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What's the best way to dry an umbrella after rain? How to properly dry an umbrella after rain. How to and how not to dry an umbrella after rain and washing

In the rain we go indoors and suddenly get lost. What to do with wet clothes and how to dry an umbrella? In order not to feel awkward, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of etiquette, but also do not forget about the safety of your umbrella. After all, incorrect behavior can create inconvenience for others, and if drying is postponed until the future, the wet fabric will smell damp and the knitting needles will rust.

How to dry an umbrella according to etiquette?

How to dry an umbrella correctly

The usual method of drying umbrellas when opened is contrary to the rules of its operation. In this case, the spokes experience unnecessary stress and become deformed, and the dome fabric is greatly stretched. In order for the accessory to last as long as possible, you need to dry it in the following order.

Lightly shake off any drops from the fabric and hang the half-opened umbrella by the loop on the handle. There is no need to open the machine; just unfasten the clasp on it. If there is a special stand in the room, a cane is placed in it.

Before drying a dirty umbrella, stains of dirt should be removed from it, for which the canopy should be wiped with a soapy solution, for particularly dirty areas using a brush, and then rinsed with water.

Place a container under the umbrella to catch the water.

Hang the cover to dry.

When the fabric is completely dry, you need to straighten it and wrap it around the leg, after shaking the umbrella.

Now you can put on the cover and put the umbrella away until the next rain.

When choosing a place for drying, you need to avoid sunlight. Heating devices, radiators, and stoves should not be located nearby, the heat from which dries out and makes the fabric stiff.

How to dry an umbrella according to etiquette

The general rules for caring for an umbrella are fully consistent with the requirements of etiquette. Upon entering the room, you need to fold the umbrella and place it in a special stand. This is exactly what the prim young ladies did. But modern rhythms have made some adjustments to the traditional rules.

First of all, not every home has an umbrella stand. This item is not very popular, and it takes up a lot of space. In addition, a modern three-fold automatic machine will be difficult to fit into a design designed for canes. Now the rules of etiquette allow you to hang a folded umbrella on a hanger or put it on a shelf, asking permission from the owner or administrator.

I had to change umbrellas quite often - for some unknown reason they were torn. And I looked after her correctly, so it seemed to me. However, the reason for the damage to the accessory was found - improper drying. Let's figure out how to dry an umbrella correctly.

Everyone knows how to use an umbrella, but many make mistakes when using it. For example, they forget that you can’t use it when you’re going against the wind. And we also don’t think at all about how to dry an umbrella after rain.

The most common mistakes that cause an umbrella to break:

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Mistake 1. Drying the umbrella open

The danger is that the fabric becomes too stretched. Depending on the material, this can lead to two problems:

  1. The fabric will stretch too much and will sag over time.
  2. The peculiarity of other fabrics is that when wet, their structure expands, and when dried, it contracts. After several such dryings, you will notice small holes in the material.
Error 2. Drying the umbrella fully assembled

If you prefer, when you come home, to fold and put away a wet umbrella on a shelf without drying it, then after some time your device will develop a number of problems:

  • rust on the spokes;
  • unpleasant smell of mold;
  • flabby material.

All of the above problems are the consequences of the fact that moisture does not evaporate, but is absorbed into parts of the umbrella and destroys their structure.

Mistake 3. Drying the umbrella in the sun

If you decide to send your umbrella to dry in the sun, then:

  1. The umbrella may develop stains and stains from dried water.
  2. The tarpaulin may completely burn out and lose its color brightness.

How to dry an umbrella at home: 4 steps

So, we found out what you shouldn’t do with an umbrella while drying. Now we can talk about how to dry the accessory so that it serves as your rain protector for many years:

Image Instructions

Step 1

When you come from the street, open and close your umbrella several times to shake off drops of water. You can do this at the entrance, on the balcony or above the bathroom.

Step 2

Fold the umbrella, but do not wrap it up or put it in a cover - let the knitting needles remain free.

Step 3

Hang the umbrella in a well-ventilated area and be sure to wait until it dries completely.

Step 4

After complete drying, open the umbrella and leave for half an hour - this will protect the metal parts from rust.

You can easily protect various surfaces in the house from water flowing from an umbrella with your own hands - just put a plastic bag or an old newspaper.

With a wet umbrella at a party: 5 rules of etiquette

When we come to visit or work after the rain, and we have a wet umbrella in our hands, and we have absolutely no idea where to put it - you must admit, it’s a rather awkward situation. You can't throw it right on the floor.

Although in some European countries this is exactly what they do. But we’re not like that... I’ll tell you what to do with a wet umbrella when visiting:

Image Recommendations

Rule 1

Shake off excess water before entering the room.

Rule 2

Fold your umbrella and ask the owners where to put it. The ideal option is a special stand; if available, feel free to dry the umbrella in it.

Unfortunately, such devices are not very popular - they take up extra space in the hallway, and the price of a quality item will not please everyone.

Rule 3

The most affordable option for how to properly dry an umbrella when away is to hang it on a hanger. Make sure that the accessory does not touch other people's clothing.

Even if it’s constantly raining outside, you have to go outside, since work, school, and shopping have not been cancelled. Moreover, an umbrella can protect you from any bad weather. In order not to buy a new product every year, we usually choose high-quality models, however, they can also deteriorate if they are not cared for correctly, for example, if they are dried open. How to properly dry an umbrella after rain? Let's talk about this.

Drying rules

How to properly dry a wet umbrella without damaging it? Simple instructions will help you:

  1. When entering the entrance, shake off the umbrella to remove excess moisture.
  2. Go to the bathroom or balcony and close and open it several times so that no drops of water remain on it.
  3. Close the umbrella, but so that the spokes remain free, that is, you should not wrap it or put it in a case.
  4. Hang it by the handle and wait for it to dry completely.
  5. A well-dried umbrella can be zipped up and placed in the case.

Common mistakes when drying an umbrella

We told you how to dry an umbrella according to the rules, but it is no secret that in Russia many people do it differently: they open it in the house and wait until it is completely dry. By the way, in other countries, for example, in Italy, you will not see open umbrellas indoors, if only because this is considered a bad omen. They even have special containers in stores or cafes in which visitors put their wet umbrellas.

Drying an open umbrella

But still, you shouldn’t dry your umbrellas with them open, not because of signs, but because by doing so you will spoil your expensive product. Why can’t you leave a wet umbrella open, because it dries much faster this way? If you close it, the fabric of the product will remain durable and retain its water-repellent properties. Wet fabric stretches quickly, so after some time after improper drying it will begin to sag. In addition, the structure of some fabrics expands when wet and contracts when dried. This can lead to the fact that over time, many small holes will appear on the surface of the umbrella, and you will have to spend money on a new one. As we can see, the main reason for refusing such drying is the desire to extend the service life of the product.

Other errors

But this is not the only mistake when drying an umbrella, there are others:

What to do with a wet umbrella when visiting

You were going to visit, but it started to rain heavily outside, so you had to go indoors with a wet umbrella. What's the best way to proceed? Before you enter the room, shake it thoroughly to remove all excess moisture. Then, as a matter of etiquette, you need to ask where it is best for you to put your umbrella away. It is good if there is a special stand in the house on which you can dry it, but if there is not, you can hang it on a hanger, making sure that water does not drip from it and that it does not stain other things. You can dry it on the balcony, asking the owners to take you there.

So, now you know how to properly dry a wet umbrella. The rules are very simple: shake off excess water and leave it to dry in the assembled state, but without pulling the knitting needles together. If you follow these recommendations, your favorite umbrella will serve you for many years.

An umbrella is an accessory that every modern person has. Its purpose is not only aesthetic, but also practical. With the help of a properly selected umbrella, you can protect yourself from the rain and highlight your own image. It is believed that this accessory appeared in ancient times. But, despite this fact, many modern people do not know how to properly dry an umbrella.

Do I need to open the umbrella to dry?

Most of our compatriots dry their umbrellas open. It is not known exactly who came up with this position for drying this accessory. At first glance, it seems that the umbrella should really be dried in the open position. The fabric straightens and dries very quickly, and drops of water roll off the dome. But in fact, with constant drying in the open position, the accessory wears out faster.

But how to properly dry an umbrella if it cannot be opened? In fact, drying it open is only permissible if you wet the fabric from the inside. After a walk in the rain, the umbrella should be dried half-closed.

Ideal position for drying an umbrella

If you want to dry your umbrella with minimal risk of deformation, you need to hang it on a hanger or hook in the half-open position. If you have an automatic accessory, fold it as if you were going to close it, but leave the Velcro or button in the open position. If you have a special stand, you can put the umbrella in it.

Does the fabric really dry well in this position and the knitting needles do not rust? It is the half-opened position that is considered optimal for drying. Sometimes the care instructions included with expensive accessories tell you how to properly dry your umbrella after rain. Manufacturers usually recommend this method. The secret is simple - special ones are used to make accessories that protect from rain. Accordingly, the dome of the product should only dry from splashes of water on the surface.

Rules for caring for a personal rain protector

Try to remember once and for all how to properly dry an automatic umbrella after rain. It is necessary to place the accessory for drying away from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the fabric may fade. It is not recommended to dry the umbrella near a central heating radiator, heater or other heat source. Heating wet fabric can cause it to warp.

How to properly dry an umbrella if it gets very wet? It is enough to shake the accessory several times in a half-closed state and hang it by the loop on the handle. If the frame of the product is metal, after the fabric has completely dried, open the umbrella and leave it in this position for 20-30 minutes. You can additionally protect the spokes from corrosion by periodically lubricating them. After drying, fold the accessory, straightening out all the folds of the fabric, and put it in the case.

Do not hang a wet umbrella in a closet or dressing room. There it will not only get wet and dirty other things, but will not dry well. As a result, mold may appear on the fabric, stains may appear, or the product may acquire an unpleasant musty smell.

Etiquette for drying an umbrella in public places

Rain can catch each of us anywhere. Suppose you are “lucky enough” to come to visit, work or another public place with a wet umbrella. Do not forget to shake off raindrops from the accessory when entering the room. How to properly dry an umbrella after rain while outside the house? According to the rules of etiquette, the most important thing is not to spoil other people's things. If you come to visit, ask the owners of the house for help.

At work, it is appropriate to hang the umbrella on a clothes hanger or some kind of hook, making sure that it will not disturb anyone. If you go to a shopping center or cafe after rain, shake off excess drops from your umbrella. It will dry out in your hands very quickly when you go shopping. In a cafe or restaurant, you can ask the administrator if the establishment has an umbrella stand, or simply hang the accessory on the back of your own chair.

We have already found out that in Russia it is customary to dry umbrellas in an open state. And this is not entirely correct. How do residents of other countries dry their automatic umbrellas and canes?

You may be surprised, but many Europeans prefer to simply throw a wet umbrella on the floor when they get home and put it back in its place a few hours later. In this case, the accessory is often closed or semi-closed. People who do this do not know how to properly dry an umbrella. It is not recommended to lay this accessory horizontally when wet. Lying down may cause the fabric to wrinkle and stretch.

Many Americans believe that opening an umbrella in the house is a sign of tears. Most families in the United States dry their umbrellas in special holders, and some even purchase separate hangers.

In rainy weather, you involuntarily have to take out an umbrella from your wardrobe. And since we use this accessory only from time to time, in a hurry, an unpleasant surprise may appear in the form of dirty spots or a poorly functioning mechanism. To prevent this from happening, and to keep your umbrella happy for a long time, it is enough to dry it in time, clean it and store it properly.

We dry according to all the rules

You want to keep a high-quality, beautiful, stylish accessory in working condition for as long as possible. This depends not only on the frequency of use, but also on proper drying:

  • Before entering the room, you need to remove excess moisture from the umbrella by closing and opening it a couple of times.
  • When drying, a wet product should not be opened completely. Stretching the canopy to its maximum can cause the knitting needles to loosen, causing them to fall out and the fabric to stretch and sag over time. After rain, you should dry the umbrella half-open (closed, but not fastened), in a suspended state, for example, on a hanger or hook. At the same time, the cover also needs to be dried.
  • A wet product should not be placed in direct sunlight, nor should it be placed near heat sources - stoves, heaters, radiators. This will inevitably lead to deformation of the fabric. As a result, she will become rough and sit down.
  • It is not recommended to cover the umbrella until it is completely dry, otherwise its surface will eventually begin to leak water, become covered with stains, or acquire an unpleasant smell of mold or mustiness.
  • After the fabric has dried, the parts of the metal structure are wiped with a dry cloth. The umbrella should be left open for a short time to completely dry the metal parts. This will help prevent rust from occurring. If desired, the already dry “running” mechanism and spokes can be carefully lubricated with machine oil, which will also avoid corrosion.

After the umbrella has completely dried, it should be folded and placed in a pre-washed and dried cover.

Cleaning from stains and stains

Rainwater is replete with various atmospheric impurities, so it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of stains on the umbrella dome. There are few cleaning methods, but they are quite effective:

  • If the product is heavily soiled, in a half-opened position, immerse it in warm soapy water (with the addition of powder, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent) for several minutes; if it is weak, wipe it with a sponge soaked in this solution. Then open, wash, rinse in the shower and dry. The cover must also be washed together with the umbrella.
  • You can clean the umbrella with a brush dipped in regular alcohol.
  • Tough greasy or old stains are easier to remove with dishwashing detergent. To do this, apply the gel to the stain for 10-15 minutes, then lightly rub with a brush, or better yet, a sponge, then rinse with running water.
  • You can clean the surface of a white umbrella with a soap solution (powder or laundry soap shavings diluted in water) or soda slurry.
  • Rust is removed with lemon juice or citric acid diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tsp. funds per glass.

It is strictly forbidden to use various solvents - gasoline, acetone, kerosene - in the process of caring for such products. They make the accessory suddenly dull, and the smell will be difficult to remove.

How to extend product life

In order for your favorite accessory to always look like new, in addition to cleaning, it needs updating and proper storage.

  • Faded (thinned) areas can be restored with regular clear nail polish. To do this, it is enough to treat the problem area from the inside.
  • It is best to restore black tissue that has just begun to turn red with the help of a strong brew of black tea or a decoction of ivy leaves.
  • If the color of the umbrella begins to fade, you can give it freshness using a 9% vinegar solution. Dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a liter of water and wipe the surface of the accessory with a soft sponge.
  • At home, during long-term storage, the product requires periodic ventilation.
  • When going outside, you should not put the accessory at the very bottom of the bag, because under the weight of other things the knitting needles will begin to bend and eventually break. This rule also applies to storing an umbrella in a closet.

Careful care of your favorite umbrella will not only extend its life, but also eliminate surprises during use.


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