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How to use antimony eye powder. How to use eye antimony powder. Other components in cosmetic antimony

Antimony was originally made for Egyptian queens. The substance was produced by soaking cloth in oils and burning it. Oils and tinctures were added to the resulting soot medicinal herbs.

It is assumed that antimony was originally produced not as decoration, but as a medicine. Women in Egypt applied the substance to cure eye diseases. There is a belief that newborns need to have their eyes painted so that an evil spirit does not enter them and take the baby.

Substances for the production of antimony in different countries:

  1. Egypt. This is the birthplace of antimony, where it is prepared by dipping lengths of muslin ( thin fabric) into sandalwood paste. After this, the canvas is dried for a day and burned in a lamp with castor oil. The resulting soot is injected castor oil until you get the porridge.
  2. South Asia. In Bengal, cactus leaves are used to produce antimony. They are covered with an oily film, which when burned turns into sticky and greasy soot. This type of kajal can be used to treat eye diseases in children. Women in South Asia use the product to care for their eyebrows and eyelashes.
  3. North Africa. Here antimony is made from ground galena. This is lead sulfide, which is undesirable to use. IN this means many toxic substances that can cause cancer and allergies.

Composition and characteristics of antimony components

Now antimony is mainly imported from India. In this country, it is not legal to write down the composition of cosmetics, so it is difficult to say what kajal consists of. Traditionally, antimony contains several components, the basis being ismid - a black stone.

Composition of blue Indian antimony:

  • Ismid. Stone imported from Morocco. It is ground into powder using a mortar and injected additional components.
  • Castor oil. This ingredient is added to hold the sand grains of the stone together. It makes antimony slightly sticky to the touch. It is thanks to the oil that the product does not crumble and fits well on the eyelids.
  • Kapoor Kachari. This plant is natural antibiotic and an anesthetic. In addition, it improves blood circulation and removes circles under the eyes.
  • Petrolatum. Used as a base. Thanks to this component, antimony does not crumble. Thin film Vaseline retains moisture and prevents eyelids from drying out.

Beneficial properties of Kohl for the eyes

If you managed to purchase natural antimony with a minimal content of zinc oxide, then it will not only make your look expressive, but also relieve many eye ailments.

Useful properties Kohl are as follows:

  1. Removes inflammation. Thanks to the kapur kachari plant, all pathogenic organisms do not multiply on the mucous membrane of the eye. Inflammation with conjunctivitis and blepharitis disappears.
  2. Anti-allergenic agent. This substance can be safely used by women who are allergic to cosmetics. All components in the composition of Kohl do not cause allergies.
  3. Enhances the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil is very beneficial for hair. At regular use eyebrows will become thick, and eyelashes will become long and shiny.
  4. Relieves fatigue. Kapur Kachari constricts the blood vessels in the eyes, due to which even after long work behind the monitor your eyes will not be red. You will not feel itching or burning.
  5. Heals. Antimony components have a regenerating effect. Thanks to this, minor skin damage and irritation disappear.

Contraindications and side effects of antimony for the eyes

The packaging states that kajal in powder form has no contraindications or expiration date. But there are conditions in which you should refrain from using antimony.

Contraindications to the use of Kohl:

  • Age up to 6 months. Children under six months should not use antimony, despite eastern traditions. Children under this age have undeveloped eye muscles, so any coloring matter may affect visual acuity and color perception.
  • Individual intolerance. If you are allergic to Vaseline or castor oil, do not use kajal.
  • Rehabilitation period. If you have recently had eye surgery or laser correction view, wait a little. You should not use antimony, because it can cause rejection of the lens after it is replaced during the treatment of cataracts.
  • Cuperosis. Since the components of Kohl improve blood circulation, it should not be chosen for eye makeup with vascular network and stars.
  • Wearing contact lenses . The powder may slightly scratch the lenses or react with the polymers. The color of the lens may change.
Undesirable consequences from the use of low-quality antimony or its failure correct application:
  1. Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball and lacrimal sac.
  2. Blepharitis. With this disease, swelling occurs under the lower eyelid. Reminds me of bags under the eyes. Sometimes the skin in this area turns red and burns.
  3. Impairs vision. Mineral particles scratch the delicate mucous membrane and can damage the lens.
  4. Irritation and redness. An allergy may occur to oil refinery fractions, which are usually introduced into the product by unscrupulous manufacturers.

Main types of kajal for eyes

There are now several varieties of antimony on the market. Each woman can choose the one that is most suitable for her. Let's take a closer look at the types of kohl:
  • Powder. Antimony for eyes in powder can be used when applying daytime and evening makeup to make your look expressive. This type of kohl is crushed Ismid stone. The color can be black, green or grey. Apply the product using a sponge or stick soaked in almond oil. The powder can be applied to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid using a brush. If you do this at night, then in the morning there will be no bags and bruises under the eyes, and your eyes will become clear. The powder is suitable for making the eyebrow line more distinct.
  • Eyeliner. This is a more familiar variety for our women. Antimony eyeliner contains ismid powder, almond and olive oil. The product is convenient to carry with you in your bag, sharpen and apply. The results are quite thin lines, which is indispensable when creating arrows and drawing eyebrows.
  • Indian kajal eyeliner. It is a powder dissolved in oils and water. Easy to apply thanks to the use of a brush. Makes the look unusual. Girls with bright eyes with the help of such eyeliner they will make them expressive, and brown-eyed beauties will give depth to their look.
  • Antimony in a rectangle with basma and almond oil . This type of kohl is reminiscent of Leningrad ink. This is a soft rectangle, similar to plasticine. Basma is added to antimony to make the product saturated. Usually used for evening makeup. Even after rinsing off, a little product remains on the eyes, which emphasizes their natural beauty.
  • Antimony with brush with camphor and plant extracts. This type of kajal is made to strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. The substance is applied to the hairs using a brush. Do not wash off the product at night. Has a beneficial effect on the health of eyes prone to redness and fatigue.

Rules for choosing antimony for the eyes

Of course, the safest and most natural is antimony eyeliner purchased in eastern countries, since there are now a lot of substances on the market that not only do not heal the eyes, but can also cause cancer and loss of vision.

Rules for choosing kajal for eyes:

  1. Read the composition. On back side The packaging of the product must contain its composition. In 1990, American researchers shocked many kajal buyers with its composition. The sample brought from India contained a lot of zinc oxide. This is a heavy metal that accumulates in tissues and can cause cancer.
  2. Find out about the manufacturer. Be sure to check the country where eye kajal is produced. Moroccan antimony is considered the best. In India the concentration of zinc oxide is off the charts.
  3. Raw kajal. Look for antimony made from the soot of camphor, olive and almond oils. This natural product, containing organic components in the form of ash.
  4. Find out the reputation of the online store. Before purchasing antimony on the Internet, do not hesitate to contact the administrator. Read reviews of the product and ask if it causes allergies.

Galena, magnetite and zincite are used to make antimony in India. These minerals consist of heavy metals that cause eye tumors. Black kajal contains about 60% lead and 40% copper. Blue antimony contains 60% arsenic and 40% copper.

Instructions for using kajal for eyes

Using eye antimony is easy, especially if you purchased the product in a pencil. Kajal powder is easy to use and can be used to make eyeliner, shadow or eyebrow liner. Keep in mind that you will not be able to use a sponge, powder puff or any plastic objects for application.

Antimony is applied with a special stick, which you can easily make yourself. Blunt the sharp tip of the toothpick. Immerse it halfway in camphor or any vegetable oil and soak in it for two days. Remove the toothpick from the liquid and blot away any remaining oil. You can use this “brush” for application for a year. After this, you will have to clean the stick of any remaining kajal and soak it in oil again.

We present to your attention instructions on how to use eye antimony:

  • Dip the stick into the product and shake it off. All required quantity will stick to the surface of the toothpick. If you don't shake off the residue, it will end up on your cheeks and under your eyes. Draw a line from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer one.
  • If you want a rich black line or are going to a party, hold the wand under running water. Without getting it wet or drying it, dip it in the kajal. You will receive a product similar to eyeliner.
  • To thicken your eyelashes, use a stick dipped in vegetable oil. Dip a toothpick into the oil and then into the kajal. Try to draw a stripe between the eyelash hairs. This will make your look velvety. At the same time, the eyelashes will appear voluminous and thick.
  • To treat conjunctivitis, blepharitis and eye bags, use the product in powder. Use a thin wooden rod to apply kajal on inner surface lower eyelid. There is no need to wash off the product before and after sleep; its remnants will collect in a bag on the inside of the eye.

Don't worry if you feel a burning sensation after applying the antimony. In a few seconds discomfort will disappear.

Precautions when using Kohl

Unfortunately, in industrial conditions difficult to make kajal old recipes. It's complicated and expensive procedure, which involves making soot from fabric soaked in oils. Accordingly, it is not easy to purchase natural antimony.

When using eye antimony, follow these precautions:

  1. Whenever severe irritation After using kajal, wash the product from your eyes.
  2. If you want to strengthen your eyelashes and eyebrows, take a colorless or white kohl. It is applied at night and relieves eye fatigue.
  3. Do not use the product if you have recently had eye disease or are allergic to cosmetics. Use only proven and hypoallergenic cosmetics.
How to use kajal for eyes - watch the video:

As you can see, choosing antimony is not at all easy. Previously, the recipe was passed down from mother to daughter in eastern countries; the composition was unique. Nowadays natural kajal can be purchased in Arab countries.

Antimony can rightfully be called one of the oldest species cosmetics. Back in Ancient India, Greece, Rome and Egypt, it was used as eyeliner and eyebrows, and the Egyptians were fond of antimony, regardless of gender and age - it was believed that antimony heals the eyes, cools and protects them from bright sun and improves eyelash growth. Antimony was also used as a cure for eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis or blepharitis.

Today, antimony is one of the most popular eyeliners among women in Europe and both Americas. Russian women are not far behind them - the Internet is replete with enthusiastic posts and reviews about a wonderful eye make-up product. Well, in India and eastern countries, antimony never went out of fashion, especially where women must hide all parts of their faces except their eyes. Therefore, almost all eye antimony that is now offered in stores is either of Indian or Arabic origin.

As a rule, it is available in two forms: powder and pencil. It is really easy to apply, stays on the skin for a long time and gives deep color– no other, even the most “luxury” eyeliner or shadow can hold a candle to antimony. By the way, it is inexpensive. But how safe is this product for humans?

Of course, antimony has been used for thousands of years, but this does not at all prove its harmlessness. After all, just two or three centuries ago, secular fashionistas actively used lead white on their faces, which caused serious poisoning (lead, who doesn’t know, is a toxic metal!) and wore dresses painted with arsenic-based paint; Doctors back in the late nineteenth century treated syphilis with mercury, cough with heroin, insomnia with opium, and depression and neuroses with cocaine... So the experience of our ancestors is far from a weighty argument.

People who praise antimony often compare it with basma and henna - natural dyes, which were known back in the times of Babylon and Sumer. Moreover, they have not lost their popularity even today - due to their availability and health benefits. And antimony, its fans emphasize, also has natural origin– this means that its safety for health is undoubted.

Let's figure it out in order. First of all, you cannot compare the same henna with antimony - the first remedy has vegetable origin, and the second is mineral (just like, for example, arsenic or mercury).

Let's move on. Scientists have long proven that antimony and its derivatives are toxic (as is the case with other heavy metals). That is, it is unlikely to poison you instantly, but having accumulated in the body (especially in thyroid gland, liver and bone tissue) will cause serious illnesses. A lethal dose for an adult is considered to be 100 milligrams of antimony, for a child - half as much.

Another important point: antimony is a rather rare element and in pure form it is practically absent in nature. But it is part of more than a hundred other minerals, accompanying iron, lead, copper, gold, silver, bismuth, and sulfur ores. Most often, antimony is found (and mined) in the form of Sb2S3 sulfide, which is called stibnite or antimony luster. Sulfide, if you remember your school chemistry course, is a compound of sulfur with other substances. That is, stibnite is a mixture of sulfur and antimony, two elements hazardous to health. And, by the way, according to reference books, antimony sulfides are similar in properties to arsenic sulfides!

Next, let's look at the history encyclopedia. They write: “Natural antimony sulfide powder (stibnite/antimony luster) has been used for thousands of years as a medicine and cosmetic product. Eye paint was usually obtained by grinding stibnite. Or they burned this mineral in a special lamp, after which they mixed the residue with soot and oil.” Often the so-called eye antimony contained no antimony at all! It was made from galena - lead sulfide. It's a leaden sheen. There is no need to talk about the “usefulness” of such lead “antimony” at all - everything is clear.

To summarize all of the above, I note: after one or two uses, eye antimony will not harm you. great harm. But its constant use as the main means of eye makeup is fraught with serious health problems. Even if you are incredibly lucky and find ultra-pure antimony on sale, in which the percentage of impurities of other elements is negligible (usually lead or sulfur). Moreover, both Arab and Indian antimony manufacturers rarely write on their packaging full composition. And as numerous studies by European and American scientists show, such antimony very often has a high lead content - because crushed galena is added to the paint. This allows us to reduce the cost of production.

By the way, when regularly exposed to the eyelids, lead causes a whole bunch of diseases: glaucoma, conjunctivitis, uveitis, barley, corneal ulcers, dry eye syndrome... That is why the official sale of antimony for the eyes is prohibited in the USA. Although this does not bother fashionistas - what sacrifices you will make for the sake of beauty!

One last thing. Some particularly “advanced” domestic ladies write something like this on forums and websites in response to objections about the toxicity of antimony: “Cosmetic antimony has nothing to do with the same name chemical element except the name! It is made from kohl stone (aka kohol, kahal), which is absolutely harmless to health.”

Actually, there is no such stone in nature. And it never was. The word "kohl" with Arabic translated as "antimony". Yes, yes, still the same antimony.

Antimony sulfate (Ithmid or Isfahan) are silvery dark gray stone chips that are ground into a very fine powder and used to darken the eyes. The best type of antimony is found in Morocco, and it has a cool, dry tone. Antimony strengthens the optic nerve and is considered more effective when mixed with musk powder, and will be especially beneficial for older people with poor eyesight.

Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said that the use of antimony also helps reduce skin flaps growing on the eyelids, eyelid scabies, and relaxes the eyes. It helps detoxify the eyes, moisturize and relieve congestion in the tear ducts. It improves the natural cleansing of the eyes and helps protect the eyes from dust particles flying in the air and improves vision. When Ithmid is mixed with honey diluted with water and applied to the edge of the eyelid, it can help relieve headaches.

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Use antimony. Indeed, it improves vision and promotes hair growth." At-Tirmidhi. Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 1757, al-Albani in Sahih at-Tirmidhi said that the hadith is authentic.

Applying it before bed is healthier than using it during the day, especially for women, and it helps grow eyelashes, making them longer and thicker insha Allah.

Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Radhi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Wear white clothes, because they are among your best garments, and shroud your dead in them. Among the best types are eye drops, which you use is antimony (ithmid):. She clears the vision and makes hair [eyelashes] sprout. »
[Sunan Abi Dawud Book 28, Hadith 3869] as sahih al - Albani. The most widely available antimony is usually produced in India and Pakistan (called "Surma"). It is jet black and has different chemical composition to the true Ithmid. It may consist of many ingredients, some of which include lead sulfide, sandalwood soot, oil lamps, and charcoal (wiki). Lead sulfide is extremely toxic. The best Ithmid to buy is from Morocco or from Medina, Saudia Arabia. Buy Antimony here -

About the ban on looking at strange women and men

By casting evil glances [black jealousy], a person's vision becomes very weak. Vision is one of the greatest blessings of Allah and we must exercise great caution with it, in particular, we lower our gaze in the presence of non-Mahrams. A man's eyes should not follow a strange woman, and neither should a woman look at strange men. This is because by guarding the gaze from the forbidden, a person shows gratitude for the blessing of sight and the reward for this is an increase in the blessing, as Allah, Holy and Great, mentions in the Quran:

Your Lord declared: “If you are grateful, I will give you even more. And if you are ungrateful, then the torment from Me will be grievous.”

And Allah, Holy and Great, commands His servants regarding their view:

Tell (O Prophet) the believing men, let them lower their gaze [let them not look at those women who are not allowed to look at and also at the body parts of other men] and (let them) protect their organs (from adultery and sodomy, and let do not reveal those parts of their bodies that others should not look at); it's cleaner for them. Verily, Allah is knowledgeable of what they do! [Quran 24:30]


We know from the verses of the Qur'an the story of the Prophet Yusuf (alayhi salam), where Allah Almighty tells how Yusuf's father Yaqub (peace be upon him) fell into despair after being separated from both sons, first from Yusuf and then from his youngest son Benjamin on long period time, so that his eyes turned white because of the sadness that befell him.

And he did not turn away from them and said: “Oh, woe is me for Yusuf!” And his eyes turned white with sorrow, and he held back his grief.

Yusuf (peace be upon him), being inspired by Allah, asked his brothers to take his shirt and place it on their father's face.

Go away with this shirt of mine and throw it over my father’s face - he will be sighted, and come to me with your whole family.” And when the caravan left, their father said: “I smell Yusuf. If only you didn’t think I’m crazy!” They said: “By Allah, verily, you are in your old error!”
When the messenger came, he threw it over his face, and he became sighted again. He said: “Didn’t I tell you that I know from Allah what you do not know?”

Antimony for eyeliner according to the sunnah

According to the sunnah, antimony is used under the name itkhmid (ismid). This type of antimony has the largest healing properties and more useful in Allah. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

“The best type of antimony is Ithmid. It improves vision and promotes the growth of eyelashes” (Nasai, hadith 5113).

The spiritual aspect of strengthening vision.

4 things that improve vision and 4 things that worsen vision

Imam Shafi' (rahimahullah) said:

“Four things weaken vision:

  • Contemplation of dirt (dirt, excrement, etc.).
  • Contemplation of crucified people (crucifixions)
  • Men looking at vagina
  • Sitting with your back to the Qiblah (direction of prayer)

He also spoke about four things that strengthen vision:

  • Sit towards the Kaaba
  • Using Ithmid antimony before bed.
  • Look at green things (trees, grass, etc.)
  • Cleaning the recreation area (cleanliness of the house, the place where guests are greeted).

This video tells how to improve vision according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him

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Recently it dawned on me to buy antimony for the eyes. I just suddenly really wanted to. I had to sit on the net to understand how to use it. The result of the gatherings is this post, compiled from multiple materials from Eastern forums. Maybe it will be useful for someone else.

The winged lioness laughed, sitting on the edge of the throne,
The pharaoh's eyes, rimmed with antimony, shone imperiously. (I. Artemyeva)

Ismid: this is a black antimony stone, it is brought from Isfahan, and it is the most best view ismid, and it is also brought from Morocco.
The best type of ismid is one that crushes quickly, the pieces of which shine, and the inside is smooth and uncontaminated.
Its structure is cold, dry, helps the eyes, strengthens the eyes and their nerves, keeps them healthy, removes excess meat from ulcers, heals them and cleanses them of impurities.

Ismid cleans up headache, if applied along with soft water honey. If it is crushed and mixed with some fresh fats, and then stirred over a fire, it will help with the bubbles that may be caused by it.
This is the best type of antimony for the eyes, especially for the elderly and those whose eyesight has weakened, if you add a little bowl to it."
(see “at-Tybb al-Nabawi”, 283).

The name “antimony” comes from the Turkish word “surme”, which means “rubbing”, “blackening of eyebrows”.
“Kohl (khur, kuhl, kahal, or kohol) is a black substance used by women of the Arabian Peninsula as eyeliner and kohl. Eye antimony is a wonderful oriental makeup and healthy eyes.

To make your makeup look oriental, you definitely need a lot of black! Blacken brighter eyes and eyebrows. Because oriental women they are naturally black. Even their eyelashes look like they already have eyeliner.

Since ancient times, women of the East have used antimony for eye care and treatment. It is known that in more early times women also prepared different compositions of antimony for different purposes, for different effects makeup. Each woman had 5-6 types of antimony with different compositions, which were used separately for daytime eye and eyebrow makeup, for especially festive and bright makeup, For therapeutic effect at night, as well as to relieve tired eyes and cleanse several times a week.Eyes lined with antimony, especially if they are large and expressive, seem somewhat more attractive than without it.
In addition to making eyes lighter and larger, kohl is also believed to protect them from disease. Its black color helps fight the blinding desert sun, which is why kohl is used by both women and men. Kohl is antimony powder. In addition to dark, it also comes in a bluish-white color. The powder can be purchased at Middle Eastern grocery stores. Don't buy kohl if it's not ground well. Kohl pencils used in modern cosmetic industry, are completely unsuitable for applying real kohl. Antimony is a fine powder that resembles mascara and is applied along the edges of the conjunctiva of the eyelids. Initially, the powder contained antimony sulfides or soot, which are now often replaced by lead sulfide.
Eye antimony is used by both men and women. It has no contraindications and expiration date. Used dry. Antimony can be applied to children from six months of age, since this particular antimony does not have grains and does not cause allergies.

Method of using antimony powder: for the correct and easy use of antimony, applying it to the eyelids and eyebrows, you must only use wooden sticks, it will not be possible to apply antimony correctly with other glass or iron means. For this, it is better to use special Arabic wooden Kohliya vessels, this vessel is made of wood and has a stick made of the same wood built into it; half a bottle of antimony should be poured into such a vessel and used constantly. There is no need to wash the stick after each use. After a year of use, you can wash the wand and put it back into use.The vessel is designed for ease of application of antimony and for its storage.To correctly apply antimony for the first time, you must first prepare your stick, then dip half of the stick in any vegetable oil for 2 days, preferably olive, coconut or argan oil, after removing the stick, blot it on a napkin and then dip it into a vessel with antimony.This procedure is done once to start the process of use, so that the antimony is quickly absorbed into the structure of the wood. Next, lower the prepared stick into the vessel with antimony; the stick must be slightly shaken before applying to the eyelids, to avoid shedding excess particles of antimony on the cheeks. Next, antimony is applied to the eyelids, in the same way as you usually apply eyeliner or use eyeliner. You can edit the eyebrows very beautifully, to do this, draw a stick between the hairs, shading the line or, on the contrary, making a clear edge. If when using you want a clearer and brighter line, you can run the tip of the stick under running water, just a little bit and dip it in antimony again and draw the line, this will give a brighter effect.

IMPORTANT: If you wear contact lenses, you must apply Kohl before inserting them (the paint will not harm gas permeable lenses).

Take the stick in right hand to apply Kohl on the right eye. Dip it in the powder. Hold the stick parallel to the eye: start from the inner point of the eye, go between the eyelids and LIGHTLY TOUCH THE EYE ITSELF (this does not hurt). Dip the stick again, take it in left hand and line your left eye. You can also work on your eyebrows.
Your eyelids will become black even at the very roots of the eyelashes, so that there will be no white skin left. Attention: the kohl is waterproof, but will spread in the rain. A tiny amount of powder will last for a couple of years, and it is much healthier to use than commercial cosmetics that make you afraid for your eyes. The excess powder will collect in the corners of your eyes and you can remove it. Kohl gives the impression of much less “artificiality” than regular eyeliner.
After applying antimony, the eyelids become black even at the very roots of the eyelashes, so that there is no white skin left. At the end of the day, excess powder collects in the corners of the eyes; you just need to remove it.

Types of antimony:
Powdered antimony for eyes. Tinting your eyes with antimony at night improves vision, promotes eyelash growth and removes eye discharge. Perfectly relieves tired eyes and cleanses the eyes. Natural color Your eyes are shaded, they become more saturated and bright. Can be used daily. Easily removed with soap, cleansing foam or oil.

Eye antimony based on almond oil, basma.This type antimony is very good for bright oriental makeup eyes and eyebrows. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the antimony has a smooth, soft texture. Almond oil nourishes the skin of the eyelids and adds moisture to makeup, the eyes become large and beautiful, and a vibrant shine gives life to the look. Basma nourishes eyelashes.

Antimony pencil with olive oil additives. Day makeup It turns out beautiful, bright, rich, the effect of moisture in the look without spreading. Particularly useful at night medicinal purposes. Can be used daily. Easily removed with soap, cleansing foam or oil.

Antimony for eyes with the addition of camphor and plant extracts to relieve eye fatigue. Extracts of amla (Indian gooseberry), almond oil and camphor complement the excellent effect of antimony. This type of antimony copes well with increased eye fatigue.

To properly apply antimony to your eyes you need to know a few things: simple rules. If your stick for applying powder is wooden, then it must first be soaked in sunflower oil, leaving it overnight. But apply the powder only with a dry stick. Next to open eye We bring a stick dipped in antimony, close the eye and draw it at the base from the bridge of the nose to the corner of the eye. We open our eyes, wash ourselves, wipe away the black spots under the eyes, if there are any left, we have natural black eyes! I hope I explained it correctly))

Arabic makeup impossible without gold, ocher and terracotta shades. The skin is dark with a golden sheen, tan-colored blush emphasizes the sculpture of the face. We draw the eyes like Cleopatra’s, only a little more tender. We completely outline the eye with antimony, drawing almond shape. Shadows from golden brown to black shades. And be sure to trace the mucous membrane of the eye with a black kajal (soft pencil) - this will give the look an oriental languor and mystery. Eyelashes are colored intensely. Lipsticks in warm natural tones up to terracotta. In general, makeup should be luxurious and sexy.

Stage makeup for oriental dances.
First you need to apply moisturizer to your face, followed by foundation. Moreover, for those who already have wrinkles - color foundation take no darker than skin color. We cover bruises under the eyes (if any) with yellow corrector, and red dots on the skin with green. The general rule is that all lines from the center of the face go up. These are eyebrows, outer corners of the eyes, corners of the lips. The hardest thing was to accept the eyebrows not descending, but flying up to the temples - but they were the ones who radically changed the face - opened up the look. Then the outer corners of the eyes were raised in the same way, and the inner corners were lowered down a little. If in the natural state the corners of the lips looked down, then the shape of the lips was slightly redrawn to the shape of a slight half-smile.

One more thing general rule- more shine and bright colors- everything neutral and calm is lost from the distance of the stage. We used gold and silver for the eyelids, white and silver eyeliner on the edge of the lower eyelid, mother of pearl under the eyebrows, glitter in the middle lower lip. The lips were clearly outlined - there was even an option with a black outline - this is possible for the stage. Pronounced blush was not used for everyone - if the girl is young and the dance is sad or dreamy - the cheekbones are only slightly touched with blush to match the lipstick. At the master class, eyelashes were painted with mascara, but it was mentioned that false eyelashes are often used. It could be a strip with eyelashes required length, which is easy to glue yourself - it’s important not to overdo it and not take wing eyelashes for show ballets. Or you can glue three to five bunches of eyelashes on each eye at the hairdresser. They look almost natural and will last for several days if handled carefully.

You should experiment with your makeup. This is very interesting, you can choose for yourself ideal option, and also know what antimony is capable of. More suitable for some natural makeup, for some, eastern arrows, for others beautiful line according to the inner mucous eyelid, someone will love eyebrow editing. Each type of antimony has its own advantages in use and makeup looks different. We recommend using two types of antimony, powder and oil, this will allow you to diversify your makeup.

When using antimony, a slight tingling of the eyes is possible for a few seconds after application, a specific medicinal smell without artificial flavoring additives and the tingling property when applied indicate the quality of antimony and its completely natural composition.
Antimony is recommended to be applied to upper eyelid, spending beautiful arrows, if you like the oriental type of makeup, or doing a more European makeup, as well as lower eyelid and it is especially useful to draw a line along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. It is also recommended to use antimony on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid at night; this procedure especially promotes eye health.Antimony is easily washed off with soap or oil or any makeup remover. At the same time, it perfectly withstands precipitation in the form of snow and rain.

A tiny amount of powder will last for a couple of years, and it is much healthier to use than commercial cosmetics. Eyes lined with antimony seem especially attractive!

Makeup is the most beautiful manifestation of female cunning.
Be as charming as beauties and oriental tales, whose look was charming!

Antimony is a substance used to color eyelashes and eyebrows. The compositions of products in eastern countries differ significantly, so before purchasing you need to study the components of cosmetics. In our country similar cosmetic product not very common, but in Egypt they began to use it 3500 years ago.

Antimony was originally made for Egyptian queens. The substance was produced by soaking cloth in oils and burning it. Oils and tinctures of medicinal herbs were added to the resulting soot.

It is assumed that antimony was originally produced not as decoration, but as a medicine. Women in Egypt applied the substance to cure eye diseases.

Now antimony is mainly imported from India. In this country, it is not legal to write down the composition of cosmetics, so it is difficult to say what kajal consists of. Traditionally, antimony contains several components, the basis being ismid - a black stone.

Composition of blue Indian antimony:

Ismid. Stone imported from Morocco. It is ground into powder using a mortar and additional components are added.

Castor oil. This ingredient is added to hold the sand grains of the stone together. It makes antimony slightly sticky to the touch. It is thanks to the oil that the product does not crumble and fits well on the eyelids.

Kapoor Kachari. This plant is a natural antibiotic and anesthetic. In addition, it improves blood circulation and removes circles under the eyes.

Petrolatum. Used as a base. Thanks to this component, antimony does not crumble. A thin film of Vaseline retains moisture and prevents the eyelids from drying out.

If you managed to purchase natural antimony with a minimal content of zinc oxide, then it will not only make your look expressive, but also relieve many eye ailments.

The beneficial properties of kohl are as follows:

Removes inflammation. Thanks to the kapur kachari plant, all pathogenic organisms do not multiply on the mucous membrane of the eye. Inflammation with conjunctivitis and blepharitis disappears.

Anti-allergenic agent. This substance can be safely used by women who are allergic to cosmetics. All components in the composition of Kohl do not cause allergies.

Strengthens the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil is very beneficial for hair. With regular use of antimony, eyebrows will become thick and eyelashes will become long and shiny.

Relieves fatigue. Kapur Kachari constricts the blood vessels in the eyes, so that even after prolonged work at the monitor, the eyes will not be red. You will not feel itching or burning.

Heals. Antimony components have a regenerating effect. Thanks to this, minor skin damage and irritation disappear.

Contraindications and side effects antimony for eyes

The packaging states that kajal in powder form has no contraindications or expiration date. But there are conditions in which you should refrain from using antimony.

Contraindications to the use of Kohl:

Age up to 6 months. Children under six months should not use antimony, despite Eastern traditions. In children up to this age, the eye muscles are undeveloped, so any coloring substance can affect visual acuity and color perception.

Individual intolerance. If you are allergic to Vaseline or castor oil, do not use kajal.

Rehabilitation period. If you have recently had eye surgery or laser vision correction, wait a little longer. You should not use antimony, because it can cause rejection of the lens after it is replaced during the treatment of cataracts.

Cuperosis. Since the components of Kohl improve blood circulation, it should not be chosen for eye makeup with spider veins and stars.

Wearing contact lenses. The powder may slightly scratch the lenses or react with the polymers. The color of the lens may change.

Undesirable consequences from the use of low-quality antimony or its incorrect application:

Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball and lacrimal sac.

Blepharitis. With this disease, swelling occurs under the lower eyelid. Reminds me of bags under the eyes. Sometimes the skin in this area turns red and burns.

Impairs vision. Mineral particles scratch the delicate mucous membrane and can damage the lens.

Irritation and redness. An allergy may occur to oil refinery fractions, which are usually introduced into the product by unscrupulous manufacturers.

There are now several varieties of antimony on the market. Each woman can choose the one that is most suitable for her. Let's take a closer look at the types of kohl:

Powder. Eye antimony powder can be used when applying daytime and evening makeup to make your eyes expressive. This type of kohl is crushed Ismid stone. The color can be black, green or grey. Apply the product using a sponge or stick soaked in almond oil. The powder can be applied to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid using a brush. If you do this at night, then in the morning there will be no bags and bruises under the eyes, and your eyes will become clear. The powder is suitable for making the eyebrow line more distinct.

Eyeliner. This is a more familiar variety for our women. Antimony eyeliner contains ismid powder, almond and olive oil. The product is convenient to carry with you in your bag, sharpen and apply. The results are quite thin lines, which is indispensable when creating arrows and drawing eyebrows.

Indian kajal eyeliner. It is a powder dissolved in oils and water. Easy to apply thanks to the use of a brush. Makes the look unusual. Girls with light eyes will use this eyeliner to make them expressive, while brown-eyed beauties will add depth to their look.

Antimony in a rectangle with basma and almond oil. This type of kohl is reminiscent of Leningrad ink. This is a soft rectangle, similar to plasticine. Basma is added to antimony to make the product saturated. Usually used for evening makeup. Even after washing off, a little product remains on the eyes, which emphasizes their natural beauty.

Antimony with a brush with camphor and plant extracts. This type of kajal is made to strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. The substance is applied to the hairs using a brush. Do not wash off the product at night. It has a beneficial effect on the health of eyes prone to redness and fatigue.

Using eye antimony is easy, especially if you purchased the product in a pencil. Kajal powder is easy to use and can be used to make eyeliner, shadow or eyebrow liner. Keep in mind that you will not be able to use a sponge, powder puff or any plastic objects for application.

Antimony is applied with a special stick, which you can easily make yourself. Blunt the sharp tip of the toothpick. Immerse it halfway in camphor or any vegetable oil and soak in it for two days. Remove the toothpick from the liquid and blot away any remaining oil. You can use this “brush” for application for a year. After this, you will have to clean the stick of any remaining kajal and soak it in oil again.

We present to your attention instructions on how to use eye antimony:

Dip the stick into the product and shake it off. The required amount will stick to the surface of the toothpick. If you don't shake off the residue, it will end up on your cheeks and under your eyes. Draw a line from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer one.

If you want a rich black line or are going to a party, hold the wand under running water. Without getting it wet or drying it, dip it in the kajal. You will receive a product similar to eyeliner.

To thicken your eyelashes, use a stick dipped in vegetable oil. Dip a toothpick into the oil and then into the kajal. Try to draw a stripe between the eyelash hairs. This will make your look velvety. At the same time, the eyelashes will appear voluminous and thick.

To treat conjunctivitis, blepharitis and eye bags, use the product in powder. It is necessary to apply kajal to the inner surface of the lower eyelid using a thin wooden rod. There is no need to wash off the product before and after sleep; its remnants will collect in a bag on the inside of the eye.
Precautions when using Kohl

Unfortunately, it is difficult to make kajal according to old recipes in industrial conditions. This is a complex and expensive procedure that involves making carbon black from fabric soaked in oils. Accordingly, it is not easy to purchase natural antimony.

When using eye antimony, follow these precautions:

If severe irritation occurs after using kajal, wash the product from your eyes.

If you want to strengthen your eyelashes and eyebrows, take a colorless or white kohl. It is applied at night and relieves eye fatigue.

Do not use the product if you have recently had eye disease or are allergic to cosmetics. Use only proven and hypoallergenic cosmetics.

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