immediately

If it is not possible to urgently take your dog to a doctor, it is better to call a specialist at home. Provide the animal with free access to drinking water. Ventilate the room, allowing the dog to cool down a little. In summer, it is especially important to keep the indoors cool. Use contact cooling techniques. Wet a towel and cover the animal's back with it, or dampen the dog's fur.

What medications can be given to bring down a fever?

You cannot treat your dog with medications yourself!

The only remedy that can be used is paracetamol. In this case, the dosage must be observed.


Remember that any signs that are not characteristic of your for a pet, cannot be ignored. You are responsible for him and must control his well-being. How quickly your pet recovers depends on timely assistance provided and a meeting with a specialist.

How to do everything right?

An important indicator of a dog’s health is body temperature, an increase in which accompanies most canine diseases. In this regard, you need to quickly analyze the situation in order to speed up the recovery of your four-legged friend and identify the disease at an early stage. You should start measuring your dog's temperature in the following cases:

  • the animal refuses to eat;
  • the pet is lethargic, there is no manifestation of usual activity;
  • nose is dry and hot.

If the owner knows how to measure the dog’s temperature at home and does it as quickly as possible, then the veterinarian will determine the diagnosis much faster.

To ensure that the procedure does not cause trouble, your pet should be accustomed to it from an early age.

The amplitude of fluctuations in the normal temperature of an animal is quite wide (what it should be normally, read) and is 1.5-2 degrees and is determined by the size of the dog.

Indicators of the growth of the thermometer are a protruding tongue and rapid breathing. Physical activity and heat of more than thirty degrees also lead to an increase in temperature.

Measurements need to be taken hourly. Such statistics will give a clear picture of the growth process. Slow growth is the most dangerous.

Measurement methods

Measurements can be made using a conventional mercury thermometer. However, any movement of the pet can lead to injury and dangerous consequences. Besides, it is long and inconvenient. It is better to purchase for these purposes electronic thermometer. Measurement time is reduced to 60 seconds. So, take any thermometer, having previously lubricated its tip with Vaseline.

Then the animal must be placed on its side. Raise your ponytail. Rotating, insert the thermometer into the rectum no deeper than 2 cm. So that the animal does not worry, you need to talk to it calmly, talk kind words, distract in every possible way. If the dog has been accustomed to the procedure since childhood, he already knows a certain word - the command that precedes it. For example, such a command could be “Thermometer!” For clarity, the obtained data should be recorded in a table.

Now some tips on how to measure a dog’s temperature without using special instruments:

  • the animal’s ears are replete with blood vessels, so signs of fever are determined by them;
  • the groin areas become swollen and hot;
  • gums become red and dry;
  • behavior changes.

The measurement procedure for puppies is absolutely the same as for an adult. IN early age the foundations of health are laid, so it is very important to identify diseases early stages and start treatment as soon as possible. The only difference between the temperature of puppies and adult dog you can call the difference in indicators. In children it is 0.5 degrees higher.

An increase in temperature is a sign that the body is fighting the disease. There is no need to panic prematurely. However, consulting a veterinarian would be completely worthwhile.

We should not forget that low temperature the pet also informs the owner that the pet is not entirely healthy. Perhaps he has been poisoned, is in shock, or is experiencing stress. The owner must analyze the situation, warm the animal and show it to a specialist.

It happens that it becomes necessary to measure the dog’s temperature. But not every dog ​​can be held in a vice and held for the prescribed 2-3 minutes to find out additional information about the state of health. In this article we will tell you more about this not very pleasant procedure.

Some veterinarians believe that if a dog cannot be forced to take its temperature, it means it is healthy. This happens, but not always. It is advisable to measure the animal's temperature before it could possibly become ill. The point is that normal temperature for dogs varies widely. It depends on age, height, breed and some special physiological conditions. For example, during estrus it is increased. Also, the temperature is elevated in puppies and small breed dogs (after all, their metabolism is faster), after serious physical exertion.

But a drop in body temperature can occur in a pregnant dog shortly before giving birth. To be sure that everything is fine with your pet, measure its temperature periodically. In addition, such a familiar procedure will not cause stress in the animal when the onset of a disease is suspected.

Get a separate thermometer that will lie in the drawer (or on that shelf) where your furry friend’s medications, combs and other accessories are located. I suggest getting an electronic thermometer. Electronic thermometer not as accurate as mercury and may slightly overestimate degrees. It’s even scary to imagine what could happen if the dog jerks or sits up suddenly and the mercury thermometer breaks. But if this happens, there is no need to panic. Give your dog 1-2 teaspoons to drink vegetable oil and call the vet.

So, to measure a dog’s temperature, lubricate the tip of the thermometer with baby cream or Vaseline, then insert it into the anus 1.5 - 2 cm with a rotational movement. It is better to put the animal on its side and lift its tail. If the dog is standing, then hold him by the root of his tail. Be sure to talk to your pet, calm him down, stroke him.

After the thermometer beeps, do not take it out yet. The squeak of the thermometer indicates that the rate of growth of the numbers on the thermometer has decreased. But it's still there. Wait another minute after the beep. Then take out the thermometer and praise your pet for being patient.

A one-time temperature measurement is not indicative. Measure every hour. And if your pet's condition is alarming, go to the vet. A piece of paper with notes indicating the time and thermometer readings will help in making a diagnosis.

What to do if there is no thermometer nearby or the dog is not allowed to undergo this procedure?

How to measure a dog's temperature without a thermometer

Eat certain places on the animal's body, which can show the owner that a fever has set in. These places include the ears. There's a lot on the tips of the ears blood vessels. Also places groin area may be swollen and feel hotter than usual. There is very little hair in the areas near the groin and armpits, so feel skin possible without difficulty. Touch areas under the armpits and near the groin warm hands And back side palms.

Another sign of a fever in a dog is reddening of the gums. Usually the gums look pink and shiny, just like a person’s. But if they become red and dry, then this is a reason to be wary.

In addition, ill health can be assumed judging by her behavior. Every attentive owner will immediately notice these changes in their pet. What are these signs:

  • drowsiness
  • loss of appetite
  • lack of playfulness
  • weakness
  • desire to be alone
  • thirst

The pet seems to withdraw into itself. If these signs are present, take a closer look at the behavior.

An elevated body temperature is a normal reaction to illness. This means that the body is in the midst of a struggle and it is not always worth interfering with it. But the veterinarian will tell you everything.

What is the normal body temperature for a dog?

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, body temperature depends on a large number of factors. But there is a threshold, crossing which tells the owner that it is time to take action. Average temperature The body temperature of an adult dog ranges from 37.8 to 39.2 degrees Celsius. But if the temperature is below average, then this indicates that the pet is unhealthy. For example, this is how an animal reacts to stress, experiences shock or poisoning. If the temperature is below 37 degrees Celsius, then be sure to wrap up the dog and call a veterinarian.

In the article, we discussed how to measure a dog's temperature. Now you know that sometimes you can cope without a thermometer. But without consulting a competent veterinarian, cope with elevated temperature I don't recommend it for dogs.

Temperature is one of the main indicators of the well-being of both people and animals. Its increase or decrease indicates that something is wrong with the pet.

What temperature is considered normal for a dog? How to measure it at home, and what to do if it is very low or high?

The normal value is different for adults and small puppies. U dwarf breeds it can be slightly increased, and this will not be considered a deviation. The normal temperature in dogs is presented in the table, which contains average values ​​for different age and size groups.

Dogs have normal body temperature if it is within the range specified in the table. In addition, there are additionally permissible deviations for different situations. Temperature in a dog: the norm may increase under stress (up to 0.3⁰С), on hot days, after intense training, during estrus. In bitches before giving birth, on the contrary, it decreases by 0.5-2⁰С.

Important! Such changes do not indicate the presence of disease or illness.

There is an opinion that temperature can be determined by the nose, but this is a misconception. Sometimes the ears and groin feel hot to the touch when it's hot, but you can't rely on these signs alone.

How to measure a dog's temperature at home?

To take a measurement use a thermometer (mercury gives more accurate readings, but an electronic one shows the result faster). It is administered rectally (into the dog's anus). Here is an algorithm for how to measure a dog’s temperature correctly:

  1. Calm your pet, lay him on his side, stroke his belly. The dog should relax.
  2. The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with greasy ointment (baby cream is usually used for this purpose).
  3. The animal's tail is raised, the thermometer is slowly inserted into the rectum (2-2.5 cm for large individuals, 1-1.5 cm for small ones).
  4. While the measurement is taking place, talk to your pet, stroke it, and treat it with your favorite treat.
  5. After finishing the measurement (5 minutes for mercury thermometers, 30-40 seconds – for electronic ones) carefully remove the thermometer, praise the animal, write down the data obtained. Wash the thermometer and hands warm soapy water, if necessary, disinfect with an alcohol solution.

Thanks to this algorithm, you can easily find out the condition of your pet. Handle the dog carefully and calmly, do not frighten it.

Attention! The pet should know that measuring with a thermometer is a simple and painless procedure.

What to do if your pet has a fever or chills?

How to bring down the temperature?

If the indicator value is very high (above 40⁰С), the best solution will take the pet to veterinary clinic. This indicator is especially dangerous for children, since metabolic processes in their bodies proceed much faster.

What to do if your dog has a fever, but veterinarian help is not available? If the pet high fever, follow these recommendations:

  • wet ears, groin and paw pads with cold water;
  • You can put a wet towel on your head;
  • move the dog to a cool place (on the tiles in the bathroom, on the balcony, etc.);
  • Give your pet cold fresh water;
  • mix three drugs in a syringe: No-Shpu, Analgin and Diphenhydramine (check the dosage with your doctor by phone, it is calculated by the weight of the animal) and inject this mixture intramuscularly into the dog.

How to reduce a dog's temperature and avoid severe dehydration? To do this, inject a saline solution under the skin on the withers using a syringe (up to 50 ml for small dogs, up to 200 ml for large dogs).

If measures taken If this is not enough, try to call a specialist to your home or take your pet to a veterinary clinic. A high rate is a sign of a disease, it can be a symptom, or

Important! If you notice other symptoms ( loose stool, change in the color or odor of urine, poor appetite, trembling in the body, etc.), be sure to tell your veterinarian about them.

How to raise the temperature?

If the indicator drops below 37-35⁰C, the pet needs to be warmed up. To do this, wrap the dog in a shawl or warm wool blanket, place a heating pad or bottle with hot water(be sure to wrap it in a towel). An indicator of 32-28⁰C is considered critical (in this case, the pet should be immediately taken to the clinic).

Temperature - important indicator, with the help of which you can recognize the beginning in time. But its increase does not always indicate the presence of a disease.

Attention! If your pet has a high fever or hypothermia, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Additionally, check out the video about what temperature a dog should have and how to measure it:

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